Gen_14:22..........up/mine hand unto the LORD/the 1/649 heir/And........... 2/649
Gen_24:33........told/mine errand/And......... 3/649 heart behold/Rebekah 4/649
Gen_30:25........unto/mine own place/and...... 5/649
Gen_30:30.........for/mine own house/also..... 6/649
Gen_31:10..........up/mine eyes and saw in/a.. 7/649
Gen_31:40........from/mine eyes Thus/have..... 8/649
Gen_31:42........seen/mine affliction and the/labour 9/649 and what/can...... 10/649
Gen_41:13........unto/mine office and/him.... 11/649
Gen_44:21.........set/mine eyes upon him/And. 12/649
Gen_48:5..........are/mine as Reuben/and..... 13/649 And thy/issue..... 14/649
Gen_49:6.....assembly/mine honour be/not..... 15/649
Exo_7:4.........forth/mine armies/and........ 16/649
Exo_7:5.........forth/mine hand upon Egypt/and 17/649 hand upon the waters/which 18/649 And Moses/said.... 19/649 hand So Joshua/did 20/649
Exo_18:4..........was/mine help and/delivered 21/649 And ye/shall...... 22/649
Exo_20:26........unto/mine altar that thy/nakedness 23/649
Exo_21:14........from/mine altar that he/may. 24/649
Exo_23:23.........For/mine Angel shall go before thee and/bring 25/649
Exo_32:34......behold/mine Angel shall go before thee nevertheless/in 26/649
Exo_33:23........away/mine hand and thou/shalt 27/649 and every/firstling 28/649
Lev_18:4.........keep/mine ordinances to/walk 29/649
Lev_18:30........keep/mine ordinance that/ye. 30/649 A/man............. 31/649
Lev_22:9.........keep/mine ordinance lest/they 32/649 for ye/are........ 33/649 Because/all....... 34/649
Num_3:13..........are/mine for on/the........ 35/649
Num_3:13........beast/mine shall/they........ 36/649 I am/the.......... 37/649 And after/that.... 38/649
Num_8:17..........are/mine both/man.......... 39/649 own land and/to... 40/649
Num_12:7..........all/mine house With/him.... 41/649 ears so/will...... 42/649
Num_16:28..........of/mine own mind If/these. 43/649
Num_18:8...........of/mine heave/offerings... 44/649 hand for now/would 45/649
Num_23:11.......curse/mine enemies and behold thou hast blessed/them 46/649
Num_24:10.......curse/mine enemies and behold thou hast altogether/blessed 47/649
Num_24:13..........of/mine own mind but/what. 48/649
Deu_8:17...........of/mine hand hath/gotten.. 49/649 hand And he/wrote. 50/649
Deu_26:13..........of/mine house and also/have 51/649
Deu_29:19..........of/mine heart to add/drunkenness 52/649 anger and shall/burn 53/649
Deu_32:23.......spend/mine arrows upon/them.. 54/649
Deu_32:41.........and/mine hand take hold/on. 55/649 enemies and will/reward 56/649
Deu_32:42........make/mine arrows drunk/with. 57/649 heart Nevertheless/my 58/649 hand as thou hast said Behold/I 59/649 hand as thou hast said And/it 60/649
Jdg_7:2........saying/Mine own hand hath/saved 61/649
Jdg_8:7..........into/mine hand then I/will.. 62/649
Jdg_11:30........into/mine hands Then it/shall 63/649
Jdg_16:17........upon/mine head for I/have... 64/649 ears behold/the... 65/649
Jdg_19:23........into/mine house do/not...... 66/649
Rut_4:6...........mar/mine own inheritance/redeem 67/649
1Sa_2:1..........LORD/mine horn/is........... 68/649
1Sa_2:1..........over/mine enemies because/I. 69/649
1Sa_2:28.........upon/mine altar to/burn..... 70/649 offering which/I.. 71/649
1Sa_2:33.........from/mine altar shall/be.... 72/649 heart and in/my... 73/649
1Sa_2:35.......before/mine anointed for/ever. 74/649
1Sa_12:3........blind/mine eyes therewith/and 75/649
1Sa_14:24..........on/mine enemies So/none... 76/649 eyes have been/enlightened 77/649 hand and lo/I..... 78/649 ears and/the...... 79/649
1Sa_17:46........into/mine hand and I will/smite 80/649
1Sa_18:17.........not/mine hand be/upon...... 81/649
1Sa_19:17........away/mine enemy that/he..... 82/649 iniquity and what/is 83/649 hand or/what...... 84/649
1Sa_21:4........under/mine hand but there/is. 85/649
1Sa_23:7.........into/mine hand for he/is.... 86/649
1Sa_24:6........forth/mine hand against him/seeing 87/649
1Sa_24:10........into/mine hand in/the....... 88/649
1Sa_24:10.........but/mine eye spared thee/and 89/649
1Sa_24:10.......forth/mine hand against my/lord 90/649 hand and I have/not 91/649
1Sa_24:12.........but/mine hand shall not be upon thee As/saith 92/649
1Sa_24:13.........but/mine hand shall not be upon thee After/whom 93/649
1Sa_25:33........with/mine own hand For/in... 94/649
1Sa_26:11.......forth/mine hand against the LORD's anointed but/I 95/649 hand Now therefore I/pray 96/649
1Sa_26:23.......forth/mine hand against the LORD's anointed And/behold 97/649 eyes so/let....... 98/649
1Sa_28:2...........of/mine head for ever/Now. 99/649
2Sa_5:19.........into/mine hand And the LORD said unto David/Go 100/649
2Sa_5:20.........upon/mine enemies before/me 101/649 own sight/and.... 102/649
2Sa_11:11........into/mine house to/eat..... 103/649
2Sa_14:5..........and/mine husband/is....... 104/649
2Sa_14:30........near/mine and he/hath...... 105/649
2Sa_16:12..........on/mine affliction and that/the 106/649 hand yet/would... 107/649
2Sa_18:12.......forth/mine hand against the king's/son 108/649
2Sa_18:13.....against/mine own life/for..... 109/649 own city/and..... 110/649
2Sa_22:4.........from/mine enemies When/the. 111/649
2Sa_22:24........from/mine iniquity Therefore the/LORD 112/649 arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy gentleness/hath 113/649
2Sa_22:38.....pursued/mine enemies and destroyed/them 114/649
2Sa_22:41..........of/mine enemies that I might destroy them that hate me They looked/but 115/649
2Sa_22:49........from/mine enemies thou also/hast 116/649
1Ki_1:33.........upon/mine own mule/and..... 117/649 eyes even/seeing. 118/649
1Ki_2:15..........was/mine and that/all..... 119/649 elder/brother.... 120/649
1Ki_3:26......neither/mine nor/thine........ 121/649
1Ki_9:3...........and/mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually And if/thou 122/649
1Ki_9:3...........and/mine heart shall be there perpetually And if/thou 123/649 own land of thy/acts 124/649
1Ki_10:7..........and/mine eyes had seen it and behold the half/was 125/649 own country/Then. 126/649 eyes and to/keep. 127/649 eyes But/hast.... 128/649 thy/wives........ 129/649
1Ki_20:3..........are/mine And the king/of.. 130/649
1Ki_21:20...........O/mine enemy And/he..... 131/649
2Ki_4:13........among/mine own people/And... 132/649
2Ki_5:26..........not/mine heart with thee/when 133/649
2Ki_6:32.........away/mine head look/when... 134/649 and if/ye........ 135/649 eyes and hast/done 136/649 heart thy/children 137/649
2Ki_18:34..........of/mine hand Who are/they 138/649
2Ki_18:35..........of/mine hand that the/LORD 139/649
2Ki_18:35..........of/mine hand But the/people 140/649
2Ki_19:28........into/mine ears therefore I/will 141/649
2Ki_19:34.........for/mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And it/came 142/649
2Ki_20:6..........for/mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And Isaiah/said 143/649 house have they seen there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them And/Isaiah 144/649
2Ki_21:14..........of/mine inheritance and deliver/them 145/649 heart shall be knit/unto 146/649 enemies seeing/there 147/649 hands the/God.... 148/649
1Ch_14:10........into/mine hand And the LORD said unto him/Go 149/649
1Ch_14:11........upon/mine enemies by/mine.. 150/649 hand like/the.... 151/649
1Ch_16:22.........not/mine anointed and do my prophets no harm Sing/unto 152/649 house and in/my.. 153/649 house that thou/hast 154/649
1Ch_22:18........into/mine hand and the land/is 155/649 heart to build/an 156/649
1Ch_29:3...........of/mine own proper/good.. 157/649
1Ch_29:17..........of/mine heart I/have..... 158/649
2Ch_7:15..........Now/mine eyes shall be open/and 159/649
2Ch_7:15..........and/mine ears attent/unto. 160/649
2Ch_7:16..........and/mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually And as/for 161/649
2Ch_7:16..........and/mine heart shall be there perpetually And as/for 162/649 own land of thine/acts 163/649
2Ch_9:6...........and/mine eyes had seen it and behold the one/half 164/649 heart to make/a.. 165/649
2Ch_32:13..........of/mine hand Who was/there 166/649
2Ch_32:14..........of/mine hand that your/God 167/649
2Ch_32:14..........of/mine hand Now therefore let/not 168/649
2Ch_32:15..........of/mine hand and out/of.. 169/649
2Ch_32:15..........of/mine hand And his/servants 170/649
2Ch_32:17..........of/mine hand so shall/not 171/649
2Ch_32:17..........of/mine hand Then they/cried 172/649
Neh_7:5..........into/mine heart to gather/together 173/649
Job_3:10.........from/mine eyes Why died/I.. 174/649
Job_4:12..........and/mine ear received/a... 175/649
Job_4:16.......before/mine eyes there/was... 176/649 end that/I....... 177/649
Job_7:7..........wind/mine eye shall no/more 178/649
Job_9:20.......myself/mine own mouth/shall.. 179/649
Job_9:31..........and/mine own clothes/shall 180/649
Job_10:6........after/mine iniquity and searchest/after 181/649
Job_10:14........from/mine iniquity If/I.... 182/649
Job_10:15........thou/mine affliction For/it 183/649
Job_13:1...........Lo/mine eye hath seen all/this 184/649
Job_13:1.........this/mine ear hath/heard... 185/649 hand Though/he... 186/649
Job_13:15....maintain/mine own ways/before.. 187/649
Job_13:23.........are/mine iniquities and/sins 188/649
Job_14:17..........up/mine iniquity And surely/the 189/649
Job_16:4........shake/mine head at/you...... 190/649
Job_16:9........teeth/mine enemy sharpeneth/his 191/649 hands also/my.... 192/649
Job_16:20.........but/mine eye poureth/out.. 193/649
Job_17:2..........not/mine eye continue/in.. 194/649
Job_17:7.......tabret/Mine eye also is/dim.. 195/649 house I have made/my 196/649
Job_19:4........erred/mine error/remaineth.. 197/649
Job_19:10.........and/mine hope/hath........ 198/649
Job_19:13.........and/mine acquaintance are/verily 199/649 house and my/maids 200/649
Job_19:17..........of/mine own body/Yea..... 201/649
Job_19:27.........and/mine eyes shall behold and/not 202/649
Job_27:5.......remove/mine integrity from/me 203/649
Job_27:7..........Let/mine enemy be as/the.. 204/649
Job_31:1.........with/mine eyes why then/should 205/649
Job_31:6.........know/mine integrity If/my.. 206/649
Job_31:7..........and/mine heart walked/after 207/649
Job_31:7........after/mine eyes and if/any.. 208/649 hands Then let/me 209/649
Job_31:9...........If/mine heart have/been.. 210/649
Job_31:12.........all/mine increase/If...... 211/649
Job_31:22.........let/mine arm fall/from.... 212/649
Job_31:22.........and/mine arm be/broken.... 213/649
Job_31:25.....because/mine hand had/gotten.. 214/649
Job_31:33......hiding/mine iniquity in/my... 215/649
Job_31:35........that/mine adversary had/written 216/649 opinion I/said... 217/649
Job_32:10........shew/mine opinion Behold/I. 218/649
Job_32:17........shew/mine opinion For/I.... 219/649 hearing and/I.... 220/649
Job_40:4..........lay/mine hand upon my/mouth 221/649 I will not/conceal 222/649 eye seeth/thee... 223/649
Psa_3:3............of/mine head I/cried..... 224/649
Psa_3:7...........all/mine enemies upon/the. 225/649
Psa_5:8............of/mine enemies make/thy. 226/649
Psa_6:7.........tears/Mine eye is consumed because/of 227/649
Psa_6:7...........all/mine enemies Depart/from 228/649
Psa_6:10..........all/mine enemies be/ashamed 229/649 enemy Let/the.... 230/649
Psa_7:5...........lay/mine honour in/the.... 231/649
Psa_7:6............of/mine enemies and awake/for 232/649 integrity that/is 233/649
Psa_9:3..........When/mine enemies are turned/back 234/649
Psa_13:2........shall/mine enemy be exalted/over 235/649
Psa_13:3......lighten/mine eyes lest/I...... 236/649
Psa_13:4.........Lest/mine enemy say/I...... 237/649
Psa_16:5...........of/mine inheritance and of/my 238/649
Psa_17:3.......proved/mine heart thou/hast.. 239/649
Psa_18:3.........from/mine enemies The/sorrows 240/649
Psa_18:23........from/mine iniquity Therefore hath/the 241/649 arms Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy right/hand 242/649
Psa_18:37.....pursued/mine enemies and overtaken/them 243/649
Psa_18:40..........of/mine enemies that I might destroy them that hate me They cried/but 244/649
Psa_18:48........from/mine enemies yea/thou. 245/649
Psa_23:5...........of/mine enemies thou anointest/my 246/649
Psa_25:2..........not/mine enemies triumph/over 247/649
Psa_25:11......pardon/mine iniquity for/it.. 248/649
Psa_25:15....covenant/Mine eyes are ever/toward 249/649
Psa_25:18........upon/mine affliction and my pain/and 250/649
Psa_25:19....Consider/mine enemies for they are many/and 251/649 integrity I/have. 252/649
Psa_26:3.......before/mine eyes and I have/walked 253/649
Psa_26:6.........wash/mine hands in innocency/so 254/649 integrity redeem/me 255/649
Psa_27:2.........even/mine enemies and my/foes 256/649
Psa_27:6........shall/mine head be/lifted... 257/649
Psa_27:6........above/mine enemies round/about 258/649
Psa_27:11..........of/mine enemies Deliver/me 259/649
Psa_27:12..........of/mine enemies for false/witnesses 260/649
Psa_31:9......trouble/mine eye is consumed with/grief 261/649
Psa_31:10..........of/mine iniquity and my/bones 262/649
Psa_31:11.........all/mine enemies but/especially 263/649 acquaintance they/that 264/649
Psa_31:15..........of/mine enemies and from/them 265/649
Psa_32:5..........and/mine iniquity have/I.. 266/649
Psa_32:8.........with/mine eye Be/ye........ 267/649
Psa_35:2..........for/mine help Draw/out.... 268/649
Psa_35:13........into/mine own bosom/I...... 269/649 adversity/they... 270/649
Psa_35:19.........are/mine enemies wrongfully rejoice/over 271/649 hurt/let......... 272/649
Psa_38:4..........For/mine iniquities are/gone 273/649
Psa_38:4.........over/mine head as/an....... 274/649
Psa_38:10..........of/mine eyes it/also..... 275/649
Psa_38:18.....declare/mine iniquity I/will.. 276/649
Psa_38:19.........But/mine enemies are lively/and 277/649
Psa_38:20.........are/mine adversaries because/I 278/649
Psa_39:4.........know/mine end and/the...... 279/649
Psa_39:5..........and/mine age is as/nothing 280/649
Psa_40:6.......desire/mine ears hast/thou... 281/649
Psa_40:12.......about/mine iniquities have/taken 282/649
Psa_40:12..........of/mine head therefore/my 283/649
Psa_41:5.........thee/Mine enemies speak evil/of 284/649
Psa_41:9..........Yea/mine own familiar/friend 285/649
Psa_41:11.....because/mine enemy doth/not... 286/649 integrity and/settest 287/649
Psa_42:10.......bones/mine enemies reproach me while/they 288/649
Psa_49:4......incline/mine ear to a/parable. 289/649 and the cattle/upon 290/649
Psa_50:11.........are/mine If/I............. 291/649 and the fulness/thereof 292/649
Psa_51:2.........from/mine iniquity and cleanse/me 293/649
Psa_51:9..........all/mine iniquities Create/in 294/649 helper/the....... 295/649
Psa_54:5.........unto/mine enemies cut/them. 296/649
Psa_54:7..........and/mine eye hath seen his/desire 297/649
Psa_54:7.........upon/mine enemies Give/ear. 298/649 equal/my......... 299/649
Psa_55:13.........and/mine acquaintance We/took 300/649 enemies would/daily 301/649
Psa_56:9........shall/mine enemies turn/back 302/649
Psa_59:1.........from/mine enemies O/my..... 303/649
Psa_59:10........upon/mine enemies Slay/them 304/649 and Manasseh/is.. 305/649 Ephraim also is the strength of mine head Judah is my lawgiver Moab is my washpot over Edom will I cast out my shoe Philistia/triumph 306/649
Psa_60:7...........of/mine head Judah is my lawgiver Moab is my washpot over Edom will I cast out my shoe Philistia/triumph 307/649
Psa_69:3........dried/mine eyes fail while/I 308/649
Psa_69:4...........of/mine head they/that... 309/649
Psa_69:4........being/mine enemies wrongfully are/mighty 310/649
Psa_69:18..........of/mine enemies Thou hast/known 311/649
Psa_69:19...dishonour/mine adversaries are/all 312/649
Psa_71:10.........For/mine enemies speak against/me 313/649
Psa_77:4......holdest/mine eyes waking/I.... 314/649
Psa_77:6.........with/mine own heart and/my. 315/649
Psa_88:8.........away/mine acquaintance far/from 316/649
Psa_88:9........forth/Mine eye mourneth/by.. 317/649
Psa_88:18.........and/mine acquaintance into/darkness 318/649
Psa_89:21.established/mine arm also/shall... 319/649
Psa_92:11.........oil/Mine eye also shall/see 320/649
Psa_92:11..........on/mine enemies and mine/ears 321/649
Psa_92:11.........and/mine ears shall/hear.. 322/649
Psa_101:3......before/mine eyes I hate/the.. 323/649
Psa_101:6......suffer/Mine eyes shall be upon/the 324/649 enemies reproach me all/the 325/649
Psa_105:15........not/mine anointed and do my prophets no harm Moreover/he 326/649 Manasseh/is...... 327/649 Ephraim also is the strength of mine head Judah is my lawgiver Moab is my washpot over Edom will I cast out my shoe over/Philistia 328/649
Psa_108:8..........of/mine head Judah is my lawgiver Moab is my washpot over Edom will I cast out my shoe over/Philistia 329/649
Psa_109:20.........of/mine adversaries from/the 330/649
Psa_109:29........Let/mine adversaries be/clothed 331/649
Psa_116:8.......death/mine eyes from tears/and 332/649 heart that/I..... 333/649
Psa_119:18.......thou/mine eyes that/I...... 334/649
Psa_119:37.......away/mine eyes from beholding/vanity 335/649
Psa_119:82.......word/Mine eyes fail for thy word/saying 336/649 affliction I/will 337/649
Psa_119:98.......than/mine enemies for they are ever/with 338/649
Psa_119:112..inclined/mine heart to perform/thy 339/649 oppressors/Be.... 340/649 eyes fail for thy salvation/and 341/649
Psa_119:136......down/mine eyes because/they 342/649
Psa_119:139...because/mine enemies have forgotten/thy 343/649
Psa_119:148......word/Mine eyes prevent/the. 344/649
Psa_119:153..Consider/mine affliction and deliver/me 345/649
Psa_119:157.......and/mine enemies yet/do... 346/649
Psa_121:1..........up/mine eyes unto the/hills 347/649
Psa_123:1..........up/mine eyes O/thou...... 348/649
Psa_131:1.........nor/mine eyes lofty/neither 349/649 eyes or/slumber.. 350/649 eyelids/Until.... 351/649
Psa_132:17........for/mine anointed His/enemies 352/649
Psa_138:7..........of/mine enemies and thy/right 353/649
Psa_139:2.........and/mine uprising/thou.... 354/649
Psa_139:22.......them/mine enemies Search/me 355/649
Psa_141:8.........But/mine eyes are unto/thee 356/649
Psa_143:9........from/mine enemies I/flee... 357/649 enemies and destroy/all 358/649
Pro_5:13.....inclined/mine ear to them/that. 359/649 and sound/wisdom. 360/649
Pro_23:15........even/mine Yea/my........... 361/649
Ecc_1:16.........with/mine own heart saying/Lo 362/649 heart Go/to...... 363/649 heart to give/myself 364/649
Ecc_2:3...acquainting/mine heart with wisdom/and 365/649
Ecc_2:10...whatsoever/mine eyes desired/I... 366/649 heart God/shall.. 367/649 heart concerning/the 368/649
Ecc_7:25......applied/mine heart to know and/to 369/649
Ecc_8:16......applied/mine heart to know wisdom/and 370/649
Son_1:6...........but/mine own vineyard/have 371/649 and I am his/he.. 372/649 he/feedeth....... 373/649 is/before........ 374/649
Isa_1:15.........hide/mine eyes from you/yea 375/649
Isa_1:16.......before/mine eyes cease/to.... 376/649
Isa_1:24...........of/mine adversaries and/avenge 377/649
Isa_1:24...........of/mine enemies And I/will 378/649
Isa_5:9............In/mine ears said/the.... 379/649
Isa_6:5...........for/mine eyes have seen the/King 380/649
Isa_10:5...........of/mine anger and the/staff 381/649 indignation I/will 382/649
Isa_10:25.........and/mine anger in/their... 383/649
Isa_13:3..........for/mine anger even/them.. 384/649
Isa_16:4..........Let/mine outcasts/dwell... 385/649
Isa_16:11.........and/mine inward/parts..... 386/649
Isa_19:25......Israel/mine inheritance In/the 387/649 ears by/the...... 388/649
Isa_29:23..........of/mine hands in the/midst 389/649
Isa_37:29........into/mine ears therefore will/I 390/649
Isa_37:35.........for/mine own sake and for my servant David's sake Then/the 391/649 age is departed/and 392/649
Isa_38:14........dove/mine eyes fail with/looking 393/649 house have they seen there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them Then/said 394/649
Isa_42:1.......uphold/mine elect in/whom.... 395/649 When/thou........ 396/649
Isa_43:25.........for/mine own sake and will/not 397/649
Isa_45:4.......Israel/mine elect I/have..... 398/649
Isa_47:6.....polluted/mine inheritance and given/them 399/649
Isa_48:5..........say/Mine idol/hath........ 400/649
Isa_48:9........defer/mine anger and for/my. 401/649
Isa_48:11.........For/mine own sake even/for 402/649
Isa_48:11.........for/mine own sake will/I.. 403/649
Isa_48:13........last/Mine hand also/hath... 404/649
Isa_49:22..........up/mine hand to the/Gentiles 405/649
Isa_50:4.....wakeneth/mine ear to hear/as... 406/649
Isa_50:5.......opened/mine ear and/I........ 407/649 adversary let/him 408/649
Isa_50:11..........of/mine hand ye/shall.... 409/649
Isa_51:5..........and/mine arms shall/judge. 410/649
Isa_51:5...........on/mine arm shall/they... 411/649
Isa_51:16..........of/mine hand that I/may.. 412/649 house and within/my 413/649
Isa_56:7.........upon/mine altar for mine/house 414/649
Isa_56:7..........for/mine house shall/be... 415/649
Isa_60:7...........on/mine altar and I/will. 416/649 anger and trample/them 417/649 heart and the/year 418/649
Isa_63:5....therefore/mine own arm/brought.. 419/649 anger and make/them 420/649
Isa_65:9..........and/mine elect shall inherit/it 421/649
Isa_65:12......before/mine eyes and did/choose 422/649
Isa_65:16........from/mine eyes For/behold.. 423/649
Isa_65:22.........and/mine elect shall long/enjoy 424/649
Isa_66:2.........hath/mine hand made/and.... 425/649
Isa_66:4.......before/mine eyes and chose/that 426/649
Jer_2:7..........made/mine heritage an/abomination 427/649
Jer_3:12........cause/mine anger to/fall.... 428/649 heart which/shall 429/649
Jer_7:20.......Behold/mine anger and my fury shall/be 430/649
Jer_9:1...........and/mine eyes a/fountain.. 431/649 house seeing/she. 432/649
Jer_12:3........tried/mine heart toward/thee 433/649
Jer_12:7.....forsaken/mine house I have left/mine 434/649
Jer_12:7.........left/mine heritage I/have.. 435/649
Jer_12:8......enemies/Mine heritage is unto me as a lion/in 436/649 heritage is unto me as a speckled/bird 437/649
Jer_12:14.........all/mine evil/neighbours.. 438/649
Jer_13:17.........and/mine eye shall weep/sore 439/649
Jer_14:17.........Let/mine eyes run/down.... 440/649 anger which shall burn upon/you 441/649
Jer_15:16..........of/mine heart for I am called/by 442/649
Jer_16:17.........For/mine eyes are upon/all 443/649
Jer_16:17........from/mine eyes And first/I. 444/649
Jer_16:18......filled/mine inheritance with/the 445/649
Jer_16:21........know/mine hand and my/might 446/649 anger which shall burn for/ever 447/649 hand O/house..... 448/649 heart as/a....... 449/649 heart within/me.. 450/649
Jer_24:6..........set/mine eyes upon them for good/and 451/649
Jer_32:8.....Hanameel/mine uncle's son came/to 452/649
Jer_32:12....Hanameel/mine uncle's son and/in 453/649
Jer_32:31..........of/mine anger and of/my.. 454/649 anger and in my fury and in/great 455/649 anger and in my fury and for/all 456/649
Jer_42:18..........As/mine anger and my fury hath/been 457/649
Jer_44:6..........and/mine anger was poured/forth 458/649
Jer_44:28.......stand/mine or/their's....... 459/649
Jer_48:31........Moab/mine heart shall mourn/for 460/649
Jer_48:36...Therefore/mine heart shall sound for/Moab 461/649
Jer_48:36.........and/mine heart shall sound like/pipes 462/649
Jer_50:11..........of/mine heritage because/ye 463/649
Jer_51:25.........out/mine hand upon thee and roll/thee 464/649
Lam_1:16.........weep/mine eye mine/eye..... 465/649
Lam_1:16..........eye/mine eye runneth down with water/because 466/649
Lam_1:19..........and/mine elders/gave...... 467/649
Lam_1:20.....troubled/mine heart is turned within me for/I 468/649
Lam_1:21..........all/mine enemies have heard/of 469/649
Lam_2:11.......ground/Mine eyes do/fail..... 470/649
Lam_2:22.........hath/mine enemy consumed/I. 471/649
Lam_3:19..Remembering/mine affliction and my misery/the 472/649
Lam_3:48..destruction/Mine eye runneth down with rivers/of 473/649
Lam_3:49.......people/Mine eye trickleth/down 474/649
Lam_3:51.......heaven/Mine eye affecteth/mine 475/649
Lam_3:51....affecteth/mine heart because/of. 476/649 enemies chased/me 477/649
Lam_3:54.........over/mine head then/I...... 478/649
Eze_5:11........shall/mine eye spare/neither 479/649
Eze_5:13........shall/mine anger be/accomplished 480/649
Eze_7:3..........send/mine anger upon thee and will/judge 481/649
Eze_7:4...........And/mine eye shall not spare thee/neither 482/649
Eze_7:8....accomplish/mine anger upon thee and I/will 483/649
Eze_7:9...........And/mine eye shall not spare neither will I have pity I/will 484/649 house and the/elders 485/649
Eze_8:3............of/mine head and/the..... 486/649
Eze_8:5............up/mine eyes the/way..... 487/649
Eze_8:18.........fury/mine eye shall not spare neither will I have pity and/though 488/649 ears with a loud voice yet/will 489/649 ears with a loud voice saying/Cause 490/649 hearing Go/ye.... 491/649
Eze_9:10.........also/mine eye shall not spare neither will I have pity but/I 492/649
Eze_11:20........keep/mine ordinances and do/them 493/649
Eze_12:7.........with/mine hand I brought/it 494/649
Eze_13:9..........And/mine hand shall be/upon 495/649 anger and great/hailstones 496/649
Eze_14:13.........out/mine hand upon it/and. 497/649
Eze_16:8.....becamest/mine Then/washed...... 498/649
Eze_16:18.........set/mine oil and mine/incense 499/649
Eze_16:18.........and/mine incense before/them 500/649
Eze_17:19......surely/mine oath/that........ 501/649
Eze_18:4..........are/mine as the soul/of... 502/649 the/soul......... 503/649
Eze_20:5...........up/mine hand unto the seed/of 504/649
Eze_20:5...........up/mine hand unto them saying/I 505/649
Eze_20:6...........up/mine hand unto them to/bring 506/649
Eze_20:17Nevertheless/mine eye spared them/from 507/649
Eze_20:22....withdrew/mine hand and wrought/for 508/649
Eze_20:23..........up/mine hand unto them also/in 509/649
Eze_20:28..........up/mine hand to give it to them/then 510/649 holy mountain/in. 511/649
Eze_20:42..........up/mine hand to give it to your/fathers 512/649
Eze_21:17.......smite/mine hands together/and 513/649
Eze_21:31.........out/mine indignation upon thee/I 514/649
Eze_22:8.....despised/mine holy things and/hast 515/649
Eze_22:13.....smitten/mine hand at/thy...... 516/649 anger and in my fury and I/will 517/649
Eze_22:26....profaned/mine holy things they/have 518/649
Eze_22:31.........out/mine indignation upon them/I 519/649
Eze_23:4.........were/mine and they/bare.... 520/649
Eze_23:5..........was/mine and she/doted.... 521/649
Eze_23:39..........of/mine house And furthermore/that 522/649
Eze_23:41.........set/mine incense and/mine. 523/649
Eze_23:41.........and/mine oil And a/voice.. 524/649
Eze_25:7..........out/mine hand upon thee and will/deliver 525/649
Eze_25:13.........out/mine hand upon Edom/and 526/649 anger and according/to 527/649
Eze_25:16.........out/mine hand upon the Philistines/and 528/649 own and/I........ 529/649 and I have/made.. 530/649
Eze_35:3..........out/mine hand against thee/and 531/649 and we/will...... 532/649
Eze_36:7...........up/mine hand Surely/the.. 533/649
Eze_36:21.........for/mine holy name/which.. 534/649
Eze_36:22.........for/mine holy name's/sake. 535/649 hand And the sticks/whereon 536/649 anger Now/let.... 537/649
Eze_44:8...........of/mine holy things but/ye 538/649
Eze_44:12..........up/mine hand against them/saith 539/649
Eze_44:24.........all/mine assemblies/and... 540/649
Eze_47:14..........up/mine hand to give it unto/your 541/649 house and flourishing/in 542/649
Dan_4:10...........of/mine head in/my....... 543/649
Dan_4:34...........up/mine eyes unto heaven/and 544/649
Dan_4:34..........and/mine understanding/returned 545/649
Dan_4:36......kingdom/mine honour and brightness/returned 546/649
Dan_8:3............up/mine eyes and saw and behold there/stood 547/649
Dan_10:5...........up/mine eyes and looked and behold a certain/man 548/649
Hos_2:5..........flax/mine oil and my/drink. 549/649
Hos_2:10...........of/mine hand I will/also. 550/649 anger is kindled/against 551/649
Hos_8:13...........of/mine offerings/and.... 552/649
Hos_9:15...........of/mine house I will/love 553/649
Hos_11:8.......Zeboim/mine heart is turned within me my/repentings 554/649
Hos_11:9...........of/mine anger I/will..... 555/649 anger and took/him 556/649
Hos_13:14........from/mine eyes Though/he... 557/649
Hos_14:4..........for/mine anger is turned/away 558/649
Amo_1:8..........turn/mine hand against Ekron/and 559/649
Amo_9:2.........shall/mine hand take them/though 560/649
Amo_9:4...........set/mine eyes upon them for evil/and 561/649
Jon_2:2............of/mine affliction unto/the 562/649
Mic_7:8.............O/mine enemy when/I..... 563/649 enemy shall/see.. 564/649
Mic_7:10..........God/mine eyes shall behold her/now 565/649
Hab_1:12..........God/mine Holy One/we...... 566/649
Hab_3:19.........upon/mine high/places...... 567/649
Zep_1:4...........out/mine hand upon Judah/and 568/649
Zep_3:8..........them/mine indignation even/all 569/649
Zep_3:10........bring/mine offering In/that. 570/649
Hag_1:9............of/mine house that is/waste 571/649 and the gold/is.. 572/649 saith the LORD of hosts The/glory 573/649
Zec_1:18...........up/mine eyes and saw and behold four/horns 574/649
Zec_2:1............up/mine eyes again/and... 575/649
Zec_2:9.........shake/mine hand upon them/and 576/649
Zec_5:1............up/mine eyes and looked and behold a flying/roll 577/649
Zec_5:9............up/mine eyes and looked and behold there came out/two 578/649
Zec_6:1............up/mine eyes and looked and behold there came four/chariots 579/649 eyes saith/the... 580/649
Zec_9:8.........about/mine house because/of. 581/649
Zec_9:8..........with/mine eyes Rejoice/greatly 582/649
Zec_10:3.....shepherd/Mine anger was kindled/against 583/649
Zec_11:14.....asunder/mine other/staff...... 584/649 eyes upon the/house 585/649
Zec_13:7.........turn/mine hand upon the little/ones 586/649 honour and if/I.. 587/649
Mal_1:7..........upon/mine altar and ye/say. 588/649
Mal_1:10...........on/mine altar for nought/I 589/649
Mal_3:7..........from/mine ordinances and have/not 590/649 house and prove/me 591/649 saith the LORD of hosts in/that 592/649
Mat_7:24...........of/mine and doeth them I/will 593/649
Mat_7:26...........of/mine and doeth them not/shall 594/649
Mat_20:15........with/mine own Is/thine..... 595/649
Mat_20:23.........not/mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of/my 596/649
Mat_25:27....received/mine own with usury Take/therefore 597/649
Mar_9:24.........thou/mine unbelief/When.... 598/649
Mar_10:40.........not/mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared And/when 599/649 ears the/babe.... 600/649
Luk_2:30..........For/mine eyes have seen thy/salvation 601/649 only/child....... 602/649
Luk_11:6...........of/mine in/his........... 603/649
Luk_18:3...........of/mine adversary And/he. 604/649
Luk_19:23....required/mine own with usury And/he 605/649
Luk_19:27.......those/mine enemies which/would 606/649
Joh_2:4..........thee/mine hour/is.......... 607/649
Joh_5:30...........of/mine own self do/nothing 608/649
Joh_5:30..........not/mine own will but the will of the/Father 609/649 own will but the will of him/that 610/649
Joh_7:16..........not/mine but his/that..... 611/649
Joh_8:50..........not/mine own glory/there.. 612/649
Joh_9:11.....anointed/mine eyes and said/unto 613/649
Joh_9:15.........upon/mine eyes and I washed/and 614/649
Joh_9:30.......opened/mine eyes Now/we...... 615/649
Joh_10:14..........of/mine As the Father/knoweth 616/649
Joh_14:24.........not/mine but the/Father's. 617/649
Joh_16:14..........of/mine and shall shew it unto you All/things 618/649
Joh_16:15.........are/mine therefore/said... 619/649
Joh_16:15..........of/mine and shall shew it unto you A/little 620/649
Joh_17:10.........all/mine are/thine........ 621/649
Joh_17:10.........are/mine and I am glorified/in 622/649
Act_11:6.....fastened/mine eyes I considered/and 623/649
Act_13:22.......after/mine own heart which/shall 624/649
Act_21:13.......break/mine heart for I am ready/not 625/649
Act_26:4........among/mine own nation at/Jerusalem 626/649
Rom_11:13.....magnify/mine office If/by..... 627/649 I will repay/saith 628/649
Rom_16:13.........and/mine Salute/Asyncritus 629/649
Rom_16:23.......Gaius/mine host/and......... 630/649 own name/And..... 631/649
1Co_4:3...........not/mine own self For/I... 632/649
1Co_9:2............of/mine apostleship/are.. 633/649
1Co_9:3..........Lord/Mine answer/to........ 634/649
1Co_10:33.....seeking/mine own profit/but... 635/649
1Co_16:21........with/mine own hand If/any.. 636/649 own countrymen/in 637/649
2Co_11:30.....concern/mine infirmities The/God 638/649 infirmities For/though 639/649 own nation being/more 640/649
Gal_6:11.........with/mine own hand As/many. 641/649
Php_1:4............of/mine for you/all...... 642/649
Php_3:9........having/mine own righteousness/which 643/649
2Th_3:17.........with/mine own hand which/is 644/649
Tit_1:4.........Titus/mine own son/after.... 645/649 own bowels/Whom.. 646/649
Phl_1:18...........on/mine account/I........ 647/649
Phl_1:19.........with/mine own hand I/will.. 648/649
Rev_22:16........sent/mine angel to/testify. 649/649