Gen_19:4.......and/young all/the........... 5/300
Deu_28:50......the/young And he/shall..... 63/300
Psa_37:25.....been/young and now/am...... 174/300
Jos_6:21.....woman/young and old and/ox... 67/300
Isa_30:6.......the/young and old lion/the 202/300
Est_3:13......both/young and old little/children 158/300
Isa_20:4..captives/young and old naked/and 200/300 and tender and the house/that 145/300
1Ch_29:1.......yet/young and tender and the work/is 146/300
2Ch_13:7.......was/young and tenderhearted/and 150/300
Lam_2:21.......The/young and the old/lie. 227/300
Gen_31:38....their/young and the rams/of... 9/300
1Sa_1:24.......was/young And they/slew.... 88/300
Eze_31:6.....their/young and under/his... 244/300
Exo_10:9.......our/young and with our/old. 13/300
Jer_51:22......and/young and with thee/will 222/300 and ye/are...... 164/300
Gen_33:13.....with/young are/with......... 10/300
Joh_12:14........a/young ass/sat......... 285/300
Isa_30:6........of/young asses and/their. 203/300
Isa_30:24......the/young asses that/ear.. 204/300
Lev_22:28......her/young both in/one...... 31/300
Eze_9:6........and/young both maids/and.. 233/300
Eze_43:25........a/young bullock and a/ram 250/300
2Ch_13:9.........a/young bullock and seven/rams 151/300 bullock and two rams they/shall 32/300 bullock and two rams without/blemish 16/300
Jdg_6:25..father's/young bullock even/the. 69/300 bullock for a burnt/offering 50/300
Lev_16:3.........a/young bullock for a sin offering and a/ram 30/300
Eze_43:19........a/young bullock for a sin offering And thou/shalt 248/300
Lev_4:14.........a/young bullock for the/sin 20/300 bullock one ram and seven lambs of the first year they/shall 56/300 bullock one ram and seven lambs of the first year without/blemish 55/300
Num_7:63.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 42/300
Num_7:69.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 43/300
Num_7:81.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 45/300
Num_7:27.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 36/300
Num_7:45.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 39/300
Num_7:51.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 40/300
Num_7:33.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 37/300
Num_7:57.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 41/300
Num_7:15.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nahshon/the 34/300
Num_7:21.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 35/300
Num_7:75.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 44/300
Num_7:39.......One/young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 38/300
Num_8:8....another/young bullock shalt/thou 47/300
Num_8:8..........a/young bullock with/his. 46/300
Eze_43:23........a/young bullock without blemish and a/ram 249/300
Eze_45:18........a/young bullock without blemish and cleanse/the 251/300
Eze_46:6.........a/young bullock without blemish and six/lambs 252/300
Lev_4:3..........a/young bullock without blemish unto/the 19/300
Num_28:19......two/young bullocks and one ram and/seven 53/300
Num_28:11......two/young bullocks and one ram seven/lambs 52/300
Ezr_6:9.......both/young bullocks and rams/and 155/300
Num_28:27......two/young bullocks one/ram. 54/300
Num_29:13.thirteen/young bullocks two rams and/fourteen 57/300
Num_29:17...twelve/young bullocks two rams fourteen/lambs 58/300
Deu_22:6.......the/young But/thou......... 61/300
Lev_9:2..........a/young calf/for......... 23/300
Mat_2:21.......the/young child and his mother and came/into 275/300
Mat_2:13.......the/young child and his mother and flee/into 270/300
Mat_2:20.......the/young child and his mother and go/into 273/300
Mat_2:14.......the/young child and his mother by/night 272/300
Mat_2:8........the/young child and when/ye 267/300
Mat_2:13.......the/young child to/destroy 271/300
Mat_2:9........the/young child was/When.. 268/300
Mat_2:11.......the/young child with/Mary. 269/300
Nah_3:10.......her/young children also/were 262/300
Lam_4:4........the/young children ask/bread 230/300
Job_19:18......Yea/young children despised/me 162/300
Lam_2:19.......thy/young children that/faint 226/300
Mar_10:13..brought/young children to him/that 279/300
Act_7:19.....their/young children to the/end 290/300
Mat_2:20.......the/young child's/life.... 274/300
Isa_7:21.........a/young cow/and......... 195/300
Mar_7:25.....whose/young daughter/had.... 278/300
Est_8:10.......and/young dromedaries/Wherein 159/300
Pro_30:17......the/young eagles/shall.... 187/300
Psa_84:3.......her/young even/thine...... 178/300
Son_2:9..........a/young hart behold/he.. 189/300
Son_2:17.........a/young hart upon the mountains of Bether/By 190/300
Son_8:14.........a/young hart upon the mountains of spices/The 193/300
2Ch_34:3.......yet/young he began/to..... 152/300
Psa_78:71.....with/young he brought/him.. 177/300
Mic_5:8..........a/young lion among/the.. 259/300
Eze_19:5.........a/young lion And he/went 238/300
Eze_19:3.........a/young lion and it/learned 237/300
Eze_19:6.........a/young lion and learned/to 239/300
Psa_91:13......the/young lion and the dragon/shalt 179/300
Isa_11:6.......the/young lion and the fatling/together 197/300
Amo_3:4..........a/young lion cry/out.... 256/300
Num_23:24........a/young lion he/shall.... 51/300
Psa_17:12........a/young lion lurking/in. 171/300
Eze_32:2.........a/young lion of/the..... 245/300
Jdg_14:5.........a/young lion roared/against 73/300
Isa_31:4.......the/young lion roaring/on. 205/300
Hos_5:14.........a/young lion to/the..... 253/300
Eze_41:19........a/young lion toward/the. 247/300
Nah_2:13.......thy/young lions and I/will 261/300
Eze_19:2.....among/young lions And she/brought 236/300
Job_4:10.......the/young lions are/broken 161/300
Psa_34:10......The/young lions do/lack... 173/300
Zec_11:3........of/young lions for/the... 265/300
Psa_58:6.......the/young lions O/LORD.... 175/300
Psa_104:21.....The/young lions roar/after 180/300
Jer_2:15.......The/young lions roared/upon 210/300
Eze_38:13......the/young lions thereof/shall 246/300
Job_38:39......the/young lions When/they. 165/300
Nah_2:11.......the/young lions where/the. 260/300 lions yea/they.. 194/300
1Sa_9:11.....found/young maidens/going.... 92/300
2Sa_14:21......the/young man Absalom again/And 121/300
2Sa_18:12......the/young man Absalom Otherwise/I 124/300
2Sa_18:29......the/young man Absalom safe And Ahimaaz/answered 126/300
2Sa_18:32......the/young man Absalom safe And Cushi/answered 127/300
Act_20:12......the/young man alive/and... 293/300
Gen_41:12........a/young man an/Hebrew.... 12/300
1Sa_9:2.....choice/young man and a/goodly. 91/300
1Sa_17:58.....thou/young man And David/answered 95/300
Gen_18:7.........a/young man and he hasted/to 4/300
2Ki_6:17.......the/young man and he saw/and 140/300
Jer_51:22......the/young man and the maid/I 223/300
Deu_32:25......the/young man and the virgin/the 66/300
Num_11:27........a/young man and told/Moses 48/300
Jdg_17:12......the/young man became/his... 77/300
1Sa_20:22......the/young man Behold/the... 96/300
Psa_119:9........a/young man cleanse/his. 181/300
Gen_34:19......the/young man deferred/not. 11/300
Act_23:22......the/young man depart/and.. 296/300
Exo_33:11........a/young man departed/not. 17/300
2Ki_9:4........the/young man even the/young 142/300
2Sa_18:5.......the/young man even with/Absalom 123/300
Mar_14:51..certain/young man having/a.... 280/300
Mat_19:22......the/young man heard/that.. 277/300
Jdg_9:54.......the/young man his/armourbearer 71/300
Luk_7:14......said/Young man I/say....... 284/300
Ecc_11:9.........O/young man in/thy...... 188/300
2Sa_18:32.....that/young man is/And...... 128/300
Pro_1:4........the/young man knowledge/and 184/300
Isa_62:5.........a/young man marrieth/a.. 209/300
1Ch_12:28........a/young man mighty/of... 144/300
Act_20:9...certain/young man named/Eutychus 292/300
1Sa_30:13........a/young man of Egypt/servant 109/300
Jdg_8:14.........a/young man of the/men... 70/300
2Ch_36:17.....upon/young man or/maiden... 154/300
Jdg_17:7.........a/young man out/of....... 75/300
Mat_19:20......The/young man saith/unto.. 276/300
Zec_2:4.......this/young man saying/Jerusalem 263/300
Mar_16:5.........a/young man sitting/on.. 282/300
1Sa_14:1.......the/young man that bare his armour Come and let us go over to/the 93/300
1Sa_14:6.......the/young man that bare his armour Come and let us go over unto/the 94/300
1Ki_11:28......the/young man that he/was. 130/300
2Sa_13:34......the/young man that kept/the 120/300
2Sa_1:5........the/young man that told him How/knowest 111/300
2Sa_1:6........the/young man that told him said/As 112/300
2Sa_1:13.......the/young man that told him Whence/art 113/300
Jdg_18:3.......the/young man the Levite and/they 78/300
Jdg_18:15......the/young man the Levite even/unto 79/300
2Ki_9:4........the/young man the prophet/went 143/300
Jdg_9:54.......his/young man thrust/him... 72/300
Gen_4:23.........a/young man to/my......... 1/300
Act_23:17.....this/young man unto the/chief 294/300
Act_23:18.....this/young man unto thee/who 295/300
Pro_7:7..........a/young man void/of..... 185/300
Jdg_17:11......the/young man was/unto..... 76/300
Jdg_19:19......the/young man which/is..... 80/300
Act_7:58.........a/young man's/feet...... 291/300
Jer_15:8.......the/young men a/spoiler... 214/300
Gen_22:5.......his/young men Abide/ye...... 7/300
1Sa_25:5.......ten/young men and David/said 99/300
Psa_148:12....Both/young men and maidens/old 183/300
Jer_31:13.....both/young men and old/together 217/300
2Ki_4:22.......the/young men and one/of.. 138/300
2Sa_1:15.......the/young men and said/Go. 114/300
2Sa_2:21.......the/young men and take/thee 116/300
Psa_78:63....their/young men and their/maidens 176/300
Job_1:19.......the/young men and they are/dead 160/300
Gen_22:19......his/young men and they rose/up 8/300
2Sa_4:12.......his/young men and they slew/them 117/300
1Sa_25:8.......thy/young men and they will/shew 101/300
1Sa_8:16.goodliest/young men and your/asses 90/300
Num_11:28......his/young men answered/and. 49/300 men are fallen/by 228/300
Jer_48:15...chosen/young men are gone down/to 218/300 men are gone into/captivity 225/300
1Sa_21:5.......the/young men are holy/and. 98/300
Act_5:6........the/young men arose/wound. 288/300
Jer_18:21....their/young men be/slain.... 215/300 men because ye are/strong 300/300 men because ye have/overcome 299/300
Act_5:10.......the/young men came in/and. 289/300
1Sa_25:9...David's/young men came they/spake 103/300
Eze_23:23desirable/young men captains/and 242/300
Zec_9:17.......the/young men cheerful/and 264/300
1Sa_26:22......the/young men come/over... 108/300
Jer_51:3.......her/young men destroy/ye.. 221/300
Amo_8:13.......and/young men faint/for... 258/300
Jer_50:30......her/young men fall/in..... 220/300
1Sa_25:8.......the/young men find/favour. 102/300
Amo_2:11......your/young men for/Nazarites 255/300
Jer_9:21.......the/young men from the/streets 212/300
Lam_5:14.......the/young men from their/musick 232/300
1Sa_25:5.......the/young men Get/you..... 100/300
Rut_2:9........the/young men have drawn/Then 83/300
Gen_14:24......the/young men have eaten/and 2/300
Amo_4:10......your/young men have I/slain 257/300
1Sa_21:4.......the/young men have kept/themselves 97/300
Eze_23:6.desirable/young men horsemen/riding 240/300
Pro_20:29.......of/young men is/their.... 186/300
Mar_14:51......the/young men laid/hold... 281/300
Tit_2:6.blasphemed/Young men likewise/exhort 298/300
Isa_9:17.....their/young men neither/shall 196/300
Isa_23:4........up/young men nor/bring... 201/300
2Sa_2:14.......the/young men now/arise... 115/300
Eze_30:17......The/young men of Aven/and. 243/300
1Sa_25:25......the/young men of my/lord.. 106/300
Exo_24:5......sent/young men of the children/of 15/300
1Ki_20:15......the/young men of the princes of the provinces and/they 135/300
1Ki_20:19....these/young men of the princes of the provinces came/out 137/300
1Ki_20:14......the/young men of the princes of the provinces Then/he 134/300
1Ki_20:17......the/young men of the princes of the provinces went/out 136/300
2Ki_5:22.......two/young men of the sons/of 139/300
Job_29:8.......The/young men saw/me...... 163/300
Rut_2:15.......his/young men saying Let/her 84/300
1Ki_12:14......the/young men saying My father made your yoke heavy and/I 133/300
2Ch_10:14......the/young men saying My father made your yoke heavy but/I 149/300
Isa_31:8.......his/young men shall be/discomfited 206/300
Jer_11:22......the/young men shall die/by 213/300
Jer_49:26......her/young men shall fall/in 219/300
Joe_2:28......your/young men shall see visions And also/upon 254/300
Act_2:17......your/young men shall see visions and your/old 287/300
Isa_40:30......the/young men shall utterly/fall 208/300
2Sa_18:15......ten/young men that bare/Joab's 125/300
1Sa_25:27......the/young men that follow/my 107/300
Rut_2:9........the/young men that they/shall 82/300
2Ch_10:10......the/young men that were brought up with him spake/unto 148/300
2Ch_10:8.......the/young men that were brought up with him that/stood 147/300
1Ki_12:8.......the/young men that were grown up with him and/which 131/300
1Ki_12:10......the/young men that were grown up with him spake/unto 132/300
Jos_6:23.......the/young men that were spies/went 68/300
2Sa_13:32......the/young men the king's/sons 119/300 men the LORD/hath 224/300
Eze_23:12desirable/young men Then/I...... 241/300
Jdg_14:10......the/young men to do/And.... 74/300
2Sa_16:2.......the/young men to eat/and.. 122/300
Lam_5:13.......the/young men to grind/and 231/300
Isa_13:18......the/young men to pieces/and 199/300
Jer_6:11........of/young men together/for 211/300
1Sa_25:14......the/young men told/Abigail 105/300
1Sa_25:12..David's/young men turned/their 104/300 men until/they... 85/300
1Sa_2:17.......the/young men was/very..... 89/300
Rut_3:10.......not/young men whether/poor. 86/300
1Sa_30:17..hundred/young men which/rode.. 110/300
2Ki_8:12.....their/young men wilt/thou... 141/300
Gen_22:3.......his/young men with him/and.. 6/300
2Ch_36:17....their/young men with the/sword 153/300
Exo_23:26....their/young nor/be........... 14/300
Jer_31:12......the/young of/the.......... 216/300
Zec_11:16......the/young one nor/heal.... 266/300
Deu_28:57......her/young one that/cometh.. 64/300
Job_39:30......Her/young ones also/suck.. 170/300
Job_39:4.....Their/young ones are/in..... 168/300
Job_39:16......her/young ones as/though.. 169/300
Job_38:41......his/young ones cry/unto... 166/300 ones or/eggs..... 59/300
Isa_11:7.....their/young ones shall/lie.. 198/300
Lam_4:3......their/young ones the/daughter 229/300
Job_39:3.....their/young ones they/cast.. 167/300
Deu_22:6.......the/young or/upon.......... 60/300
Gen_15:9.........a/young pigeon And/he..... 3/300
Lev_12:6.........a/young pigeon or/a...... 24/300
Luk_2:24.......two/young pigeons And behold/there 283/300
Lev_15:29......two/young pigeons and bring/them 29/300
Lev_15:14......two/young pigeons and come/before 28/300
Lev_1:14........of/young pigeons And the/priest 18/300
Lev_14:30......the/young pigeons such as he can/get 27/300
Lev_14:22......two/young pigeons such as he is/able 26/300
Lev_12:8.......two/young pigeons the/one.. 25/300
Lev_5:11.......two/young pigeons then/he.. 22/300
Num_6:10.......two/young pigeons to/the... 33/300
Lev_5:7........two/young pigeons unto/the. 21/300
Psa_147:9......the/young ravens/which.... 182/300
Son_7:3........two/young roes that are twins Thy/neck 192/300
Son_4:5........two/young roes that are twins which/feed 191/300
2Sa_9:12.........a/young son/whose....... 118/300
Deu_32:11......her/young spreadeth/abroad. 65/300
Joh_21:18.....wast/young thou/girdest.... 286/300
Deu_22:7.......the/young to/thee.......... 62/300
Eze_17:22......his/young twigs a/tender.. 235/300
Eze_17:4.......his/young twigs and/carried 234/300
Psa_29:6.........a/young unicorn/The..... 172/300
1Ki_1:2..........a/young virgin/and...... 129/300
Est_2:2.......fair/young virgins sought/for 156/300
Jdg_21:12..hundred/young virgins that/had. 81/300
Est_2:3.......fair/young virgins unto/Shushan 157/300
Isa_40:11.....with/young Who/hath........ 207/300
Rut_4:12......this/young woman/So......... 87/300
Tit_2:4........the/young women/to........ 297/300
Luk_22:26......the/younger and he/that..... 25/31
Gen_48:14......the/younger and his/left.... 13/31
Eze_16:61......thy/younger and I/will...... 22/31
Gen_25:23......the/younger And when/her..... 6/31
Gen_19:35......the/younger arose/and........ 4/31
Rom_9:12.......the/younger As it/is........ 26/31
1Ti_5:2........the/younger as sisters/with. 28/31
Gen_29:26......the/younger before/the...... 11/31
Gen_19:34......the/younger Behold/I......... 3/31
1Ch_24:31....their/younger brethren/Moreover 19/31
Jdg_3:9....Caleb's/younger brother And/the. 16/31
Gen_43:29.....your/younger brother of/whom. 12/31
Gen_48:19......his/younger brother shall/be 14/31
Jdg_1:13...Caleb's/younger brother took/it. 15/31
Gen_29:18......thy/younger daughter/And.... 10/31
1Ti_5:1........the/younger men/as.......... 27/31
1Sa_14:49......the/younger Michal/And...... 18/31
Luk_15:12......the/younger of/them......... 23/31
Gen_19:31......the/younger Our/father....... 2/31
Gen_19:38......the/younger she/also......... 5/31
Jdg_15:2.......her/younger sister fairer/than 17/31
Eze_16:46......thy/younger sister that/dwelleth 21/31
Gen_27:42......her/younger son and said/unto 8/31
Gen_27:15......her/younger son And she/put.. 7/31
Luk_15:13......the/younger son gathered/all 24/31
Gen_9:24.......his/younger son had/done..... 1/31 submit/yourselves 31/31
Job_30:1.......are/younger than/I.......... 20/31
Gen_29:16......the/younger was/Rachel....... 9/31
1Ti_5:11.......the/younger widows/refuse... 29/31
1Ti_5:14.......the/younger women/marry..... 30/31
Gen_43:33......the/youngest according/to.... 6/18
1Sa_16:11......the/youngest and behold/he.. 14/18
Gen_44:2.......the/youngest and his/corn.... 7/18
Gen_44:12......the/youngest and the cup/was. 8/18
1Sa_17:14......the/youngest and the three/eldest 15/18
Gen_44:26......our/youngest brother be with us And/thy 11/18
Gen_44:26......our/youngest brother be with us then/will 10/18
Gen_44:23.....your/youngest brother come down/with 9/18
Gen_42:15.....your/youngest brother come hither/Send 2/18
Gen_42:20.....your/youngest brother unto me so/shall 3/18
Gen_42:34.....your/youngest brother unto me then/shall 5/18
Gen_42:13......the/youngest is this day with our father and/one 1/18
Gen_42:32......the/youngest is this day with our father in/the 4/18
2Ch_21:17......the/youngest of/his......... 17/18
2Ch_22:1.......his/youngest son king/in.... 18/18
Jdg_9:5........the/youngest son of/Jerubbaal 13/18
1Ki_16:34......his/youngest son Segub/according 16/18
Jos_6:26.......his/youngest son shall/he... 12/18