Ecc_12:2.......clouds/return after/the...... 134/263
Ecc_1:7..........they/return again All/things 132/263
Job_6:29..........yea/return again my/righteousness 106/263
Pro_2:19..........her/return again neither/take 130/263
Jer_3:1...........yet/return again to/me.... 156/263
Act_18:21........will/return again unto/you. 262/263
Gen_3:19.........thou/return And Adam/called.. 2/263
Psa_6:10.........them/return and be ashamed/suddenly 117/263
Num_32:22.......shall/return and be guiltless/before 27/263
Jer_46:27.......shall/return and be in/rest. 200/263
Dan_11:10..........he/return and be stirred/up 218/263 and brought them into subjection for/servants 186/263 and brought them into subjection to/be 187/263
Mal_1:4..........will/return and build/the.. 246/263 and come now/for 111/263
Isa_35:10.......shall/return and come to/Zion 146/263
Dan_11:29.......shall/return and come toward/the 222/263
Jos_20:6.......slayer/return and come unto/his 40/263
Isa_51:11.......shall/return and come with/singing 151/263
2Ch_6:24........shall/return and confess/thy. 89/263
Jdg_7:3...........him/return and depart/early 43/263 and discern/between 250/263
Deu_30:3.........will/return and gather/thee. 37/263 and go/in....... 60/263
Jer_12:15........will/return and have compassion/on 164/263
Dan_11:30.........and/return and have indignation/against 223/263
Dan_11:30........even/return and have intelligence/with 224/263 and have mercy/on 185/263 And he called/his 259/263
2Sa_3:16...........Go/return And he returned/And 63/263
Psa_59:14........them/return and let/them... 121/263
Deu_30:8........shalt/return and obey/the.... 38/263
Joe_2:14.........will/return and repent/and. 240/263
Hos_3:5........Israel/return and seek/the... 227/263
Isa_6:13........shall/return and shall be eaten/as 141/263
Jer_30:10.......shall/return and shall be in/rest 179/263
2Ki_19:33..........he/return and shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And/it 86/263
Isa_37:34..........he/return and shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake Then/the 148/263
Dan_11:13.......shall/return and shall set/forth 219/263
Hos_2:9.............I/return and take/away.. 226/263 And the/sword.. 235/263
1Ch_19:5.........then/return And when the children of Ammon saw that they had/made 88/263
2Sa_10:5.........then/return And when the children of Ammon saw that they stank/before 64/263
Act_15:16........will/return and will build again/the 261/263 and will build them/as 183/263
Eze_35:9..........not/return and ye/shall... 212/263 answer to this people And/they 91/263
2Ch_10:9..........may/return answer to this people which/have 92/263
Eze_21:5..........not/return any/more....... 209/263
Psa_74:21...oppressed/return ashamed/let.... 123/263
1Ki_22:28........thou/return at all/in....... 83/263
Psa_59:6.........They/return at evening/they 120/263
Luk_17:31.........not/return back Remember/Lot's 258/263
Mat_24:18.......field/return back to/take... 254/263
2Ki_20:10......shadow/return backward/ten.... 87/263
Hos_7:16.........They/return but not/to..... 231/263
Jer_44:14.......shall/return but such/as.... 198/263
Eze_46:9..........not/return by/the......... 213/263 come/The....... 145/263
Rut_1:8............Go/return each/to......... 47/263
Isa_10:21.......shall/return even the/remnant 142/263
Job_10:21.........not/return even to the land/of 108/263
Isa_19:22.......shall/return even to the LORD/and 144/263
Jer_36:3..........may/return every man from/his 190/263
2Ch_11:4.....brethren/return every man to his house for this thing is done/of 93/263
1Ki_12:24......Israel/return every man to his house for this thing is from/me 76/263
1Ki_22:17........them/return every man to his house in/peace 82/263
Lev_25:10.......shall/return every man unto his family/A 15/263
Lev_25:13.......shall/return every man unto his possession And if/thou 16/263
Lev_25:10.......shall/return every man unto his possession and ye/shall 14/263 every man unto his possession which/I 29/263
Jer_36:7.........will/return every one/from. 191/263
Lev_25:41..........he/return For they/are.... 20/263
Isa_63:17........fear/Return for thy/servants' 154/263 from following after/thee 50/263
2Sa_2:26.......people/return from following their/brethren 62/263
Eze_18:23......should/return from his ways/and 208/263
Eze_13:22.........not/return from his wicked/way 204/263
Jer_23:14........doth/return from his wickedness/they 174/263
Job_36:10........they/return from iniquity/If 114/263
2Ki_18:14....offended/return from me/that.... 84/263
Rut_1:6.........might/return from the country/of 45/263
Gen_14:17.........his/return from the slaughter/of 3/263
Luk_12:36........will/return from the wedding/that 257/263
1Sa_6:3..........wise/return him a/trespass.. 51/263 him for/a....... 53/263
1Ki_2:32........shall/return his/blood....... 72/263
Psa_73:10......people/return hither/and..... 122/263 I hearkened/and 163/263
Job_6:29..........lie/Return I pray/you..... 105/263
2Ch_18:26...........I/return in peace And/Micaiah 95/263
Jdg_11:31...........I/return in peace from/the 44/263
2Ch_18:27...certainly/return in peace then/hath 96/263
Jer_50:9........shall/return in vain/And.... 201/263 into Egypt And/they 23/263
Exo_4:19...........Go/return into Egypt for/all 11/263 into Egypt see/that 12/263 into Egypt Then/Moses 24/263
Dan_11:28..........he/return into his land/with 220/263
Dan_11:9........shall/return into his own/land 217/263 into his sheath/I 210/263
Mat_12:44........will/return into my/house.. 253/263
2Sa_15:27........seer/return into the city/in 68/263
Hos_11:5..........not/return into the land of Egypt/and 234/263
Num_35:28.......shall/return into the land of his/possession 28/263
Jer_44:14......should/return into the land of Judah/to 196/263 into the land of Pathros/into 211/263 into the land of the/Philistines 61/263
Jer_22:27.........not/return Is/this........ 173/263 lest/my......... 56/263
Est_4:15.........them/return Mordecai/this.. 102/263
Job_16:22.........not/return My breath/is... 110/263
1Sa_26:21......sinned/return my son/David.... 58/263
Eze_7:13..........not/return neither/shall.. 203/263
Jer_22:10.......shall/return no more nor/see 170/263
Deu_17:16..henceforth/return no more that/way 31/263
Job_7:10........shall/return no more to/his. 107/263
Jer_15:7.........they/return not from/their. 165/263
Jer_15:19.........but/return not thou/unto.. 168/263
Job_39:4..........and/return not unto/them.. 115/263
Jer_4:1..........wilt/return O Israel/saith. 159/263
Psa_6:4..........long/Return O LORD deliver/my 116/263
Psa_90:13......wisdom/Return O LORD how/long 126/263
Num_10:36........said/Return O LORD unto/the. 22/263
Son_6:13.......Return/return O Shulamite/return 138/263
1Ki_20:26.........the/return of the year that/Benhadad 81/263
1Ki_20:22.........the/return of the year the/king 80/263
1Ki_19:15..........Go/return on/thy.......... 79/263
Job_15:22.......shall/return out of darkness/and 109/263
Jer_44:28.......shall/return out of the/land 199/263
Son_6:13....Amminadib/Return return O/Shulamite 137/263
Son_6:13....Shulamite/return return that/we. 139/263 saith/the...... 182/263
Neh_2:6..........thou/return So/it........... 99/263
1Sa_29:4.......fellow/return that he/may..... 59/263
Isa_45:23.........not/return That unto/me... 150/263
Son_6:13.......return/return that we/may.... 140/263 the captivity/of 184/263
Isa_10:22.......shall/return the consumption/decreed 143/263
Jer_15:19........thou/return then/will...... 166/263
2Ch_18:16........them/return therefore every/man 94/263 Therefore I/said 161/263
Hos_14:7........shall/return they/shall..... 239/263
Jer_22:11.........not/return thither any/more 171/263 thither shall/they 172/263
Job_1:21............I/return thither the/LORD 104/263
Jer_31:8........shall/return thither They/shall 181/263
Rut_1:15.........gods/return thou after/thy.. 49/263
2Sa_19:14........king/Return thou and all/thy 70/263
2Sa_15:20.........may/return thou and take/back 67/263
Jer_3:12..........say/Return thou backsliding/Israel 157/263
Psa_7:7.....therefore/return thou on/high... 118/263 through/Macedonia 263/263
1Ki_2:44........shall/return thy/wickedness.. 74/263 to corruption/he 260/263
Hos_11:9..........not/return to destroy/Ephraim 236/263 to dwell/there. 197/263
Hos_9:3.........shall/return to Egypt and/they 233/263
Exo_13:17........they/return to Egypt But/God 13/263
Hos_8:13........shall/return to Egypt For/Israel 232/263
Jer_37:7........shall/return to Egypt into/their 192/263 to Egypt to/the. 30/263
Dan_10:20...........I/return to fight/with.. 216/263
Ecc_5:15...........he/return to go/as....... 133/263
Mat_2:12..........not/return to Herod/they.. 251/263
2Sa_24:13.......shall/return to him that/sent 71/263
1Sa_6:4.........shall/return to him They/answered 52/263
Deu_20:5..........and/return to his house/lest 32/263
Isa_37:7..........and/return to his own land and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land So Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And he/heard 147/263
2Ki_19:7........shall/return to his own land and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land So Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And when/he 85/263
Dan_11:28.........and/return to his own land At/the 221/263 to Jonathan's/house 194/263
2Sa_12:23.........not/return to me/And....... 65/263
Hos_2:7...........and/return to my first/husband 225/263
Hos_5:15..........and/return to my place/till 228/263
Eze_7:13..........not/return to that/which.. 202/263
Job_22:23........thou/return to the Almighty/thou 112/263 to the brink/of 215/263
2Sa_15:34........thou/return to the city/and. 69/263
Job_33:25.......shall/return to the days/of. 113/263
Ecc_12:7.........dust/return to the earth/as 135/263
Mic_1:7.........shall/return to the hire/of. 244/263
1Ki_12:26.....kingdom/return to the house of David/If 77/263 to the house of Jonathan/the 193/263 to the land/that 178/263
Hos_7:10..........not/return to the LORD/their 230/263
Eze_46:17.......shall/return to the prince/but 214/263
2Ch_30:6.........will/return to the remnant/of 97/263
2Ch_6:38.........they/return to thee/with.... 90/263 to their bondage/but 101/263
Psa_104:29........and/return to their dust/Thou 128/263
Eze_16:55.......shall/return to their former estate and/Samaria 205/263
Eze_16:55.......shall/return to their former estate then/thou 206/263
Luk_8:39.......saying/Return to thine/own... 255/263 to this city/and 188/263 to this place/For 177/263
Gen_16:9..........her/Return to thy mistress/and 4/263 to thy place/and 66/263
Mat_10:13.......peace/return to you/And..... 252/263
Eze_16:55.......shall/return to your former/estate 207/263 to your own/land 195/263
Jer_30:24.........not/return until he hath/done 180/263
Jer_23:20.........not/return until he have/executed 175/263
Num_23:5.........said/Return unto Balak/and.. 25/263
Ecc_12:7........shall/return unto God/who... 136/263
Jer_3:1............he/return unto her/again. 155/263
Lev_27:24.......shall/return unto him of/whom 21/263 unto him So/the. 98/263
Hos_12:14........LORD/return unto him When/Ephraim 237/263
Deu_20:6..........and/return unto his house lest he die in the battle and another man eat/of 33/263
Deu_20:7..........and/return unto his house lest he die in the battle and another man take/her 34/263
Deu_20:8..........and/return unto his house lest his/brethren's 35/263
Lev_25:41.......shall/return unto his own/family 19/263
Lev_25:28.......shall/return unto his possession And/if 18/263
Lev_25:27.........may/return unto his possession But/if 17/263
Mal_3:7..........them/Return unto me and I/will 247/263
Jer_4:1..........LORD/return unto me and if/thou 160/263
Isa_44:22........sins/return unto me for/I.. 149/263
Isa_55:11.........not/return unto me void/but 153/263
Jer_24:7........shall/return unto me with/their 176/263
Exo_4:18..........and/return unto my brethren/which 10/263
Luk_11:24........will/return unto my house/whence 256/263
Num_32:18.........not/return unto our/houses. 26/263
Psa_94:15.......shall/return unto righteousness/and 127/263
Mic_5:3.........shall/return unto the children/of 245/263
Gen_3:19.........thou/return unto the ground/for 1/263 unto the land of Judah/And 46/263
Gen_31:3........Jacob/Return unto the land of thy fathers/and 7/263
Gen_31:13.........and/return unto the land of thy kindred/And 8/263
Jos_1:15........shall/return unto the land of your/possession 39/263
Isa_55:7..........him/return unto the LORD and/he 152/263 unto the LORD for/he 229/263
Deu_30:2........shalt/return unto the LORD thy God and/shalt 36/263
Hos_14:1.......israel/return unto the LORD thy God for/thou 238/263 unto the LORD with/all 54/263
Gen_18:10...certainly/return unto thee according to the time of life and lo/Sarah 5/263
Gen_18:14........will/return unto thee according to the time of life and Sarah/shall 6/263
Jer_15:19........them/return unto thee but/return 167/263 unto thee with/all 75/263 unto thy country/and 9/263 unto thy rest/O 129/263
Neh_4:12........shall/return unto us/they... 100/263
Mal_3:7..........will/return unto you/saith. 248/263
Pro_26:27........will/return upon him/A..... 131/263
Psa_7:16........shall/return upon his own head and his/violent 119/263
Est_9:25.......should/return upon his own head and that/he 103/263
1Ki_2:33....therefore/return upon the/head... 73/263
Oba_1:15........shall/return upon thine/own. 243/263
1Sa_7:17..........his/return was/to.......... 55/263 we/beseech..... 124/263
Jer_8:4...........not/return Why/then....... 162/263
Mal_3:7............we/return Will/a......... 249/263
Jos_22:8.......saying/Return with much/riches 42/263
1Sa_15:26.........not/return with thee for/thou 57/263
1Ki_13:16.........not/return with thee nor/go 78/263
Rut_1:10.........will/return with thee unto/thy 48/263 ye and/get...... 41/263
Jer_3:22..........God/Return ye backsliding/children 158/263
Psa_90:3.......sayest/Return ye children/of. 125/263
Jer_35:15......saying/Return ye now every man/from 189/263 ye now every one/from 169/263
Joe_3:7..........will/return your recompence upon your own head And/I 242/263
Joe_3:4.............I/return your recompence upon your own head Because/ye 241/263
2Sa_23:10......people/returned after/him..... 87/184
Act_14:21........they/returned again to/Lystra 179/184
Gal_1:17..........and/returned again unto/Damascus 182/184
Luk_10:17.....seventy/returned again with/joy 166/184
Neh_4:15...........we/returned all/of....... 122/184
2Sa_3:16...........he/returned And Abner/had. 72/184 and afterward/may 34/184
Luk_23:48.........and/returned And all his/acquaintance 169/184
Jos_10:38......Joshua/returned and all Israel with him to/Debir 43/184
Jos_10:43......Joshua/returned and all Israel with him unto the camp to Gilgal And/it 44/184
Jos_10:15......Joshua/returned and all Israel with him unto the camp to Gilgal But/these 41/184
1Sa_27:9..........and/returned and came to Achish/And 68/184
Gen_14:7.........they/returned and came to Enmishpat/which 4/184
2Sa_19:15........king/returned and came to Jordan/And 84/184
1Sa_1:19..........and/returned and came to their/house 57/184
Ecc_4:1.............I/returned and considered/all 128/184
Jdg_2:19.........they/returned and corrupted/themselves 47/184
Exo_14:28......waters/returned and covered/the 23/184
Neh_9:28.........they/returned and cried/unto 123/184
Jos_22:9.....Manasseh/returned and departed/from 45/184 and descended/from 36/184
Isa_37:37.........and/returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 132/184
2Ki_19:36.........and/returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 101/184
Psa_78:34........they/returned and enquired/early 127/184
Isa_37:8....Rabshakeh/returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And he/heard 131/184
2Ki_19:8....Rabshakeh/returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And when/he 100/184
Ecc_4:7.............I/returned and I/saw.... 129/184
Num_14:36.........who/returned and made/all.. 29/184
Luk_23:56........they/returned and prepared/spices 170/184
Rut_1:22........Naomi/returned and Ruth/the.. 55/184
Zec_1:6..........they/returned and said/Like 151/184
Ecc_9:11............I/returned and saw/under 130/184
Jos_2:22.........were/returned and the pursuers/sought 35/184 And the rulers/knew 121/184
Act_5:22.........they/returned and told Saying/The 175/184
2Ki_7:15...messengers/returned and told the/king 96/184
2Ki_4:35...........he/returned and walked/in. 94/184
Jer_41:14.........and/returned and went/unto 137/184 and wept/before 33/184
Ezr_5:5..........they/returned answer by/letter 119/184
Jdg_5:29..........she/returned answer to/herself 48/184
Eze_1:14..........and/returned as/the....... 139/184
Luk_8:37..........and/returned back again/Now 163/184
1Ki_19:21..........he/returned back from/him. 91/184
Eze_47:7..........had/returned behold/at.... 141/184
Heb_11:15........have/returned But/now...... 183/184
2Ch_20:27........they/returned every man of/Judah 110/184
2Ch_31:1.......Israel/returned every man to/his 115/184
1Sa_6:17..Philistines/returned for a/trespass 59/184
Zec_7:14..........nor/returned for they/laid 153/184
Jer_43:5.........were/returned from all/nations 138/184
Jdg_8:13........Joash/returned from battle/before 51/184
1Sa_17:53......Israel/returned from chasing/after 61/184
2Sa_2:30.........Joab/returned from following Abner/and 71/184
1Sa_24:1..........was/returned from following the/Philistines 65/184
2Ch_11:4..........and/returned from going/against 106/184
Act_12:25........Saul/returned from Jerusalem/when 177/184
Luk_4:1.........Ghost/returned from Jordan/and 161/184
Gen_8:3........waters/returned from off/the... 1/184
1Sa_23:28........Saul/returned from pursuing after David/and 64/184
2Sa_18:16......people/returned from pursuing after Israel/for 83/184
1Sa_17:15.........and/returned from Saul/to.. 60/184
Num_13:25........they/returned from searching/of 28/184
2Sa_8:13...........he/returned from smiting/of 75/184
2Sa_10:14........Joab/returned from the children of Ammon/and 76/184
Jos_22:32.....princes/returned from the children of Reuben/and 46/184
Luk_24:9..........And/returned from the sepulchre/and 171/184
2Sa_1:1...........was/returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites/and 69/184
1Sa_17:57.......David/returned from the slaughter of the Philistine Abner/took 62/184
1Sa_18:6..........was/returned from the slaughter of the Philistine that/the 63/184
Luk_2:20....shepherds/returned glorifying/and 158/184
Luk_19:15.........was/returned having/received 168/184
Mar_14:40..........he/returned he/found..... 156/184
Act_21:6.........they/returned home again/And 180/184
2Ch_25:10........they/returned home in/great 112/184
Gen_43:18.........was/returned in our/sacks.. 16/184
Luk_4:14........Jesus/returned in the/power. 162/184
Gen_50:14......Joseph/returned into Egypt/he. 18/184
Luk_2:39.........they/returned into Galilee/to 159/184
Psa_35:13......prayer/returned into mine/own 126/184
Jos_6:14..........and/returned into the camp/so 38/184
Mat_21:18..........he/returned into the city/he 155/184
Jdg_7:15..........and/returned into the host/of 50/184
Gen_21:32........they/returned into the land/of 6/184
Est_2:14..........she/returned into the second/house 124/184
Gen_8:12........which/returned not again/unto. 3/184
Jer_3:7...........she/returned not And/her.. 134/184
1Ki_13:10.........and/returned not by/the.... 89/184
2Sa_1:22.........Saul/returned not empty/Saul 70/184
1Ki_13:33....Jeroboam/returned not from/his.. 90/184
Jdg_7:3.........there/returned of/the........ 49/184
Jer_40:12........Jews/returned out of all/places 136/184
2Ch_10:2.....Jeroboam/returned out of Egypt/And 105/184
Rut_1:22........which/returned out of the country/of 56/184
2Ki_8:3.........woman/returned out of the land/of 97/184
Est_7:8..........king/returned out of the palace/garden 125/184
2Sa_17:3..........all/returned so/all........ 81/184
Isa_38:8..........sun/returned ten/degrees.. 133/184
Gen_33:16........Esau/returned that/day...... 10/184
Hos_6:11............I/returned the captivity/of 145/184
Luk_2:43.........they/returned the child/Jesus 160/184
Luk_8:40..........was/returned the people/gladly 164/184
1Sa_25:39........hath/returned the wickedness/of 66/184
Exo_19:8........Moses/returned the words/of.. 24/184
Act_1:12.........Then/returned they/unto.... 174/184
Gen_43:10.........had/returned this/second... 15/184
2Ch_22:6...........he/returned to be healed in Jezreel because/of 111/184
2Ki_9:15..........was/returned to be healed in Jezreel of/the 98/184
1Ch_16:43.......David/returned to bless his house/Now 103/184
2Sa_6:20........David/returned to bless his household/And 74/184
1Ki_12:24.........and/returned to depart/according 88/184
1Sa_6:16.........they/returned to Ekron/the.. 58/184
Luk_17:18........that/returned to give/glory 167/184
2Sa_3:27..........was/returned to Hebron/Joab 73/184
Luk_1:56..........and/returned to her/own... 157/184
2Ch_19:1........Judah/returned to his house/in 108/184
2Sa_14:24.....Absalom/returned to his own/house 79/184
Num_24:25.........and/returned to his place and Balak/also 32/184
1Sa_26:25........Saul/returned to his place And David/said 67/184
Exo_14:27.........sea/returned to his strength/when 22/184
Gen_32:6...messengers/returned to Jacob/saying 9/184
Luk_24:33.........and/returned to Jerusalem and found/the 172/184
2Ch_19:8.........they/returned to Jerusalem And he/charged 109/184
2Sa_17:20........they/returned to Jerusalem And it came to pass after they/were 82/184
1Ch_20:3.......people/returned to Jerusalem And it came to pass after this/that 104/184
Act_8:25.........Lord/returned to Jerusalem and preached/the 176/184
2Ki_23:20.........and/returned to Jerusalem And the king/commanded 102/184
2Ch_14:15.........and/returned to Jerusalem And the Spirit/of 107/184
2Ch_34:9.........they/returned to Jerusalem And they/put 118/184
Act_13:13........them/returned to Jerusalem But/when 178/184
2Ch_34:7...........he/returned to Jerusalem Now/in 117/184
2Sa_20:22........Joab/returned to Jerusalem unto/the 86/184
Luk_24:52.........and/returned to Jerusalem with great/joy 173/184 to Jerusalem with mercies/my 152/184
Exo_4:18..........and/returned to Jethro/his. 19/184
Jos_7:3..........they/returned to Joshua/and. 39/184
Gen_38:22..........he/returned to Judah/and.. 13/184
Eze_8:17.........have/returned to provoke/me 140/184
2Ch_25:24.........and/returned to Samaria And/Amaziah 113/184
2Ch_28:15........they/returned to Samaria At/that 114/184
2Ki_2:25...........he/returned to Samaria Now Jehoram/the 92/184
2Ki_14:14.........and/returned to Samaria Now the/rest 99/184
Jdg_14:8...........he/returned to take/her... 53/184
Jos_10:21......people/returned to the camp/to 42/184
Act_23:32.........and/returned to the castle/Who 181/184
Gen_44:13.........and/returned to the city/And 17/184
Exo_4:20...........he/returned to the land/of 20/184
2Ki_5:15...........he/returned to the man/of. 95/184
2Ki_3:27..........and/returned to their/own.. 93/184
Gen_42:24.........and/returned to them/again. 14/184
Luk_9:10.........were/returned told/him..... 165/184
Jos_8:24...Israelites/returned unto Ai/and... 40/184
Jdg_11:39.........she/returned unto her father/who 52/184 unto her father's/house 27/184
2Sa_11:4..........she/returned unto her house/And 77/184
Num_23:6...........he/returned unto him and lo/he 31/184
Exo_34:31congregation/returned unto him and Moses/talked 26/184
Gen_8:9...........she/returned unto him into/the 2/184
Gen_37:30..........he/returned unto his brethren/and 12/184
2Sa_19:39..........he/returned unto his own/place 85/184
Gen_31:55.........and/returned unto his place And Jacob/went 8/184
Gen_18:33.....Abraham/returned unto his place And there/came 5/184
Gen_22:19.....Abraham/returned unto his young/men 7/184
2Sa_12:31......people/returned unto Jerusalem/And 78/184
Dan_4:36.......reason/returned unto me and for/the 143/184
Dan_4:34understanding/returned unto me and I/blessed 142/184
Dan_4:36...brightness/returned unto me and my/counsellors 144/184
Amo_4:6...........not/returned unto me saith the LORD And/also 146/184
Amo_4:10..........not/returned unto me saith the LORD I have overthrown/some 149/184
Amo_4:9...........not/returned unto me saith the LORD I have sent/among 148/184
Amo_4:8...........not/returned unto me saith the LORD I have smitten/you 147/184
Amo_4:11..........not/returned unto me saith the LORD Therefore/thus 150/184
Num_16:50.......Aaron/returned unto Moses/unto 30/184
Exo_5:22........Moses/returned unto the LORD and said LORD/wherefore 21/184
Exo_32:31.......Moses/returned unto the LORD and said Oh/this 25/184
Gen_37:29......Reuben/returned unto the pit/and 11/184 unto the Shepherd/and 184/184
Jdg_21:23.........and/returned unto their inheritance/and 54/184
Jos_4:18.......Jordan/returned unto their place/and 37/184 unto Zion/and 154/184
2Sa_16:8.........hath/returned upon/thee..... 80/184
Ezr_5:11.........they/returned us/answer.... 120/184
2Ch_32:21..........he/returned with shame/of 116/184
Jer_14:3.........they/returned with their/vessels 135/184
Ecc_1:6..........wind/returneth again/according. 4/7
Eze_35:7.........that/returneth And I/will...... 6/7
Zec_9:8..........that/returneth and no/oppressor 7/7
Isa_55:10.........and/returneth not/thither..... 5/7
Psa_146:4..........he/returneth to his earth/in. 1/7
Pro_26:11........fool/returneth to his folly/Seest 3/7 to his vomit/so. 2/7
Isa_30:15..........In/returning and rest/shall.. 1/4
Act_8:28..........Was/returning and sitting/in.. 3/4
Heb_7:1.......Abraham/returning from/the........ 4/4
Luk_7:10.........sent/returning to/the.......... 2/4