Gen_14:3.the/vale of Siddim which/is... 1/9
Gen_14:8.the/vale of Siddim With/Chedorlaomer 2/9
Gen_14:10the/vale of Siddim was/full... 3/9
Gen_37:14the/vale of Hebron/and........ 4/9
Deu_1:7..the/vale and in the south/and. 5/9
Jos_10:40the/vale and of/the........... 6/9
1Ki_10:27the/vale for abundance And Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt and linen yarn the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price And a/chariot 7/9
2Ch_1:15.the/vale for abundance And Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt and linen yarn the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price And they/fetched 8/9
Jer_33:13the/vale and in the cities/of. 9/9
