Est_8:17.........a/feast and a/good....... 67/123
2Sa_3:20.........a/feast And Abner/said... 41/123
1Ki_8:65.........a/feast and all/Israel... 44/123
Gen_19:3.........a/feast and did/bake...... 1/123
Jdg_14:12......the/feast and find/it...... 36/123
Est_2:18..Esther's/feast and he/made...... 66/123
Gen_29:22........a/feast And it/came....... 4/123
Joh_7:11.......the/feast and said/Where.. 110/123
Joh_2:8........the/feast And they bare/it. 98/123
Luk_23:17......the/feast And they cried/out 97/123
Gen_26:30........a/feast and they did/eat.. 3/123
Luk_2:42.......the/feast And when/they.... 93/123
1Co_10:27........a/feast and ye/be....... 121/123
Pro_15:15continual/feast Better/is........ 69/123
Exo_12:14........a/feast by/an............. 9/123
Luk_14:13........a/feast call/the......... 95/123
Joh_2:9........the/feast called/the...... 100/123
Psa_81:3....solemn/feast day For/this..... 68/123
Mat_26:5.......the/feast day lest there be an uproar among/the 86/123
Mar_14:2.......the/feast day lest there be an uproar of/the 90/123
Joh_2:23.......the/feast day many/believed 101/123
Amo_5:21......your/feast days and/I....... 81/123
Hos_2:11.......her/feast days her/new..... 78/123
Joh_7:8.......this/feast for my/time..... 108/123
Jdg_14:10........a/feast for so/used...... 35/123
Est_1:9..........a/feast for the/women.... 64/123
Joh_4:45.......the/feast for they/also... 102/123
Joh_2:9........the/feast had/tasted....... 99/123
Mar_15:6......that/feast he released/unto. 91/123
Eze_45:23......the/feast he shall/prepare. 75/123
Joh_7:8.......this/feast I go/not........ 107/123
Hos_12:9....solemn/feast I have/also...... 80/123
1Sa_25:36........a/feast in his house/like 39/123
Luk_5:29.....great/feast in his own/house. 94/123
1Ki_12:32........a/feast in the eighth/month 45/123
1Ki_8:2........the/feast in the month/Ethanim 43/123
Ecc_10:19........A/feast is/made.......... 70/123
Joh_7:37.......the/feast Jesus stood/and. 112/123
Joh_7:14.......the/feast Jesus went/up... 111/123
Jdg_14:17....their/feast lasted/and....... 37/123
Joh_7:10.......the/feast not openly/but.. 109/123
1Co_5:8........the/feast not with/old.... 120/123
Joh_11:56......the/feast Now/both........ 114/123
1Sa_25:36......the/feast of a/king........ 40/123
Isa_25:6.........a/feast of fat/things.... 71/123
Exo_23:16......the/feast of harvest/the... 14/123
Exo_34:22......the/feast of ingathering at/the 19/123
Exo_23:16......the/feast of ingathering which/is 15/123
Eze_45:21........a/feast of seven/days.... 74/123
2Ch_8:13.......the/feast of tabernacles And he/appointed 53/123
Zec_14:16......the/feast of tabernacles And it/shall 82/123
Deu_16:16......the/feast of tabernacles and they/shall 33/123
Ezr_3:4........the/feast of tabernacles as/it 58/123
Lev_23:34......the/feast of tabernacles for/seven 22/123
Zec_14:19......the/feast of tabernacles In/that 84/123
Deu_16:13......the/feast of tabernacles seven/days 28/123
Zec_14:18......the/feast of tabernacles This/shall 83/123
Joh_7:2......Jew's/feast of tabernacles was/at 106/123
Deu_31:10......the/feast of tabernacles When/all 34/123
Joh_10:22......the/feast of the dedication/and 113/123
Joh_5:1..........a/feast of the Jews and/Jesus 104/123
Joh_6:4..........a/feast of the Jews was/nigh 105/123
Hos_9:5........the/feast of the LORD For/lo 79/123
Jdg_21:19........a/feast of the LORD in/Shiloh 38/123
Mar_14:1.......the/feast of the passover and of/unleavened 89/123
Mat_26:2.......the/feast of the passover and the/Son 85/123
Luk_2:41.......the/feast of the passover And when/he 92/123
Exo_34:25......the/feast of the passover be/left 20/123
Joh_13:1.......the/feast of the passover when/Jesus 117/123
Eze_45:25......the/feast of the seven/days 76/123
Neh_8:14.......the/feast of the seventh/month 60/123
2Ch_8:13.......the/feast of unleavened bread and in the feast of weeks and in the feast of tabernacles And he/appointed 51/123
Deu_16:16......the/feast of unleavened bread and in the feast of weeks and in the feast of tabernacles and they/shall 31/123
Luk_22:1.......the/feast of unleavened bread drew/nigh 96/123
Exo_12:17......the/feast of unleavened bread for/in 10/123
2Ch_30:13......the/feast of unleavened bread in/the 54/123
2Ch_35:17......the/feast of unleavened bread seven days And/there 57/123
2Ch_30:21......the/feast of unleavened bread seven days with great/gladness 55/123
Ezr_6:22.......the/feast of unleavened bread seven days with joy/for 59/123
Exo_34:18......The/feast of unleavened bread shalt/thou 17/123
Mat_26:17......the/feast of unleavened bread the/disciples 87/123
Exo_23:15......the/feast of unleavened bread thou/shalt 13/123
Lev_23:6.......the/feast of unleavened bread unto/the 21/123
2Ch_8:13.......the/feast of weeks and in the feast of tabernacles And he/appointed 52/123
Deu_16:16......the/feast of weeks and in the feast of tabernacles and they/shall 32/123
Exo_34:22......the/feast of weeks of/the.. 18/123
Deu_16:10......the/feast of weeks unto/the 27/123
Isa_25:6.........a/feast of wines/on...... 72/123
Joh_13:29......the/feast or/that......... 118/123
2Ch_7:8........the/feast seven days and all/Israel 49/123
Neh_8:18.......the/feast seven days and on the eighth/day 61/123
2Ch_7:9........the/feast seven days And on the three/and 50/123
2Ch_30:22......the/feast seven days offering/peace 56/123
Num_28:17......the/feast seven days shall/unleavened 25/123
Joh_4:45.......the/feast So/Jesus........ 103/123
Act_18:21.....this/feast that cometh/in.. 119/123
1Ki_12:32......the/feast that is/in....... 46/123
Mat_27:15.....that/feast the governor/was. 88/123
Lam_2:7.....solemn/feast The LORD/hath.... 73/123
Joh_12:20......the/feast The same came/therefore 116/123
Gen_21:8.....great/feast the same day/that. 2/123
Deu_16:14......thy/feast thou/and......... 29/123
Dan_5:1......great/feast to a/thousand.... 77/123
1Ki_3:15.........a/feast to all/his....... 42/123
Exo_32:5.........a/feast to the LORD And/they 16/123
Exo_12:14........a/feast to the LORD throughout/your 8/123
Exo_13:6.........a/feast to the LORD Unleavened/bread 11/123
Est_2:18.....great/feast unto all his princes and his servants even/Esther's 65/123
Est_1:3..........a/feast unto all his princes and his servants the/power 62/123
Gen_40:20........a/feast unto all his servants/and 5/123
Est_1:5..........a/feast unto all the/people 63/123
Exo_5:1..........a/feast unto me in the wilderness/And 6/123
Exo_23:14........a/feast unto me in the year/Thou 12/123
1Ki_12:33........a/feast unto the children/of 47/123
Exo_10:9.........a/feast unto the LORD And/he 7/123
Num_29:12........a/feast unto the LORD seven days And/ye 26/123
Lev_23:41........a/feast unto the LORD seven days in/the 24/123
Lev_23:39........a/feast unto the LORD seven days on/the 23/123
Deu_16:15...solemn/feast unto the LORD thy/God 30/123
Joh_12:12......the/feast when/they....... 115/123
2Ch_5:3........the/feast which/was........ 48/123
Jud_1:12......they/feast with you feeding/themselves 123/123
2Pe_2:13......they/feast with you Having/eyes 122/123
Job_1:4........and/feasted/in................ 1/1
Est_9:19.......and/feasting and a/good....... 3/7
Est_9:17........of/feasting and gladness But/the 1/7
Est_9:18........of/feasting and gladness Therefore/the 2/7
Est_9:22........of/feasting and joy/and...... 4/7
Ecc_7:2.........of/feasting for/that......... 6/7
Jer_16:8........of/feasting to/sit........... 7/7
Job_1:5......their/feasting were/gone........ 5/7
Lam_1:4.....solemn/feasts all/her.......... 18/32
Neh_10:33......set/feasts and for/the...... 13/32
Hos_2:11....solemn/feasts And I will destroy/her 24/32
Jer_51:39....their/feasts and I will make/them 17/32
Eze_45:17......the/feasts and in the new/moons 21/32
Eze_46:11......the/feasts and in the solemnities/the 23/32
Mal_2:3.....solemn/feasts and one/shall.... 28/32
Lam_2:6.....solemn/feasts and sabbaths/to.. 19/32 and the/chief.... 29/32
2Ch_31:3.......set/feasts as/it............ 11/32
Num_29:39......set/feasts beside/your....... 7/32
Isa_5:12.....their/feasts but/they......... 16/32
1Ch_23:31......set/feasts by/number......... 8/32
Eze_46:9....solemn/feasts he/that.......... 22/32
Amo_8:10......your/feasts into/mourning.... 25/32
Isa_1:14.appointed/feasts my/soul.......... 15/32
Jud_1:12......your/feasts of charity/when.. 32/32
Lev_23:44......the/feasts of the LORD And/the 5/32
Lev_23:4.......the/feasts of the LORD even/holy 3/32
2Ch_2:4.....solemn/feasts of the LORD our/God 9/32
Ezr_3:5........set/feasts of the LORD that/were 12/32
Lev_23:2.......the/feasts of the LORD which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations even/these 1/32
Lev_23:37......the/feasts of the LORD which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations to/offer 4/32
Nah_1:15....solemn/feasts perform/thy...... 26/32 Six/days.......... 2/32
Eze_36:38...solemn/feasts so/shall......... 20/32
Zec_8:19..cheerful/feasts therefore/love... 27/32 they/gnashed..... 14/32
2Ch_8:13....solemn/feasts three/times...... 10/32
Num_15:3....solemn/feasts to/make........... 6/32 Which devour widows' houses and for a pretence/make 30/32 Which devour widows' houses and for a shew/make 31/32
