Mat_3:7......his/baptism he/said.......... 1/22
Mat_20:22....the/baptism that I am baptized with They/say 2/22
Mat_20:23....the/baptism that I am baptized with but/to 3/22
Mat_21:25....The/baptism of John whence/was 4/22
Mar_1:4......the/baptism of repentance for the remission of sins And/there 5/22
Mar_10:38....the/baptism that I am baptized with And/they 6/22
Mar_10:39....the/baptism that I am baptized withal/shall 7/22
Mar_11:30....The/baptism of John was it from heaven or of men answer/me 8/22
Luk_3:3......the/baptism of repentance for the remission of sins As/it 9/22
Luk_7:29.....the/baptism of John But/the. 10/22
Luk_12:50......a/baptism to/be........... 11/22
Luk_20:4.....The/baptism of John was it from heaven or of men And/they 12/22
Act_1:22.....the/baptism of John unto/that 13/22
Act_10:37....the/baptism which/John...... 14/22
Act_13:24....the/baptism of repentance to/all 15/22
Act_18:25....the/baptism of John And/he.. 16/22
Act_19:3..John's/baptism Then/said....... 17/22
Act_19:4.....the/baptism of repentance saying/unto 18/22 into/death...... 19/22 One/God......... 20/22 wherein/also.... 21/22
1Pe_3:21....even/baptism doth/also....... 22/22
Heb_6:2.......of/baptisms/and.............. 1/1
Mat_3:1......the/Baptist preaching/in..... 1/14
Mat_11:11....the/Baptist notwithstanding/he 2/14
Mat_11:12....the/Baptist until/now........ 3/14
Mat_14:2.....the/Baptist he/is............ 4/14
Mat_16:14....the/Baptist some/Elias....... 5/14
Mat_17:13....the/Baptist And when/they.... 6/14
Mar_6:14.....the/Baptist was/risen........ 7/14
Mar_6:24.....the/Baptist And she/came..... 8/14
Mar_6:25.....the/Baptist And the/king..... 9/14
Mar_8:28.....the/Baptist but some say Elias and others One/of 10/14
Luk_7:20....John/Baptist hath/sent....... 11/14
Luk_7:28.....the/Baptist but he/that..... 12/14
Luk_7:33.....the/Baptist came/neither.... 13/14
Luk_9:19.....the/Baptist but some say Elias and others say/that 14/14
Mat_14:8....John/Baptist's/head............ 1/1
Mat_3:11..indeed/baptize you with water unto/repentance 1/9
Mat_3:11...shall/baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire Whose fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and gather/his 2/9
Mar_1:4......did/baptize in/the............ 3/9
Mar_1:8....shall/baptize you with the Holy Ghost And it/came 4/9
Luk_3:16..indeed/baptize you with water but/one 5/9
Luk_3:16...shall/baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire Whose fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and will/gather 6/9
Joh_1:26.......I/baptize with water but/there 7/9 with water the/same 8/9 but/to............ 9/9
Mat_3:6.....were/baptized of him in Jordan/confessing 1/61 of him But/John. 2/61 of thee/and..... 3/61
Mat_3:16.....was/baptized went/up......... 4/61 with the baptism that I am baptized with They/say 5/61 with They/say... 6/61 with the baptism that I am baptized with but/to 7/61 with but/to..... 8/61
Mar_1:5......all/baptized of him in the/river 9/61
Mar_1:8.....have/baptized you/with....... 10/61
Mar_1:9......was/baptized of John/in..... 11/61 with the baptism that I am baptized with And/they 12/61 with And they/said 13/61 withal/shall... 14/61 But/to......... 15/61 shall/be....... 16/61 of him O/generation 17/61 and said/unto.. 18/61
Luk_3:21....were/baptized it/came........ 19/61
Luk_3:21...being/baptized and praying/the 20/61
Luk_7:29...being/baptized with the baptism of John/But 21/61
Luk_7:30.....not/baptized of him And/the. 22/61 with and how/am 23/61
Joh_3:22.....and/baptized And John/also.. 24/61
Joh_3:23....were/baptized For John/was... 25/61
Joh_4:1......and/baptized more/disciples. 26/61
Joh_4:2..himself/baptized not/but........ 27/61
Joh_10:40..first/baptized and there/he... 28/61
Act_1:5....truly/baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not/many 29/61 with the Holy Ghost not/many 30/61 every/one...... 31/61
Act_2:41....were/baptized and the/same... 32/61
Act_8:12....were/baptized both/men....... 33/61
Act_8:13.....was/baptized he continued/with 34/61
Act_8:16....were/baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Then/laid 35/61 And Philip/said 36/61
Act_8:38......he/baptized him/And........ 37/61
Act_9:18.....was/baptized And when/he.... 38/61 which/have..... 39/61 in the name of the Lord Then/prayed 40/61
Act_11:16.indeed/baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost Forasmuch/then 41/61 with the Holy Ghost Forasmuch/then 42/61
Act_16:15....was/baptized and her/household 43/61
Act_16:33....was/baptized he and/all..... 44/61
Act_18:8....were/baptized Then/spake..... 45/61 And they/said.. 46/61
Act_19:4..verily/baptized with the baptism of repentance/saying 47/61
Act_19:5....were/baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus And/when 48/61 and wash/away.. 49/61
Rom_6:3.....were/baptized into Jesus/Christ 50/61
Rom_6:3.....were/baptized into his/death. 51/61 in the name of Paul/I 52/61
1Co_1:14.......I/baptized none/of........ 53/61
1Co_1:15.....had/baptized in mine/own.... 54/61
1Co_1:16.......I/baptized also/the....... 55/61
1Co_1:16.......I/baptized any/other...... 56/61
1Co_10:2.....all/baptized unto/Moses..... 57/61
1Co_12:13....all/baptized into one/body.. 58/61
1Co_15:29....are/baptized for the dead if/the 59/61
1Co_15:29...then/baptized for the dead And/why 60/61
Gal_3:27....been/baptized into Christ/have 61/61
Joh_1:25.....Why/baptizest/thou............ 1/1
Joh_1:33...which/baptizeth with/the........ 1/2
Joh_3:26....same/baptizeth and/all......... 2/2
Mat_28:19nations/baptizing them/in......... 1/4
Joh_1:28.....was/baptizing The/next........ 2/4
Joh_1:31....come/baptizing with/water...... 3/4
Joh_3:23.....was/baptizing in/Aenon........ 4/4
