Heb_10:34........a/better and an/enduring 111/117
Heb_7:7........the/better And here/men... 105/117
Luk_5:39........is/better And it/came..... 92/117
1Co_11:17......the/better but/for........ 100/117
Heb_11:16........a/better country/that... 112/117
Heb_8:6..........a/better covenant/which. 108/117
Ecc_2:24...nothing/better for a/man....... 49/117
Luk_17:2......were/better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast/into 94/117
Mar_9:42........is/better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were/cast 88/117
Mat_18:6......were/better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that/he 85/117
1Sa_27:1...nothing/better for me than/that 12/117
1Co_9:15......were/better for me to die than that/any 99/117
Jon_4:8.........is/better for me to die than to live And/God 81/117
Jon_4:3.........is/better for me to die than to live Then/said 80/117
Jdg_18:19.......it/better for thee to be/a. 7/117
Mar_9:45........is/better for thee to enter halt/into 90/117
Mat_18:8........is/better for thee to enter into life halt/or 86/117
Mar_9:43........is/better for thee to enter into life maimed/than 89/117
Mat_18:9........is/better for thee to enter into life with/one 87/117
Mar_9:47........is/better for thee to enter into the/kingdom 91/117
2Pe_2:21......been/better for them/not... 117/117
Num_14:3.......not/better for us to return/into 3/117
Exo_14:12.....been/better for us to serve/the 2/117
Ecc_6:11.......the/better For who/knoweth. 58/117
Jdg_9:2.........is/better for you/either... 5/117
Heb_7:19.........a/better hope/did....... 106/117
1Pe_3:17........is/better if/the......... 116/117
Pro_15:17therewith/Better is a dinner/of.. 34/117
Pro_17:1......LORD/Better is a dry/morsel. 39/117
Pro_16:8.......him/Better is a little/with 35/117
Pro_27:10......for/better is a neighbour/that 47/117
Ecc_4:13....broken/Better is a poor/and... 54/117
Ecc_4:6......flesh/Better is an/handful... 52/117
Ecc_4:3........Yea/better is he/than...... 51/117
Ecc_5:5......vowed/Better is it that/thou. 55/117
Pro_16:16.....much/better is it to/get.... 36/117
Pro_15:16....feast/Better is little/with.. 33/117
Ecc_7:8......heart/Better is the end/of... 64/117
Pro_19:1...brother/Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity/than 40/117
Pro_28:6....things/Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness/than 48/117
Ecc_6:9.....living/Better is the sight/of. 57/117
Son_4:10......much/better is thy/love..... 73/117
Pro_25:7.......For/better it is that/it... 44/117
Pro_16:19.....fall/Better it is to/be..... 37/117
1Co_8:8........the/better neither/if...... 98/117
Php_1:23.......far/better Nevertheless/to 101/117
Heb_8:6.......upon/better promises/For... 109/117
Heb_11:35........a/better resurrection/And 113/117
Heb_9:23......with/better sacrifices/than 110/117
Heb_7:22.........a/better testament/And.. 107/117
Ecc_9:4.........is/better than a dead/lion 68/117
Pro_19:22.......is/better than a liar/The. 41/117
Mat_12:12......man/better than a sheep/Wherefore 84/117
Psa_84:10.......is/better than a thousand/I 25/117
Dan_1:20.....times/better than all the magicians/and 77/117
2Ki_5:12..Damascus/better than all the waters/of 19/117
Psa_69:31.....LORD/better than an/ox...... 24/117
Jdg_11:25....thing/better than Balak/the... 6/117
Pro_8:19........is/better than gold/yea... 31/117
1Ki_2:32.......and/better than he and/slew 16/117
Ecc_6:3.........is/better than he For/he.. 56/117
Pro_12:9........is/better than he that/honoureth 32/117
Ecc_7:3.........is/better than laughter/for 61/117
Psa_63:3........is/better than life/my.... 23/117
1Ki_19:4.......not/better than my/fathers. 17/117
Isa_56:5......name/better than of/sons.... 74/117
Ecc_4:9........are/better than one/because 53/117
Nah_3:8.......thou/better than populous/No 82/117
Ecc_7:1.........is/better than precious/ointment 59/117
Pro_8:11........is/better than rubies/and. 30/117
1Sa_15:22.......is/better than sacrifice/and 10/117
Pro_27:5........is/better than secret/love 46/117
Est_1:19........is/better than she/And.... 21/117
Ecc_9:16........is/better than strength/nevertheless 69/117
Ecc_3:22...nothing/better than that/a..... 50/117
Heb_1:4.......much/better than the angels/as 103/117
2Sa_17:14.......is/better than the counsel/of 13/117
Luk_12:24.......ye/better than the fowls/And 93/117
Pro_3:14........is/better than the merchandise/of 29/117
Pro_16:32.......is/better than the mighty/and 38/117
Ecc_7:8.........is/better than the proud/in 65/117
Psa_37:16.......is/better than the riches/of 22/117
Jdg_8:2....Ephraim/better than the vintage/of 4/117
Php_2:3......other/better than themselves/Look 102/117
Ecc_7:10......were/better than these for/thou 66/117
Amo_6:2.......they/better than these kingdoms/or 79/117
Rom_3:9.........we/better than they No/in. 95/117
Lam_4:9........are/better than they that/be 75/117
Mat_6:26......much/better than they Which/of 83/117
1Sa_15:28.......is/better than thou/And... 11/117
1Ki_1:47...Solomon/better than thy/name... 15/117
2Ch_21:13.....were/better than thyself/Behold 20/117
Ecc_9:18........is/better than weapons/of. 70/117
Son_1:2.........is/better than wine/Because 72/117
Gen_29:19.......is/better that I/give...... 1/117
2Sa_18:3........is/better that thou/succour 14/117
Ecc_7:3.......made/better The heart/of.... 62/117
1Co_7:38.....doeth/better The wife/is..... 97/117
Ecc_10:11.......no/better The words/of.... 71/117
Heb_11:40.....some/better thing for/us... 114/117
Ecc_8:15........no/better thing under/the. 67/117
Heb_6:9..persuaded/better things of/you.. 104/117
Heb_12:24.speaketh/better things that/that 115/117
Pro_21:9........is/better to dwell in a/corner 42/117
Pro_25:24.......is/better to dwell in the corner/of 45/117
Pro_21:19.......is/better to dwell in the wilderness/than 43/117
Ecc_7:2.........is/better to go/to........ 60/117
Ecc_7:5.........is/better to hear/the..... 63/117
1Co_7:9.........is/better to marry/than... 96/117
Rut_4:15........is/better to thee than seven/sons 8/117
1Sa_1:8..........I/better to thee than ten/sons 9/117
Psa_118:8.......is/better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man/It 26/117
Psa_118:9.......is/better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes/All 27/117
Psa_119:72......is/better unto me/than.... 28/117
Eze_36:11.......do/better unto you/than... 76/117
1Ki_21:2.........a/better vineyard/than... 18/117
Hos_2:7.........it/better with/me......... 78/117
Mar_5:26...nothing/bettered/but.............. 1/1
