Gen_9:21......the/wine and was/drunken.... 1/231
Gen_9:24......his/wine and knew what/his.. 2/231
Gen_14:18.....and/wine and he was/the..... 3/231
Gen_19:32...drink/wine and we will lie/with 4/231
Gen_19:33...drink/wine that night and/the. 5/231
Gen_19:34...drink/wine this night/also.... 6/231
Gen_19:35...drink/wine that night also/and 7/231
Gen_27:25.....him/wine and he drank/And... 8/231
Gen_27:28.....and/wine Let people/serve... 9/231
Gen_27:37.....and/wine have/I............ 10/231 and his clothes/in 11/231
Gen_49:12....with/wine and his teeth/white 12/231
Exo_29:40......of/wine for a drink offering And/the 13/231
Lev_10:9....drink/wine nor strong drink thou/nor 14/231
Lev_23:13......of/wine the fourth/part... 15/231
Num_6:3......from/wine and strong/drink.. 16/231
Num_6:3........of/wine or vinegar/of..... 17/231
Num_6:20....drink/wine This is/the....... 18/231
Num_15:5.......of/wine for a drink offering shalt/thou 19/231
Num_15:7.......of/wine for a sweet/savour 20/231
Num_15:10......of/wine for an/offering... 21/231
Num_18:12.....the/wine and of the/wheat.. 22/231
Num_28:7...strong/wine to be/poured...... 23/231
Num_28:14......of/wine unto a/bullock.... 24/231
Deu_7:13......thy/wine and thine oil the/increase 25/231
Deu_11:14.....thy/wine and thine oil And/I 26/231
Deu_12:17.....thy/wine or of/thy......... 27/231
Deu_14:23.....thy/wine and of thine oil and the firstlings/of 28/231
Deu_14:26.....for/wine or for/strong..... 29/231
Deu_16:13.....thy/wine And thou/shalt.... 30/231
Deu_18:4......thy/wine and of thine oil and the first/of 31/231
Deu_28:39.....the/wine nor gather/the.... 32/231
Deu_28:51....corn/wine or oil or the/increase 33/231
Deu_29:6....drunk/wine or strong drink that/ye 34/231
Deu_32:33...Their/wine is the/poison..... 35/231
Deu_32:38.....the/wine of their/drink.... 36/231
Deu_33:28.....and/wine also his/heavens.. 37/231
Jos_9:4.......and/wine bottles/old....... 38/231
Jos_9:13.......of/wine which we/filled... 39/231 which cheereth/God 40/231
Jdg_13:4......not/wine nor strong drink and eat/not 41/231 nor strong drink neither/eat 42/231
Jdg_13:14...drink/wine or strong drink nor/eat 43/231
Jdg_19:19.....and/wine also for/me....... 44/231
1Sa_1:14......thy/wine from/thee......... 45/231
1Sa_1:15..neither/wine nor strong drink but/have 46/231
1Sa_1:24.......of/wine and brought/him... 47/231
1Sa_10:3.......of/wine And they will/salute 48/231
1Sa_16:20......of/wine and a/kid......... 49/231
1Sa_25:18......of/wine and five/sheep.... 50/231
1Sa_25:37.....the/wine was gone/out...... 51/231
2Sa_6:19.......of/wine So all/the........ 52/231
2Sa_13:28....with/wine and when I/say.... 53/231
2Sa_16:1.......of/wine And the king/said. 54/231
2Sa_16:2......the/wine that such/as...... 55/231
2Ki_18:32.....and/wine a land of bread and vineyards a/land 56/231
1Ch_9:29......the/wine and the oil and the/frankincense 57/231
1Ch_12:40.....and/wine and oil and oxen/and 58/231
1Ch_16:3.......of/wine And he appointed/certain 59/231
1Ch_27:27.....the/wine cellars/was....... 60/231
2Ch_2:10.......of/wine and twenty/thousand 61/231
2Ch_2:15......the/wine which my/lord..... 62/231
2Ch_11:11.....and/wine And in/every...... 63/231
2Ch_31:5.....corn/wine and oil and honey/and 64/231
2Ch_32:28.....and/wine and oil and stalls/for 65/231
Ezr_6:9......salt/wine and oil according/to 66/231
Ezr_7:22.......of/wine and to/an......... 67/231
Neh_2:1......that/wine was before/him.... 68/231
Neh_2:1.......the/wine and gave/it....... 69/231
Neh_5:11......the/wine and the oil that/ye 70/231
Neh_5:15......and/wine beside/forty...... 71/231
Neh_5:18.......of/wine yet for/all....... 72/231
Neh_10:37......of/wine and of oil/unto... 73/231 and the oil unto the chambers/where 74/231 and the oil which/was 75/231 and the oil unto the treasuries/And 76/231
Neh_13:15treading/wine presses/on........ 77/231
Neh_13:15....also/wine grapes/and........ 78/231
Est_1:7.....royal/wine in abundance/according 79/231
Est_1:10.....with/wine he commanded/Mehuman 80/231
Est_5:6........of/wine What is thy petition and/it 81/231
Est_7:2........of/wine What is thy petition queen/Esther 82/231
Est_7:7........of/wine in his/wrath...... 83/231
Est_7:8........of/wine and Haman/was..... 84/231
Job_1:13.drinking/wine in their eldest brother's house And there/came 85/231
Job_1:18.drinking/wine in their eldest brother's house And behold/there 86/231 which hath/no..... 87/231
Psa_4:7.....their/wine increased/I....... 88/231
Psa_60:3......the/wine of astonishment/Thou 89/231
Psa_75:8......the/wine is red/it......... 90/231
Psa_78:65......of/wine And he smote/his.. 91/231
Psa_104:15....And/wine that maketh/glad.. 92/231 My/son............ 93/231
Pro_4:17......the/wine of violence/But... 94/231
Pro_9:2.......her/wine she/hath.......... 95/231
Pro_9:5.......the/wine which I/have...... 96/231
Pro_20:1....fools/Wine is a/mocker....... 97/231
Pro_21:17..loveth/wine and oil shall/not. 98/231
Pro_23:30.....the/wine they that/go...... 99/231
Pro_23:30...mixed/wine Look/not......... 100/231
Pro_23:31.....the/wine when it/is....... 101/231
Pro_31:4....drink/wine nor for/princes.. 102/231
Pro_31:6......and/wine unto those/that.. 103/231
Ecc_2:3......unto/wine yet acquainting/mine 104/231
Ecc_9:7.......thy/wine with a merry/heart 105/231
Ecc_10:19.....and/wine maketh/merry..... 106/231
Son_1:2......than/wine Because of the savour/of 107/231
Son_1:4......than/wine the upright/love. 108/231
Son_4:10.....than/wine and the smell/of. 109/231 with my/milk..... 110/231 for my/beloved... 111/231
Son_8:2....spiced/wine of the juice/of.. 112/231
Isa_1:22......thy/wine mixed/with....... 113/231
Isa_5:11.....till/wine inflame/them..... 114/231
Isa_5:12......and/wine are in/their..... 115/231
Isa_5:22....drink/wine and men/of....... 116/231 in their presses/I 117/231
Isa_22:13drinking/wine let us/eat....... 118/231 mourneth/the..... 119/231
Isa_24:9....drink/wine with a song/strong 120/231
Isa_24:11.....for/wine in the streets/all 121/231 I/the............ 122/231
Isa_28:1.....with/wine Behold/the....... 123/231
Isa_28:7..through/wine and through/strong 124/231
Isa_28:7.......of/wine they are/out..... 125/231
Isa_29:9.....with/wine they stagger/but. 126/231
Isa_36:17.....and/wine a land of bread and vineyards Beware/lest 127/231
Isa_49:26...sweet/wine and all flesh/shall 128/231
Isa_51:21....with/wine Thus/saith....... 129/231 and milk/without. 130/231
Isa_56:12...fetch/wine and we will fill/ourselves 131/231
Isa_62:8......thy/wine for the which/thou 132/231 is found/in...... 133/231
Jer_13:12....with/wine and they shall say/unto 134/231
Jer_13:12....with/wine Then/shalt....... 135/231
Jer_23:9.....whom/wine hath/overcome.... 136/231
Jer_25:15.....the/wine cup/of........... 137/231
Jer_31:12.....for/wine and for/oil...... 138/231
Jer_35:2.....them/wine to drink Then/I.. 139/231
Jer_35:5.......of/wine and cups/and..... 140/231 But they/said.... 141/231 for Jonadab/the.. 142/231 neither/ye....... 143/231 all/our.......... 144/231
Jer_35:14...drink/wine are performed/for 145/231 and summer fruits and/oil 146/231
Jer_40:12gathered/wine and summer fruits very/much 147/231
Jer_48:33..caused/wine to fail/from..... 148/231
Jer_51:7......her/wine therefore/the.... 149/231
Lam_2:12......and/wine when they swooned/as 150/231
Eze_27:18.....the/wine of Helbon/and.... 151/231
Eze_44:21...drink/wine when they enter/into 152/231
Dan_1:5.......the/wine which he drank so/nourishing 153/231
Dan_1:8.......the/wine which he drank therefore/he 154/231
Dan_1:16......the/wine that they should/drink 155/231
Dan_5:1.....drank/wine before/the....... 156/231
Dan_5:2.......the/wine commanded/to..... 157/231
Dan_5:4.....drank/wine and praised/the.. 158/231
Dan_5:23....drunk/wine in them/and...... 159/231
Dan_10:3......nor/wine in my/mouth...... 160/231
Hos_2:8.......and/wine and oil and multiplied/her 161/231 in the season/thereof 162/231
Hos_2:22......the/wine and the oil and they/shall 163/231
Hos_3:1........of/wine So I/bought...... 164/231
Hos_4:11......and/wine and new/wine..... 165/231 take/away........ 166/231
Hos_7:5........of/wine he stretched/out. 167/231
Hos_7:14......and/wine and they rebel/against 168/231 shall/fail....... 169/231
Hos_9:4.....offer/wine offerings/to..... 170/231
Hos_14:7......the/wine of Lebanon/Ephraim 171/231
Joe_1:5........of/wine because of the new/wine 172/231 for it/is........ 173/231 is dried/up...... 174/231
Joe_2:19......and/wine and oil and ye/shall 175/231
Joe_2:24.....with/wine and oil And I/will 176/231
Joe_3:3.......for/wine that they might/drink 177/231 and the hills/shall 178/231
Amo_2:8.......the/wine of the condemned/in 179/231
Amo_2:12Nazarites/wine to drink and/commanded 180/231
Amo_5:11....drink/wine of them/For...... 181/231
Amo_6:6.....drink/wine in bowls/and..... 182/231
Amo_9:13....sweet/wine and all the/hills 183/231
Amo_9:14......the/wine thereof they/shall 184/231
Mic_2:11.......of/wine and of strong/drink 185/231
Mic_6:15....sweet/wine but shalt/not.... 186/231
Mic_6:15....drink/wine For the statutes/of 187/231 he is/a.......... 188/231
Zep_1:13......the/wine thereof The/great 189/231 and upon/the..... 190/231
Hag_2:12.......or/wine or oil or any/meat 191/231
Zec_9:15..through/wine and they shall be/filled 192/231 the maids/Ask.... 193/231
Zec_10:7..through/wine yea/their........ 194/231 into old bottles else the bottles/break 195/231
Mat_9:17......the/wine runneth/out...... 196/231 into new/bottles. 197/231 into old bottles else the new wine doth/burst 198/231 doth/burst....... 199/231
Mar_2:22......the/wine is spilled/and... 200/231 must be put into new bottles And it/came 201/231
Mar_15:23...drink/wine mingled/with..... 202/231
Luk_1:15..neither/wine nor strong drink and he/shall 203/231 into old bottles else the new wine will/burst 204/231 will/burst....... 205/231 must be put into new bottles and both/are 206/231
Luk_5:39......old/wine straightway/desireth 207/231
Luk_7:33.drinking/wine and ye/say....... 208/231
Luk_10:34.....and/wine and set/him...... 209/231
Joh_2:3....wanted/wine the mother/of.... 210/231 Jesus/saith...... 211/231
Joh_2:9......made/wine and knew not/whence 212/231
Joh_2:10.....good/wine and when men/have 213/231
Joh_2:10.....good/wine until/now........ 214/231
Joh_4:46....water/wine And there/was.... 215/231 But Peter/standing 216/231
Rom_14:21...drink/wine nor any/thing.... 217/231
Eph_5:18.....with/wine wherein/is....... 218/231 no striker not greedy/of 219/231
1Ti_3:8......much/wine not/greedy....... 220/231
1Ti_5:23...little/wine for thy/stomach's 221/231 no striker not given/to 222/231
Tit_2:3......much/wine teachers/of...... 223/231
1Pe_4:3........of/wine revellings/banquetings 224/231
Rev_6:6.......the/wine And when he/had.. 225/231
Rev_14:8......the/wine of the wrath of her fornication And the third/angel 226/231
Rev_14:10.....the/wine of the wrath of God/which 227/231
Rev_16:19.....the/wine of the fierceness/of 228/231
Rev_17:2......the/wine of her/fornication 229/231
Rev_18:3......the/wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings/of 230/231
Rev_18:13.....and/wine and oil and fine/flour 231/231
Mat_11:19.......a/winebibber a friend of publicans and sinners But wisdom is justified of her/children 1/2
Luk_7:34........a/winebibber a friend of publicans and sinners But wisdom is justified of all/her 2/2
Pro_23:20...among/winebibbers/among......... 1/1
Isa_63:2......the/winefat I/have............ 1/2
Mar_12:1......the/winefat and/built......... 2/2
Num_18:27.....the/winepress Thus/ye........ 1/15
Num_18:30.....the/winepress And ye/shall... 2/15
Deu_15:14.....thy/winepress of that/wherewith 3/15
Jdg_6:11......the/winepress to/hide........ 4/15
Jdg_7:25......the/winepress of Zeeb/and.... 5/15
2Ki_6:27......the/winepress And the/king... 6/15
Isa_5:2.........a/winepress therein/and.... 7/15
Isa_63:3......the/winepress alone/and...... 8/15
Lam_1:15........a/winepress For/these...... 9/15
Hos_9:2.......the/winepress shall/not..... 10/15
Mat_21:33.......a/winepress in/it......... 11/15
Rev_14:19...great/winepress of the wrath/of 12/15
Rev_14:20.....the/winepress was/trodden... 13/15
Rev_14:20.....the/winepress even/unto..... 14/15
Rev_19:15.....the/winepress of the fierceness/and 15/15
Job_24:11...their/winepresses and suffer/thirst 1/3
Jer_48:33.....the/winepresses none/shall.... 2/3
Zec_14:10..king's/winepresses And men/shall. 3/3
Isa_25:6.......of/wines on the lees of/fat.. 1/2
Isa_25:6.......of/wines on the lees well/refined 2/2