1Ch_8:15......And/Zebadiah and Arad/and..... 1/9
1Ch_8:17......And/Zebadiah and Meshullam/and 2/9
1Ch_12:7......and/Zebadiah the sons/of...... 3/9
1Ch_26:2...second/Zebadiah the third/Jathniel 4/9
1Ch_27:7......and/Zebadiah his/son.......... 5/9
2Ch_17:8......and/Zebadiah and Asahel/and... 6/9
2Ch_19:11.....and/Zebadiah the son of Ishmael/the 7/9
Ezr_8:8Shephatiah/Zebadiah the son of Michael/and 8/9
Ezr_10:20.....and/Zebadiah And of/the....... 9/9
Jdg_8:5.....after/Zebah and Zalmunna kings/of 1/12
Jdg_8:6........of/Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand that we should give bread unto thine/army 2/12
Jdg_8:7.delivered/Zebah and Zalmunna into/mine 3/12
Jdg_8:10......Now/Zebah and Zalmunna were/in 4/12
Jdg_8:12.....when/Zebah and Zalmunna fled/he 5/12
Jdg_8:12...Midian/Zebah and Zalmunna and discomfited/all 6/12
Jdg_8:15...Behold/Zebah and Zalmunna with/whom 7/12
Jdg_8:15.......of/Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand that we should give bread unto thy/men 8/12
Jdg_8:18.....unto/Zebah and Zalmunna What/manner 9/12
Jdg_8:21.....Then/Zebah and Zalmunna said/Rise 10/12
Jdg_8:21.....slew/Zebah and Zalmunna and took/away 11/12
Psa_83:11......as/Zebah and as/Zalmunna... 12/12
Ezr_2:57.......of/Zebaim the children of Ami/All 1/2
Neh_7:59.......of/Zebaim the children of Amon/All 2/2
