1Ch_1:2.Enosh/Kenan/Mahalaleel.......... 1/1
1Ch_2:23.with/Kenath and the towns/thereof 2/2
Num_32:42took/Kenath and the villages/thereof 1/2
1Ch_4:15.even/Kenaz And the/sons...... 11/11
1Ch_1:36Gatam/Kenaz and Timna and/Amalek 8/11
Gen_36:11.and/Kenaz And Timna was/concubine 1/11
Jdg_3:9....of/Kenaz Caleb's younger brother And/the 6/11
Jdg_1:13...of/Kenaz Caleb's younger brother took/it 5/11
Jdg_3:11...of/Kenaz died/And........... 7/11
Gen_36:15duke/Kenaz Duke Korah/duke.... 2/11
1Ch_1:53.Duke/Kenaz duke Teman duke Mibzar Duke Magdiel duke Iram These are/the 9/11
Gen_36:42Duke/Kenaz duke Teman duke Mibzar Duke Magdiel duke Iram these be/the 3/11
1Ch_4:13...of/Kenaz Othniel/and....... 10/11
Jos_15:17..of/Kenaz the/brother........ 4/11
