Gen_24:60.......which/hate them And/Rebekah.... 1/87 me and have/sent.... 2/87
Gen_50:15peradventure/hate us and/will......... 3/87
Exo_20:5.........that/hate me And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Remember/the 4/87
Lev_19:17.........not/hate thy/brother......... 5/87
Lev_26:17........that/hate you shall/reign..... 6/87
Num_10:35........that/hate thee flee/before.... 7/87
Deu_5:9..........that/hate me And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Keep/the 8/87
Deu_7:10.........that/hate him to/their........ 9/87
Deu_7:15.........that/hate thee And thou/shalt 10/87 his neighbour/and.. 11/87
Deu_22:13.........and/hate her And give/occasions 12/87
Deu_24:3......husband/hate her and write/her.. 13/87
Deu_30:7.........that/hate thee which/persecuted 14/87
Deu_32:41........that/hate me I/will.......... 15/87
Deu_33:11........that/hate him that they/rise. 16/87 me and expel/me.... 17/87
Jdg_14:16.........but/hate me and lovest/me... 18/87
2Sa_22:41........that/hate me They looked/but. 19/87
1Ki_22:8............I/hate him for he doth/not 20/87
2Ch_18:7............I/hate him for he never/prophesied 21/87
2Ch_19:2.........that/hate the LORD/therefore. 22/87
Job_8:22.........that/hate thee shall/be...... 23/87
Psa_9:13.........that/hate me thou/that....... 24/87
Psa_18:40........that/hate me They cried/but.. 25/87
Psa_21:8.........that/hate thee Thou/shalt.... 26/87
Psa_25:19........they/hate me with/cruel...... 27/87
Psa_34:21........that/hate the righteous/shall 28/87
Psa_35:19........that/hate me without a cause For/they 29/87
Psa_38:19........that/hate me wrongfully/are.. 30/87
Psa_41:7.........that/hate me whisper/together 31/87
Psa_44:10.......which/hate us spoil/for....... 32/87
Psa_55:3.........they/hate me My/heart........ 33/87
Psa_68:1.........that/hate him flee/before.... 34/87
Psa_69:4.........that/hate me without a cause are/more 35/87
Psa_69:14........that/hate me and out/of...... 36/87
Psa_83:2.........that/hate thee have/lifted... 37/87
Psa_86:17.......which/hate me may/see......... 38/87
Psa_89:23........that/hate him But/my......... 39/87
Psa_97:10........LORD/hate evil he/preserveth. 40/87
Psa_101:3...........I/hate the work/of........ 41/87 his people/to...... 42/87
Psa_118:7........that/hate me It/is........... 43/87
Psa_119:104.........I/hate every false way Thy word/is 44/87
Psa_119:113.........I/hate vain/thoughts...... 45/87
Psa_119:128.........I/hate every false way Thy testimonies/are 46/87
Psa_119:163.........I/hate and/abhor.......... 47/87
Psa_129:5........that/hate Zion/Let........... 48/87
Psa_139:21..........I/hate them O/LORD........ 49/87
Psa_139:21.......that/hate thee and am/not.... 50/87
Psa_139:22..........I/hate them with/perfect.. 51/87
Pro_1:22........fools/hate knowledge/Turn..... 52/87
Pro_6:16.........LORD/hate yea/seven.......... 53/87 evil pride/and..... 54/87
Pro_8:13............I/hate Counsel/is......... 55/87
Pro_8:36.........that/hate me love/death...... 56/87
Pro_9:8............he/hate thee rebuke/a...... 57/87 him how/much....... 58/87 thee A/man......... 59/87
Pro_29:10bloodthirsty/hate the upright/but.... 60/87 a/time............. 61/87
Isa_61:8............I/hate robbery/for........ 62/87
Jer_44:4............I/hate But/they........... 63/87
Eze_16:27........that/hate thee the/daughters. 64/87
Dan_4:19.........that/hate thee and the/interpretation 65/87
Amo_5:10.........They/hate him that rebuketh/in 66/87
Amo_5:15.......spoken/Hate the evil/and....... 67/87
Amo_5:21............I/hate I/despise.......... 68/87
Amo_6:8...........and/hate his palaces/therefore 69/87
Mic_3:2...........Who/hate the good/and....... 70/87
Zec_8:17............I/hate saith/the.......... 71/87
Mat_5:43..........and/hate thine/enemy........ 72/87
Mat_5:44.........that/hate you and pray/for... 73/87
Mat_6:24.........will/hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and mammon Therefore/I 74/87
Mat_24:10.......shall/hate one/another........ 75/87
Luk_1:71.........that/hate us To/perform...... 76/87
Luk_6:22........shall/hate you and when/they.. 77/87
Luk_6:27........which/hate you Bless/them..... 78/87
Luk_14:26.........and/hate not/his............ 79/87
Luk_16:13........will/hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and mammon And/the 80/87
Joh_7:7........cannot/hate you but/me......... 81/87 you ye/know........ 82/87
Rom_7:15............I/hate that/do............ 83/87 you We/know........ 84/87
Rev_2:6..........also/hate He/that............ 85/87
Rev_2:15............I/hate Repent/or.......... 86/87
Rev_17:16.......shall/hate the whore/and...... 87/87
Gen_27:41........Esau/hated Jacob/because...... 1/60
Gen_29:31.........was/hated he opened/her...... 2/60
Gen_29:33.........was/hated he hath/therefore.. 3/60
Gen_37:4.........they/hated him and could/not.. 4/60
Gen_37:5.........they/hated him yet the more And/he 5/60
Gen_37:8.........they/hated him yet the more for/his 6/60
Gen_49:23.........and/hated him But/his........ 7/60
Deu_1:27.........LORD/hated us he/hath......... 8/60
Deu_4:42..........and/hated him not in times/past 9/60
Deu_9:28...........he/hated them he/hath...... 10/60
Deu_19:4...........he/hated not/in............ 11/60
Deu_19:6...........he/hated him not in time/past 12/60
Deu_21:15.....another/hated and they/have..... 13/60
Deu_21:15.........the/hated and if/the........ 14/60
Deu_21:15.........was/hated Then/it........... 15/60
Deu_21:16.........the/hated which/is.......... 16/60
Deu_21:17.........the/hated for/the........... 17/60
Jos_20:5..........and/hated him not beforetime/And 18/60
Jdg_15:2......utterly/hated her therefore/I... 19/60
2Sa_5:8...........are/hated of David's/soul... 20/60
2Sa_13:15.......Amnon/hated her exceedingly/so 21/60
2Sa_13:15..........he/hated her was/greater... 22/60
2Sa_13:22.....Absalom/hated Amnon/because..... 23/60
2Sa_22:18........that/hated me for they were too strong for me They prevented me in the day of my calamity but the LORD was my stay He brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and as/for 24/60
Est_9:1..........that/hated them The/Jews..... 25/60
Est_9:5..........that/hated them And in/Shushan 26/60
Job_31:29........that/hated me or/lifted...... 27/60
Psa_18:17.......which/hated me for they were too strong for me They prevented me in the day of my calamity but the LORD was my stay He brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and I/did 28/60
Psa_26:5.........have/hated the congregation/of 29/60
Psa_31:6.........have/hated them that/regard.. 30/60
Psa_44:7.........that/hated us In/God......... 31/60
Psa_55:12........that/hated me that/did....... 32/60
Psa_106:10.......that/hated them and redeemed/them 33/60
Psa_106:41.......that/hated them ruled/over... 34/60
Pro_1:29.........they/hated knowledge/and..... 35/60
Pro_5:12............I/hated instruction/and... 36/60 The simple/inherit 37/60 even/of........... 38/60
Ecc_2:17............I/hated life/because...... 39/60
Ecc_2:18............I/hated all/my............ 40/60
Isa_60:15.........and/hated so/that........... 41/60
Isa_66:5.........that/hated you that/cast..... 42/60
Jer_12:8............I/hated it/Mine........... 43/60
Eze_16:37........hast/hated I/will............ 44/60
Eze_35:6..........not/hated blood/even........ 45/60
Hos_9:15............I/hated them for/the...... 46/60
Mal_1:3.............I/hated Esau/and.......... 47/60 of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth/to 48/60 of all nations/for 49/60 of all men for my name's sake but he that shall/endure 50/60
Luk_19:14....citizens/hated him and sent/a.... 51/60 of all men for my name's sake But there/shall 52/60 me before/it...... 53/60 you If/ye......... 54/60
Joh_15:24.........and/hated both/me........... 55/60
Joh_15:25........They/hated me without/a...... 56/60
Joh_17:14........hath/hated them because/they. 57/60
Rom_9:13............I/hated What/shall........ 58/60
Eph_5:29..........yet/hated his/own........... 59/60
Heb_1:9...........and/hated iniquity/therefore 60/60 The/words......... 1/3
Tit_3:3..........envy/hateful and/hating........ 2/3
Rev_18:2..........and/hateful bird/For.......... 3/3
Eze_23:29........thee/hatefully/and............. 1/1
Psa_81:15.........The/haters of the/LORD........ 1/2
Rom_1:30...Backbiters/haters of God/despiteful.. 2/2
2Sa_19:6..........and/hatest thy/friends........ 1/6
Psa_5:5..........thou/hatest all/workers........ 2/6
Psa_45:7..........and/hatest wickedness/therefore 3/6
Psa_50:17........thou/hatest instruction/and.... 4/6
Eze_23:28........thou/hatest into/the........... 5/6
Rev_2:6..........thou/hatest the/deeds.......... 6/6
Exo_23:5.........that/hateth thee/lying........ 1/31
Deu_7:10.........that/hateth him/he............ 2/31
Deu_12:31..........he/hateth have/they......... 3/31
Deu_16:22.........God/hateth Thou/shalt........ 4/31
Deu_22:16..........he/hateth her/And........... 5/31
Job_16:9..........who/hateth me he/gnasheth.... 6/31
Job_34:17........that/hateth right/govern...... 7/31
Psa_11:5.........soul/hateth Upon/the.......... 8/31
Psa_120:6........that/hateth peace/I........... 9/31
Pro_11:15........that/hateth suretiship/is.... 10/31
Pro_12:1.........that/hateth reproof is/brutish 11/31 lying/but........ 12/31
Pro_13:24.........rod/hateth his son/but...... 13/31
Pro_15:10........that/hateth reproof shall/die 14/31
Pro_15:27........that/hateth gifts/shall...... 15/31
Pro_26:24........that/hateth dissembleth/with. 16/31
Pro_26:28......tongue/hateth those/that....... 17/31
Pro_28:16........that/hateth covetousness/shall 18/31
Pro_29:24.......thief/hateth his own/soul..... 19/31
Isa_1:14.........soul/hateth they/are......... 20/31
Mal_2:16...........he/hateth putting/away..... 21/31
Joh_3:20.........evil/hateth the/light........ 22/31 because/I........ 23/31
Joh_12:25........that/hateth his life/in...... 24/31 you/Remember..... 25/31
Joh_15:23........that/hateth me hateth/my..... 26/31 my/Father........ 27/31
1Jn_2:9...........and/hateth his brother is in darkness even/until 28/31
1Jn_2:11.........that/hateth his brother is in darkness and/walketh 29/31
1Jn_3:15....Whosoever/hateth his brother is a/murderer 30/31
1Jn_4:20..........and/hateth his brother he/is 31/31