Gen_1:17........God/set them in the firmament/of 1/695
Gen_4:15.......LORD/set a mark upon Cain/lest 2/695
Gen_6:16.......thou/set in the side/thereof. 3/695 my bow/in........... 4/695
Gen_17:21......this/set time in/the......... 5/695
Gen_18:8........and/set it before them and he/stood 6/695
Gen_19:16.......and/set him without/the..... 7/695
Gen_21:2........the/set time of/which....... 8/695
Gen_21:28...Abraham/set seven/ewe........... 9/695
Gen_21:29......hast/set by themselves/And.. 10/695
Gen_24:33.......was/set meat before him/to. 11/695
Gen_28:11.......was/set and he/took........ 12/695
Gen_28:12....ladder/set up on the/earth.... 13/695
Gen_28:18.......and/set it up for a pillar and poured/oil 14/695
Gen_28:22......have/set for a/pillar....... 15/695
Gen_30:36........he/set three/days'........ 16/695
Gen_30:38........he/set the rods/which..... 17/695
Gen_30:40.......and/set the faces/of....... 18/695
Gen_31:17.......and/set his sons/and....... 19/695
Gen_31:21.......and/set his face toward the mount/Gilead 20/695
Gen_31:37.....stuff/set it here/before..... 21/695
Gen_31:45.......and/set it up for a pillar And Jacob/said 22/695
Gen_35:14.....Jacob/set up a pillar/in..... 23/695
Gen_35:20.....Jacob/set a pillar/upon...... 24/695
Gen_41:33.......and/set him over the land/of 25/695
Gen_41:41......have/set thee over all/the.. 26/695
Gen_43:9........and/set him before thee/then 27/695
Gen_43:31......said/Set on bread/And....... 28/695
Gen_43:32......they/set on for/him......... 29/695
Gen_44:21.......may/set mine eyes upon him/And 30/695
Gen_47:7........and/set him before Pharaoh/and 31/695
Gen_48:20........he/set Ephraim/before..... 32/695
Exo_1:11........did/set over them taskmasters/to 33/695
Exo_4:20........and/set them upon an/ass... 34/695
Exo_5:14........had/set over them were/beaten 35/695
Exo_7:23.........he/set his heart to/this.. 36/695
Exo_9:5...........a/set time saying/To..... 37/695
Exo_13:12.....shalt/set apart unto/the..... 38/695
Exo_19:12.....shalt/set bounds unto/the.... 39/695
Exo_19:23....saying/Set bounds about/the... 40/695
Exo_21:1......shalt/set before them If/thou 41/695
Exo_23:31......will/set thy bounds/from.... 42/695 in the ephod/and... 43/695
Exo_25:30.....shalt/set upon the table/shewbread 44/695
Exo_26:17.....board/set in order one/against 45/695
Exo_26:35.....shalt/set the table/without.. 46/695 in ouches/of....... 47/695
Exo_28:17.....shalt/set in it settings/of.. 48/695 in gold/in......... 49/695 them and in carving of timber/to 50/695
Exo_32:22.......are/set on mischief/For.... 51/695 for the ephod and for the breastplate And every/wise 52/695 for the ephod and for the breastplate And spice/and 53/695 them and in carving of wood/to 54/695 by the/four........ 55/695
Exo_39:10......they/set in it four/rows.... 56/695 in order and all/the 57/695
Exo_40:2.......thou/set up the tabernacle of the tent/of 58/695
Exo_40:4........and/set in order the things that are to/be 59/695 in order upon/it... 60/695
Exo_40:5......shalt/set the altar of gold/for 61/695
Exo_40:6......shalt/set the altar of the/burnt 62/695
Exo_40:7......shalt/set the laver between the tent of the congregation and the altar and shalt/put 63/695
Exo_40:8......shalt/set up the court/round. 64/695
Exo_40:18.......and/set up the boards/thereof 65/695
Exo_40:20.......and/set the staves/on...... 66/695
Exo_40:21.......and/set up the vail/of..... 67/695
Exo_40:23........he/set the bread/in....... 68/695
Exo_40:28........he/set up the hanging at/the 69/695
Exo_40:30........he/set the laver between the tent of the congregation and the altar and put/water 70/695
Exo_40:33.......and/set up the hanging of/the 71/695
Lev_17:10......even/set my face against that soul that/eateth 72/695
Lev_20:3.......will/set my face against that man and will cut/him 73/695
Lev_20:5.......will/set my face against that man and against/his 74/695
Lev_20:6.......even/set my face against that soul and/will 75/695
Lev_24:6......shalt/set them in two/rows... 76/695
Lev_24:8......shall/set it in order before/the 77/695 up any/image....... 78/695
Lev_26:11.........I/set my tabernacle/among 79/695
Lev_26:17......will/set my face against you and/ye 80/695
Num_1:51......shall/set it up and/the...... 81/695
Num_2:9.......first/set forth On/the....... 82/695
Num_2:16......shall/set forth in the/second 83/695
Num_2:17......shall/set forward with/the... 84/695
Num_2:17.......they/set forward every man/in 85/695
Num_2:34.......they/set forward every one/after 86/695 forward after/that. 87/695
Num_5:16........and/set her before/the..... 88/695
Num_5:18......shall/set the woman before the LORD and uncover/the 89/695
Num_5:30......shall/set the woman before the LORD and the/priest 90/695
Num_7:1.......fully/set up the tabernacle and/had 91/695
Num_8:13......shalt/set the Levites before/Aaron 92/695
Num_10:17....Merari/set forward bearing the tabernacle/And 93/695
Num_10:18....Reuben/set forward according to their armies and over his host was Elizur/the 94/695
Num_10:21Kohathites/set forward bearing the sanctuary/and 95/695
Num_10:21.......did/set up the tabernacle against/they 96/695
Num_10:22...Ephraim/set forward according to their armies and over his host was Elishama/the 97/695
Num_10:25.......Dan/set forward which/was.. 98/695
Num_10:28......they/set forward And Moses/said 99/695
Num_10:35.......ark/set forward that/Moses 100/695
Num_11:24.......and/set them round/about.. 101/695
Num_21:8........and/set it upon a/pole.... 102/695
Num_21:10....Israel/set forward and pitched in Oboth/And 103/695
Num_22:1.....Israel/set forward and pitched in the/plains 104/695
Num_24:1.........he/set his face toward the wilderness/And 105/695
Num_27:16.....flesh/set a man over/the.... 106/695
Num_27:19.......And/set him before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation and give/him 107/695
Num_27:22.......and/set him before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation And he/laid 108/695
Num_29:39......your/set feasts beside/your 109/695
Deu_1:8........have/set the land before you/go 110/695
Deu_1:21.......hath/set the land before thee/go 111/695
Deu_4:8...........I/set before you this day Only/take 112/695
Deu_4:44......Moses/set before the children/of 113/695
Deu_7:7.........not/set his love upon you/nor 114/695
Deu_11:26.........I/set before you this day a/blessing 115/695
Deu_11:32.........I/set before you this day These/are 116/695 his name/there.... 117/695
Deu_16:22......thou/set thee up any/image. 118/695
Deu_17:14......will/set a king over me/like 119/695
Deu_17:15......wise/set him king/over..... 120/695
Deu_17:15......thou/set king/over......... 121/695
Deu_17:15.......not/set a stranger/over... 122/695
Deu_19:14......have/set in thine/inheritance 123/695
Deu_26:4........and/set it down/before.... 124/695
Deu_26:10.....shalt/set it before the/LORD 125/695
Deu_27:2......shalt/set thee up great/stones 126/695
Deu_27:4......shall/set up these/stones... 127/695
Deu_28:1.......will/set thee on high/above 128/695
Deu_28:36.....shalt/set over thee/unto.... 129/695 the sole/of....... 130/695
Deu_30:1.......have/set before thee and/thou 131/695
Deu_30:15......have/set before thee this/day 132/695
Deu_30:19......have/set before you life/and 133/695
Deu_32:8.........he/set the bounds/of..... 134/695
Deu_32:22.......and/set on fire the/foundations 135/695
Deu_32:46......them/Set your hearts/unto.. 136/695
Jos_4:9......Joshua/set up twelve/stones.. 137/695
Jos_6:26.........he/set up the gates of/it 138/695
Jos_8:8.......shall/set the city on fire according/to 139/695
Jos_8:12........and/set them to lie/in.... 140/695
Jos_8:13........had/set the people even/all 141/695
Jos_8:19........and/set the city on fire And when/the 142/695
Jos_10:18.......and/set men/by............ 143/695
Jos_18:1........and/set up the tabernacle of the congregation/there 144/695
Jos_24:25.......and/set them a/statute.... 145/695
Jos_24:26.......and/set it up there/under. 146/695
Jdg_1:8.........and/set the city on fire And afterward/the 147/695
Jdg_6:18........and/set it before thee And he/said 148/695
Jdg_7:5........thou/set by himself/likewise 149/695
Jdg_7:19......newly/set the watch/and..... 150/695
Jdg_7:22.......LORD/set every man's/sword. 151/695
Jdg_9:25....Shechem/set liers in wait for/him 152/695
Jdg_9:33........and/set upon the city/and. 153/695
Jdg_9:49........and/set the hold/on....... 154/695
Jdg_15:5........had/set the brands/on..... 155/695
Jdg_16:25......they/set him between/the... 156/695
Jdg_18:30.......Dan/set up the graven/image 157/695
Jdg_18:31......they/set them up Micah's/graven 158/695
Jdg_20:22.......and/set their battle/again 159/695
Jdg_20:29....Israel/set liers in wait round/about 160/695
Jdg_20:36.......had/set beside/Gibeah..... 161/695
Jdg_20:48......they/set on fire all/the... 162/695
Rut_2:5.........was/set over the reapers Whose/damsel 163/695
Rut_2:6.........was/set over the reapers answered/and 164/695 them among/princes 165/695
1Sa_2:8........hath/set the world upon/them 166/695
1Sa_5:2.........and/set it by Dagon/And... 167/695
1Sa_5:3.........and/set him in his place again/And 168/695
1Sa_6:18.......they/set down the ark of the/LORD 169/695
1Sa_7:12........and/set it between/Mizpeh. 170/695
1Sa_8:12.......will/set them to ear/his... 171/695
1Sa_9:20........ago/set not thy/mind...... 172/695
1Sa_9:23.......thee/Set it by thee/And.... 173/695
1Sa_9:24........and/set it before Saul/And 174/695
1Sa_9:24.......left/set it before thee and eat/for 175/695
1Sa_10:19.......but/set a king over us/Now 176/695
1Sa_12:13......hath/set a king over you/If 177/695
1Sa_13:8........the/set time that/Samuel.. 178/695
1Sa_15:11......have/set up Saul/to........ 179/695
1Sa_15:12........he/set him up a/place.... 180/695
1Sa_17:2........and/set the battle in array against the/Philistines 181/695 your battle/in.... 182/695
1Sa_18:5.......Saul/set him over the men/of 183/695
1Sa_18:30......much/set by And/Saul....... 184/695
1Sa_22:9........was/set over the servants/of 185/695
1Sa_26:24......much/set by this/day....... 186/695
1Sa_26:24......much/set by in/the......... 187/695 a morsel/of....... 188/695 up the throne/of.. 189/695
2Sa_6:3........they/set the ark/of........ 190/695
2Sa_6:17........and/set it in his/place... 191/695
2Sa_7:12.......will/set up thy seed/after. 192/695
2Sa_10:17...Syrians/set themselves in array against David/and 193/695
2Sa_11:15....saying/Set ye Uriah/in....... 194/695
2Sa_12:20......they/set bread before/him.. 195/695
2Sa_12:30.......was/set on David's/head... 196/695
2Sa_14:30.......and/set it on fire/And.... 197/695
2Sa_14:30..servants/set the field/on...... 198/695
2Sa_14:31..servants/set my field/on....... 199/695
2Sa_15:24......they/set down the ark of God/and 200/695
2Sa_18:1........and/set captains of thousands/and 201/695
2Sa_18:13......have/set thyself/against... 202/695
2Sa_19:28......thou/set thy servant/among. 203/695
2Sa_20:5........the/set time which/he..... 204/695
2Sa_23:23.....David/set him over his guard Asahel/the 205/695
1Ki_2:15.....Israel/set their faces on/me. 206/695 for the king's/mother 207/695
1Ki_2:24........and/set me on/the......... 208/695
1Ki_5:5........will/set upon thy throne in/thy 209/695 there the/ark..... 210/695
1Ki_6:27.........he/set the cherubims/within 211/695 upon the tops/of.. 212/695
1Ki_7:21.........he/set up the pillars/in. 213/695
1Ki_7:21.........he/set up the right pillar/and 214/695
1Ki_7:21.........he/set up the left/pillar 215/695
1Ki_7:25........was/set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And it/was 216/695
1Ki_7:39.........he/set the sea on the right side of the house/eastward 217/695
1Ki_8:21.......have/set there a/place..... 218/695
1Ki_9:6........have/set before you but/go. 219/695 thee on the/throne 220/695
1Ki_12:29........he/set the one in/Bethel. 221/695
1Ki_14:4.......were/set by reason/of...... 222/695 up his/son........ 223/695
1Ki_16:34.......and/set up the gates thereof/in 224/695
1Ki_20:12..servants/Set yourselves in/array 225/695
1Ki_20:12......they/set themselves in array against the city/And 226/695
1Ki_21:9........and/set Naboth on high among the people And set/two 227/695
1Ki_21:10.......And/set two/men........... 228/695
1Ki_21:12.......and/set Naboth on high among the people And there/came 229/695
2Ki_4:4.......shalt/set aside/that........ 230/695 for him/there..... 231/695
2Ki_4:38....servant/Set on the great/pot.. 232/695
2Ki_4:43..........I/set this/before....... 233/695
2Ki_4:44.........he/set it before them and they/did 234/695
2Ki_6:22........bow/set bread and/water... 235/695
2Ki_8:12.......thou/set on fire and their/young 236/695
2Ki_10:3........and/set him on his father's/throne 237/695 at and/all........ 238/695
2Ki_12:9........and/set it beside/the..... 239/695
2Ki_12:17....Hazael/set his face to go up/to 240/695
2Ki_17:10......they/set them up images/and 241/695 riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen Am/I 242/695
2Ki_20:1.......LORD/Set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live Then he/turned 243/695
2Ki_21:7.........he/set a graven/image.... 244/695
2Ki_25:19.......was/set over the men/of... 245/695
2Ki_25:28.......and/set his throne above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon And changed his prison garments and he did eat/bread 246/695
1Ch_6:31......David/set over the service/of 247/695
1Ch_9:22......their/set office So/they.... 248/695
1Ch_9:26......their/set office and/were... 249/695
1Ch_9:31........the/set office over/the... 250/695
1Ch_11:14......they/set themselves in the/midst 251/695
1Ch_11:25.....David/set him over his guard Also/the 252/695
1Ch_16:1........and/set it in the midst of the tent/that 253/695
1Ch_19:10.......was/set against him before/and 254/695
1Ch_19:11......they/set themselves in array against the children/of 255/695
1Ch_19:17.......and/set the battle in array against them/So 256/695
1Ch_20:2........was/set upon David's/head. 257/695
1Ch_21:18.......and/set up an altar/unto.. 258/695
1Ch_22:2.........he/set masons/to......... 259/695
1Ch_22:19.......Now/set your heart/and.... 260/695 forward the work of the house of the LORD and/six 261/695
1Ch_23:31.......the/set feasts by/number.. 262/695 glistering/stones. 263/695
1Ch_29:3.......have/set my affection/to... 264/695
2Ch_2:18.........he/set threescore/and.... 265/695 the people a/work. 266/695
2Ch_3:5.........and/set thereon/palm...... 267/695
2Ch_4:4.........was/set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And the/thickness 268/695
2Ch_4:7.........and/set them in the temple/five 269/695
2Ch_4:10.........he/set the sea on the right side of the east/end 270/695
2Ch_4:19........was/set Moreover/the...... 271/695 on the throne/of.. 272/695
2Ch_6:13........had/set it in the midst of the court/and 273/695
2Ch_7:19.......have/set before you and shall/go 274/695 thee on his/throne 275/695 their hearts/to... 276/695
2Ch_13:3.....Abijah/set the battle in array with/an 277/695
2Ch_13:3.......also/set the battle in array against him/with 278/695
2Ch_13:11......also/set they in/order..... 279/695
2Ch_14:10......they/set the battle in array in/the 280/695
2Ch_17:2........and/set garrisons/in...... 281/695
2Ch_19:5.........he/set judges/in......... 282/695
2Ch_19:8Jehoshaphat/set of/the............ 283/695
2Ch_20:3........and/set himself to/seek... 284/695
2Ch_20:17....battle/set yourselves stand/ye 285/695
2Ch_20:22......LORD/set ambushments/against 286/695
2Ch_23:10........he/set all the people/every 287/695
2Ch_23:14......were/set over the host/and. 288/695
2Ch_23:19........he/set the porters/at.... 289/695
2Ch_23:20.......and/set the king/upon..... 290/695
2Ch_24:8........and/set it without/at..... 291/695
2Ch_24:13......they/set the house/of...... 292/695
2Ch_25:14.......and/set them up to/be..... 293/695
2Ch_29:25........he/set the Levites in/the 294/695
2Ch_29:35.......was/set in order And Hezekiah/rejoiced 295/695
2Ch_31:3........the/set feasts as/it...... 296/695
2Ch_31:15.....their/set office to/give.... 297/695
2Ch_31:18.....their/set office they/sanctified 298/695
2Ch_32:6.........he/set captains of war/over 299/695
2Ch_33:7.........he/set a carved/image.... 300/695
2Ch_33:19.......and/set up groves/and..... 301/695 it forward/and.... 302/695
2Ch_35:2.........he/set the priests in their charges/and 303/695 it up in his/place 304/695
Ezr_3:3........they/set the altar upon/his 305/695
Ezr_3:5.........the/set feasts of/the..... 306/695 forward the work of the house of the LORD Then/stood 307/695 forward the workmen/in 308/695
Ezr_3:10.......they/set the priests in their apparel/with 309/695
Ezr_4:10........and/set in the cities/of.. 310/695
Ezr_4:12.......have/set up the walls/thereof 311/695
Ezr_4:13......walls/set up again/then..... 312/695
Ezr_4:16....thereof/set up by/this........ 313/695
Ezr_5:11........and/set up But/after...... 314/695
Ezr_6:11......being/set up let/him........ 315/695
Ezr_6:18.......they/set the priests in their divisions/and 316/695
Ezr_7:25.......hand/set magistrates/and... 317/695 up the house/of... 318/695 my name there/Now. 319/695
Neh_2:6...........I/set him a/time........ 320/695
Neh_3:1.........and/set up the doors of/it 321/695
Neh_3:3.........and/set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof And next/unto 322/695
Neh_3:6.........and/set up the doors thereof and/the 323/695
Neh_3:13........and/set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof and a/thousand 324/695
Neh_3:14........and/set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof But/the 325/695
Neh_3:15........and/set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof and the/wall 326/695
Neh_4:9.........and/set a watch against/them 327/695
Neh_4:13..Therefore/set I in/the.......... 328/695
Neh_4:13.......even/set the people after/their 329/695
Neh_5:7...........I/set a great/assembly.. 330/695
Neh_6:1.........not/set up the doors upon/the 331/695
Neh_7:1.........had/set up the doors and/the 332/695
Neh_9:37.......hast/set over us/because... 333/695
Neh_10:33.......the/set feasts and/for.... 334/695
Neh_13:11.......and/set them in their place/Then 335/695
Neh_13:19..servants/set I at/the.......... 336/695
Est_2:17.........he/set the royal/crown... 337/695
Est_3:1.........and/set his seat/above.... 338/695 upon his/head..... 339/695
Est_8:2......Esther/set Mordecai/over..... 340/695
Job_5:11.........To/set up on high/those.. 341/695 themselves in array against me/Doth 342/695
Job_7:17..shouldest/set thine heart upon him/And 343/695
Job_7:20.......thou/set me as a mark against/thee 344/695
Job_9:19......shall/set me a/time......... 345/695
Job_14:13.........a/set time and/remember. 346/695
Job_16:12.......and/set me up for/his..... 347/695
Job_19:8.......hath/set darkness in/my.... 348/695
Job_30:1.......have/set with the dogs/of.. 349/695
Job_30:13......they/set forward my/calamity 350/695 thy words/in...... 351/695
Job_34:14........he/set his heart upon/man 352/695
Job_34:24.......and/set others/in......... 353/695 on thy/table...... 354/695
Job_38:10.......and/set bars/and.......... 355/695
Job_38:33......thou/set the dominion/thereof 356/695 themselves and/the 357/695
Psa_2:6...........I/set my king/upon...... 358/695
Psa_3:6........have/set themselves against/me 359/695
Psa_4:3........hath/set apart him/that.... 360/695
Psa_8:1........hast/set thy glory/above... 361/695
Psa_10:8....privily/set against the/poor.. 362/695
Psa_12:5.......will/set him in safety/from 363/695
Psa_16:8.......have/set the LORD/always... 364/695
Psa_17:11......have/set their eyes/bowing. 365/695
Psa_19:4.........he/set a tabernacle/for.. 366/695
Psa_20:5.......will/set up our/banners.... 367/695
Psa_27:5......shall/set me up upon/a...... 368/695
Psa_31:8.......hast/set my feet in/a...... 369/695
Psa_40:2........and/set my feet upon/a.... 370/695
Psa_50:21.......and/set them in order/before 371/695
Psa_54:3........not/set God/before........ 372/695
Psa_57:4........are/set on fire even/the.. 373/695
Psa_62:10..increase/set not your/heart.... 374/695
Psa_69:29.......God/set me up on/high..... 375/695
Psa_73:9.......They/set their mouth/against 376/695
Psa_73:18.....didst/set them in slippery/places 377/695
Psa_74:4.......they/set up their ensigns/for 378/695
Psa_74:17......hast/set all the borders/of 379/695
Psa_78:7......might/set their hope/in..... 380/695
Psa_78:8.......that/set not their/heart... 381/695
Psa_85:13.....shall/set us/in............. 382/695
Psa_86:14.......not/set thee before/them.. 383/695
Psa_89:25......will/set his hand also/in.. 384/695
Psa_89:42......hast/set up the right hand/of 385/695
Psa_90:8.......hast/set our/iniquities.... 386/695
Psa_91:14......hath/set his love upon me/therefore 387/695
Psa_91:14......will/set him on high/because 388/695
Psa_101:3......will/set no/wicked......... 389/695
Psa_102:13......the/set time is/come...... 390/695
Psa_104:9......hast/set a bound/that...... 391/695 thou/a............ 392/695
Psa_113:8.......may/set him with/princes.. 393/695
Psa_118:5.......and/set me in a/large..... 394/695
Psa_122:5.......are/set thrones/of........ 395/695
Psa_132:11........I/set upon thy throne If/thy 396/695
Psa_140:5......have/set gins/for.......... 397/695 forth before/thee. 398/695
Psa_141:3.sacrifice/Set a watch O/LORD.... 399/695
Pro_1:25.......have/set at nought all/my.. 400/695
Pro_8:23........was/set up from/everlasting 401/695
Pro_8:27.........he/set a compass/upon.... 402/695
Pro_22:28......have/set Seest/thou........ 403/695
Pro_23:5.......thou/set thine eyes/upon... 404/695
Ecc_3:11.......hath/set the world in/their 405/695
Ecc_7:14.......hath/set the one over/against 406/695
Ecc_8:11......fully/set in them/to........ 407/695 in great/dignity.. 408/695
Ecc_12:9........and/set in order many/proverbs 409/695
Son_5:12......fitly/set His cheeks/are.... 410/695
Son_5:14......rings/set with the beryl/his 411/695
Son_5:15.....marble/set upon sockets/of... 412/695
Son_7:2.......wheat/set about/with........ 413/695
Son_8:6........thee/Set me as a seal/upon. 414/695
Isa_3:24.......well/set hair/baldness..... 415/695
Isa_7:6.........and/set a king in/the..... 416/695
Isa_9:11......shall/set up the adversaries/of 417/695
Isa_11:11.....shall/set his hand again/the 418/695
Isa_11:12.....shall/set up an ensign/for.. 419/695
Isa_14:1........and/set them in their own/land 420/695
Isa_17:10.....shalt/set it with/strange... 421/695
Isa_19:2.......will/set the Egyptians/against 422/695
Isa_21:6.........Go/set a watchman/let.... 423/695 in my/ward........ 424/695
Isa_22:7......shall/set themselves in array at/the 425/695
Isa_23:13......they/set up the towers/thereof 426/695
Isa_27:4......would/set the briers/and.... 427/695
Isa_27:11.......and/set them on/fire...... 428/695 riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen And/am 429/695
Isa_38:1.......LORD/Set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live Then Hezekiah/turned 430/695
Isa_41:19......will/set in the desert/the. 431/695
Isa_42:4.......have/set judgment in/the... 432/695
Isa_42:25......hath/set him on fire/round. 433/695
Isa_44:7........and/set it in order for/me 434/695
Isa_45:20......that/set up the wood/of.... 435/695
Isa_46:7........and/set him in his place and/he 436/695
Isa_49:22.......and/set up my standard/to. 437/695
Isa_50:7..........I/set my face like/a.... 438/695
Isa_57:7.......thou/set thy bed/even...... 439/695
Isa_57:8.......thou/set up thy remembrance/for 440/695
Isa_62:6.......have/set watchmen upon/thy. 441/695
Isa_66:19......will/set a sign/among...... 442/695 thee over the/nations 443/695
Jer_1:15......shall/set every one/his..... 444/695
Jer_4:6......cities/Set up the standard toward/Zion 445/695
Jer_5:26.......they/set a trap/they....... 446/695
Jer_6:1.........and/set up a sign of/fire. 447/695
Jer_6:17..........I/set watchmen over/you. 448/695
Jer_6:23.....horses/set in array/as....... 449/695
Jer_6:27.......have/set thee for a tower/and 450/695
Jer_7:12..........I/set my name at/the.... 451/695
Jer_7:30.......have/set their abominations in the house which is called by my name to pollute/it 452/695
Jer_9:13..........I/set before them and have/not 453/695 up my curtains/For 454/695 up altars/to...... 455/695
Jer_21:8..........I/set before you the/way 456/695
Jer_21:10......have/set my face against this/city 457/695
Jer_23:4.......will/set up shepherds/over. 458/695
Jer_24:1.......were/set before the temple/of 459/695
Jer_24:6.......will/set mine eyes upon them for good/and 460/695
Jer_26:4.......have/set before you To/hearken 461/695
Jer_31:21......LORD/Set thee up waymarks/make 462/695
Jer_31:21.....heaps/set thine heart toward/the 463/695
Jer_31:29.......are/set on edge But/every. 464/695 on edge Behold/the 465/695
Jer_32:20......hast/set signs/and......... 466/695
Jer_32:29.......and/set fire on/this...... 467/695
Jer_32:34......they/set their abominations in the house which is called by my name to defile/it 468/695
Jer_34:16.......had/set at liberty at/their 469/695
Jer_35:5..........I/set before the sons/of 470/695
Jer_38:22......have/set thee on and/have.. 471/695
Jer_40:11.......had/set over them Gedaliah/the 472/695
Jer_42:15....wholly/set your faces/to..... 473/695
Jer_42:17......that/set their faces to go into Egypt/to 474/695
Jer_43:10......will/set his throne upon/these 475/695
Jer_44:10.........I/set before you and before/your 476/695
Jer_44:11......will/set my face against you for/evil 477/695
Jer_44:12......have/set their faces to go into the/land 478/695
Jer_49:38......will/set my throne/in...... 479/695
Jer_50:2........and/set up a standard/publish 480/695
Jer_50:9......shall/set themselves in array against her/from 481/695
Jer_51:12....temple/Set up the standard upon/the 482/695
Jer_51:12....strong/set up the watchmen/prepare 483/695
Jer_51:27......LORD/Set ye up/a........... 484/695
Jer_52:32.......and/set his throne above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon And changed his prison garments and he did continually/eat 485/695
Lam_2:17.......hath/set up the horn/of.... 486/695
Lam_3:6........hath/set me in dark/places. 487/695
Lam_3:12........and/set me as a mark for/the 488/695
Eze_2:2.........and/set me upon my feet that/I 489/695
Eze_3:24........and/set me upon my feet and/spake 490/695 the camp/also..... 491/695
Eze_4:2.........and/set battering/rams.... 492/695
Eze_4:3.........and/set it for/a.......... 493/695
Eze_4:3.........and/set thy face against it/and 494/695
Eze_4:7.......shalt/set thy face toward the siege/of 495/695
Eze_5:5........have/set it in the midst of the nations/and 496/695 thy face toward the mountains/of 497/695
Eze_7:20.........he/set it in majesty/but. 498/695
Eze_7:20..........I/set it far/from....... 499/695
Eze_9:4.........and/set a mark upon the/foreheads 500/695
Eze_12:6.......have/set thee for a sign/unto 501/695 thy face against the daughters/of 502/695
Eze_14:3.......have/set up their idols/in. 503/695
Eze_14:8.......will/set my face against that man and will make/him 504/695
Eze_15:7.......will/set my face against them they/shall 505/695
Eze_15:7..........I/set my face against them And/I 506/695
Eze_16:18......hast/set mine oil/and...... 507/695
Eze_16:19......even/set it before them for/a 508/695
Eze_17:4.........he/set it in a/city...... 509/695
Eze_17:5........and/set it as/a........... 510/695
Eze_17:22......will/set it I/will......... 511/695
Eze_18:2........are/set on edge As/I...... 512/695
Eze_19:8....nations/set against him on/every 513/695 thy face toward the south/and 514/695 thy face toward Jerusalem/and 515/695
Eze_21:15......have/set the point/of...... 516/695 I will/also....... 517/695
Eze_22:7.......they/set light/by.......... 518/695
Eze_22:10.......was/set apart for/pollution 519/695
Eze_23:24.....shall/set against thee/buckler 520/695
Eze_23:24......will/set judgment before/them 521/695
Eze_23:25......will/set my jealousy/against 522/695
Eze_23:41......hast/set mine incense/and.. 523/695
Eze_24:2....Babylon/set himself against/Jerusalem 524/695
Eze_24:3........GOD/Set on a pot/set...... 525/695
Eze_24:3........pot/set it on and/also.... 526/695
Eze_24:7........she/set it upon the/top... 527/695
Eze_24:8.......have/set her blood/upon.... 528/695
Eze_24:11......Then/set it empty/upon..... 529/695
Eze_24:25......they/set their minds/their. 530/695 thy face against the Ammonites/and 531/695
Eze_25:4......shall/set their palaces/in.. 532/695
Eze_26:9......shall/set engines/of........ 533/695
Eze_26:20.....shall/set thee in/the....... 534/695
Eze_26:20.....shall/set glory/in.......... 535/695
Eze_27:10......they/set forth thy/comeliness 536/695
Eze_28:2.......thou/set thine heart as the heart of God Behold thou/art 537/695
Eze_28:6.......hast/set thine heart as the heart of God Behold therefore/I 538/695
Eze_28:14......have/set thee so/thou...... 539/695 thy face against Zidon/and 540/695 thy face against Pharaoh/king 541/695
Eze_30:8.......have/set a fire/in......... 542/695
Eze_30:14......will/set fire in Zoan/and.. 543/695
Eze_30:16......will/set fire in Egypt/Sin. 544/695
Eze_31:4.......deep/set him up on/high.... 545/695
Eze_32:8........and/set darkness upon/thy. 546/695
Eze_32:23.......are/set in the sides/of... 547/695
Eze_32:25......have/set her a/bed......... 548/695
Eze_33:2........and/set him for/their..... 549/695
Eze_33:7.......have/set thee a/watchman... 550/695
Eze_34:23......will/set up one/shepherd... 551/695 thy face against mount/Seir 552/695
Eze_37:1........and/set me down/in........ 553/695
Eze_37:26......will/set my sanctuary/in... 554/695 thy face against Gog/the 555/695
Eze_39:9......shall/set on fire and burn/the 556/695
Eze_39:15........he/set up a sign by/it... 557/695
Eze_39:21......will/set my glory/among.... 558/695
Eze_40:2........and/set me upon a/very.... 559/695
Eze_40:4........and/set thine heart upon all/that 560/695
Eze_44:8.......have/set keepers/of........ 561/695
Dan_1:11........had/set over Daniel/Hananiah 562/695
Dan_2:44.....heaven/set up a kingdom/which 563/695
Dan_2:49.........he/set Shadrach/Meshach.. 564/695
Dan_3:1..........he/set it up in the/plain 565/695
Dan_3:2.........had/set up Then the/princes 566/695
Dan_3:3.........had/set up and they/stood. 567/695
Dan_3:3.........had/set up Then an/herald. 568/695
Dan_3:5........hath/set up And whoso/falleth 569/695
Dan_3:7.........had/set up Wherefore/at... 570/695
Dan_3:12.......hast/set over the affairs/of 571/695
Dan_3:12.......hast/set up Then Nebuchadnezzar/in 572/695
Dan_3:14.......have/set up Now/if......... 573/695
Dan_3:18.......hast/set up Then was/Nebuchadnezzar 574/695
Dan_5:19.........he/set up and whom/he.... 575/695 over the kingdom/an 576/695 him over the whole/realm 577/695
Dan_6:14........and/set his heart on/Daniel 578/695
Dan_7:10........was/set and the/books..... 579/695
Dan_8:18........and/set me upright/And.... 580/695
Dan_9:3...........I/set my face unto/the.. 581/695
Dan_9:10.........he/set before us by/his.. 582/695
Dan_10:10.....which/set me upon my knees/and 583/695
Dan_10:12.....didst/set thine heart to/understand 584/695
Dan_10:15.........I/set my face toward/the 585/695
Dan_11:11.....shall/set forth a great/multitude 586/695
Dan_11:13.....shall/set forth a multitude/greater 587/695
Dan_11:17......also/set his face to enter/with 588/695
Dan_12:11..desolate/set up there/shall.... 589/695
Hos_2:3.........and/set her as/in......... 590/695
Hos_2:3.........and/set her like/a........ 591/695
Hos_4:8........they/set their heart/on.... 592/695
Hos_6:11.......hath/set an harvest/for.... 593/695
Hos_8:1.......Egypt/Set the trumpet/to.... 594/695
Hos_8:4........have/set up kings/but...... 595/695
Hos_11:8..........I/set thee as Zeboim/mine 596/695
Joe_2:5......people/set in battle/array... 597/695
Amo_7:8........will/set a plumbline/in.... 598/695
Amo_8:5.........may/set forth wheat/making 599/695
Amo_9:4........will/set mine eyes upon them for evil/and 600/695
Oba_1:4........thou/set thy nest/among.... 601/695
Nah_3:6........will/set thee as a/gazingstock 602/695 wide/open......... 603/695
Hab_2:1.........and/set me upon the/tower. 604/695
Hab_2:9.........may/set his nest/on....... 605/695
Zec_3:5........them/set a fair mitre upon his head So/they 606/695
Zec_3:5........they/set a fair mitre upon his head and/clothed 607/695
Zec_5:11........and/set there upon/her.... 608/695
Zec_6:11........and/set them upon the/head 609/695
Zec_8:10..........I/set all men/every..... 610/695
Mal_3:15........are/set up yea/they....... 611/695
Mat_5:1.........was/set his disciples/came 612/695 on an/hill........ 613/695 a man at/variance. 614/695
Mat_18:2........and/set him in the midst of them And said/Verily 615/695
Mat_21:7.......they/set him thereon/And... 616/695
Mat_25:33.....shall/set the sheep/on...... 617/695
Mat_27:19.......was/set down on/the....... 618/695
Mat_27:37.......And/set up over/his....... 619/695
Mar_1:32........did/set they brought/unto. 620/695 on a candlestick/For 621/695 before them and the/two 622/695 before them and they/did 623/695
Mar_8:6.........did/set them before the people/And 624/695 them also/before.. 625/695 at nought But I/say 626/695
Mar_9:36........and/set him in the midst of them and when/he 627/695
Mar_12:1........and/set an hedge/about.... 628/695 forth in order/a.. 629/695 for the fall/and.. 630/695
Luk_4:9.........and/set him on a/pinnacle. 631/695 at liberty them/that 632/695 under/authority... 633/695 before the multitude/And 634/695
Luk_9:47........and/set him by/him........ 635/695
Luk_9:51.stedfastly/set his face to go to/Jerusalem 636/695
Luk_10:8........are/set before you And heal/the 637/695
Luk_10:34.......and/set him on his own/beast 638/695 before him And/he. 639/695
Luk_19:35......they/set Jesus/thereon..... 640/695
Luk_22:55......were/set down together/Peter 641/695
Luk_23:11.......war/set him at nought/and. 642/695
Joh_2:6........were/set there six/waterpots 643/695
Joh_2:10.......doth/set forth good/wine... 644/695
Joh_3:33.......hath/set to/his............ 645/695
Joh_6:11.......were/set down and/likewise. 646/695
Joh_8:3.........had/set her in/the........ 647/695
Joh_13:12.......was/set down again/he..... 648/695
Joh_19:29.......was/set a vessel/full..... 649/695
Act_4:7.........had/set them in the midst/they 650/695
Act_4:11........was/set at nought of/you.. 651/695
Act_5:27.......they/set them before the council/and 652/695
Act_6:6........they/set before the apostles/and 653/695
Act_6:13........And/set up false/witnesses 654/695 his foot/on....... 655/695
Act_7:26.......have/set them at/one....... 656/695
Act_12:21.........a/set day/Herod......... 657/695
Act_13:9......Ghost/set his eyes/on....... 658/695
Act_13:47......have/set thee to/be........ 659/695
Act_15:16......will/set it up That/the.... 660/695
Act_16:34........he/set meat before them/and 661/695
Act_17:5........and/set all the city/on... 662/695
Act_18:10.....shall/set on thee/to........ 663/695 at nought but also/that 664/695
Act_21:2........and/set forth Now/when.... 665/695
Act_22:30.......and/set him before them/And 666/695
Act_23:24.......may/set Paul/on........... 667/695
Act_26:32......been/set at liberty if/he.. 668/695
Rom_3:25.......hath/set forth to/be....... 669/695
Rom_14:10......thou/set at nought thy/brother 670/695
1Co_4:9........hath/set forth us/the...... 671/695 them to judge/who. 672/695 before you eat/asking 673/695
1Co_11:34.........I/set in order when/I... 674/695
1Co_12:18.......God/set the members/every. 675/695
1Co_12:28......hath/set some/in........... 676/695
Gal_3:1...evidently/set forth crucified/among 677/695
Eph_1:20........and/set him at his/own.... 678/695 for the defence/of 679/695
Col_3:2.........God/Set your affection/on. 680/695
Tit_1:5...shouldest/set in order the things that are wanting/and 681/695
Heb_2:7.......didst/set him over the works/of 682/695
Heb_6:18.......hope/set before us Which/hope 683/695 on the right/hand. 684/695 before us Looking/unto 685/695
Heb_12:2........was/set before him endured/the 686/695 down at/the....... 687/695 at liberty with/whom 688/695 on fire of/hell... 689/695
Jud_1:7.........are/set forth for/an...... 690/695
Rev_3:8........have/set before thee an/open 691/695 down with/my...... 692/695
Rev_4:2.........was/set in heaven/and..... 693/695
Rev_10:2.........he/set his right/foot.... 694/695
Rev_20:3........and/set a seal/upon....... 695/695