1Ch_4:14...........of/Charashim/for............. 1/1
2Ch_35:20.....against/Charchemish/by............ 1/1
Gen_26:5...........my/charge my/commandments.. 1/102
Gen_28:6............a/charge saying/Thou...... 2/102
Exo_6:13............a/charge unto/the......... 3/102
Exo_19:21........down/charge the people/lest.. 4/102
Lev_8:35..........the/charge of the LORD that/ye 5/102
Num_1:53..........the/charge of the tabernacle of testimony/And 6/102
Num_3:7...........his/charge and the charge of the/whole 7/102
Num_3:7...........the/charge of the whole/congregation 8/102
Num_3:8...........the/charge of the children of Israel to/do 9/102
Num_3:25..........the/charge of the sons of Gershon/in 10/102
Num_3:28..........the/charge of the sanctuary The/families 11/102
Num_3:31........their/charge shall be the/ark 12/102
Num_3:32..........the/charge of the sanctuary Of/Merari 13/102
Num_3:36..........and/charge of the sons of Merari/shall 14/102
Num_3:38..........the/charge of the sanctuary for/the 15/102
Num_3:38..........the/charge of the children of Israel and/the 16/102
Num_4:27...........in/charge all/their....... 17/102
Num_4:28........their/charge shall be under/the 18/102
Num_4:31..........the/charge of their burden according/to 19/102
Num_4:32..........the/charge of their burden This/is 20/102
Num_5:19........shall/charge her by/an....... 21/102
Num_5:21........shall/charge the woman/with.. 22/102
Num_8:26..........the/charge and shall/do.... 23/102
Num_8:26........their/charge And the LORD/spake 24/102
Num_9:19..........the/charge of the LORD and/journeyed 25/102
Num_9:23..........the/charge of the LORD at/the 26/102
Num_18:3..........thy/charge and the charge of all/the 27/102
Num_18:3..........the/charge of all the/tabernacle 28/102
Num_18:4..........the/charge of the tabernacle of the congregation for/all 29/102
Num_18:5..........the/charge of the sanctuary and/the 30/102
Num_18:5..........the/charge of the altar that/there 31/102
Num_18:8..........the/charge of mine heave/offerings 32/102
Num_27:19...........a/charge in their/sight.. 33/102
Num_27:23...........a/charge as/the.......... 34/102
Num_31:30.........the/charge of the tabernacle of the LORD And/Moses 35/102
Num_31:47.........the/charge of the tabernacle of the LORD as/the 36/102
Num_31:49.........our/charge and there/lacketh 37/102
Deu_3:28..........But/charge Joshua/and...... 38/102
Deu_11:1..........his/charge and his/statutes 39/102
Deu_21:8.....Israel's/charge And the blood/shall 40/102
Deu_31:14...........a/charge And Moses/and... 41/102
Deu_31:23...........a/charge and said/Be..... 42/102
Jos_22:3..........the/charge of the commandment/of 43/102
2Sa_14:8.........give/charge concerning thee And the/woman 44/102
2Sa_18:5.....captains/charge concerning Absalom/So 45/102
1Ki_2:3...........the/charge of the LORD thy/God 46/102
1Ki_4:28..........his/charge And God/gave.... 47/102
1Ki_11:28.........the/charge of the house of/Joseph 48/102
2Ki_7:17..........the/charge of the gate/and. 49/102
1Ch_9:27..........the/charge was/upon........ 50/102
1Ch_9:28..........the/charge of the ministering/vessels 51/102
1Ch_22:12........thee/charge concerning Israel/that 52/102
1Ch_23:32.........the/charge of the tabernacle of the congregation and/the 53/102
1Ch_23:32.........the/charge of the holy/place 54/102
1Ch_23:32.........the/charge of the sons of Aaron/their 55/102
2Ch_13:11.........the/charge of the LORD our/God 56/102
2Ch_30:17.........the/charge of the killing/of 57/102
Neh_7:2........palace/charge over Jerusalem/for 58/102
Neh_10:32..........to/charge ourselves/yearly 59/102
Est_3:9...........the/charge of the business/to 60/102
Est_4:8............to/charge her that/she.... 61/102
Job_34:13...........a/charge over the earth/or 62/102
Psa_35:11..........my/charge things/that..... 63/102
Psa_91:11......angels/charge over thee to keep thee in/all 64/102
Son_2:7.............I/charge you O ye daughters of Jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please The/voice 65/102
Son_3:5.............I/charge you O ye daughters of Jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the field that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please Who/is 66/102
Son_5:8.............I/charge you O daughters of Jerusalem if/ye 67/102
Son_5:9............so/charge us/My........... 68/102
Son_8:4.............I/charge you O daughters of Jerusalem that/ye 69/102
Isa_10:6............a/charge to/take......... 70/102
Jer_39:11........gave/charge concerning Jeremiah/to 71/102
Jer_47:7............a/charge against/Ashkelon 72/102
Jer_52:25.........the/charge of the men/of... 73/102
Eze_9:1..........have/charge over the city/to 74/102
Eze_40:45.........the/charge of the house And/the 75/102
Eze_40:46.........the/charge of the altar these/are 76/102
Eze_44:8..........the/charge of mine holy/things 77/102
Eze_44:8...........my/charge in my/sanctuary. 78/102
Eze_44:11......having/charge at/the.......... 79/102
Eze_44:14.........the/charge of the house for/all 80/102
Eze_44:15.........the/charge of my/sanctuary. 81/102
Eze_44:16..........my/charge And it/shall.... 82/102
Eze_48:11..........my/charge which/went...... 83/102
Zec_3:7............my/charge then/thou....... 84/102
Mat_4:6........angels/charge concerning thee and in/their 85/102
Mar_9:25............I/charge thee come/out... 86/102
Luk_4:10.......angels/charge over thee to keep thee And/in 87/102
Act_7:60........their/charge And when/he..... 88/102
Act_8:27..........the/charge of all her/treasure 89/102
Act_16:24...........a/charge thrust/them..... 90/102
Act_23:29.........his/charge worthy/of....... 91/102
Rom_8:33..........the/charge of God's/elect.. 92/102
1Co_9:18......without/charge that I/abuse.... 93/102
1Th_5:27............I/charge you by/the...... 94/102
1Ti_1:3......mightest/charge some/that....... 95/102
1Ti_1:18.........This/charge I/commit........ 96/102
1Ti_5:7............in/charge that they/may... 97/102
1Ti_5:21............I/charge thee before/God. 98/102
1Ti_6:13.........thee/charge in the/sight.... 99/102
1Ti_6:17.........Amen/Charge them/that...... 100/102
2Ti_4:1.............I/charge thee therefore/before 101/102
2Ti_4:16........their/charge Notwithstanding/the 102/102
2Sa_13:25..........be/chargeable unto thee/And.. 1/5
Neh_5:15.........were/chargeable unto the/people 2/5
2Co_11:9..........was/chargeable to no/man...... 3/5
1Th_2:9............be/chargeable unto any/of.... 4/5
2Th_3:8............be/chargeable to any/of...... 5/5
Gen_26:11...Abimelech/charged all his people saying He/that 1/51
Gen_28:1..........and/charged him and said/unto 2/51
Gen_40:4........guard/charged Joseph/with...... 3/51
Gen_49:29..........he/charged them and said/unto 4/51
Exo_1:22......Pharaoh/charged all his people saying Every/son 5/51
Deu_1:16............I/charged your/judges...... 6/51
Deu_24:5...........be/charged with any/business 7/51
Deu_27:11.......Moses/charged the people the/same 8/51
Jos_18:8.......Joshua/charged them that went/to 9/51
Jos_22:5.........LORD/charged you/to.......... 10/51
Rut_2:9...........not/charged the young/men... 11/51
1Sa_14:27......father/charged the people with the/oath 12/51
1Sa_14:28....straitly/charged the people with an/oath 13/51
2Sa_11:19.........And/charged the messenger/saying 14/51
2Sa_18:12........king/charged thee and/Abishai 15/51
1Ki_2:1............he/charged Solomon/his..... 16/51
1Ki_2:43.........have/charged thee with/The... 17/51
1Ki_13:9...........it/charged me by/the....... 18/51
2Ki_17:15.........had/charged them that they should not do/like 19/51
2Ki_17:35.........and/charged them saying Ye/shall 20/51
1Ch_22:6..........and/charged him to build/an. 21/51
1Ch_22:13........LORD/charged Moses/with...... 22/51
2Ch_19:9...........he/charged them saying Thus/shall 23/51
2Ch_36:23........hath/charged me to build him an house in/Jerusalem 24/51
Ezr_1:2..........hath/charged me to build him an house at/Jerusalem 25/51
Neh_13:19.........and/charged that they/should 26/51
Est_2:10..........had/charged her that/she.... 27/51
Est_2:20..........had/charged her for/Esther.. 28/51
Job_1:22..........nor/charged God/foolishly... 29/51
Job_4:18...........he/charged with folly/How.. 30/51
Jer_32:13...........I/charged Baruch/before... 31/51
Jer_35:8.........hath/charged us/to........... 32/51
Mat_9:30.....straitly/charged them saying See/that 33/51
Mat_12:16.........And/charged them that they should not make him known That/it 34/51
Mat_16:20........Then/charged he/his.......... 35/51
Mat_17:9........Jesus/charged them saying Tell/the 36/51
Mar_1:43.....straitly/charged him and forthwith/sent 37/51
Mar_3:12.....straitly/charged them that they should not make him known And/he 38/51
Mar_5:43...........he/charged them straitly/that 39/51
Mar_7:36...........he/charged them that they should tell no man but/the 40/51
Mar_7:36...........he/charged them so/much.... 41/51
Mar_8:15...........he/charged them saying Take/heed 42/51
Mar_8:30...........he/charged them that they should tell no man of/him 43/51
Mar_9:9............he/charged them that they should tell no man what things/they 44/51
Mar_10:48........many/charged him that/he..... 45/51
Luk_5:14...........he/charged him to tell/no.. 46/51
Luk_8:56...........he/charged them that they should tell no man what was/done 47/51
Luk_9:21.....straitly/charged them and commanded/them 48/51
Act_23:22.........and/charged him See/thou.... 49/51
1Th_2:11..........and/charged every/one....... 50/51
1Ti_5:16...........be/charged that it/may..... 51/51
Exo_19:23........thou/chargedst/us.............. 1/1
Num_7:13.......silver/charger the weight thereof/was 1/17
Num_7:19.......silver/charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One spoon/of 2/17
Num_7:25.......silver/charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 3/17
Num_7:31.......silver/charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 4/17
Num_7:37.......silver/charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 5/17
Num_7:43.......silver/charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels a/silver 6/17
Num_7:49.......silver/charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 7/17
Num_7:55.......silver/charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 8/17
Num_7:61.......silver/charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 9/17
Num_7:67.......silver/charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 10/17
Num_7:73.......silver/charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 11/17
Num_7:79.......silver/charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 12/17
Num_7:85.........Each/charger of silver/weighing 13/17
Mat_14:8............a/charger And the/king.... 14/17
Mat_14:11...........a/charger and given/to.... 15/17
Mar_6:25............a/charger the head/of..... 16/17
Mar_6:28............a/charger and gave/it..... 17/17
Num_7:84.......twelve/chargers of silver twelve/silver 1/3
Ezr_1:9........thirty/chargers of gold/a........ 2/3
Ezr_1:9......thousand/chargers of silver nine/and 3/3
2Ch_8:14........their/charges to/praise......... 1/6
2Ch_31:16.......their/charges according/to...... 2/6
2Ch_31:17.......their/charges by/their.......... 3/6
2Ch_35:2........their/charges and/encouraged.... 4/6
Act_21:24..........at/charges with/them......... 5/6
1Co_9:7...........own/charges who/planteth...... 6/6
2Sa_3:8..........thou/chargest/me............... 1/1
Act_16:23......prison/charging the/jailor....... 1/2
2Ti_2:14..remembrance/charging them/before...... 2/2
Gen_41:43......second/chariot which/he......... 1/64
Gen_46:29.........his/chariot and went up/to... 2/64
Exo_14:6..........his/chariot and took/his..... 3/64
Exo_14:25.......their/chariot wheels/that...... 4/64
Jdg_4:15..........his/chariot and fled/away.... 5/64
Jdg_5:28..........his/chariot so/long.......... 6/64
2Sa_8:4...........the/chariot horses but reserved of them for/an 7/64
1Ki_7:33............a/chariot wheel/their...... 8/64
1Ki_10:29...........a/chariot came/up.......... 9/64
1Ki_12:18.........his/chariot to flee to Jerusalem So/Israel 10/64
1Ki_18:44.........thy/chariot and get/thee.... 11/64
1Ki_20:25.........and/chariot for chariot/and. 12/64
1Ki_20:25.........for/chariot and we/will..... 13/64
1Ki_20:33.........the/chariot And Ben-hadad/said 14/64
1Ki_22:34.........his/chariot Turn/thine...... 15/64
1Ki_22:35.........his/chariot against the Syrians and/died 16/64
1Ki_22:35.........the/chariot And there/went.. 17/64
1Ki_22:38.........the/chariot in the pool/of.. 18/64
2Ki_2:11............a/chariot of fire/and..... 19/64
2Ki_2:12..........the/chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof And he/saw 20/64
2Ki_5:9...........his/chariot and stood/at.... 21/64
2Ki_5:21..........the/chariot to meet him/and. 22/64
2Ki_5:26..........his/chariot to meet thee/Is. 23/64
2Ki_7:14..........two/chariot horses and/the.. 24/64
2Ki_9:16............a/chariot and went to/Jezreel 25/64
2Ki_9:21..........his/chariot was/made........ 26/64
2Ki_9:21..........his/chariot and they went/out 27/64
2Ki_9:24..........his/chariot Then/said....... 28/64
2Ki_9:27..........the/chariot And they did/so. 29/64
2Ki_9:28............a/chariot to Jerusalem/and 30/64
2Ki_10:15.........the/chariot And he/said..... 31/64
2Ki_10:16.........his/chariot And when/he..... 32/64
2Ki_13:14.........the/chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof And Elisha/said 33/64
2Ki_23:30...........a/chariot dead/from....... 34/64
1Ch_18:4..........the/chariot horses but reserved of them an/hundred 35/64
1Ch_28:18.........the/chariot of the cherubims/that 36/64
2Ch_1:14..........the/chariot cities and with the king at Jerusalem And the/king 37/64
2Ch_1:17............a/chariot for six/hundred. 38/64
2Ch_8:6...........the/chariot cities and the/cities 39/64
2Ch_9:25..........the/chariot cities and with the king at Jerusalem And he/reigned 40/64
2Ch_10:18.........his/chariot to flee to Jerusalem And/Israel 41/64
2Ch_18:33.........his/chariot man/Turn........ 42/64
2Ch_18:34.........his/chariot against the Syrians until/the 43/64
2Ch_35:24........that/chariot and put/him..... 44/64
2Ch_35:24......second/chariot that/he......... 45/64
Psa_46:9..........the/chariot in the fire/Be.. 46/64
Psa_76:6..........the/chariot and horse are/cast 47/64
Psa_104:3.........his/chariot who/walketh..... 48/64
Son_3:9.............a/chariot of the wood/of.. 49/64
Isa_21:7............a/chariot with/a.......... 50/64
Isa_21:7............a/chariot of asses/and.... 51/64
Isa_21:7............a/chariot of camels/and... 52/64
Isa_21:9............a/chariot of men/with..... 53/64
Isa_43:17.........the/chariot and horse the/army 54/64
Jer_51:21.........the/chariot and his/rider... 55/64
Mic_1:13..........the/chariot to the/swift.... 56/64
Zec_6:2.........first/chariot were/red........ 57/64
Zec_6:2........second/chariot black/horses.... 58/64
Zec_6:3.........third/chariot white/horses.... 59/64
Zec_6:3........fourth/chariot grisled/and..... 60/64
Zec_9:10..........the/chariot from/Ephraim.... 61/64
Act_8:28..........his/chariot read/Esaias..... 62/64
Act_8:29.........this/chariot And Philip/ran.. 63/64
Act_8:38..........the/chariot to stand/still.. 64/64
Gen_50:9.........both/chariots and horsemen and it/was 1/113
Exo_14:7.......chosen/chariots and all the/chariots 2/113
Exo_14:7..........the/chariots of Egypt/and... 3/113
Exo_14:9..........and/chariots of Pharaoh/and. 4/113
Exo_14:17.........his/chariots and upon his horsemen And the Egyptians/shall 5/113
Exo_14:18.........his/chariots and upon his horsemen And the angel/of 6/113
Exo_14:23.........his/chariots and his horsemen And/it 7/113
Exo_14:26.......their/chariots and upon their/horsemen 8/113
Exo_14:28.........the/chariots and the horsemen and/all 9/113
Exo_15:4....Pharaoh's/chariots and his host/hath 10/113
Exo_15:19.........his/chariots and with his/horsemen 11/113
Deu_11:4........their/chariots how/he........ 12/113
Deu_20:1..........and/chariots and a people/more 13/113
Jos_11:4..........and/chariots very/many..... 14/113
Jos_11:6........their/chariots with fire So/Joshua 15/113
Jos_11:9........their/chariots with fire And/Joshua 16/113
Jos_17:16........have/chariots of iron both/they 17/113
Jos_17:18........iron/chariots and though/they 18/113
Jos_24:6.........with/chariots and horsemen unto/the 19/113
Jdg_1:19..........had/chariots of iron And they/gave 20/113
Jdg_4:3.......hundred/chariots of iron and twenty/years 21/113
Jdg_4:7...........his/chariots and his multitude/and 22/113
Jdg_4:13..........his/chariots even/nine..... 23/113
Jdg_4:13......hundred/chariots of iron and all/the 24/113
Jdg_4:15..........his/chariots and all his/host 25/113
Jdg_4:16..........the/chariots and after/the. 26/113
Jdg_5:28..........his/chariots Her/wise...... 27/113
1Sa_8:11..........his/chariots and to/be..... 28/113
1Sa_8:11..........his/chariots And he will appoint/him 29/113
1Sa_8:12..........his/chariots And he will take/your 30/113
1Sa_13:5.....thousand/chariots and six/thousand 31/113
2Sa_1:6...........the/chariots and horsemen followed/hard 32/113
2Sa_8:4......thousand/chariots and seven hundred/horsemen 33/113
2Sa_8:4.......hundred/chariots And when the Syrians of Damascus came to succour/Hadadezer 34/113
2Sa_10:18.....hundred/chariots of the Syrians/and 35/113
2Sa_15:1..........him/chariots and horses and/fifty 36/113
1Ki_1:5...........him/chariots and horsemen and fifty/men 37/113
1Ki_4:26..........his/chariots and twelve thousand horsemen And/those 38/113
1Ki_9:19..........his/chariots and cities/for 39/113
1Ki_9:22..........his/chariots and his horsemen These/were 40/113
1Ki_10:26....together/chariots and horsemen and he had a thousand and four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen whom/he 41/113
1Ki_10:26.....hundred/chariots and twelve thousand horsemen whom he bestowed in the cities/for 42/113
1Ki_10:26.........for/chariots and with the/king 43/113
1Ki_16:9..........his/chariots conspired/against 44/113
1Ki_20:1..........and/chariots and he went/up 45/113
1Ki_20:21.........and/chariots and slew/the.. 46/113
1Ki_22:31.........his/chariots saying/Fight.. 47/113
1Ki_22:32.........the/chariots saw Jehoshaphat that they said Surely/it 48/113
1Ki_22:33.........the/chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel that/they 49/113
2Ki_6:14..........and/chariots and a great/host 50/113
2Ki_6:15..........and/chariots And his servant/said 51/113
2Ki_6:17..........and/chariots of fire/round. 52/113
2Ki_7:6............of/chariots and a noise/of 53/113
2Ki_8:21..........the/chariots with him and he rose by/night 54/113
2Ki_8:21..........the/chariots and the people/fled 55/113
2Ki_10:2..........you/chariots and horses a/fenced 56/113
2Ki_13:7..........ten/chariots and ten/thousand 57/113
2Ki_18:24.........for/chariots and for horsemen Am/I 58/113
2Ki_19:23..........my/chariots I/am.......... 59/113
2Ki_23:11.........the/chariots of the sun/with 60/113
1Ch_18:4.....thousand/chariots and seven thousand/horsemen 61/113
1Ch_18:4......hundred/chariots And when the Syrians of Damascus came to help/Hadarezer 62/113
1Ch_19:6.........them/chariots and horsemen out/of 63/113
1Ch_19:7.....thousand/chariots and the king/of 64/113
1Ch_19:18..........in/chariots and forty/thousand 65/113
2Ch_1:14.....gathered/chariots and horsemen and he had a thousand and four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen which/he 66/113
2Ch_1:14......hundred/chariots and twelve thousand horsemen which/he 67/113
2Ch_8:9...........his/chariots and horsemen And these/were 68/113
2Ch_9:25..........and/chariots and twelve thousand horsemen whom he bestowed in the chariot/cities 69/113
2Ch_12:3......hundred/chariots and threescore/thousand 70/113
2Ch_14:9......hundred/chariots and came/unto. 71/113
2Ch_16:8.........many/chariots and horsemen yet/because 72/113
2Ch_18:30.........the/chariots that/were..... 73/113
2Ch_18:31.........the/chariots saw Jehoshaphat that they said It/is 74/113
2Ch_18:32.........the/chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel they/turned 75/113
2Ch_21:9..........his/chariots with him and he rose up/by 76/113
2Ch_21:9..........the/chariots So/the........ 77/113
Psa_20:7...........in/chariots and some/in... 78/113
Psa_68:17.........The/chariots of God/are.... 79/113
Son_1:9.....Pharaoh's/chariots Thy/cheeks.... 80/113
Son_6:12..........the/chariots of Amminadib/Return 81/113
Isa_2:7.........their/chariots Their/land.... 82/113
Isa_22:6.........with/chariots of men/and.... 83/113
Isa_22:7...........of/chariots and the horsemen shall/set 84/113
Isa_22:18.........the/chariots of thy/glory.. 85/113
Isa_31:1...........in/chariots because/they.. 86/113
Isa_36:9..........for/chariots and for horsemen And/am 87/113
Isa_37:24..........my/chariots am/I.......... 88/113
Isa_66:15.........his/chariots like/a........ 89/113
Isa_66:20..........in/chariots and in/litters 90/113
Jer_4:13..........his/chariots shall be as/a. 91/113
Jer_17:25..........in/chariots and on horses they/and 92/113
Jer_22:4...........in/chariots and on horses he/and 93/113
Jer_46:9...........ye/chariots and let/the... 94/113
Jer_47:3..........his/chariots and at/the.... 95/113
Jer_50:37.......their/chariots and upon all/the 96/113
Eze_23:24........with/chariots wagons/and.... 97/113
Eze_26:7.........with/chariots and with horsemen and companies/and 98/113
Eze_26:10.........the/chariots when/he....... 99/113
Eze_27:20.........for/chariots Arabia/and... 100/113
Eze_39:20.........and/chariots with mighty/men 101/113
Dan_11:40........with/chariots and with horsemen and with/many 102/113
Joe_2:5............of/chariots on/the....... 103/113
Mic_5:10..........thy/chariots And I/will... 104/113
Nah_2:3...........the/chariots shall be with/flaming 105/113
Nah_2:4...........The/chariots shall rage/in 106/113
Nah_2:13..........her/chariots in/the....... 107/113
Nah_3:2.......jumping/chariots The/horseman. 108/113
Hab_3:8...........thy/chariots of salvation/Thy 109/113
Hag_2:22..........the/chariots and those/that 110/113
Zec_6:1..........four/chariots out/from..... 111/113
Rev_9:9............of/chariots of many/horses 112/113
Rev_18:13.........and/chariots and slaves/and 113/113
Rom_14:15.........not/charitably/Destroy........ 1/1
1Co_8:1...........but/charity edifieth/And..... 1/28
1Co_13:1..........not/charity I am become/as... 2/28
1Co_13:2..........not/charity I am nothing/And. 3/28
1Co_13:3..........not/charity it/profiteth..... 4/28
1Co_13:4......nothing/Charity suffereth/long... 5/28
1Co_13:4.........kind/charity envieth/not...... 6/28
1Co_13:4..........not/charity vaunteth/not..... 7/28
1Co_13:8.......things/Charity never/faileth.... 8/28
1Co_13:13........hope/charity these/three...... 9/28
1Co_13:13..........is/charity Follow/after.... 10/28
1Co_14:1........after/charity and desire/spiritual 11/28
1Co_16:14........with/charity I beseech/you... 12/28
Col_3:14...........on/charity which/is........ 13/28
1Th_3:6...........and/charity and that/ye..... 14/28
2Th_1:3...........the/charity of/every........ 15/28
1Ti_1:5............is/charity out/of.......... 16/28
1Ti_2:15..........and/charity and holiness/with 17/28
1Ti_4:12...........in/charity in spirit/in.... 18/28
2Ti_2:22........faith/charity peace with/them. 19/28
2Ti_3:10longsuffering/charity patience/Persecutions 20/28
Tit_2:2............in/charity in patience/The. 21/28
1Pe_4:8.......fervent/charity among/yourselves 22/28
1Pe_4:8...........for/charity shall/cover..... 23/28
1Pe_5:14...........of/charity Peace be/with... 24/28
2Pe_1:7......kindness/charity For/if.......... 25/28
3Jn_1:6...........thy/charity before/the...... 26/28
Jud_1:12...........of/charity when/they....... 27/28
Rev_2:19..........and/charity and service/and. 28/28
Jer_8:17...........be/charmed/and............... 1/1
Deu_18:11...........a/charmer/or................ 1/1
Psa_58:5...........of/charmers charming/never... 1/2
Isa_19:3..........the/charmers and/to........... 2/2
Psa_58:5.....charmers/charming/never............ 1/1
Act_7:2............in/Charran And said/unto..... 1/2
Act_7:4............in/Charran and from/thence... 2/2