Gen_19:2...shall/rise up early and/go.... 1/142
Gen_31:35.cannot/rise up before thee/for. 2/142
Exo_8:20...Moses/Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh lo/he 3/142
Exo_9:13...Moses/Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and/say 4/142
Exo_12:31...said/Rise up and get/you..... 5/142
Exo_21:19.....he/rise again and walk/abroad 6/142
Lev_19:32..shalt/rise up before the/hoary 7/142
Num_10:35...said/Rise up LORD/and........ 8/142
Num_22:20...thee/rise up and go with/them 9/142
Num_23:18...said/Rise up Balak/and...... 10/142
Num_23:24..shall/rise up as a/great..... 11/142
Num_24:17..shall/rise out of Israel/and. 12/142
Deu_2:13.....Now/rise up said/I......... 13/142
Deu_2:24...stead/Rise ye/up............. 14/142
Deu_19:11....and/rise up against him and/smite 15/142
Deu_19:15....not/rise up against a/man.. 16/142
Deu_19:16witness/rise up against any/man 17/142
Deu_28:7....that/rise up against thee to/be 18/142
Deu_29:22..shall/rise up after/you...... 19/142
Deu_31:16...will/rise up and go a/whoring 20/142
Deu_32:38...them/rise up and help/you... 21/142
Deu_33:11...that/rise against him/and... 22/142
Deu_33:11...they/rise not again/And..... 23/142
Jos_8:7....shall/rise up from/the....... 24/142
Jos_18:4...shall/rise and go/through.... 25/142
Jdg_8:21....said/Rise thou/and.......... 26/142
Jdg_9:33...shalt/rise early/and......... 27/142
Jdg_20:38..smoke/rise up out of the city/And 28/142
1Sa_22:13.should/rise against me to/lie. 29/142 against Saul/But.. 30/142 up early in the morning with/thy 31/142
2Sa_12:21..didst/rise and eat/bread..... 32/142
2Sa_18:32...that/rise against thee to/do 33/142
2Ki_16:7...which/rise up against me And/Ahaz 34/142 up and build/So... 35/142
Job_20:27..shall/rise up against him The/increase 36/142
Job_30:12...hand/rise the youth/they.... 37/142
Psa_3:1.....that/rise up against me Many/there 38/142
Psa_17:7....that/rise up against them Keep/me 39/142 they are fallen/under 40/142
Psa_18:48...that/rise up against me thou/hast 41/142
Psa_27:3..should/rise against me in/this 42/142
Psa_35:11....did/rise up they/laid...... 43/142 Fret/not.......... 44/142
Psa_41:8...shall/rise up no/more........ 45/142
Psa_44:5....that/rise up against us/For. 46/142
Psa_59:1....that/rise up against me Deliver/me 47/142
Psa_74:23...that/rise up against thee increaseth/continually 48/142
Psa_92:11...that/rise up against me The/righteous 49/142
Psa_94:16...will/rise up for/me......... 50/142
Psa_119:62..will/rise to give/thanks.... 51/142 up early to/sit... 52/142
Psa_139:21..that/rise up against thee I/hate 53/142
Psa_140:10..they/rise not up/again...... 54/142
Pro_24:22..shall/rise suddenly/and...... 55/142
Pro_28:12.wicked/rise a/man............. 56/142
Pro_28:28.wicked/rise men/hide.......... 57/142
Ecc_10:4...ruler/rise up against thee leave/not 58/142
Ecc_12:4...shall/rise up at/the......... 59/142 up my/love........ 60/142
Son_3:2.....will/rise now/and........... 61/142
Isa_5:11....that/rise up early in the morning that/they 62/142
Isa_14:21....not/rise nor/possess....... 63/142
Isa_14:22...will/rise up against them saith/the 64/142
Isa_24:20....not/rise again And it/shall 65/142
Isa_26:14....not/rise therefore/hast.... 66/142
Isa_28:21..shall/rise up as in/mount.... 67/142
Isa_32:9...stand/Rise up ye/women....... 68/142
Isa_33:10......I/rise saith/the......... 69/142
Isa_43:17....not/rise they are extinct/they 70/142
Isa_54:17..shall/rise against thee in/judgment 71/142
Isa_58:10..light/rise in obscurity/and.. 72/142
Jer_25:27....and/rise no/more........... 73/142
Jer_37:10...they/rise up every/man...... 74/142
Jer_47:2..waters/rise up out of the north/and 75/142
Jer_49:14....and/rise up to the battle/For 76/142
Jer_51:1....that/rise up against me a/destroying 77/142
Jer_51:64....not/rise from the evil/that 78/142 up The LORD/hath.. 79/142
Dan_7:24...shall/rise after them/and.... 80/142
Amo_5:2.....more/rise she/is............ 81/142
Amo_7:9.....will/rise against the/house. 82/142
Amo_8:8....shall/rise up wholly as/a.... 83/142
Amo_8:14...never/rise up again/I........ 84/142
Amo_9:5....shall/rise up wholly like/a.. 85/142 up against her/in. 86/142
Nah_1:9......not/rise up the second/time 87/142
Hab_2:7......not/rise up suddenly/that.. 88/142
Zep_3:8........I/rise up to the prey/for 89/142
Zec_14:13..shall/rise up against the/hand 90/142 on/the............ 91/142
Mat_10:21..shall/rise up against their parents and cause/them 92/142
Mat_12:41..shall/rise in judgment/with.. 93/142
Mat_12:42..shall/rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for she/came 94/142
Mat_20:19..shall/rise again Then/came... 95/142
Mat_24:7...shall/rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines/and 96/142
Mat_24:11..shall/rise and shall deceive/many 97/142
Mat_26:46sinners/Rise let/us............ 98/142
Mat_27:63...will/rise again Command/therefore 99/142
Mar_3:26...Satan/rise up against himself/and 100/142
Mar_4:27.....and/rise night/and........ 101/142
Mar_8:31....days/rise again And he/spake 102/142
Mar_9:31...shall/rise the third/day.... 103/142
Mar_10:34..shall/rise again And James/and 104/142
Mar_10:49comfort/rise he/calleth....... 105/142
Mar_12:23..shall/rise whose/wife....... 106/142
Mar_12:25..shall/rise from the dead they/neither 107/142
Mar_12:26...they/rise have/ye.......... 108/142
Mar_13:8...shall/rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be earthquakes/in 109/142
Mar_13:12..shall/rise up against their parents and shall/cause 110/142
Mar_13:22..shall/rise and shall shew/signs 111/142
Mar_14:42sinners/Rise up let/us........ 112/142
Luk_5:23.....say/Rise up and walk But/that 113/142
Luk_6:8.....hand/Rise up and stand/forth 114/142
Luk_11:7..cannot/rise and give thee/I.. 115/142
Luk_11:8.....not/rise and give him because/he 116/142
Luk_11:8....will/rise and give him as/many 117/142
Luk_11:31..shall/rise up in the judgment with the/men 118/142
Luk_11:32..shall/rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for they/repented 119/142 out of the/west.. 120/142
Luk_18:33..shall/rise again And they understood/none 121/142
Luk_21:10..shall/rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom And great/earthquakes 122/142 and pray/lest.... 123/142 again And they remembered/his 124/142 from the dead the/third 125/142
Joh_5:8......him/Rise take/up.......... 126/142
Joh_11:23..shall/rise again Martha/saith 127/142
Joh_11:24..shall/rise again in/the..... 128/142
Joh_20:9....must/rise again from/the... 129/142
Act_3:6.Nazareth/rise up and walk And/he 130/142
Act_10:13....him/Rise Peter/kill....... 131/142
Act_26:16....But/rise and stand/upon... 132/142
Act_26:23.should/rise from the dead and/should 133/142
Rom_15:12..shall/rise to reign/over.... 134/142
1Co_15:15...dead/rise not For/if....... 135/142
1Co_15:16...dead/rise not then/is...... 136/142
1Co_15:29...dead/rise not at/all....... 137/142
1Co_15:32...dead/rise not let/us....... 138/142
1Th_4:16...shall/rise first/Then....... 139/142
Heb_7:11..should/rise after the/order.. 140/142
Rev_11:1..saying/Rise and measure/the.. 141/142
Rev_13:1...beast/rise up out of the sea/having 142/142
Gen_19:23....was/risen upon the/earth..... 1/51 upon him/there..... 2/51
Num_32:14....are/risen up in your/fathers' 3/51
Jdg_9:18.....are/risen up against my/father's 4/51
Rut_2:15.....was/risen up to glean/Boaz... 5/51 to/pursue.......... 6/51 against thine/handmaid 7/51 up in the room of David my father and sit/on 8/51
2Ki_6:15.....was/risen early and/gone..... 9/51 up in the room of David my father and am/set 10/51 up and hath rebelled/against 11/51
2Ch_21:4.....was/risen up to the/kingdom. 12/51
Psa_20:8.....are/risen and stand/upright. 13/51
Psa_27:12....are/risen up against me and such/as 14/51
Psa_54:3.....are/risen up against me and oppressors/seek 15/51
Psa_86:14....are/risen against me/and.... 16/51 upon thee/For..... 17/51 up into/a......... 18/51
Eze_47:5....were/risen waters/to......... 19/51 up as/an.......... 20/51
Mat_11:11....not/risen a/greater......... 21/51 from the dead and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him For/Herod 22/51 again from the dead And his/disciples 23/51 again I/will...... 24/51 from the dead so the/last 25/51 as/he............. 26/51 from the dead and behold/he 27/51
Mar_6:14.....was/risen from the dead and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him Others/said 28/51 from the dead For/Herod 29/51
Mar_9:9.....were/risen from the dead And they/kept 30/51 I/will............ 31/51 he/is............. 32/51
Mar_16:9.....was/risen early the/first... 33/51
Mar_16:14....was/risen And he/said....... 34/51 up among/us....... 35/51
Luk_9:7......was/risen from the dead And of/some 36/51
Luk_9:8......was/risen again And/Herod... 37/51 again He/said..... 38/51 up and hath shut/to 39/51 remember/how...... 40/51 indeed/and........ 41/51
Joh_2:22.....was/risen from the dead his/disciples 42/51
Joh_21:14....was/risen from the dead So when/they 43/51
Act_17:3.....and/risen again from the dead and that/this 44/51 again who/is...... 45/51
1Co_15:13....not/risen And if/Christ..... 46/51
1Co_15:14....not/risen then/is........... 47/51
1Co_15:20.Christ/risen from the dead and become/the 48/51
Col_2:12.....are/risen with him/through.. 49/51 with Christ/seek.. 50/51
Jam_1:11..sooner/risen with a/burning.... 51/51
Deu_6:7.....thou/risest up And thou shalt bind/them 1/2
Deu_11:19...thou/risest up And thou shalt write/them 2/2 against/his....... 1/14
Jos_6:26....that/riseth up and buildeth/this 2/14
2Sa_23:4.....sun/riseth even/a............ 3/14 not and/sealeth... 4/14
Job_14:12....and/riseth not till/the...... 5/14
Job_24:22.....he/riseth up and no/man..... 6/14
Job_27:7....that/riseth up against me/as.. 7/14
Job_31:14....God/riseth up and when/he.... 8/14
Pro_24:16....and/riseth up again/but...... 9/14
Pro_31:15....She/riseth also/while....... 10/14 and/mischief..... 11/14
Jer_46:8...Egypt/riseth up like/a........ 12/14
Mic_7:6.daughter/riseth up against her/mother 13/14
Joh_13:4......He/riseth from/supper...... 14/14