Gen_4:7.........the/door And unto/thee...... 1/190
Gen_6:16........the/door of the ark/shalt... 2/190
Gen_18:1.......tent/door in the heat/of..... 3/190
Gen_18:2.......tent/door and bowed/himself.. 4/190
Gen_18:10......tent/door which/was.......... 5/190
Gen_19:6........the/door unto them/and...... 6/190
Gen_19:6........the/door after him/And...... 7/190
Gen_19:9........the/door But/the............ 8/190
Gen_19:10.......the/door And they/smote..... 9/190
Gen_19:11.......the/door of the house with/blindness 10/190
Gen_19:11.......the/door And the men/said.. 11/190
Gen_43:19.......the/door of the house And said/O 12/190
Exo_12:7......upper/door post of/the....... 13/190
Exo_12:22.......the/door of his house/until 14/190
Exo_12:23.......the/door and will/not...... 15/190
Exo_21:6........the/door or/unto........... 16/190
Exo_21:6........the/door post and/his...... 17/190
Exo_26:36.......the/door of the tent of/blue 18/190
Exo_29:4........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and shalt/wash 19/190
Exo_29:11.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And thou/shalt 20/190
Exo_29:32.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And they shall/eat 21/190
Exo_29:42.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD where/I 22/190
Exo_33:8.......tent/door and looked/after.. 23/190
Exo_33:9........the/door of the tabernacle and the Lord talked/with 24/190
Exo_33:10tabernacle/door and all/the....... 25/190
Exo_33:10......tent/door And the LORD/spake 26/190
Exo_35:15.......the/door at/the............ 27/190
Exo_35:17.......the/door of the court The/pins 28/190
Exo_36:37tabernacle/door of blue/and....... 29/190
Exo_38:8........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he made/the 30/190
Exo_38:30.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and the brasen/altar 31/190
Exo_39:38tabernacle/door The brasen/altar.. 32/190
Exo_40:5........the/door to the/tabernacle. 33/190
Exo_40:6........the/door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation And thou/shalt 34/190
Exo_40:12.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and wash/them 35/190
Exo_40:28.......the/door of the tabernacle And he/put 36/190
Exo_40:29.......the/door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation and offered/upon 37/190
Lev_1:3.........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD And he/shall 38/190
Lev_1:5.........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he shall flay/the 39/190
Lev_3:2.........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and Aaron's/sons 40/190
Lev_4:4.........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD and shall/lay 41/190
Lev_4:7.........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he shall take off/from 42/190
Lev_4:18........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he shall take all/his 43/190
Lev_8:3.........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And Moses did/as 44/190
Lev_8:4.........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And Moses said/unto 45/190
Lev_8:31........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and there/eat 46/190
Lev_8:33........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation in/seven 47/190
Lev_8:35........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation day/and 48/190
Lev_10:7........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation lest/ye 49/190
Lev_12:6........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation unto the priest Who/shall 50/190
Lev_14:11.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And the priest shall take/one 51/190
Lev_14:23.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD And the/priest 52/190
Lev_14:38.......the/door of the house and shut/up 53/190
Lev_15:14.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and give/them 54/190
Lev_15:29.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And the priest shall offer the one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and the/priest 55/190
Lev_16:7........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And Aaron/shall 56/190
Lev_17:4........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation to offer an/offering 57/190
Lev_17:5........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation unto the priest and/offer 58/190
Lev_17:6........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and burn/the 59/190
Lev_17:9........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation to offer it/unto 60/190
Lev_19:21.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation even/a 61/190
Num_3:25........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And the hangings of the court and the curtain/for 62/190
Num_3:26........the/door of the court which/is 63/190
Num_4:25........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And the hangings of the court and the hanging/for 64/190
Num_4:26........the/door of the gate of the court/which 65/190
Num_6:10........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And the priest shall offer the one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and make/an 66/190
Num_6:13........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he shall offer/his 67/190
Num_6:18........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and shall/take 68/190
Num_10:3........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And if/they 69/190
Num_11:10.......the/door of his tent/and... 70/190
Num_12:5........the/door of the tabernacle and called/Aaron 71/190
Num_16:18.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation with/Moses 72/190
Num_16:19.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and the glory/of 73/190
Num_16:27.......the/door of their/tents.... 74/190
Num_16:50.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and the plague/was 75/190
Num_20:6........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation and they fell/upon 76/190
Num_25:6........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And when/Phinehas 77/190
Num_27:2........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation saying/Our 78/190
Deu_11:20.......the/door posts of/thine.... 79/190
Deu_15:17.......the/door and he shall/be... 80/190
Deu_22:21.......the/door of her father's/house 81/190
Deu_31:15.......the/door of the tabernacle And the LORD said/unto 82/190
Jos_19:51.......the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation So/they 83/190
Jdg_4:20........the/door of the tent and/it 84/190
Jdg_9:52........the/door of the tower/to... 85/190
Jdg_19:22.......the/door and spake/to...... 86/190
Jdg_19:26.......the/door of the man's/house 87/190
Jdg_19:27.......the/door of the house and her/hands 88/190
1Sa_2:22........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he said/unto 89/190
2Sa_11:9........the/door of the king's house with/all 90/190
2Sa_13:17.......the/door after her And she/had 91/190
2Sa_13:18.......the/door after her And Tamar/put 92/190
1Ki_6:8.........The/door for/the........... 93/190
1Ki_6:33........the/door of the temple posts/of 94/190 were folding and the/two 95/190
1Ki_6:34......other/door were folding And he/carved 96/190
1Ki_14:6........the/door that he/said...... 97/190
1Ki_14:17.......the/door the child/died.... 98/190
1Ki_14:27.......the/door of the king's house And/it 99/190
2Ki_4:4.........the/door upon thee/and.... 100/190
2Ki_4:5.........the/door upon her/and..... 101/190
2Ki_4:15........the/door And he said About/this 102/190
2Ki_4:21........the/door upon him/and..... 103/190
2Ki_4:33........the/door upon them/twain.. 104/190
2Ki_5:9.........the/door of the house of Elisha/And 105/190
2Ki_6:32........the/door and hold/him..... 106/190
2Ki_6:32........the/door is not/the....... 107/190
2Ki_9:3.........the/door and flee/and..... 108/190
2Ki_9:10........the/door and fled/Then.... 109/190
2Ki_12:9........the/door put/therein...... 110/190
2Ki_22:4........the/door have/gathered.... 111/190
2Ki_23:4........the/door to bring/forth... 112/190
2Ki_25:12.......the/door of the poor/of... 113/190
2Ki_25:18.......the/door And out/of....... 114/190
1Ch_9:21........the/door of the tabernacle of the congregation All/these 115/190
Neh_3:20........the/door of the house of Eliashib the/high 116/190
Neh_3:21........the/door of the house of Eliashib even/to 117/190
Est_2:21........the/door were wroth/and... 118/190
Est_6:2.........the/door who/sought....... 119/190
Job_31:9neighbour's/door Then/let......... 120/190
Job_31:34.......the/door Oh/that.......... 121/190
Psa_141:3.......the/door of my/lips....... 122/190
Pro_5:8.........the/door of her house Lest/thou 123/190
Pro_9:14........the/door of her house on/a 124/190
Pro_26:14.......the/door turneth/upon..... 125/190
Son_5:4.........the/door and my/bowels.... 126/190
Son_8:9...........a/door we/will.......... 127/190
Isa_6:4.........the/door moved/at......... 128/190
Jer_35:4........the/door And I/set........ 129/190
Jer_52:24.......the/door He took/also..... 130/190
Eze_8:3.........the/door of the inner/gate 131/190
Eze_8:7.........the/door of the court and/when 132/190
Eze_8:8...........a/door And he said unto/me 133/190
Eze_8:14........the/door of the gate of the LORD's/house 134/190
Eze_8:16........the/door of the temple of/the 135/190
Eze_10:19.......the/door of the east/gate. 136/190
Eze_11:1........the/door of the gate five/and 137/190
Eze_40:13....cubits/door against/door..... 138/190
Eze_40:13...against/door He made/also..... 139/190
Eze_41:2........the/door was ten/cubits... 140/190
Eze_41:2........the/door were five/cubits. 141/190
Eze_41:3........the/door two/cubits....... 142/190
Eze_41:3........the/door six/cubits....... 143/190
Eze_41:3........the/door seven/cubits..... 144/190 toward the north/and 145/190
Eze_41:11...another/door toward the south/and 146/190
Eze_41:16.......The/door posts and/the.... 147/190
Eze_41:16.......the/door cieled/with...... 148/190
Eze_41:17.......the/door even/unto........ 149/190
Eze_41:20.......the/door were cherubims/and 150/190 and two/leaves... 151/190
Eze_41:24.....other/door And there/were... 152/190
Eze_42:2......north/door and the breadth/was 153/190
Eze_42:12.........a/door in the head/of... 154/190
Eze_46:3........the/door of this/gate..... 155/190
Eze_47:1........the/door of the house and behold/waters 156/190
Hos_2:15..........a/door of hope/and...... 157/190
Amo_9:1.........the/door that the/posts... 158/190
Mat_6:6.........thy/door pray/to.......... 159/190
Mat_25:10.......the/door was shut/Afterward 160/190
Mat_27:60.......the/door of the sepulchre and departed/And 161/190
Mat_28:2........the/door and sat/upon..... 162/190
Mar_1:33........the/door And he healed/many 163/190
Mar_2:2.........the/door and he preached/the 164/190
Mar_11:4........the/door without in/a..... 165/190
Mar_15:46.......the/door of the sepulchre And Mary/Magdalene 166/190
Mar_16:3........the/door of the sepulchre And when/they 167/190
Luk_11:7........the/door is now/shut...... 168/190
Luk_13:25.......the/door and ye/begin..... 169/190
Luk_13:25.......the/door saying/Lord...... 170/190
Joh_10:1........the/door into/the......... 171/190
Joh_10:2........the/door is the/shepherd.. 172/190
Joh_10:7........the/door of the sheep/All. 173/190
Joh_10:9........the/door by/me............ 174/190
Joh_18:16.......the/door without Then/went 175/190
Joh_18:16.......the/door and brought/in... 176/190
Joh_18:17.......the/door unto Peter/Art... 177/190
Act_5:9.........the/door and shall/carry.. 178/190
Act_12:6........the/door kept/the......... 179/190
Act_12:13.......the/door of the gate a/damsel 180/190
Act_12:16.......the/door and saw/him...... 181/190
Act_14:27.......the/door of faith/unto.... 182/190
1Co_16:9......great/door and effectual/is. 183/190
2Co_2:12..........a/door was opened unto/me 184/190
Col_4:3...........a/door of utterance/to.. 185/190
Jam_5:9.........the/door Take/my.......... 186/190 and no/man....... 187/190
Rev_3:20........the/door and knock/if..... 188/190
Rev_3:20........the/door I/will........... 189/190
Rev_4:1...........a/door was opened in/heaven 190/190
Psa_84:10.........a/doorkeeper/in............. 1/1
1Ch_15:23......were/doorkeepers for the ark And/Shebaniah 1/2
1Ch_15:24......were/doorkeepers for the ark So/David 2/2
Jos_2:19........the/doors of thy house/into.. 1/71
Jdg_3:23........the/doors of the parlour upon/him 2/71
Jdg_3:24........the/doors of the parlour were/locked 3/71
Jdg_3:25........the/doors of the parlour therefore/they 4/71
Jdg_11:31.......the/doors of my house/to..... 5/71
Jdg_16:3........the/doors of the gate of/the. 6/71
Jdg_19:27.......the/doors of the house and/went 7/71
1Sa_3:15........the/doors of the house of the LORD And Samuel/feared 8/71
1Sa_21:13.......the/doors of the gate and/let 9/71
1Ki_6:31.......made/doors of olive/tree..... 10/71
1Ki_6:32........two/doors also were/of...... 11/71
1Ki_6:34........two/doors were of/fir....... 12/71
1Ki_7:5.........the/doors and posts/were.... 13/71
1Ki_7:50........the/doors of the inner/house 14/71
1Ki_7:50........the/doors of the house to/wit 15/71
2Ki_18:16.......the/doors of the temple of/the 16/71
1Ch_22:3........the/doors of the gates/and.. 17/71
2Ch_3:7.........the/doors thereof with/gold. 18/71
2Ch_4:9.........and/doors for the/court..... 19/71
2Ch_4:9.........the/doors of them/with...... 20/71
2Ch_4:22......inner/doors thereof for/the... 21/71
2Ch_4:22........the/doors of the house of the temple/were 22/71
2Ch_23:4........the/doors And a/third....... 23/71
2Ch_28:24.......the/doors of the house of the LORD and he/made 24/71
2Ch_29:3........the/doors of the house of the LORD and repaired/them 25/71
2Ch_29:7........the/doors of the porch/and.. 26/71
2Ch_34:9........the/doors had gathered/of... 27/71
Neh_3:1.........the/doors of it/even........ 28/71
Neh_3:3.........the/doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof And next/unto 29/71
Neh_3:6.........the/doors thereof and/the... 30/71
Neh_3:13........the/doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof and a/thousand 31/71
Neh_3:14........the/doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof But/the 32/71
Neh_3:15........the/doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof and the/wall 33/71
Neh_6:1.........the/doors upon/the.......... 34/71
Neh_6:10........the/doors of the temple for/they 35/71
Neh_7:1.........the/doors and the porters/and 36/71
Neh_7:3.........the/doors and bar/them...... 37/71
Job_3:10........the/doors of my mother's/womb 38/71 to/the............ 39/71
Job_38:8.......with/doors when/it........... 40/71
Job_38:10.......and/doors And said/Hitherto. 41/71
Job_38:17.......the/doors of the shadow/of.. 42/71
Job_41:14.......the/doors of his/face....... 43/71
Psa_24:7everlasting/doors and the King of glory shall come in Who is this King of glory The LORD strong/and 44/71
Psa_24:9everlasting/doors and the King of glory shall come in Who is this King of glory The LORD of/hosts 45/71
Psa_78:23.......the/doors of heaven/And..... 46/71
Pro_8:3.........the/doors Unto/you.......... 47/71 For whoso/findeth. 48/71
Ecc_12:4........the/doors shall/be.......... 49/71
Isa_26:20.......thy/doors about/thee........ 50/71
Isa_57:8........the/doors also and/the...... 51/71
Eze_33:30.......the/doors of the houses/and. 52/71
Eze_41:11.......the/doors of the side/chambers 53/71
Eze_41:23.......two/doors And the doors/had. 54/71
Eze_41:24.......the/doors had two/leaves.... 55/71
Eze_41:25.......the/doors of the temple cherubims/and 56/71
Eze_42:4......their/doors toward/the........ 57/71
Eze_42:11.....their/doors And according/to.. 58/71
Eze_42:12.......the/doors of the chambers/that 59/71
Mic_7:5.........the/doors of thy mouth/from. 60/71
Zec_11:1........thy/doors O/Lebanon......... 61/71
Mal_1:10........the/doors for nought/neither 62/71
Mat_24:33.......the/doors Verily I say unto you This/generation 63/71
Mar_13:29.......the/doors Verily I say unto you that/this 64/71
Joh_20:19.......the/doors were shut where/the 65/71
Joh_20:26.......the/doors being/shut........ 66/71
Act_5:19.....prison/doors and brought/them.. 67/71
Act_5:23........the/doors but/when.......... 68/71
Act_16:26.......the/doors were opened/and... 69/71
Act_16:27....prison/doors open/he........... 70/71
Act_21:30.......the/doors were shut And/as.. 71/71