Gen_1:3.............said/Let there be light/and. 1/1511
Gen_1:6.............said/Let there be a/firmament 2/1511
Gen_1:6..............and/let it divide/the...... 3/1511
Gen_1:9.............said/Let the waters under/the 4/1511
Gen_1:9..............and/let the dry/land....... 5/1511
Gen_1:11............said/Let the earth bring forth grass/the 6/1511
Gen_1:14............said/Let there be lights/in. 7/1511
Gen_1:14.............and/let them be for signs/and 8/1511
Gen_1:15.............And/let them be for lights/in 9/1511
Gen_1:20............said/Let the waters bring/forth 10/1511
Gen_1:22.............and/let fowl/multiply..... 11/1511
Gen_1:24............said/Let the earth bring forth the/living 12/1511
Gen_1:26............said/Let us make man/in.... 13/1511
Gen_1:26.............and/let them have/dominion 14/1511 us make brick/and. 15/1511 us build us/a..... 16/1511
Gen_11:4.............and/let us make us a name/lest 17/1511 us go down and/there 18/1511
Gen_13:8.............Lot/Let there be no strife/I 19/1511
Gen_14:24..........Mamre/let them take their/portion 20/1511
Gen_18:4.........servant/Let a little/water.... 21/1511
Gen_18:30.............Oh/let not the LORD be angry and I will speak Peradventure/there 22/1511
Gen_18:32.............Oh/let not the LORD be angry and I will speak yet/but 23/1511 me I pray you/bring 24/1511
Gen_19:20.............Oh/let me escape/thither. 25/1511
Gen_19:32...........Come/let us make our/father 26/1511
Gen_19:34.........father/let us make him/drink. 27/1511
Gen_21:12........Abraham/Let it not be grievous/in 28/1511
Gen_21:16...........said/Let me not see the/death 29/1511
Gen_24:14............And/let it come to/pass... 30/1511
Gen_24:14............say/Let down thy/pitcher.. 31/1511
Gen_24:14...........also/let the same be she/that 32/1511
Gen_24:17...........said/Let me I pray thee drink/a 33/1511
Gen_24:18............and/let down her pitcher upon/her 34/1511
Gen_24:44.........camels/let the same be the/woman 35/1511
Gen_24:45............her/Let me drink/I........ 36/1511
Gen_24:46............and/let down her pitcher from/her 37/1511
Gen_24:51............and/let her be thy/master's 38/1511
Gen_24:55...........said/Let the damsel/abide.. 39/1511
Gen_24:60............and/let thy seed/possess.. 40/1511
Gen_26:28...........said/Let there be now/an... 41/1511
Gen_26:28............and/let us make a covenant with thee/That 42/1511 people/serve...... 43/1511
Gen_27:29............and/let thy mother's/sons. 44/1511
Gen_27:31.........father/Let my father arise/and 45/1511
Gen_30:26............and/let me go for thou/knowest 46/1511
Gen_31:32...........gods/let him not live/before 47/1511
Gen_31:35.........father/Let it not displease/my 48/1511
Gen_31:44...........thou/let us make a covenant I/and 49/1511
Gen_31:44............and/let it be for/a....... 50/1511
Gen_32:26...........said/Let me go for the/day. 51/1511
Gen_32:26............not/let thee go except/thou 52/1511
Gen_33:12...........said/Let us take our journey/and 53/1511
Gen_33:12............and/let us go and I/will.. 54/1511
Gen_33:14............die/Let my lord I pray thee pass/over 55/1511
Gen_33:15...........said/Let me now leave/with. 56/1511 me find grace in the/sight 57/1511
Gen_34:11.......brethren/Let me find grace in your/eyes 58/1511
Gen_34:21......therefore/let them dwell in/the. 59/1511
Gen_34:21...........them/let us take their/daughters 60/1511
Gen_34:21............and/let us give/them...... 61/1511
Gen_34:23...........only/let us consent/unto... 62/1511
Gen_35:3.............And/let us arise/and...... 63/1511
Gen_37:17............say/Let us go to Dothan/And 64/1511
Gen_37:20............and/let us slay/him....... 65/1511
Gen_37:21...........said/Let us not kill/him... 66/1511
Gen_37:27............and/let us sell/him....... 67/1511
Gen_37:27............and/let not our/hand...... 68/1511
Gen_38:16...........thee/let me come/in........ 69/1511
Gen_38:23...........said/Let her take it/to.... 70/1511
Gen_38:24............and/let her be burnt/When. 71/1511
Gen_41:33......therefore/let Pharaoh look/out.. 72/1511
Gen_41:34..........Egypt/Let Pharaoh do/this... 73/1511
Gen_41:34............and/let him appoint/officers 74/1511
Gen_41:35............And/let them gather/all... 75/1511
Gen_41:35............and/let them keep/food.... 76/1511
Gen_42:16............and/let him fetch/your.... 77/1511 one of your/brethren 78/1511
Gen_43:9............then/let me bear/the....... 79/1511
Gen_44:9............both/let him die and/we.... 80/1511
Gen_44:10...........also/let it be according/unto 81/1511
Gen_44:18...........lord/let thy servant I pray thee speak/a 82/1511
Gen_44:18............and/let not thine anger burn/against 83/1511
Gen_44:33...........thee/let thy servant abide/instead 84/1511
Gen_44:33............and/let the lad/go........ 85/1511
Gen_46:30............Now/let me die since/I.... 86/1511
Gen_47:4............thee/let thy servants/dwell 87/1511
Gen_47:6..........Goshen/let them dwell and/if. 88/1511
Gen_47:25..........lives/let us find/grace..... 89/1511
Gen_48:16............and/let my name/be........ 90/1511
Gen_48:16............and/let them grow/into.... 91/1511
Gen_49:21...........hind/let loose he/giveth... 92/1511
Gen_50:5.......therefore/let me go up/I........ 93/1511
Exo_1:10..............on/let us deal/wisely.... 94/1511 us go we beseech/thee 95/1511
Exo_3:19.............not/let you go no/not..... 96/1511
Exo_3:20............will/let you go And I/will. 97/1511
Exo_4:18.............him/Let me go I pray thee and return/unto 98/1511
Exo_4:21.............not/let the people go And thou/shalt 99/1511
Exo_4:23............thee/Let my son/go........ 100/1511 him go behold/I.. 101/1511
Exo_4:26..............he/let him go then she/said 102/1511
Exo_5:1...........Israel/Let my people go that they may hold/a 103/1511 Israel go I/know. 104/1511
Exo_5:2................I/let Israel go And/they 105/1511 us go we pray thee three/days' 106/1511
Exo_5:4............Aaron/let the people from/their 107/1511
Exo_5:7.......heretofore/let them go and gather/straw 108/1511
Exo_5:8...........saying/Let us go and sacrifice/to 109/1511
Exo_5:9..............God/Let there more/work.. 110/1511
Exo_5:9..............and/let them not regard/vain 111/1511
Exo_5:17.............say/Let us go and do/sacrifice 112/1511
Exo_6:1...............he/let them go and with/a 113/1511
Exo_6:11..............he/let the children of Israel go out of his land And Moses/spake 114/1511 the people go Get/thee 115/1511
Exo_7:16..........saying/Let my people go that they may serve me in/the 116/1511
Exo_8:1.............LORD/Let my people go that they may serve me And/if 117/1511 them go behold I/will 118/1511
Exo_8:8.............will/let the people go that they/may 119/1511
Exo_8:20............LORD/Let my people go that they may serve me Else if thou wilt/not 120/1511
Exo_8:21.............not/let my people go behold I/will 121/1511
Exo_8:28............will/let you go that/ye... 122/1511
Exo_8:29.............but/let not Pharaoh/deal. 123/1511
Exo_8:32..............he/let the people go Then/the 124/1511
Exo_9:1..........Hebrews/Let my people go that they may serve me For if/thou 125/1511 them go and wilt/hold 126/1511
Exo_9:7..............not/let the people go And the/LORD 127/1511
Exo_9:8..............and/let Moses/sprinkle... 128/1511
Exo_9:13.........Hebrews/Let my people go that they may serve me For I/will 129/1511
Exo_9:17.............not/let them go Behold to/morrow 130/1511
Exo_9:28............will/let you go and ye/shall 131/1511
Exo_9:35..............he/let the children of Israel go as/the 132/1511 my people go that they may serve me Else if thou refuse/to 133/1511 my people go behold to/morrow 134/1511 the men go that/they 135/1511
Exo_10:10...........them/Let the LORD be so/with 136/1511
Exo_10:10...........will/let you go and your/little 137/1511
Exo_10:20............not/let the children of Israel go And/the 138/1511
Exo_10:24...........only/let your flocks/and.. 139/1511
Exo_10:24.........stayed/let your little/ones. 140/1511
Exo_10:27............not/let them go And Pharaoh/said 141/1511
Exo_11:1............will/let you go hence/when 142/1511
Exo_11:1...........shall/let you go he/shall.. 143/1511
Exo_11:2.............and/let every man borrow/of 144/1511
Exo_11:10............not/let the children of Israel go out of his land And the/LORD 145/1511
Exo_12:4............lamb/let him and/his...... 146/1511
Exo_12:10..........shall/let nothing of it/remain 147/1511
Exo_12:48...........LORD/let all his/males.... 148/1511
Exo_12:48...........then/let him come near and/keep 149/1511
Exo_13:15.........hardly/let us go that/the... 150/1511
Exo_13:17............had/let the people go that God/led 151/1511
Exo_14:5............have/let Israel go from/serving 152/1511
Exo_14:12.........saying/Let us alone that/we. 153/1511
Exo_14:25...........said/Let us flee from/the. 154/1511
Exo_16:19...........said/Let no man leave/of.. 155/1511 no man go/out.... 156/1511
Exo_17:11.............he/let down his/hand.... 157/1511
Exo_18:22............And/let them judge/the... 158/1511
Exo_18:27..........Moses/let his father/in.... 159/1511
Exo_19:10............and/let them wash their clothes And be/ready 160/1511
Exo_19:22............And/let the priests also/which 161/1511
Exo_19:24............but/let not the priests/and 162/1511
Exo_20:19............but/let not God speak/with 163/1511
Exo_21:8..............he/let her be redeemed/to 164/1511
Exo_21:26..........shall/let him go free for his eye's/sake 165/1511
Exo_21:27..........shall/let him go free for his tooth's/sake 166/1511
Exo_22:7...........found/let him pay/double... 167/1511
Exo_22:13...........then/let him bring it for/witness 168/1511
Exo_23:11..........shalt/let it rest and/lie.. 169/1511
Exo_23:13........neither/let it be heard/out.. 170/1511 him come unto them/And 171/1511
Exo_25:8.............And/let them make me/a... 172/1511
Exo_32:10......therefore/let me alone that my/wrath 173/1511
Exo_32:22...........said/Let not the anger/of. 174/1511 them break/it.... 175/1511
Exo_32:26...........side/let him come unto me And all/the 176/1511
Exo_33:12............not/let me know/whom..... 177/1511
Exo_34:3.........neither/let any man/be....... 178/1511
Exo_34:3.........neither/let the flocks/nor... 179/1511
Exo_34:9............LORD/let my LORD I pray thee go/among 180/1511
Exo_35:5...........heart/let him bring it an/offering 181/1511
Exo_36:6..........saying/Let neither man nor woman/make 182/1511
Lev_1:3.............herd/let him offer/a...... 183/1511
Lev_4:3.............then/let him bring for/his 184/1511
Lev_10:6.............but/let your brethren/the 185/1511
Lev_14:7...........shall/let the living/bird.. 186/1511
Lev_14:53..........shall/let go the living/bird 187/1511 him go for/a..... 188/1511
Lev_16:22..........shall/let go the goat in/the 189/1511
Lev_16:26...........that/let go the goat for/the 190/1511
Lev_18:21............not/let any of/thy....... 191/1511
Lev_19:19............not/let thy cattle/gender 192/1511
Lev_21:17........blemish/let him not approach/to 193/1511
Lev_24:14............and/let all that heard/him 194/1511
Lev_24:14............and/let all the congregation/stone 195/1511
Lev_25:27...........Then/let him count/the.... 196/1511
Num_5:8.............unto/let the trespass/be.. 197/1511
Num_6:5............shall/let the locks/of..... 198/1511
Num_8:7..............and/let them shave/all... 199/1511
Num_8:7..............and/let them wash their clothes and so/make 200/1511
Num_8:8.............Then/let them take a young/bullock 201/1511
Num_9:2...........saying/Let the children of Israel also/keep 202/1511
Num_10:35............and/let thine enemies be/scattered 203/1511
Num_10:35............and/let them that hate/thee 204/1511
Num_11:15............and/let me not see my/wretchedness 205/1511
Num_11:31............and/let them fall by the/camp 206/1511
Num_12:12.........sinned/Let her not be as/one 207/1511
Num_12:14...........days/let her be shut/out.. 208/1511
Num_12:14...........that/let her be received/in 209/1511
Num_13:30...........said/Let us go up at once/and 210/1511
Num_14:4.........another/Let us make a captain/and 211/1511
Num_14:4.............and/let us return into/Egypt 212/1511
Num_14:17...........thee/let the power/of..... 213/1511
Num_16:38..........souls/let them make them/broad 214/1511
Num_20:17.........border/Let us pass I/pray... 215/1511
Num_21:22.........saying/Let me pass through thy land we/will 216/1511
Num_21:27........Heshbon/let the city/of...... 217/1511
Num_22:16.........Zippor/Let nothing I/pray... 218/1511
Num_23:10.........Israel/Let me die the/death. 219/1511
Num_23:10............and/let my last/end...... 220/1511
Num_27:16.........saying/Let the LORD the/God. 221/1511
Num_31:3.............and/let them go against/the 222/1511
Num_32:5...........sight/let this land/be..... 223/1511 remain of/them... 224/1511
Num_36:6..........saying/Let them marry to/whom 225/1511
Deu_2:27..........saying/Let me pass through thy land I/will 226/1511
Deu_2:30.............not/let us pass by/him... 227/1511
Deu_3:25............thee/let me go over and/see 228/1511 it suffice thee/speak 229/1511
Deu_9:14..........people/Let me alone that I may destroy/them 230/1511
Deu_13:2..........saying/Let us go after/other 231/1511
Deu_13:2.............and/let us serve/them.... 232/1511
Deu_13:6..........saying/Let us go and serve other gods which thou/hast 233/1511
Deu_13:13.........saying/Let us go and serve other gods which ye/have 234/1511
Deu_15:12..........shalt/let him go free from thee And/when 235/1511
Deu_15:13............not/let him go away/empty 236/1511
Deu_18:16.........saying/Let me not hear/again 237/1511
Deu_18:16........neither/let me see this/great 238/1511
Deu_20:3.........enemies/let not your hearts/faint 239/1511 him go and return to/his 240/1511 him also go/and.. 241/1511
Deu_20:7.............her/let him go and return unto his house lest he/die 242/1511
Deu_20:8....fainthearted/let him go and return unto his house lest his/brethren's 243/1511
Deu_21:14..........shalt/let her go whither/she 244/1511
Deu_22:7............wise/let the dam/go....... 245/1511
Deu_24:1............then/let him write/her.... 246/1511
Deu_25:7............then/let his brother's/wife 247/1511
Deu_32:38......offerings/let them rise/up..... 248/1511
Deu_33:6........together/Let Reuben/live...... 249/1511
Deu_33:6.............and/let not his men/be... 250/1511
Deu_33:7..........people/let his hands/be..... 251/1511
Deu_33:8............said/Let thy Thummim/and.. 252/1511
Deu_33:16...........bush/let the blessing/come 253/1511
Deu_33:24...........said/Let Asher/be......... 254/1511
Deu_33:24.......children/let him be acceptable/to 255/1511
Deu_33:24............and/let him dip/his...... 256/1511
Jos_2:15.............she/let them down by a/cord 257/1511
Jos_2:18...........didst/let us down/by....... 258/1511
Jos_4:22...........shall/let your children know/saying 259/1511
Jos_6:6..............and/let seven priests/bear 260/1511
Jos_6:7..............and/let him that is armed/pass 261/1511
Jos_7:3..............him/Let not all the people/go 262/1511
Jos_7:3..............but/let about/two........ 263/1511
Jos_8:22............they/let none of them/remain 264/1511 them live and/the 265/1511
Jos_9:20............even/let them live lest/wrath 266/1511
Jos_9:21............them/Let them live but/let 267/1511
Jos_9:21.............but/let them be hewers/of 268/1511
Jos_10:28.............he/let none remain and/he 269/1511
Jos_10:30.............he/let none remain in/it 270/1511
Jos_22:23........thereon/let the LORD himself/require 271/1511
Jos_22:26...........said/Let us now prepare/to 272/1511
Jos_24:28.........Joshua/let the people depart/every 273/1511
Jdg_1:25............they/let go the man/and... 274/1511
Jdg_2:6..............had/let the people go the/children 275/1511
Jdg_5:31..............So/let all thine/enemies 276/1511
Jdg_5:31.............but/let them that love/him 277/1511
Jdg_6:31.............him/let him be put/to.... 278/1511
Jdg_6:31.............god/let him plead/for.... 279/1511
Jdg_6:32..........saying/Let Baal/plead....... 280/1511
Jdg_6:39.............God/Let not thine anger be/hot 281/1511
Jdg_6:39............once/let me prove/I....... 282/1511
Jdg_6:39..........fleece/let it now/be........ 283/1511
Jdg_6:39..........ground/let there be dew/And. 284/1511
Jdg_7:3...........afraid/let him return and/depart 285/1511
Jdg_7:7..............and/let all the other/people 286/1511
Jdg_9:15.............not/let fire come out of/the 287/1511
Jdg_9:19.............and/let him also rejoice/in 288/1511
Jdg_9:20.............not/let fire come out from Abimelech/and 289/1511
Jdg_9:20.............and/let fire come out from the/men 290/1511
Jdg_10:14.........chosen/let them deliver you/in 291/1511
Jdg_11:17.........saying/Let me I pray thee pass/through 292/1511
Jdg_11:19............him/Let us pass we/pray.. 293/1511
Jdg_11:37.........father/Let this thing/be.... 294/1511 me alone two/months 295/1511
Jdg_12:5............said/Let me go over that/the 296/1511
Jdg_13:8............Lord/let the man/of....... 297/1511
Jdg_13:12............Now/let thy words come/to 298/1511
Jdg_13:13..........woman/let her beware/She... 299/1511
Jdg_13:14........neither/let her drink/wine... 300/1511
Jdg_13:14............her/let her observe/And.. 301/1511
Jdg_13:15...........thee/let us detain/thee... 302/1511
Jdg_15:5..............he/let them go into/the. 303/1511
Jdg_16:30...........said/Let me die with/the.. 304/1511
Jdg_18:25............him/Let not thy voice/be. 305/1511
Jdg_19:6.............and/let thine heart be merry And/when 306/1511
Jdg_19:11............and/let us turn/in....... 307/1511
Jdg_19:13............and/let us draw near to/one 308/1511
Jdg_19:20......howsoever/let all thy wants/lie 309/1511
Jdg_19:25...........they/let her go Then/came. 310/1511
Jdg_19:28............and/let us be going But/none 311/1511
Jdg_20:32...........said/Let us flee and/draw. 312/1511
Rut_2:2............Naomi/Let me now go/to..... 313/1511 me glean/and..... 314/1511
Rut_2:9..........maidens/Let thine eyes be/on. 315/1511
Rut_2:13............said/Let me find favour/in 316/1511
Rut_2:15..........saying/Let her glean/even... 317/1511
Rut_2:16.............And/let fall/also........ 318/1511
Rut_3:13............well/let him do the/kinsman's 319/1511
Rut_3:14............said/Let it not be known/that 320/1511
Rut_4:12.............And/let thy house/be..... 321/1511
1Sa_1:18............said/Let thine handmaid find/grace 322/1511
1Sa_2:3..........proudly/let not arrogancy/come 323/1511
1Sa_2:16.............him/Let them not fail/to. 324/1511
1Sa_3:18............LORD/let him do what seemeth/him 325/1511
1Sa_3:19.............did/let none of his/words 326/1511
1Sa_4:3......Philistines/Let us fetch/the..... 327/1511
1Sa_5:8.........answered/Let the ark/of....... 328/1511
1Sa_5:11.............and/let it go again/to... 329/1511
1Sa_6:6..............not/let the people go and they/departed 330/1511
1Sa_9:5..............and/let us return lest/my 331/1511 us go thither/peradventure 332/1511
1Sa_9:9..............and/let us go to the/seer 333/1511
1Sa_9:10............come/let us go So they/went 334/1511
1Sa_9:19............will/let thee go and/will. 335/1511
1Sa_10:7.............And/let it be when these/signs 336/1511
1Sa_11:14............and/let us go to Gilgal/and 337/1511
1Sa_13:3..........saying/Let the Hebrews/hear. 338/1511
1Sa_14:1.............and/let us go over to/the 339/1511
1Sa_14:6.............and/let us go over unto the garrison/of 340/1511
1Sa_14:36...........said/Let us go down after/the 341/1511
1Sa_14:36............and/let us not leave/a... 342/1511
1Sa_14:36.........priest/Let us draw near hither/unto 343/1511
1Sa_16:16...........thee/Let our lord/now..... 344/1511
1Sa_16:22.........saying/Let David I/pray..... 345/1511
1Sa_17:8.............and/let him come down/to. 346/1511
1Sa_17:32...........Saul/Let no man's/heart... 347/1511
1Sa_18:2...........would/let him go no/more... 348/1511
1Sa_18:17...........said/Let not mine hand/be. 349/1511
1Sa_18:17............but/let the hand/of...... 350/1511
1Sa_19:4.............him/Let not the king sin/against 351/1511
1Sa_19:12.........Michal/let David down/through 352/1511 me go why/should. 353/1511
1Sa_20:3...........saith/Let not Jonathan/know 354/1511
1Sa_20:5.............but/let me go that/I..... 355/1511
1Sa_20:11............and/let us go out/into... 356/1511
1Sa_20:16.........saying/Let the LORD even/require 357/1511
1Sa_20:29...........said/Let me go I pray thee for/our 358/1511
1Sa_20:29...........eyes/let me get/away...... 359/1511 no man know any/thing 360/1511
1Sa_21:13............and/let his spittle/fall. 361/1511
1Sa_22:3............Moab/Let my father and/my. 362/1511 not the king impute/any 363/1511
1Sa_24:19.............he/let him go well/away. 364/1511
1Sa_25:8.......Wherefore/let the young men find/favour 365/1511 this iniquity/be. 366/1511
1Sa_25:24............and/let thine handmaid I pray thee speak in/thine 367/1511
1Sa_25:25.......handmaid/Let not my lord I/pray 368/1511 thine enemies and/they 369/1511
1Sa_25:27...........lord/let it even be given/unto 370/1511
1Sa_25:41.........Behold/let thine handmaid be/a 371/1511
1Sa_26:8.......therefore/let me smite/him..... 372/1511
1Sa_26:11............and/let us go So David/took 373/1511
1Sa_26:19...........thee/let my lord the king hear/the 374/1511 him accept/an.... 375/1511
1Sa_26:20......therefore/let not my blood/fall 376/1511
1Sa_26:22............and/let one of the/young. 377/1511 my life be much/set 378/1511
1Sa_26:24............and/let him deliver me/out 379/1511
1Sa_27:5............eyes/let them give me/a... 380/1511
1Sa_28:22............and/let me set/a......... 381/1511
1Sa_29:4.............and/let him not go/down.. 382/1511
2Sa_1:21..........Gilboa/let there be no dew/neither 383/1511
2Sa_1:21.........neither/let there be rain/upon 384/1511 your hands be strengthened/and 385/1511
2Sa_2:14............Joab/Let the young men now/arise 386/1511
2Sa_2:14............said/Let them arise Then/there 387/1511
2Sa_3:29.............Ner/Let it rest on/the... 388/1511
2Sa_3:29.............and/let there not/fail... 389/1511
2Sa_5:24.............And/let it be when thou/hearest 390/1511
2Sa_7:26.............And/let thy name/be...... 391/1511
2Sa_7:26.............and/let the house of thy servant David/be 392/1511 it please thee to bless the house of thy servant that it may continue/for 393/1511
2Sa_7:29........blessing/let the house of thy servant be/blessed 394/1511
2Sa_10:12............and/let us play/the...... 395/1511
2Sa_11:12...........will/let thee depart/So... 396/1511
2Sa_11:25...........Joab/Let not this/thing... 397/1511
2Sa_13:5............thee/let my sister/Tamar.. 398/1511
2Sa_13:6............thee/let Tamar/my......... 399/1511
2Sa_13:24..sheepshearers/let the king I/beseech 400/1511
2Sa_13:25............son/let us not all/now... 401/1511
2Sa_13:26...........thee/let my brother/Amnon. 402/1511
2Sa_13:27.............he/let Amnon/and........ 403/1511
2Sa_13:32...........said/Let not my lord suppose/that 404/1511
2Sa_13:33......therefore/let not my lord the/king 405/1511
2Sa_14:11...........thee/let the king remember/the 406/1511
2Sa_14:12...........said/Let thine handmaid I pray thee speak one/word 407/1511
2Sa_14:18...........said/Let my lord the king now/speak 408/1511
2Sa_14:24...........said/Let him turn to/his.. 409/1511
2Sa_14:24............and/let him not see/my... 410/1511
2Sa_14:32......therefore/let me see the/king's 411/1511 him kill/me...... 412/1511
2Sa_15:7............thee/let me go and/pay.... 413/1511
2Sa_15:14............and/let us flee for/we... 414/1511
2Sa_15:26..............I/let him do to/me..... 415/1511
2Sa_16:9............king/let me go over I/pray 416/1511 him curse because/the 417/1511 him alone and/let 418/1511
2Sa_16:11............and/let him curse for/the 419/1511
2Sa_17:1.........Absalom/Let me now choose/out 420/1511
2Sa_17:5.............and/let us hear likewise/what 421/1511
2Sa_18:19..........Zadok/Let me now run/and... 422/1511
2Sa_18:22......howsoever/let me I pray thee also/run 423/1511
2Sa_18:23.............he/let me run/And....... 424/1511
2Sa_19:19...........king/Let not my lord impute/iniquity 425/1511
2Sa_19:30............Yea/let him take all/forasmuch 426/1511
2Sa_19:37.........reward/Let thy servant I pray thee turn/back 427/1511
2Sa_19:37........Chimham/let him go over/with. 428/1511
2Sa_20:11..........David/let him go after/Joab 429/1511
2Sa_21:6..........Israel/Let seven men/of..... 430/1511
2Sa_24:14.........strait/let us fall now/into. 431/1511
2Sa_24:14............and/let me not fall into the hand of man So the LORD sent a/pestilence 432/1511
2Sa_24:17...........done/let thine hand I pray thee be/against 433/1511
2Sa_24:22..........David/Let my lord the king take/and 434/1511
1Ki_1:2..............him/Let there be sought/for 435/1511
1Ki_1:2..............and/let her stand/before. 436/1511
1Ki_1:2..............and/let her cherish/him.. 437/1511
1Ki_1:2..............and/let her lie/in....... 438/1511
1Ki_1:12............come/let me I pray thee give/thee 439/1511
1Ki_1:31............said/Let my lord king/David 440/1511
1Ki_1:34.............And/let Zadok/the........ 441/1511
1Ki_1:51..........saying/Let king/Solomon..... 442/1511
1Ki_2:6..............and/let not his hoar/head 443/1511
1Ki_2:7..............and/let them be of/those. 444/1511
1Ki_2:21............said/Let Abishag/the...... 445/1511
1Ki_3:26............said/Let it be neither/mine 446/1511
1Ki_8:26..........Israel/let thy word I pray thee be verified/which 447/1511
1Ki_8:57.........fathers/let him not leave/us. 448/1511
1Ki_8:59.............And/let these my/words... 449/1511
1Ki_8:61............else/Let your heart/therefore 450/1511
1Ki_11:21........Pharaoh/Let me depart/that... 451/1511
1Ki_11:22........howbeit/let me go in/any..... 452/1511
1Ki_17:21...........thee/let this child's/soul 453/1511 them therefore give/us 454/1511
1Ki_18:23............and/let them choose/one.. 455/1511 him be God/And... 456/1511
1Ki_18:36.........Israel/let it be known/this. 457/1511
1Ki_18:40...........Baal/let not one/of....... 458/1511
1Ki_19:2..............So/let the gods/do...... 459/1511
1Ki_19:20...........said/Let me I pray thee kiss/my 460/1511
1Ki_20:11............him/Let not him that girdeth/on 461/1511
1Ki_20:23............but/let us fight/against. 462/1511
1Ki_20:31..........kings/let us I/pray........ 463/1511
1Ki_20:32...........thee/let me live/And...... 464/1511
1Ki_20:42...........hast/let go out/of........ 465/1511
1Ki_21:7.............and/let thine heart be merry I/will 466/1511
1Ki_22:8............said/Let not the king say so Then/the 467/1511
1Ki_22:13..........mouth/let thy word I pray thee be like/the 468/1511
1Ki_22:17.........master/let them return every/man 469/1511
1Ki_22:49....Jehoshaphat/Let my servants/go... 470/1511
2Ki_1:10............then/let fire come down from heaven and consume thee and thy fifty And there/came 471/1511
2Ki_1:12.............God/let fire come down from heaven and consume thee and thy fifty And the/fire 472/1511
2Ki_1:13............thee/let my life and/the.. 473/1511
2Ki_1:14.......therefore/let my life now/be... 474/1511
2Ki_2:9.............thee/let a double/portion. 475/1511 them go we/pray.. 476/1511
2Ki_4:10.....continually/Let us make a little/chamber 477/1511
2Ki_4:10.............and/let us set/for....... 478/1511
2Ki_4:27............said/Let her alone for/her 479/1511
2Ki_5:8..........clothes/let him come now/to.. 480/1511
2Ki_5:24..............he/let the men go and/they 481/1511 us go we pray thee unto/Jordan 482/1511
2Ki_6:2..............and/let us make us a place/there 483/1511
2Ki_7:4..............and/let us fall unto/the. 484/1511
2Ki_7:13............said/Let some/take........ 485/1511
2Ki_7:13.............and/let us send and/see.. 486/1511
2Ki_9:15............then/let none go forth/nor 487/1511
2Ki_9:17.............and/let him say/Is....... 488/1511
2Ki_10:19........priests/let none be/wanting.. 489/1511
2Ki_10:25...........them/let none come forth/And 490/1511
2Ki_11:8..........ranges/let him be slain and/be 491/1511
2Ki_11:15...........said/Let her not be slain/in 492/1511
2Ki_12:5............LORD/Let the priests take/it 493/1511
2Ki_12:5.............and/let them repair/the.. 494/1511
2Ki_13:21............was/let down and/touched. 495/1511
2Ki_14:8............Come/let us look/one...... 496/1511
2Ki_17:27............and/let them go and dwell/there 497/1511
2Ki_17:27............and/let him teach/them... 498/1511
2Ki_18:29...........king/Let not Hezekiah deceive you for he shall not be able to deliver you out/of 499/1511
2Ki_18:30........Neither/let Hezekiah make you trust in the LORD saying The LORD will surely deliver us and/this 500/1511
2Ki_19:10.........saying/Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be delivered/into 501/1511
2Ki_20:10............but/let the shadow/return 502/1511
2Ki_22:5.............And/let them deliver it/into 503/1511
2Ki_22:5.............and/let them give it/to.. 504/1511
2Ki_23:18...........said/Let him alone let/no. 505/1511
2Ki_23:18..........alone/let no man move/his.. 506/1511
2Ki_23:18...........they/let his bones/alone.. 507/1511
1Ch_13:2.............God/let us send abroad/unto 508/1511
1Ch_13:3.............And/let us bring/again... 509/1511 the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 510/1511
1Ch_16:31..........moved/Let the heavens be/glad 511/1511
1Ch_16:31............and/let the earth rejoice and/let 512/1511
1Ch_16:31............and/let men say/among.... 513/1511
1Ch_16:32.......reigneth/Let the sea roar and the fulness thereof let the fields/rejoice 514/1511
1Ch_16:32........thereof/let the fields/rejoice 515/1511
1Ch_17:23...........LORD/let the thing/that... 516/1511
1Ch_17:24...........said/Let it even be established/that 517/1511
1Ch_17:24............and/let the house of David/thy 518/1511
1Ch_17:27......therefore/let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant that it may be/before 519/1511
1Ch_19:13............and/let us behave/ourselves 520/1511
1Ch_19:13............and/let the LORD do/that. 521/1511
1Ch_21:13.........strait/let me fall/now...... 522/1511
1Ch_21:13............but/let me not fall into the hand of man So the LORD sent pestilence/upon 523/1511
1Ch_21:17...........done/let thine hand I pray thee O/LORD 524/1511
1Ch_21:23............and/let my lord the king do/that 525/1511
2Ch_1:9..............God/let thy promise/unto. 526/1511
2Ch_2:15..............of/let him send/unto.... 527/1511
2Ch_6:17..........Israel/let thy word be/verified 528/1511
2Ch_6:40.............God/let I beseech/thee... 529/1511
2Ch_6:40.............and/let thine ears be attent/unto 530/1511
2Ch_6:41........strength/let thy priests O/LORD 531/1511
2Ch_6:41.............and/let thy saints rejoice/in 532/1511
2Ch_14:7...........Judah/Let us build these/cities 533/1511
2Ch_14:11............God/let no man prevail/against 534/1511
2Ch_15:7.............and/let not your hands/be 535/1511
2Ch_16:1...........might/let none go out/or... 536/1511
2Ch_16:5.............and/let his work/cease... 537/1511
2Ch_18:7............said/Let not the king say so And/the 538/1511
2Ch_18:12.........assent/let thy word therefore/I 539/1511
2Ch_18:16.........master/let them return therefore/every 540/1511 the fear/of...... 541/1511
2Ch_20:10............not/let Israel invade/when 542/1511
2Ch_23:6.............But/let none come into/the 543/1511
2Ch_23:14............her/let him be slain with/the 544/1511
2Ch_25:7............king/let not the army/of.. 545/1511
2Ch_25:17...........Come/let us see one/another 546/1511
2Ch_32:15......therefore/let not Hezekiah deceive you nor/persuade 547/1511
2Ch_36:23............and/let him go up Now/in. 548/1511
Ezr_1:3..............and/let him go up to/Jerusalem 549/1511
Ezr_1:4.......sojourneth/let the men of/his... 550/1511
Ezr_4:2.............them/Let us build with/you 551/1511
Ezr_5:15.............and/let the house of God/be 552/1511
Ezr_5:17............king/let there be search/made 553/1511
Ezr_5:17.............and/let the king send/his 554/1511
Ezr_6:3........Jerusalem/Let the house be/builded 555/1511
Ezr_6:3..............and/let the foundations/thereof 556/1511
Ezr_6:4..............and/let the expenses/be.. 557/1511
Ezr_6:5.............also/let the golden/and... 558/1511
Ezr_6:7...........thence/Let the work/of...... 559/1511
Ezr_6:7............alone/let the governor/of.. 560/1511
Ezr_6:9........Jerusalem/let it be given/them. 561/1511
Ezr_6:11............word/let timber/be........ 562/1511
Ezr_6:11..............up/let him be hanged/thereon 563/1511
Ezr_6:11.............and/let his house/be..... 564/1511
Ezr_6:12..........decree/let it be done with/speed 565/1511
Ezr_7:23..........heaven/let it be diligently/done 566/1511
Ezr_7:26............king/let judgment be/executed 567/1511
Ezr_10:3.......therefore/let us make a covenant with our/God 568/1511
Ezr_10:3.............and/let it be done according/to 569/1511
Ezr_10:14..........thing/Let now our/rulers... 570/1511
Ezr_10:14............and/let all them/which... 571/1511
Neh_1:6.....commandments/Let thine ear/now.... 572/1511
Neh_1:11............thee/let now thine/ear.... 573/1511
Neh_2:3.............king/Let the king live/for 574/1511
Neh_2:7.............king/let letters/be....... 575/1511
Neh_2:17.............and/let us build up/the.. 576/1511
Neh_2:18............said/Let us rise up and/build 577/1511
Neh_4:5..............and/let not their/sin.... 578/1511
Neh_4:22..........people/Let every one with/his 579/1511 us leave/off..... 580/1511
Neh_6:2.............Come/let us meet together in some/one 581/1511
Neh_6:7..............and/let us take counsel/together 582/1511
Neh_6:10............said/Let us meet together in the/house 583/1511
Neh_6:10.............and/let us shut/the...... 584/1511
Neh_7:3.............them/Let not the gates/of. 585/1511 them shut/the.... 586/1511
Neh_9:32...........mercy/let not all the trouble/seem 587/1511
Est_1:19............king/let there go/a....... 588/1511
Est_1:19.............and/let it be written among/the 589/1511
Est_1:19.............and/let the king give/her 590/1511
Est_2:2..............him/Let there be fair/young 591/1511
Est_2:3..............And/let the king appoint/officers 592/1511
Est_2:3..............and/let their things/for. 593/1511
Est_2:4..............And/let the maiden/which. 594/1511
Est_3:9.............king/let it be written that/they 595/1511
Est_5:4.............king/let the king and Haman come this/day 596/1511
Est_5:8..........request/let the king and Haman come to/the 597/1511
Est_5:12.............did/let no man come/in... 598/1511
Est_5:14.............him/Let a gallows/be..... 599/1511
Est_6:5.............said/Let him come in/So... 600/1511
Est_6:8...........honour/Let the royal/apparel 601/1511
Est_6:9..............And/let this apparel/and. 602/1511
Est_6:10............gate/let nothing fail/of.. 603/1511
Est_7:3.............king/let my life be given/me 604/1511
Est_8:5.............eyes/let it be written to/reverse 605/1511
Est_9:13............king/let it be granted/to. 606/1511
Est_9:13.............and/let Haman's/ten...... 607/1511
Job_3:3.............said/Let the day/perish... 608/1511
Job_3:4........conceived/Let that day/be...... 609/1511
Job_3:4.........darkness/let not God regard/it 610/1511
Job_3:4..........neither/let the light/shine.. 611/1511 darkness and/the. 612/1511 a cloud/dwell.... 613/1511 the blackness/of. 614/1511
Job_3:6............night/let darkness seize/upon 615/1511 it not be joined/unto 616/1511
Job_3:6.............year/let it not come/into. 617/1511
Job_3:7...............Lo/let that night/be.... 618/1511
Job_3:7.........solitary/let no joyful/voice.. 619/1511
Job_3:8..........therein/Let them curse it/that 620/1511
Job_3:9.........mourning/Let the stars/of..... 621/1511
Job_3:9.............dark/let it look/for...... 622/1511
Job_3:9..........neither/let it see/the....... 623/1511
Job_6:9............would/let loose his/hand... 624/1511
Job_6:10..........sorrow/let him not spare/for 625/1511 it not be iniquity/yea 626/1511
Job_7:16...........alway/let me alone for/my.. 627/1511
Job_7:19.............nor/let me alone till/I.. 628/1511
Job_9:34............both/Let him take his/rod. 629/1511
Job_9:34.............and/let not his fear/terrify 630/1511
Job_10:20............and/let me alone that I may take/comfort 631/1511
Job_11:14............and/let not wickedness/dwell 632/1511
Job_13:13..........peace/let me alone that I may speak/and 633/1511
Job_13:13............and/let come/on.......... 634/1511
Job_13:21............and/let not thy dread/make 635/1511
Job_13:22.............or/let me speak/and..... 636/1511
Job_15:31...........away/Let not him that is/deceived 637/1511
Job_16:18............and/let my cry have/no... 638/1511
Job_21:2.............and/let this be your/consolations 639/1511
Job_27:6.............not/let it go my/heart... 640/1511 mine enemy/be.... 641/1511
Job_30:11...........also/let loose the/bridle. 642/1511
Job_31:6..........deceit/Let me be weighed/in. 643/1511
Job_31:8............Then/let me sow/and....... 644/1511
Job_31:8.............and/let another eat/yea.. 645/1511
Job_31:8.............yea/let my offspring/be.. 646/1511
Job_31:10...........Then/let my wife/grind.... 647/1511
Job_31:10............and/let others/bow....... 648/1511
Job_31:22...........Then/let mine arm/fall.... 649/1511 thistles/grow.... 650/1511
Job_32:21.........answer/Let me not I/pray.... 651/1511
Job_32:21........neither/let me give/flattering 652/1511
Job_34:4............meat/Let us choose/to..... 653/1511
Job_34:4........judgment/let us know/among.... 654/1511
Job_34:34........knowest/Let men of/understanding 655/1511
Job_34:34............and/let a wise/man....... 656/1511
Job_40:2.............God/let him answer/it.... 657/1511
Psa_2:3...........saying/Let us break/their... 658/1511
Psa_5:10.............God/let them fall by their/own 659/1511
Psa_5:11.............But/let all those that put/their 660/1511
Psa_5:11.........rejoice/let them ever/shout.. 661/1511
Psa_5:11............them/let them also that love/thy 662/1511
Psa_6:10..........prayer/Let all mine/enemies. 663/1511
Psa_6:10...........vexed/let them return and be/ashamed 664/1511
Psa_7:5............enemy/Let the enemy/persecute 665/1511
Psa_7:5..............yea/let him tread/down... 666/1511
Psa_7:9...............Oh/let the wickedness/of 667/1511
Psa_9:19............LORD/let not man prevail/let 668/1511
Psa_9:19.........prevail/let the heathen be judged/in 669/1511
Psa_10:2............poor/let them be taken/in. 670/1511
Psa_17:2............lips/Let my sentence/come. 671/1511
Psa_17:2........presence/let thine eyes behold/the 672/1511
Psa_18:46............and/let the God/of....... 673/1511
Psa_19:13...........sins/let them not have/dominion 674/1511
Psa_19:14..transgression/Let the words/of..... 675/1511
Psa_20:9............LORD/let the king hear/us. 676/1511
Psa_22:8.............him/let him deliver him seeing/he 677/1511
Psa_25:2............thee/let me not be ashamed let/not 678/1511
Psa_25:2.........ashamed/let not mine enemies/triumph 679/1511
Psa_25:3.............Yea/let none that/wait... 680/1511
Psa_25:3.........ashamed/let them be ashamed which/transgress 681/1511 me not be ashamed for/I 682/1511
Psa_25:21...........thee/Let integrity/and.... 683/1511 me never be ashamed/deliver 684/1511
Psa_31:17...........sake/Let me not be ashamed O/LORD 685/1511
Psa_31:17...........thee/let the wicked be ashamed/and 686/1511
Psa_31:17............and/let them be silent/in 687/1511
Psa_31:18..........grave/Let the lying/lips... 688/1511
Psa_33:8.....storehouses/Let all the earth fear/the 689/1511
Psa_33:8............LORD/let all the inhabitants of the world/stand 690/1511 thy mercy/O...... 691/1511
Psa_34:3.............and/let us exalt/his..... 692/1511
Psa_35:4.......salvation/Let them be confounded and put/to 693/1511
Psa_35:4............soul/let them be turned back and/brought 694/1511
Psa_35:5............hurt/Let them be as chaff/before 695/1511
Psa_35:5.............and/let the angel of the LORD chase/them 696/1511
Psa_35:6............them/Let their way/be..... 697/1511
Psa_35:6.............and/let the angel of the LORD persecute/them 698/1511
Psa_35:8............soul/Let destruction/come. 699/1511
Psa_35:8.............and/let his net/that..... 700/1511
Psa_35:8.....destruction/let him fall/And..... 701/1511
Psa_35:19.........people/Let not them that are mine/enemies 702/1511
Psa_35:19........neither/let them wink/with... 703/1511
Psa_35:24............and/let them not rejoice/over 704/1511 them not say in/their 705/1511 them not say We/have 706/1511
Psa_35:26.............up/Let them be ashamed and brought/to 707/1511
Psa_35:26...........hurt/let them be clothed/with 708/1511 them shout for/joy 709/1511
Psa_35:27............yea/let them say continually/Let 710/1511
Psa_35:27....continually/Let the LORD be magnified/which 711/1511
Psa_36:11..........heart/Let not the foot/of.. 712/1511
Psa_36:11............and/let not the hand/of.. 713/1511
Psa_40:11...........LORD/let thy lovingkindness/and 714/1511 them be ashamed and confounded together/that 715/1511 them be driven/backward 716/1511
Psa_40:15...........evil/Let them be desolate/for 717/1511
Psa_40:16............aha/Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee let/such 718/1511
Psa_40:16...........thee/let such as love thy salvation say continually The/LORD 719/1511
Psa_43:3...........truth/let them lead/me..... 720/1511 them bring me/unto 721/1511
Psa_48:11..righteousness/Let mount/Zion....... 722/1511
Psa_48:11........rejoice/let the daughters/of. 723/1511 death/seize...... 724/1511
Psa_55:15............and/let them go down quick/into 725/1511
Psa_57:5.........heavens/let thy glory be above all the earth They/have 726/1511
Psa_57:11........heavens/let thy glory be above all the earth Do/ye 727/1511
Psa_58:7............LORD/Let them melt/away... 728/1511
Psa_58:7..........arrows/let them be as cut/in 729/1511
Psa_58:8.........melteth/let every one of them/pass 730/1511
Psa_59:10..........shall/let me see my/desire. 731/1511
Psa_59:12...........lips/let them even/be..... 732/1511
Psa_59:13............and/let them know that/God 733/1511
Psa_59:14........evening/let them return and let/them 734/1511
Psa_59:14............and/let them make a/noise 735/1511 them wander/up... 736/1511
Psa_66:7.........nations/let not the rebellious/exalt 737/1511
Psa_67:3.........nations/Let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee O/let 738/1511
Psa_67:3.............God/let all the people praise thee O/let 739/1511
Psa_67:4...............O/let the nations/be... 740/1511
Psa_67:5...........Selah/Let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee Then/shall 741/1511
Psa_67:5.............God/let all the people praise thee Then/shall 742/1511
Psa_68:1.............him/Let God arise/let.... 743/1511
Psa_68:1...........arise/let his enemies/be... 744/1511
Psa_68:1.......scattered/let them also that hate/him 745/1511 the wicked perish/at 746/1511
Psa_68:3.............But/let the righteous be/glad 747/1511
Psa_68:3............glad/let them rejoice/before 748/1511
Psa_68:3.............yea/let them exceedingly/rejoice 749/1511
Psa_69:6............thee/Let not them that wait/on 750/1511
Psa_69:6............sake/let not those/that... 751/1511
Psa_69:14............and/let me not sink/let.. 752/1511
Psa_69:14...........sink/let me be delivered/from 753/1511
Psa_69:15.........waters/Let not the waterflood/overflow 754/1511
Psa_69:15........neither/let the deep/swallow. 755/1511
Psa_69:15............and/let not the pit/shut. 756/1511
Psa_69:22..........drink/Let their table become/a 757/1511
Psa_69:22........welfare/let it become/a...... 758/1511
Psa_69:23...........trap/Let their eyes be darkened that they see/not 759/1511
Psa_69:24............and/let thy wrathful/anger 760/1511
Psa_69:25...........them/Let their habitation/be 761/1511
Psa_69:25............and/let none dwell/in.... 762/1511
Psa_69:27............and/let them not come/into 763/1511
Psa_69:28..righteousness/Let them be blotted/out 764/1511
Psa_69:29......sorrowful/let thy salvation/O.. 765/1511
Psa_69:34......prisoners/Let the heaven/and... 766/1511
Psa_70:2............LORD/Let them be ashamed and confounded that/seek 767/1511
Psa_70:2............soul/let them be turned backward/and 768/1511
Psa_70:3............hurt/Let them be turned back for/a 769/1511
Psa_70:4.............aha/Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee and/let 770/1511
Psa_70:4.............and/let such as love thy salvation say continually Let/God 771/1511
Psa_70:4.....continually/Let God be magnified/But 772/1511 me never be put/to 773/1511
Psa_71:8..........refuge/Let my mouth/be...... 774/1511 them be confounded and consumed/that 775/1511
Psa_71:13...........soul/let them be covered/with 776/1511
Psa_72:19............and/let the whole/earth.. 777/1511
Psa_74:8..........hearts/Let us destroy them/together 778/1511
Psa_74:21..............O/let not the oppressed/return 779/1511
Psa_74:21........ashamed/let the poor/and..... 780/1511
Psa_76:11............God/let all that be/round 781/1511
Psa_78:28.............he/let it fall/in....... 782/1511
Psa_79:8......iniquities/let thy tender mercies speedily/prevent 783/1511
Psa_79:10............God/let him be known/among 784/1511
Psa_79:11...........shed/Let the sighing/of... 785/1511
Psa_80:17....countenance/Let thy hand/be...... 786/1511
Psa_83:4.............and/let us cut them/off.. 787/1511
Psa_83:12...........said/Let us take to/ourselves 788/1511
Psa_83:17...........LORD/Let them be confounded and troubled/for 789/1511
Psa_83:17............yea/let them be put/to... 790/1511
Psa_85:8.............but/let them not turn/again 791/1511
Psa_88:2............thee/Let my prayer come/before 792/1511
Psa_90:13............and/let it repent/thee... 793/1511
Psa_90:16...........evil/Let thy work/appear.. 794/1511
Psa_90:17............And/let the beauty/of.... 795/1511
Psa_95:1............come/let us sing/unto..... 796/1511
Psa_95:1............LORD/let us make a joyful/noise 797/1511
Psa_95:2.......salvation/Let us come before/his 798/1511
Psa_95:6............come/let us worship/and... 799/1511
Psa_95:6............down/let us kneel/before.. 800/1511
Psa_96:11....righteously/Let the heavens rejoice/and 801/1511
Psa_96:11............and/let the earth be glad/let 802/1511
Psa_96:11...........glad/let the sea roar and the fulness thereof Let the field/be 803/1511
Psa_96:12........thereof/Let the field/be..... 804/1511
Psa_97:1........reigneth/let the earth rejoice let/the 805/1511
Psa_97:1.........rejoice/let the multitude/of. 806/1511
Psa_98:7............King/Let the sea roar and the fulness thereof the/world 807/1511
Psa_98:8.........therein/Let the floods/clap.. 808/1511
Psa_98:8...........hands/let the hills be/joyful 809/1511
Psa_99:1........reigneth/let the people tremble/he 810/1511
Psa_99:1.......cherubims/let the earth be moved/The 811/1511
Psa_99:3..........people/Let them praise thy/great 812/1511
Psa_102:1............and/let my cry come unto/thee 813/1511
Psa_104:35..........LORD/Let the sinners/be... 814/1511
Psa_104:35...........and/let the wicked be no/more 815/1511 the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 816/1511
Psa_105:20...........and/let him go free He/made 817/1511
Psa_106:48...........and/let all the people say/Amen 818/1511
Psa_107:2...........ever/Let the redeemed/of.. 819/1511
Psa_107:22...........And/let them sacrifice/the 820/1511 them exalt/him... 821/1511
Psa_109:6............and/let Satan/stand...... 822/1511
Psa_109:7.........judged/let him be condemned/and 823/1511
Psa_109:7............and/let his prayer/become 824/1511
Psa_109:8............sin/Let his days/be...... 825/1511
Psa_109:8............and/let another take his/office 826/1511 his children be fatherless/and 827/1511
Psa_109:10.........widow/Let his children be continually/vagabonds 828/1511
Psa_109:10...........beg/let them seek/their.. 829/1511
Psa_109:11........places/Let the extortioner/catch 830/1511
Psa_109:11...........and/let the strangers/spoil 831/1511
Psa_109:12........labour/Let there be none/to. 832/1511
Psa_109:12.......neither/let there be any/to.. 833/1511
Psa_109:13......children/Let his posterity/be. 834/1511
Psa_109:13.....following/let their name/be.... 835/1511
Psa_109:14...........out/Let the iniquity/of.. 836/1511
Psa_109:14...........and/let not the sin/of... 837/1511
Psa_109:15...........out/Let them be before/the 838/1511 it come unto/him. 839/1511 it be far/from... 840/1511 it come into/his. 841/1511
Psa_109:19.........bones/Let it be unto/him... 842/1511
Psa_109:20...continually/Let this be the/reward 843/1511 them curse but/bless 844/1511
Psa_109:28.........arise/let them be ashamed but/let 845/1511
Psa_109:28...........but/let thy servant rejoice/Let 846/1511
Psa_109:29.......rejoice/Let mine adversaries/be 847/1511
Psa_109:29...........and/let them cover/themselves 848/1511
Psa_118:2...........ever/Let Israel now/say... 849/1511
Psa_118:3...........ever/Let the house of Aaron/now 850/1511
Psa_118:4...........ever/Let them now that/fear 851/1511
Psa_119:10.............O/let me not wander/from 852/1511
Psa_119:41.righteousness/Let thy mercies/come. 853/1511 I pray/thee...... 854/1511
Psa_119:77.......servant/Let thy tender mercies come/unto 855/1511
Psa_119:78.......delight/Let the proud/be..... 856/1511
Psa_119:79......precepts/Let those that/fear.. 857/1511
Psa_119:80...testimonies/Let my heart/be...... 858/1511
Psa_119:116..........and/let me not be ashamed of/my 859/1511
Psa_119:122.........good/let not the proud/oppress 860/1511
Psa_119:133..........and/let not any/iniquity. 861/1511
Psa_119:169.........thee/Let my cry come near/before 862/1511
Psa_119:170.........word/Let my supplication come/before 863/1511
Psa_119:173righteousness/Let thine hand help/me 864/1511
Psa_119:175......delight/Let my soul/live..... 865/1511
Psa_119:175..........and/let thy judgments/help 866/1511 us go into the house/of 867/1511
Psa_129:5.........wicked/Let them all be confounded/and 868/1511
Psa_129:6...........Zion/Let them be as the/grass 869/1511
Psa_130:2..........voice/let thine ears be attentive/to 870/1511
Psa_130:7........morning/Let Israel hope in the LORD for/with 871/1511
Psa_131:3..........child/Let Israel hope in the LORD from/henceforth 872/1511
Psa_132:9.......strength/Let thy priests be/clothed 873/1511
Psa_132:9............and/let thy saints shout/for 874/1511
Psa_137:5......Jerusalem/let my right/hand.... 875/1511
Psa_137:6...........thee/let my tongue/cleave. 876/1511
Psa_140:9..........about/let the mischief/of.. 877/1511
Psa_140:10..........them/Let burning/coals.... 878/1511
Psa_140:10..........them/let them be cast/into 879/1511
Psa_140:11.........again/Let not an/evil...... 880/1511
Psa_141:2...........thee/Let my prayer be/set. 881/1511
Psa_141:4............and/let me not eat/of.... 882/1511
Psa_141:5.......dainties/Let the righteous smite/me 883/1511
Psa_141:5............and/let him reprove/me... 884/1511
Psa_141:10......iniquity/Let the wicked fall/into 885/1511
Psa_145:21...........and/let all flesh/bless.. 886/1511
Psa_148:5........heavens/Let them praise the name of the LORD for he/commanded 887/1511
Psa_148:13......children/Let them praise the name of the LORD for his/name 888/1511
Psa_149:2.........saints/Let Israel rejoice/in 889/1511
Psa_149:2............him/let the children of Zion/be 890/1511
Psa_149:3...........King/Let them praise his/name 891/1511 them sing praises/unto 892/1511
Psa_149:5......salvation/Let the saints/be.... 893/1511
Psa_149:5..........glory/let them sing aloud/upon 894/1511
Psa_149:6...........beds/Let the high/praises. 895/1511
Psa_150:6........cymbals/Let every thing/that. 896/1511 us lay wait/for.. 897/1511
Pro_1:11...........blood/let us lurk/privily.. 898/1511
Pro_1:12...........cause/Let us swallow/them.. 899/1511 us all/have...... 900/1511
Pro_3:1..............but/let thine heart keep/my 901/1511
Pro_3:3.............thee/Let not mercy/and.... 902/1511
Pro_3:21.............son/let not them depart/from 903/1511 thine heart retain/my 904/1511
Pro_4:13.....instruction/let her not go/keep.. 905/1511
Pro_4:21.........sayings/Let them not depart/from 906/1511
Pro_4:25............thee/Let thine eyes look/right 907/1511
Pro_4:25.............and/let thine eyelids/look 908/1511
Pro_4:26.............and/let all thy ways/be.. 909/1511
Pro_5:16............well/Let thy fountains/be. 910/1511
Pro_5:17.........streets/Let them be only/thine 911/1511
Pro_5:18............thee/Let thy fountain/be.. 912/1511
Pro_5:19...........youth/Let her be as/the.... 913/1511
Pro_5:19.............roe/let her breasts/satisfy 914/1511
Pro_6:25.........neither/let her take thee/with 915/1511
Pro_7:18............Come/let us take our fill/of 916/1511
Pro_7:18.........morning/let us solace/ourselves 917/1511
Pro_7:25...........mouth/Let not thine heart decline/to 918/1511
Pro_9:4...........simple/let him turn in hither as/for 919/1511
Pro_9:16..........simple/let him turn in hither and/as 920/1511
Pro_17:12............him/Let a bear/robbed.... 921/1511
Pro_19:18............and/let not thy soul/spare 922/1511
Pro_23:17.........things/Let not thine heart envy/sinners 923/1511
Pro_23:26............and/let thine eyes observe/my 924/1511
Pro_24:17............and/let not thine heart be glad/when 925/1511
Pro_27:2...........forth/Let another man/praise 926/1511
Pro_28:17............pit/let no man stay/him.. 927/1511
Pro_31:7..........hearts/Let him drink/and.... 928/1511
Pro_31:31............and/let her own/works.... 929/1511
Ecc_5:2..............and/let not thine heart be hasty/to 930/1511
Ecc_5:2........therefore/let thy words be/few. 931/1511 thy garments/be.. 932/1511
Ecc_9:8..............and/let thy head/lack.... 933/1511
Ecc_11:8.............yet/let him remember/the. 934/1511
Ecc_11:9.............and/let thy heart/cheer.. 935/1511
Ecc_12:13..........flesh/Let us hear the/conclusion 936/1511
Son_1:2........Solomon's/Let him kiss/me...... 937/1511
Son_2:14..........stairs/let me see thy countenance/let 938/1511
Son_2:14.....countenance/let me hear/thy...... 939/1511
Son_3:4..............not/let him go until/I... 940/1511
Son_4:16.............out/Let my beloved/come.. 941/1511
Son_7:11.........beloved/let us go forth into/the 942/1511
Son_7:11...........field/let us lodge/in...... 943/1511
Son_7:12........villages/Let us get/up........ 944/1511
Son_7:12.......vineyards/let us see if/the.... 945/1511
Son_8:11..............he/let out the/vineyard. 946/1511
Isa_1:18.............and/let us reason/together 947/1511
Isa_2:3..............and/let us go up to the mountain of the LORD to/the 948/1511
Isa_2:5..............and/let us walk in/the... 949/1511
Isa_3:6..............and/let this ruin/be..... 950/1511
Isa_4:1.............only/let us be called/by.. 951/1511
Isa_5:19.............say/Let him make/speed... 952/1511
Isa_5:19.............and/let the counsel/of... 953/1511
Isa_7:6...........saying/Let us go up against/Judah 954/1511
Isa_7:6..............and/let us make a breach/therein 955/1511
Isa_8:13.............and/let him be your fear/and 956/1511
Isa_8:13.............and/let him be your dread/And 957/1511
Isa_16:4.......wandereth/Let mine outcasts/dwell 958/1511
Isa_19:12............and/let them tell/thee... 959/1511
Isa_19:12............and/let them know what/the 960/1511
Isa_21:6........watchman/let him declare/what. 961/1511 us eat and drink for to morrow we shall/die 962/1511
Isa_26:10..righteousness/Let favour/be........ 963/1511
Isa_27:5..............Or/let him take hold/of. 964/1511
Isa_29:1............year/let them kill/sacrifices 965/1511
Isa_34:1..........people/let the earth hear/and 966/1511
Isa_36:14...........king/Let not Hezekiah deceive you for he shall not be able to deliver you Neither/let 967/1511
Isa_36:15........Neither/let Hezekiah make you trust in the LORD saying The LORD will surely deliver us this/city 968/1511
Isa_37:10.........saying/Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be given/into 969/1511
Isa_38:21...........said/Let them take a lump/of 970/1511
Isa_41:1.............and/let the people renew/their 971/1511
Isa_41:1........strength/let them come near/then 972/1511
Isa_41:1............then/let them speak/let... 973/1511
Isa_41:1...........speak/let us come near/together 974/1511
Isa_41:22..........Jacob/Let them bring them/forth 975/1511
Isa_41:22.........happen/let them shew the/former 976/1511
Isa_42:11........thereof/Let the wilderness/and 977/1511
Isa_42:11........inhabit/let the inhabitants/of 978/1511
Isa_42:11...........sing/let them shout from/the 979/1511
Isa_42:12......mountains/Let them give glory/unto 980/1511
Isa_43:9............ears/Let all the nations/be 981/1511
Isa_43:9.............and/let the people be/assembled 982/1511
Isa_43:9..........things/let them bring forth their/witnesses 983/1511
Isa_43:9..............or/let them hear and/say 984/1511
Isa_43:13..........shall/let it Thus/saith.... 985/1511
Isa_43:26....remembrance/let us plead/together 986/1511
Isa_44:7............come/let them shew unto/them 987/1511 them all be gathered/together 988/1511
Isa_44:11.......together/let them stand/up.... 989/1511
Isa_45:8.............and/let the skies/pour... 990/1511
Isa_45:8...righteousness/let the earth open/and 991/1511
Isa_45:8.............and/let them bring forth salvation/and 992/1511
Isa_45:8.............and/let righteousness/spring 993/1511
Isa_45:9...........Maker/Let the potsherd/strive 994/1511
Isa_45:13..........shall/let go my/captives... 995/1511
Isa_45:21............yea/let them take counsel/together 996/1511
Isa_47:13.......counsels/Let now the/astrologers 997/1511 us stand/together 998/1511
Isa_50:8.......adversary/let him come near to/me 999/1511
Isa_50:10..........light/let him trust/in.... 1000/1511
Isa_54:2.............and/let them stretch/forth 1001/1511
Isa_55:2.............and/let your soul/delight 1002/1511
Isa_55:7............near/Let the wicked forsake/his 1003/1511
Isa_55:7.............and/let him return unto/the 1004/1511
Isa_56:3.........Neither/let the son/of...... 1005/1511
Isa_56:3.........neither/let the eunuch/say.. 1006/1511
Isa_57:13.........criest/let thy companies/deliver 1007/1511 the oppressed/go 1008/1511
Isa_66:5............said/Let the LORD be glorified/but 1009/1511
Jer_2:28............thee/let them arise if/they 1010/1511
Jer_4:5..............and/let us go into the defenced/cities 1011/1511
Jer_5:24...........heart/Let us now fear/the. 1012/1511
Jer_6:4..............and/let us go up at noon/Woe 1013/1511
Jer_6:5..............and/let us go by/night.. 1014/1511
Jer_6:5..............and/let us destroy her/palaces 1015/1511
Jer_8:14.............and/let us enter/into... 1016/1511
Jer_8:14.............and/let us be silent/there 1017/1511
Jer_9:18.............And/let them make haste/and 1018/1511
Jer_9:20.............and/let your ear/receive 1019/1511
Jer_9:23............LORD/Let not the wise/man 1020/1511
Jer_9:23.........neither/let the mighty man/glory 1021/1511
Jer_9:23...........might/let not the rich/man 1022/1511
Jer_9:24.............But/let him that glorieth/glory 1023/1511
Jer_11:19.........saying/Let us destroy the/tree 1024/1511
Jer_11:19............and/let us cut him/off.. 1025/1511
Jer_11:20..........heart/let me see thy vengeance on them for unto thee have I revealed/my 1026/1511
Jer_12:1.............yet/let me talk/with.... 1027/1511
Jer_14:17...........them/Let mine eyes/run... 1028/1511
Jer_14:17............and/let them not cease/for 1029/1511
Jer_15:1.............and/let them go forth/And 1030/1511
Jer_15:19..........mouth/let them return unto/thee 1031/1511
Jer_17:15...........LORD/let it come now/As.. 1032/1511
Jer_17:18...........evil/Let them be confounded that/persecute 1033/1511
Jer_17:18............but/let not me be confounded/let 1034/1511
Jer_17:18.....confounded/let them be dismayed/but 1035/1511
Jer_17:18............but/let not me be dismayed/bring 1036/1511
Jer_18:18............and/let us devise/devices 1037/1511
Jer_18:18............and/let us smite/him.... 1038/1511
Jer_18:18............and/let us not give/heed 1039/1511
Jer_18:21............and/let their wives/be.. 1040/1511
Jer_18:21............and/let their men/be.... 1041/1511
Jer_18:21..........death/let their young/men. 1042/1511
Jer_18:22.........battle/Let a cry/be........ 1043/1511
Jer_18:23............but/let them be overthrown/before 1044/1511
Jer_20:12..........heart/let me see thy vengeance on them for unto thee have I opened/my 1045/1511
Jer_20:14...........born/let not the day/wherein 1046/1511
Jer_20:16............And/let that man/be..... 1047/1511
Jer_20:16............and/let him hear the/cry 1048/1511
Jer_23:28..........dream/let him tell/a...... 1049/1511
Jer_23:28...........word/let him speak my/word 1050/1511
Jer_27:11..............I/let remain still/in. 1051/1511
Jer_27:18...........them/let them now make/intercession 1052/1511
Jer_29:8..........Israel/Let not your prophets/and 1053/1511
Jer_31:6.............and/let us go up to Zion/unto 1054/1511
Jer_34:9..........should/let his manservant and every man/his 1055/1511
Jer_34:10.........should/let his manservant and every one/his 1056/1511
Jer_34:10............and/let them go But/afterward 1057/1511
Jer_34:11............had/let go free/to...... 1058/1511
Jer_34:14..........years/let ye/go........... 1059/1511
Jer_34:14..........shalt/let him go free from thee but/your 1060/1511
Jer_35:11............and/let us go to Jerusalem/for 1061/1511
Jer_36:19............and/let no man know where/ye 1062/1511
Jer_37:20...........king/let my supplication I/pray 1063/1511
Jer_38:4............thee/let this man be/put. 1064/1511
Jer_38:6............they/let down Jeremiah/with 1065/1511
Jer_38:11............and/let them down by cords/into 1066/1511
Jer_38:24.......Jeremiah/Let no man know of/these 1067/1511
Jer_40:1.............had/let him go from/Ramah 1068/1511
Jer_40:5.............and/let him go Then went/Jeremiah 1069/1511
Jer_40:15.........saying/Let me go I pray thee and I/will 1070/1511
Jer_42:2.........prophet/Let we/beseech...... 1071/1511
Jer_46:6............LORD/Let not the swift/flee 1072/1511
Jer_46:9.............and/let the mighty men/come 1073/1511
Jer_46:16............and/let us go again to/our 1074/1511
Jer_48:2.............and/let us cut it/off... 1075/1511
Jer_49:11............and/let thy widows/trust 1076/1511
Jer_50:5.............and/let us join/ourselves 1077/1511
Jer_50:26........utterly/let nothing of her/be 1078/1511
Jer_50:27.......bullocks/let them go down to/the 1079/1511
Jer_50:29..........about/let none thereof/escape 1080/1511 them go Their/Redeemer 1081/1511
Jer_51:3.........bendeth/let the archer/bend. 1082/1511
Jer_51:9.............and/let us go every/one. 1083/1511
Jer_51:10............and/let us declare/in... 1084/1511
Jer_51:50............and/let Jerusalem/come.. 1085/1511 all their/wickedness 1086/1511
Lam_2:18............Zion/let tears/run....... 1087/1511 not the apple/of 1088/1511
Lam_3:40............sins/Let us search/and... 1089/1511
Lam_3:41............LORD/Let us lift/up...... 1090/1511
Eze_1:24............they/let down their wings And there/was 1091/1511
Eze_1:25.............had/let down their wings And above/the 1092/1511
Eze_3:27.........heareth/let him hear and he that/forbeareth 1093/1511
Eze_3:27......forbeareth/let him forbear/for. 1094/1511
Eze_7:12............near/let not the buyer/rejoice 1095/1511
Eze_9:5............smite/let not your eye/spare 1096/1511
Eze_11:3............near/let us build houses/this 1097/1511
Eze_13:20...........will/let the souls/go.... 1098/1511
Eze_21:14............and/let the sword/be.... 1099/1511
Eze_24:5.............and/let them seethe/the. 1100/1511
Eze_24:6...........piece/let no lot/fall..... 1101/1511
Eze_24:10............and/let the bones/be.... 1102/1511
Eze_39:7.............not/let them pollute/my. 1103/1511
Eze_43:9.............Now/let them put/away... 1104/1511
Eze_43:10............and/let them measure/the 1105/1511
Eze_44:6..........Israel/let it suffice you of/all 1106/1511
Eze_45:9.............GOD/Let it suffice you O/princes 1107/1511
Dan_1:12.............and/let them give us/pulse 1108/1511
Dan_1:13............Then/let our countenances/be 1109/1511
Dan_2:7.............said/Let the king tell/his 1110/1511
Dan_4:14...........fruit/let the beasts/get.. 1111/1511
Dan_4:15.............and/let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let his portion be with the beasts in/the 1112/1511
Dan_4:15.............and/let his portion be with the beasts in/the 1113/1511 his heart/be.... 1114/1511
Dan_4:16.............and/let a beast's/heart. 1115/1511
Dan_4:16.............and/let seven times/pass 1116/1511
Dan_4:19....Belteshazzar/let not the dream/or 1117/1511
Dan_4:23.............and/let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let his portion be with the beasts of/the 1118/1511
Dan_4:23.............and/let his portion be with the beasts of/the 1119/1511
Dan_4:27............king/let my counsel/be... 1120/1511
Dan_5:10............ever/let not thy thoughts/trouble 1121/1511
Dan_5:10.............nor/let thy countenance/be 1122/1511 Daniel/be....... 1123/1511
Dan_5:17............king/Let thy gifts/be.... 1124/1511
Dan_9:16............thee/let thine anger/and. 1125/1511
Dan_10:19...........said/Let my lord speak/for 1126/1511
Hos_2:2..........husband/let her therefore/put 1127/1511
Hos_4:4..............Yet/let no man strive/nor 1128/1511
Hos_4:15.............yet/let not Judah/offend 1129/1511
Hos_4:17...........idols/let him alone Their/drink 1130/1511
Hos_6:1..............and/let us return unto/the 1131/1511
Hos_13:2............them/Let the men that/sacrifice 1132/1511
Joe_1:3..............and/let your children tell/their 1133/1511
Joe_2:1.........mountain/let all the inhabitants of the land/tremble 1134/1511
Joe_2:16.........breasts/let the bridegroom/go 1135/1511
Joe_2:17..........closet/Let the priests the/ministers 1136/1511
Joe_2:17.............and/let them say Spare/thy 1137/1511 all the men/of.. 1138/1511
Joe_3:9.............near/let them come up/Beat 1139/1511
Joe_3:10..........spears/let the weak/say.... 1140/1511
Joe_3:12............LORD/Let the heathen be wakened/and 1141/1511
Amo_4:1..............and/let us drink/The.... 1142/1511
Amo_5:24.............But/let judgment run/down 1143/1511
Oba_1:1..............and/let us rise up against/her 1144/1511
Jon_1:7..............and/let us cast/lots.... 1145/1511
Jon_1:14............thee/let us not perish/for 1146/1511
Jon_3:7...........saying/Let neither man nor beast/herd 1147/1511
Jon_3:7............thing/let them not feed/nor 1148/1511
Jon_3:8..............But/let man/and......... 1149/1511
Jon_3:8..............yea/let them turn/every. 1150/1511
Mic_1:2..............and/let the Lord GOD/be. 1151/1511
Mic_4:2..............and/let us go up to the mountain of the LORD and/to 1152/1511
Mic_4:11.............say/Let her be defiled/and 1153/1511
Mic_4:11.............and/let our eye/look.... 1154/1511
Mic_6:1..............and/let the hills hear/thy 1155/1511
Mic_7:14..........Carmel/let them feed/in.... 1156/1511
Hab_2:16.............and/let thy foreskin/be. 1157/1511
Hab_2:20..........temple/let all the earth keep/silence 1158/1511
Zep_3:16............Zion/Let not thine hands/be 1159/1511
Zec_3:5.............said/Let them set/a...... 1160/1511
Zec_7:10.............and/let none of you imagine evil against/his 1161/1511
Zec_8:9............hosts/Let your hands be strong ye/that 1162/1511
Zec_8:13.............but/let your hands be strong For/thus 1163/1511
Zec_8:17.............And/let none of you imagine evil in/your 1164/1511
Zec_8:21..........saying/Let us go speedily/to 1165/1511
Zec_11:9...........dieth/let it die/and...... 1166/1511 it be cut/off... 1167/1511
Zec_11:9.............and/let the rest/eat.... 1168/1511
Mal_2:15.............and/let none deal/treacherously 1169/1511 your light/so... 1170/1511
Mat_5:31............wife/let him give her/a.. 1171/1511
Mat_5:37.............But/let your communication/be 1172/1511
Mat_5:40............coat/let him have thy/cloak 1173/1511
Mat_6:3.............alms/let not thy left/hand 1174/1511 me pull out the mote out/of 1175/1511
Mat_8:22.............and/let the dead bury their dead And/when 1176/1511
Mat_10:13.........worthy/let your peace come/upon 1177/1511
Mat_10:13.........worthy/let your peace return/to 1178/1511
Mat_11:15...........hear/let him hear But/whereunto 1179/1511
Mat_13:9............hear/let him hear And the/disciples 1180/1511
Mat_13:30...........them/Let both/grow....... 1181/1511
Mat_13:43...........hear/let him hear Again/the 1182/1511
Mat_15:4..........mother/let him die the death But ye say Whosoever/shall 1183/1511
Mat_15:14.............up/Let them alone they/be 1184/1511 him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me For whosoever will save his life shall lose it and/whosoever 1185/1511
Mat_17:4............wilt/let us make here/three 1186/1511 him be unto/thee 1187/1511
Mat_19:6........together/let not man put asunder They/say 1188/1511 him receive/it.. 1189/1511 him be your minister/And 1190/1511 him be your servant/Even 1191/1511 no fruit/grow... 1192/1511
Mat_21:33............and/let it out to husbandmen and went into a far country And when/the 1193/1511
Mat_21:38...........come/let us kill him and let/us 1194/1511
Mat_21:38............and/let us seize/on..... 1195/1511
Mat_21:41...........will/let out his/vineyard 1196/1511
Mat_24:15........readeth/let him understand/Then 1197/1511
Mat_24:16...........Then/let them which be/in 1198/1511
Mat_24:17......mountains/Let him which is on/the 1199/1511
Mat_24:18........Neither/let him which is in/the 1200/1511
Mat_26:39.......possible/let this cup/pass... 1201/1511
Mat_26:46...........Rise/let us be going behold/he 1202/1511
Mat_27:22............him/Let him be crucified And/the 1203/1511
Mat_27:23.........saying/Let him be crucified When/Pilate 1204/1511
Mat_27:42.........Israel/let him now/come.... 1205/1511
Mat_27:43............God/let him deliver him now/if 1206/1511
Mat_27:49...........said/Let be/let.......... 1207/1511 us see whether Elias will come to save/him 1208/1511
Mar_1:24..........Saying/Let us alone what have we to do with thee thou Jesus of Nazareth art thou come to destroy us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the unclean/spirit 1209/1511
Mar_1:38............them/Let us go into the next/towns 1210/1511
Mar_2:4.............they/let down the bed/wherein 1211/1511
Mar_4:9.............hear/let him hear And when he was alone/they 1212/1511
Mar_4:23............hear/let him hear And he said/unto 1213/1511
Mar_4:35............them/Let us pass over/unto 1214/1511
Mar_7:10..........mother/let him die the death But ye say If/a 1215/1511
Mar_7:16............hear/let him hear And when he was entered/into 1216/1511
Mar_7:27.............her/Let the children first/be 1217/1511 him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me For whosoever will save his life shall lose it but/whosoever 1218/1511
Mar_9:5..............and/let us make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias For/he 1219/1511
Mar_10:9........together/let not man put asunder And/in 1220/1511
Mar_11:6............they/let them go And they brought/the 1221/1511
Mar_12:1.............and/let it out to husbandmen and went into a far country And at/the 1222/1511
Mar_12:7............come/let us kill him and the/inheritance 1223/1511
Mar_13:14............not/let him that readeth/understand 1224/1511
Mar_13:14...........then/let them that be/in. 1225/1511
Mar_13:15............And/let him that is on/the 1226/1511
Mar_13:16............And/let him that is in/the 1227/1511
Mar_14:6............said/Let her alone why/trouble 1228/1511
Mar_14:42.............up/let us go lo/he..... 1229/1511 Christ/the...... 1230/1511
Mar_15:36.........saying/Let alone/let....... 1231/1511
Mar_15:36..........alone/let us see whether Elias will come to take/him 1232/1511
Luk_2:15.........another/Let us now go/even.. 1233/1511
Luk_3:11...........coats/let him impart/to... 1234/1511
Luk_3:11............meat/let him do likewise/Then 1235/1511
Luk_4:34..........Saying/Let us alone what have we to do with thee thou Jesus of Nazareth art thou come to destroy us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the devil/had 1236/1511
Luk_5:4..............and/let down your/nets.. 1237/1511
Luk_5:5.............will/let down the net/And 1238/1511
Luk_5:19.............and/let him down through/the 1239/1511
Luk_6:42.........Brother/let me pull out the mote that/is 1240/1511
Luk_8:8.............hear/let him hear And his/disciples 1241/1511
Luk_8:22............them/Let us go over unto the other/side 1242/1511 him deny himself and take up his cross daily/and 1243/1511
Luk_9:33.............and/let us make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias not/knowing 1244/1511
Luk_9:44.......disciples/Let these sayings/sink 1245/1511
Luk_9:60.............him/Let the dead bury their dead but/go 1246/1511
Luk_9:61.............but/let me first/go..... 1247/1511
Luk_12:35...........also/Let your loins/be... 1248/1511
Luk_13:8............Lord/let it alone/this... 1249/1511
Luk_14:4.............and/let him go And answered/them 1250/1511
Luk_14:35...........hear/let him hear Then/drew 1251/1511
Luk_15:23............and/let us eat and be/merry 1252/1511
Luk_16:29.......prophets/let them hear them/And 1253/1511 him not come/down 1254/1511
Luk_17:31..........field/let him likewise/not 1255/1511
Luk_20:9.............and/let it forth/to..... 1256/1511
Luk_20:14...........come/let us kill him that/the 1257/1511
Luk_21:21...........Then/let them which are in Judaea/flee 1258/1511
Luk_21:21............and/let them which are in the/midst 1259/1511
Luk_21:21............and/let not them that are in/the 1260/1511 him be as/the... 1261/1511
Luk_22:36..........purse/let him take it/and. 1262/1511
Luk_22:36..........sword/let him sell/his.... 1263/1511
Luk_22:68............nor/let me go Hereafter/shall 1264/1511
Luk_23:22............and/let him go And they/were 1265/1511
Luk_23:35.........others/let him save/himself 1266/1511
Joh_7:37..........thirst/let him come unto me and drink/He 1267/1511 him first/cast.. 1268/1511
Joh_11:7.......disciples/Let us go into Judaea/again 1269/1511
Joh_11:15...nevertheless/let us go unto/him.. 1270/1511
Joh_11:16fellowdisciples/Let us also go/that. 1271/1511
Joh_11:44............and/let him go Then many/of 1272/1511
Joh_11:48.............we/let him thus/alone.. 1273/1511
Joh_12:7...........Jesus/Let her alone against/the 1274/1511 him follow/me... 1275/1511
Joh_14:1..........thrice/Let not your heart be troubled ye/believe 1276/1511 not your heart be troubled neither/let 1277/1511
Joh_14:27........neither/let it be afraid/Ye. 1278/1511
Joh_14:31..........Arise/let us go hence/I... 1279/1511 these go/their.. 1280/1511
Joh_19:12...........thou/let this man go/thou 1281/1511
Joh_19:24.....themselves/Let us not rend/it.. 1282/1511
Act_1:20..........Psalms/Let his habitation/be 1283/1511
Act_1:20.............and/let no man dwell/therein 1284/1511
Act_1:20......bishoprick/let another take Wherefore/of 1285/1511
Act_2:29........brethren/let me freely/speak. 1286/1511
Act_2:36.......Therefore/let all the house/of 1287/1511 him go But/ye... 1288/1511
Act_4:17..........people/let us straitly/threaten 1289/1511
Act_4:21............they/let them go finding/nothing 1290/1511
Act_4:23...........being/let go they/went.... 1291/1511
Act_5:38.............and/let them alone for/if 1292/1511
Act_5:40.............and/let them go And they departed/from 1293/1511
Act_9:25.............and/let him down by/the. 1294/1511
Act_10:11............and/let down to/the..... 1295/1511
Act_11:5...........sheet/let down from/heaven 1296/1511
Act_15:33...........were/let go in/peace..... 1297/1511
Act_15:36.......Barnabas/Let us go again and/visit 1298/1511
Act_16:35.........saying/Let those men/go.... 1299/1511 you go now/therefore 1300/1511
Act_16:37............but/let them come themselves/and 1301/1511
Act_17:9............they/let them go And the/brethren 1302/1511
Act_19:38.......deputies/let them implead/one 1303/1511
Act_23:9.............him/let us not fight/against 1304/1511
Act_23:22...........then/let the young man/depart 1305/1511
Act_24:20...........else/let these same/here. 1306/1511 him have liberty/and 1307/1511
Act_25:5.........thither/Let them therefore said/he 1308/1511
Act_27:15.............we/let her drive/And... 1309/1511
Act_27:30............had/let down the boat/into 1310/1511
Act_27:32............and/let her fall/off.... 1311/1511
Act_28:18...........have/let me go because/there 1312/1511
Rom_1:13.............was/let hitherto/that... 1313/1511
Rom_3:4..............yea/let God be true/but. 1314/1511
Rom_3:8..............say/Let us do evil/that. 1315/1511
Rom_6:12............Lord/Let not sin/therefore 1316/1511
Rom_11:9...........saith/Let their table be/made 1317/1511
Rom_11:10...........them/Let their eyes be darkened that they may/not 1318/1511
Rom_12:6........prophecy/let us prophesy/according 1319/1511
Rom_12:7........ministry/let us wait/on...... 1320/1511
Rom_12:8..........giveth/let him do it with/simplicity 1321/1511
Rom_12:9....cheerfulness/Let love/be......... 1322/1511
Rom_13:1............good/Let every soul/be... 1323/1511
Rom_13:12...........hand/let us therefore cast/off 1324/1511
Rom_13:12............and/let us put/on....... 1325/1511
Rom_13:13..........light/Let us walk honestly/as 1326/1511
Rom_14:3...........herbs/Let not him that eateth/despise 1327/1511
Rom_14:3.............and/let not him which/eateth 1328/1511
Rom_14:5...........alike/Let every man be fully/persuaded 1329/1511
Rom_14:13............God/Let us not therefore/judge 1330/1511
Rom_14:16...........died/Let not then/your... 1331/1511 us therefore follow/after 1332/1511
Rom_15:2.......ourselves/Let every one of us/please 1333/1511
1Co_1:31........glorieth/let him glory in the Lord And/I 1334/1511
1Co_3:10.............But/let every man take/heed 1335/1511
1Co_3:18.............are/Let no man deceive himself/If 1336/1511 him become/a.... 1337/1511
1Co_3:21.......Therefore/let no man glory/in. 1338/1511
1Co_4:1............God's/Let a man so/account 1339/1511
1Co_5:8........Therefore/let us keep/the..... 1340/1511
1Co_7:2......fornication/let every man have/his 1341/1511
1Co_7:2..............and/let every woman/have 1342/1511
1Co_7:3..........husband/Let the husband/render 1343/1511
1Co_7:9..........contain/let them marry for/it 1344/1511
1Co_7:10............Lord/Let not the wife/depart 1345/1511
1Co_7:11..........depart/let her remain/unmarried 1346/1511
1Co_7:11.............and/let not the husband/put 1347/1511
1Co_7:12.............him/let him not put/her. 1348/1511
1Co_7:13.............her/let her not leave/him 1349/1511
1Co_7:15..........depart/let him depart/A.... 1350/1511 him walk/And.... 1351/1511
1Co_7:18.....circumcised/let him not become/uncircumcised 1352/1511
1Co_7:18..uncircumcision/let him not be circumcised/Circumcision 1353/1511
1Co_7:20.............God/Let every man abide/in 1354/1511
1Co_7:24........Brethren/let every man wherein/he 1355/1511
1Co_7:36.........require/let him do what he/will 1356/1511
1Co_7:36.............not/let them marry Nevertheless/he 1357/1511
1Co_10:8.........Neither/let us commit/fornication 1358/1511
1Co_10:9.........Neither/let us tempt/Christ. 1359/1511
1Co_10:12......Wherefore/let him that thinketh/he 1360/1511
1Co_10:24............not/Let no man seek/his. 1361/1511
1Co_11:6.........covered/let her also/be..... 1362/1511
1Co_11:6..........shaven/let her be covered/For 1363/1511
1Co_11:28............But/let a man examine/himself 1364/1511 him eat of/that. 1365/1511
1Co_11:34.........hunger/let him eat at/home. 1366/1511
1Co_14:13......Wherefore/let him that speaketh/in 1367/1511
1Co_14:26.interpretation/Let all things be done unto/edifying 1368/1511
1Co_14:27.........tongue/let it be by/two.... 1369/1511
1Co_14:27............and/let one interpret/But 1370/1511
1Co_14:28....interpreter/let him keep/silence 1371/1511
1Co_14:28............and/let him speak to/himself 1372/1511
1Co_14:29............God/Let the prophets/speak 1373/1511
1Co_14:29............and/let the other/judge. 1374/1511 the first/hold.. 1375/1511
1Co_14:34.........saints/Let your women/keep. 1376/1511
1Co_14:35..........thing/let them ask/their.. 1377/1511
1Co_14:37......spiritual/let him acknowledge/that 1378/1511
1Co_14:38.......ignorant/let him be ignorant/Wherefore 1379/1511
1Co_14:40........tongues/Let all things be done decently/and 1380/1511
1Co_15:32............not/let us eat and drink for to morrow we die/Be 1381/1511
1Co_16:2............week/let every one of you lay/by 1382/1511 no man therefore despise/him 1383/1511
1Co_16:14.........strong/Let all your/things. 1384/1511
1Co_16:22.........Christ/let him be Anathema/Maranatha 1385/1511
2Co_7:1..........beloved/let us cleanse/ourselves 1386/1511 him give not/grudgingly 1387/1511
2Co_10:7........Christ's/let him of/himself.. 1388/1511
2Co_10:11...contemptible/Let such an/one..... 1389/1511
2Co_10:17.......glorieth/let him glory in the Lord For/not 1390/1511
2Co_11:16..........again/Let no man think/me. 1391/1511
2Co_11:33..............I/let down by/the..... 1392/1511 him be accursed As/we 1393/1511
Gal_1:9.........received/let him be accursed For/do 1394/1511
Gal_5:25..........Spirit/let us also walk/in. 1395/1511
Gal_5:26..........Spirit/Let us not be desirous/of 1396/1511
Gal_6:4..............But/let every man prove/his 1397/1511
Gal_6:6...........burden/Let him that is taught/in 1398/1511
Gal_6:9..............And/let us not be weary/in 1399/1511
Gal_6:10.....opportunity/let us do good/unto. 1400/1511
Gal_6:17......henceforth/let no man trouble/me 1401/1511
Eph_4:26.............not/let not the sun/go.. 1402/1511
Eph_4:28...........devil/Let him that stole/steal 1403/1511
Eph_4:28..........rather/let him labour/working 1404/1511
Eph_4:29.........needeth/Let no corrupt/communication 1405/1511
Eph_4:31......redemption/Let all bitterness/and 1406/1511
Eph_5:3.....covetousness/let it not be once/named 1407/1511
Eph_5:6..............God/Let no man deceive you with/vain 1408/1511 the wives/be.... 1409/1511
Eph_5:33....Nevertheless/let every one of you in/particular 1410/1511
Php_1:27............Only/let your conversation be as/it 1411/1511
Php_2:3.............mind/Let nothing be/done. 1412/1511
Php_2:3.............mind/let each/esteem..... 1413/1511
Php_2:5...........others/Let this mind/be.... 1414/1511
Php_3:15...........Jesus/Let us therefore as/many 1415/1511
Php_3:16........attained/let us walk by/the.. 1416/1511
Php_3:16............rule/let us mind/the..... 1417/1511
Php_4:5..........Rejoice/Let your moderation/be 1418/1511
Php_4:6.....thanksgiving/let your requests/be 1419/1511 no man therefore judge/you 1420/1511
Col_2:18..........Christ/Let no man beguile/you 1421/1511
Col_3:15.............And/let the peace/of.... 1422/1511
Col_3:16........thankful/Let the word/of..... 1423/1511
Col_4:6.............time/Let your speech/be.. 1424/1511
1Th_5:6........Therefore/let us not sleep/as. 1425/1511
1Th_5:6..............but/let us watch/and.... 1426/1511
1Th_5:8..............But/let us who/are...... 1427/1511
2Th_2:3.............hand/Let no man deceive you by/any 1428/1511
2Th_2:7.............will/let until/he........ 1429/1511 the woman/learn. 1430/1511
1Ti_3:10.............And/let these also/first 1431/1511
1Ti_3:10............then/let them use/the.... 1432/1511
1Ti_3:12..........things/Let the deacons/be.. 1433/1511
1Ti_4:12...........teach/Let no man despise thy/youth 1434/1511
1Ti_5:4..........nephews/let them learn/first 1435/1511
1Ti_5:9..........infidel/Let not a/widow..... 1436/1511
1Ti_5:16..........widows/let them relieve/them 1437/1511
1Ti_5:16.............and/let not the church/be 1438/1511
1Ti_5:17..........indeed/Let the elders/that. 1439/1511
1Ti_6:1..............hid/Let as/many......... 1440/1511
1Ti_6:2..........masters/let them not despise/them 1441/1511
1Ti_6:8..........raiment/let us be therewith/content 1442/1511
2Ti_2:19.............And/Let every one that/nameth 1443/1511
Tit_2:15.......authority/Let no man despise thee/Put 1444/1511
Tit_3:14.............And/let our's/also...... 1445/1511 me have/joy..... 1446/1511
Heb_1:6..............And/let all the angels/of 1447/1511
Heb_2:1...........should/let them slip/For... 1448/1511
Heb_4:1.........unbelief/Let us therefore fear/lest 1449/1511
Heb_4:11.............his/Let us labour/therefore 1450/1511
Heb_4:14.............God/let us hold fast our/profession 1451/1511
Heb_4:16.............sin/Let us therefore come/boldly 1452/1511
Heb_6:1...........Christ/let us go on/unto... 1453/1511
Heb_10:22............God/Let us draw near with/a 1454/1511
Heb_10:23..........water/Let us hold fast the/profession 1455/1511
Heb_10:24............And/let us consider/one. 1456/1511
Heb_12:1.......witnesses/let us lay aside/every 1457/1511
Heb_12:1.............and/let us run/with..... 1458/1511
Heb_12:13............but/let it rather/be.... 1459/1511
Heb_12:28..........moved/let us have/grace... 1460/1511 brotherly/love.. 1461/1511
Heb_13:5...........judge/Let your conversation be without/covetousness 1462/1511
Heb_13:13...........gate/Let us go forth therefore/unto 1463/1511
Heb_13:15......therefore/let us offer/the.... 1464/1511
Jam_1:4..............But/let patience/have... 1465/1511
Jam_1:5...........wisdom/let him ask of/God.. 1466/1511
Jam_1:6..............But/let him ask in/faith 1467/1511
Jam_1:7..............For/let not that/man.... 1468/1511
Jam_1:9.............ways/Let the brother/of.. 1469/1511
Jam_1:13.............him/Let no man say/when. 1470/1511
Jam_1:19........brethren/let every man be swift/to 1471/1511 him shew/out.... 1472/1511
Jam_4:9.............weep/let your laughter/be 1473/1511
Jam_5:12.............but/let your yea/be..... 1474/1511
Jam_5:13.......afflicted/let him pray/Is..... 1475/1511
Jam_5:13...........merry/let him sing/psalms. 1476/1511 him call/for.... 1477/1511
Jam_5:14.............and/let them pray/over.. 1478/1511
Jam_5:20.............him/Let him know/that... 1479/1511
1Pe_3:3.........adorning/let it not be that/outward 1480/1511
1Pe_3:4..............But/let it be the/hidden 1481/1511
1Pe_3:10............days/let him refrain/his. 1482/1511
1Pe_3:11...........guile/Let him eschew/evil. 1483/1511
1Pe_3:11............good/let him seek/peace.. 1484/1511
1Pe_4:11...........speak/let him speak as/the 1485/1511
1Pe_4:11........minister/let him do it as/of. 1486/1511
1Pe_4:15.............But/let none of you suffer/as 1487/1511
1Pe_4:16.......Christian/let him not be ashamed/but 1488/1511
1Pe_4:16.............but/let him glorify/God. 1489/1511
1Pe_4:19.......Wherefore/let them that suffer/according 1490/1511
1Jn_2:24............also/Let that therefore/abide 1491/1511
1Jn_3:7.........children/let no man deceive you he/that 1492/1511
1Jn_3:18........children/let us not love/in.. 1493/1511
1Jn_4:7..........Beloved/let us love/one..... 1494/1511
Rev_2:7..............ear/let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree/of 1495/1511
Rev_2:11.............ear/let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches He/that 1496/1511
Rev_2:17.............ear/let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden/manna 1497/1511
Rev_2:29.............ear/let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church in/Sardis 1498/1511
Rev_3:6..............ear/let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And to/the 1499/1511
Rev_3:13.............ear/let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church of/the 1500/1511
Rev_3:22.............ear/let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches After/this 1501/1511
Rev_13:9.............ear/let him hear He/that 1502/1511
Rev_13:18.........wisdom/Let him that hath/understanding 1503/1511
Rev_19:7........reigneth/Let us be glad/and.. 1504/1511
Rev_22:11.........unjust/let him be unjust/still 1505/1511
Rev_22:11.........filthy/let him be filthy/still 1506/1511
Rev_22:11......righteous/let him be righteous/still 1507/1511
Rev_22:11...........holy/let him be holy/still 1508/1511
Rev_22:17............And/let him that heareth/say 1509/1511
Rev_22:17............And/let him that is athirst/come 1510/1511
Rev_22:17...........will/let him take the/water 1511/1511