And she/conceived..... 1/11
Gen_38:6...for/Er his/firstborn......... 2/11
Gen_38:7...And/Er Judah's/firstborn..... 3/11
Gen_46:12Judah/Er and Onan and Shelah and/Pharez 4/11
Gen_46:12..but/Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan And the sons of Pharez/were 5/11
Num_26:19.were/Er and Onan and Er/and... 6/11
Num_26:19..and/Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan And the sons of Judah/after 7/11
1Ch_2:3..Judah/Er and Onan and Shelah which/three 8/11
1Ch_2:3....And/Er the firstborn/of...... 9/11
1Ch_4:21..were/Er the father/of........ 10/11
Luk_3:28....of/Er Which/was............ 11/11