Pro_6:10...little/slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man A/naughty 5/10
Pro_24:33..little/slumber a little folding of the hands to sleep So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man These/are 6/10
Psa_121:3.....not/slumber Behold/he........ 1/10
Rom_11:8.......of/slumber eyes/that....... 10/10
Isa_5:27....shall/slumber nor sleep neither/shall 7/10
Psa_121:4.neither/slumber nor sleep The/LORD 2/10
Nah_3:18shepherds/slumber O/king........... 9/10
Psa_132:4......or/slumber to mine/eyelids.. 3/10
Pro_6:4.......nor/slumber to thine/eyelids. 4/10 Yea/they......... 8/10
Mat_25:5......all/slumbered/and............. 1/1
2Pe_2:3.damnation/slumbereth/not............ 1/1 1/1
