2Ki_20:20....a/pool and a/conduit....... 7/22
2Sa_2:13...the/pool And Abner/said...... 3/22
2Sa_2:13...the/pool and the other/on.... 2/22
Isa_35:7.....a/pool and the thirsty/land 14/22
Joh_5:4....the/pool and troubled/the... 19/22
Isa_22:9.lower/pool And ye/have........ 12/22
Neh_2:14king's/pool but there/was....... 8/22
Joh_5:7....the/pool but while/I........ 20/22
Isa_22:11..old/pool but ye/have........ 13/22
2Sa_4:12...the/pool in Hebron/But....... 4/22
Isa_7:3..upper/pool in the highway of the fuller's field And/say 11/22
Isa_36:2.upper/pool in the highway of the fuller's field Then/came 15/22
2Sa_2:13...the/pool of Gibeon/and....... 1/22
1Ki_22:38..the/pool of Samaria/and...... 5/22
Neh_3:15...the/pool of Siloah/by........ 9/22
Joh_9:11...the/pool of Siloam and/wash. 22/22
Joh_9:7....the/pool of Siloam which/is. 21/22
Isa_41:18....a/pool of water and/the... 16/22
Nah_2:8......a/pool of water yet/they.. 17/22
Neh_3:16...the/pool that/was........... 10/22
Joh_5:2......a/pool which is called/in. 18/22
2Ki_18:17upper/pool which is in/the..... 6/22
Isa_42:15..the/pools And/I............... 5/5
Isa_14:23..and/pools of water and/I...... 4/5
Exo_7:19.their/pools of water that/they.. 1/5
Ecc_2:6.....me/pools of water to/water... 3/5
Psa_84:6...the/pools They/go............. 2/5
