Jdg_10:6......of/Syria and the/gods....... 1/75
2Sa_8:6.......in/Syria of/Damascus........ 2/75
2Sa_8:12......Of/Syria and of Moab/and.... 3/75
2Sa_15:8......in/Syria saying/If.......... 4/75
1Ki_10:29.....of/Syria did/they........... 5/75
1Ki_11:25...over/Syria And Jeroboam/the... 6/75
1Ki_15:18.....of/Syria that dwelt at Damascus saying There is a league between me and thee and/between 7/75
1Ki_19:15...over/Syria And Jehu the/son... 8/75
1Ki_20:1......of/Syria gathered all his host together/and 9/75
1Ki_20:20.....of/Syria escaped on/an..... 10/75
1Ki_20:22.....of/Syria will/come......... 11/75
1Ki_20:23.....of/Syria said unto/him..... 12/75
1Ki_22:1.between/Syria and Israel And/it. 13/75
1Ki_22:3......of/Syria And he said/unto.. 14/75
1Ki_22:31.....of/Syria commanded/his..... 15/75
2Ki_5:1.......of/Syria was a/great....... 16/75
2Ki_5:1.....unto/Syria he was/also....... 17/75
2Ki_5:5.......of/Syria said Go/to........ 18/75
2Ki_6:8.......of/Syria warred/against.... 19/75
2Ki_6:11......of/Syria was sore/troubled. 20/75
2Ki_6:23......of/Syria came no/more...... 21/75
2Ki_6:24......of/Syria gathered all his host and/went 22/75
2Ki_7:5.......of/Syria behold/there...... 23/75
2Ki_8:7.......of/Syria was sick/and...... 24/75
2Ki_8:9.......of/Syria hath/sent......... 25/75
2Ki_8:13....over/Syria So/he............. 26/75
2Ki_8:28......of/Syria in/Ramothgilead... 27/75
2Ki_8:29......of/Syria And Ahaziah/the... 28/75
2Ki_9:14......of/Syria But king/Joram.... 29/75
2Ki_9:15......of/Syria And Jehu said/If.. 30/75
2Ki_12:17.....of/Syria went/up........... 31/75
2Ki_12:18.....of/Syria and he went/away.. 32/75
2Ki_13:3......of/Syria and into/the...... 33/75
2Ki_13:4......of/Syria oppressed them/And 34/75
2Ki_13:7......of/Syria had destroyed/them 35/75
2Ki_13:17...from/Syria for/thou.......... 36/75
2Ki_13:19smitten/Syria till/thou......... 37/75
2Ki_13:19..smite/Syria but thrice/And.... 38/75
2Ki_13:22.....of/Syria oppressed Israel/all 39/75
2Ki_13:24.....of/Syria died/and.......... 40/75
2Ki_15:37.....of/Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah And/Jotham 41/75
2Ki_16:5......of/Syria and Pekah son/of.. 42/75
2Ki_16:6......of/Syria recovered/Elath... 43/75
2Ki_16:6......to/Syria and drave/the..... 44/75
2Ki_16:7......of/Syria and out/of........ 45/75
2Ch_1:17......of/Syria by/their.......... 46/75
2Ch_16:2......of/Syria that dwelt at Damascus saying There is a league between me and thee as/there 47/75
2Ch_16:7......of/Syria and not/relied.... 48/75
2Ch_16:7......of/Syria escaped out/of.... 49/75
2Ch_18:10...push/Syria until/they........ 50/75
2Ch_18:30.....of/Syria had commanded/the. 51/75
2Ch_20:2....side/Syria and behold/they... 52/75
2Ch_22:5......of/Syria at/Ramothgilead... 53/75
2Ch_22:6......of/Syria And Azariah/the... 54/75
2Ch_24:23.....of/Syria came up/against... 55/75
2Ch_28:5......of/Syria and they smote/him 56/75
2Ch_28:23.....of/Syria help/them......... 57/75
Isa_7:1.......of/Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah king/of 58/75
Isa_7:2...saying/Syria is confederate/with 59/75
Isa_7:4.....with/Syria and of the/son.... 60/75
Isa_7:5..Because/Syria Ephraim/and....... 61/75
Isa_7:8.......of/Syria is Damascus/and... 62/75
Isa_17:3......of/Syria they/shall........ 63/75
Eze_16:57.....of/Syria and all that/are.. 64/75
Eze_27:16..ebony/Syria was thy/merchant.. 65/75
Hos_12:12.....of/Syria and Israel served/for 66/75
Amo_1:5.......of/Syria shall/go.......... 67/75
Mat_4:24.....all/Syria and they brought/unto 68/75
Luk_2:2.......of/Syria And all went/to... 69/75
Act_15:23....and/Syria and Cilicia Forasmuch/as 70/75
Act_15:41through/Syria and Cilicia confirming/the 71/75
Act_18:18...into/Syria and with/him...... 72/75
Act_20:3....into/Syria he purposed/to.... 73/75
Act_21:3....into/Syria and landed/at..... 74/75
Gal_1:21......of/Syria and Cilicia And/was 75/75
Dan_2:4.......in/Syriack/O................. 1/1
1Ch_18:6......in/Syriadamascus/and......... 1/1
1Ch_19:6......of/Syriamaachah/and.......... 1/1
Gen_25:20....the/Syrian of/Padanaram...... 1/12
Gen_25:20....the/Syrian And Isaac/intreated 2/12
Gen_28:5.....the/Syrian the/brother....... 3/12
Gen_31:20....the/Syrian in that/he........ 4/12
Gen_31:24....the/Syrian in a/dream........ 5/12
Deu_26:5.......A/Syrian ready/to.......... 6/12
2Ki_5:20....this/Syrian in not/receiving.. 7/12
2Ki_18:26....the/Syrian language for we understand it and talk/not 8/12
Ezr_4:7......the/Syrian tongue and/interpreted 9/12
Ezr_4:7......the/Syrian tongue Rehum/the. 10/12
Isa_36:11....the/Syrian language for we understand it and speak/not 11/12
Luk_4:27.....the/Syrian And all/they..... 12/12
2Sa_8:5......the/Syrians of Damascus came to succour/Hadadezer 1/61
2Sa_8:5......the/Syrians two and twenty thousand men Then David put garrisons in Syria/of 2/61
2Sa_8:6......the/Syrians became servants/to 3/61
2Sa_8:13.....the/Syrians in the/valley.... 4/61
2Sa_10:6.....the/Syrians of Bethrehob/and. 5/61
2Sa_10:6.....the/Syrians of Zoba twenty/thousand 6/61
2Sa_10:8.....the/Syrians of Zoba and/of... 7/61
2Sa_10:9.....the/Syrians And the rest of the people he delivered into/the 8/61
2Sa_10:11....the/Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come/and 9/61
2Sa_10:13....the/Syrians and they/fled... 10/61
2Sa_10:14....the/Syrians were fled then/fled 11/61
2Sa_10:15....the/Syrians saw that they were smitten/before 12/61
2Sa_10:16....the/Syrians that were beyond the river and they/came 13/61
2Sa_10:17....the/Syrians set/themselves.. 14/61
2Sa_10:18....the/Syrians fled before Israel and David slew the/men 15/61
2Sa_10:18....the/Syrians and forty/thousand 16/61
2Sa_10:19....the/Syrians feared/to....... 17/61
1Ki_20:20....the/Syrians fled and/Israel. 18/61
1Ki_20:21....the/Syrians with/a.......... 19/61
1Ki_20:26....the/Syrians and went/up..... 20/61
1Ki_20:27....the/Syrians filled/the...... 21/61
1Ki_20:28....the/Syrians have said/The... 22/61
1Ki_20:29....the/Syrians an/hundred...... 23/61
1Ki_22:11....the/Syrians until thou/have. 24/61
1Ki_22:35....the/Syrians and died/at..... 25/61
2Ki_5:2......the/Syrians had gone/out.... 26/61
2Ki_6:9......the/Syrians are/come........ 27/61
2Ki_7:4......the/Syrians if/they......... 28/61
2Ki_7:5......the/Syrians and when/they... 29/61
2Ki_7:6......the/Syrians to/hear......... 30/61
2Ki_7:10.....the/Syrians and behold/there 31/61
2Ki_7:12.....the/Syrians have done/to.... 32/61
2Ki_7:14.....the/Syrians saying/Go....... 33/61
2Ki_7:15.....the/Syrians had cast/away... 34/61
2Ki_7:16.....the/Syrians So a/measure.... 35/61
2Ki_8:28.....the/Syrians wounded/Joram... 36/61
2Ki_8:29.....the/Syrians had given him at/Ramah 37/61
2Ki_9:15.....the/Syrians had given him when/he 38/61
2Ki_13:5.....the/Syrians and the children/of 39/61
2Ki_13:17....the/Syrians in Aphek/till... 40/61
2Ki_16:6.....the/Syrians came to/Elath... 41/61
2Ki_24:2.....the/Syrians and bands/of.... 42/61
1Ch_18:5.....the/Syrians of Damascus came to help/Hadarezer 43/61
1Ch_18:5.....the/Syrians two and twenty thousand men Then David put garrisons in Syriadamascus/and 44/61
1Ch_18:6.....the/Syrians became David's/servants 45/61
1Ch_19:10....the/Syrians And the rest of the people he delivered unto/the 46/61
1Ch_19:12....the/Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will help/thee 47/61
1Ch_19:14....the/Syrians unto/the........ 48/61
1Ch_19:15....the/Syrians were fled they/likewise 49/61
1Ch_19:16....the/Syrians saw that they were put/to 50/61
1Ch_19:16....the/Syrians that were beyond the river and Shophach/the 51/61
1Ch_19:17....the/Syrians they/fought..... 52/61
1Ch_19:18....the/Syrians fled before Israel and David slew of/the 53/61
1Ch_19:18....the/Syrians seven/thousand.. 54/61
1Ch_19:19....the/Syrians help/the........ 55/61
2Ch_18:34....the/Syrians until the/even.. 56/61
2Ch_22:5.....the/Syrians smote/Joram..... 57/61
2Ch_24:24....the/Syrians came with/a..... 58/61
Isa_9:12.....The/Syrians before/and...... 59/61
Jer_35:11....the/Syrians so we/dwell..... 60/61
Amo_9:7......the/Syrians from/Kir........ 61/61