And the gold/of.... 1/417
Gen_2:12.......the/gold of that/land....... 2/417 And he went/on..... 3/417
Gen_24:22.......of/gold And said Whose/daughter 4/417
Gen_24:35......and/gold and menservants/and 5/417
Gen_24:53.......of/gold and raiment and gave/them 6/417
Gen_41:42........a/gold chain/about........ 7/417
Gen_44:8........or/gold With whomsoever/of. 8/417
Exo_3:22........of/gold and raiment and ye/shall 9/417
Exo_11:2........of/gold And the LORD/gave. 10/417
Exo_12:35.......of/gold and raiment And the/LORD 11/417
Exo_20:23.......of/gold An altar/of....... 12/417
Exo_25:3......them/gold and silver and brass And blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen and goats' hair And rams' skins dyed red and badgers' skins and shittim wood Oil/for 13/417
Exo_25:11.....pure/gold within and without shalt/thou 14/417
Exo_25:11.......of/gold round about And thou shalt cast/four 15/417
Exo_25:12.......of/gold for it and/put.... 16/417
Exo_25:13.....with/gold And thou shalt put the staves/into 17/417
Exo_25:17.....pure/gold two cubits and a half shall/be 18/417
Exo_25:18.......of/gold of beaten work shalt/thou 19/417
Exo_25:24.....pure/gold and make thereto/a 20/417
Exo_25:24.......of/gold round about And thou shalt make/unto 21/417
Exo_25:26.......of/gold and put the rings in/the 22/417
Exo_25:28.....with/gold that the/table.... 23/417
Exo_25:29.....pure/gold shalt/thou........ 24/417
Exo_25:31.....pure/gold of beaten work shall/the 25/417
Exo_25:36.....pure/gold And thou shalt make the/seven 26/417
Exo_25:38.....pure/gold Of a talent of pure gold shall/he 27/417
Exo_25:39.....pure/gold shall he/make..... 28/417
Exo_26:6........of/gold and couple/the.... 29/417
Exo_26:29.....with/gold and make their/rings 30/417
Exo_26:29.......of/gold for places/for.... 31/417
Exo_26:29.....with/gold And thou shalt rear/up 32/417
Exo_26:32.....with/gold their hooks shall/be 33/417
Exo_26:32.......of/gold upon the four/sockets 34/417
Exo_26:37.....with/gold and their hooks/shall 35/417
Exo_26:37.......of/gold and thou shalt cast/five 36/417
Exo_28:5......take/gold and blue/and...... 37/417
Exo_28:6........of/gold of blue and of purple of/scarlet 38/417
Exo_28:8........of/gold of blue and purple/and 39/417
Exo_28:11.......of/gold And thou shalt put the two/stones 40/417
Exo_28:13.......of/gold And two chains/of. 41/417
Exo_28:14.....pure/gold at the/ends....... 42/417
Exo_28:15.......of/gold of blue and of purple and/of 43/417 in their inclosings And the stones shall/be 44/417
Exo_28:22.....pure/gold And thou shalt make upon/the 45/417
Exo_28:23.......of/gold and shalt/put..... 46/417
Exo_28:24.......of/gold in the two rings which/are 47/417
Exo_28:26.......of/gold and thou shalt put them/upon 48/417
Exo_28:27.......of/gold thou shalt make/and 49/417
Exo_28:33.......of/gold between/them...... 50/417
Exo_28:36.....pure/gold and grave/upon.... 51/417
Exo_30:3......pure/gold the top/thereof... 52/417
Exo_30:3........of/gold round about And two/golden 53/417
Exo_30:5......with/gold And thou shalt put it/before 54/417 and in silver and in brass And in cutting/of 55/417
Exo_32:24......any/gold let/them.......... 56/417
Exo_32:31.......of/gold Yet/now........... 57/417
Exo_35:5......LORD/gold and silver and brass And blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen and goats' hair And rams' skins dyed red and badgers' skins and shittim wood And/oil 58/417
Exo_35:22.......of/gold and every/man..... 59/417
Exo_35:22.......of/gold unto the LORD/And. 60/417 and in silver and in brass And in the/cutting 61/417
Exo_36:13.......of/gold and coupled/the... 62/417
Exo_36:34.....with/gold and made their/rings 63/417
Exo_36:34.......of/gold to be places/for.. 64/417
Exo_36:34.....with/gold And he made a vail/of 65/417
Exo_36:36.....with/gold their hooks were/of 66/417
Exo_36:36.......of/gold and he cast/for... 67/417
Exo_36:38.....with/gold but their/five.... 68/417
Exo_37:2......pure/gold within and without and made/a 69/417
Exo_37:2........of/gold to it/round....... 70/417
Exo_37:3........of/gold to be set/by...... 71/417
Exo_37:4......with/gold And he put/the.... 72/417
Exo_37:6......pure/gold two cubits and a half was/the 73/417
Exo_37:7........of/gold beaten/out........ 74/417
Exo_37:11.....pure/gold and made thereunto/a 75/417
Exo_37:11.......of/gold round about Also/he 76/417
Exo_37:12.......of/gold for the border/thereof 77/417
Exo_37:13.......of/gold and put the rings upon/the 78/417
Exo_37:15.....with/gold to bear/the....... 79/417
Exo_37:16.....pure/gold And he made the candlestick/of 80/417
Exo_37:17.....pure/gold of beaten work made/he 81/417
Exo_37:22.....pure/gold And he made his/seven 82/417
Exo_37:23.....pure/gold Of a talent of pure gold made/he 83/417
Exo_37:24.....pure/gold made/he........... 84/417
Exo_37:26.....pure/gold both the/top...... 85/417
Exo_37:26.......of/gold round about And he/made 86/417
Exo_37:27.......of/gold for it under/the.. 87/417
Exo_37:28.....with/gold And he made the holy/anointing 88/417
Exo_38:24......the/gold that was occupied/for 89/417
Exo_38:24......the/gold of the offering was/twenty 90/417
Exo_39:2........of/gold blue and purple and scarlet and fine twined linen And/they 91/417
Exo_39:3.......the/gold into/thin......... 92/417
Exo_39:5........of/gold blue and purple and scarlet and fine twined linen as/the 93/417
Exo_39:6........of/gold graven/as......... 94/417
Exo_39:8........of/gold blue and purple and scarlet and fine twined linen It/was 95/417
Exo_39:13.......of/gold in their inclosings And the stones were/according 96/417
Exo_39:15.....pure/gold And they/made..... 97/417
Exo_39:16.......of/gold and two gold/rings 98/417
Exo_39:16......two/gold rings and/put..... 99/417
Exo_39:17.......of/gold in the two rings on/the 100/417
Exo_39:19.......of/gold and put them/on.. 101/417
Exo_39:25.....pure/gold and put the bells/between 102/417
Exo_39:30.....pure/gold and wrote/upon... 103/417
Exo_40:5........of/gold for the incense/before 104/417
Num_7:14........of/gold full/of.......... 105/417
Num_7:20........of/gold of ten/shekels... 106/417
Num_7:84........of/gold Each/charger..... 107/417
Num_7:86.......the/gold of the spoons/was 108/417
Num_8:4.....beaten/gold unto the shaft/thereof 109/417
Num_22:18......and/gold I cannot go beyond the word/of 110/417
Num_24:13......and/gold I cannot go beyond the commandment/of 111/417
Num_31:22......the/gold and the silver the/brass 112/417
Num_31:50.......of/gold chains/and....... 113/417
Num_31:51......the/gold of them/even..... 114/417
Num_31:52......the/gold of the offering that/they 115/417
Num_31:54......the/gold of the captains/of 116/417
Deu_7:25........or/gold that is/on....... 117/417
Deu_8:13.......thy/gold is multiplied/and 118/417
Deu_17:17......and/gold And it/shall..... 119/417
Deu_29:17......and/gold which were among/them 120/417
Jos_6:19.......and/gold and vessels of brass and/iron 121/417
Jos_6:24.......the/gold and the vessels of/brass 122/417
Jos_7:21........of/gold of fifty/shekels. 123/417
Jos_7:24........of/gold and his/sons..... 124/417
Jos_22:8......with/gold and with brass/and 125/417
Jdg_8:26........of/gold beside ornaments/and 126/417
1Sa_6:8.........of/gold which ye/return.. 127/417
1Sa_6:11........of/gold and the images/of 128/417
1Sa_6:15........of/gold were/and......... 129/417
2Sa_1:24........of/gold upon your/apparel 130/417
2Sa_8:7.........of/gold that were on the servants of Hadadezer/and 131/417
2Sa_8:10........of/gold and vessels of brass Which/also 132/417
2Sa_8:11.......and/gold that he had/dedicated 133/417
2Sa_12:30.......of/gold with the precious/stones 134/417
2Sa_21:4.......nor/gold of Saul/nor...... 135/417
1Ki_6:20......pure/gold and so/covered... 136/417
1Ki_6:21......pure/gold and he made a partition/by 137/417
1Ki_6:21........of/gold before/the....... 138/417
1Ki_6:21......with/gold And the whole/house 139/417
1Ki_6:22......with/gold until/he......... 140/417
1Ki_6:22......with/gold And within/the... 141/417
1Ki_6:28......with/gold And he carved/all 142/417
1Ki_6:30......with/gold within and without And for/the 143/417
1Ki_6:32......with/gold and spread/gold.. 144/417
1Ki_6:32....spread/gold upon the cherubims/and 145/417
1Ki_6:35......with/gold fitted/upon...... 146/417
1Ki_7:48........of/gold and the table/of. 147/417
1Ki_7:48........of/gold whereupon/the.... 148/417
1Ki_7:49......pure/gold five on/the...... 149/417
1Ki_7:49........of/gold And the bowls/and 150/417
1Ki_7:50......pure/gold and the hinges/of 151/417
1Ki_7:50........of/gold both for/the..... 152/417
1Ki_7:51.......the/gold and the vessels did/he 153/417
1Ki_9:11......with/gold according to all/his 154/417
1Ki_9:14........of/gold And this/is...... 155/417
1Ki_9:28....thence/gold four/hundred..... 156/417
1Ki_10:2......much/gold and precious stones and when/she 157/417
1Ki_10:10.......of/gold and of spices very/great 158/417
1Ki_10:11..brought/gold from Ophir brought in/from 159/417
1Ki_10:14.......of/gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore/and 160/417
1Ki_10:14.......of/gold Beside that he/had 161/417
1Ki_10:16...beaten/gold six hundred shekels of gold/went 162/417
1Ki_10:16.......of/gold went to one target And he/made 163/417
1Ki_10:17...beaten/gold three pound/of... 164/417
1Ki_10:17.......of/gold went to one shield and the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with the/best 165/417 The throne/had... 166/417
1Ki_10:21.......of/gold and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold none were of silver it was nothing/accounted 167/417
1Ki_10:21.....pure/gold none were of silver it was nothing/accounted 168/417
1Ki_10:22.bringing/gold and silver ivory and apes and peacocks So/king 169/417
1Ki_10:25.......of/gold and garments/and. 170/417
1Ki_12:28.......of/gold and said unto/them 171/417
1Ki_14:26.......of/gold which Solomon had made And/king 172/417
1Ki_15:15......and/gold and vessels And there was war/between 173/417
1Ki_15:18......the/gold that were left/in 174/417
1Ki_15:19......and/gold come/and......... 175/417
1Ki_20:3.......thy/gold is mine thy/wives 176/417
1Ki_20:5.......thy/gold and thy/wives.... 177/417 and I denied/him. 178/417
1Ki_22:48......for/gold but they/went.... 179/417
2Ki_5:5.........of/gold and ten/changes.. 180/417
2Ki_7:8........and/gold and raiment and went/and 181/417
2Ki_12:13.......of/gold or vessels/of.... 182/417
2Ki_12:18......the/gold that was found in the treasures/of 183/417
2Ki_14:14......the/gold and silver and all/the 184/417
2Ki_16:8.......and/gold that was found in the house/of 185/417
2Ki_18:14.......of/gold And Hezekiah/gave 186/417
2Ki_18:16......the/gold from the/doors... 187/417
2Ki_20:13......the/gold and the spices and the precious ointment and all the house of his armour and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 188/417
2Ki_23:33.......of/gold And Pharaohnechoh/made 189/417
2Ki_23:35......the/gold to Pharaoh/but... 190/417
2Ki_23:35......the/gold of the people/of. 191/417
2Ki_24:13.......of/gold which Solomon king/of 192/417
2Ki_25:15.......of/gold in gold and of/silver 193/417 and of silver in/silver 194/417
1Ch_18:7........of/gold that were on the servants of Hadarezer/and 195/417
1Ch_18:10.......of/gold and silver and brass Them/also 196/417
1Ch_18:11......the/gold that he brought/from 197/417
1Ch_20:2........of/gold and there were precious/stones 198/417
1Ch_21:25.......of/gold by weight And David/built 199/417
1Ch_22:14.......of/gold and a thousand/thousand 200/417
1Ch_22:16......the/gold the silver/and... 201/417
1Ch_28:14.......of/gold by weight for things/of 202/417
1Ch_28:14.......of/gold for all/instruments 203/417
1Ch_28:15.......of/gold and for their/lamps 204/417
1Ch_28:15.......of/gold by weight for every candlestick/and 205/417
1Ch_28:16.....gave/gold for the tables/of 206/417
1Ch_28:17.....pure/gold for the fleshhooks/and 207/417
1Ch_28:17.....gave/gold by weight for every bason/and 208/417
1Ch_28:18..refined/gold by weight and gold/for 209/417
1Ch_28:18......and/gold for the pattern/of 210/417
1Ch_29:2.......the/gold for things to/be. 211/417
1Ch_29:2........of/gold and the silver for things of silver and the/brass 212/417
1Ch_29:3........of/gold and silver which/I 213/417
1Ch_29:4........of/gold of the gold/of... 214/417
1Ch_29:4.......the/gold of Ophir and/seven 215/417
1Ch_29:5.......The/gold for things of/gold 216/417
1Ch_29:5........of/gold and the silver for things of silver and for/all 217/417
1Ch_29:7........of/gold five thousand/talents 218/417
2Ch_1:15.......and/gold at Jerusalem/as.. 219/417 and in silver and in brass and in iron/and 220/417 and in silver in/brass 221/417
2Ch_3:4.......pure/gold And the greater/house 222/417
2Ch_3:5.......fine/gold and set/thereon.. 223/417
2Ch_3:6........the/gold was/gold......... 224/417
2Ch_3:6........was/gold of Parvaim/He.... 225/417
2Ch_3:7.......with/gold and graved/cherubims 226/417
2Ch_3:8.......fine/gold amounting/to..... 227/417
2Ch_3:9.........of/gold And he overlaid/the 228/417
2Ch_3:9.......with/gold And in the/most.. 229/417
2Ch_3:10......with/gold And the wings/of. 230/417
2Ch_4:7.........of/gold according to their/form 231/417
2Ch_4:8.........of/gold Furthermore/he... 232/417
2Ch_4:20......pure/gold And the flowers/and 233/417
2Ch_4:21........of/gold and that perfect/gold 234/417
2Ch_4:21...perfect/gold And the snuffers/and 235/417
2Ch_4:22......pure/gold and the entry/of. 236/417
2Ch_4:22........of/gold Thus/all......... 237/417
2Ch_5:1........the/gold and all the instruments/put 238/417
2Ch_8:18........of/gold and brought/them. 239/417
2Ch_9:1........and/gold in abundance/and. 240/417
2Ch_9:9.........of/gold and of spices great/abundance 241/417
2Ch_9:10...brought/gold from Ophir brought algum/trees 242/417
2Ch_9:13........of/gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and/threescore 243/417
2Ch_9:13........of/gold Beside that which/chapmen 244/417
2Ch_9:14...brought/gold and silver to/Solomon 245/417
2Ch_9:15....beaten/gold six hundred shekels of beaten/gold 246/417
2Ch_9:15....beaten/gold went to one target And three/hundred 247/417
2Ch_9:16....beaten/gold three hundred/shekels 248/417
2Ch_9:16........of/gold went to one shield And the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with pure/gold 249/417
2Ch_9:17......pure/gold And there were six/steps 250/417
2Ch_9:18........of/gold which were fastened/to 251/417
2Ch_9:20........of/gold and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold none were of silver it was not/any 252/417
2Ch_9:20......pure/gold none were of silver it was not/any 253/417
2Ch_9:21..bringing/gold and silver ivory and apes and peacocks And/king 254/417
2Ch_9:24........of/gold and raiment harness/and 255/417
2Ch_12:9........of/gold which Solomon had made Instead/of 256/417
2Ch_13:11.......of/gold with the lamps/thereof 257/417
2Ch_15:18......and/gold and vessels And there was no/more 258/417
2Ch_16:2.......and/gold out of the treasures/of 259/417
2Ch_16:3.......and/gold go/break......... 260/417
2Ch_21:3........of/gold and of precious/things 261/417
2Ch_24:14.......of/gold and silver And they/offered 262/417
2Ch_25:24......the/gold and the silver and/all 263/417
2Ch_32:27......for/gold and for precious/stones 264/417
2Ch_36:3........of/gold And the king/of.. 265/417
Ezr_1:4.......with/gold and with goods/and 266/417
Ezr_1:6.......with/gold with goods/and... 267/417
Ezr_1:9.........of/gold a/thousand....... 268/417
Ezr_1:10........of/gold silver basons/of. 269/417
Ezr_1:11........of/gold and of silver were/five 270/417
Ezr_2:69........of/gold and five/thousand 271/417
Ezr_5:14........of/gold and silver of/the 272/417
Ezr_7:15.......and/gold which the/king... 273/417
Ezr_7:16.......and/gold that thou/canst.. 274/417
Ezr_7:18.......the/gold that do/after.... 275/417
Ezr_8:25.......the/gold and the vessels even/the 276/417
Ezr_8:26........of/gold an hundred/talents 277/417
Ezr_8:27........of/gold of a thousand/drams 278/417 And I said/unto.. 279/417
Ezr_8:28.......the/gold are/a............ 280/417
Ezr_8:30.......the/gold and the vessels to/bring 281/417
Ezr_8:33.......the/gold and the vessels weighed/in 282/417
Neh_7:70........of/gold fifty/basons..... 283/417
Neh_7:71........of/gold and two thousand and/two 284/417
Neh_7:72........of/gold and two thousand pound/of 285/417
Est_1:6.........of/gold and silver upon/a 286/417
Est_1:7.........of/gold the vessels/being 287/417
Est_8:15........of/gold and with a/garment 288/417
Job_3:15.......had/gold who/filled....... 289/417
Job_22:24.......up/gold as dust/and...... 290/417
Job_22:24......the/gold of Ophir as/the.. 291/417 My foot/hath..... 292/417
Job_28:1.......for/gold where/they....... 293/417
Job_28:6........of/gold There/is......... 294/417
Job_28:15......for/gold neither shall/silver 295/417
Job_28:16......the/gold of Ophir with/the 296/417
Job_28:17......The/gold and the crystal/cannot 297/417
Job_28:17.....fine/gold No/mention....... 298/417
Job_28:19.....pure/gold Whence/then...... 299/417
Job_31:24.....made/gold my hope/or....... 300/417
Job_31:24.....fine/gold Thou art/my...... 301/417
Job_36:19......not/gold nor all/the...... 302/417
Job_42:11.......of/gold So the/LORD...... 303/417
Psa_19:10.....than/gold yea than much/fine 304/417
Psa_19:10.....fine/gold sweeter/also..... 305/417
Psa_21:3......pure/gold on/his........... 306/417 of Ophir Hearken/O 307/417
Psa_45:13..wrought/gold She shall/be..... 308/417
Psa_68:13...yellow/gold When/the......... 309/417
Psa_72:15......the/gold of Sheba/prayer.. 310/417
Psa_105:37.....and/gold and there was/not 311/417
Psa_115:4......and/gold the work of men's hands They have mouths but they speak not eyes have they but they see not They have ears but they hear not noses/have 312/417
Psa_119:72......of/gold and silver Thy/hands 313/417
Psa_119:127..above/gold yea above/fine... 314/417
Psa_119:127...fine/gold Therefore/I...... 315/417
Psa_135:15.....and/gold the work of men's hands They have mouths but they speak not eyes have they but they see not They have ears but they hear not neither/is 316/417
Pro_3:14......fine/gold She is/more...... 317/417
Pro_8:10....choice/gold For wisdom/is.... 318/417
Pro_8:19......than/gold yea than fine/gold 319/417
Pro_8:19......fine/gold and my/revenue... 320/417
Pro_11:22.......of/gold in a/swine's..... 321/417
Pro_16:16.....than/gold and to/get....... 322/417
Pro_17:3.......for/gold but the/LORD..... 323/417 and a multitude/of 324/417
Pro_22:1.......and/gold The rich/and..... 325/417
Pro_25:11.......of/gold in pictures/of... 326/417
Pro_25:12.......of/gold and an/ornament.. 327/417
Pro_25:12.....fine/gold so is a wise/reprover 328/417
Pro_27:21......for/gold so is a man/to... 329/417
Ecc_2:8........and/gold and the peculiar/treasure 330/417
Son_1:10........of/gold We/will.......... 331/417
Son_1:11........of/gold with studs/of.... 332/417
Son_3:10........of/gold the covering/of.. 333/417
Son_5:11......fine/gold his locks/are.... 334/417 rings set/with... 335/417
Son_5:15......fine/gold his countenance/is 336/417
Isa_2:7........and/gold neither is/there. 337/417
Isa_2:20........of/gold which they made/each 338/417
Isa_13:12.....fine/gold even/a........... 339/417
Isa_13:17......for/gold they shall/not... 340/417
Isa_30:22.......of/gold thou shalt cast/them 341/417
Isa_31:7........of/gold which your/own... 342/417
Isa_39:2.......the/gold and the spices and the precious ointment and all the house of his armour and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 343/417
Isa_40:19.....with/gold and casteth/silver 344/417
Isa_46:6....lavish/gold out of the bag/and 345/417
Isa_60:6.....bring/gold and incense/and.. 346/417
Isa_60:9.....their/gold with them/unto... 347/417
Isa_60:17....bring/gold and for iron/I... 348/417
Jer_4:30........of/gold though/thou...... 349/417
Jer_10:4......with/gold they fasten/it... 350/417
Jer_10:9.......and/gold from Uphaz/the... 351/417
Jer_52:19.......of/gold in gold and that/which 352/417 and that which/was 353/417
Lam_4:1........the/gold become/dim....... 354/417
Lam_4:1.......fine/gold changed/the...... 355/417
Lam_4:2.......fine/gold how/are.......... 356/417
Eze_7:19.....their/gold shall be removed/their 357/417
Eze_7:19.....their/gold shall not/be..... 358/417
Eze_16:13.....with/gold and silver and thy/raiment 359/417 and of my/silver. 360/417
Eze_27:22......and/gold Haran/and........ 361/417
Eze_28:4....gotten/gold and silver into/thy 362/417
Eze_28:13......and/gold the workmanship/of 363/417
Eze_38:13......and/gold to take/away..... 364/417
Dan_2:32......fine/gold his breast/and... 365/417
Dan_2:35.......the/gold broken/to........ 366/417
Dan_2:38........of/gold And after/thee... 367/417
Dan_2:45.......the/gold the great/God.... 368/417
Dan_3:1.........of/gold whose/height..... 369/417
Dan_5:4.........of/gold and of silver of/brass 370/417
Dan_5:7.........of/gold about his neck and shall/be 371/417
Dan_5:16........of/gold about thy/neck... 372/417
Dan_5:23.......and/gold of brass/iron.... 373/417
Dan_5:29........of/gold about his neck and made/a 374/417
Dan_10:5......fine/gold of Uphaz/His..... 375/417
Dan_11:8........of/gold and he shall/continue 376/417
Dan_11:38.....with/gold and silver and with/precious 377/417
Dan_11:43.......of/gold and of silver and/over 378/417
Hos_2:8........and/gold which they prepared/for 379/417
Hos_8:4......their/gold have they/made... 380/417 and have/carried. 381/417
Nah_2:9.........of/gold for there/is..... 382/417
Hab_2:19......with/gold and silver and there/is 383/417
Zep_1:18.....their/gold shall be able/to. 384/417
Hag_2:8........the/gold is mine saith/the 385/417
Zec_4:2.........of/gold with a/bowl...... 386/417
Zec_6:11.......and/gold and make crowns/and 387/417
Zec_9:3.......fine/gold as the/mire...... 388/417 is tried/they.... 389/417
Zec_14:14.together/gold and silver and apparel/in 390/417 and silver that/they 391/417 and frankincense/and 392/417
Mat_10:9...neither/gold nor silver/nor... 393/417
Mat_23:16......the/gold of the temple/he. 394/417
Mat_23:17......the/gold or the/temple.... 395/417
Mat_23:17......the/gold And Whosoever/shall 396/417
Act_3:6........and/gold have I/none...... 397/417
Act_17:29.....unto/gold or silver/or..... 398/417
Act_20:33.......or/gold or apparel/Yea... 399/417
1Co_3:12foundation/gold silver precious/stones 400/417
1Ti_2:9.........or/gold or pearls/or..... 401/417
2Ti_2:20........of/gold and of silver but/also 402/417
Heb_9:4.......with/gold wherein/was...... 403/417
Jam_2:2..........a/gold ring/in.......... 404/417
Jam_5:3.......Your/gold and silver is/cankered 405/417
1Pe_1:7.........of/gold that perisheth/though 406/417
1Pe_1:18.......and/gold from your/vain... 407/417
1Pe_3:3.........of/gold or of/putting.... 408/417 tried/in......... 409/417
Rev_4:4.........of/gold And out/of....... 410/417 and their faces/were 411/417
Rev_9:20........of/gold and silver and brass and stone/and 412/417
Rev_17:4......with/gold and precious stones and pearls having/a 413/417
Rev_18:12.......of/gold and silver and precious/stones 414/417
Rev_18:16.....with/gold and precious stones and pearls For/in 415/417
Rev_21:18.....pure/gold like/unto........ 416/417
Rev_21:21.....pure/gold as it/were....... 417/417
Gen_24:22........a/golden earring/of........ 1/66
Exo_25:25........a/golden crown to/the...... 2/66
Exo_28:34........A/golden bell and a pomegranate a/golden 3/66
Exo_28:34........a/golden bell and a pomegranate upon/the 4/66
Exo_30:4.......two/golden rings shalt/thou.. 5/66
Exo_32:2.......the/golden earrings which are/in 6/66
Exo_32:3.......the/golden earrings which were/in 7/66
Exo_39:20....other/golden rings and/put..... 8/66
Exo_39:38......the/golden altar and/the..... 9/66
Exo_40:26......the/golden altar in/the..... 10/66
Lev_8:9........the/golden plate/the........ 11/66
Num_4:11.......the/golden altar they/shall. 12/66
Num_7:26.......One/golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 13/66
Num_7:32.......One/golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 14/66
Num_7:38.......One/golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 15/66
Num_7:44.......One/golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 16/66
Num_7:50.......One/golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 17/66
Num_7:56.......One/golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 18/66
Num_7:62.......One/golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 19/66
Num_7:68.......One/golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 20/66
Num_7:74.......One/golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 21/66
Num_7:80.......One/golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 22/66
Num_7:86.......The/golden spoons/were...... 23/66
Jdg_8:24.......had/golden earrings because/they 24/66
Jdg_8:26.......the/golden earrings that/he. 25/66
1Sa_6:4.......Five/golden emerods and/five. 26/66
1Sa_6:4.......five/golden mice according to the number of the/lords 27/66
1Sa_6:17.......the/golden emerods which/the 28/66
1Sa_6:18.......the/golden mice according to the number of all/the 29/66
2Ki_10:29......the/golden calves that/were. 30/66
1Ch_28:17......the/golden basons/he........ 31/66
2Ch_4:19.......the/golden altar also/and... 32/66
2Ch_13:8......your/golden calves which/Jeroboam 33/66
Ezr_6:5........the/golden and silver vessels of/the 34/66
Est_4:11.......the/golden sceptre that he/may 35/66
Est_5:2........the/golden sceptre that was/in 36/66
Est_8:4........the/golden sceptre toward/Esther 37/66
Ecc_12:6.......the/golden bowl/be.......... 38/66
Isa_13:12......the/golden wedge/of......... 39/66
Isa_14:4.......the/golden city/ceased...... 40/66
Jer_51:7.........a/golden cup in the/LORD's 41/66
Dan_3:5........the/golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath/set 42/66
Dan_3:7........the/golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had/set 43/66
Dan_3:10.......the/golden image And/whoso.. 44/66
Dan_3:12.......the/golden image which thou hast set up Then Nebuchadnezzar/in 45/66
Dan_3:14.......the/golden image which I/have 46/66
Dan_3:18.......the/golden image which thou hast set up Then was/Nebuchadnezzar 47/66
Dan_5:2........the/golden and silver vessels which/his 48/66
Dan_5:3........the/golden vessels/that..... 49/66
Zec_4:12.......two/golden pipes/empty...... 50/66
Zec_4:12.......the/golden oil/out.......... 51/66
Heb_9:4........the/golden censer and the/ark 52/66
Heb_9:4........the/golden pot/that......... 53/66 candlesticks And/in 54/66
Rev_1:13.........a/golden girdle/His....... 55/66 candlesticks The/seven 56/66 candlesticks I/know 57/66
Rev_5:8........and/golden vials full of odours/which 58/66
Rev_8:3..........a/golden censer and there/was 59/66
Rev_8:3........the/golden altar which was/before 60/66
Rev_9:13.......the/golden altar which is/before 61/66
Rev_14:14........a/golden crown and/in..... 62/66
Rev_15:6......with/golden girdles/And...... 63/66 vials full of the/wrath 64/66
Rev_17:4.........a/golden cup in her/hand.. 65/66
Rev_21:15........a/golden reed/to.......... 66/66
Isa_40:19......the/goldsmith spreadeth/it.... 1/3
Isa_41:7.......the/goldsmith and he that/smootheth 2/3
Isa_46:6.........a/goldsmith and he maketh/it 3/3
Neh_3:8........the/goldsmiths Next/unto...... 1/3
Neh_3:31.......the/goldsmith's son/unto...... 2/3
Neh_3:32.......the/goldsmiths and/the........ 3/3