1Ch_24:4.....were/sixteen chief/men....... 16/23
Jos_15:41Makkedah/sixteen cities with their villages Libnah/and 8/23
Jos_19:22..Jordan/sixteen cities with their villages This/is 9/23
2Ch_13:21.....and/sixteen daughters/And... 17/23
Exo_36:30....were/sixteen sockets of/silver 3/23
Exo_26:25..silver/sixteen sockets two/sockets 2/23
1Ch_4:27......had/sixteen sons/and........ 15/23
Act_27:37.....and/sixteen souls And/when.. 23/23
Gen_46:18....even/sixteen souls The/sons... 1/23
Num_26:22.....and/sixteen thousand and/five 4/23
Num_31:40....were/sixteen thousand of/which 5/23
Num_31:46.....And/sixteen thousand persons/Even 6/23
Num_31:52.....was/sixteen thousand seven/hundred 7/23
2Ki_13:10.reigned/sixteen years And/he.... 10/23
2Ki_16:2..reigned/sixteen years in Jerusalem and did/not 14/23
2Ki_15:33.reigned/sixteen years in Jerusalem And his/mother's 13/23
2Ch_27:8..reigned/sixteen years in Jerusalem And Jotham/slept 21/23
2Ch_28:1..reigned/sixteen years in Jerusalem but/he 22/23
2Ch_27:1..reigned/sixteen years in Jerusalem His/mother's 20/23
2Ch_26:1......was/sixteen years old and made him king in/the 18/23
2Ki_14:21.....was/sixteen years old and made him king instead/of 11/23
2Ki_15:2....reign/Sixteen years old was he/when 12/23
2Ch_26:3..fathers/Sixteen years old was Uzziah/when 19/23
2Ch_29:17.....the/sixteenth day/of.......... 3/3
1Ch_25:23.....The/sixteenth to Hananiah/he.. 2/3
1Ch_24:14.....the/sixteenth to Immer/The.... 1/3
Mat_20:5......the/sixth and/ninth......... 34/47
Rev_16:12.....the/sixth angel poured/out.. 46/47
Rev_9:13......the/sixth angel sounded/and. 44/47
Rev_9:14......the/sixth angel which/had... 45/47
1Ch_27:9......The/sixth captain/for....... 21/47
Exo_26:9......the/sixth curtain/in......... 6/47
1Ch_2:15......the/sixth David/the......... 14/47
Num_29:29.....the/sixth day eight/bullocks. 9/47
Num_7:42......the/sixth day Eliasaph/the... 8/47
Exo_16:29.....the/sixth day the/bread...... 5/47
Exo_16:22.....the/sixth day they gathered/twice 4/47
Exo_16:5......the/sixth day they shall/prepare 3/47
Gen_1:31......the/sixth day Thus/the....... 1/47
1Ch_12:11.....the/sixth Eliel/the......... 16/47
1Ch_26:3......the/sixth Elioenai/the...... 19/47
Act_10:9......the/sixth hour And he became/very 42/47
Joh_19:14.....the/sixth hour and he saith/unto 41/47
Luk_23:44.....the/sixth hour and there/was 39/47
Joh_4:6.......the/sixth hour There cometh/a 40/47
Mat_27:45.....the/sixth hour there was/darkness 35/47
Mar_15:33.....the/sixth hour was/come..... 36/47
1Ch_26:5......the/sixth Issachar/the...... 20/47
2Sa_3:5.......the/sixth Ithream by Eglah David's/wife 11/47
1Ch_3:3.......the/sixth Ithream by Eglah his/wife 15/47
Jos_19:32.....The/sixth lot/came.......... 10/47
Eze_8:1.......the/sixth month in the fifth/day 27/47
Hag_1:1.......the/sixth month in the first/day 32/47
Hag_1:15......the/sixth month in the second/year 33/47
Luk_1:26......the/sixth month the/angel... 37/47
1Ch_27:9......the/sixth month was/Ira..... 22/47
Luk_1:36......the/sixth month with/her.... 38/47
Eze_46:14.....the/sixth part of an ephah and/the 31/47
Eze_45:13.....the/sixth part of an ephah of an homer of barley/Concerning 30/47
Eze_45:13.....the/sixth part of an ephah of an homer of wheat/and 29/47
Eze_4:11......the/sixth part of an hin/from 25/47
Eze_39:2......the/sixth part of thee/and.. 28/47
Rev_21:20.....the/sixth sardius/the....... 47/47
Rev_6:12......the/sixth seal/and.......... 43/47
Gen_30:19.....the/sixth son And/Leah....... 2/47
Neh_3:30......the/sixth son of/Zalaph..... 24/47
1Ch_25:13.....The/sixth to Bukkiah/he..... 18/47
1Ch_24:9......the/sixth to Mijamin/The.... 17/47
Lev_25:21.....the/sixth year and/it........ 7/47
Eze_8:1.......the/sixth year in/the....... 26/47
1Ki_16:8......and/sixth year of Asa/king.. 12/47
2Ki_18:10.....the/sixth year of Hezekiah/that 13/47
Ezr_6:15......the/sixth year of the/reign. 23/47
Gen_5:15....lived/sixty and five years and begat Jared/And 1/15
Gen_5:21....lived/sixty and five years and begat Methuselah/And 4/15
Gen_5:23..hundred/sixty and five years And Enoch/walked 5/15
Gen_5:27..hundred/sixty and nine/years..... 6/15
Ezr_2:13..hundred/sixty and six/The....... 12/15
Mar_4:8......some/sixty and some an hundred And he said unto them He/that 14/15
Mar_4:20.....some/sixty and some an hundred And he said unto them Is/a 15/15
Gen_5:18..hundred/sixty and two years and he begat/Enoch 2/15
Gen_5:20..hundred/sixty and two years and he died/And 3/15
Mat_13:23....some/sixty some/thirty....... 13/15
Num_7:88.....rams/sixty the he/goats....... 9/15
Num_7:88....goats/sixty the lambs/of...... 10/15
Num_7:88.....year/sixty This/was.......... 11/15
Lev_27:7.....from/sixty years old and/above 8/15
Lev_27:3.....unto/sixty years old even/thy. 7/15
Mat_13:8.....some/sixtyfold/some............ 1/1