Gen_1:21...every/living creature that moveth which/the 1/147
Gen_1:24.....the/living creature after/his 2/147
Gen_1:28...every/living thing that moveth/upon 3/147
Gen_2:7........a/living soul And/the..... 4/147
Gen_2:19...every/living creature that was/the 5/147
Gen_3:20.....all/living Unto/Adam........ 6/147
Gen_6:19...every/living thing of/all..... 7/147
Gen_7:4....every/living substance that/I. 8/147
Gen_7:23...every/living substance was/destroyed 9/147
Gen_8:1....every/living thing and all/the 10/147
Gen_8:17...every/living thing that is/with 11/147
Gen_8:21...thing/living as/I............ 12/147
Gen_9:10...every/living creature that is with you of/the 13/147
Gen_9:12...every/living creature that is with you for/perpetual 14/147
Gen_9:15...every/living creature of all flesh and/the 15/147
Gen_9:16...every/living creature of all flesh that/is 16/147
Lev_11:10....any/living thing which/is.. 17/147
Lev_11:46..every/living creature that moveth in/the 18/147
Lev_14:6.....the/living bird he/shall... 19/147
Lev_14:6.....the/living bird in/the..... 20/147
Lev_14:7.....the/living bird loose/into. 21/147
Lev_14:51....the/living bird and dip/them 22/147
Lev_14:52....the/living bird and with/the 23/147
Lev_14:53....the/living bird out/of..... 24/147
Lev_20:25.....of/living thing that creepeth/on 25/147
Num_16:48....the/living and the plague/was 26/147
Deu_5:26.....the/living God speaking/out 27/147
Jos_3:10.....the/living God is among/you 28/147
Rut_2:20.....the/living and to/the...... 29/147
1Sa_17:26....the/living God And the/people 30/147
1Sa_17:36....the/living God David/said.. 31/147
2Sa_20:3...death/living in widowhood/Then 32/147
1Ki_3:22.....the/living is my son and/the 33/147
1Ki_3:22.....the/living is my son Thus/they 34/147
1Ki_3:23.....the/living And the king/said 35/147
1Ki_3:25.....the/living child in/two.... 36/147
1Ki_3:26.....the/living child was/unto.. 37/147
1Ki_3:26.....the/living child and in no wise slay it But/the 38/147
1Ki_3:27.....the/living child and in no wise slay it she/is 39/147
2Ki_19:4.....the/living God and will reprove the words which the LORD thy God hath heard wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that are/left 40/147
2Ki_19:16....the/living God Of a truth LORD the kings of Assyria have destroyed/the 41/147
Job_12:10..every/living thing and the/breath 42/147
Job_28:13....the/living The depth/saith. 43/147
Job_28:21....all/living and kept/close.. 44/147
Job_30:23....all/living Howbeit/he...... 45/147
Job_33:30....the/living Mark/well....... 46/147
Psa_27:13....the/living Wait/on......... 47/147
Psa_42:2.....the/living God when/shall.. 48/147
Psa_52:5.....the/living Selah/The....... 49/147
Psa_56:13....the/living Be merciful/unto 50/147
Psa_58:9....both/living and in/his...... 51/147
Psa_69:28....the/living and not be/written 52/147
Psa_84:2.....the/living God Yea/the..... 53/147
Psa_116:9....the/living I believed/therefore 54/147
Psa_142:5....the/living Attend/unto..... 55/147 be justified/For 56/147
Psa_145:16.every/living thing The/LORD.. 57/147
Ecc_4:2......the/living which are/yet... 58/147
Ecc_4:15.....the/living which walk/under 59/147
Ecc_6:8......the/living Better/is....... 60/147
Ecc_7:2......the/living will/lay........ 61/147
Ecc_9:4......the/living there is hope/for 62/147
Ecc_9:4........a/living dog/is.......... 63/147
Ecc_9:5......the/living know/that....... 64/147
Son_4:15......of/living waters and streams/from 65/147
Isa_4:3......the/living in Jerusalem/When 66/147
Isa_8:19.....the/living to/the.......... 67/147
Isa_37:4.....the/living God and will reprove the words which the LORD thy God hath heard wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is/left 68/147
Isa_37:17....the/living God Of a truth LORD the kings of Assyria have laid/waste 69/147
Isa_38:11....the/living I shall/behold.. 70/147
Isa_38:19....The/living the living/he... 71/147
Isa_38:19....the/living he/shall........ 72/147
Isa_53:8.....the/living for the/transgression 73/147
Jer_2:13......of/living waters and hewed/them 74/147
Jer_10:10....the/living God and an/everlasting 75/147
Jer_11:19....the/living that his/name... 76/147
Jer_17:13.....of/living waters Heal/me.. 77/147
Jer_23:36....the/living God of the/LORD. 78/147
Lam_3:39.......a/living man/complain.... 79/147
Eze_1:5.....four/living creatures And this/was 80/147
Eze_1:13.....the/living creatures their/appearance 81/147
Eze_1:13.....the/living creatures and the/fire 82/147
Eze_1:14.....the/living creatures ran/and 83/147
Eze_1:15.....the/living creatures behold/one 84/147
Eze_1:15.....the/living creatures with/his 85/147
Eze_1:19.....the/living creatures went/the 86/147
Eze_1:19.....the/living creatures were/lifted 87/147
Eze_1:20.....the/living creature was in the wheels When/those 88/147
Eze_1:21.....the/living creature was in the wheels And/the 89/147
Eze_1:22.....the/living creature was as/the 90/147
Eze_3:13.....the/living creatures that/touched 91/147
Eze_10:15....the/living creature that I saw by/the 92/147
Eze_10:17....the/living creature was in them/Then 93/147
Eze_10:20....the/living creature that I saw under/the 94/147
Eze_26:20....the/living I will/make..... 95/147
Eze_32:23....the/living There is Elam/and 96/147
Eze_32:24....the/living yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit They/have 97/147
Eze_32:25....the/living yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit he/is 98/147
Eze_32:26....the/living And they/shall.. 99/147
Eze_32:27....the/living Yea/thou....... 100/147
Eze_32:32....the/living and he/shall... 101/147
Dan_2:30.....any/living but for/their.. 102/147
Dan_4:17.....the/living may/know....... 103/147
Dan_6:20.....the/living God is thy/God. 104/147
Dan_6:26.....the/living God and stedfast/for 105/147
Hos_1:10.....the/living God Then/shall. 106/147
Zec_14:8....that/living waters shall/go 107/147
Mat_16:16....the/living God And Jesus/answered 108/147
Mat_22:32....the/living And when the/multitude 109/147
Mat_26:63....the/living God that/thou.. 110/147
Mar_12:27....the/living ye/therefore... 111/147
Mar_12:44....her/living And as/he...... 112/147
Luk_8:43.....her/living upon/physicians 113/147
Luk_15:12....his/living And not many/days 114/147
Luk_15:13riotous/living And when he/had 115/147
Luk_15:30....thy/living with/harlots... 116/147
Luk_20:38....the/living for all/live... 117/147
Luk_21:4.....the/living that she/had... 118/147
Luk_24:5.....the/living among/the...... 119/147
Joh_4:10....thee/living water The/woman 120/147
Joh_4:11....that/living water Art/thou. 121/147
Joh_6:51.....the/living bread/which.... 122/147
Joh_6:57.....the/living Father/hath.... 123/147
Joh_6:69.....the/living God Jesus/answered 124/147
Joh_7:38......of/living water But/this. 125/147
Act_14:15....the/living God which/made. 126/147
Rom_9:26.....the/living God Esaias/also 127/147
Rom_12:1.......a/living sacrifice/holy. 128/147
Rom_14:9.....and/living But why/dost... 129/147
1Co_15:45......a/living soul the/last.. 130/147
2Co_3:3......the/living God not/in..... 131/147
2Co_6:16.....the/living God as/God..... 132/147
Col_2:20..though/living in the/world... 133/147
1Th_1:9......the/living and true/God... 134/147
1Ti_3:15.....the/living God the pillar/and 135/147
1Ti_4:10.....the/living God who is/the. 136/147
1Ti_6:17.....the/living God who giveth/us 137/147
Tit_3:3pleasures/living in malice/and.. 138/147
Heb_3:12.....the/living God But exhort/one 139/147
Heb_9:14.....the/living God And for/this 140/147
Heb_10:20....and/living way/which...... 141/147
Heb_10:31....the/living God But call/to 142/147
Heb_12:22....the/living God the heavenly/Jerusalem 143/147
1Pe_2:4........a/living stone/disallowed 144/147
Rev_7:2......the/living God and he/cried 145/147
Rev_7:17....unto/living fountains/of... 146/147
Rev_16:3...every/living soul died/in... 147/147