Exo_16:15...they/wist not what it/was..... 1/13
Exo_34:29..Moses/wist not that the skin/of 2/13
Lev_5:17......he/wist it not yet/is....... 3/13
Lev_5:18.....and/wist it not and/it....... 4/13
Jos_2:4........I/wist not whence/they..... 5/13
Jos_8:14......he/wist not that there/were. 6/13
Jdg_16:20.....he/wist not that the LORD/was 7/13
Mar_9:6.......he/wist not what to/say..... 8/13
Mar_14:40neither/wist they/what........... 9/13
Luk_2:49......me/wist ye/not............. 10/13
Joh_5:13..healed/wist not who/it......... 11/13
Act_12:9.....and/wist not that it/was.... 12/13
Act_23:5.......I/wist not brethren/that.. 13/13
