1Ki_21:7.......now/govern the kingdom/of..... 1/3
Job_34:17....right/govern and/wilt........... 2/3
Psa_67:4.......and/govern the nations/upon... 3/3
Isa_9:6........the/government shall/be....... 1/4
Isa_9:7........his/government and/peace...... 2/4
Isa_22:21......thy/government into/his....... 3/4
2Pe_2:10...despise/government Presumptuous/are 4/4
1Co_12:28....helps/governments/diversities... 1/1
Gen_42:6.......the/governor over the land and/he 1/59
Gen_45:26.......is/governor over all/the.... 2/59
1Ki_18:3.......the/governor of his/house.... 3/59
1Ki_22:26......the/governor of the city and to Joash the king's son And say Thus saith the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I come/in 4/59
2Ki_23:8.......the/governor of the city which/were 5/59
2Ki_25:23.Gedaliah/governor there/came...... 6/59
1Ch_29:22....chief/governor and Zadok/to.... 7/59
2Ch_1:2......every/governor in all/Israel... 8/59
2Ch_18:25......the/governor of the city and to Joash the king's son And say Thus saith the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I return/in 9/59
2Ch_28:7.......the/governor of the house/and 10/59
2Ch_34:8.......the/governor of the city and Joah/the 11/59
Ezr_5:3.....Tatnai/governor on this side the river and Shetharboznai and their/companions 12/59
Ezr_5:6.....Tatnai/governor on this side the river and Shetharboznai and his/companions 13/59
Ezr_5:14......made/governor And said/unto.. 14/59
Ezr_6:6.....Tatnai/governor beyond/the..... 15/59
Ezr_6:7........the/governor of the Jews/and 16/59
Ezr_6:13....Tatnai/governor on this side the river Shetharboznai/and 17/59
Neh_3:7........the/governor on this side the river Next/unto 18/59
Neh_5:14.....their/governor in the land of/Judah 19/59
Neh_5:14.......the/governor But/the........ 20/59
Neh_5:18.......the/governor because/the.... 21/59
Neh_12:26......the/governor and of/Ezra.... 22/59
Psa_22:28......the/governor among/the...... 23/59
Jer_20:1.....chief/governor in the house/of 24/59
Jer_30:21....their/governor shall/proceed.. 25/59
Jer_40:5......made/governor over the cities/of 26/59
Jer_40:7....Ahikam/governor in the land and/had 27/59
Jer_41:2......made/governor over the land Ishmael/also 28/59
Jer_41:18.....made/governor in the land Then/all 29/59
Hag_1:1..Shealtiel/governor of Judah and to Joshua the son of Josedech the high priest saying/Thus 30/59
Hag_1:14.Shealtiel/governor of Judah and the/spirit 31/59
Hag_2:2..Shealtiel/governor of Judah and to Joshua the son of Josedech the high priest and/to 32/59
Hag_2:21Zerubbabel/governor of Judah saying/I 33/59
Zec_9:7..........a/governor in Judah/and... 34/59
Mal_1:8........thy/governor will/he........ 35/59
Mat_2:6..........a/Governor that/shall..... 36/59
Mat_27:2.......the/governor Then/Judas..... 37/59
Mat_27:11......the/governor and the/governor 38/59
Mat_27:11......the/governor asked/him...... 39/59
Mat_27:14......the/governor marvelled/greatly 40/59
Mat_27:15......the/governor was/wont....... 41/59
Mat_27:21......The/governor answered/and... 42/59
Mat_27:23......the/governor said/Why....... 43/59
Mat_27:27......the/governor took/Jesus..... 44/59
Luk_2:2........was/governor of Syria/And... 45/59
Luk_3:1......being/governor of Judaea/and.. 46/59
Luk_20:20......the/governor And they/asked. 47/59
Joh_2:8........the/governor of the feast And/they 48/59
Joh_2:9........the/governor of the feast called/the 49/59
Act_7:10.......him/governor over Egypt/and. 50/59
Act_23:24......the/governor And he/wrote... 51/59
Act_23:26excellent/governor Felix/sendeth.. 52/59
Act_23:33......the/governor presented/Paul. 53/59
Act_23:34......the/governor had read/the... 54/59
Act_24:1.......the/governor against/Paul... 55/59
Act_24:10......the/governor had beckoned/unto 56/59
Act_26:30......the/governor and Bernice/and 57/59
2Co_11:32......the/governor under/Aretas... 58/59
Jam_3:4........the/governor listeth/Even... 59/59
Jdg_5:9........the/governors of Israel/that. 1/23
Jdg_5:14......down/governors and out/of..... 2/23
1Ki_10:15......the/governors of the country And/king 3/23
1Ch_24:5.......the/governors of the sanctuary/and 4/23
1Ch_24:5.......and/governors of the house/of 5/23
2Ch_9:14.......and/governors of the country brought/gold 6/23
2Ch_23:20......the/governors of the people/and 7/23
Ezr_8:36.......the/governors on/this........ 8/23
Neh_2:7........the/governors beyond the river that/they 9/23
Neh_2:9........the/governors beyond the river and/gave 10/23
Neh_5:15....former/governors that had/been. 11/23
Est_3:12.......the/governors that were/over 12/23
Dan_2:48.......the/governors over/all...... 13/23
Dan_3:2........the/governors and the captains/the 14/23
Dan_3:3........the/governors and captains the/judges 15/23
Dan_3:27...princes/governors and captains and/the 16/23
Dan_6:7........the/governors and the princes/the 17/23
Zec_12:5.......the/governors of Judah shall/say 18/23
Zec_12:6.......the/governors of Judah like/an 19/23
Mat_10:18...before/governors and kings/for. 20/23
Mat_28:14......the/governor's ears/we...... 21/23
Gal_4:2........and/governors until/the..... 22/23
1Pe_2:14......unto/governors as/unto....... 23/23
