Gen_3:11........told/thee that thou wast/naked 1/3826
Gen_3:11...commanded/thee that thou shouldest not/eat 2/3826
Gen_3:15.....between/thee and the woman and/between 3/3826
Gen_3:16........over/thee And unto Adam/he.. 4/3826
Gen_3:17...commanded/thee saying Thou shalt not/eat 5/3826 and thou shalt eat the herb/of 6/3826
Gen_4:7.........unto/thee shall be his/desire 7/3826
Gen_4:12........unto/thee her strength/a.... 8/3826
Gen_6:14........Make/thee an ark of gopher/wood 9/3826
Gen_6:18........with/thee will I establish/my 10/3826
Gen_6:18........with/thee And of every/living 11/3826
Gen_6:19........with/thee they shall be/male 12/3826
Gen_6:20........unto/thee to keep them/alive 13/3826
Gen_6:21........unto/thee of all food/that. 14/3826 and it shall be for/food 15/3826
Gen_6:21.........for/thee and for them/Thus 16/3826
Gen_7:1..........for/thee have I seen/righteous 17/3826 by sevens/the.... 18/3826
Gen_8:16........with/thee Bring forth/with. 19/3826
Gen_8:17........with/thee every living/thing 20/3826
Gen_8:17........with/thee of all flesh/both 21/3826
Gen_12:1.........Get/thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from/thy 22/3826
Gen_12:1........shew/thee And I will make of thee a great/nation 23/3826
Gen_12:2..........of/thee a great nation and I/will 24/3826
Gen_12:2.......bless/thee and make thy/name 25/3826
Gen_12:3.......bless/thee and curse/him.... 26/3826
Gen_12:3.....curseth/thee and in thee/shall 27/3826 shall all families/of 28/3826
Gen_12:12........see/thee that they shall/say 29/3826 alive/Say........ 30/3826
Gen_12:13.......pray/thee thou art my sister/that 31/3826
Gen_12:13.........of/thee And it came to pass that when/Abram 32/3826
Gen_13:8........pray/thee between/me....... 33/3826
Gen_13:8.........and/thee and between my herdmen/and 34/3826
Gen_13:9......before/thee separate/thyself. 35/3826
Gen_13:9........pray/thee from me if/thou.. 36/3826 will I give it and to thy seed for/ever 37/3826
Gen_13:17.......unto/thee Then Abram/removed 38/3826
Gen_15:7.....brought/thee out of Ur/of..... 39/3826
Gen_15:7........give/thee this land/to..... 40/3826
Gen_16:2........pray/thee go in unto/my.... 41/3826
Gen_16:5........upon/thee I have given/my.. 42/3826
Gen_16:5.........and/thee But Abram/said... 43/3826
Gen_16:6....pleaseth/thee And when Sarai/dealt 44/3826
Gen_17:2.........and/thee and will multiply/thee 45/3826
Gen_17:2....multiply/thee exceedingly/And.. 46/3826
Gen_17:4........with/thee and thou shalt be a/father 47/3826
Gen_17:5........made/thee And I will make thee exceeding/fruitful 48/3826
Gen_17:6........make/thee exceeding/fruitful 49/3826
Gen_17:6..........of/thee and kings shall come out of thee/And 50/3826
Gen_17:6..........of/thee And I will establish/my 51/3826
Gen_17:7.........and/thee and thy seed/after 52/3826
Gen_17:7.......after/thee in their generations for/an 53/3826
Gen_17:7........unto/thee and to thy seed after thee And/I 54/3826
Gen_17:7.......after/thee And I will give unto/thee 55/3826
Gen_17:8........unto/thee and to thy seed after thee the/land 56/3826
Gen_17:8.......after/thee the land wherein/thou 57/3826
Gen_17:9.......after/thee in their generations This/is 58/3826
Gen_17:10......after/thee Every man/child.. 59/3826
Gen_17:16.......give/thee a son also/of.... 60/3826
Gen_17:18.....before/thee And God/said..... 61/3826
Gen_17:19.......bear/thee a son indeed/and. 62/3826
Gen_17:20......heard/thee Behold I have blessed/him 63/3826
Gen_17:21.......unto/thee at this/set...... 64/3826
Gen_18:3........pray/thee from thy servant/Let 65/3826
Gen_18:10.......unto/thee according to the time of life and lo/Sarah 66/3826
Gen_18:14.......unto/thee according to the time of life and Sarah/shall 67/3826
Gen_18:25.......from/thee to do after/this. 68/3826
Gen_18:25.......from/thee Shall not the/Judge 69/3826 this night bring/them 70/3826
Gen_19:9........with/thee than with/them... 71/3826
Gen_19:17.....behind/thee neither stay/thou 72/3826
Gen_19:21...accepted/thee concerning this/thing 73/3826
Gen_19:22......Haste/thee escape/thither... 74/3826
Gen_20:6....withheld/thee from sinning/against 75/3826
Gen_20:6...........I/thee not to/touch..... 76/3826
Gen_20:7.........for/thee and thou shalt live/and 77/3826
Gen_20:9....offended/thee that thou hast brought on/me 78/3826
Gen_20:15.....before/thee dwell/where...... 79/3826
Gen_20:15...pleaseth/thee And unto Sarah/he 80/3826 a covering/of.... 81/3826
Gen_20:16.......with/thee and with all/other 82/3826
Gen_21:12.......unto/thee hearken unto/her. 83/3826
Gen_21:17.....aileth/thee Hagar/fear....... 84/3826
Gen_21:22.......with/thee in all that thou doest Now/therefore 85/3826
Gen_21:23.......unto/thee thou shalt do unto/me 86/3826
Gen_22:2.........get/thee into the land of Moriah/and 87/3826
Gen_22:2........tell/thee of And Abraham/rose 88/3826
Gen_22:17......bless/thee and in multiplying/I 89/3826
Gen_23:6........from/thee his sepulchre/but 90/3826
Gen_23:11..........I/thee and the cave/that 91/3826 in the presence/of 92/3826 bury thy/dead.... 93/3826
Gen_23:13.......pray/thee hear me I/will... 94/3826
Gen_23:13.......give/thee money/for........ 95/3826
Gen_23:15........and/thee bury therefore/thy 96/3826
Gen_24:2........pray/thee thy hand under my thigh And I/will 97/3826
Gen_24:3........make/thee swear by/the..... 98/3826
Gen_24:7......before/thee and thou shalt take a/wife 99/3826
Gen_24:8......follow/thee then thou shalt be/clear 100/3826
Gen_24:12.......pray/thee send me/good.... 101/3826
Gen_24:14.......pray/thee that I may drink/and 102/3826
Gen_24:17.......pray/thee drink a/little.. 103/3826
Gen_24:23.......pray/thee is there room/in 104/3826
Gen_24:40.......with/thee and prosper thy/way 105/3826
Gen_24:41........not/thee one thou/shalt.. 106/3826
Gen_24:43.......pray/thee a little water of/thy 107/3826
Gen_24:45.......pray/thee And she made/haste 108/3826
Gen_24:50.......unto/thee bad/or.......... 109/3826
Gen_24:51.....before/thee take her/and.... 110/3826
Gen_25:30.......pray/thee with that/same.. 111/3826
Gen_26:2........tell/thee of Sojourn/in... 112/3826
Gen_26:3........with/thee and will bless thee for/unto 113/3826
Gen_26:3.......bless/thee for unto/thee... 114/3826
Gen_26:3........unto/thee and unto thy seed I/will 115/3826
Gen_26:24.......with/thee and will bless thee and/multiply 116/3826
Gen_26:24......bless/thee and multiply thy/seed 117/3826
Gen_26:28.......with/thee and we said/Let. 118/3826
Gen_26:28........and/thee and let us make/a 119/3826
Gen_26:28.......with/thee That thou wilt/do 120/3826
Gen_26:29....touched/thee and as we/have.. 121/3826
Gen_26:29.......unto/thee nothing/but..... 122/3826
Gen_26:29.......sent/thee away in/peace... 123/3826
Gen_27:3........pray/thee thy weapons/thy. 124/3826
Gen_27:4.......bless/thee before I die/And 125/3826
Gen_27:7.......bless/thee before the LORD before/my 126/3826
Gen_27:8.....command/thee Go now/to....... 127/3826
Gen_27:10......bless/thee before his/death 128/3826
Gen_27:19.......pray/thee sit/and......... 129/3826
Gen_27:21.......pray/thee that I may feel/thee 130/3826
Gen_27:21.......feel/thee my son whether/thou 131/3826
Gen_27:25......bless/thee And he brought/it 132/3826
Gen_27:28.......give/thee of the dew/of... 133/3826
Gen_27:29......serve/thee and nations/bow. 134/3826 be lord/over.... 135/3826 cursed be/every. 136/3826
Gen_27:29....curseth/thee and blessed/be.. 137/3826
Gen_27:29...blesseth/thee And it came to pass as/soon 138/3826
Gen_27:37.......unto/thee my son And Esau/said 139/3826
Gen_27:42...touching/thee doth comfort/himself 140/3826
Gen_27:42.......kill/thee Now therefore my/son 141/3826
Gen_27:45.......from/thee and he forget/that 142/3826
Gen_27:45......fetch/thee from thence/why. 143/3826
Gen_28:2........take/thee a wife from/thence 144/3826
Gen_28:3.......bless/thee and make thee fruitful/and 145/3826
Gen_28:3........make/thee fruitful and multiply thee that/thou 146/3826
Gen_28:3....multiply/thee that thou mayest be a/multitude 147/3826
Gen_28:4........give/thee the blessing of/Abraham 148/3826 and to thy seed with thee that/thou 149/3826
Gen_28:4........with/thee that thou mayest inherit/the 150/3826 will I give it and to thy seed And/thy 151/3826 and in thy seed/shall 152/3826
Gen_28:15.......with/thee and will keep thee/in 153/3826
Gen_28:15.......keep/thee in all places/whither 154/3826
Gen_28:15......bring/thee again into/this. 155/3826
Gen_28:15......leave/thee until I have/done 156/3826 of And Jacob/awaked 157/3826
Gen_28:22.......unto/thee Then Jacob/went. 158/3826
Gen_29:18......serve/thee seven years/for. 159/3826 than that/I..... 160/3826
Gen_29:25.......with/thee for Rachel/wherefore 161/3826
Gen_29:27.......give/thee this also/for... 162/3826
Gen_30:2........from/thee the fruit/of.... 163/3826
Gen_30:14.......pray/thee of thy son's/mandrakes 164/3826
Gen_30:15.......with/thee to night/for.... 165/3826
Gen_30:16......hired/thee with my son's/mandrakes 166/3826
Gen_30:26.....served/thee and let me/go... 167/3826
Gen_30:26.......done/thee And Laban said unto/him 168/3826
Gen_30:27.......pray/thee if I have found favour/in 169/3826
Gen_30:29.....served/thee and how/thy..... 170/3826
Gen_30:30....blessed/thee since my/coming. 171/3826
Gen_30:31.......give/thee And Jacob said/Thou 172/3826
Gen_31:3........with/thee And Jacob sent/and 173/3826
Gen_31:12.......unto/thee I am the/God.... 174/3826
Gen_31:13........get/thee out from/this... 175/3826
Gen_31:16.......unto/thee do Then/Jacob... 176/3826
Gen_31:27.......sent/thee away with mirth/and 177/3826 For Jacob/knew.. 178/3826
Gen_31:35.....before/thee for the custom/of 179/3826
Gen_31:38.......with/thee thy ewes/and.... 180/3826
Gen_31:39.......unto/thee I bare/the...... 181/3826
Gen_31:41.....served/thee fourteen/years.. 182/3826
Gen_31:42....rebuked/thee yesternight/And. 183/3826
Gen_31:44........and/thee And Jacob took/a 184/3826
Gen_31:48........and/thee this day Therefore/was 185/3826
Gen_31:49........and/thee when we/are..... 186/3826
Gen_31:50........and/thee And Laban said to/Jacob 187/3826
Gen_31:51........and/thee This heap/be.... 188/3826 and that thou shalt/not 189/3826 and four/hundred 190/3826
Gen_32:9........with/thee I am not/worthy. 191/3826
Gen_32:11.......pray/thee from the hand of my/brother 192/3826 good and make/thy 193/3826
Gen_32:17....meeteth/thee and asketh/thee. 194/3826
Gen_32:17.....asketh/thee saying Whose/art 195/3826
Gen_32:17.....before/thee Then thou shalt say They/be 196/3826
Gen_32:26........let/thee go except/thou.. 197/3826
Gen_32:29.......pray/thee thy name/And.... 198/3826
Gen_33:5........with/thee And he said The/children 199/3826
Gen_33:10.......pray/thee if now/I........ 200/3826
Gen_33:11.......pray/thee my blessing/that 201/3826 because God/hath 202/3826
Gen_33:12.....before/thee And he said unto him My/lord 203/3826
Gen_33:14.......pray/thee pass over/before 204/3826
Gen_33:15.......with/thee some/of......... 205/3826
Gen_35:1........unto/thee when thou fleddest/from 206/3826
Gen_35:11.........of/thee and kings shall come out of thy/loins 207/3826 I will give it/and 208/3826
Gen_35:12......after/thee will I give the land And/God 209/3826 to the earth/And 210/3826
Gen_37:13.......send/thee unto them And he/said 211/3826
Gen_37:14.......pray/thee see/whether..... 212/3826
Gen_37:16.......pray/thee where they/feed. 213/3826
Gen_38:16.......pray/thee let me come/in.. 214/3826
Gen_38:16.......unto/thee for he knew/not. 215/3826
Gen_38:17.......send/thee a kid/from...... 216/3826
Gen_38:18.......give/thee And she said Thy/signet 217/3826
Gen_38:25.......pray/thee whose/are....... 218/3826
Gen_38:29.......upon/thee therefore his/name 219/3826
Gen_39:9.........but/thee because thou art his/wife 220/3826
Gen_40:13....restore/thee unto thy place/and 221/3826
Gen_40:14.......with/thee and shew kindness/I 222/3826
Gen_40:14.......pray/thee unto me and make/mention 223/3826 and shall hang/thee 224/3826
Gen_40:19.......hang/thee on a tree/and... 225/3826 And it came to pass the third/day 226/3826
Gen_41:15.........of/thee that thou canst understand/a 227/3826
Gen_41:39.....shewed/thee all this/there.. 228/3826
Gen_41:41........set/thee over all/the.... 229/3826
Gen_41:44....without/thee shall no/man.... 230/3826 deliver him/into 231/3826 again And he/said 232/3826 food/But........ 233/3826
Gen_43:9........unto/thee and set him/before 234/3826
Gen_43:9......before/thee then let/me..... 235/3826
Gen_43:29.......unto/thee my son And Joseph/made 236/3826
Gen_44:8........unto/thee out of the land of Canaan/how 237/3826
Gen_44:18.......pray/thee speak a/word.... 238/3826
Gen_44:32.......unto/thee then I shall/bear 239/3826
Gen_44:33.......pray/thee let thy servant/abide 240/3826
Gen_45:11....nourish/thee for yet/there... 241/3826
Gen_46:3..........of/thee a great nation I/will 242/3826
Gen_46:4........with/thee into Egypt and/I 243/3826
Gen_46:4.......bring/thee up again/and.... 244/3826
Gen_47:4........pray/thee let thy servants/dwell 245/3826
Gen_47:5........unto/thee The land of/Egypt 246/3826
Gen_47:6......before/thee in the best/of.. 247/3826
Gen_47:29.......pray/thee thy hand under my thigh and deal/kindly 248/3826
Gen_47:29.......pray/thee in Egypt But/I.. 249/3826
Gen_48:2........unto/thee and Israel/strengthened 250/3826
Gen_48:4........make/thee fruitful and multiply thee and/I 251/3826
Gen_48:4....multiply/thee and I will make of thee a multitude/of 252/3826
Gen_48:4..........of/thee a multitude/of.. 253/3826
Gen_48:4.......after/thee for an everlasting/possession 254/3826
Gen_48:5........unto/thee in the land of Egypt/before 255/3826
Gen_48:5........unto/thee into Egypt are/mine 256/3826
Gen_48:9........pray/thee unto me and I/will 257/3826
Gen_48:20.........In/thee shall Israel/bless 258/3826
Gen_48:20.......make/thee as Ephraim/and.. 259/3826 one portion/above 260/3826
Gen_49:8......before/thee Judah/is........ 261/3826 and by/the...... 262/3826
Gen_49:25......bless/thee with blessings/of 263/3826
Gen_50:5........pray/thee and bury/my..... 264/3826
Gen_50:6........made/thee swear And/Joseph 265/3826
Gen_50:17.......pray/thee now the/trespass 266/3826
Gen_50:17.......unto/thee evil and now/we. 267/3826
Gen_50:17.......pray/thee forgive the trespass of the/servants 268/3826 a nurse/of...... 269/3826
Exo_2:7..........for/thee And Pharaoh's/daughter 270/3826
Exo_2:9.........give/thee thy wages/And... 271/3826
Exo_2:14........made/thee a prince/and.... 272/3826
Exo_3:10........send/thee unto Pharaoh that/thou 273/3826
Exo_3:12........with/thee and this shall/be 274/3826
Exo_3:12........unto/thee that I have sent/thee 275/3826
Exo_3:12........sent/thee When thou hast/brought 276/3826
Exo_3:18.....beseech/thee three days' journey into the wilderness/that 277/3826
Exo_4:1.........unto/thee And the LORD said unto him/What 278/3826
Exo_4:5.........unto/thee And the LORD said furthermore/unto 279/3826
Exo_4:8......believe/thee neither hearken/to 280/3826
Exo_4:12.......teach/thee what thou shalt say/And 281/3826
Exo_4:13........pray/thee by the hand/of.. 282/3826 and when he seeth/thee 283/3826
Exo_4:14.......seeth/thee he will be glad/in 284/3826 instead of a/mouth 285/3826
Exo_4:18........pray/thee and return/unto. 286/3826
Exo_4:23........unto/thee Let my son/go... 287/3826
Exo_5:3.........pray/thee three days' journey into the desert/and 288/3826
Exo_6:29........unto/thee And Moses said/before 289/3826
Exo_7:1.........made/thee a god to/Pharaoh 290/3826
Exo_7:2......command/thee and Aaron thy/brother 291/3826
Exo_7:15.........Get/thee unto Pharaoh in/the 292/3826
Exo_7:16........unto/thee saying Let my/people 293/3826
Exo_8:4...........on/thee and upon thy people and upon all/thy 294/3826
Exo_8:9..........for/thee and for thy servants/and 295/3826
Exo_8:9.........from/thee and thy houses/that 296/3826
Exo_8:11........from/thee and from thy/houses 297/3826
Exo_8:21........upon/thee and upon thy servants/and 298/3826
Exo_8:29........from/thee and I will intreat/the 299/3826
Exo_9:15.......smite/thee and thy people/with 300/3826
Exo_9:16......raised/thee up for/to....... 301/3826 my power/and.... 302/3826
Exo_9:30.........for/thee and thy servants/I 303/3826
Exo_10:17.......pray/thee my sin/only..... 304/3826
Exo_10:28........Get/thee from me take/heed 305/3826
Exo_11:8.........Get/thee out and all/the. 306/3826
Exo_11:8......follow/thee and after/that.. 307/3826 and to thy sons for/ever 308/3826
Exo_12:48.......with/thee and will keep the/passover 309/3826
Exo_13:5.......bring/thee into the land of the Canaanites and/the 310/3826
Exo_13:5........give/thee a land flowing/with 311/3826
Exo_13:7........with/thee neither shall there be/leaven 312/3826
Exo_13:7........with/thee in all thy quarters/And 313/3826
Exo_13:9........unto/thee upon thine/hand. 314/3826
Exo_13:9.....brought/thee out of Egypt/Thou 315/3826
Exo_13:11......bring/thee into the land of the Canaanites as/he 316/3826
Exo_13:11.......unto/thee and to thy fathers/and 317/3826 That thou shalt set apart/unto 318/3826
Exo_13:14.....asketh/thee in time to come saying What is/this 319/3826
Exo_14:12.......tell/thee in Egypt saying/Let 320/3826
Exo_15:7.....against/thee thou sentest/forth 321/3826
Exo_15:11.......unto/thee O LORD among the gods/who 322/3826 glorious/in..... 323/3826
Exo_15:17........for/thee to dwell in in/the 324/3826
Exo_15:26.......upon/thee which I have/brought 325/3826
Exo_15:26....healeth/thee And they came/to 326/3826
Exo_17:5........with/thee of the elders/of 327/3826
Exo_17:6......before/thee there upon/the.. 328/3826
Exo_18:6........unto/thee and thy wife/and 329/3826 from morning/unto 330/3826
Exo_18:18.......with/thee for this thing is/too 331/3826
Exo_18:18........for/thee thou art not/able 332/3826
Exo_18:19.......give/thee counsel and/God. 333/3826
Exo_18:19.......with/thee Be thou for/the. 334/3826
Exo_18:22.......unto/thee but every/small. 335/3826
Exo_18:22.......with/thee If thou shalt do/this 336/3826
Exo_18:23....command/thee so then/thou.... 337/3826
Exo_19:9........unto/thee in a thick/cloud 338/3826
Exo_19:9........with/thee and believe/thee 339/3826
Exo_19:9.....believe/thee for ever And Moses/told 340/3826
Exo_19:24........get/thee down and thou/shalt 341/3826
Exo_19:24.......with/thee but let not/the. 342/3826
Exo_20:2.....brought/thee out of the land of Egypt out/of 343/3826
Exo_20:4........unto/thee any graven image or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water/under 344/3826
Exo_20:12.....giveth/thee Thou shalt not kill Thou/shalt 345/3826
Exo_20:24.......unto/thee and I will bless/thee 346/3826
Exo_20:24......bless/thee And if thou wilt/make 347/3826
Exo_21:13....appoint/thee a place/whither. 348/3826 thou shalt not be to/him 349/3826
Exo_23:5......hateth/thee lying/under..... 350/3826
Exo_23:7........Keep/thee far from/a...... 351/3826
Exo_23:15..commanded/thee in the time appointed/of 352/3826
Exo_23:20.....before/thee to keep thee in the/way 353/3826
Exo_23:20.......keep/thee in the way and to/bring 354/3826
Exo_23:20......bring/thee into the place/which 355/3826
Exo_23:23.....before/thee and bring thee in/unto 356/3826
Exo_23:23......bring/thee in unto the Amorites/and 357/3826
Exo_23:25.........of/thee There shall/nothing 358/3826
Exo_23:27.....before/thee and will destroy/all 359/3826
Exo_23:27.......unto/thee And I will send hornets/before 360/3826
Exo_23:28.....before/thee which shall drive/out 361/3826
Exo_23:28.....before/thee I will not drive/them 362/3826
Exo_23:29.....before/thee in one/year..... 363/3826
Exo_23:29....against/thee By little and little I/will 364/3826
Exo_23:30.....before/thee until thou be increased/and 365/3826
Exo_23:31.....before/thee Thou shalt make no/covenant 366/3826
Exo_23:33.......make/thee sin/against..... 367/3826
Exo_23:33.......unto/thee And he said unto Moses/Come 368/3826
Exo_24:12.......give/thee tables/of....... 369/3826
Exo_25:9........shew/thee after the pattern/of 370/3826
Exo_25:16.......give/thee And thou shalt make/a 371/3826
Exo_25:21.......give/thee And there I will meet with thee/and 372/3826
Exo_25:22.......with/thee and I will commune/with 373/3826
Exo_25:22.......with/thee from above the/mercy 374/3826
Exo_25:22.......give/thee in commandment/unto 375/3826
Exo_25:40.....shewed/thee in the mount Moreover/thou 376/3826
Exo_26:30.....shewed/thee in the mount And/thou 377/3826
Exo_27:8......shewed/thee in the mount so/shall 378/3826
Exo_27:20......bring/thee pure oil olive beaten for the light to cause the lamp/to 379/3826
Exo_28:1........unto/thee Aaron/thy....... 380/3826
Exo_29:35..commanded/thee seven days/shalt 381/3826
Exo_29:42.......unto/thee And there I will meet with the/children 382/3826
Exo_30:6........with/thee And Aaron shall/burn 383/3826
Exo_30:23.......unto/thee principal/spices 384/3826
Exo_30:34.......unto/thee sweet/spices.... 385/3826
Exo_30:36.......with/thee it shall be unto/you 386/3826
Exo_30:37.......unto/thee holy for/the.... 387/3826
Exo_31:6...commanded/thee The tabernacle/of 388/3826
Exo_31:11..commanded/thee shall they/do... 389/3826
Exo_32:4.....brought/thee up out of the land of Egypt And when/Aaron 390/3826
Exo_32:7.........get/thee down for/thy.... 391/3826
Exo_32:8.....brought/thee up out of the land of Egypt And the/LORD 392/3826
Exo_32:10.........of/thee a great nation And Moses/besought 393/3826
Exo_32:21.......unto/thee that thou hast brought so/great 394/3826
Exo_32:32.......pray/thee out of thy book/which 395/3826
Exo_32:34.......unto/thee behold mine/Angel 396/3826
Exo_32:34.....before/thee nevertheless in/the 397/3826
Exo_33:2......before/thee and I will drive/out 398/3826
Exo_33:3..........of/thee for thou art a/stiffnecked 399/3826
Exo_33:3.....consume/thee in the way And when/the 400/3826
Exo_33:5..........of/thee in a moment and/consume 401/3826
Exo_33:5.....consume/thee therefore now/put 402/3826
Exo_33:5........from/thee that I may know/what 403/3826
Exo_33:5........unto/thee And the children of Israel/stripped 404/3826
Exo_33:12.......know/thee by name and thou/hast 405/3826
Exo_33:13.......pray/thee if I have found grace/in 406/3826
Exo_33:13.......know/thee that I may find grace in thy sight and/consider 407/3826
Exo_33:14.......with/thee and I will give thee rest/And 408/3826
Exo_33:14.......give/thee rest And/he..... 409/3826
Exo_33:17.......know/thee by name And he/said 410/3826
Exo_33:18....beseech/thee shew me/thy..... 411/3826
Exo_33:19.....before/thee and I will proclaim/the 412/3826
Exo_33:19.....before/thee and will be/gracious 413/3826
Exo_33:22........put/thee in a clift/of... 414/3826
Exo_33:22......cover/thee with my hand/while 415/3826
Exo_34:1.........Hew/thee two tables of stone like unto the first and I/will 416/3826
Exo_34:3........with/thee neither let/any. 417/3826
Exo_34:9........pray/thee go among/us..... 418/3826
Exo_34:10.......with/thee Observe/thou.... 419/3826
Exo_34:11....command/thee this day behold/I 420/3826
Exo_34:11.....before/thee the Amorite/and. 421/3826
Exo_34:12.........of/thee But ye/shall.... 422/3826 and thou eat/of. 423/3826
Exo_34:17.......make/thee no molten/gods.. 424/3826
Exo_34:18..commanded/thee in the time of the/month 425/3826
Exo_34:24.....before/thee and enlarge/thy. 426/3826
Exo_34:27.......with/thee and with Israel/And 427/3826
Lev_9:2.........Take/thee a young/calf.... 428/3826
Lev_10:9........with/thee when ye go/into. 429/3826
Lev_10:14.......with/thee for they be/thy. 430/3826
Lev_10:15.......with/thee by a statute for ever as/the 431/3826
Lev_19:13.......with/thee all night/until. 432/3826
Lev_19:19.......upon/thee And whosoever/lieth 433/3826
Lev_19:33.......with/thee in your/land.... 434/3826
Lev_21:8........unto/thee for I the/LORD.. 435/3826
Lev_24:2........unto/thee pure oil olive beaten for the light to cause the lamps/to 436/3826
Lev_25:6.........for/thee and for thy servant/and 437/3826
Lev_25:6........with/thee And for thy cattle/and 438/3826
Lev_25:8........unto/thee seven times seven/years 439/3826
Lev_25:8........unto/thee forty/and....... 440/3826
Lev_25:15.......unto/thee According to the multitude/of 441/3826
Lev_25:16.......unto/thee Ye shall not therefore/oppress 442/3826
Lev_25:35.......with/thee then thou shalt relieve/him 443/3826
Lev_25:35.......with/thee Take thou no/usury 444/3826
Lev_25:36.......with/thee Thou shalt not give/him 445/3826 be waxen/poor... 446/3826
Lev_25:39.......unto/thee thou shalt not compel/him 447/3826
Lev_25:40.......with/thee and shall serve/thee 448/3826
Lev_25:40......serve/thee unto the year/of 449/3826
Lev_25:41.......from/thee both he/and..... 450/3826 and thy brother/that 451/3826 or to the/stock. 452/3826
Num_5:19........with/thee and if thou hast/not 453/3826
Num_5:20........with/thee beside thine/husband 454/3826
Num_5:21........make/thee a curse/and..... 455/3826
Num_6:24.......bless/thee and keep thee/The 456/3826
Num_6:24........keep/thee The LORD make/his 457/3826
Num_6:25........upon/thee and be gracious/unto 458/3826
Num_6:25........unto/thee The LORD lift/up 459/3826
Num_6:26........upon/thee and give thee peace/And 460/3826
Num_6:26........give/thee peace And/they.. 461/3826
Num_10:2........Make/thee two trumpets/of. 462/3826 at the door/of.. 463/3826
Num_10:4........unto/thee When ye blow/an. 464/3826 good for the/LORD 465/3826
Num_10:31.......pray/thee forasmuch as thou knowest/how 466/3826
Num_10:32.......unto/thee And they departed/from 467/3826
Num_10:35.......hate/thee flee/before..... 468/3826
Num_10:35.....before/thee And when it/rested 469/3826
Num_11:15.......pray/thee out of hand/if.. 470/3826
Num_11:16.......with/thee And I will come/down 471/3826
Num_11:17.......with/thee there and I/will 472/3826
Num_11:17.......upon/thee and will put it/upon 473/3826
Num_11:17.......with/thee that thou bear/it 474/3826
Num_11:23.......unto/thee or not/And...... 475/3826
Num_12:11....beseech/thee lay/not......... 476/3826
Num_12:13....beseech/thee And the LORD said unto Moses/If 477/3826
Num_14:12.........of/thee a greater/nation 478/3826
Num_14:15.........of/thee will speak/saying 479/3826
Num_14:17....beseech/thee let the power/of 480/3826
Num_14:19....beseech/thee the iniquity/of. 481/3826
Num_16:10....brought/thee near/to......... 482/3826
Num_16:10.......with/thee and seek ye/the. 483/3826
Num_18:1........with/thee shall bear the iniquity of the/sanctuary 484/3826
Num_18:1........with/thee shall bear the iniquity of your/priesthood 485/3826
Num_18:2........with/thee that they may/be 486/3826
Num_18:2........unto/thee and minister/unto 487/3826
Num_18:2........unto/thee but thou and/thy 488/3826
Num_18:2........with/thee shall minister/before 489/3826
Num_18:4........unto/thee and keep the/charge 490/3826
Num_18:7........with/thee shall keep/your. 491/3826
Num_18:8.......given/thee the charge/of... 492/3826
Num_18:8........unto/thee have I given/them 493/3826
Num_18:9.........for/thee and for thy sons/In 494/3826
Num_18:10.......unto/thee And this is/thine 495/3826
Num_18:11.......unto/thee and to thy sons and/to 496/3826
Num_18:11.......with/thee by a statute for ever every/one 497/3826
Num_18:12......given/thee And whatsoever is/first 498/3826
Num_18:19......given/thee and thy sons/and 499/3826
Num_18:19.......with/thee by a statute for ever it/is 500/3826
Num_18:19.......unto/thee and to thy seed with thee And/the 501/3826
Num_18:19.......with/thee And the LORD spake/unto 502/3826
Num_19:2.......bring/thee a red/heifer.... 503/3826
Num_20:17.......pray/thee through thy country/we 504/3826
Num_20:18....against/thee with the sword/And 505/3826
Num_21:7.....against/thee pray/unto....... 506/3826
Num_21:8........Make/thee a fiery/serpent. 507/3826 Moab thou/art... 508/3826
Num_22:6........pray/thee curse me this people for/they 509/3826
Num_22:9........with/thee And Balaam/said. 510/3826
Num_22:16.......pray/thee hinder/thee..... 511/3826
Num_22:16.....hinder/thee from coming unto/me 512/3826
Num_22:17....promote/thee unto very/great. 513/3826
Num_22:17.......pray/thee curse me this people And/Balaam 514/3826 rise/up......... 515/3826
Num_22:20.......unto/thee that shalt/thou. 516/3826
Num_22:28.......unto/thee that thou hast smitten/me 517/3826
Num_22:29.......kill/thee And the ass/said 518/3826
Num_22:30.......unto/thee And he said Nay/Then 519/3826
Num_22:32..withstand/thee because thy/way. 520/3826
Num_22:33......slain/thee and saved/her... 521/3826
Num_22:34..displease/thee I will get/me... 522/3826
Num_22:35.......unto/thee that thou shalt speak/So 523/3826
Num_22:37.......unto/thee to call/thee.... 524/3826 wherefore camest/thou 525/3826
Num_22:37....promote/thee to honour And/Balaam 526/3826
Num_22:38.......unto/thee have I now/any.. 527/3826
Num_23:3........tell/thee And he went to/an 528/3826
Num_23:11.......took/thee to curse mine enemies and behold thou hast blessed/them 529/3826
Num_23:13.......pray/thee with me unto/another 530/3826
Num_23:26..........I/thee saying All/that. 531/3826
Num_23:27.......pray/thee I will bring thee/unto 532/3826
Num_23:27......bring/thee unto another/place 533/3826
Num_24:9....blesseth/thee and cursed/is... 534/3826
Num_24:9.....curseth/thee And Balak's/anger 535/3826
Num_24:10.....called/thee to curse mine enemies and behold thou hast altogether/blessed 536/3826
Num_24:11....promote/thee unto great/honour 537/3826
Num_24:11.......kept/thee back from/honour 538/3826
Num_24:14..advertise/thee what this/people 539/3826
Num_24:22......carry/thee away captive/And 540/3826
Num_27:12........Get/thee up into this mount/Abarim 541/3826
Num_27:18.......Take/thee Joshua the/son.. 542/3826
Deu_1:21......before/thee go up and possess/it 543/3826
Deu_1:21........unto/thee fear not neither be discouraged/And 544/3826
Deu_1:31........bare/thee as a man doth/bear 545/3826
Deu_1:38......before/thee he shall go/in.. 546/3826
Deu_2:7......blessed/thee in all the works/of 547/3826
Deu_2:7.........with/thee thou hast lacked/nothing 548/3826
Deu_2:9.........give/thee of their/land... 549/3826
Deu_2:19........give/thee of the land/of.. 550/3826
Deu_2:25..........of/thee and the fear/of. 551/3826
Deu_2:25..........of/thee upon the nations/that 552/3826
Deu_2:25..........of/thee and shall tremble/and 553/3826
Deu_2:25..........of/thee And I sent/messengers 554/3826
Deu_2:31......before/thee begin to possess/that 555/3826
Deu_3:25........pray/thee let me go over/and 556/3826
Deu_3:26.....suffice/thee speak no/more... 557/3826
Deu_3:27.........Get/thee up into the top/of 558/3826
Deu_4:21......giveth/thee for an inheritance But/I 559/3826
Deu_4:23...forbidden/thee For the LORD thy God is/a 560/3826
Deu_4:30........upon/thee even in the/latter 561/3826
Deu_4:31.....forsake/thee neither destroy/thee 562/3826
Deu_4:31.....destroy/thee nor forget/the.. 563/3826
Deu_4:32......before/thee since the day that/God 564/3826
Deu_4:35........Unto/thee it was/shewed... 565/3826
Deu_4:36........made/thee to hear his/voice 566/3826
Deu_4:36....instruct/thee and upon earth/he 567/3826
Deu_4:36......shewed/thee his great/fire.. 568/3826
Deu_4:37.....brought/thee out in/his...... 569/3826
Deu_4:38......before/thee greater/and..... 570/3826
Deu_4:38.......bring/thee in to/give...... 571/3826
Deu_4:38........give/thee their/land...... 572/3826
Deu_4:40.....command/thee this day that it/may 573/3826
Deu_4:40........with/thee and with thy children after thee and/that 574/3826
Deu_4:40.......after/thee and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon/the 575/3826
Deu_4:40......giveth/thee for ever Then/Moses 576/3826
Deu_5:6......brought/thee out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage Thou/shalt 577/3826
Deu_5:8.........make/thee any graven image or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters/beneath 578/3826
Deu_5:12...commanded/thee Six days/thou... 579/3826
Deu_5:15.....brought/thee out thence/through 580/3826
Deu_5:15...commanded/thee to keep the sabbath/day 581/3826
Deu_5:16...commanded/thee that thy days/may 582/3826
Deu_5:16........with/thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee Thou/shalt 583/3826
Deu_5:16......giveth/thee Thou shalt not kill Neither/shalt 584/3826
Deu_5:27........unto/thee and we will/hear 585/3826
Deu_5:28........unto/thee they have/well.. 586/3826
Deu_5:31.........for/thee stand thou/here. 587/3826
Deu_5:31........unto/thee all the commandments/and 588/3826
Deu_6:2......command/thee thou and thy/son 589/3826
Deu_6:3.........with/thee and that ye/may. 590/3826
Deu_6:3.....promised/thee in the land that/floweth 591/3826
Deu_6:6......command/thee this day shall be/in 592/3826
Deu_6:10.....brought/thee into the land which he/sware 593/3826
Deu_6:10........give/thee great and goodly/cities 594/3826
Deu_6:12.....brought/thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage Thou/shalt 595/3826
Deu_6:15.....against/thee and destroy thee from/off 596/3826
Deu_6:15.....destroy/thee from off the face of the earth Ye/shall 597/3826
Deu_6:17...commanded/thee And thou shalt do/that 598/3826
Deu_6:18........with/thee and that thou mayest go/in 599/3826
Deu_6:19......before/thee as the LORD hath spoken/And 600/3826
Deu_6:20......asketh/thee in time to come saying What mean/the 601/3826
Deu_7:1........bring/thee into the land whither/thou 602/3826
Deu_7:1.......before/thee the Hittites/and 603/3826
Deu_7:2.......before/thee thou shalt smite/them 604/3826
Deu_7:4......destroy/thee suddenly But/thus 605/3826
Deu_7:6.......chosen/thee to be a special/people 606/3826
Deu_7:11.....command/thee this day to do them/Wherefore 607/3826
Deu_7:12........unto/thee the covenant/and 608/3826 and bless/thee.. 609/3826
Deu_7:13.......bless/thee and multiply thee he/will 610/3826
Deu_7:13....multiply/thee he will also/bless 611/3826
Deu_7:13........give/thee Thou shalt be blessed/above 612/3826
Deu_7:15........from/thee all sickness/and 613/3826
Deu_7:15........upon/thee but will lay/them 614/3826
Deu_7:15........hate/thee And thou shalt consume/all 615/3826
Deu_7:16.....deliver/thee thine eye/shall. 616/3826
Deu_7:16........unto/thee If thou shalt say/in 617/3826
Deu_7:19.....brought/thee out so/shall.... 618/3826
Deu_7:20........from/thee be destroyed/Thou 619/3826
Deu_7:22......before/thee by little and little thou/mayest 620/3826
Deu_7:22........upon/thee But the LORD thy/God 621/3826
Deu_7:23........unto/thee and shall destroy/them 622/3826
Deu_7:24......before/thee until thou have/destroyed 623/3826
Deu_7:25........unto/thee lest thou be snared/therin 624/3826
Deu_8:1......command/thee this day shall ye/observe 625/3826
Deu_8:2..........led/thee these forty/years 626/3826
Deu_8:2.......humble/thee and to prove/thee 627/3826
Deu_8:2........prove/thee to know/what.... 628/3826
Deu_8:3......humbled/thee and suffered/thee 629/3826
Deu_8:3.....suffered/thee to hunger/and... 630/3826
Deu_8:3..........fed/thee with manna/which 631/3826
Deu_8:3.........make/thee know that/man... 632/3826
Deu_8:4.........upon/thee neither did/thy. 633/3826
Deu_8:5...chasteneth/thee Therefore thou shalt/keep 634/3826
Deu_8:7.....bringeth/thee into a/good..... 635/3826
Deu_8:10.......given/thee Beware/that..... 636/3826
Deu_8:11.....command/thee this day Lest/when 637/3826
Deu_8:14.....brought/thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage Who/led 638/3826
Deu_8:15.........led/thee through that/great 639/3826
Deu_8:15.....brought/thee forth water/out. 640/3826
Deu_8:16.........fed/thee in the wilderness with/manna 641/3826
Deu_8:16......humble/thee and that he might/prove 642/3826
Deu_8:16.......prove/thee to do thee good/at 643/3826 good at/thy..... 644/3826
Deu_8:18......giveth/thee power/to........ 645/3826
Deu_9:3.......before/thee as a consuming/fire 646/3826
Deu_9:3.........unto/thee Speak not/thou.. 647/3826
Deu_9:4.......before/thee saying For/my... 648/3826
Deu_9:4.......before/thee Not for thy/righteousness 649/3826
Deu_9:5.......before/thee and that he may/perform 650/3826
Deu_9:6.......giveth/thee not this/good... 651/3826
Deu_9:12.........get/thee down quickly/from 652/3826
Deu_9:14..........of/thee a nation/mightier 653/3826
Deu_10:1.........Hew/thee two tables of stone like unto the first and come/up 654/3826
Deu_10:1........make/thee an ark of wood/And 655/3826
Deu_10:10....destroy/thee And the LORD said unto me/Arise 656/3826
Deu_10:12.........of/thee but to fear/the. 657/3826
Deu_10:13....command/thee this day for thy/good 658/3826
Deu_10:21........for/thee these great/and. 659/3826
Deu_10:22.......made/thee as the stars/of. 660/3826
Deu_11:29....brought/thee in unto the land/whither 661/3826
Deu_12:1......giveth/thee to possess it all/the 662/3826
Deu_12:7.....blessed/thee Ye shall not do/after 663/3826
Deu_12:14....command/thee Notwithstanding thou/mayest 664/3826
Deu_12:15......given/thee the unclean/and. 665/3826
Deu_12:20...promised/thee and thou shalt say/I 666/3826
Deu_12:21.......from/thee then thou shalt kill/of 667/3826
Deu_12:21......given/thee as I have/commanded 668/3826
Deu_12:21..commanded/thee and thou shalt eat in/thy 669/3826
Deu_12:25.......with/thee and with thy children after thee when/thou 670/3826
Deu_12:25......after/thee when thou shalt do/that 671/3826
Deu_12:28....command/thee that it may go/well 672/3826
Deu_12:28.......with/thee and with thy children after thee for/ever 673/3826
Deu_12:28......after/thee for ever when/thou 674/3826
Deu_12:29.....before/thee whither thou goest/to 675/3826
Deu_12:30.....before/thee and that thou enquire/not 676/3826
Deu_13:1......giveth/thee a sign or/a..... 677/3826
Deu_13:2........unto/thee saying Let us go after/other 678/3826
Deu_13:5......thrust/thee out of the way/which 679/3826
Deu_13:5...commanded/thee to walk in So/shalt 680/3826
Deu_13:5..........of/thee If thy/brother.. 681/3826
Deu_13:6......entice/thee secretly/saying. 682/3826
Deu_13:7........unto/thee or far/off...... 683/3826
Deu_13:7........from/thee from the one/end 684/3826
Deu_13:10.....thrust/thee away from/the... 685/3826
Deu_13:10....brought/thee out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage And/all 686/3826
Deu_13:12......given/thee to dwell there/saying 687/3826
Deu_13:17.......shew/thee mercy and have/compassion 688/3826
Deu_13:17.......upon/thee and multiply thee as/he 689/3826
Deu_13:17...multiply/thee as he hath sworn/unto 690/3826
Deu_13:18....command/thee this day to do that/which 691/3826
Deu_14:2......chosen/thee to be a peculiar/people 692/3826
Deu_14:24........for/thee so that thou art/not 693/3826
Deu_14:24.......from/thee which the/LORD.. 694/3826
Deu_14:24....blessed/thee Then shalt/thou. 695/3826
Deu_14:27.......with/thee At the end/of... 696/3826
Deu_14:29.......with/thee and the stranger/and 697/3826
Deu_14:29......bless/thee in all the work of thine hand/which 698/3826
Deu_15:4.......bless/thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for/an 699/3826
Deu_15:4......giveth/thee for an inheritance to possess it Only/if 700/3826
Deu_15:5.....command/thee this day For the/LORD 701/3826
Deu_15:6....blesseth/thee as he promised/thee 702/3826
Deu_15:6....promised/thee and thou shalt lend/unto 703/3826
Deu_15:6........over/thee If there/be..... 704/3826
Deu_15:7......giveth/thee thou shalt not harden/thine 705/3826
Deu_15:9.....against/thee and it be/sin... 706/3826
Deu_15:9........unto/thee Thou shalt surely/give 707/3826
Deu_15:10......bless/thee in all thy works/and 708/3826
Deu_15:11....command/thee saying Thou shalt open/thine 709/3826
Deu_15:12.......unto/thee and serve/thee.. 710/3826
Deu_15:12......serve/thee six years then/in 711/3826
Deu_15:12.......from/thee And when thou sendest/him 712/3826
Deu_15:13.......from/thee thou shalt not let/him 713/3826
Deu_15:14....blessed/thee thou shalt give/unto 714/3826
Deu_15:15...redeemed/thee therefore I/command 715/3826
Deu_15:15....command/thee this thing/to... 716/3826
Deu_15:16.......unto/thee I will not go/away 717/3826
Deu_15:16.......from/thee because he loveth/thee 718/3826
Deu_15:16.....loveth/thee and thine house because/he 719/3826
Deu_15:16.......with/thee Then thou shalt take/an 720/3826
Deu_15:18.......unto/thee when thou sendest/him 721/3826
Deu_15:18.......from/thee for he hath/been 722/3826 in serving/thee. 723/3826
Deu_15:18....serving/thee six years and/the 724/3826
Deu_15:18......bless/thee in all that thou doest All/the 725/3826
Deu_16:1.....brought/thee forth out of Egypt/by 726/3826
Deu_16:4........with/thee in all thy coast/seven 727/3826
Deu_16:5......giveth/thee But at/the...... 728/3826
Deu_16:9........unto/thee begin to number/the 729/3826
Deu_16:10....blessed/thee And thou shalt rejoice/before 730/3826
Deu_16:15......bless/thee in all thine/increase 731/3826
Deu_16:17......given/thee Judges/and...... 732/3826
Deu_16:18.......make/thee in all thy gates which/the 733/3826
Deu_16:18.....giveth/thee throughout/thy.. 734/3826
Deu_16:20.....giveth/thee Thou shalt not plant/thee 735/3826
Deu_16:21......plant/thee a grove/of...... 736/3826
Deu_16:21.......make/thee Neither shalt thou set/thee 737/3826
Deu_16:22........set/thee up any/image.... 738/3826
Deu_17:2......giveth/thee man/or.......... 739/3826
Deu_17:4........told/thee and thou hast heard/of 740/3826
Deu_17:8.........for/thee in judgment between/blood 741/3826
Deu_17:8.........get/thee up into the place/which 742/3826
Deu_17:9........shew/thee the sentence/of. 743/3826
Deu_17:10.......shew/thee and thou shalt observe/to 744/3826
Deu_17:10.....inform/thee According to the sentence/of 745/3826
Deu_17:11......teach/thee and according/to 746/3826
Deu_17:11.......tell/thee thou shalt do thou/shalt 747/3826
Deu_17:11.......shew/thee to the right/hand 748/3826
Deu_17:14.....giveth/thee and shalt possess/it 749/3826
Deu_17:15.......over/thee whom the/LORD... 750/3826
Deu_17:15.......over/thee thou mayest/not. 751/3826
Deu_17:15.......over/thee which is not/thy 752/3826
Deu_18:9......giveth/thee thou shalt not learn/to 753/3826
Deu_18:12.....before/thee Thou shalt be perfect/with 754/3826
Deu_18:14........for/thee the LORD thy/God 755/3826
Deu_18:14...suffered/thee so to/do........ 756/3826
Deu_18:15.......unto/thee a Prophet from/the 757/3826
Deu_18:15.........of/thee of thy brethren/like 758/3826
Deu_18:18.......unto/thee and will put my/words 759/3826
Deu_19:1......giveth/thee and thou succeedest/them 760/3826
Deu_19:2.........for/thee in the midst of thy/land 761/3826
Deu_19:2......giveth/thee to possess it Thou/shalt 762/3826
Deu_19:3.....prepare/thee a way/and....... 763/3826
Deu_19:3......giveth/thee to inherit into/three 764/3826
Deu_19:7.....command/thee saying Thou shalt separate/three 765/3826
Deu_19:7.........for/thee And if the LORD/thy 766/3826
Deu_19:8........give/thee all the land which/he 767/3826
Deu_19:9.....command/thee this day to love the LORD thy God and/to 768/3826
Deu_19:9.........for/thee beside these/three 769/3826
Deu_19:10.....giveth/thee for an inheritance and so/blood 770/3826
Deu_19:10.......upon/thee But if any/man.. 771/3826
Deu_19:13.......with/thee Thou shalt not remove/thy 772/3826
Deu_19:14.....giveth/thee to possess it One/witness 773/3826
Deu_20:1........with/thee which brought/thee 774/3826
Deu_20:1.....brought/thee up out of the land of Egypt And it/shall 775/3826
Deu_20:11.......make/thee answer of/peace. 776/3826
Deu_20:11.......unto/thee then it/shall... 777/3826
Deu_20:11.......unto/thee and they shall serve/thee 778/3826
Deu_20:11......serve/thee And if it/will.. 779/3826
Deu_20:12.......with/thee but will make/war 780/3826
Deu_20:12....against/thee then thou shalt besiege/it 781/3826
Deu_20:14......given/thee Thus shalt/thou. 782/3826
Deu_20:15.......from/thee which are not/of 783/3826
Deu_20:16.......give/thee for an inheritance thou shalt save/alive 784/3826
Deu_20:17..commanded/thee That they teach/you 785/3826
Deu_20:20.......with/thee until it/be..... 786/3826
Deu_21:1......giveth/thee to possess it lying/in 787/3826
Deu_21:23.....giveth/thee for an inheritance Thou shalt not/see 788/3826
Deu_22:2........unto/thee or if/thou...... 789/3826
Deu_22:2........with/thee until thy/brother 790/3826
Deu_22:6......before/thee in the way in/any 791/3826 that it may be well with thee and that/thou 792/3826
Deu_22:7........with/thee and that thou mayest prolong thy days When/thou 793/3826
Deu_22:12.......make/thee fringes/upon.... 794/3826
Deu_23:4.....against/thee Balaam/the...... 795/3826
Deu_23:4.......curse/thee Nevertheless the/LORD 796/3826
Deu_23:5........unto/thee because the/LORD 797/3826
Deu_23:5.......loved/thee Thou shalt not seek/their 798/3826
Deu_23:9........keep/thee from every/wicked 799/3826
Deu_23:13.......from/thee For the LORD thy God walketh/in 800/3826
Deu_23:14....deliver/thee and to give/up.. 801/3826
Deu_23:14.....before/thee therefore shall/thy 802/3826 and turn/away... 803/3826
Deu_23:14.......from/thee Thou shalt not deliver/unto 804/3826
Deu_23:15.......unto/thee He shall dwell/with 805/3826
Deu_23:16.......with/thee even among/you.. 806/3826
Deu_23:20......bless/thee in all that thou settest/thine 807/3826
Deu_23:21.........of/thee and it would/be. 808/3826 But if thou shalt/forbear 809/3826 That which is gone/out 810/3826
Deu_24:4......giveth/thee for an inheritance When/a 811/3826
Deu_24:11.......unto/thee And if the man/be 812/3826
Deu_24:13......bless/thee and it shall be righteousness/unto 813/3826
Deu_24:13.......unto/thee before the LORD thy/God 814/3826
Deu_24:15....against/thee unto the LORD/and 815/3826
Deu_24:15.......unto/thee The fathers/shall 816/3826
Deu_24:18...redeemed/thee thence therefore/I 817/3826
Deu_24:18....command/thee to do this thing When/thou 818/3826
Deu_24:19......bless/thee in all the work of thine hands/When 819/3826
Deu_24:22....command/thee to do this thing If/there 820/3826
Deu_25:3........unto/thee Thou shalt not muzzle/the 821/3826
Deu_25:15.....giveth/thee For all that do/such 822/3826
Deu_25:17.......unto/thee by the way when/ye 823/3826
Deu_25:18........met/thee by the way and smote/the 824/3826
Deu_25:18.........of/thee even all that/were 825/3826
Deu_25:18.....behind/thee when thou wast faint/and 826/3826
Deu_25:19......given/thee rest from all/thine 827/3826
Deu_25:19.....giveth/thee for an inheritance to possess it that/thou 828/3826
Deu_26:1......giveth/thee for an inheritance and possessest/it 829/3826
Deu_26:2......giveth/thee and shalt put/it 830/3826
Deu_26:11.......unto/thee and unto thine/house 831/3826
Deu_26:16..commanded/thee to do these/statutes 832/3826
Deu_26:18...avouched/thee this day to be/his 833/3826
Deu_26:18...promised/thee and that thou shouldest/keep 834/3826
Deu_26:19.......make/thee high above/all.. 835/3826
Deu_27:2......giveth/thee that thou shalt set thee/up 836/3826
Deu_27:2.........set/thee up great/stones. 837/3826
Deu_27:3......giveth/thee a land that/floweth 838/3826
Deu_27:3....promised/thee Therefore it/shall 839/3826
Deu_27:10....command/thee this day And Moses/charged 840/3826
Deu_28:1.....command/thee this day that the/LORD 841/3826
Deu_28:1.........set/thee on high/above... 842/3826
Deu_28:2..........on/thee and overtake thee if/thou 843/3826
Deu_28:2....overtake/thee if thou shalt hearken/unto 844/3826
Deu_28:7.....against/thee to be smitten before thy/face 845/3826
Deu_28:7.....against/thee one way and/flee 846/3826
Deu_28:7......before/thee seven ways/The.. 847/3826
Deu_28:8........upon/thee in thy storehouses/and 848/3826
Deu_28:8.......bless/thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee The/LORD 849/3826
Deu_28:8......giveth/thee The LORD shall establish/thee 850/3826
Deu_28:9...establish/thee an holy/people.. 851/3826
Deu_28:9........unto/thee if thou shalt keep/the 852/3826
Deu_28:10.........of/thee And the LORD shall make/thee 853/3826
Deu_28:11.......make/thee plenteous in goods/in 854/3826
Deu_28:11.......give/thee The LORD shall open/unto 855/3826
Deu_28:12.......unto/thee his good/treasure 856/3826
Deu_28:13.......make/thee the head/and.... 857/3826
Deu_28:13....command/thee this day to observe/and 858/3826
Deu_28:14....command/thee this day to the/right 859/3826
Deu_28:15....command/thee this day that all/these 860/3826
Deu_28:15.......upon/thee and overtake thee Cursed/shalt 861/3826
Deu_28:15...overtake/thee Cursed shalt/thou 862/3826
Deu_28:20.......upon/thee cursing/vexation 863/3826
Deu_28:21.......unto/thee until he/have... 864/3826
Deu_28:21...consumed/thee from off the land/whither 865/3826
Deu_28:22......smite/thee with a consumption/and 866/3826
Deu_28:22.....pursue/thee until thou perish/And 867/3826
Deu_28:23......under/thee shall be iron/The 868/3826
Deu_28:24.......upon/thee until thou be destroyed The/LORD 869/3826
Deu_28:25......cause/thee to be smitten before thine/enemies 870/3826
Deu_28:27......smite/thee with the botch/of 871/3826
Deu_28:28......smite/thee with madness/and 872/3826 Thou shalt betroth/a 873/3826 thy sheep/shall. 874/3826
Deu_28:35......smite/thee in the knees/and 875/3826
Deu_28:36......bring/thee and thy king/which 876/3826
Deu_28:36.......over/thee unto a/nation... 877/3826
Deu_28:37.......lead/thee Thou shalt carry/much 878/3826
Deu_28:43.....within/thee shall get/up.... 879/3826
Deu_28:43......above/thee very/high....... 880/3826 and thou shalt not lend/to 881/3826
Deu_28:45.......upon/thee and shall pursue/thee 882/3826
Deu_28:45.....pursue/thee and overtake thee till/thou 883/3826
Deu_28:45...overtake/thee till thou be/destroyed 884/3826
Deu_28:45..commanded/thee And they shall be upon/thee 885/3826
Deu_28:46.......upon/thee for a sign and/for 886/3826
Deu_28:48....against/thee in hunger/and... 887/3826
Deu_28:48..destroyed/thee The LORD shall bring/a 888/3826
Deu_28:49....against/thee from far/from... 889/3826
Deu_28:51......leave/thee either corn/wine 890/3826
Deu_28:51..destroyed/thee And he shall besiege/thee 891/3826
Deu_28:52....besiege/thee in all thy gates until/thy 892/3826
Deu_28:52....besiege/thee in all thy gates throughout/all 893/3826
Deu_28:52......given/thee And thou shalt eat the fruit/of 894/3826
Deu_28:53......given/thee in the siege/and 895/3826
Deu_28:53...distress/thee So that the/man. 896/3826
Deu_28:55...distress/thee in all thy gates The/tender 897/3826
Deu_28:57...distress/thee in thy gates/If. 898/3826
Deu_28:60.......upon/thee all the diseases/of 899/3826
Deu_28:60.......unto/thee Also every/sickness 900/3826
Deu_28:61.......upon/thee until thou be destroyed And/ye 901/3826
Deu_28:64....scatter/thee among all/people 902/3826
Deu_28:65.......give/thee there a/trembling 903/3826
Deu_28:66.....before/thee and thou shalt fear/day 904/3826
Deu_28:68......bring/thee into Egypt again/with 905/3826
Deu_28:68.......unto/thee Thou shalt see/it 906/3826
Deu_29:12.......with/thee this day That he/may 907/3826
Deu_29:13..establish/thee to day for/a.... 908/3826
Deu_29:13.......unto/thee a God as/he..... 909/3826
Deu_29:13.......unto/thee and as he/hath.. 910/3826
Deu_30:1........upon/thee the blessing and/the 911/3826
Deu_30:1......before/thee and thou shalt call/them 912/3826
Deu_30:1......driven/thee And shalt return/unto 913/3826
Deu_30:2.....command/thee this day thou/and 914/3826
Deu_30:3........upon/thee and will return/and 915/3826
Deu_30:3......gather/thee from all the/nations 916/3826
Deu_30:3...scattered/thee If any of/thine. 917/3826
Deu_30:4......gather/thee and from thence/will 918/3826
Deu_30:4.......fetch/thee And the LORD thy/God 919/3826
Deu_30:5.......bring/thee into the land which thy/fathers 920/3826 good and multiply/thee 921/3826
Deu_30:5....multiply/thee above/thy....... 922/3826
Deu_30:7........hate/thee which persecuted/thee 923/3826
Deu_30:7..persecuted/thee And thou shalt return/and 924/3826
Deu_30:8.....command/thee this day And the/LORD 925/3826
Deu_30:9........make/thee plenteous in every/work 926/3826
Deu_30:9........over/thee for good as/he.. 927/3826
Deu_30:11....command/thee this day it/is.. 928/3826
Deu_30:11.......from/thee neither is it/far 929/3826
Deu_30:14.......unto/thee in thy mouth/and 930/3826
Deu_30:15.....before/thee this day life/and 931/3826
Deu_30:16....command/thee this day to love the LORD thy God to/walk 932/3826
Deu_30:16......bless/thee in the land whither/thou 933/3826
Deu_31:3......before/thee and he will/destroy 934/3826
Deu_31:3......before/thee and thou shalt possess/them 935/3826
Deu_31:3......before/thee as the LORD hath said/And 936/3826
Deu_31:6........with/thee he will not fail thee nor forsake thee And/Moses 937/3826 nor forsake thee And/Moses 938/3826
Deu_31:6.....forsake/thee And Moses called/unto 939/3826
Deu_31:8......before/thee he will be with/thee 940/3826
Deu_31:8........with/thee he will not fail thee neither/forsake 941/3826 neither forsake/thee 942/3826
Deu_31:8.....forsake/thee fear not neither be dismayed/And 943/3826
Deu_31:23.......with/thee And it came to pass when/Moses 944/3826
Deu_31:26....against/thee For I know/thy.. 945/3826
Deu_32:6......bought/thee hath he/not..... 946/3826
Deu_32:6........made/thee and established/thee 947/3826
Deu_32:6.established/thee Remember/the.... 948/3826
Deu_32:7........shew/thee thy elders/and.. 949/3826
Deu_32:7........tell/thee When the Most/High 950/3826
Deu_32:18......begat/thee thou art unmindful/and 951/3826
Deu_32:18.....formed/thee And when the LORD/saw 952/3826
Deu_32:49........Get/thee up into this mountain/Abarim 953/3826
Deu_32:52.....before/thee but thou shalt not/go 954/3826
Deu_33:10.....before/thee and whole/burnt. 955/3826
Deu_33:27.....before/thee and shall say/Destroy 956/3826
Deu_33:29.......unto/thee O people/saved.. 957/3826
Deu_33:29.......unto/thee and thou shalt tread/upon 958/3826
Deu_34:4......caused/thee to see/it....... 959/3826
Jos_1:5.......before/thee all the days of/thy 960/3826
Jos_1:5.........with/thee I will not fail/thee 961/3826 nor forsake thee Be/strong 962/3826
Jos_1:5......forsake/thee Be strong and of a good courage for/unto 963/3826
Jos_1:7....commanded/thee turn not from/it 964/3826
Jos_1:9....commanded/thee Be strong and of a good courage be/not 965/3826
Jos_1:9.........with/thee whithersoever thou goest Then/Joshua 966/3826
Jos_1:17........unto/thee only the LORD thy/God 967/3826
Jos_1:17........with/thee as he was/with.. 968/3826 which are entered/into 969/3826
Jos_2:14........with/thee Then she/let.... 970/3826
Jos_2:18........unto/thee And it shall be that/whosoever 971/3826
Jos_2:19........with/thee in the house/his 972/3826
Jos_3:7......magnify/thee in the sight of all Israel/that 973/3826
Jos_3:7.........with/thee And thou shalt command/the 974/3826
Jos_5:2.........Make/thee sharp/knives.... 975/3826
Jos_7:10.........Get/thee up wherefore/liest 976/3826
Jos_7:13..........of/thee O Israel thou/canst 977/3826
Jos_7:19........pray/thee glory/to........ 978/3826
Jos_7:25.....trouble/thee this day And all/Israel 979/3826
Jos_8:1.........with/thee and arise go up/to 980/3826
Jos_8:2..........lay/thee an ambush/for... 981/3826
Jos_9:25........unto/thee to do unto/us... 982/3826
Jos_10:8......before/thee Joshua therefore/came 983/3826
Jos_13:6...commanded/thee Now therefore divide/this 984/3826
Jos_14:6.........and/thee in Kadeshbarnea/Forty 985/3826
Jos_17:15........get/thee up to the/wood.. 986/3826
Jos_17:15........for/thee And the children of Joseph/said 987/3826
Jdg_1:3.........with/thee into thy/lot.... 988/3826
Jdg_1:24........pray/thee the entrance/into 989/3826
Jdg_1:24........shew/thee mercy And when/he 990/3826
Jdg_3:19........unto/thee O king who/said. 991/3826
Jdg_3:20........unto/thee And he arose out/of 992/3826
Jdg_4:6.........with/thee ten thousand/men 993/3826
Jdg_4:7.........unto/thee to the river/Kishon 994/3826
Jdg_4:9.........with/thee notwithstanding the/journey 995/3826
Jdg_4:14......before/thee So Barak/went... 996/3826
Jdg_4:19........pray/thee a little water to/drink 997/3826
Jdg_4:20..........of/thee and say Is/there 998/3826
Jdg_4:22........shew/thee the man whom thou seekest And/when 999/3826
Jdg_5:14.......after/thee Benjamin/among. 1000/3826
Jdg_6:12........with/thee thou mighty/man 1001/3826
Jdg_6:14........sent/thee And he said unto him Oh/my 1002/3826
Jdg_6:16........with/thee and thou shalt smite/the 1003/3826
Jdg_6:18........pray/thee until I come/unto 1004/3826
Jdg_6:18........unto/thee and bring forth/my 1005/3826
Jdg_6:18......before/thee And he said I will tarry/until 1006/3826
Jdg_6:23........unto/thee fear not thou shalt/not 1007/3826
Jdg_6:39........pray/thee but this/once.. 1008/3826
Jdg_7:2.........with/thee are too/many... 1009/3826
Jdg_7:4..........for/thee there and it/shall 1010/3826
Jdg_7:4.........unto/thee This shall go/with 1011/3826
Jdg_7:4.........with/thee the same shall go/with 1012/3826
Jdg_7:4.........with/thee and of whomsoever/I 1013/3826
Jdg_7:4.........unto/thee This shall not/go 1014/3826
Jdg_7:4.........with/thee the same shall not/go 1015/3826
Jdg_7:9..........get/thee down unto/the.. 1016/3826
Jdg_9:31.....against/thee Now therefore up/by 1017/3826
Jdg_9:32........with/thee and lie/in..... 1018/3826
Jdg_9:33.....against/thee then mayest/thou 1019/3826
Jdg_10:10....against/thee both because/we 1020/3826
Jdg_10:15.......unto/thee deliver us/only 1021/3826
Jdg_10:15.......pray/thee this day And they/put 1022/3826 now that thou mayest/go 1023/3826
Jdg_11:17.......pray/thee pass through/thy 1024/3826
Jdg_11:19.......pray/thee through thy land/into 1025/3826
Jdg_11:24.....giveth/thee to possess So/whomsoever 1026/3826
Jdg_11:27....against/thee but thou doest/me 1027/3826
Jdg_11:36........for/thee of thine/enemies 1028/3826
Jdg_12:1........with/thee we will burn/thine 1029/3826
Jdg_12:1........upon/thee with fire/And.. 1030/3826
Jdg_13:4........pray/thee and drink/not.. 1031/3826
Jdg_13:15.......pray/thee let us detain/thee 1032/3826
Jdg_13:15.....detain/thee until we/shall. 1033/3826
Jdg_13:15........for/thee And the angel/of 1034/3826 honour/And..... 1035/3826
Jdg_14:15.......burn/thee and thy father's/house 1036/3826 And she wept/before 1037/3826
Jdg_15:2........pray/thee instead of her/And 1038/3826
Jdg_15:12.......bind/thee that we may/deliver 1039/3826
Jdg_15:12....deliver/thee into the hand of the Philistines And Samson/said 1040/3826
Jdg_15:13.......bind/thee fast/and....... 1041/3826
Jdg_15:13....deliver/thee into their hand but/surely 1042/3826
Jdg_15:13.......kill/thee And they bound/him 1043/3826
Jdg_16:5........give/thee every one of/us 1044/3826
Jdg_16:6........pray/thee wherein/thy.... 1045/3826
Jdg_16:6.....afflict/thee And Samson/said 1046/3826
Jdg_16:9........upon/thee Samson And he brake/the 1047/3826
Jdg_16:10.......pray/thee wherewith/thou. 1048/3826
Jdg_16:12.......upon/thee Samson And there/were 1049/3826
Jdg_16:14.......upon/thee Samson And he awaked/out 1050/3826 when thine/heart 1051/3826
Jdg_16:20.......upon/thee Samson And he awoke/out 1052/3826
Jdg_16:28.......pray/thee and strengthen/me 1053/3826
Jdg_16:28.......pray/thee only this/once. 1054/3826
Jdg_17:2........from/thee about which/thou 1055/3826
Jdg_17:3........unto/thee Yet he/restored 1056/3826
Jdg_17:10.......give/thee ten shekels of silver by/the 1057/3826
Jdg_18:3.....brought/thee hither/and..... 1058/3826
Jdg_18:5........pray/thee of God that/we. 1059/3826
Jdg_18:19........for/thee to be a priest/unto 1060/3826
Jdg_18:23.....aileth/thee that thou comest/with 1061/3826
Jdg_18:24.....aileth/thee And the children of Dan/said 1062/3826
Jdg_18:25.......upon/thee and thou lose/thy 1063/3826
Jdg_19:6........pray/thee and tarry/all.. 1064/3826
Jdg_19:8........pray/thee And they tarried/until 1065/3826
Jdg_19:11.......pray/thee and let us turn/in 1066/3826
Jdg_19:20.......with/thee howsoever/let.. 1067/3826
Rut_1:10........with/thee unto thy people/And 1068/3826
Rut_1:16.......leave/thee or to return/from 1069/3826
Rut_1:16.......after/thee for whither/thou 1070/3826
Rut_1:17........part/thee and me When/she 1071/3826
Rut_2:4........bless/thee Then said Boaz/unto 1072/3826
Rut_2:9........touch/thee and when thou art/athirst 1073/3826
Rut_2:12.......given/thee of the LORD God/of 1074/3826
Rut_2:19..........of/thee And she shewed/her 1075/3826 not in/any..... 1076/3826
Rut_3:1..........for/thee that it may be well with thee And now/is 1077/3826
Rut_3:1.........with/thee And now is/not. 1078/3826
Rut_3:3.......anoint/thee and put thy/raiment 1079/3826
Rut_3:3.........upon/thee and get/thee... 1080/3826
Rut_3:3..........get/thee down to the floor/but 1081/3826
Rut_3:4..........lay/thee down and he/will 1082/3826
Rut_3:4.........tell/thee what thou shalt do And she/said 1083/3826 all that thou/requirest 1084/3826
Rut_3:13........unto/thee the part/of.... 1085/3826 then will/I.... 1086/3826 as the LORD liveth/lie 1087/3826
Rut_3:15........upon/thee and hold/it.... 1088/3826
Rut_4:4....advertise/thee saying Buy it/before 1089/3826
Rut_4:4.......beside/thee and I am after/thee 1090/3826
Rut_4:4........after/thee And he said I will redeem/it 1091/3826
Rut_4:8..........for/thee So he drew/off. 1092/3826
Rut_4:12........give/thee of this young/woman 1093/3826
Rut_4:14........left/thee this day without/a 1094/3826
Rut_4:15........unto/thee a restorer/of.. 1095/3826
Rut_4:15......loveth/thee which is better/to 1096/3826 than seven/sons 1097/3826 than ten/sons.. 1098/3826
1Sa_1:14........from/thee And Hannah/answered 1099/3826
1Sa_1:17.......grant/thee thy petition/that 1100/3826
1Sa_1:23.....seemeth/thee good tarry/until 1101/3826 here praying/unto 1102/3826
1Sa_2:2.......beside/thee neither is there any rock/like 1103/3826
1Sa_2:15..........of/thee but raw/And.... 1104/3826
1Sa_2:20........give/thee seed/of........ 1105/3826
1Sa_2:34........unto/thee that shall/come 1106/3826
1Sa_2:36........pray/thee into one/of.... 1107/3826 that thou shalt say/Speak 1108/3826
1Sa_3:17........unto/thee I pray thee hide/it 1109/3826
1Sa_3:17........pray/thee hide it/not.... 1110/3826 and more/also.. 1111/3826
1Sa_3:17........unto/thee And Samuel told/him 1112/3826
1Sa_8:7.........unto/thee for they have not/rejected 1113/3826
1Sa_8:7.....rejected/thee but they have/rejected 1114/3826
1Sa_8:8.........unto/thee Now therefore hearken/unto 1115/3826
1Sa_9:3.........with/thee and arise go seek/the 1116/3826
1Sa_9:16........send/thee a man out/of... 1117/3826 of this same/shall 1118/3826
1Sa_9:18........pray/thee where the/seer's 1119/3826
1Sa_9:19.........let/thee go and will/tell 1120/3826
1Sa_9:19........tell/thee all that is/in. 1121/3826
1Sa_9:20..........on/thee and on/all..... 1122/3826
1Sa_9:23........gave/thee of which/I..... 1123/3826
1Sa_9:23........unto/thee Set it/by...... 1124/3826 And the cook/took 1125/3826
1Sa_9:24......before/thee and eat for/unto 1126/3826
1Sa_9:24.........for/thee since I/said... 1127/3826
1Sa_9:26........send/thee away And Saul/arose 1128/3826
1Sa_9:27........shew/thee the word of/God 1129/3826
1Sa_10:1....anointed/thee to be captain/over 1130/3826
1Sa_10:2........unto/thee The asses/which 1131/3826 three men/going 1132/3826
1Sa_10:4......salute/thee and give thee two/loaves 1133/3826
1Sa_10:4........give/thee two loaves/of.. 1134/3826
1Sa_10:6........upon/thee and thou shalt prophesy/with 1135/3826
1Sa_10:7........unto/thee that thou do/as 1136/3826
1Sa_10:7.......serve/thee for God is with/thee 1137/3826
1Sa_10:7........with/thee And thou shalt go/down 1138/3826
1Sa_10:8........unto/thee to offer/burnt. 1139/3826 and shew thee what/thou 1140/3826
1Sa_10:8........shew/thee what thou shalt do And it/was 1141/3826
1Sa_10:15.......pray/thee what Samuel/said 1142/3826
1Sa_11:1.......serve/thee And Nahash/the. 1143/3826 Then came the/messengers 1144/3826
1Sa_12:10......serve/thee And the LORD sent/Jerubbaal 1145/3826
1Sa_13:13..commanded/thee for now/would.. 1146/3826
1Sa_13:14..commanded/thee And Samuel arose/and 1147/3826
1Sa_14:7........turn/thee behold I am/with 1148/3826
1Sa_14:7........with/thee according to thy heart/Then 1149/3826
1Sa_14:36.......unto/thee Then said the/priest 1150/3826
1Sa_14:40.......unto/thee Therefore Saul/said 1151/3826
1Sa_15:1......anoint/thee to be king/over 1152/3826
1Sa_15:16.......tell/thee what the/LORD.. 1153/3826
1Sa_15:17...anointed/thee king over Israel And the/LORD 1154/3826
1Sa_15:18.......sent/thee on a journey/and 1155/3826
1Sa_15:23...rejected/thee from being king And/Saul 1156/3826
1Sa_15:25.......pray/thee pardon/my...... 1157/3826
1Sa_15:26.......with/thee for thou hast rejected/the 1158/3826
1Sa_15:26...rejected/thee from being king over/Israel 1159/3826
1Sa_15:28.......from/thee this day and hath/given 1160/3826
1Sa_15:30.......pray/thee before the elders/of 1161/3826
1Sa_16:1........send/thee to Jesse/the... 1162/3826
1Sa_16:2........with/thee and say I/am... 1163/3826
1Sa_16:3........shew/thee what thou shalt do and thou/shalt 1164/3826
1Sa_16:3........unto/thee And Samuel did/that 1165/3826
1Sa_16:15..troubleth/thee Let our/lord... 1166/3826
1Sa_16:16.....before/thee to seek/out.... 1167/3826
1Sa_16:16.......upon/thee that he shall/play 1168/3826
1Sa_16:22.......pray/thee stand before/me 1169/3826
1Sa_17:37.......with/thee And Saul/armed. 1170/3826 in the name of the/LORD 1171/3826
1Sa_17:46....deliver/thee into mine/hand. 1172/3826
1Sa_17:46......smite/thee and take thine/head 1173/3826
1Sa_17:46.......from/thee and I will give the/carcases 1174/3826
1Sa_18:17.......give/thee to wife/only... 1175/3826 and all his/servants 1176/3826 now therefore be/the 1177/3826
1Sa_19:2........kill/thee now therefore I/pray 1178/3826
1Sa_19:2........pray/thee take heed/to... 1179/3826
1Sa_19:3..........of/thee and what I see/that 1180/3826
1Sa_19:3........tell/thee And Jonathan spake/good 1181/3826
1Sa_19:4.....against/thee and because/his 1182/3826
1Sa_19:17.......kill/thee So David fled/and 1183/3826
1Sa_20:4.........for/thee And David said unto Jonathan/Behold 1184/3826
1Sa_20:8........with/thee notwithstanding if/there 1185/3826
1Sa_20:9........from/thee for if/I....... 1186/3826
1Sa_20:9........upon/thee then would/not. 1187/3826 Then said David/to 1188/3826
1Sa_20:10.....answer/thee roughly/And.... 1189/3826
1Sa_20:12.......unto/thee and shew it/thee 1190/3826 The LORD do/so. 1191/3826 evil then/I.... 1192/3826 and send/thee.. 1193/3826
1Sa_20:13.......send/thee away that/thou. 1194/3826
1Sa_20:13.......with/thee as he hath been/with 1195/3826
1Sa_20:21.........of/thee take them/then. 1196/3826 and no hurt/as. 1197/3826
1Sa_20:22.....beyond/thee go thy/way..... 1198/3826
1Sa_20:22.......sent/thee away And as/touching 1199/3826
1Sa_20:23....between/thee and me for/ever 1200/3826
1Sa_20:29.......pray/thee for our family/hath 1201/3826
1Sa_20:29.......pray/thee and see my/brethren 1202/3826
1Sa_20:37.....beyond/thee And Jonathan cried/after 1203/3826
1Sa_20:42........and/thee and between my seed/and 1204/3826
1Sa_21:1........with/thee And David said unto Ahimelech/the 1205/3826
1Sa_21:2........send/thee and what I have/commanded 1206/3826
1Sa_21:2...commanded/thee and I have appointed/my 1207/3826
1Sa_22:3........pray/thee come forth/and. 1208/3826
1Sa_22:5.........get/thee into the land of Judah/Then 1209/3826
1Sa_23:11....beseech/thee tell thy/servant 1210/3826
1Sa_23:12....deliver/thee up Then/David.. 1211/3826
1Sa_23:17.......find/thee and thou shalt be king/over 1212/3826
1Sa_23:17.......unto/thee and that also/Saul 1213/3826
1Sa_23:27......Haste/thee and come/for... 1214/3826
1Sa_24:4........unto/thee Behold I will/deliver 1215/3826
1Sa_24:4........unto/thee Then David arose/and 1216/3826
1Sa_24:10..delivered/thee to day into/mine 1217/3826
1Sa_24:10.......kill/thee but mine eye/spared 1218/3826
1Sa_24:10.....spared/thee and I said I/will 1219/3826
1Sa_24:11.....killed/thee not know/thou.. 1220/3826
1Sa_24:11....against/thee yet thou/huntest 1221/3826
1Sa_24:12........and/thee and the LORD avenge/me 1222/3826
1Sa_24:12.........of/thee but mine hand/shall 1223/3826
1Sa_24:12.......upon/thee As saith/the... 1224/3826
1Sa_24:13.......upon/thee After whom/is.. 1225/3826
1Sa_24:15........and/thee and see and/plead 1226/3826
1Sa_24:17...rewarded/thee evil And thou/hast 1227/3826
1Sa_24:19.....reward/thee good for that/thou 1228/3826 and peace be to thine house/and 1229/3826
1Sa_25:8........shew/thee Wherefore let/the 1230/3826
1Sa_25:8........pray/thee whatsoever/cometh 1231/3826
1Sa_25:24.......pray/thee speak in/thine. 1232/3826
1Sa_25:25.......pray/thee regard/this.... 1233/3826
1Sa_25:26.withholden/thee from coming to/shed 1234/3826
1Sa_25:28.......pray/thee forgive the trespass of thine/handmaid 1235/3826 all thy days Yet/a 1236/3826
1Sa_25:29.....pursue/thee and to seek/thy 1237/3826
1Sa_25:30.concerning/thee and shall have/appointed 1238/3826
1Sa_25:30..appointed/thee ruler over Israel/That 1239/3826
1Sa_25:31.......unto/thee nor offence/of. 1240/3826
1Sa_25:32.......sent/thee this day to meet/me 1241/3826
1Sa_25:34....hurting/thee except thou/hadst 1242/3826
1Sa_25:40.......unto/thee to take/thee... 1243/3826
1Sa_25:40.......take/thee to him/to...... 1244/3826
1Sa_26:6........with/thee So David and/Abishai 1245/3826
1Sa_26:8........pray/thee with the spear/even 1246/3826
1Sa_26:11.......pray/thee take thou now/the 1247/3826 in Israel/wherefore 1248/3826
1Sa_26:19.......pray/thee let my lord/the 1249/3826
1Sa_26:19....stirred/thee up against/me.. 1250/3826 harm/because... 1251/3826
1Sa_26:23..delivered/thee into my hand/to 1252/3826
1Sa_27:5........with/thee Then Achish/gave 1253/3826
1Sa_28:2........make/thee keeper/of...... 1254/3826
1Sa_28:8........pray/thee divine/unto.... 1255/3826
1Sa_28:8........unto/thee And the woman said unto/him 1256/3826 for this thing Then/said 1257/3826
1Sa_28:11.......unto/thee And he said Bring/me 1258/3826
1Sa_28:15.....called/thee that thou mayest make/known 1259/3826
1Sa_28:16.......from/thee and is/become.. 1260/3826
1Sa_28:18.......unto/thee this day Moreover/the 1261/3826
1Sa_28:19.......with/thee into the hand of the Philistines and to/morrow 1262/3826
1Sa_28:22.......pray/thee hearken thou/also 1263/3826
1Sa_28:22.....before/thee and eat that/thou 1264/3826 since the day of/thy 1265/3826
1Sa_29:6......favour/thee not Wherefore/now 1266/3826
1Sa_29:8........with/thee unto this day/that 1267/3826
1Sa_29:10.......with/thee and as soon as ye/be 1268/3826
1Sa_30:7........pray/thee bring me/hither 1269/3826
1Sa_30:15......bring/thee down to this/company 1270/3826
2Sa_1:4.........pray/thee tell me And/he. 1271/3826
2Sa_1:9.........pray/thee upon me/and.... 1272/3826
2Sa_1:16.....against/thee saying I have/slain 1273/3826
2Sa_1:26.........for/thee my brother/Jonathan 1274/3826
2Sa_2:21........Turn/thee aside to/thy... 1275/3826
2Sa_2:21.........lay/thee hold/on........ 1276/3826
2Sa_2:21........take/thee his armour/But. 1277/3826
2Sa_2:22........Turn/thee aside from/following 1278/3826
2Sa_2:22.......smite/thee to the ground how/then 1279/3826
2Sa_3:8....delivered/thee into the hand of David/that 1280/3826
2Sa_3:12........with/thee to bring about/all 1281/3826
2Sa_3:12........unto/thee And he said Well/I 1282/3826
2Sa_3:13........with/thee but one/thing.. 1283/3826
2Sa_3:13..........of/thee that is Thou/shalt 1284/3826
2Sa_3:21........with/thee and that thou mayest reign/over 1285/3826
2Sa_3:24........unto/thee why is/it...... 1286/3826
2Sa_3:25.....deceive/thee and to know/thy 1287/3826 Thou shalt feed my people Israel and thou shalt be a/captain 1288/3826
2Sa_5:24......before/thee to smite the host of the Philistines And/David 1289/3826
2Sa_7:3.........with/thee And it came to pass that night/that 1290/3826
2Sa_7:8.........took/thee from the sheepcote from/following 1291/3826
2Sa_7:9.........with/thee whithersoever thou wentest/and 1292/3826
2Sa_7:9.........made/thee a great name/like 1293/3826
2Sa_7:11......caused/thee to rest from/all 1294/3826
2Sa_7:11.....telleth/thee that he will/make 1295/3826
2Sa_7:11........make/thee an house And when/thy 1296/3826
2Sa_7:12.......after/thee which shall proceed/out 1297/3826
2Sa_7:15......before/thee And thine house and/thy 1298/3826
2Sa_7:16......before/thee thy throne shall/be 1299/3826
2Sa_7:20........unto/thee for thou Lord GOD/knowest 1300/3826 neither is there any God beside thee according to all that we have heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people even/like 1301/3826
2Sa_7:22......beside/thee according to all that we have heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people even/like 1302/3826 from Egypt/from 1303/3826
2Sa_7:24........unto/thee for ever and thou/LORD 1304/3826
2Sa_7:26......before/thee For thou O LORD of/hosts 1305/3826 an house therefore/hath 1306/3826
2Sa_7:27........unto/thee And now O/Lord. 1307/3826
2Sa_7:29......please/thee to bless the house of thy servant that it may continue/for 1308/3826
2Sa_7:29......before/thee for thou O Lord GOD/hast 1309/3826
2Sa_9:7.........shew/thee kindness/for... 1310/3826
2Sa_9:7......restore/thee all the land of/Saul 1311/3826
2Sa_10:3........unto/thee hath not/David. 1312/3826
2Sa_10:3........unto/thee to search/the.. 1313/3826
2Sa_10:11........for/thee then I will come/and 1314/3826 Be of good courage and let us play/the 1315/3826
2Sa_11:12........let/thee depart/So...... 1316/3826
2Sa_11:20.......unto/thee Wherefore approached/ye 1317/3826
2Sa_11:25..displease/thee for the sword devoureth/one 1318/3826
2Sa_12:7....anointed/thee king over Israel and I/delivered 1319/3826
2Sa_12:7...delivered/thee out of the hand of Saul/And 1320/3826
2Sa_12:8........gave/thee thy master's/house 1321/3826
2Sa_12:8........gave/thee the house/of... 1322/3826
2Sa_12:8........unto/thee such/and....... 1323/3826
2Sa_12:11....against/thee out of thine/own 1324/3826
2Sa_12:14.......unto/thee shall surely/die 1325/3826
2Sa_13:5.........Lay/thee down on/thy.... 1326/3826
2Sa_13:5.........see/thee say unto/him... 1327/3826
2Sa_13:5........pray/thee let my sister/Tamar 1328/3826
2Sa_13:6........pray/thee let Tamar/my... 1329/3826
2Sa_13:13........for/thee thou shalt be as/one 1330/3826
2Sa_13:13.......pray/thee speak unto/the. 1331/3826
2Sa_13:13.......from/thee Howbeit/he..... 1332/3826
2Sa_13:20.......with/thee but hold/now... 1333/3826
2Sa_13:24....beseech/thee and his servants/go 1334/3826
2Sa_13:25.......unto/thee And he pressed/him 1335/3826
2Sa_13:26.......pray/thee let my brother/Amnon 1336/3826
2Sa_13:26.......with/thee But Absalom/pressed 1337/3826
2Sa_14:2........pray/thee feign/thyself.. 1338/3826
2Sa_14:5......aileth/thee And she answered I/am 1339/3826
2Sa_14:8..concerning/thee And the woman of/Tekoah 1340/3826
2Sa_14:10.......unto/thee bring him/to... 1341/3826
2Sa_14:10......touch/thee any more/Then.. 1342/3826
2Sa_14:11.......pray/thee let the king/remember 1343/3826
2Sa_14:12.......pray/thee speak one/word. 1344/3826
2Sa_14:17.......with/thee Then the king/answered 1345/3826
2Sa_14:18.......pray/thee the thing/that. 1346/3826
2Sa_14:18........ask/thee And the woman said Let/my 1347/3826
2Sa_14:19.......with/thee in all this/And 1348/3826
2Sa_14:32.......unto/thee saying Come/hither 1349/3826
2Sa_14:32.......send/thee to the king/to. 1350/3826
2Sa_15:3........hear/thee Absalom/said... 1351/3826
2Sa_15:7........pray/thee let me go and/pay 1352/3826
2Sa_15:20.......make/thee go up and down/with 1353/3826
2Sa_15:20.......with/thee And Ittai/answered 1354/3826 behold here/am. 1355/3826
2Sa_15:31.......pray/thee turn the/counsel 1356/3826
2Sa_15:35.......with/thee Zadok/and...... 1357/3826
2Sa_16:4.....beseech/thee that I may find grace in thy sight my/lord 1358/3826
2Sa_16:8........upon/thee all the blood/of 1359/3826
2Sa_16:9........pray/thee and take off/his 1360/3826
2Sa_16:21.......with/thee be strong So/they 1361/3826
2Sa_17:3........unto/thee the man whom thou seekest is/as 1362/3826
2Sa_17:11.......unto/thee from Dan/even.. 1363/3826
2Sa_18:11......given/thee ten shekels of silver and/a 1364/3826
2Sa_18:12....charged/thee and Abishai/and 1365/3826
2Sa_18:14.......with/thee And he took/three 1366/3826
2Sa_18:22.......pray/thee also run/after. 1367/3826
2Sa_18:31....avenged/thee this day of/all 1368/3826
2Sa_18:31....against/thee And the king said unto Cushi/Is 1369/3826
2Sa_18:32....against/thee to do thee hurt/be 1370/3826 hurt/be........ 1371/3826
2Sa_18:33........for/thee O Absalom/my... 1372/3826
2Sa_19:6.....pleased/thee well Now/therefore 1373/3826
2Sa_19:7........with/thee this night and/that 1374/3826
2Sa_19:7........unto/thee than all/the... 1375/3826
2Sa_19:7......befell/thee from thy youth/until 1376/3826
2Sa_19:33.......feed/thee with me in/Jerusalem 1377/3826
2Sa_19:37.......pray/thee turn back/again 1378/3826
2Sa_19:37.......unto/thee And the king answered/Chimham 1379/3826
2Sa_19:38.......unto/thee and whatsoever thou/shalt 1380/3826
2Sa_19:38........for/thee And all the people/went 1381/3826
2Sa_19:41.....stolen/thee away and have/brought 1382/3826
2Sa_20:16.......with/thee And when he was/come 1383/3826 over the wall/Then 1384/3826 I have run through a troop by/my 1385/3826
2Sa_22:50.......unto/thee O LORD among the heathen and I/will 1386/3826
2Sa_24:10....beseech/thee O LORD take/away 1387/3826
2Sa_24:12......offer/thee three things choose thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and told/him 1388/3826
2Sa_24:12.....choose/thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and told/him 1389/3826
2Sa_24:12.......unto/thee So Gad came to David and told/him 1390/3826
2Sa_24:13.......unto/thee in thy land/or. 1391/3826
2Sa_24:13.....pursue/thee or that/there.. 1392/3826
2Sa_24:17.......pray/thee be against/me.. 1393/3826
2Sa_24:21.........of/thee to build an altar/unto 1394/3826
2Sa_24:23.....accept/thee And the king said unto Araunah/Nay 1395/3826
2Sa_24:24.........of/thee at a/price..... 1396/3826
1Ki_1:12........pray/thee give thee/counsel 1397/3826
1Ki_1:12........give/thee counsel that/thou 1398/3826
1Ki_1:13.........get/thee in unto king/David 1399/3826
1Ki_1:14.......after/thee and confirm/thy 1400/3826
1Ki_1:20........upon/thee that thou shouldest tell/them 1401/3826
1Ki_1:30........unto/thee by the LORD/God 1402/3826 said he a/man.. 1403/3826
1Ki_2:8.........with/thee Shimei/the..... 1404/3826
1Ki_2:8..........put/thee to death with/the 1405/3826
1Ki_2:14........unto/thee And she said Say/on 1406/3826
1Ki_2:16..........of/thee deny me not/And 1407/3826
1Ki_2:17........pray/thee unto Solomon/the 1408/3826
1Ki_2:17.........say/thee nay that/he.... 1409/3826
1Ki_2:18.........for/thee unto the king/Bathsheba 1410/3826
1Ki_2:20..........of/thee I pray thee say/me 1411/3826
1Ki_2:20........pray/thee say me/not..... 1412/3826
1Ki_2:20.........say/thee nay And/she.... 1413/3826
1Ki_2:26.........Get/thee to Anathoth/unto 1414/3826
1Ki_2:26.........put/thee to death because/thou 1415/3826
1Ki_2:36.......Build/thee an house in/Jerusalem 1416/3826
1Ki_2:42........make/thee to swear/by.... 1417/3826
1Ki_2:42........unto/thee saying Know/for 1418/3826
1Ki_2:43.....charged/thee with The king/said 1419/3826
1Ki_3:5.........give/thee And Solomon said Thou/hast 1420/3826
1Ki_3:6.......before/thee in truth and in/righteousness 1421/3826
1Ki_3:6.........with/thee and thou hast kept/for 1422/3826
1Ki_3:12.......given/thee a wise/and..... 1423/3826 before thee/neither 1424/3826
1Ki_3:12......before/thee neither after/thee 1425/3826
1Ki_3:12.......after/thee shall any/arise 1426/3826
1Ki_3:12........unto/thee And I have also/given 1427/3826
1Ki_3:13.......given/thee that which thou/hast 1428/3826
1Ki_3:13........unto/thee all thy days And/if 1429/3826
1Ki_5:6.........unto/thee will I give hire/for 1430/3826
1Ki_6:12........with/thee which I spake/unto 1431/3826
1Ki_8:13.......built/thee an house to/dwell 1432/3826
1Ki_8:13.........for/thee to abide in/for 1433/3826 in heaven/above 1434/3826
1Ki_8:23......before/thee with all their heart Who/hast 1435/3826 a man in my sight to sit on/the 1436/3826
1Ki_8:26........pray/thee be verified/which 1437/3826
1Ki_8:27.....contain/thee how much less this house that/I 1438/3826
1Ki_8:28......before/thee to day That/thine 1439/3826
1Ki_8:33.....against/thee and shall turn/again 1440/3826 and confess/thy 1441/3826
1Ki_8:33........unto/thee in this house Then hear thou in/heaven 1442/3826
1Ki_8:35.....against/thee if they/pray... 1443/3826
1Ki_8:40........fear/thee all the days that/they 1444/3826 for that all people of the earth may know thy name to/fear 1445/3826
1Ki_8:43........fear/thee as do/thy...... 1446/3826
1Ki_8:46.....against/thee for there is no man that/sinneth 1447/3826
1Ki_8:47........unto/thee in the land of them/that 1448/3826
1Ki_8:48........unto/thee with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their enemies/which 1449/3826
1Ki_8:48........unto/thee toward their/land 1450/3826
1Ki_8:50.....against/thee and all their/transgressions 1451/3826
1Ki_8:50.....against/thee and give them/compassion 1452/3826
1Ki_8:52........unto/thee For thou didst/separate 1453/3826
1Ki_9:4....commanded/thee and wilt keep/my 1454/3826 a man upon/the. 1455/3826
1Ki_10:8......before/thee and that hear/thy 1456/3826 to set thee on the/throne 1457/3826
1Ki_10:9.........set/thee on the throne/of 1458/3826
1Ki_10:9..........he/thee king to/do..... 1459/3826
1Ki_11:11.........of/thee and thou hast not/kept 1460/3826
1Ki_11:11..commanded/thee I will surely rend/the 1461/3826
1Ki_11:11.......from/thee and will give/it 1462/3826
1Ki_11:31.......Take/thee ten pieces/for. 1463/3826 But he shall/have 1464/3826
1Ki_11:35.......unto/thee even ten/tribes 1465/3826
1Ki_11:37.......take/thee and thou shalt reign/according 1466/3826
1Ki_11:38....command/thee and wilt walk/in 1467/3826
1Ki_11:38.......with/thee and build/thee. 1468/3826 a sure/house... 1469/3826
1Ki_11:38.......unto/thee And I will for/this 1470/3826
1Ki_12:4.......serve/thee And he said unto them Depart/yet 1471/3826
1Ki_12:10.......unto/thee saying Thy father made our yoke heavy but make thou it lighter/unto 1472/3826
1Ki_12:28....brought/thee up out of the land of Egypt And he/set 1473/3826
1Ki_13:2........upon/thee shall he offer/the 1474/3826
1Ki_13:2........upon/thee and men's/bones 1475/3826
1Ki_13:2........upon/thee And he gave/a.. 1476/3826
1Ki_13:7........give/thee a reward/And... 1477/3826
1Ki_13:8........with/thee neither will I eat bread nor drink water in/this 1478/3826
1Ki_13:16.......with/thee nor go/in...... 1479/3826
1Ki_13:16.......with/thee neither will I eat bread nor drink water with/thee 1480/3826
1Ki_13:16.......with/thee in this place/For 1481/3826
1Ki_13:18.......with/thee into thine house/that 1482/3826
1Ki_13:21..commanded/thee But camest/back 1483/3826 Eat/no......... 1484/3826
1Ki_14:2........pray/thee and disguise/thyself 1485/3826
1Ki_14:2.........get/thee to Shiloh/behold 1486/3826
1Ki_14:3........with/thee ten loaves/and. 1487/3826
1Ki_14:3........tell/thee what shall become/of 1488/3826
1Ki_14:5..........of/thee for her/son.... 1489/3826 with heavy/tidings 1490/3826
1Ki_14:7.....exalted/thee from among/the. 1491/3826
1Ki_14:7........made/thee prince over my people Israel And rent/the 1492/3826 and yet/thou... 1493/3826
1Ki_14:9......before/thee for thou hast gone/and 1494/3826
1Ki_14:9........made/thee other/gods..... 1495/3826
1Ki_14:12........get/thee to thine/own... 1496/3826
1Ki_15:19........and/thee and between my father/and 1497/3826
1Ki_15:19.......unto/thee a present/of... 1498/3826
1Ki_16:2.....exalted/thee out of the dust/and 1499/3826
1Ki_16:2........made/thee prince over my people Israel and thou/hast 1500/3826
1Ki_17:3.........Get/thee hence and/turn. 1501/3826
1Ki_17:3........turn/thee eastward/and... 1502/3826
1Ki_17:4........feed/thee there So/he.... 1503/3826
1Ki_17:9.........get/thee to Zarephath/which 1504/3826
1Ki_17:9.....sustain/thee So he arose/and 1505/3826
1Ki_17:10.......pray/thee a little water in/a 1506/3826
1Ki_17:11.......pray/thee a morsel/of.... 1507/3826
1Ki_17:13........for/thee and for thy son/For 1508/3826
1Ki_17:18.......with/thee O thou man/of.. 1509/3826
1Ki_17:21.......pray/thee let this child's/soul 1510/3826 and when they/said 1511/3826
1Ki_18:10......found/thee not And now/thou 1512/3826
1Ki_18:12.......from/thee that the Spirit of the LORD/shall 1513/3826
1Ki_18:12......carry/thee whither I/know. 1514/3826
1Ki_18:12.......find/thee he shall slay/me 1515/3826
1Ki_18:41........Get/thee up eat/and..... 1516/3826
1Ki_18:44........get/thee down that/the.. 1517/3826
1Ki_18:44.......stop/thee not And it/came 1518/3826
1Ki_19:7.........for/thee And he arose and did/eat 1519/3826
1Ki_19:20.......pray/thee kiss/my........ 1520/3826
1Ki_19:20.....follow/thee And he said unto him Go/back 1521/3826 And he returned/back 1522/3826
1Ki_20:5........unto/thee saying Thou shalt deliver/me 1523/3826
1Ki_20:6........unto/thee to morrow/about 1524/3826
1Ki_20:22....against/thee And the servants/of 1525/3826
1Ki_20:25.....number/thee an army/like... 1526/3826
1Ki_20:31.......pray/thee put sackcloth/on 1527/3826
1Ki_20:32.......pray/thee let me live/And 1528/3826
1Ki_20:34........for/thee in Damascus/as. 1529/3826
1Ki_20:34.......send/thee away with this/covenant 1530/3826
1Ki_20:35.......pray/thee And the man refused/to 1531/3826
1Ki_20:36.......slay/thee And as soon as he/was 1532/3826
1Ki_20:37.......pray/thee And the man smote/him 1533/3826
1Ki_21:2........give/thee for it a/better 1534/3826 I will give thee the/worth 1535/3826
1Ki_21:2........give/thee the worth/of... 1536/3826
1Ki_21:3........unto/thee And Ahab/came.. 1537/3826
1Ki_21:4........give/thee the inheritance/of 1538/3826
1Ki_21:6......please/thee I will give thee another/vineyard 1539/3826
1Ki_21:6........give/thee another/vineyard 1540/3826
1Ki_21:6........give/thee my vineyard/And 1541/3826
1Ki_21:7........give/thee the vineyard/of 1542/3826
1Ki_21:15.......give/thee for money/for.. 1543/3826
1Ki_21:20......found/thee because thou hast sold/thyself 1544/3826
1Ki_21:21.......upon/thee and will take/away 1545/3826
1Ki_22:5........pray/thee at the word of the LORD to day Then/the 1546/3826
1Ki_22:13.......pray/thee be like the/word 1547/3826
1Ki_22:16.....adjure/thee that thou tell/me 1548/3826
1Ki_22:18.......tell/thee that he would prophesy/no 1549/3826
1Ki_22:23.concerning/thee But Zedekiah/the 1550/3826
1Ki_22:24.......unto/thee And Micaiah said Behold thou shalt see in/that 1551/3826
2Ki_1:10.....consume/thee and thy fifty And there/came 1552/3826
2Ki_1:12.....consume/thee and thy fifty And the/fire 1553/3826
2Ki_1:13........pray/thee let my life/and 1554/3826
2Ki_2:2.........pray/thee for the LORD hath sent me to Bethel/And 1555/3826
2Ki_2:2........leave/thee So they went/down 1556/3826
2Ki_2:4.........pray/thee for the LORD hath sent me to Jericho/And 1557/3826
2Ki_2:4........leave/thee So they came/to 1558/3826
2Ki_2:6.........pray/thee here for/the... 1559/3826
2Ki_2:6........leave/thee And they two/went 1560/3826
2Ki_2:9..........for/thee before I be/taken 1561/3826
2Ki_2:9.........from/thee And Elisha/said 1562/3826
2Ki_2:9.........pray/thee let a/double... 1563/3826
2Ki_2:10........from/thee it shall be so/unto 1564/3826
2Ki_2:10........unto/thee but if not/it.. 1565/3826
2Ki_2:16........pray/thee and seek thy/master 1566/3826
2Ki_2:19........pray/thee the situation/of 1567/3826
2Ki_3:13........with/thee get/thee....... 1568/3826
2Ki_3:13.........get/thee to the prophets/of 1569/3826
2Ki_3:14......toward/thee nor see/thee... 1570/3826
2Ki_3:14.........see/thee But now/bring.. 1571/3826
2Ki_4:2..........for/thee tell me what/hast 1572/3826
2Ki_4:3.......borrow/thee vessels/abroad. 1573/3826
2Ki_4:4.........upon/thee and upon thy sons/and 1574/3826
2Ki_4:10........pray/thee on the wall/and 1575/3826
2Ki_4:13.........for/thee wouldest/thou.. 1576/3826
2Ki_4:22........pray/thee one of the/young 1577/3826 So she/went.... 1578/3826
2Ki_4:26........pray/thee to meet her/and 1579/3826
2Ki_4:26........with/thee is it well/with 1580/3826
2Ki_4:29......salute/thee answer him/not. 1581/3826
2Ki_4:30.......leave/thee And he arose and followed/her 1582/3826
2Ki_5:6.........unto/thee behold I have therewith/sent 1583/3826 that thou mayest recover/him 1584/3826 and thou shalt be clean/But 1585/3826 do some/great.. 1586/3826 Wash/and....... 1587/3826
2Ki_5:15........pray/thee take a/blessing 1588/3826
2Ki_5:17........pray/thee be given/to.... 1589/3826
2Ki_5:22........pray/thee a talent/of.... 1590/3826
2Ki_5:26........with/thee when the man/turned 1591/3826 Is it a/time... 1592/3826
2Ki_5:27........unto/thee and unto thy seed for/ever 1593/3826
2Ki_6:1.........with/thee is too/strait.. 1594/3826
2Ki_6:2.........pray/thee unto Jordan/and 1595/3826
2Ki_6:3.........pray/thee and go/with.... 1596/3826 And he put/out. 1597/3826
2Ki_6:17........pray/thee open/his....... 1598/3826
2Ki_6:18........pray/thee with blindness/And 1599/3826 whence/shall... 1600/3826 out of the barnfloor/or 1601/3826
2Ki_6:28......aileth/thee And she answered This/woman 1602/3826
2Ki_7:13........pray/thee five/of........ 1603/3826
2Ki_8:4.........pray/thee all the great/things 1604/3826 saying Shall/I. 1605/3826 And he answered He/told 1606/3826
2Ki_9:3.....anointed/thee king over Israel Then open/the 1607/3826 O captain And Jehu/said 1608/3826
2Ki_9:5...........To/thee O captain And he/arose 1609/3826
2Ki_9:6.....anointed/thee king over the/people 1610/3826 And he said unto them Ye/know 1611/3826
2Ki_9:12....anointed/thee king over Israel Then they/hasted 1612/3826
2Ki_9:18........turn/thee behind me And the watchman told saying The/messenger 1613/3826
2Ki_9:19........turn/thee behind me And the watchman told saying He/came 1614/3826
2Ki_9:26.....requite/thee in this plat/saith 1615/3826
2Ki_14:10.....lifted/thee up glory/of.... 1616/3826
2Ki_14:10.......with/thee But Amaziah would not hear Therefore/Jehoash 1617/3826
2Ki_18:23.......pray/thee give pledges/to 1618/3826
2Ki_18:23....deliver/thee two thousand horses if thou be able on thy part to set riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen Am/I 1619/3826
2Ki_18:26.......pray/thee to thy servants/in 1620/3826 to speak these words hath he not sent me to the men which/sit 1621/3826
2Ki_19:9.....against/thee he sent/messengers 1622/3826
2Ki_19:10....deceive/thee saying Jerusalem shall not be delivered/into 1623/3826
2Ki_19:19....beseech/thee save thou/us... 1624/3826
2Ki_19:21...despised/thee and laughed thee to scorn the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 1625/3826
2Ki_19:21....laughed/thee to scorn the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 1626/3826 Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 1627/3826
2Ki_19:28.......turn/thee back by the way by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such things/as 1628/3826
2Ki_19:29.......unto/thee Ye shall eat this year such things/as 1629/3826
2Ki_20:3.....beseech/thee O LORD remember/now 1630/3826
2Ki_20:3......before/thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore And/it 1631/3826
2Ki_20:5........heal/thee on the third/day 1632/3826
2Ki_20:6.....deliver/thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city for/mine 1633/3826
2Ki_20:14.......unto/thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 1634/3826
2Ki_20:18.......from/thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah unto/Isaiah 1635/3826
2Ki_22:19......heard/thee saith the LORD Behold/therefore 1636/3826
2Ki_22:20.....gather/thee unto thy fathers/and 1637/3826
1Ch_11:2........unto/thee Thou shalt feed my people Israel and thou shalt be ruler/over 1638/3826
1Ch_12:18.......unto/thee and peace be to thine helpers/for 1639/3826
1Ch_12:18....helpeth/thee Then David received/them 1640/3826
1Ch_14:15.....before/thee to smite the host of the Philistines David/therefore 1641/3826
1Ch_16:18.......Unto/thee will I give the land of Canaan the lot of your inheritance When ye/were 1642/3826
1Ch_17:2........with/thee And it came to pass the same/night 1643/3826
1Ch_17:7........took/thee from the sheepcote even/from 1644/3826
1Ch_17:8........with/thee whithersoever thou hast/walked 1645/3826
1Ch_17:8......before/thee and have made/thee 1646/3826
1Ch_17:8........made/thee a name like/the 1647/3826
1Ch_17:10.......tell/thee that the LORD/will 1648/3826 an house And it/shall 1649/3826
1Ch_17:11......after/thee which shall be/of 1650/3826
1Ch_17:13.....before/thee But I will settle/him 1651/3826 for the honour/of 1652/3826 neither is there any God beside thee according to all that we have heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel/whom 1653/3826
1Ch_17:20.....beside/thee according to all that we have heard with our ears And what one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel/whom 1654/3826
1Ch_17:21.......make/thee a name of/greatness 1655/3826
1Ch_17:24.....before/thee For thou O my/God 1656/3826
1Ch_17:25.....before/thee And now LORD/thou 1657/3826
1Ch_17:27.....please/thee to bless the house of thy servant that it may be/before 1658/3826
1Ch_17:27.....before/thee for ever for/thou 1659/3826
1Ch_19:3........unto/thee are not/his.... 1660/3826
1Ch_19:3........unto/thee for to search/and 1661/3826
1Ch_19:12........for/thee then I will help/thee 1662/3826 Be of good courage and let us behave/ourselves 1663/3826
1Ch_21:8.....beseech/thee do away/the.... 1664/3826
1Ch_21:10......offer/thee three things choose thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and said/unto 1665/3826
1Ch_21:10.....choose/thee one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and said/unto 1666/3826
1Ch_21:10.......unto/thee So Gad came to David and said/unto 1667/3826
1Ch_21:11.....Choose/thee Either three/years' 1668/3826
1Ch_21:12.overtaketh/thee or else/three.. 1669/3826
1Ch_21:17.......pray/thee O LORD my God be/on 1670/3826 and let my/lord 1671/3826
1Ch_21:23.......give/thee the oxen/also.. 1672/3826 who shall be a/man 1673/3826
1Ch_22:11.......with/thee and prosper thou/and 1674/3826
1Ch_22:11.........of/thee Only the LORD give/thee 1675/3826
1Ch_22:12.......give/thee wisdom and/understanding 1676/3826
1Ch_22:12.......give/thee charge concerning/Israel 1677/3826
1Ch_22:15.......with/thee in abundance/hewers 1678/3826
1Ch_22:16.......with/thee David/also..... 1679/3826
1Ch_28:9..........of/thee but if thou forsake/him 1680/3826
1Ch_28:9........cast/thee off for/ever... 1681/3826
1Ch_28:10.....chosen/thee to build an house/for 1682/3826
1Ch_28:20.......with/thee he will not fail thee nor forsake thee until/thou 1683/3826 nor forsake thee until/thou 1684/3826
1Ch_28:20....forsake/thee until thou hast/finished 1685/3826
1Ch_28:21.......with/thee for all the/service 1686/3826
1Ch_28:21.......with/thee for all manner/of 1687/3826
1Ch_29:12.........of/thee and thou reignest/over 1688/3826
1Ch_29:13......thank/thee and praise thy/glorious 1689/3826
1Ch_29:14.........of/thee and of thine/own 1690/3826
1Ch_29:14......given/thee For we/are..... 1691/3826
1Ch_29:15.....before/thee and sojourners/as 1692/3826 an house for/thine 1693/3826
1Ch_29:17.......unto/thee O LORD God of Abraham/Isaac 1694/3826
1Ch_29:18.......unto/thee And give unto/Solomon 1695/3826
2Ch_1:7.........give/thee And Solomon said unto/God 1696/3826
2Ch_1:11........made/thee king Wisdom/and 1697/3826
2Ch_1:12........unto/thee and I will give thee riches/and 1698/3826
2Ch_1:12........give/thee riches and wealth/and 1699/3826
2Ch_1:12......before/thee neither shall there any/after 1700/3826
2Ch_1:12.......after/thee have the/like.. 1701/3826
2Ch_2:11........made/thee king over them Huram/said 1702/3826 in floats/by... 1703/3826
2Ch_6:2..........for/thee and a place/for 1704/3826 in the heaven/nor 1705/3826
2Ch_6:14......before/thee with all their hearts/Thou 1706/3826 a man in my sight to sit upon/the 1707/3826
2Ch_6:18.....contain/thee how much less this house which/I 1708/3826
2Ch_6:19......before/thee That thine eyes/may 1709/3826
2Ch_6:24.....against/thee and shall return/and 1710/3826
2Ch_6:24......before/thee in this house Then hear thou from/the 1711/3826
2Ch_6:26.....against/thee yet if/they.... 1712/3826
2Ch_6:31........fear/thee to walk in thy/ways 1713/3826 for that all people of the earth may know thy name and/fear 1714/3826
2Ch_6:33........fear/thee as doth/thy.... 1715/3826
2Ch_6:34........unto/thee toward this/city 1716/3826
2Ch_6:36.....against/thee for there is no man which/sinneth 1717/3826
2Ch_6:37........unto/thee in the land of their/captivity 1718/3826 with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their captivity/whither 1719/3826
2Ch_6:39.....against/thee Now my/God..... 1720/3826
2Ch_6:40.....beseech/thee thine eyes/be.. 1721/3826
2Ch_7:17.........for/thee if thou wilt walk/before 1722/3826
2Ch_7:17...commanded/thee and shalt observe/my 1723/3826 a man to/be.... 1724/3826
2Ch_9:7.......before/thee and hear/thy... 1725/3826 to set thee on his/throne 1726/3826
2Ch_9:8..........set/thee on his/throne.. 1727/3826
2Ch_9:8...........he/thee king over them to/do 1728/3826
2Ch_10:4.......serve/thee And he said unto them Come/again 1729/3826
2Ch_10:10.......unto/thee saying Thy father made our yoke heavy but make thou it somewhat/lighter 1730/3826
2Ch_14:11.......with/thee to help whether/with 1731/3826
2Ch_14:11.........on/thee and in thy name/we 1732/3826
2Ch_14:11....against/thee So the LORD/smote 1733/3826
2Ch_16:3.........and/thee as there/was... 1734/3826
2Ch_16:3........sent/thee silver/and..... 1735/3826
2Ch_18:3........with/thee in the war/And. 1736/3826
2Ch_18:4........pray/thee at the word of the LORD to day Therefore/the 1737/3826
2Ch_18:12.......pray/thee be like one/of. 1738/3826
2Ch_18:15.....adjure/thee that thou say/nothing 1739/3826
2Ch_18:17.......tell/thee that he would not/prophesy 1740/3826
2Ch_18:22....against/thee Then Zedekiah/the 1741/3826
2Ch_18:23.......unto/thee And Micaiah said Behold thou shalt see on/that 1742/3826
2Ch_19:2........upon/thee from before/the 1743/3826 in that thou/hast 1744/3826
2Ch_20:2.....against/thee from beyond/the 1745/3826
2Ch_20:6...withstand/thee Art not/thou... 1746/3826
2Ch_20:8.......built/thee a sanctuary/therein 1747/3826
2Ch_20:9........unto/thee in our affliction/then 1748/3826
2Ch_20:12.......upon/thee And all Judah/stood 1749/3826
2Ch_25:7........with/thee for the LORD is/not 1750/3826
2Ch_25:8........make/thee fall/before.... 1751/3826
2Ch_25:9........give/thee much more/than. 1752/3826
2Ch_25:16....destroy/thee because thou hast done/this 1753/3826
2Ch_25:19....lifteth/thee up to boast/abide 1754/3826
2Ch_25:19.......with/thee But Amaziah would not hear for/it 1755/3826
2Ch_26:18.......unto/thee Uzziah/to...... 1756/3826
2Ch_34:27......heard/thee also saith/the. 1757/3826
2Ch_34:28.....gather/thee to thy fathers/and 1758/3826
2Ch_35:21.......with/thee thou king/of... 1759/3826
2Ch_35:21....against/thee this day but/against 1760/3826
2Ch_35:21....forbear/thee from meddling/with 1761/3826
2Ch_35:21....destroy/thee not Nevertheless/Josiah 1762/3826
Ezr_4:12........from/thee to us are/come. 1763/3826
Ezr_5:10.....certify/thee that we might/write 1764/3826
Ezr_7:13........with/thee Forasmuch as thou art/sent 1765/3826 and to thy brethren/to 1766/3826
Ezr_7:19.......given/thee for the service/of 1767/3826 my God for/our. 1768/3826
Ezr_9:15......before/thee in our trespasses/for 1769/3826
Ezr_9:15......before/thee because of this/Now 1770/3826
Ezr_10:4........unto/thee we also/will... 1771/3826
Ezr_10:4........with/thee be of good courage and do/it 1772/3826
Neh_1:5......beseech/thee O LORD God of heaven/the 1773/3826
Neh_1:6.......before/thee now day/and.... 1774/3826
Neh_1:6......against/thee both I/and..... 1775/3826
Neh_1:7......against/thee and have not/kept 1776/3826
Neh_1:8......beseech/thee the word that/thou 1777/3826
Neh_1:11.....beseech/thee let now/thine.. 1778/3826
Neh_1:11........pray/thee thy servant/this 1779/3826
Neh_4:5.......before/thee for they have provoked/thee 1780/3826
Neh_4:5.....provoked/thee to anger/before 1781/3826
Neh_6:7...........of/thee at Jerusalem/saying 1782/3826
Neh_6:10........slay/thee yea in the night/will 1783/3826
Neh_6:10........slay/thee And I said Should/such 1784/3826
Neh_9:6..worshippeth/thee Thou art the LORD/the 1785/3826
Neh_9:8.......before/thee and madest a/covenant 1786/3826
Neh_9:10.........get/thee a name as it/is 1787/3826
Neh_9:18.....brought/thee up out of Egypt/and 1788/3826
Neh_9:26.....against/thee and cast thy/law 1789/3826 and they wrought/great 1790/3826
Neh_9:27........unto/thee thou heardest them from heaven and according/to 1791/3826
Neh_9:28......before/thee therefore leftest/thou 1792/3826
Neh_9:28........unto/thee thou heardest them from heaven and many/times 1793/3826
Neh_9:32......before/thee that hath/come. 1794/3826
Neh_9:35......served/thee in their kingdom/and 1795/3826 the people/also 1796/3826 Then were/the.. 1797/3826
Est_5:3........given/thee to the half/of. 1798/3826
Est_5:6......granted/thee and what is thy request even/to 1799/3826
Est_7:2......granted/thee and what is thy request and/it 1800/3826
Est_9:12.....granted/thee or what is/thy. 1801/3826
Job_1:11.......curse/thee to thy face And the LORD said unto Satan Behold all/that 1802/3826
Job_1:15........tell/thee While he was yet speaking there came also another and said The fire/of 1803/3826
Job_1:16........tell/thee While he was yet speaking there came also another and said The Chaldeans/made 1804/3826
Job_1:17........tell/thee While he was yet speaking there came also another and said Thy/sons 1805/3826
Job_1:19........tell/thee Then Job/arose. 1806/3826
Job_2:5........curse/thee to thy face And the LORD said unto Satan Behold he/is 1807/3826
Job_4:2.........with/thee wilt thou be/grieved 1808/3826
Job_4:5.........upon/thee and thou faintest/it 1809/3826
Job_4:5.....toucheth/thee and thou art troubled/Is 1810/3826
Job_4:7.........pray/thee who ever/perished 1811/3826
Job_5:1.......answer/thee and to which/of 1812/3826
Job_5:19.....deliver/thee in six/troubles 1813/3826
Job_5:19.......touch/thee In famine/he... 1814/3826
Job_5:20......redeem/thee from death/and. 1815/3826
Job_5:23........with/thee And thou shalt know that thy/tabernacle 1816/3826
Job_7:20........unto/thee O thou preserver/of 1817/3826
Job_7:20.....against/thee so that I/am... 1818/3826
Job_8:6..........for/thee and make the habitation/of 1819/3826
Job_8:8.........pray/thee of the former/age 1820/3826
Job_8:10.......teach/thee and tell/thee.. 1821/3826
Job_8:10........tell/thee and utter/words 1822/3826
Job_8:18........seen/thee Behold this/is. 1823/3826
Job_8:22........hate/thee shall be clothed/with 1824/3826
Job_10:3........unto/thee that thou shouldest oppress/that 1825/3826
Job_10:9.....beseech/thee that thou hast made/me 1826/3826
Job_10:13.......with/thee If I sin/then.. 1827/3826
Job_11:3........make/thee ashamed/For.... 1828/3826
Job_11:5.....against/thee And that he would/shew 1829/3826
Job_11:6........shew/thee the secrets/of. 1830/3826
Job_11:6..........of/thee less/than...... 1831/3826
Job_11:18......about/thee and thou shalt take thy/rest 1832/3826
Job_11:19.......make/thee afraid yea/many 1833/3826
Job_11:19.......unto/thee But the eyes/of 1834/3826
Job_12:7.......teach/thee and the fowls/of 1835/3826
Job_12:7........tell/thee Or speak/to.... 1836/3826
Job_12:8.......teach/thee and the fishes/of 1837/3826
Job_12:8........unto/thee Who knoweth/not 1838/3826
Job_13:20.......from/thee Withdraw/thine. 1839/3826
Job_14:3........with/thee Who can/bring.. 1840/3826
Job_14:5........with/thee thou hast appointed/his 1841/3826
Job_14:15.....answer/thee thou wilt have/a 1842/3826
Job_15:6..condemneth/thee and not I/yea.. 1843/3826
Job_15:6.....against/thee Art thou the/first 1844/3826
Job_15:11.......with/thee is there any/secret 1845/3826
Job_15:11.......with/thee Why doth/thine. 1846/3826
Job_15:12......carry/thee away and what/do 1847/3826
Job_15:17.......shew/thee hear me and/that 1848/3826
Job_16:3.emboldeneth/thee that thou answerest/I 1849/3826
Job_17:3........with/thee who is he that will/strike 1850/3826
Job_18:4.........for/thee and shall the/rock 1851/3826
Job_22:4.....reprove/thee for fear/of.... 1852/3826
Job_22:4..........of/thee will he enter/with 1853/3826
Job_22:4........with/thee into judgment Is/not 1854/3826
Job_22:10......about/thee and sudden/fear 1855/3826
Job_22:10..troubleth/thee Or darkness/that 1856/3826
Job_22:11......cover/thee Is not God/in.. 1857/3826
Job_22:21.......unto/thee Receive I/pray. 1858/3826
Job_22:22.......pray/thee the law/from... 1859/3826
Job_22:27.......hear/thee and thou shalt pay/thy 1860/3826
Job_22:28.......unto/thee and the light shall/shine 1861/3826
Job_26:4........from/thee Dead/things.... 1862/3826
Job_30:20.......unto/thee and thou dost not/hear 1863/3826
Job_33:1........pray/thee hear my/speeches 1864/3826
Job_33:7........make/thee afraid neither/shall 1865/3826
Job_33:7........upon/thee Surely thou hast/spoken 1866/3826
Job_33:12.....answer/thee that God/is.... 1867/3826
Job_33:32....justify/thee If not/hearken. 1868/3826
Job_33:33......teach/thee wisdom Furthermore/Elihu 1869/3826
Job_35:3........unto/thee and What profit/shall 1870/3826
Job_35:4......answer/thee and thy companions/with 1871/3826
Job_35:4........with/thee Look unto/the.. 1872/3826
Job_36:2........shew/thee that I have yet/to 1873/3826
Job_36:4........with/thee Behold God/is.. 1874/3826
Job_36:16....removed/thee out of the strait/into 1875/3826
Job_36:17.........on/thee Because there/is 1876/3826
Job_36:18.......take/thee away with his/stroke 1877/3826
Job_36:18....deliver/thee Will he esteem/thy 1878/3826
Job_38:3..........of/thee and answer/thou 1879/3826
Job_38:17.......unto/thee or hast/thou... 1880/3826
Job_38:34......cover/thee Canst/thou..... 1881/3826
Job_38:35.......unto/thee Here we/are.... 1882/3826
Job_39:9.......serve/thee or abide/by.... 1883/3826
Job_39:10......after/thee Wilt thou trust/him 1884/3826
Job_40:4......answer/thee I will lay/mine 1885/3826
Job_40:7..........of/thee and declare thou unto me Wilt/thou 1886/3826
Job_40:14.......unto/thee that thine own/right 1887/3826 Behold now behemoth/which 1888/3826
Job_40:15.......with/thee he eateth/grass 1889/3826
Job_41:3........unto/thee will he speak/soft 1890/3826
Job_41:3........unto/thee Will he make/a. 1891/3826
Job_41:4........with/thee wilt thou take/him 1892/3826
Job_42:2........from/thee Who is he that hideth/counsel 1893/3826
Job_42:4.....beseech/thee and I will speak/I 1894/3826
Job_42:4..........of/thee and declare thou unto me I/have 1895/3826
Job_42:5..........of/thee by the hearing/of 1896/3826
Job_42:5.......seeth/thee Wherefore I/abhor 1897/3826
Job_42:7.....against/thee and against thy two/friends 1898/3826
Psa_2:7.....begotten/thee Ask/of......... 1899/3826
Psa_2:8.........give/thee the heathen/for 1900/3826
Psa_5:2.........unto/thee will I pray/My. 1901/3826
Psa_5:3.........unto/thee and will look/up 1902/3826
Psa_5:4.........with/thee The foolish/shall 1903/3826
Psa_5:10.....against/thee But let all/those 1904/3826 rejoice let/them 1905/3826 For thou LORD wilt/bless 1906/3826
Psa_6:5...........of/thee in the grave/who 1907/3826
Psa_6:5.........give/thee thanks I/am.... 1908/3826 do I put my trust save/me 1909/3826
Psa_7:7......compass/thee about for/their 1910/3826
Psa_9:1.......praise/thee O LORD with/my. 1911/3826 I will sing/praise 1912/3826 for thou LORD hast/not 1913/3826 Sing praises/to 1914/3826
Psa_10:14.......unto/thee thou art the helper/of 1915/3826 do I put my trust O/my 1916/3826 But to the/saints 1917/3826
Psa_17:6........upon/thee for thou wilt hear/me 1918/3826 from those/that 1919/3826 O LORD my strength/The 1920/3826 I have run through a troop and/by 1921/3826
Psa_18:49.......unto/thee O LORD among the heathen and sing/praises 1922/3826
Psa_20:1........hear/thee in the day of/trouble 1923/3826
Psa_20:1......defend/thee Send thee/help. 1924/3826
Psa_20:2........Send/thee help/from...... 1925/3826
Psa_20:2..strengthen/thee out of Zion Remember/all 1926/3826
Psa_20:4.......Grant/thee according to thine/own 1927/3826
Psa_21:4..........of/thee and thou gavest/it 1928/3826
Psa_21:8........hate/thee Thou shalt make them/as 1929/3826
Psa_21:11....against/thee they imagined/a 1930/3826 they trusted/and 1931/3826
Psa_22:5........unto/thee and were delivered/they 1932/3826 and were not/confounded 1933/3826
Psa_22:10.......upon/thee from the womb thou/art 1934/3826
Psa_22:19......haste/thee to help me/Deliver 1935/3826
Psa_22:22.....praise/thee Ye that/fear... 1936/3826
Psa_22:25.........of/thee in the great/congregation 1937/3826
Psa_22:27.....before/thee For the kingdom/is 1938/3826
Psa_25:1........Unto/thee O LORD do I lift up my soul O/my 1939/3826 let me not/be.. 1940/3826
Psa_25:3..........on/thee be ashamed/let. 1941/3826
Psa_25:5..........on/thee do I wait/all.. 1942/3826
Psa_25:16.......Turn/thee unto me and have/mercy 1943/3826 Let integrity/and 1944/3826
Psa_25:21.........on/thee Redeem/Israel.. 1945/3826
Psa_27:8........unto/thee Thy face/LORD.. 1946/3826
Psa_28:1........Unto/thee will I cry O/LORD 1947/3826
Psa_28:2........unto/thee when I lift/up. 1948/3826
Psa_30:1.......extol/thee O LORD for/thou 1949/3826
Psa_30:2........unto/thee and thou hast healed/me 1950/3826 O LORD and unto/the 1951/3826
Psa_30:9......praise/thee shall it declare/thy 1952/3826 and not be/silent 1953/3826
Psa_30:12.......unto/thee for ever In/thee 1954/3826
Psa_31:1..........In/thee O LORD do I put my trust let me never be ashamed/deliver 1955/3826 O LORD I said Thou art my God/My 1956/3826
Psa_31:17.......upon/thee let the wicked/be 1957/3826
Psa_31:19.......fear/thee which thou hast/wrought 1958/3826 before the sons/of 1959/3826
Psa_31:22.......unto/thee O love/the..... 1960/3826
Psa_32:5........unto/thee and mine/iniquity 1961/3826
Psa_32:6........unto/thee in a time when/thou 1962/3826
Psa_32:8....instruct/thee and teach/thee. 1963/3826
Psa_32:8.......teach/thee in the way which/thou 1964/3826 with mine/eye.. 1965/3826
Psa_32:9........unto/thee Many/sorrows... 1966/3826 I will bless/the 1967/3826
Psa_35:10.......unto/thee which deliverest/the 1968/3826
Psa_35:18.......give/thee thanks in/the.. 1969/3826
Psa_35:18.....praise/thee among much/people 1970/3826
Psa_36:9........with/thee is the/fountain 1971/3826
Psa_36:10.......know/thee and thy righteousness/to 1972/3826
Psa_37:4........give/thee the desires/of. 1973/3826
Psa_37:34......exalt/thee to inherit the/land 1974/3826
Psa_38:9......before/thee and my groaning/is 1975/3826
Psa_38:9........from/thee My heart/panteth 1976/3826 O LORD do I hope/thou 1977/3826
Psa_39:5......before/thee verily every/man 1978/3826 Deliver me from all/my 1979/3826
Psa_39:12.......with/thee and a sojourner/as 1980/3826
Psa_40:5........unto/thee if I would/declare 1981/3826 rejoice and be glad in thee let/such 1982/3826 let such/as.... 1983/3826
Psa_41:4.....against/thee Mine enemies/speak 1984/3826
Psa_42:1.......after/thee O God My soul/thirsteth 1985/3826
Psa_42:6....remember/thee from the land/of 1986/3826
Psa_43:4......praise/thee O God my God/Why 1987/3826
Psa_44:5.....Through/thee will we/push... 1988/3826
Psa_44:17..forgotten/thee neither have we/dealt 1989/3826
Psa_45:2.....blessed/thee for ever Gird/thy 1990/3826
Psa_45:4.......teach/thee terrible/things 1991/3826
Psa_45:5.......under/thee Thy throne O/God 1992/3826
Psa_45:7....anointed/thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows All/thy 1993/3826
Psa_45:8........made/thee glad/Kings'.... 1994/3826
Psa_45:14.......unto/thee With gladness/and 1995/3826
Psa_45:17.....praise/thee for ever and ever/God 1996/3826
Psa_49:18.....praise/thee when thou doest well/to 1997/3826
Psa_50:7.....against/thee I am God even/thy 1998/3826
Psa_50:8.....reprove/thee for thy sacrifices/or 1999/3826
Psa_50:12.......tell/thee for the world/is 2000/3826
Psa_50:15....deliver/thee and thou shalt glorify/me 2001/3826
Psa_50:17.....behind/thee When thou sawest/a 2002/3826
Psa_50:21....reprove/thee and set them/in 2003/3826
Psa_51:4.....Against/thee thee/only...... 2004/3826
Psa_51:4........thee/thee only have/I.... 2005/3826
Psa_51:13.......unto/thee Deliver me from bloodguiltiness/O 2006/3826
Psa_52:5.....destroy/thee for ever he/shall 2007/3826
Psa_52:5........take/thee away and pluck/thee 2008/3826
Psa_52:5.......pluck/thee out of thy dwelling/place 2009/3826
Psa_52:5........root/thee out of the land of the/living 2010/3826
Psa_52:9......praise/thee for ever because/thou 2011/3826
Psa_53:5.....against/thee thou hast put/them 2012/3826
Psa_54:6........unto/thee I will praise thy name O/LORD 2013/3826
Psa_55:22....sustain/thee he shall never/suffer 2014/3826 Be merciful unto me O God/for 2015/3826 In God/I....... 2016/3826
Psa_56:9........unto/thee then shall mine/enemies 2017/3826
Psa_56:12.......unto/thee For thou hast delivered my soul from death wilt/not 2018/3826 yea in the shadow/of 2019/3826
Psa_57:9......praise/thee O Lord among the people I/will 2020/3826
Psa_57:9........unto/thee among the nations For thy mercy is great unto/the 2021/3826
Psa_59:9........upon/thee for God is my/defence 2022/3826
Psa_59:17.......Unto/thee O my strength/will 2023/3826
Psa_60:4........fear/thee that it may be displayed/because 2024/3826
Psa_61:2........unto/thee when my/heart.. 2025/3826
Psa_62:12.......unto/thee O Lord belongeth/mercy 2026/3826 my soul thirsteth for/thee 2027/3826
Psa_63:1.........for/thee my flesh longeth/for 2028/3826
Psa_63:1.........for/thee in a dry/and... 2029/3826
Psa_63:2........seen/thee in the sanctuary/Because 2030/3826
Psa_63:3......praise/thee Thus will I bless/thee 2031/3826
Psa_63:4.......bless/thee while I/live... 2032/3826
Psa_63:5......praise/thee with joyful/lips 2033/3826
Psa_63:6....remember/thee upon my/bed.... 2034/3826
Psa_63:6..........on/thee in the night watches/Because 2035/3826
Psa_63:8.......after/thee thy right/hand. 2036/3826
Psa_65:1.........for/thee O God in/Sion.. 2037/3826
Psa_65:1........unto/thee shall the/vow.. 2038/3826
Psa_65:2........unto/thee shall all flesh/come 2039/3826
Psa_65:4........unto/thee that he may/dwell 2040/3826
Psa_66:3........unto/thee All the earth/shall 2041/3826
Psa_66:4.....worship/thee and shall sing/unto 2042/3826
Psa_66:4........unto/thee they shall sing/to 2043/3826 my vows/Which.. 2044/3826
Psa_66:15.......unto/thee burnt/sacrifices 2045/3826
Psa_67:3......praise/thee O God let all the people praise thee O/let 2046/3826
Psa_67:3......praise/thee O let the/nations 2047/3826
Psa_67:5......praise/thee O God let all the people praise thee Then/shall 2048/3826
Psa_67:5......praise/thee Then shall the/earth 2049/3826
Psa_68:29.......unto/thee Rebuke the/company 2050/3826
Psa_69:5........from/thee Let not them/that 2051/3826
Psa_69:6..........on/thee O Lord GOD of hosts/be 2052/3826 be confounded/for 2053/3826
Psa_69:9..reproached/thee are fallen/upon 2054/3826
Psa_69:13.......unto/thee O LORD in/an... 2055/3826
Psa_69:19.....before/thee Reproach/hath.. 2056/3826 rejoice and be glad in thee and/let 2057/3826 and let such/as 2058/3826
Psa_71:1..........In/thee O LORD do I put my trust let me never be put/to 2059/3826
Psa_71:6..........By/thee have I been/holden 2060/3826
Psa_71:6..........of/thee I am as/a...... 2061/3826
Psa_71:14.....praise/thee more/and....... 2062/3826
Psa_71:19.......unto/thee Thou which/hast 2063/3826
Psa_71:22.....praise/thee with the psaltery/even 2064/3826
Psa_71:22.......unto/thee will I sing/with 2065/3826
Psa_71:23.......unto/thee and my soul/which 2066/3826
Psa_72:5........fear/thee as long/as..... 2067/3826
Psa_73:22.....before/thee Nevertheless I/am 2068/3826
Psa_73:23.......with/thee thou hast holden/me 2069/3826
Psa_73:25........but/thee and there is none upon/earth 2070/3826
Psa_73:25.....beside/thee My flesh and/my 2071/3826
Psa_73:27.......from/thee shall perish thou hast/destroyed 2072/3826
Psa_73:27.......from/thee But it/is...... 2073/3826
Psa_74:22reproacheth/thee daily Forget/not 2074/3826
Psa_74:23....against/thee increaseth/continually 2075/3826
Psa_75:1........Unto/thee O God do/we.... 2076/3826
Psa_75:1........unto/thee do we give/thanks 2077/3826
Psa_76:10.....praise/thee the remainder/of 2078/3826
Psa_77:16........saw/thee O God the waters/saw 2079/3826
Psa_77:16........saw/thee they were/afraid 2080/3826
Psa_79:6.......known/thee and upon the/kingdoms 2081/3826
Psa_79:11.....before/thee according to the greatness/of 2082/3826
Psa_79:12.reproached/thee O Lord So/we... 2083/3826
Psa_79:13.......give/thee thanks for/ever 2084/3826
Psa_80:14....beseech/thee O God of/hosts. 2085/3826
Psa_80:18.......from/thee quicken/us..... 2086/3826
Psa_81:7...delivered/thee I answered/thee 2087/3826
Psa_81:7....answered/thee in the secret/place 2088/3826
Psa_81:7......proved/thee at the waters/of 2089/3826
Psa_81:8........unto/thee O Israel if/thou 2090/3826 neither shalt thou worship/any 2091/3826
Psa_81:10....brought/thee out of the land of Egypt open/thy 2092/3826
Psa_81:16..satisfied/thee God/standeth... 2093/3826
Psa_83:2........hate/thee have lifted/up. 2094/3826
Psa_83:5.....against/thee The tabernacles/of 2095/3826
Psa_84:4....praising/thee Selah Blessed/is 2096/3826 in whose/heart. 2097/3826 Lord thou/hast. 2098/3826 Shew us/thy.... 2099/3826 Be merciful unto me O Lord/for 2100/3826
Psa_86:3........unto/thee daily Rejoice/the 2101/3826
Psa_86:4........unto/thee O Lord do I lift up my soul For/thou 2102/3826
Psa_86:5........upon/thee Give ear/O..... 2103/3826
Psa_86:7........upon/thee for thou wilt answer/me 2104/3826
Psa_86:8........unto/thee O Lord neither/are 2105/3826
Psa_86:9......before/thee O Lord and shall/glorify 2106/3826
Psa_86:12.....praise/thee O Lord my God with/all 2107/3826
Psa_86:14........set/thee before them But/thou 2108/3826
Psa_87:3..........of/thee O city/of...... 2109/3826 O lord God of my/salvation 2110/3826
Psa_88:1......before/thee Let my prayer come/before 2111/3826
Psa_88:2......before/thee incline/thine.. 2112/3826
Psa_88:9........upon/thee I have stretched/out 2113/3826
Psa_88:9........unto/thee Wilt thou shew/wonders 2114/3826
Psa_88:10.....praise/thee Selah Shall/thy 2115/3826
Psa_88:13.......unto/thee have I cried/O. 2116/3826
Psa_88:13....prevent/thee LORD why/castest 2117/3826
Psa_89:8........unto/thee or to thy/faithfulness 2118/3826
Psa_89:8.......about/thee Thou rulest/the 2119/3826
Psa_90:8......before/thee our secret/sins 2120/3826
Psa_90:13.....repent/thee concerning thy/servants 2121/3826
Psa_91:3.....deliver/thee from the snare/of 2122/3826
Psa_91:4.......cover/thee with his/feathers 2123/3826
Psa_91:7........nigh/thee Only with/thine 2124/3826
Psa_91:10.....befall/thee neither shall any/plague 2125/3826
Psa_91:11.......over/thee to keep thee in all/thy 2126/3826
Psa_91:11.......keep/thee in all thy ways/They 2127/3826
Psa_91:12.......bear/thee up in their/hands 2128/3826
Psa_94:20.......with/thee which frameth/mischief 2129/3826
Psa_101:1.......unto/thee O LORD will/I.. 2130/3826
Psa_102:1.......unto/thee Hide not/thy... 2131/3826
Psa_102:28....before/thee Bless/the...... 2132/3826
Psa_103:4...crowneth/thee with lovingkindness/and 2133/3826
Psa_104:27......upon/thee that thou mayest give/them 2134/3826
Psa_105:11......Unto/thee will I give the land of Canaan the lot of your inheritance When they/were 2135/3826
Psa_108:3.....praise/thee O LORD among the people and/I 2136/3826
Psa_108:3.......unto/thee among the nations For thy mercy is great above/the 2137/3826
Psa_114:5......ailed/thee O thou sea/that 2138/3826
Psa_116:4....beseech/thee deliver my/soul 2139/3826
Psa_116:7.......with/thee For thou hast delivered my soul from death mine/eyes 2140/3826 the sacrifice/of 2141/3826
Psa_116:19........of/thee O Jerusalem Praise/ye 2142/3826
Psa_118:21....praise/thee for thou hast heard/me 2143/3826
Psa_118:25...beseech/thee O LORD O/LORD.. 2144/3826
Psa_118:25...beseech/thee send now/prosperity 2145/3826
Psa_118:28....praise/thee thou art my God/I 2146/3826
Psa_118:28.....exalt/thee O give/thanks.. 2147/3826
Psa_119:7.....praise/thee with uprightness/of 2148/3826
Psa_119:10....sought/thee O let me/not... 2149/3826
Psa_119:11...against/thee Blessed art thou O/LORD 2150/3826
Psa_119:62......unto/thee because of thy righteous judgments I/am 2151/3826
Psa_119:63......fear/thee and of them/that 2152/3826
Psa_119:74......fear/thee will be/glad... 2153/3826
Psa_119:76......pray/thee thy merciful/kindness 2154/3826
Psa_119:79......fear/thee turn unto/me... 2155/3826
Psa_119:108..beseech/thee the freewill/offerings 2156/3826
Psa_119:120.......of/thee and I am afraid/of 2157/3826
Psa_119:126......for/thee LORD to/work... 2158/3826
Psa_119:146.....unto/thee save me/and.... 2159/3826
Psa_119:164...praise/thee because of thy righteous judgments Great/peace 2160/3826
Psa_119:168...before/thee Let my cry/come 2161/3826
Psa_119:169...before/thee O LORD give/me. 2162/3826
Psa_119:170...before/thee deliver me according/to 2163/3826
Psa_119:175...praise/thee and let thy/judgments 2164/3826
Psa_120:3.......unto/thee or what shall/be 2165/3826
Psa_120:3.......unto/thee thou false/tongue 2166/3826
Psa_121:3....keepeth/thee will not/slumber 2167/3826
Psa_121:6......smite/thee by day/nor..... 2168/3826
Psa_121:7...preserve/thee from all evil/he 2169/3826 Peace be/within 2170/3826
Psa_122:8.....within/thee Because of the house/of 2171/3826
Psa_123:1.......Unto/thee lift I/up...... 2172/3826
Psa_128:2.......with/thee Thy wife/shall. 2173/3826
Psa_128:5......bless/thee out of Zion and/thou 2174/3826
Psa_130:1.......unto/thee O LORD Lord/hear 2175/3826
Psa_130:4.......with/thee that thou mayest be feared/I 2176/3826
Psa_134:3......bless/thee out of Zion Praise/ye 2177/3826
Psa_135:9.........of/thee O Egypt/upon... 2178/3826
Psa_137:5.....forget/thee O Jerusalem let/my 2179/3826
Psa_137:6...remember/thee let my tongue/cleave 2180/3826
Psa_137:8..rewardeth/thee as thou hast served/us 2181/3826
Psa_138:1.....praise/thee with my whole/heart 2182/3826
Psa_138:1.......unto/thee I will worship/toward 2183/3826
Psa_138:4.....praise/thee O LORD when/they 2184/3826
Psa_139:12......from/thee but the night/shineth 2185/3826 For thou hast possessed/my 2186/3826
Psa_139:14....praise/thee for I am fearfully/and 2187/3826
Psa_139:15......from/thee when I was/made 2188/3826
Psa_139:18......with/thee Surely thou wilt/slay 2189/3826
Psa_139:20...against/thee wickedly/and... 2190/3826
Psa_139:21......hate/thee and am not/I... 2191/3826
Psa_139:21...against/thee I hate/them.... 2192/3826
Psa_141:1.......unto/thee make/haste..... 2193/3826
Psa_141:1.......unto/thee Let my prayer be/set 2194/3826
Psa_141:2.....before/thee as incense/and. 2195/3826
Psa_141:8.......unto/thee O GOD the Lord/in 2196/3826 is my/trust.... 2197/3826
Psa_142:5.......unto/thee O LORD I said Thou art my refuge/and 2198/3826
Psa_143:6.......unto/thee my soul thirsteth after/thee 2199/3826
Psa_143:6......after/thee as a thirsty/land 2200/3826 do I trust/cause 2201/3826
Psa_143:8.......unto/thee Deliver me O/LORD 2202/3826
Psa_143:9.......unto/thee to hide me/Teach 2203/3826
Psa_144:9.......unto/thee O God upon/a... 2204/3826
Psa_144:9.......unto/thee It is he/that.. 2205/3826
Psa_145:1......extol/thee my God O/king.. 2206/3826
Psa_145:2......bless/thee and I will praise/thy 2207/3826
Psa_145:10....praise/thee O LORD and thy/saints 2208/3826
Psa_145:10.....bless/thee They shall speak/of 2209/3826
Psa_145:15......upon/thee and thou givest/them 2210/3826
Psa_147:13....within/thee He maketh/peace 2211/3826
Psa_147:14...filleth/thee with the finest/of 2212/3826
Pro_1:10......entice/thee consent/thou... 2213/3826
Pro_2:1.........with/thee So that thou incline/thine 2214/3826
Pro_2:11....preserve/thee understanding shall/keep 2215/3826
Pro_2:11........keep/thee To deliver thee from/the 2216/3826
Pro_2:12.....deliver/thee from the way/of 2217/3826
Pro_2:16.....deliver/thee from the strange woman even/from 2218/3826 Let not mercy/and 2219/3826
Pro_3:3......forsake/thee bind/them...... 2220/3826 Devise/not..... 2221/3826 Strive/not..... 2222/3826
Pro_3:30........done/thee no harm/Envy... 2223/3826
Pro_4:6.....preserve/thee love/her....... 2224/3826
Pro_4:6.........keep/thee Wisdom is/the.. 2225/3826
Pro_4:8......promote/thee she shall/bring 2226/3826
Pro_4:8........bring/thee to honour when/thou 2227/3826 Hear O/my...... 2228/3826
Pro_4:11......taught/thee in the way of/wisdom 2229/3826
Pro_4:11.........led/thee in right/paths. 2230/3826
Pro_4:24........from/thee a froward/mouth 2231/3826
Pro_4:24........from/thee Let thine eyes/look 2232/3826
Pro_4:25......before/thee Ponder/the..... 2233/3826
Pro_5:17........with/thee Let thy fountain/be 2234/3826
Pro_5:19.....satisfy/thee at all/times... 2235/3826
Pro_6:22........lead/thee when thou sleepest/it 2236/3826
Pro_6:22........keep/thee and when thou awakest/it 2237/3826
Pro_6:22........with/thee For the commandment/is 2238/3826
Pro_6:24........keep/thee from the evil/woman 2239/3826
Pro_6:25........take/thee with her/eyelids 2240/3826
Pro_7:1.........with/thee Keep my/commandments 2241/3826
Pro_7:5.........keep/thee from the strange woman from/the 2242/3826 diligently/to.. 2243/3826
Pro_7:15.......found/thee I have decked/my 2244/3826
Pro_9:8.........hate/thee rebuke a/wise.. 2245/3826 Give instruction/to 2246/3826 Divers/weights. 2247/3826
Pro_22:18.....within/thee they shall withal/be 2248/3826 this day even/to 2249/3826 Have not/I..... 2250/3826 excellent/things 2251/3826
Pro_22:21.......make/thee know the/certainty 2252/3826
Pro_22:21.......unto/thee Rob/not........ 2253/3826
Pro_22:27......under/thee Remove/not..... 2254/3826
Pro_23:1......before/thee And put a/knife 2255/3826 but his/heart.. 2256/3826
Pro_23:7........with/thee The morsel/which 2257/3826
Pro_23:11.......with/thee Apply/thine.... 2258/3826
Pro_23:22......begat/thee and despise/not 2259/3826
Pro_23:25.......bare/thee shall rejoice/My 2260/3826
Pro_25:7........unto/thee Come up/hither. 2261/3826
Pro_25:8.........put/thee to shame Debate/thy 2262/3826
Pro_25:10........put/thee to shame and/thine 2263/3826
Pro_25:16........for/thee lest thou be filled/therewith 2264/3826
Pro_25:17.........of/thee and so hate/thee 2265/3826
Pro_25:17.......hate/thee A man that/beareth 2266/3826
Pro_25:22.....reward/thee The north/wind. 2267/3826
Pro_27:2......praise/thee and not thine/own 2268/3826
Pro_29:17.......give/thee rest yea/he.... 2269/3826
Pro_30:6.....reprove/thee and thou be found a/liar 2270/3826
Pro_30:7..........of/thee deny me them/not 2271/3826
Pro_30:9........deny/thee and say Who/is. 2272/3826
Pro_30:10......curse/thee and thou be found guilty/There 2273/3826
Ecc_2:1........prove/thee with mirth/therefore 2274/3826
Ecc_7:21.......curse/thee For oftentimes/also 2275/3826
Ecc_8:2......counsel/thee to keep the king's/commandment 2276/3826
Ecc_9:9........given/thee under the sun/all 2277/3826
Ecc_10:4.....against/thee leave not/thy.. 2278/3826 O land/when.... 2279/3826
Ecc_11:9.......cheer/thee in the days of thy youth and walk/in 2280/3826
Ecc_11:9.......bring/thee into judgment Therefore/remove 2281/3826 Draw/me........ 2282/3826
Son_1:4........after/thee the king/hath.. 2283/3826 we will remember/thy 2284/3826 I am black/but. 2285/3826
Son_1:9.....compared/thee O my love/to... 2286/3826
Son_1:11........make/thee borders/of..... 2287/3826 Come with/me... 2288/3826
Son_6:1.........with/thee My beloved/is.. 2289/3826
Son_6:13........upon/thee What will/ye... 2290/3826
Son_7:5.........upon/thee is like/Carmel. 2291/3826
Son_7:12........give/thee my loves/The... 2292/3826
Son_7:13.........for/thee O my beloved/O. 2293/3826
Son_8:1.........find/thee without/I...... 2294/3826
Son_8:1.........kiss/thee yea I should/not 2295/3826
Son_8:2.........lead/thee and bring thee into/my 2296/3826
Son_8:2........bring/thee into my mother's/house 2297/3826
Son_8:2........cause/thee to drink of/spiced 2298/3826
Son_8:5.......raised/thee up under/the... 2299/3826
Son_8:5......brought/thee forth there/she 2300/3826
Son_8:5......brought/thee forth that/bare 2301/3826
Son_8:5.........bare/thee Set me/as...... 2302/3826
Isa_1:25........upon/thee and purely/purge 2303/3826
Isa_2:10........hide/thee in the dust/for 2304/3826
Isa_3:12........lead/thee cause/thee..... 2305/3826
Isa_3:12.......cause/thee to err/and..... 2306/3826
Isa_7:5......against/thee saying Let us go up/against 2307/3826
Isa_7:11.........Ask/thee a sign of/the.. 2308/3826
Isa_7:17........upon/thee and upon thy people and upon thy/father's 2309/3826
Isa_8:1.........Take/thee a great roll/and 2310/3826
Isa_9:3.......before/thee according to the joy/in 2311/3826
Isa_10:24......smite/thee with a rod/and. 2312/3826
Isa_10:24....against/thee after the manner/of 2313/3826
Isa_12:1......praise/thee though thou wast/angry 2314/3826
Isa_12:6..........of/thee The burden/of.. 2315/3826
Isa_14:3........give/thee rest from thy/sorrow 2316/3826 and the cedars/of 2317/3826
Isa_14:9.........for/thee to meet thee/at 2318/3826 at thy/coming.. 2319/3826
Isa_14:9.........for/thee even all the/chief 2320/3826
Isa_14:10.......unto/thee Art thou also/become 2321/3826
Isa_14:11......under/thee and the worms/cover 2322/3826
Isa_14:11......cover/thee How art thou fallen/from 2323/3826
Isa_14:16........see/thee shall narrowly/look 2324/3826
Isa_14:16.......upon/thee and consider/thee 2325/3826
Isa_14:16...consider/thee saying Is/this. 2326/3826
Isa_14:29......smote/thee is broken/for.. 2327/3826
Isa_16:4........with/thee Moab be/thou... 2328/3826
Isa_16:9.......water/thee with my tears/O 2329/3826
Isa_19:12.......tell/thee now and/let.... 2330/3826
Isa_22:1......aileth/thee now that thou art/wholly 2331/3826 are bound/together 2332/3826
Isa_22:15........get/thee unto this treasurer/even 2333/3826
Isa_22:16......hewed/thee out a/sepulchre 2334/3826
Isa_22:17......carry/thee away with a/mighty 2335/3826
Isa_22:17......cover/thee He will surely/violently 2336/3826
Isa_22:18.......toss/thee like a/ball.... 2337/3826 from thy station/and 2338/3826
Isa_22:19.......pull/thee down And it/shall 2339/3826
Isa_24:17.......upon/thee O inhabitant of the earth/And 2340/3826
Isa_25:1.......exalt/thee I will praise thy name for/thou 2341/3826
Isa_25:3.....glorify/thee the city of the terrible/nations 2342/3826
Isa_25:3........fear/thee For thou hast been/a 2343/3826
Isa_26:3..........on/thee because he trusteth/in 2344/3826 Trust/ye....... 2345/3826
Isa_26:8.........for/thee the desire of our/soul 2346/3826
Isa_26:8..........of/thee With my soul/have 2347/3826
Isa_26:9.....desired/thee in the night yea/with 2348/3826 early/for...... 2349/3826
Isa_26:13.....beside/thee have had/dominion 2350/3826 only will/we... 2351/3826
Isa_26:16....visited/thee they poured/out 2352/3826
Isa_26:20......about/thee hide thyself/as 2353/3826
Isa_29:3.....against/thee round about and/will 2354/3826
Isa_29:3.....against/thee with a mount/and 2355/3826
Isa_29:3.....against/thee And thou shalt be brought/down 2356/3826
Isa_29:11.......pray/thee and he saith I cannot/for 2357/3826
Isa_29:12.......pray/thee and he saith I am/not 2358/3826
Isa_30:19.......unto/thee at the voice/of 2359/3826
Isa_30:19.....answer/thee And though/the. 2360/3826
Isa_30:21.....behind/thee saying This/is. 2361/3826
Isa_30:22........Get/thee hence Then/shall 2362/3826 that spoilest/and 2363/3826
Isa_33:1........with/thee when thou shalt cease/to 2364/3826
Isa_33:1........with/thee O LORD be/gracious 2365/3826
Isa_33:2.........for/thee be thou their/arm 2366/3826
Isa_36:8........pray/thee to my/master... 2367/3826
Isa_36:8........give/thee two thousand horses if thou be able on thy part to set riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen And/am 2368/3826
Isa_36:11.......pray/thee unto thy servants/in 2369/3826 to speak these words hath he not sent me to the men that/sit 2370/3826
Isa_37:9........with/thee And when he heard/it 2371/3826
Isa_37:10....deceive/thee saying Jerusalem shall not be given/into 2372/3826
Isa_37:22...despised/thee and laughed thee to scorn the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 2373/3826
Isa_37:22....laughed/thee to scorn the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 2374/3826 Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 2375/3826
Isa_37:29.......turn/thee back by the way by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such as/groweth 2376/3826
Isa_37:30.......unto/thee Ye shall eat this year such as/groweth 2377/3826
Isa_38:3.....beseech/thee how I/have..... 2378/3826
Isa_38:3......before/thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore Then/came 2379/3826
Isa_38:6.....deliver/thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city And/this 2380/3826
Isa_38:7........unto/thee from the LORD/that 2381/3826
Isa_38:18.....praise/thee death/can...... 2382/3826
Isa_38:18..celebrate/thee they that go/down 2383/3826
Isa_38:19.....praise/thee as I do/this... 2384/3826
Isa_39:3........unto/thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 2385/3826
Isa_39:7........from/thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah to/Isaiah 2386/3826
Isa_40:9.........get/thee up into the high/mountain 2387/3826
Isa_41:9......called/thee from the chief/men 2388/3826
Isa_41:9........unto/thee Thou art my servant I/have 2389/3826
Isa_41:9......chosen/thee and not cast/thee 2390/3826
Isa_41:9........cast/thee away Fear/thou. 2391/3826
Isa_41:10.......with/thee be not dismayed for/I 2392/3826
Isa_41:10.strengthen/thee yea I will help/thee 2393/3826 yea I will uphold/thee 2394/3826
Isa_41:10.....uphold/thee with the right/hand 2395/3826
Isa_41:11....against/thee shall be ashamed and confounded/they 2396/3826
Isa_41:11.......with/thee shall perish Thou shalt/seek 2397/3826
Isa_41:12.......with/thee they that war/against 2398/3826
Isa_41:12....against/thee shall be as/nothing 2399/3826
Isa_41:13.......unto/thee Fear not I/will 2400/3826 Fear not thou worm/Jacob 2401/3826 saith the LORD and thy/redeemer 2402/3826
Isa_41:15.......make/thee a new/sharp.... 2403/3826
Isa_42:6......called/thee in righteousness/and 2404/3826
Isa_42:6........keep/thee and give thee for a covenant of the people for/a 2405/3826
Isa_42:6........give/thee for a covenant of the people for/a 2406/3826
Isa_43:1.....created/thee O Jacob/and.... 2407/3826
Isa_43:1......formed/thee O Israel Fear/not 2408/3826
Isa_43:1....redeemed/thee I have called/thee 2409/3826
Isa_43:1......called/thee by thy name thou/art 2410/3826
Isa_43:2........with/thee and through/the 2411/3826
Isa_43:2....overflow/thee when thou walkest/through 2412/3826
Isa_43:2........upon/thee For I am the/LORD 2413/3826
Isa_43:3.........for/thee Since thou/wast 2414/3826
Isa_43:4.......loved/thee therefore will/I 2415/3826
Isa_43:4.........for/thee and people/for. 2416/3826
Isa_43:5........with/thee I will bring thy/seed 2417/3826
Isa_43:5......gather/thee from the west/I 2418/3826
Isa_43:23.....caused/thee to serve with/an 2419/3826
Isa_43:23....wearied/thee with incense/Thou 2420/3826
Isa_44:2........made/thee and formed/thee 2421/3826
Isa_44:2......formed/thee from the womb which/will 2422/3826 Fear not O/Jacob 2423/3826
Isa_44:8........told/thee from that/time. 2424/3826
Isa_44:21.....formed/thee thou art my servant O/Israel 2425/3826
Isa_44:22...redeemed/thee Sing O/ye...... 2426/3826
Isa_44:24.....formed/thee from the womb I/am 2427/3826
Isa_45:2......before/thee and make the crooked/places 2428/3826
Isa_45:3........give/thee the treasures/of 2429/3826 by thy name am/the 2430/3826
Isa_45:4......called/thee by thy name I/have 2431/3826
Isa_45:4....surnamed/thee though thou hast not known me I/am 2432/3826
Isa_45:5......girded/thee though thou hast not known me That/they 2433/3826
Isa_45:14.......unto/thee and they shall be thine/they 2434/3826
Isa_45:14......after/thee in chains/they. 2435/3826
Isa_45:14.......unto/thee they shall make/supplication 2436/3826
Isa_45:14.......unto/thee saying Surely/God 2437/3826 and there is none else/there 2438/3826 as a man As/for 2439/3826
Isa_47:5.........get/thee into darkness/O 2440/3826 in a moment in/one 2441/3826
Isa_47:9........upon/thee in their perfection/for 2442/3826
Isa_47:10..perverted/thee and thou hast said/in 2443/3826
Isa_47:11.......upon/thee thou shalt not know/from 2444/3826
Isa_47:11.......upon/thee thou shalt not be able/to 2445/3826
Isa_47:11.......upon/thee suddenly which/thou 2446/3826 from these/things 2447/3826
Isa_47:13.......upon/thee Behold they shall be/as 2448/3826
Isa_47:15.......unto/thee with whom/thou. 2449/3826 Hear ye/this... 2450/3826 before it/came. 2451/3826 lest thou shouldest/say 2452/3826
Isa_48:6......shewed/thee new/things..... 2453/3826
Isa_48:9.........for/thee that I cut/thee 2454/3826
Isa_48:9.........cut/thee not off/Behold. 2455/3826
Isa_48:10....refined/thee but not/with... 2456/3826
Isa_48:10.....chosen/thee in the furnace/of 2457/3826
Isa_48:17...teacheth/thee to profit/which 2458/3826
Isa_48:17....leadeth/thee by the way that/thou 2459/3826
Isa_49:6........give/thee for a light/to. 2460/3826
Isa_49:7......choose/thee Thus saith the LORD In/an 2461/3826
Isa_49:8.......heard/thee and in a/day... 2462/3826
Isa_49:8......helped/thee and I will preserve/thee 2463/3826
Isa_49:8....preserve/thee and give thee for a covenant of the people to/establish 2464/3826
Isa_49:8........give/thee for a covenant of the people to/establish 2465/3826
Isa_49:15.....forget/thee Behold I have graven/thee 2466/3826
Isa_49:16.....graven/thee upon the palms/of 2467/3826
Isa_49:17.......made/thee waste shall/go. 2468/3826
Isa_49:17.........of/thee Lift up/thine.. 2469/3826 As I live/saith 2470/3826
Isa_49:18.....clothe/thee with them all/as 2471/3826
Isa_49:18.........on/thee as a bride/doeth 2472/3826
Isa_49:19..swallowed/thee up shall/be.... 2473/3826 with their face/toward 2474/3826
Isa_49:25.......with/thee and I will save thy/children 2475/3826
Isa_49:26....oppress/thee with their own/flesh 2476/3826
Isa_51:16....covered/thee in the shadow/of 2477/3826
Isa_51:19.......unto/thee who shall be sorry/for 2478/3826
Isa_51:19........for/thee desolation/and. 2479/3826
Isa_51:19....comfort/thee Thy sons have/fainted 2480/3826
Isa_51:23....afflict/thee which have/said 2481/3826
Isa_52:1........into/thee the uncircumcised/and 2482/3826 his visage/was. 2483/3826
Isa_54:6......called/thee as a woman forsaken/and 2484/3826
Isa_54:7....forsaken/thee but with/great. 2485/3826
Isa_54:7......gather/thee In a little/wrath 2486/3826
Isa_54:8........from/thee for a moment/but 2487/3826
Isa_54:8..........on/thee saith the LORD thy/Redeemer 2488/3826
Isa_54:9........with/thee nor rebuke/thee 2489/3826
Isa_54:9......rebuke/thee For the mountains/shall 2490/3826
Isa_54:10.......from/thee neither shall the/covenant 2491/3826
Isa_54:10.........on/thee O thou afflicted/tossed 2492/3826
Isa_54:14.......near/thee Behold they shall surely/gather 2493/3826
Isa_54:15....against/thee shall fall for/thy 2494/3826
Isa_54:17....against/thee shall prosper/and 2495/3826
Isa_54:17....against/thee in judgment thou/shalt 2496/3826
Isa_55:5.........not/thee shall run/unto. 2497/3826
Isa_55:5........unto/thee because of the LORD/thy 2498/3826
Isa_55:5...glorified/thee Seek/ye........ 2499/3826
Isa_57:8........made/thee a covenant/with 2500/3826
Isa_57:12.....profit/thee When thou criest/let 2501/3826
Isa_57:13....deliver/thee but the wind/shall 2502/3826
Isa_58:8......before/thee the glory/of... 2503/3826
Isa_58:9..........of/thee the yoke/the... 2504/3826 continually/and 2505/3826
Isa_58:12.........of/thee shall build/the 2506/3826
Isa_58:14......cause/thee to ride/upon... 2507/3826
Isa_58:14.......feed/thee with the heritage/of 2508/3826
Isa_59:12.....before/thee and our/sins... 2509/3826
Isa_59:21.......upon/thee and my words/which 2510/3826
Isa_60:1........upon/thee For behold/the. 2511/3826
Isa_60:2........upon/thee and his glory/shall 2512/3826
Isa_60:2........upon/thee And the Gentiles/shall 2513/3826 thy sons shall/come 2514/3826
Isa_60:5........unto/thee the forces of the Gentiles shall/come 2515/3826
Isa_60:5........unto/thee The multitude/of 2516/3826
Isa_60:6.......cover/thee the dromedaries/of 2517/3826
Isa_60:7........unto/thee the rams/of.... 2518/3826
Isa_60:7........unto/thee they shall come/up 2519/3826
Isa_60:9...glorified/thee And the sons of/strangers 2520/3826
Isa_60:10.......unto/thee for in/my...... 2521/3826
Isa_60:10......smote/thee but in/my...... 2522/3826
Isa_60:10.........on/thee Therefore thy/gates 2523/3826
Isa_60:11.......unto/thee the forces of the Gentiles and/that 2524/3826
Isa_60:12......serve/thee shall perish yea/those 2525/3826
Isa_60:13.......unto/thee the fir/tree... 2526/3826
Isa_60:14..afflicted/thee shall come bending/unto 2527/3826
Isa_60:14.......unto/thee and all they/that 2528/3826
Isa_60:14...despised/thee shall bow/themselves 2529/3826 The city of the LORD/The 2530/3826
Isa_60:15....through/thee I will make/thee 2531/3826
Isa_60:15.......make/thee an eternal/excellency 2532/3826
Isa_60:19.......unto/thee but the LORD shall/be 2533/3826
Isa_60:19.......unto/thee an everlasting light/and 2534/3826 and thy land/shall 2535/3826
Isa_62:5.......marry/thee and as the/bridegroom 2536/3826
Isa_62:5........over/thee I have set/watchmen 2537/3826
Isa_64:4......beside/thee what he/hath... 2538/3826
Isa_64:5....remember/thee in thy ways/behold 2539/3826
Isa_64:7..........of/thee for thou hast hid/thy 2540/3826
Isa_64:9.....beseech/thee we are/all..... 2541/3826
Isa_64:11....praised/thee is burned/up... 2542/3826
Isa_65:15.......slay/thee and call/his... 2543/3826
Jer_1:5.......formed/thee in the belly/I. 2544/3826
Jer_1:5.........knew/thee and before/thou 2545/3826
Jer_1:5...sanctified/thee and I ordained/thee 2546/3826
Jer_1:5.....ordained/thee a prophet unto/the 2547/3826
Jer_1:7.........send/thee and whatsoever I/command 2548/3826
Jer_1:7......command/thee thou shalt speak/Be 2549/3826
Jer_1:8.........with/thee to deliver thee saith/the 2550/3826
Jer_1:8......deliver/thee saith the LORD Then/the 2551/3826
Jer_1:10.........set/thee over the nations/and 2552/3826
Jer_1:17.....command/thee be not dismayed at/their 2553/3826
Jer_1:17....confound/thee before them For/behold 2554/3826
Jer_1:18........made/thee this day a/defenced 2555/3826
Jer_1:19.....against/thee but they shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee saith/the 2556/3826
Jer_1:19.....against/thee for I am with thee saith/the 2557/3826
Jer_1:19........with/thee saith the LORD to deliver/thee 2558/3826
Jer_1:19.....deliver/thee Moreover/the... 2559/3826
Jer_2:2.....remember/thee the kindness/of 2560/3826
Jer_2:17.........led/thee by the way And now/what 2561/3826
Jer_2:19.....correct/thee and thy backslidings/shall 2562/3826
Jer_2:19.....reprove/thee know therefore/and 2563/3826 saith the Lord GOD of hosts For/of 2564/3826
Jer_2:21.....planted/thee a noble/vine... 2565/3826
Jer_2:22........wash/thee with nitre/and. 2566/3826
Jer_2:22........take/thee much soap/yet.. 2567/3826
Jer_2:28........made/thee let them/arise. 2568/3826 in the time of thy/trouble 2569/3826
Jer_2:31........unto/thee Can a/maid..... 2570/3826
Jer_2:35........with/thee because thou sayest/I 2571/3826
Jer_3:19.........put/thee among the children/and 2572/3826
Jer_3:19........give/thee a pleasant/land 2573/3826
Jer_3:22........unto/thee for thou art the/LORD 2574/3826
Jer_4:14......within/thee For a voice/declareth 2575/3826
Jer_4:18........unto/thee this is thy/wickedness 2576/3826
Jer_4:30.....deckest/thee with ornaments/of 2577/3826
Jer_4:30.....despise/thee they will/seek. 2578/3826
Jer_5:7.......pardon/thee for this thy/children 2579/3826
Jer_6:8.........from/thee lest I/make.... 2580/3826
Jer_6:8.........make/thee desolate a/land 2581/3826
Jer_6:23.....against/thee O daughter of Zion/We 2582/3826
Jer_6:26........gird/thee with sackcloth/and 2583/3826
Jer_6:26........make/thee mourning/as.... 2584/3826
Jer_6:27.........set/thee for a tower/and 2585/3826
Jer_7:16........hear/thee Seest/thou..... 2586/3826 thou shalt also/call 2587/3826
Jer_7:27......answer/thee But thou shalt say/unto 2588/3826
Jer_10:6........unto/thee O LORD thou/art 2589/3826
Jer_10:7........fear/thee O King of/nations 2590/3826 doth it/appertain 2591/3826
Jer_10:7........unto/thee But they are/altogether 2592/3826
Jer_10:25.......know/thee not and upon/the 2593/3826
Jer_11:15.......from/thee when thou doest evil/then 2594/3826
Jer_11:17....planted/thee hath pronounced/evil 2595/3826
Jer_11:17....against/thee for the evil/of 2596/3826
Jer_11:20.......unto/thee have I revealed/my 2597/3826
Jer_12:1........with/thee yet let/me..... 2598/3826
Jer_12:1........with/thee of thy judgments/Wherefore 2599/3826
Jer_12:3......toward/thee pull/them...... 2600/3826
Jer_12:5.....wearied/thee then how canst/thou 2601/3826
Jer_12:5.....wearied/thee then how wilt/thou 2602/3826
Jer_12:6........with/thee yea they/have.. 2603/3826
Jer_12:6.......after/thee believe/them... 2604/3826
Jer_12:6........unto/thee I have forsaken/mine 2605/3826
Jer_13:1.........get/thee a linen/girdle. 2606/3826
Jer_13:6...commanded/thee to hide there/Then 2607/3826
Jer_13:12.......unto/thee Do we not/certainly 2608/3826
Jer_13:20......given/thee thy beautiful/flock 2609/3826
Jer_13:21.....punish/thee for thou hast taught/them 2610/3826
Jer_13:21.......over/thee shall not sorrows/take 2611/3826
Jer_13:21.......take/thee as a woman in travail And/if 2612/3826
Jer_13:27.......unto/thee O Jerusalem wilt/thou 2613/3826
Jer_14:7.....against/thee O the/hope..... 2614/3826
Jer_14:20....against/thee Do not/abhor... 2615/3826
Jer_14:22.......upon/thee for thou hast made/all 2616/3826
Jer_15:2........unto/thee Whither shall/we 2617/3826
Jer_15:5........upon/thee O Jerusalem or/who 2618/3826
Jer_15:5......bemoan/thee or who/shall... 2619/3826
Jer_15:6.....against/thee and destroy thee I/am 2620/3826
Jer_15:6.....destroy/thee I am weary/with 2621/3826
Jer_15:11....entreat/thee well in/the.... 2622/3826
Jer_15:14.......make/thee to pass/with... 2623/3826
Jer_15:19......bring/thee again and thou/shalt 2624/3826
Jer_15:19.......unto/thee but return/not. 2625/3826
Jer_15:20.......make/thee unto this people/a 2626/3826
Jer_15:20....against/thee but they shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee to/save 2627/3826
Jer_15:20....against/thee for I am with thee to/save 2628/3826
Jer_15:20.......with/thee to save/thee... 2629/3826 and to deliver/thee 2630/3826
Jer_15:20....deliver/thee saith the LORD And I/will 2631/3826
Jer_15:21....deliver/thee out of the hand of the wicked/and 2632/3826
Jer_15:21.....redeem/thee out of the hand of the terrible/The 2633/3826
Jer_16:2........take/thee a wife neither/shalt 2634/3826
Jer_16:10.......unto/thee Wherefore hath/the 2635/3826
Jer_16:19.......unto/thee from the ends/of 2636/3826
Jer_17:4........gave/thee and I will cause/thee 2637/3826
Jer_17:4.......cause/thee to serve thine/enemies 2638/3826
Jer_17:13....forsake/thee shall be ashamed and they/that 2639/3826
Jer_17:16.....follow/thee neither have I/desired 2640/3826
Jer_17:16.....before/thee Be not a/terror 2641/3826
Jer_18:2.......cause/thee to hear my/words 2642/3826
Jer_18:20.....before/thee to speak good/for 2643/3826
Jer_18:23.....before/thee deal/thus...... 2644/3826
Jer_19:2........tell/thee And say Hear/ye 2645/3826
Jer_19:10.......with/thee And shalt say/unto 2646/3826
Jer_20:4........make/thee a terror to/thyself 2647/3826
Jer_20:12.......unto/thee have I opened/my 2648/3826
Jer_20:15.......unto/thee making/him..... 2649/3826
Jer_21:2........pray/thee of the LORD for/us 2650/3826
Jer_21:13....against/thee O inhabitant of the valley/and 2651/3826
Jer_22:6........make/thee a wilderness/and 2652/3826
Jer_22:7.....against/thee every one with/his 2653/3826
Jer_22:21.......unto/thee in thy prosperity/but 2654/3826
Jer_22:23.......upon/thee the pain/as.... 2655/3826
Jer_22:24......pluck/thee thence And/I... 2656/3826
Jer_22:25.......give/thee into the hand of them that/seek 2657/3826
Jer_22:26.......cast/thee out and thy/mother 2658/3826
Jer_22:26.......bare/thee into another/country 2659/3826
Jer_23:33........ask/thee saying What is/the 2660/3826
Jer_23:37...answered/thee and What hath/the 2661/3826
Jer_25:15.......send/thee to drink it/And 2662/3826
Jer_26:2.....command/thee to speak unto/them 2663/3826
Jer_27:2........Make/thee bonds/and...... 2664/3826
Jer_28:8......before/thee of old/prophesied 2665/3826
Jer_28:15.......sent/thee but thou makest/this 2666/3826
Jer_28:16.......cast/thee from off the face of the earth this/year 2667/3826
Jer_29:22.......make/thee like Zedekiah/and 2668/3826
Jer_29:26.......made/thee priest/in...... 2669/3826
Jer_30:2.......Write/thee all the words/that 2670/3826
Jer_30:2........unto/thee in a book/For.. 2671/3826 from afar and/thy 2672/3826
Jer_30:11.......with/thee saith the LORD to save/thee 2673/3826 though I/make.. 2674/3826
Jer_30:11..scattered/thee yet I/will..... 2675/3826
Jer_30:11.........of/thee but I will correct/thee 2676/3826
Jer_30:11....correct/thee in measure and/will 2677/3826
Jer_30:11......leave/thee altogether/unpunished 2678/3826
Jer_30:14..forgotten/thee they seek/thee. 2679/3826 not for I/have. 2680/3826
Jer_30:14....wounded/thee with the wound/of 2681/3826
Jer_30:15.......unto/thee Therefore all/they 2682/3826
Jer_30:16.....devour/thee shall be devoured/and 2683/3826
Jer_30:16......spoil/thee shall be a/spoil 2684/3826
Jer_30:16.......upon/thee will I give for/a 2685/3826
Jer_30:17.......unto/thee and I will heal/thee 2686/3826
Jer_30:17.......heal/thee of thy wounds/saith 2687/3826
Jer_30:17.....called/thee an Outcast/saying 2688/3826
Jer_31:3.......loved/thee with an/everlasting 2689/3826
Jer_31:3.......drawn/thee Again I/will... 2690/3826 and thou shalt be built/O 2691/3826
Jer_31:21........Set/thee up waymarks/make 2692/3826
Jer_31:21.......make/thee high heaps/set. 2693/3826
Jer_31:23......bless/thee O habitation/of 2694/3826
Jer_32:7........unto/thee saying Buy thee/my 2695/3826
Jer_32:7.........Buy/thee my field/that.. 2696/3826
Jer_32:8........pray/thee that is in/Anathoth 2697/3826
Jer_32:17........for/thee Thou shewest/lovingkindness 2698/3826
Jer_32:20.......made/thee a name as at/this 2699/3826
Jer_32:25........Buy/thee the field/for.. 2700/3826
Jer_33:3......answer/thee and shew thee great/and 2701/3826
Jer_33:3........shew/thee great and mighty/things 2702/3826
Jer_34:3........with/thee mouth/to....... 2703/3826
Jer_34:4..........of/thee Thou shalt not die/by 2704/3826
Jer_34:5......before/thee so shall/they.. 2705/3826
Jer_34:5.........for/thee and they will/lament 2706/3826
Jer_34:5......lament/thee saying Ah/lord. 2707/3826
Jer_34:14.......unto/thee and when he hath/served 2708/3826
Jer_34:14.....served/thee six years thou/shalt 2709/3826
Jer_34:14.......from/thee but your/fathers 2710/3826
Jer_36:2........Take/thee a roll/of...... 2711/3826
Jer_36:2........unto/thee against Israel/and 2712/3826
Jer_36:2........unto/thee from the days/of 2713/3826
Jer_36:19.......hide/thee thou and Jeremiah/and 2714/3826
Jer_36:28.......Take/thee again another/roll 2715/3826
Jer_37:18....against/thee or against/thy. 2716/3826
Jer_37:20.......pray/thee O my lord/the.. 2717/3826
Jer_37:20.......pray/thee be accepted/before 2718/3826
Jer_37:20.....before/thee that thou cause/me 2719/3826
Jer_38:4.....beseech/thee let this man/be 2720/3826
Jer_38:10.......with/thee and take up/Jeremiah 2721/3826
Jer_38:14........ask/thee a thing/hide... 2722/3826
Jer_38:15.......unto/thee wilt thou not/surely 2723/3826
Jer_38:15.......give/thee counsel wilt/thou 2724/3826
Jer_38:16........put/thee to death neither/will 2725/3826
Jer_38:16.......give/thee into the hand of these/men 2726/3826
Jer_38:20....deliver/thee Obey/I......... 2727/3826
Jer_38:20....beseech/thee the voice of the/LORD 2728/3826
Jer_38:20.......unto/thee so it/shall.... 2729/3826
Jer_38:20.......unto/thee and thy soul/shall 2730/3826
Jer_38:22........set/thee on and/have.... 2731/3826
Jer_38:22....against/thee thy feet/are... 2732/3826
Jer_38:25.......with/thee and they come/unto 2733/3826
Jer_38:25.......unto/thee and say unto/thee 2734/3826
Jer_38:25.......unto/thee Declare/unto... 2735/3826
Jer_38:25........put/thee to death also/what 2736/3826
Jer_38:25.......unto/thee Then thou shalt say unto/them 2737/3826
Jer_39:12.......unto/thee So Nebuzaradan/the 2738/3826
Jer_39:16.....before/thee But I will deliver/thee 2739/3826
Jer_39:17....deliver/thee in that day/saith 2740/3826
Jer_39:18....deliver/thee and thou shalt not fall/by 2741/3826
Jer_39:18.......unto/thee because thou hast put/thy 2742/3826
Jer_40:4.......loose/thee this day from/the 2743/3826
Jer_40:4........unto/thee to come with me into Babylon come/and 2744/3826
Jer_40:4........unto/thee but if it/seem. 2745/3826
Jer_40:4........unto/thee to come with me into Babylon forbear/behold 2746/3826
Jer_40:4......before/thee whither it/seemeth 2747/3826
Jer_40:4.........for/thee to go thither/go 2748/3826
Jer_40:5........unto/thee to go So/the... 2749/3826
Jer_40:14.......slay/thee But Gedaliah/the 2750/3826
Jer_40:15.......pray/thee and I will slay/Ishmael 2751/3826
Jer_40:15.......slay/thee that all/the... 2752/3826
Jer_40:15.......unto/thee should/be...... 2753/3826
Jer_42:2.....beseech/thee our supplication/be 2754/3826
Jer_42:2......before/thee and pray/for... 2755/3826
Jer_42:5........send/thee to us Whether/it 2756/3826
Jer_42:6........send/thee that it may be well with us/when 2757/3826
Jer_43:2........sent/thee to say/Go...... 2758/3826
Jer_43:3.....setteth/thee on against/us.. 2759/3826
Jer_44:16.......unto/thee But we will/certainly 2760/3826
Jer_45:2........unto/thee O Baruch/Thou.. 2761/3826
Jer_45:5........unto/thee for a prey/in.. 2762/3826
Jer_46:14....prepare/thee for the sword shall/devour 2763/3826
Jer_46:14......about/thee Why are/thy.... 2764/3826 from afar off/and 2765/3826
Jer_46:28.......with/thee for I will make/a 2766/3826
Jer_46:28.....driven/thee but I will not/make 2767/3826
Jer_46:28.........of/thee but correct/thee 2768/3826
Jer_46:28....correct/thee in measure yet/will 2769/3826
Jer_46:28......leave/thee wholly/unpunished 2770/3826
Jer_48:2......pursue/thee A voice/of..... 2771/3826
Jer_48:18.......upon/thee and he shall destroy/thy 2772/3826
Jer_48:27.......unto/thee was/he......... 2773/3826
Jer_48:32........for/thee with the weeping/of 2774/3826
Jer_48:43.......upon/thee O inhabitant of Moab/saith 2775/3826
Jer_48:46.......unto/thee O Moab/the..... 2776/3826
Jer_49:5........upon/thee saith the Lord GOD of hosts from/all 2777/3826
Jer_49:5.......about/thee and ye shall be/driven 2778/3826 would they not leave some gleaning/grapes 2779/3826
Jer_49:15.......make/thee small among the heathen and/despised 2780/3826
Jer_49:16...deceived/thee and the pride/of 2781/3826
Jer_49:16......bring/thee down from thence/saith 2782/3826
Jer_50:21..commanded/thee A sound/of..... 2783/3826
Jer_50:24........for/thee and thou art also/taken 2784/3826
Jer_50:31....against/thee O thou most/proud 2785/3826
Jer_50:31......visit/thee And the most/proud 2786/3826
Jer_50:42....against/thee O daughter of Babylon/The 2787/3826
Jer_51:14.......fill/thee with men/as.... 2788/3826
Jer_51:14....against/thee He hath made/the 2789/3826
Jer_51:20.......with/thee will I break in pieces the nations/and 2790/3826
Jer_51:20.......with/thee will I destroy/kingdoms 2791/3826
Jer_51:21.......with/thee will I break in pieces the horse/and 2792/3826
Jer_51:21.......with/thee will I break in pieces the chariot/and 2793/3826
Jer_51:22.......With/thee also will/I.... 2794/3826
Jer_51:22.......with/thee will I break in pieces old/and 2795/3826
Jer_51:22.......with/thee will I break in pieces the young/man 2796/3826
Jer_51:23.......with/thee the shepherd/and 2797/3826
Jer_51:23.......with/thee will I break in pieces the husbandman/and 2798/3826
Jer_51:23.......with/thee will I break in pieces captains/and 2799/3826
Jer_51:25....against/thee O destroying/mountain 2800/3826
Jer_51:25.......upon/thee and roll/thee.. 2801/3826
Jer_51:25.......roll/thee down from the/rocks 2802/3826
Jer_51:25.......make/thee a burnt/mountain 2803/3826
Jer_51:26.........of/thee a stone/for.... 2804/3826
Jer_51:36........for/thee and I will dry/up 2805/3826
Lam_1:22......before/thee and do/unto.... 2806/3826
Lam_2:13.........for/thee what thing/shall 2807/3826 O daughter of Jerusalem/what 2808/3826 that I may comfort/thee 2809/3826
Lam_2:13.....comfort/thee O virgin/daughter 2810/3826
Lam_2:13........heal/thee Thy prophets/have 2811/3826
Lam_2:14.........for/thee and they have not/discovered 2812/3826
Lam_2:14.........for/thee false/burdens.. 2813/3826 they hiss and wag/their 2814/3826
Lam_2:16.....against/thee they hiss and gnash/the 2815/3826
Lam_2:17........over/thee he hath set/up. 2816/3826
Lam_3:57........upon/thee thou saidst/Fear 2817/3826
Lam_4:21........unto/thee thou shalt be drunken/and 2818/3826
Lam_4:22.......carry/thee away into captivity/he 2819/3826
Lam_5:21........unto/thee O LORD and we/shall 2820/3826
Eze_2:1.........unto/thee And the spirit/entered 2821/3826
Eze_2:3.........send/thee to the children/of 2822/3826
Eze_2:4.........send/thee unto them and thou/shalt 2823/3826
Eze_2:6.........with/thee and thou dost dwell/among 2824/3826
Eze_2:8.........unto/thee Be not thou/rebellious 2825/3826
Eze_2:8.........give/thee And when I looked/behold 2826/3826
Eze_3:3.........give/thee Then did/I..... 2827/3826
Eze_3:4..........get/thee unto the house/of 2828/3826
Eze_3:6.........sent/thee to them they/would 2829/3826
Eze_3:6.........unto/thee But the house/of 2830/3826
Eze_3:7.........unto/thee for they will/not 2831/3826
Eze_3:10........unto/thee receive in/thine 2832/3826
Eze_3:11.........get/thee to them of/the. 2833/3826
Eze_3:17........made/thee a watchman unto the house of Israel therefore hear/the 2834/3826
Eze_3:22........with/thee Then I arose/and 2835/3826
Eze_3:25........upon/thee and shall bind/thee 2836/3826
Eze_3:25........bind/thee with them and/thou 2837/3826
Eze_3:27........with/thee I will open/thy 2838/3826
Eze_4:1.........take/thee a tile/and..... 2839/3826
Eze_4:1.......before/thee and pourtray/upon 2840/3826
Eze_4:3.........unto/thee an iron/pan.... 2841/3826
Eze_4:3......between/thee and the city/and 2842/3826
Eze_4:5.........upon/thee the years/of... 2843/3826
Eze_4:6....appointed/thee each/day....... 2844/3826
Eze_4:8.........upon/thee and thou shalt not turn/thee 2845/3826
Eze_4:8.........turn/thee from one/side.. 2846/3826
Eze_4:9.........unto/thee wheat/and...... 2847/3826
Eze_4:9.........make/thee bread/thereof.. 2848/3826
Eze_4:15.......given/thee cow's/dung..... 2849/3826
Eze_5:1.........take/thee a sharp/knife.. 2850/3826
Eze_5:1.........take/thee a barber's/razor 2851/3826
Eze_5:1.........take/thee balances/to.... 2852/3826
Eze_5:8......against/thee and will execute/judgments 2853/3826
Eze_5:8...........of/thee in the sight of the/nations 2854/3826 that which I/have 2855/3826
Eze_5:10..........of/thee and the sons shall/eat 2856/3826 and the whole/remnant 2857/3826
Eze_5:10..........of/thee will I scatter/into 2858/3826
Eze_5:11....diminish/thee neither shall mine/eye 2859/3826
Eze_5:12..........of/thee shall die/with. 2860/3826
Eze_5:12..........of/thee and a third/part 2861/3826
Eze_5:12.......about/thee and I will scatter/a 2862/3826
Eze_5:14........make/thee waste and/a.... 2863/3826
Eze_5:14.......about/thee in the sight of all that/pass 2864/3826
Eze_5:15.......about/thee when I shall execute/judgments 2865/3826 in anger/and... 2866/3826
Eze_5:17.....bereave/thee and pestilence/and 2867/3826
Eze_5:17.....through/thee and I will bring the/sword 2868/3826
Eze_5:17........upon/thee I the LORD have spoken it And the/word 2869/3826
Eze_7:3.........upon/thee and I will send mine/anger 2870/3826
Eze_7:3.........upon/thee and will judge/thee 2871/3826
Eze_7:3........judge/thee according to thy ways and will recompense upon/thee 2872/3826
Eze_7:3.........upon/thee all thine/abominations 2873/3826
Eze_7:4........spare/thee neither will I have/pity 2874/3826
Eze_7:4.........upon/thee and thine abominations/shall 2875/3826
Eze_7:4...........of/thee and ye shall know that I am the LORD Thus/saith 2876/3826
Eze_7:6..........for/thee behold it/is... 2877/3826
Eze_7:7.........unto/thee O thou that/dwellest 2878/3826
Eze_7:8.........upon/thee and accomplish/mine 2879/3826
Eze_7:8.........upon/thee and I will judge/thee 2880/3826
Eze_7:8........judge/thee according to thy ways and will recompense thee/for 2881/3826
Eze_7:8...recompense/thee for all thine/abominations 2882/3826
Eze_7:9...recompense/thee according to thy ways and thine/abominations 2883/3826
Eze_7:9...........of/thee and ye shall know that I am the LORD that/smiteth 2884/3826
Eze_8:6.........turn/thee yet again and thou shalt see greater abominations And/he 2885/3826
Eze_8:13........Turn/thee yet again and thou shalt see greater abominations that/they 2886/3826
Eze_8:15........turn/thee yet again and thou shalt see greater abominations than/these 2887/3826
Eze_12:3.....prepare/thee stuff/for...... 2888/3826
Eze_12:6.........set/thee for a sign unto/the 2889/3826
Eze_12:9........unto/thee What doest/thou 2890/3826
Eze_16:4......supple/thee thou wast/not.. 2891/3826
Eze_16:5......pitied/thee to do any/of... 2892/3826
Eze_16:5........unto/thee to have compassion/upon 2893/3826
Eze_16:5........upon/thee but thou wast/cast 2894/3826 and saw/thee... 2895/3826
Eze_16:6.........saw/thee polluted/in.... 2896/3826
Eze_16:6........unto/thee when thou wast in thy blood Live yea/I 2897/3826
Eze_16:6........unto/thee when thou wast in thy blood Live I/have 2898/3826
Eze_16:7......caused/thee to multiply/as. 2899/3826 and looked/upon 2900/3826
Eze_16:8........upon/thee behold thy/time 2901/3826
Eze_16:8........over/thee and covered/thy 2902/3826
Eze_16:8........unto/thee and entered/into 2903/3826
Eze_16:8........with/thee saith the Lord GOD and/thou 2904/3826
Eze_16:9...........I/thee with water/yea. 2905/3826
Eze_16:9........from/thee and I anointed/thee 2906/3826
Eze_16:9....anointed/thee with oil I/clothed 2907/3826
Eze_16:10....clothed/thee also with broidered/work 2908/3826
Eze_16:10.......shod/thee with badgers'/skin 2909/3826
Eze_16:10.....girded/thee about with/fine 2910/3826
Eze_16:10....covered/thee with silk/I.... 2911/3826
Eze_16:11.....decked/thee also with ornaments/and 2912/3826
Eze_16:14.......upon/thee saith the Lord GOD But/thou 2913/3826
Eze_16:17......given/thee and madest to/thyself 2914/3826
Eze_16:19.......gave/thee fine/flour..... 2915/3826
Eze_16:19........fed/thee thou hast even/set 2916/3826
Eze_16:23.......unto/thee saith the LORD GOD That/thou 2917/3826
Eze_16:24.......unto/thee an eminent/place 2918/3826
Eze_16:24.......made/thee an high/place.. 2919/3826
Eze_16:27.......over/thee and have diminished/thine 2920/3826
Eze_16:27..delivered/thee unto the will/of 2921/3826
Eze_16:27.......hate/thee the daughters/of 2922/3826
Eze_16:33.......unto/thee on every side for/thy 2923/3826 from other/women 2924/3826
Eze_16:34..followeth/thee to commit/whoredoms 2925/3826
Eze_16:34.......unto/thee therefore thou art/contrary 2926/3826
Eze_16:37....against/thee and will discover/thy 2927/3826
Eze_16:38......judge/thee as women/that.. 2928/3826
Eze_16:38.......give/thee blood/in....... 2929/3826
Eze_16:39.......give/thee into their hand and/they 2930/3826
Eze_16:39......strip/thee also of/thy.... 2931/3826
Eze_16:39......leave/thee naked and bare They/shall 2932/3826
Eze_16:40....against/thee and they shall stone/thee 2933/3826
Eze_16:40......stone/thee with stones/and 2934/3826
Eze_16:40.....thrust/thee through with/their 2935/3826
Eze_16:41.......upon/thee in the sight of many/women 2936/3826
Eze_16:41......cause/thee to cease/from.. 2937/3826
Eze_16:42.....toward/thee to rest and/my. 2938/3826
Eze_16:42.......from/thee and I will be/quiet 2939/3826
Eze_16:44....against/thee saying As/is... 2940/3826
Eze_16:57....despise/thee round about Thou/hast 2941/3826
Eze_16:59.......with/thee as thou hast done/which 2942/3826
Eze_16:60.......with/thee in the days of thy youth and I/will 2943/3826
Eze_16:60.......unto/thee an everlasting covenant/Then 2944/3826
Eze_16:61.......unto/thee for daughters/but 2945/3826
Eze_16:62.......with/thee and thou shalt know that I am the LORD That/thou 2946/3826
Eze_16:63.....toward/thee for all that thou/hast 2947/3826 and it shall devour/every 2948/3826 and every/dry.. 2949/3826
Eze_21:3.....against/thee and will draw/forth 2950/3826
Eze_21:3........from/thee the righteous and the wicked Seeing/then 2951/3826
Eze_21:4........from/thee the righteous and the wicked therefore/shall 2952/3826
Eze_21:7........unto/thee Wherefore sighest/thou 2953/3826
Eze_21:16.........Go/thee one way or/other 2954/3826
Eze_21:19....appoint/thee two ways/that.. 2955/3826
Eze_21:29.......unto/thee whiles/they.... 2956/3826
Eze_21:29.......unto/thee to bring thee/upon 2957/3826
Eze_21:29......bring/thee upon the necks/of 2958/3826
Eze_21:30......judge/thee in the place/where 2959/3826
Eze_21:31.......upon/thee I will blow/against 2960/3826
Eze_21:31....against/thee in the fire/of. 2961/3826
Eze_21:31....deliver/thee into the hand of brutish/men 2962/3826
Eze_22:4........made/thee a reproach/unto 2963/3826
Eze_22:5........from/thee shall mock/thee 2964/3826
Eze_22:5........mock/thee which art/infamous 2965/3826 to their/power. 2966/3826
Eze_22:7..........In/thee have they set/light 2967/3826
Eze_22:7..........of/thee have they dealt/by 2968/3826 have they vexed/the 2969/3826
Eze_22:9..........In/thee are men/that... 2970/3826 they eat/upon.. 2971/3826
Eze_22:9..........of/thee they commit/lewdness 2972/3826
Eze_22:10.........In/thee have they discovered/their 2973/3826 have they humbled/her 2974/3826 hath humbled/his 2975/3826
Eze_22:12.........In/thee have they taken/gifts 2976/3826
Eze_22:13.........of/thee Can thine/heart 2977/3826
Eze_22:14.......with/thee I the LORD have spoken it and will/do 2978/3826
Eze_22:15....scatter/thee among the heathen/and 2979/3826
Eze_22:15...disperse/thee in the countries/and 2980/3826
Eze_22:15.........of/thee And thou shalt take thine/inheritance 2981/3826
Eze_23:22....against/thee from whom/thy.. 2982/3826
Eze_23:22....against/thee on every side The/Babylonians 2983/3826
Eze_23:24....against/thee with chariots/wagons 2984/3826
Eze_23:24....against/thee buckler/and.... 2985/3826
Eze_23:24......judge/thee according to their/judgments 2986/3826
Eze_23:25....against/thee and they shall deal/furiously 2987/3826
Eze_23:25.......with/thee they shall take/away 2988/3826
Eze_23:26......strip/thee out of thy clothes/and 2989/3826
Eze_23:27.......from/thee and thy whoredom/brought 2990/3826
Eze_23:28....deliver/thee into the hand of them whom/thou 2991/3826
Eze_23:29.......with/thee hatefully/and.. 2992/3826
Eze_23:29......leave/thee naked and bare and/the 2993/3826
Eze_23:30.......unto/thee because thou hast gone/a 2994/3826
Eze_24:2.......write/thee the name/of.... 2995/3826
Eze_24:13.....purged/thee and thou wast/not 2996/3826
Eze_24:13.......upon/thee I the LORD have spoken it it/shall 2997/3826
Eze_24:14......judge/thee saith the Lord GOD Also/the 2998/3826
Eze_24:16.......from/thee the desire of thine/eyes 2999/3826
Eze_24:17.......upon/thee and put on/thy. 3000/3826
Eze_24:26.......unto/thee to cause/thee.. 3001/3826
Eze_24:26......cause/thee to hear it/with 3002/3826
Eze_25:4.....deliver/thee to the men/of.. 3003/3826 and make their/dwellings 3004/3826 they shall eat/thy 3005/3826
Eze_25:7........upon/thee and will deliver/thee 3006/3826
Eze_25:7.....deliver/thee for a spoil/to. 3007/3826
Eze_25:7.........cut/thee off from/the... 3008/3826
Eze_25:7.......cause/thee to perish/out.. 3009/3826
Eze_25:7.....destroy/thee and thou shalt know that I am the LORD Thus/saith 3010/3826
Eze_26:3.....against/thee O Tyrus/and.... 3011/3826
Eze_26:3.....against/thee as the sea/causeth 3012/3826
Eze_26:8.....against/thee and cast a/mount 3013/3826
Eze_26:8.....against/thee and lift/up.... 3014/3826
Eze_26:8.....against/thee And he shall set/engines 3015/3826
Eze_26:10......cover/thee thy walls/shall 3016/3826
Eze_26:14.......make/thee like the/top... 3017/3826
Eze_26:15.........of/thee Then all/the... 3018/3826 And they shall take/up 3019/3826
Eze_26:17........for/thee and say to/thee 3020/3826 How art thou destroyed/that 3021/3826
Eze_26:19.......make/thee a desolate/city 3022/3826
Eze_26:19.......upon/thee and great/waters 3023/3826
Eze_26:19......cover/thee When I shall bring/thee 3024/3826
Eze_26:20......bring/thee down with/them. 3025/3826
Eze_26:20........set/thee in the low/parts 3026/3826
Eze_26:21.......make/thee a terror and/thou 3027/3826
Eze_27:5.........for/thee Of the oaks/of. 3028/3826
Eze_27:7.....covered/thee The inhabitants/of 3029/3826 were/thy....... 3030/3826 thy calkers/all 3031/3826 to occupy/thy.. 3032/3826 they set/forth. 3033/3826
Eze_27:15....brought/thee for a present/horns 3034/3826
Eze_27:21.......with/thee in lambs/and... 3035/3826
Eze_27:25.........of/thee in thy market/and 3036/3826
Eze_27:26....brought/thee into great/waters 3037/3826
Eze_27:26.....broken/thee in the midst of the seas/Thy 3038/3826 and in all/thy. 3039/3826
Eze_27:27.........of/thee shall fall into/the 3040/3826
Eze_27:30....against/thee and shall cry/bitterly 3041/3826
Eze_27:31........for/thee and gird/them.. 3042/3826
Eze_27:31........for/thee with bitterness/of 3043/3826
Eze_27:32........for/thee and lament/over 3044/3826
Eze_27:32.......over/thee saying What city/is 3045/3826
Eze_27:34.........of/thee shall fall All/the 3046/3826 and their kings shall be sore/afraid 3047/3826 thou shalt be a terror and never shalt be/any 3048/3826
Eze_28:3........from/thee With thy/wisdom 3049/3826
Eze_28:4......gotten/thee riches and hast/gotten 3050/3826
Eze_28:7........upon/thee the terrible/of 3051/3826
Eze_28:8.......bring/thee down to the pit/and 3052/3826
Eze_28:9.....slayeth/thee I am God but/thou 3053/3826
Eze_28:9.....slayeth/thee Thou shalt die/the 3054/3826 in the day that/thou 3055/3826
Eze_28:14........set/thee so thou/wast... 3056/3826 By the multitude/of 3057/3826
Eze_28:16.........of/thee with violence/and 3058/3826
Eze_28:16.......cast/thee as profane/out. 3059/3826
Eze_28:16....destroy/thee O covering/cherub 3060/3826
Eze_28:17.......cast/thee to the ground I/will 3061/3826
Eze_28:17........lay/thee before kings/that 3062/3826
Eze_28:17.....behold/thee Thou hast defiled/thy 3063/3826
Eze_28:18.........of/thee it shall devour/thee 3064/3826
Eze_28:18.....devour/thee and I will bring thee/to 3065/3826
Eze_28:18......bring/thee to ashes/upon.. 3066/3826
Eze_28:18.....behold/thee All they/that.. 3067/3826
Eze_28:19.......know/thee among the people/shall 3068/3826 thou shalt be a terror and never shalt thou/be 3069/3826
Eze_28:22....against/thee O Zidon/and.... 3070/3826
Eze_28:22.........of/thee and they shall know/that 3071/3826
Eze_29:3.....against/thee Pharaoh/king... 3072/3826
Eze_29:4.......bring/thee up out of the midst/of 3073/3826
Eze_29:5.......leave/thee thrown/into.... 3074/3826
Eze_29:5..wilderness/thee and all the fish/of 3075/3826
Eze_29:5.......given/thee for meat/to.... 3076/3826
Eze_29:7..........of/thee by thy hand/thou 3077/3826
Eze_29:7........upon/thee thou brakest/and 3078/3826
Eze_29:8........upon/thee and cut/off.... 3079/3826
Eze_29:8..........of/thee And the land/of 3080/3826
Eze_29:10....against/thee and against thy rivers/and 3081/3826
Eze_29:21.......give/thee the opening/of. 3082/3826
Eze_32:3........over/thee with a company/of 3083/3826
Eze_32:3.......bring/thee up in my/net... 3084/3826
Eze_32:4.......leave/thee upon the land/I 3085/3826
Eze_32:4........cast/thee forth upon/the. 3086/3826
Eze_32:4........upon/thee and I will fill/the 3087/3826
Eze_32:4........with/thee And I will lay/thy 3088/3826
Eze_32:6..........of/thee And when I shall/put 3089/3826
Eze_32:7.........put/thee out I/will..... 3090/3826
Eze_32:8........over/thee and set darkness/upon 3091/3826 and their kings shall be horribly/afraid 3092/3826
Eze_32:10........for/thee when I shall brandish/my 3093/3826
Eze_32:11.......upon/thee By the swords/of 3094/3826
Eze_33:7.........set/thee a watchman unto the house of Israel therefore thou/shalt 3095/3826
Eze_33:30....against/thee by the walls/and 3096/3826
Eze_33:31.......unto/thee as the people/cometh 3097/3826
Eze_33:31.....before/thee as my/people... 3098/3826
Eze_35:3.....against/thee and I will stretch/out 3099/3826
Eze_35:3.....against/thee and I will make thee most/desolate 3100/3826
Eze_35:3........make/thee most/desolate.. 3101/3826
Eze_35:6.....prepare/thee unto blood/and. 3102/3826
Eze_35:6......pursue/thee sith/thou...... 3103/3826
Eze_35:6......pursue/thee Thus will I make/mount 3104/3826
Eze_35:9........make/thee perpetual/desolations 3105/3826
Eze_35:11.....judged/thee And thou shalt know that I am the LORD and/that 3106/3826
Eze_35:14.......make/thee desolate As/thou 3107/3826
Eze_35:15.......unto/thee thou shalt be desolate/O 3108/3826
Eze_36:12....possess/thee and thou shalt be their/inheritance 3109/3826 the shame/of... 3110/3826
Eze_37:16.......take/thee one stick/and.. 3111/3826
Eze_37:18.......unto/thee saying Wilt/thou 3112/3826
Eze_38:3.....against/thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal And I will turn thee back and put/hooks 3113/3826
Eze_38:4........turn/thee back and put/hooks 3114/3826
Eze_38:4.......bring/thee forth and/all.. 3115/3826
Eze_38:6........with/thee Be thou prepared/and 3116/3826
Eze_38:7........unto/thee and be thou/a.. 3117/3826
Eze_38:9........with/thee Thus saith the Lord GOD/It 3118/3826
Eze_38:13.......unto/thee Art thou come/to 3119/3826
Eze_38:15.......with/thee all of/them.... 3120/3826
Eze_38:16......bring/thee against my/land 3121/3826 O Gog before/their 3122/3826
Eze_38:17......bring/thee against them/And 3123/3826
Eze_39:1.....against/thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal And I will turn thee back and leave/but 3124/3826
Eze_39:2........turn/thee back and leave/but 3125/3826
Eze_39:2..........of/thee and will cause/thee 3126/3826
Eze_39:2.......cause/thee to come up/from 3127/3826
Eze_39:2.......bring/thee upon the mountains/of 3128/3826
Eze_39:4........with/thee I will give thee unto/the 3129/3826
Eze_39:4........give/thee unto the ravenous/birds 3130/3826
Eze_40:4........shew/thee for to the/intent 3131/3826
Eze_40:4........unto/thee art thou brought/hither 3132/3826
Eze_44:5........unto/thee concerning all/the 3133/3826
Dan_1:12.....beseech/thee ten days/and... 3134/3826
Dan_1:13......before/thee and the countenance/of 3135/3826
Dan_2:23.......thank/thee and praise thee/O 3136/3826
Dan_2:23......praise/thee O thou God/of.. 3137/3826
Dan_2:23..........of/thee for thou hast now/made 3138/3826
Dan_2:29.........for/thee O king thy/thoughts 3139/3826 what shall come/to 3140/3826
Dan_2:31......before/thee and the form/thereof 3141/3826
Dan_2:37.......given/thee a kingdom/power 3142/3826
Dan_2:38........made/thee ruler over them/all 3143/3826
Dan_2:39.......after/thee shall arise/another 3144/3826 and another/third 3145/3826
Dan_3:12....regarded/thee they serve/not. 3146/3826
Dan_3:16......answer/thee in this matter/If 3147/3826
Dan_3:18........unto/thee O king that/we. 3148/3826 and no secret/troubleth 3149/3826
Dan_4:9....troubleth/thee tell me the/visions 3150/3826 Then Daniel/whose 3151/3826
Dan_4:19.....trouble/thee Belteshazzar/answered 3152/3826
Dan_4:19........hate/thee and the interpretation/thereof 3153/3826 from men and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field and/they 3154/3826
Dan_4:25........make/thee to eat grass as oxen and they/shall 3155/3826
Dan_4:25.........wet/thee with the dew/of 3156/3826
Dan_4:25........over/thee till thou know/that 3157/3826
Dan_4:26........unto/thee after that/thou 3158/3826
Dan_4:27........unto/thee and break/off.. 3159/3826 it is spoken/The 3160/3826
Dan_4:31........from/thee And they shall drive/thee 3161/3826 from men and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field they/shall 3162/3826
Dan_4:32........make/thee to eat grass as oxen and seven/times 3163/3826
Dan_4:32........over/thee until thou know/that 3164/3826
Dan_5:10.....trouble/thee nor let/thy.... 3165/3826
Dan_5:14..........of/thee that the spirit of the gods/is 3166/3826 and that light/and 3167/3826 And now the/wise 3168/3826
Dan_5:16..........of/thee that thou canst make/interpretations 3169/3826
Dan_5:23......before/thee and thou and/thy 3170/3826
Dan_6:7...........of/thee O king he/shall 3171/3826
Dan_6:12..........of/thee O king shall/be 3172/3826
Dan_6:13.........not/thee O king nor/the. 3173/3826
Dan_6:16.....deliver/thee And a stone/was 3174/3826
Dan_6:20.....deliver/thee from the lions/Then 3175/3826
Dan_6:22......before/thee O king have/I.. 3176/3826
Dan_8:19........make/thee know what/shall 3177/3826
Dan_9:7.........unto/thee but unto/us.... 3178/3826
Dan_9:7......against/thee O Lord to/us... 3179/3826
Dan_9:8......against/thee To the Lord/our 3180/3826
Dan_9:15......gotten/thee renown/as...... 3181/3826
Dan_9:16.....beseech/thee let thine anger/and 3182/3826
Dan_9:18......before/thee for our righteousnesses/but 3183/3826
Dan_9:22........give/thee skill/and...... 3184/3826
Dan_9:23........shew/thee for thou art greatly/beloved 3185/3826
Dan_10:11.......unto/thee and stand/upright 3186/3826
Dan_10:11.......unto/thee am I/now....... 3187/3826
Dan_10:14.......make/thee understand/what 3188/3826
Dan_10:19.......unto/thee be strong yea/be 3189/3826
Dan_10:20.......unto/thee and now will/I. 3190/3826
Dan_10:21.......shew/thee that which is noted/in 3191/3826
Dan_11:2........shew/thee the truth/Behold 3192/3826
Hos_1:2.........unto/thee a wife of/whoredoms 3193/3826
Hos_2:19.....betroth/thee unto me for/ever 3194/3826
Hos_2:19.....betroth/thee unto me in righteousness/and 3195/3826
Hos_2:20.....betroth/thee unto me in faithfulness/and 3196/3826
Hos_3:3..........for/thee For the children/of 3197/3826
Hos_4:5.........with/thee in the night and/I 3198/3826
Hos_4:6.......reject/thee that thou shalt be/no 3199/3826
Hos_5:8........after/thee O Benjamin/Ephraim 3200/3826
Hos_6:4.........unto/thee O Judah/what... 3201/3826
Hos_6:4.........unto/thee for your/goodness 3202/3826
Hos_6:11.........for/thee when I returned/the 3203/3826
Hos_8:2.........know/thee Israel hath/cast 3204/3826
Hos_8:5.........cast/thee off mine/anger. 3205/3826
Hos_11:8........give/thee up Ephraim/how. 3206/3826
Hos_11:8.....deliver/thee Israel how/shall 3207/3826
Hos_11:8........make/thee as Admah/how... 3208/3826
Hos_11:8.........set/thee as Zeboim/mine. 3209/3826
Hos_11:9..........of/thee and I will not/enter 3210/3826
Hos_12:9........make/thee to dwell in tabernacles/as 3211/3826
Hos_13:5........know/thee in the wilderness in/the 3212/3826 in all thy cities/and 3213/3826
Hos_13:11.......gave/thee a king/in...... 3214/3826 the fatherless/findeth 3215/3826 will I cry for/the 3216/3826
Joe_1:20........unto/thee for the rivers/of 3217/3826
Amo_3:11........from/thee and thy palaces/shall 3218/3826
Amo_4:12........unto/thee O Israel and/because 3219/3826
Amo_4:12........unto/thee prepare/to..... 3220/3826
Amo_5:17.....through/thee saith the LORD Woe/unto 3221/3826
Amo_6:10........with/thee and he shall say/No 3222/3826
Amo_7:2......beseech/thee by whom shall Jacob arise for he is small The LORD repented for this It/shall 3223/3826
Amo_7:5......beseech/thee by whom shall Jacob arise for he is small The LORD repented for this This/also 3224/3826
Amo_7:10.....against/thee in the midst of the house/of 3225/3826
Amo_7:12........flee/thee away into the/land 3226/3826
Oba_1:2.........made/thee small among the heathen thou/art 3227/3826
Oba_1:3.....deceived/thee thou that/dwellest 3228/3826
Oba_1:4........bring/thee down saith/the. 3229/3826 if robbers/by.. 3230/3826 would they not leave some grapes/How 3231/3826
Oba_1:7......brought/thee even to/the.... 3232/3826
Oba_1:7.........with/thee have deceived/thee 3233/3826
Oba_1:7.....deceived/thee and prevailed/against 3234/3826
Oba_1:7......against/thee that they eat/thy 3235/3826
Oba_1:7........under/thee there is/none.. 3236/3826
Oba_1:10.......cover/thee and thou shalt be cut/off 3237/3826
Oba_1:15........unto/thee thy reward/shall 3238/3826
Jon_1:8.........pray/thee for whose/cause 3239/3826
Jon_1:11........unto/thee that the sea/may 3240/3826
Jon_1:14.....beseech/thee O LORD we/beseech 3241/3826
Jon_1:14.....beseech/thee let us not/perish 3242/3826
Jon_1:14.....pleased/thee So they look/up 3243/3826
Jon_2:7.........unto/thee into thine holy/temple 3244/3826
Jon_2:9.........unto/thee with the voice/of 3245/3826 So Jonah/arose. 3246/3826
Jon_4:2.........pray/thee O LORD was/not. 3247/3826
Jon_4:2....repentest/thee of the evil/Therefore 3248/3826
Jon_4:3......beseech/thee my life/from... 3249/3826 Therefore shalt/thou 3250/3826
Mic_1:15........unto/thee O inhabitant of Mareshah/he 3251/3826
Mic_1:16........Make/thee bald/and....... 3252/3826
Mic_1:16........poll/thee for thy delicate/children 3253/3826
Mic_1:16........from/thee Woe/to......... 3254/3826
Mic_2:11........unto/thee of wine/and.... 3255/3826
Mic_2:12..........of/thee I will surely gather/the 3256/3826
Mic_4:8.........unto/thee shall it come/even 3257/3826 is thy/counsellor 3258/3826
Mic_4:9........taken/thee as a woman in travail Be/in 3259/3826
Mic_4:10......redeem/thee from the hand of thine/enemies 3260/3826
Mic_4:11.....against/thee that say/Let... 3261/3826
Mic_5:2...........of/thee shall he come/forth 3262/3826
Mic_5:10..........of/thee and I will destroy/thy 3263/3826
Mic_5:13..........of/thee and thou shalt no/more 3264/3826
Mic_5:14..........of/thee so will/I...... 3265/3826
Mic_6:3.........unto/thee and wherein/have 3266/3826
Mic_6:3......wearied/thee testify/against 3267/3826
Mic_6:4......brought/thee up out of the land of Egypt and redeemed/thee 3268/3826
Mic_6:4.....redeemed/thee out of the house/of 3269/3826
Mic_6:4.......before/thee Moses/Aaron.... 3270/3826
Mic_6:8.......shewed/thee O man/what..... 3271/3826
Mic_6:8...........of/thee but to do/justly 3272/3826
Mic_6:13........make/thee sick in/smiting 3273/3826
Mic_6:13.....smiting/thee in making/thee. 3274/3826
Mic_6:13......making/thee desolate because/of 3275/3826
Mic_6:14..........of/thee and thou shalt take hold/but 3276/3826
Mic_6:15......anoint/thee with oil and/sweet 3277/3826
Mic_6:16........make/thee a desolation/and 3278/3826 from Assyria/and 3279/3826
Mic_7:17..........of/thee Who is a/God... 3280/3826
Mic_7:18........unto/thee that pardoneth/iniquity 3281/3826
Nah_1:11..........of/thee that imagineth/evil 3282/3826
Nah_1:12...afflicted/thee I will afflict/thee 3283/3826
Nah_1:12.....afflict/thee no more/For.... 3284/3826 and will burst/thy 3285/3826
Nah_1:14..concerning/thee that no/more... 3286/3826
Nah_1:15.....through/thee he is utterly/cut 3287/3826
Nah_2:13.....against/thee saith the LORD of hosts and I will burn/her 3288/3826
Nah_3:5......against/thee saith the LORD of hosts and I will discover/thy 3289/3826
Nah_3:6.........upon/thee and make thee vile/and 3290/3826
Nah_3:6.........make/thee vile/and....... 3291/3826
Nah_3:6..........set/thee as a gazingstock/And 3292/3826
Nah_3:7.........upon/thee shall flee/from 3293/3826
Nah_3:7.........from/thee and say Nineveh/is 3294/3826
Nah_3:7..........for/thee Art thou better/than 3295/3826
Nah_3:13..........of/thee are women/the.. 3296/3826
Nah_3:14........Draw/thee waters/for..... 3297/3826
Nah_3:15......devour/thee the sword/shall 3298/3826
Nah_3:15.........cut/thee off it/shall... 3299/3826 up like/the.... 3300/3826
Nah_3:19..........of/thee shall clap/the. 3301/3826
Nah_3:19........over/thee for upon/whom.. 3302/3826
Hab_1:2.........unto/thee of violence/and 3303/3826
Hab_2:7.........bite/thee and awake/that. 3304/3826
Hab_2:7..........vex/thee and thou shalt be for/booties 3305/3826
Hab_2:8........spoil/thee because of men's/blood 3306/3826
Hab_2:16........unto/thee and shameful/spewing 3307/3826
Hab_2:17.......cover/thee and the spoil/of 3308/3826
Hab_3:10.........saw/thee and they trembled/the 3309/3826
Zep_2:5......destroy/thee that there/shall 3310/3826
Zep_3:11..........of/thee them/that...... 3311/3826
Zep_3:12..........of/thee an afflicted/and 3312/3826
Zep_3:15..........of/thee thou shalt not see/evil 3313/3826
Zep_3:17..........of/thee is mighty/he... 3314/3826
Zep_3:17........over/thee with joy/he.... 3315/3826
Zep_3:17........over/thee with singing/I. 3316/3826
Zep_3:18..........of/thee to whom/the.... 3317/3826
Zep_3:19.....afflict/thee and I will save her/that 3318/3826
Hag_2:23........take/thee O Zerubbabel/my 3319/3826
Hag_2:23........make/thee as a signet/for 3320/3826
Hag_2:23......chosen/thee saith the LORD of hosts In/the 3321/3826
Zec_1:9.........shew/thee what these/be.. 3322/3826
Zec_2:10..........of/thee saith the LORD And many/nations 3323/3826
Zec_2:11..........of/thee and thou shalt know that the/LORD 3324/3826
Zec_2:11........unto/thee And the LORD shall inherit/Judah 3325/3826
Zec_3:2.......rebuke/thee O Satan/even... 3326/3826
Zec_3:2.......rebuke/thee is not this/a.. 3327/3826
Zec_3:4.........from/thee and I will clothe/thee 3328/3826
Zec_3:4.......clothe/thee with change/of. 3329/3826
Zec_3:7.........give/thee places/to...... 3330/3826
Zec_3:8.......before/thee for they are/men 3331/3826
Zec_9:9.........unto/thee he is just/and. 3332/3826
Zec_9:11.........for/thee also by/the.... 3333/3826
Zec_9:12........unto/thee When I have/bent 3334/3826
Zec_9:13........made/thee as the sword/of 3335/3826
Zec_11:15.......unto/thee yet the/instruments 3336/3826
Zec_14:1..........of/thee For I will gather/all 3337/3826
Zec_14:5........with/thee And it shall come/to 3338/3826
Mal_1:7.....polluted/thee In that ye/say. 3339/3826
Mal_1:8.........with/thee or accept/thy.. 3340/3826
Mal_2:14.....between/thee and the wife/of 3341/3826
Mal_3:8.......robbed/thee In tithes/and.. 3342/3826
Mal_3:13.....against/thee Ye have/said... 3343/3826
Mat_1:20........unto/thee Mary/thy....... 3344/3826
Mat_2:6...........of/thee shall come a/Governor 3345/3826
Mat_2:13.......bring/thee word/for....... 3346/3826
Mat_3:14..........of/thee and comest/thou 3347/3826
Mat_4:6...concerning/thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone Jesus/said 3348/3826
Mat_4:6.........bear/thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone Jesus/said 3349/3826
Mat_4:9.........give/thee if thou wilt fall/down 3350/3826
Mat_4:10.........Get/thee hence Satan/for 3351/3826
Mat_5:23.....against/thee Leave there/thy 3352/3826
Mat_5:25.....deliver/thee to the judge and the judge deliver thee to the officer and thou/be 3353/3826
Mat_5:25.....deliver/thee to the officer and thou/be 3354/3826
Mat_5:26........unto/thee Thou shalt by/no 3355/3826
Mat_5:29......offend/thee pluck it out and cast it from thee for/it 3356/3826
Mat_5:29........from/thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell And/if 3357/3826
Mat_5:29.........for/thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell And/if 3358/3826
Mat_5:30......offend/thee cut it off and/cast 3359/3826
Mat_5:30........from/thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell It/hath 3360/3826
Mat_5:30.........for/thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell It/hath 3361/3826
Mat_5:39.......smite/thee on thy/right... 3362/3826
Mat_5:40.........sue/thee at the law/and. 3363/3826
Mat_5:41......compel/thee to go a/mile... 3364/3826
Mat_5:42......asketh/thee and from him/that 3365/3826
Mat_5:42..........of/thee turn not thou/away 3366/3826
Mat_6:2.......before/thee as the hypocrites/do 3367/3826
Mat_6:4.......reward/thee openly And/when 3368/3826
Mat_6:6.......reward/thee openly But/when 3369/3826
Mat_6:18......reward/thee openly Lay/not. 3370/3826 be darkness/how 3371/3826
Mat_8:13........unto/thee And his servant/was 3372/3826
Mat_8:19......follow/thee whithersoever thou goest And Jesus saith/unto 3373/3826
Mat_8:29........with/thee Jesus thou Son of God art/thou 3374/3826
Mat_9:2.....forgiven/thee And behold/certain 3375/3826
Mat_9:5.....forgiven/thee or to say Arise and walk/But 3376/3826
Mat_9:22........made/thee whole And the/woman 3377/3826
Mat_11:10.....before/thee Verily I/say... 3378/3826
Mat_11:21.......unto/thee Chorazin woe unto thee Bethsaida for if the mighty works which/were 3379/3826
Mat_11:21.......unto/thee Bethsaida for if the mighty works which/were 3380/3826 had/been....... 3381/3826
Mat_11:24........for/thee At that/time... 3382/3826
Mat_11:25......thank/thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth because/thou 3383/3826
Mat_12:38.......from/thee But he answered and said unto them/An 3384/3826
Mat_12:47.......with/thee But he answered and said unto him/that 3385/3826
Mat_14:4.........for/thee to have her/And 3386/3826
Mat_14:28.......unto/thee on the water/And 3387/3826
Mat_15:28.......unto/thee even as thou wilt/And 3388/3826
Mat_16:17.......unto/thee but my/Father.. 3389/3826
Mat_16:18.......unto/thee That thou art Peter/and 3390/3826
Mat_16:19.......unto/thee the keys/of.... 3391/3826
Mat_16:22.......from/thee Lord this/shall 3392/3826
Mat_16:22.......unto/thee But he turned/and 3393/3826
Mat_16:23........Get/thee behind me Satan thou/art 3394/3826
Mat_17:4.........for/thee and one for Moses and one for Elias While/he 3395/3826
Mat_17:27........and/thee At the same/time 3396/3826
Mat_18:8......offend/thee cut them/off... 3397/3826
Mat_18:8........from/thee it is better for thee to enter into life halt/or 3398/3826
Mat_18:8.........for/thee to enter into life halt/or 3399/3826
Mat_18:9......offend/thee pluck it out and cast it from thee it/is 3400/3826
Mat_18:9........from/thee it is better for thee to enter into life with/one 3401/3826
Mat_18:9.........for/thee to enter into life with/one 3402/3826
Mat_18:15....against/thee go and tell/him 3403/3826
Mat_18:15....between/thee and him alone/if 3404/3826
Mat_18:15.......hear/thee thou hast gained/thy 3405/3826
Mat_18:16.......hear/thee then take/with. 3406/3826
Mat_18:16.......with/thee one or/two..... 3407/3826
Mat_18:17.......unto/thee as an/heathen.. 3408/3826
Mat_18:22.......unto/thee Until seven/times 3409/3826 all Then/the... 3410/3826 all And/he..... 3411/3826
Mat_18:32....forgave/thee all that debt/because 3412/3826
Mat_18:33.........on/thee And his lord/was 3413/3826
Mat_19:27...followed/thee what shall we/have 3414/3826 no wrong/didst. 3415/3826
Mat_20:14.......unto/thee Is it not/lawful 3416/3826
Mat_21:5........unto/thee meek/and....... 3417/3826
Mat_21:19.........on/thee henceforward/for 3418/3826
Mat_21:23.......gave/thee this authority And Jesus/answered 3419/3826
Mat_23:37.......unto/thee how often would I have gathered thy children together even/as 3420/3826
Mat_25:21.......make/thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord He/also 3421/3826
Mat_25:23.......make/thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord Then/he 3422/3826
Mat_25:24.......knew/thee that thou art an/hard 3423/3826
Mat_25:37.........we/thee an hungred and/fed 3424/3826
Mat_25:37........fed/thee or thirsty/and. 3425/3826
Mat_25:37.......gave/thee drink When/saw. 3426/3826
Mat_25:38.........we/thee a stranger/and. 3427/3826
Mat_25:38.......took/thee in or/naked.... 3428/3826
Mat_25:38....clothed/thee Or when/saw.... 3429/3826
Mat_25:39.........we/thee sick or/in..... 3430/3826
Mat_25:39.......unto/thee And the King shall/answer 3431/3826
Mat_25:44.........we/thee an hungred or/athirst 3432/3826
Mat_25:44.......unto/thee Then shall he/answer 3433/3826
Mat_26:17........for/thee to eat the/passover 3434/3826
Mat_26:33.........of/thee yet will I never/be 3435/3826
Mat_26:34.......unto/thee That this night/before 3436/3826
Mat_26:35.......with/thee yet will I not/deny 3437/3826
Mat_26:35.......deny/thee Likewise/also.. 3438/3826
Mat_26:62....against/thee But Jesus held/his 3439/3826
Mat_26:63.....adjure/thee by the living/God 3440/3826
Mat_26:68......smote/thee Now Peter/sat.. 3441/3826
Mat_26:73..bewrayeth/thee Then began/he.. 3442/3826
Mat_27:13....against/thee And he answered him/to 3443/3826
Mar_1:2.......before/thee The voice of one/crying 3444/3826
Mar_1:24........with/thee thou Jesus of Nazareth art thou come to destroy us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the unclean/spirit 3445/3826
Mar_1:24........know/thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the unclean/spirit 3446/3826
Mar_1:37.........for/thee And he said unto them Let/us 3447/3826
Mar_2:5.....forgiven/thee But there/was.. 3448/3826
Mar_2:9.....forgiven/thee or to say Arise and take/up 3449/3826
Mar_2:11........unto/thee Arise and take up thy bed/and 3450/3826
Mar_3:32.........for/thee And he answered them/saying 3451/3826
Mar_5:7.........with/thee Jesus thou Son of the/most 3452/3826
Mar_5:7.......adjure/thee by God/that.... 3453/3826
Mar_5:19.........for/thee and hath/had... 3454/3826
Mar_5:19..........on/thee And he departed/and 3455/3826
Mar_5:23........pray/thee come and/lay... 3456/3826
Mar_5:31...thronging/thee and sayest thou Who touched me And he/looked 3457/3826
Mar_5:34........made/thee whole go in peace and/be 3458/3826
Mar_5:41........unto/thee arise And straightway/the 3459/3826
Mar_6:18.........for/thee to have thy/brother's 3460/3826 And he sware/unto 3461/3826 unto the half/of 3462/3826
Mar_8:33.........Get/thee behind me Satan for thou/savourest 3463/3826
Mar_9:5..........for/thee and one for Moses and one for Elias For/he 3464/3826
Mar_9:17........unto/thee my son which/hath 3465/3826
Mar_9:25......charge/thee come out/of.... 3466/3826
Mar_9:43......offend/thee cut it off it is better for thee to enter into/life 3467/3826
Mar_9:43.........for/thee to enter into life maimed/than 3468/3826
Mar_9:45......offend/thee cut it off it is better for thee to enter halt/into 3469/3826
Mar_9:45.........for/thee to enter halt/into 3470/3826
Mar_9:47......offend/thee pluck it out it/is 3471/3826
Mar_9:47.........for/thee to enter into the/kingdom 3472/3826
Mar_10:28...followed/thee And Jesus/answered 3473/3826
Mar_10:49....calleth/thee And he casting/away 3474/3826
Mar_10:51.......unto/thee The blind/man.. 3475/3826
Mar_10:52.......made/thee whole And immediately/he 3476/3826
Mar_11:14.........of/thee hereafter/for.. 3477/3826
Mar_11:28.......gave/thee this authority to/do 3478/3826
Mar_14:30.......unto/thee That this day/even 3479/3826
Mar_14:31.......with/thee I will not deny/thee 3480/3826
Mar_14:31.......deny/thee in any/wise.... 3481/3826
Mar_14:36.......unto/thee take away/this. 3482/3826
Mar_14:60....against/thee But he held/his 3483/3826
Mar_15:4.....against/thee But Jesus yet/answered 3484/3826
Luk_1:3.........unto/thee in order/most.. 3485/3826
Luk_1:13........bear/thee a son and/thou. 3486/3826
Luk_1:19........unto/thee and to shew/thee 3487/3826
Luk_1:19........shew/thee these glad/tidings 3488/3826
Luk_1:28........with/thee blessed art thou among/women 3489/3826
Luk_1:35........upon/thee and the power/of 3490/3826
Luk_1:35..overshadow/thee therefore also/that 3491/3826
Luk_1:35..........of/thee shall be called/the 3492/3826
Luk_2:48......sought/thee sorrowing/And.. 3493/3826 I am well/pleased 3494/3826
Luk_4:6.........give/thee and the glory/of 3495/3826
Luk_4:8..........Get/thee behind me Satan for it/is 3496/3826
Luk_4:10........over/thee to keep thee And/in 3497/3826
Luk_4:10........keep/thee And in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone And/Jesus 3498/3826
Luk_4:11........bear/thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone And/Jesus 3499/3826
Luk_4:34........with/thee thou Jesus of Nazareth art thou come to destroy us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the devil/had 3500/3826
Luk_4:34........know/thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the devil/had 3501/3826
Luk_5:20....forgiven/thee And the scribes/and 3502/3826
Luk_5:23....forgiven/thee or to say Rise/up 3503/3826
Luk_5:24........unto/thee Arise and take up thy couch/and 3504/3826
Luk_6:29.....smiteth/thee on the one/cheek 3505/3826
Luk_6:30..........of/thee and of him/that 3506/3826
Luk_7:7.........unto/thee but say/in..... 3507/3826
Luk_7:14........unto/thee Arise And he/that 3508/3826
Luk_7:20........unto/thee saying Art/thou 3509/3826
Luk_7:27......before/thee For I say/unto. 3510/3826
Luk_7:40........unto/thee And he saith Master/say 3511/3826
Luk_7:47........unto/thee Her sins/which. 3512/3826
Luk_7:50.......saved/thee go in peace/And 3513/3826
Luk_8:20.........see/thee And he answered and/said 3514/3826
Luk_8:28........with/thee Jesus thou Son of God most/high 3515/3826
Luk_8:28.....beseech/thee torment/me..... 3516/3826
Luk_8:39........unto/thee And he went his/way 3517/3826
Luk_8:45......throng/thee and press/thee. 3518/3826 and sayest thou Who touched me And Jesus/said 3519/3826
Luk_8:48........made/thee whole go in peace While/he 3520/3826
Luk_9:33.........for/thee and one for Moses and one for Elias not/knowing 3521/3826
Luk_9:38.....beseech/thee look upon/my... 3522/3826
Luk_9:57......follow/thee whithersoever thou goest And Jesus said/unto 3523/3826
Luk_9:61......follow/thee but let me/first 3524/3826
Luk_10:13.......unto/thee Chorazin woe unto thee Bethsaida for if the mighty works had/been 3525/3826
Luk_10:13.......unto/thee Bethsaida for if the mighty works had/been 3526/3826
Luk_10:21......thank/thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth that/thou 3527/3826
Luk_10:35......repay/thee Which now/of... 3528/3826
Luk_11:7........give/thee I say/unto..... 3529/3826
Luk_11:27.......bare/thee and the paps/which 3530/3826 be not darkness/If 3531/3826
Luk_11:36.......give/thee light And/as... 3532/3826
Luk_12:20.........of/thee then whose/shall 3533/3826
Luk_12:58.......hale/thee to the judge and the judge deliver thee to the officer and the/officer 3534/3826
Luk_12:58....deliver/thee to the officer and the/officer 3535/3826
Luk_12:58.......cast/thee into prison/I.. 3536/3826
Luk_12:59.......tell/thee thou shalt not depart/thence 3537/3826
Luk_13:31........Get/thee out and depart/hence 3538/3826
Luk_13:31.......kill/thee And he said unto them Go/ye 3539/3826
Luk_13:34.......unto/thee how often would I have gathered thy children together as/a 3540/3826
Luk_14:9........bade/thee and him come/and 3541/3826 Give this/man.. 3542/3826
Luk_14:10.......bade/thee cometh/he...... 3543/3826
Luk_14:10.......unto/thee Friend/go...... 3544/3826
Luk_14:10.......with/thee For whosoever/exalteth 3545/3826 again and a/recompence 3546/3826
Luk_14:12.......made/thee But when/thou.. 3547/3826
Luk_14:14.recompense/thee for thou shalt/be 3548/3826
Luk_14:18.......pray/thee have me excused And another said I have bought/five 3549/3826
Luk_14:19.......pray/thee have me excused And another said I have married/a 3550/3826
Luk_15:18.....before/thee And am no/more. 3551/3826
Luk_15:29......serve/thee neither transgressed/I 3552/3826
Luk_16:2..........of/thee give an/account 3553/3826
Luk_16:27.......pray/thee therefore father/that 3554/3826
Luk_17:3.....against/thee rebuke him/and. 3555/3826
Luk_17:4.....against/thee seven times in/a 3556/3826 saying I repent/thou 3557/3826
Luk_17:19.......made/thee whole And when/he 3558/3826
Luk_18:11......thank/thee that I am/not.. 3559/3826
Luk_18:28...followed/thee And he said unto them Verily/I 3560/3826
Luk_18:41.......unto/thee And he said Lord that/I 3561/3826
Luk_18:42......saved/thee And immediately/he 3562/3826
Luk_19:21.....feared/thee because thou art an/austere 3563/3826
Luk_19:22......judge/thee thou wicked/servant 3564/3826
Luk_19:43.......upon/thee that thine enemies/shall 3565/3826
Luk_19:43......about/thee and compass/thee 3566/3826
Luk_19:43....compass/thee round and/keep. 3567/3826
Luk_19:43.......keep/thee in on/every.... 3568/3826
Luk_19:44........lay/thee even with/the.. 3569/3826
Luk_19:44.....within/thee and they shall not/leave 3570/3826 one stone/upon. 3571/3826
Luk_20:2........gave/thee this authority And he/answered 3572/3826
Luk_22:11.......unto/thee Where is/the... 3573/3826
Luk_22:32........for/thee that thy faith/fail 3574/3826
Luk_22:33.......with/thee both into/prison 3575/3826
Luk_22:34.......tell/thee Peter the/cock. 3576/3826
Luk_22:64......smote/thee And many/other. 3577/3826
Luk_23:43.......unto/thee To day shalt/thou 3578/3826
Joh_1:48......called/thee when thou wast under/the 3579/3826
Joh_1:48.........saw/thee Nathanael/answered 3580/3826
Joh_1:50........unto/thee I saw/thee..... 3581/3826
Joh_1:50.........saw/thee under the fig/tree 3582/3826
Joh_2:4.........with/thee mine hour/is... 3583/3826
Joh_3:3.........unto/thee Except a man be born again/he 3584/3826
Joh_3:5.........unto/thee Except a man be born of/water 3585/3826
Joh_3:7.........unto/thee Ye must/be..... 3586/3826
Joh_3:11........unto/thee We speak/that.. 3587/3826
Joh_3:26........with/thee beyond/Jordan.. 3588/3826 Give me/to..... 3589/3826
Joh_4:10.......given/thee living/water... 3590/3826
Joh_4:26........unto/thee am he/And...... 3591/3826
Joh_5:10.........for/thee to carry/thy... 3592/3826
Joh_5:12........unto/thee Take up/thy.... 3593/3826
Joh_5:14........unto/thee The man departed/and 3594/3826
Joh_6:30.....believe/thee what dost/thou. 3595/3826
Joh_7:20........kill/thee Jesus answered and/said 3596/3826
Joh_8:10...condemned/thee She said/No.... 3597/3826
Joh_8:11.....condemn/thee go and sin/no.. 3598/3826 how opened/he.. 3599/3826
Joh_9:37........with/thee And he said Lord I/believe 3600/3826
Joh_10:33......stone/thee not but/for.... 3601/3826
Joh_11:8.......stone/thee and goest/thou. 3602/3826 Jesus saith unto her/Thy 3603/3826
Joh_11:28........for/thee As soon/as..... 3604/3826
Joh_11:40.......unto/thee that if/thou... 3605/3826
Joh_11:41......thank/thee that thou hast heard/me 3606/3826
Joh_13:8........wash/thee not thou/hast.. 3607/3826
Joh_13:37.....follow/thee now I/will..... 3608/3826
Joh_13:38.......unto/thee The cock/shall. 3609/3826
Joh_16:30........ask/thee by this/we..... 3610/3826
Joh_17:1.....glorify/thee As thou hast given/him 3611/3826
Joh_17:3........know/thee the only/true.. 3612/3826
Joh_17:4...glorified/thee on the earth/I. 3613/3826
Joh_17:5........with/thee before the world/was 3614/3826
Joh_17:7..........of/thee For I have given/unto 3615/3826
Joh_17:8........from/thee and they have believed/that 3616/3826 Holy Father/keep 3617/3826 and these things/I 3618/3826 that they also/may 3619/3826
Joh_17:25......known/thee but I have/known 3620/3826
Joh_17:25......known/thee and these have/known 3621/3826
Joh_18:26........see/thee in the garden/with 3622/3826
Joh_18:30.......unto/thee Then said Pilate/unto 3623/3826 of me/Pilate... 3624/3826
Joh_18:35..delivered/thee unto me what/hast 3625/3826
Joh_19:10....crucify/thee and have power/to 3626/3826
Joh_19:10....release/thee Jesus answered Thou/couldest 3627/3826
Joh_19:11......given/thee from above therefore/he 3628/3826
Joh_19:11.......unto/thee hath the/greater 3629/3826
Joh_21:3........with/thee They went/forth 3630/3826 He saith unto him Feed my lambs/He 3631/3826 He saith unto him Feed my sheep/He 3632/3826 Jesus saith unto him/Feed 3633/3826
Joh_21:18.......unto/thee When thou wast young/thou 3634/3826
Joh_21:18.......gird/thee and carry/thee. 3635/3826
Joh_21:18......carry/thee whither thou wouldest/not 3636/3826
Joh_21:20..betrayeth/thee Peter seeing/him 3637/3826 follow/thou.... 3638/3826 This is the/disciple 3639/3826
Act_3:6............I/thee In the name of Jesus Christ of/Nazareth 3640/3826
Act_5:9........carry/thee out Then/fell.. 3641/3826
Act_7:3..........Get/thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and come/into 3642/3826
Act_7:3.........shew/thee Then came he/out 3643/3826
Act_7:27........made/thee a ruler and a judge over/us 3644/3826
Act_7:34........send/thee into Egypt This/Moses 3645/3826
Act_7:35........made/thee a ruler and a judge the/same 3646/3826
Act_8:20........with/thee because thou hast thought/that 3647/3826
Act_8:22....forgiven/thee For I perceive/that 3648/3826
Act_8:34........pray/thee of whom/speaketh 3649/3826
Act_9:5..........for/thee to kick against the pricks And he/trembling 3650/3826
Act_9:6.........told/thee what thou must/do 3651/3826
Act_9:17........unto/thee in the way as/thou 3652/3826
Act_9:34......maketh/thee whole arise/and 3653/3826
Act_10:6........tell/thee what thou oughtest/to 3654/3826 Arise therefore/and 3655/3826
Act_10:20........get/thee down and go/with 3656/3826
Act_10:22........for/thee into his/house. 3657/3826
Act_10:22.........of/thee Then called/he. 3658/3826
Act_10:32.......unto/thee Immediately/therefore 3659/3826 and thou hast well/done 3660/3826
Act_10:33..commanded/thee of God Then/Peter 3661/3826
Act_11:14.......tell/thee words/whereby.. 3662/3826
Act_12:8.......about/thee and follow/me.. 3663/3826
Act_13:11.......upon/thee and thou shalt be blind/not 3664/3826
Act_13:33...begotten/thee And as concerning/that 3665/3826
Act_13:47........set/thee to be a light/of 3666/3826
Act_16:18....command/thee in the name of Jesus Christ to/come 3667/3826
Act_17:32.......hear/thee again of/this.. 3668/3826
Act_18:10.......with/thee and no man/shall 3669/3826
Act_18:10.........on/thee to hurt/thee... 3670/3826
Act_18:10.......hurt/thee for I have much/people 3671/3826
Act_21:21.........of/thee that thou teachest/all 3672/3826 We have/four... 3673/3826
Act_21:24.concerning/thee are nothing/but 3674/3826
Act_21:37.......unto/thee Who said/Canst. 3675/3826
Act_21:39....beseech/thee suffer/me...... 3676/3826
Act_22:10.......told/thee of all things/which 3677/3826
Act_22:10........for/thee to do And/when. 3678/3826
Act_22:14.....chosen/thee that thou shouldest know/his 3679/3826
Act_22:18........get/thee quickly out/of. 3680/3826
Act_22:19.........on/thee And when the blood/of 3681/3826
Act_22:21.......send/thee far hence/unto. 3682/3826
Act_23:3.......smite/thee thou whited/wall 3683/3826
Act_23:18.......unto/thee who hath/something 3684/3826
Act_23:18.......unto/thee Then the chief/captain 3685/3826
Act_23:20.....desire/thee that thou wouldest bring/down 3686/3826
Act_23:21.......from/thee So the chief/captain 3687/3826 and gave/commandment 3688/3826
Act_23:30.....before/thee what they/had.. 3689/3826
Act_23:35.......hear/thee said he when/thine 3690/3826 we enjoy/great. 3691/3826
Act_24:4........unto/thee I pray thee that/thou 3692/3826
Act_24:4........pray/thee that thou wouldest hear/us 3693/3826
Act_24:8........unto/thee by examining/of 3694/3826
Act_24:14.......unto/thee that after/the. 3695/3826
Act_24:19.....before/thee and object/if.. 3696/3826
Act_24:25........for/thee He hoped/also.. 3697/3826
Act_25:26.....before/thee O king Agrippa/that 3698/3826
Act_26:2......before/thee touching/all... 3699/3826
Act_26:3........know/thee to be expert/in 3700/3826
Act_26:3.....beseech/thee to hear me/patiently 3701/3826
Act_26:14........for/thee to kick against the pricks And I/said 3702/3826
Act_26:16.......unto/thee for this purpose/to 3703/3826
Act_26:16.......make/thee a minister/and. 3704/3826
Act_26:16.......unto/thee Delivering/thee 3705/3826
Act_26:17.Delivering/thee from the people/and 3706/3826
Act_26:17.......send/thee To open/their.. 3707/3826
Act_26:24.......make/thee mad/But........ 3708/3826
Act_27:24......given/thee all them/that.. 3709/3826
Act_27:24.......with/thee Wherefore sirs/be 3710/3826
Act_28:21.concerning/thee neither any/of. 3711/3826
Act_28:21.........of/thee But we desire/to 3712/3826
Act_28:22.........of/thee what thou thinkest/for 3713/3826
Rom_2:4......leadeth/thee to repentance/But 3714/3826
Rom_2:27.......judge/thee who by/the..... 3715/3826
Rom_4:17........made/thee a father/of.... 3716/3826
Rom_9:17......raised/thee up that/I...... 3717/3826 and that my/name 3718/3826
Rom_10:8........nigh/thee even in thy/mouth 3719/3826
Rom_11:18.......root/thee Thou wilt say/then 3720/3826
Rom_11:21........not/thee Behold therefore/the 3721/3826
Rom_11:22.....toward/thee goodness/if.... 3722/3826 for good But/if 3723/3826
Rom_15:3..reproached/thee fell/on........ 3724/3826 among the Gentiles/and 3725/3826
1Co_4:7.......maketh/thee to differ/from. 3726/3826
1Co_8:10.........see/thee which hast/knowledge 3727/3826
1Co_12:21.........of/thee nor again/the.. 3728/3826
2Co_6:2........heard/thee in a time accepted/and 3729/3826
2Co_6:2....succoured/thee behold now is/the 3730/3826
2Co_12:9.........for/thee for my strength/is 3731/3826
Gal_3:8...........In/thee shall all nations/be 3732/3826
Eph_5:14........give/thee light See/then. 3733/3826
Eph_6:3.........with/thee and thou mayest/live 3734/3826
Php_4:3......intreat/thee also true/yokefellow 3735/3826
1Ti_1:3.....besought/thee to abide still/at 3736/3826
1Ti_1:18........unto/thee son/Timothy.... 3737/3826
1Ti_1:18..........on/thee that thou by/them 3738/3826
1Ti_3:14........unto/thee hoping/to...... 3739/3826
1Ti_3:14........unto/thee shortly/But.... 3740/3826 which was/given 3741/3826
1Ti_4:14.......given/thee by prophecy/with 3742/3826
1Ti_4:16........hear/thee Rebuke not/an.. 3743/3826
1Ti_5:21......charge/thee before God/and. 3744/3826
1Ti_6:13........give/thee charge in/the.. 3745/3826
1Ti_6:21........with/thee Amen Paul/an... 3746/3826
2Ti_1:3...........of/thee in my/prayers.. 3747/3826
2Ti_1:4..........see/thee being mindful/of 3748/3826 which dwelt/first 3749/3826 also Wherefore/I 3750/3826
2Ti_1:6..........put/thee in remembrance/that 3751/3826 by the putting/on 3752/3826
2Ti_1:14........unto/thee keep by/the.... 3753/3826
2Ti_2:7.........give/thee understanding in/all 3754/3826
2Ti_3:15........make/thee wise/unto...... 3755/3826
2Ti_4:1.......charge/thee therefore before/God 3756/3826
2Ti_4:11........with/thee for he is/profitable 3757/3826
2Ti_4:13........with/thee and the books/but 3758/3826
2Ti_4:21....greeteth/thee and Pudens/and. 3759/3826
Tit_1:5............I/thee in Crete/that.. 3760/3826
Tit_1:5....appointed/thee If any be/blameless 3761/3826
Tit_2:15.....despise/thee Put them/in.... 3762/3826
Tit_3:12........unto/thee or Tychicus/be. 3763/3826
Tit_3:15......salute/thee Greet them/that 3764/3826
Phl_1:4...........of/thee always/in...... 3765/3826 brother/Wherefore 3766/3826
Phl_1:8.......enjoin/thee that which is convenient/Yet 3767/3826
Phl_1:9......beseech/thee being such/an.. 3768/3826
Phl_1:10.....beseech/thee for my son/Onesimus 3769/3826 unprofitable/but 3770/3826 and to me/Whom. 3771/3826
Phl_1:16........unto/thee both in/the.... 3772/3826
Phl_1:18.....wronged/thee or oweth/thee.. 3773/3826
Phl_1:18.......oweth/thee ought/put...... 3774/3826 how thou/owest. 3775/3826
Phl_1:20..........of/thee in the Lord/refresh 3776/3826
Phl_1:21........unto/thee knowing/that... 3777/3826
Phl_1:23......salute/thee Epaphras/my.... 3778/3826
Heb_1:5.....begotten/thee And again I will be/to 3779/3826
Heb_1:9.....anointed/thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows And/Thou 3780/3826
Heb_2:12........unto/thee And again I will put/my 3781/3826
Heb_5:5.....begotten/thee As he saith/also 3782/3826
Heb_6:14.......bless/thee and multiplying/I 3783/3826
Heb_6:14....multiply/thee And so after/he 3784/3826 in the mount But/now 3785/3826
Heb_13:5.......leave/thee nor forsake thee So/that 3786/3826
Heb_13:5.....forsake/thee So that we/may. 3787/3826
Jam_2:18........shew/thee my faith/by.... 3788/3826
2Jn_1:5......beseech/thee lady/not....... 3789/3826
2Jn_1:5.........unto/thee but that/which. 3790/3826
2Jn_1:13.......greet/thee Amen The/elder. 3791/3826 even as thou walkest/in 3792/3826
3Jn_1:13........unto/thee But I trust/I.. 3793/3826
3Jn_1:14.........see/thee and we shall/speak 3794/3826 Our friends/salute 3795/3826
3Jn_1:14......salute/thee Greet the/friends 3796/3826
Jud_1:9.......rebuke/thee But these/speak 3797/3826
Rev_2:4......against/thee because thou hast left/thy 3798/3826
Rev_2:5.........unto/thee quickly and will remove/thy 3799/3826
Rev_2:10........give/thee a crown/of..... 3800/3826
Rev_2:14.....against/thee because thou hast there/them 3801/3826
Rev_2:16........unto/thee quickly and will fight/against 3802/3826
Rev_2:20.....against/thee because thou sufferest/that 3803/3826
Rev_3:3...........on/thee as a thief/and. 3804/3826
Rev_3:3.........upon/thee Thou hast a/few 3805/3826
Rev_3:8.......before/thee an open/door... 3806/3826
Rev_3:9........loved/thee Because thou hast kept/the 3807/3826
Rev_3:10........keep/thee from the hour/of 3808/3826
Rev_3:16........spue/thee out of my/mouth 3809/3826
Rev_3:18.....counsel/thee to buy/of...... 3810/3826
Rev_4:1.........shew/thee things/which... 3811/3826
Rev_11:17.......give/thee thanks O/LORD.. 3812/3826 thy great/power 3813/3826
Rev_14:15........for/thee to reap/for.... 3814/3826
Rev_15:4........fear/thee O Lord and glorify/thy 3815/3826
Rev_15:4......before/thee for thy judgments/are 3816/3826
Rev_17:1........unto/thee the judgment/of 3817/3826
Rev_17:7........tell/thee the mystery/of. 3818/3826
Rev_18:14.......from/thee and all things/which 3819/3826
Rev_18:14.......from/thee and thou shalt find/them 3820/3826 and no craftsman/of 3821/3826 and the sound/of 3822/3826 And the light of/a 3823/3826 and the voice/of 3824/3826 for thy merchants/were 3825/3826
Rev_21:9........shew/thee the bride/the.. 3826/3826 1/1