1Sa_30:30...in/Athach/And................ 1/1
Neh_11:4.Judah/Athaiah/the............... 1/1
1Ch_8:26...and/Athaliah And Jaresiah/and 8/17
Ezr_8:7.....of/Athaliah and with/him... 17/17
2Ki_11:3...And/Athaliah did/reign....... 4/17
2Ki_11:13.when/Athaliah heard the noise of the guard/and 5/17
2Ch_23:12.when/Athaliah heard the noise of the people/running 13/17
2Ch_22:12..and/Athaliah reigned/over... 12/17
2Ki_11:14..and/Athaliah rent her clothes and cried/Treason 6/17
2Ch_23:13.Then/Athaliah rent her clothes and said/Treason 14/17
2Ki_11:2..from/Athaliah so that he/was.. 3/17
2Ch_22:11.from/Athaliah so that she/slew 11/17
2Ch_24:7....of/Athaliah that/wicked.... 16/17
2Ch_22:2...was/Athaliah the daughter of Omri He/also 9/17
2Ki_8:26...was/Athaliah the daughter of Omri king/of 1/17
2Ki_11:1..when/Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead she arose and destroyed all the seed royal But/Jehosheba 2/17
2Ch_22:10.when/Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead she arose and destroyed all the seed royal of/the 10/17
2Ki_11:20.slew/Athaliah with the sword beside/the 7/17
2Ch_23:21slain/Athaliah with the sword Joash/was 15/17
