forth grass/and. 1/863
Gen_1:21.......waters/brought forth abundantly/after 2/863
Gen_2:19..........and/brought them unto Adam/to 3/863
Gen_2:22..........and/brought her unto/the.... 4/863
Gen_4:3..........Cain/brought of the fruit/of. 5/863
Gen_4:4..........also/brought of the firstlings/of 6/863
Gen_14:16..........he/brought back all/the.... 7/863
Gen_14:16........also/brought again his/brother 8/863
Gen_14:18.......Salem/brought forth bread/and. 9/863
Gen_15:5...........he/brought him forth abroad/and 10/863
Gen_15:7.........that/brought thee out of Ur/of 11/863
Gen_19:16........they/brought him forth and/set 12/863
Gen_19:17.........had/brought them forth abroad/that 13/863
Gen_20:9.........hast/brought on me/and...... 14/863
Gen_24:53.....servant/brought forth jewels/of 15/863
Gen_24:67.......Isaac/brought her into his/mother 16/863
Gen_26:10........have/brought guiltiness/upon 17/863
Gen_27:14.........and/brought them to his/mother 18/863
Gen_27:20.........God/brought it to me/And... 19/863
Gen_27:25..........he/brought it near/to..... 20/863
Gen_27:25..........he/brought him wine/and... 21/863
Gen_27:31.........and/brought it unto/his.... 22/863
Gen_27:33.........and/brought it me/and...... 23/863
Gen_29:13.........and/brought him to his house/And 24/863
Gen_29:23.........and/brought her to him/and. 25/863
Gen_30:14.........and/brought them unto his/mother 26/863
Gen_30:39.........and/brought forth cattle/ringstraked 27/863
Gen_31:39...........I/brought not unto/thee.. 28/863 to thee/because 29/863
Gen_37:2.......Joseph/brought unto his father/their 30/863
Gen_37:28........they/brought Joseph/into.... 31/863
Gen_37:32........they/brought it to their/father 32/863
Gen_38:25.........was/brought forth she/sent. 33/863
Gen_39:1..........was/brought down to Egypt/and 34/863
Gen_39:1..........had/brought him down thither/And 35/863
Gen_39:14........hath/brought in an/Hebrew... 36/863
Gen_39:17........hast/brought unto us/came... 37/863
Gen_40:10.....thereof/brought forth ripe/grapes 38/863
Gen_41:14........they/brought him hastily/out 39/863 forth by handfuls/And 40/863
Gen_43:2..........had/brought out of Egypt their/father 41/863
Gen_43:12.........was/brought again in/the... 42/863 the men into Joseph's house And the/men 43/863
Gen_43:18........were/brought into Joseph's/house 44/863
Gen_43:18..........we/brought in that/he..... 45/863
Gen_43:21........have/brought it again/in.... 46/863
Gen_43:22..........we/brought down in/our.... 47/863
Gen_43:23..........he/brought Simeon/out..... 48/863 the men into Joseph's house and gave/them 49/863
Gen_43:26........they/brought him the present/which 50/863
Gen_44:8...........we/brought again unto thee/out 51/863
Gen_46:7.........seed/brought he with/him.... 52/863
Gen_46:32........have/brought their flocks/and 53/863
Gen_47:7.......Joseph/brought in Jacob/his... 54/863
Gen_47:14......Joseph/brought the money into/Pharaoh's 55/863
Gen_47:17........they/brought their cattle/unto 56/863
Gen_48:10..........he/brought them near unto him and he/kissed 57/863
Gen_48:12......Joseph/brought them out from/between 58/863
Gen_48:13.........and/brought them near unto him And Israel/stretched 59/863
Gen_50:23........were/brought up upon/Joseph's 60/863
Exo_2:10..........she/brought him unto Pharaoh's/daughter 61/863
Exo_3:12.........hast/brought forth the people out of Egypt/ye 62/863
Exo_8:7...........and/brought up frogs/upon.. 63/863
Exo_8:12..........had/brought against/Pharaoh 64/863 home/the....... 65/863
Exo_10:8.........were/brought again unto Pharaoh/and 66/863
Exo_10:13........LORD/brought an east/wind... 67/863
Exo_10:13........wind/brought the locusts/And 68/863
Exo_12:17...........I/brought your armies/out 69/863
Exo_12:39........they/brought forth out of Egypt for/it 70/863
Exo_13:3.........LORD/brought you out from this/place 71/863
Exo_13:9.........LORD/brought thee out of Egypt/Thou 72/863
Exo_13:14........LORD/brought us out from Egypt/from 73/863
Exo_13:16........LORD/brought us forth out of Egypt And it/came 74/863
Exo_15:19........LORD/brought again the waters/of 75/863
Exo_15:22.......Moses/brought Israel from/the 76/863
Exo_15:26........have/brought upon the/Egyptians 77/863
Exo_16:3.........have/brought us forth into/this 78/863
Exo_16:6.........hath/brought you out from the/land 79/863
Exo_16:32...........I/brought you forth from/the 80/863
Exo_17:3.........hast/brought us up out of Egypt to kill/us 81/863
Exo_18:1..........had/brought Israel out of Egypt Then/Jethro 82/863
Exo_18:26........they/brought unto Moses/but. 83/863
Exo_19:4..........and/brought you unto myself/Now 84/863
Exo_19:17.......Moses/brought forth the people out of the/camp 85/863
Exo_20:2.........have/brought thee out of the land of Egypt out/of 86/863 unto the judges/to 87/863 before the tabernacle/of 88/863
Exo_29:46........that/brought them forth out of the land of Egypt that/I 89/863
Exo_32:1.........that/brought us up out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And Aaron/said 90/863
Exo_32:3..........and/brought them unto Aaron/And 91/863
Exo_32:4........which/brought thee up out of the land of Egypt And when/Aaron 92/863
Exo_32:6..........and/brought peace/offerings 93/863
Exo_32:8.........have/brought thee up out of the land of Egypt And the/LORD 94/863
Exo_32:11........hast/brought forth out of the land of Egypt with/great 95/863
Exo_32:21........hast/brought so/great....... 96/863
Exo_32:23........that/brought us up out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And I/said 97/863
Exo_33:1.........hast/brought up out of the/land 98/863
Exo_35:21........they/brought the LORD's offering to/the 99/863
Exo_35:22.........and/brought bracelets/and. 100/863
Exo_35:23.......skins/brought them Every/one 101/863
Exo_35:24.......brass/brought the LORD's offering and/every 102/863
Exo_35:24.....service/brought it And all/the 103/863
Exo_35:25.........and/brought that which they/had 104/863
Exo_35:27......rulers/brought onyx/stones... 105/863
Exo_35:29......Israel/brought a willing/offering 106/863
Exo_36:3..........had/brought for the work/of 107/863
Exo_36:3.........they/brought yet/unto...... 108/863
Exo_39:33........they/brought the tabernacle/unto 109/863
Exo_40:21..........he/brought the ark into/the 110/863 into the tabernacle/of 111/863
Lev_8:6.........Moses/brought Aaron/and..... 112/863
Lev_8:13........Moses/brought Aaron's sons and put/coats 113/863
Lev_8:14...........he/brought the bullock/for 114/863
Lev_8:18...........he/brought the ram/for... 115/863
Lev_8:22...........he/brought the other/ram. 116/863
Lev_8:24...........he/brought Aaron's sons and Moses/put 117/863
Lev_9:5..........they/brought that which Moses/commanded 118/863
Lev_9:9.........Aaron/brought the blood/unto 119/863
Lev_9:15...........he/brought the people's/offering 120/863
Lev_9:16...........he/brought the burnt/offering 121/863
Lev_9:17...........he/brought the meat/offering 122/863
Lev_10:18.........not/brought in within/the. 123/863 unto Aaron/the 124/863 unto the priest And the priest shall see/him 125/863 unto the priest And the priest shall go/forth 126/863
Lev_16:27.........was/brought in to/make.... 127/863
Lev_19:36.......which/brought you out of the land of Egypt Therefore/shall 128/863 forth then it/shall 129/863
Lev_22:33........That/brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God I am the LORD And/the 130/863
Lev_23:14........have/brought an offering unto/your 131/863 the sheaf/of.. 132/863
Lev_23:43...........I/brought them out of the land of Egypt I/am 133/863
Lev_24:11........they/brought him unto Moses and his/mother's 134/863
Lev_25:38.......which/brought you forth out of the land of Egypt to/give 135/863
Lev_25:42...........I/brought forth out of the land of Egypt they/shall 136/863
Lev_25:55...........I/brought forth out of the land of Egypt I/am 137/863
Lev_26:13.......which/brought you forth out of the land of Egypt that/ye 138/863
Lev_26:41........have/brought them into the land of/their 139/863
Lev_26:45...........I/brought forth out of the land of Egypt in/the 140/863 unto the door/of 141/863
Num_7:3..........they/brought their offering/before 142/863
Num_7:3..........they/brought them before the tabernacle/And 143/863
Num_9:13...........he/brought not the offering/of 144/863
Num_11:31.........and/brought quails from/the 145/863
Num_12:15.........was/brought in again/And.. 146/863
Num_13:23........they/brought of the pomegranates/and 147/863
Num_13:26.........and/brought back word/unto 148/863
Num_13:32........they/brought up an evil report/of 149/863
Num_14:3.........LORD/brought us unto/this.. 150/863
Num_15:33......sticks/brought him unto Moses and Aaron/and 151/863
Num_15:36congregation/brought him without/the 152/863
Num_15:41.......which/brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God I am the LORD your/God 153/863
Num_16:10........hath/brought thee near/to.. 154/863
Num_16:13........hast/brought us up out of a/land 155/863
Num_16:14.........not/brought us into a/land 156/863
Num_17:8..........and/brought forth buds/and 157/863
Num_17:9........Moses/brought out all the rods/from 158/863 up the congregation/of 159/863
Num_20:16........hath/brought us forth out of Egypt and behold/we 160/863 us up out of Egypt to die/in 161/863
Num_22:41.........and/brought him up into/the 162/863
Num_23:7.........hath/brought me from/Aram.. 163/863
Num_23:14..........he/brought him into the field/of 164/863
Num_23:22.........God/brought them out of Egypt/he 165/863
Num_23:28.......Balak/brought Balaam/unto... 166/863
Num_24:8..........God/brought him forth out of Egypt/he 167/863
Num_25:6..........and/brought unto his brethren/a 168/863
Num_27:5........Moses/brought their cause/before 169/863
Num_31:12........they/brought the captives/and 170/863
Num_31:50...therefore/brought an oblation/for 171/863
Num_31:54.........and/brought it into the tabernacle/of 172/863
Num_32:17........have/brought them unto their/place 173/863
Deu_1:25..........and/brought it down/unto.. 174/863
Deu_1:25..........and/brought us word/again. 175/863
Deu_1:27.........hath/brought us forth out of the/land 176/863
Deu_4:20..........and/brought you forth out of the iron/furnace 177/863
Deu_4:37..........and/brought thee out in/his 178/863
Deu_5:6.........which/brought thee out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage Thou/shalt 179/863
Deu_5:15..........God/brought thee out thence/through 180/863
Deu_6:10.........have/brought thee into the/land 181/863
Deu_6:12........which/brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage Thou/shalt 182/863
Deu_6:21.........LORD/brought us out of Egypt/with 183/863
Deu_6:23...........he/brought us out from thence/that 184/863
Deu_7:8..........LORD/brought you out with/a 185/863
Deu_7:19..........God/brought thee out so/shall 186/863
Deu_8:14........which/brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage Who/led 187/863
Deu_8:15..........who/brought thee forth water/out 188/863
Deu_9:4..........hath/brought me in to/possess 189/863
Deu_9:12.........hast/brought forth out of Egypt have/corrupted 190/863
Deu_9:26.........hast/brought forth out of Egypt with/a 191/863
Deu_9:28.........hath/brought them out to/slay 192/863
Deu_11:29........hath/brought thee in/unto.. 193/863
Deu_13:5........which/brought you out of the land of Egypt and/redeemed 194/863
Deu_13:10.......which/brought thee out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage And/all 195/863
Deu_16:1..........God/brought thee forth out of Egypt/by 196/863
Deu_20:1........which/brought thee up out of the land of Egypt And it/shall 197/863
Deu_22:19........hath/brought up an evil name/upon 198/863
Deu_26:8.........LORD/brought us forth out of Egypt with/a 199/863
Deu_26:9.........hath/brought us into this/place 200/863
Deu_26:10........have/brought the firstfruits/of 201/863
Deu_26:13........have/brought away the/hallowed 202/863
Deu_29:25..........he/brought them forth out of the land of Egypt For/they 203/863
Deu_31:20........have/brought them into the land which I sware unto/their 204/863
Deu_31:21........have/brought them into the land which I sware Moses/therefore 205/863
Deu_33:14......fruits/brought forth by the/sun 206/863
Jos_2:6...........had/brought them up to/the 207/863
Jos_6:23..........and/brought out Rahab/and. 208/863
Jos_6:23.........they/brought out all her/kindred 209/863
Jos_7:7...........all/brought this people/over 210/863 according/to.. 211/863
Jos_7:16..........and/brought Israel by/their 212/863
Jos_7:17...........he/brought the family of Judah/and 213/863
Jos_7:17...........he/brought the family of the/Zarhites 214/863
Jos_7:18...........he/brought his household/man 215/863
Jos_7:23..........and/brought them unto Joshua/and 216/863
Jos_7:24.........they/brought them unto the valley/of 217/863
Jos_8:23..........and/brought him to Joshua/And 218/863
Jos_10:23.........and/brought forth those/five 219/863
Jos_10:24........they/brought out those/kings 220/863
Jos_14:7............I/brought him word again as/it 221/863
Jos_22:32.........and/brought them word/again 222/863
Jos_24:5............I/brought you out And/I. 223/863
Jos_24:6............I/brought your fathers out/of 224/863
Jos_24:7..........and/brought the sea/upon.. 225/863
Jos_24:8............I/brought you into the/land 226/863
Jos_24:17........that/brought us up and/our. 227/863
Jos_24:32......Israel/brought up out of Egypt/buried 228/863
Jdg_1:7..........they/brought him to Jerusalem and there/he 229/863
Jdg_2:1..........have/brought you unto the/land 230/863
Jdg_2:12........which/brought them out of the land of Egypt and followed/other 231/863
Jdg_3:17...........he/brought the present/unto 232/863
Jdg_5:25..........she/brought forth butter/in 233/863
Jdg_6:8.............I/brought you up from Egypt/and 234/863
Jdg_6:8...........and/brought you forth out of the house/of 235/863
Jdg_6:19..........and/brought it out unto/him 236/863
Jdg_7:5............he/brought down the people/unto 237/863
Jdg_7:25..........and/brought the heads of Oreb/and 238/863
Jdg_11:35........hast/brought me very/low... 239/863
Jdg_14:11........they/brought thirty/companions 240/863
Jdg_15:13.........and/brought him up from/the 241/863
Jdg_16:8..Philistines/brought up to/her..... 242/863
Jdg_16:18.........and/brought money/in...... 243/863
Jdg_16:21.........and/brought him down to Gaza/and 244/863
Jdg_16:31.........and/brought him up and/buried 245/863
Jdg_18:3..........Who/brought thee hither/and 246/863
Jdg_19:3..........she/brought him into her/father's 247/863
Jdg_19:21..........he/brought him into his/house 248/863
Jdg_19:25.........and/brought her forth/unto 249/863
Jdg_21:12........they/brought them unto the camp/to 250/863
Rut_1:21.........hath/brought me home/again. 251/863
Rut_2:18..........she/brought forth and gave/to 252/863
1Sa_1:24..........and/brought him unto the/house 253/863
1Sa_1:25..........and/brought the child/to.. 254/863
1Sa_2:14....fleshhook/brought up the priest/took 255/863
1Sa_2:19..........and/brought it to him from/year 256/863
1Sa_5:1...........and/brought it from/Ebenezer 257/863
1Sa_5:2..........they/brought it into the house of Dagon/and 258/863
1Sa_5:10.........have/brought about/the..... 259/863
1Sa_6:21.........have/brought again the ark/of 260/863
1Sa_7:1...........and/brought it into the house of Abinadab/in 261/863
1Sa_8:8.............I/brought them up out of Egypt/even 262/863
1Sa_9:22..........and/brought them into the parlour/and 263/863
1Sa_10:18...........I/brought up Israel out of Egypt/and 264/863
1Sa_10:27.........and/brought no presents/But 265/863
1Sa_12:6.........that/brought your fathers up/out 266/863
1Sa_12:8........which/brought forth your/fathers 267/863
1Sa_14:34......people/brought every man his ox/with 268/863
1Sa_15:15........have/brought them from/the. 269/863
1Sa_15:20........have/brought Agag/the...... 270/863
1Sa_16:12.........and/brought him in/Now.... 271/863
1Sa_17:54.........and/brought it to Jerusalem/but 272/863
1Sa_17:57.........and/brought him before/Saul 273/863
1Sa_18:27.......David/brought their foreskins/and 274/863
1Sa_19:7.....Jonathan/brought David to/Saul. 275/863
1Sa_20:8.........hast/brought thy servant/into 276/863
1Sa_21:8......neither/brought my/sword...... 277/863 him to me/Have 278/863
1Sa_21:15........have/brought this fellow/to 279/863
1Sa_22:4...........he/brought them before the king/of 280/863
1Sa_23:5..........and/brought away their/cattle 281/863
1Sa_25:27........hath/brought unto my/lord.. 282/863
1Sa_25:35.........had/brought him and said/unto 283/863
1Sa_28:25.........she/brought it before/Saul 284/863
1Sa_30:7.....Abiathar/brought thither the/ephod 285/863
1Sa_30:11.........and/brought him to David/and 286/863
1Sa_30:16.........had/brought him down behold/they 287/863
2Sa_1:10.........have/brought them hither/unto 288/863
2Sa_2:8...........and/brought him over/to... 289/863
2Sa_3:22..........and/brought in a great/spoil 290/863
2Sa_3:26........which/brought him again from/the 291/863
2Sa_4:8..........they/brought the head/of... 292/863
2Sa_4:10.........have/brought good/tidings.. 293/863
2Sa_6:3...........and/brought it out of the house of Abinadab that/was 294/863
2Sa_6:4..........they/brought it out of the house of Abinadab which/was 295/863
2Sa_6:12..........and/brought up the ark of God/from 296/863
2Sa_6:15.......Israel/brought up the ark of the LORD with/shouting 297/863
2Sa_6:17.........they/brought in the ark of the LORD/and 298/863
2Sa_7:6.............I/brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt/even 299/863
2Sa_7:18.........hast/brought me hitherto And this/was 300/863
2Sa_8:2...........and/brought gifts David/smote 301/863
2Sa_8:6...........and/brought gifts And the/LORD 302/863
2Sa_8:7...........and/brought them to Jerusalem And/from 303/863
2Sa_8:10........Joram/brought with him/vessels 304/863
2Sa_10:16.........and/brought out the Syrians/that 305/863
2Sa_12:30..........he/brought forth the spoil/of 306/863
2Sa_12:31..........he/brought forth the people that/were 307/863
2Sa_13:10.........and/brought them into the chamber/to 308/863
2Sa_13:11.........had/brought them unto him to/eat 309/863
2Sa_13:18.....servant/brought her out/and... 310/863
2Sa_14:23.........and/brought Absalom/to.... 311/863
2Sa_17:28.....Rogelim/Brought beds/and...... 312/863
2Sa_19:41........have/brought the king and/his 313/863
2Sa_21:8..........she/brought up for/Adriel. 314/863
2Sa_21:13..........he/brought up from thence/the 315/863
2Sa_22:20..........He/brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and as/for 316/863
2Sa_23:16.........and/brought it to David nevertheless/he 317/863
1Ki_1:3...........and/brought her to the/king 318/863
1Ki_1:38..........and/brought him to Gihon/And 319/863
1Ki_1:53.........they/brought him down from/the 320/863
1Ki_2:30......Benaiah/brought the king word again saying/Thus 321/863
1Ki_2:40..........and/brought his servants/from 322/863
1Ki_3:1...........and/brought her into the/city 323/863
1Ki_3:24.........they/brought a sword/before 324/863
1Ki_4:21.........they/brought presents/and.. 325/863
1Ki_4:28..dromedaries/brought they unto/the. 326/863
1Ki_5:17.........they/brought great/stones.. 327/863
1Ki_6:7...........was/brought thither so/that 328/863
1Ki_7:51......Solomon/brought in the things which David/his 329/863
1Ki_8:4..........they/brought up the ark of the LORD and/the 330/863
1Ki_8:6.......priests/brought in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place into/the 331/863
1Ki_8:16............I/brought forth my people Israel/out 332/863
1Ki_8:21...........he/brought them out of the land of Egypt And Solomon/stood 333/863
1Ki_9:9...........who/brought forth their/fathers 334/863
1Ki_9:9..........LORD/brought upon them all/this 335/863
1Ki_9:28..........and/brought it to king/Solomon 336/863
1Ki_10:11........that/brought gold from Ophir brought in/from 337/863
1Ki_10:11.......Ophir/brought in from/Ophir. 338/863
1Ki_10:25........they/brought every man his present vessels of silver and vessels of gold and garments/and 339/863
1Ki_10:28......horses/brought out of Egypt and linen yarn the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price And a/chariot 340/863
1Ki_12:28.......which/brought thee up out of the land of Egypt And he/set 341/863
1Ki_13:20........that/brought him back And/he 342/863
1Ki_13:23.........had/brought back And/when. 343/863
1Ki_13:26........that/brought him back from/the 344/863
1Ki_13:29.........and/brought it back/and... 345/863
1Ki_14:28.........and/brought them back into/the 346/863
1Ki_15:15..........he/brought in the things which his/father 347/863
1Ki_17:6.......ravens/brought him bread/and. 348/863
1Ki_17:20........also/brought evil/upon..... 349/863
1Ki_17:23.........and/brought him down out/of 350/863
1Ki_18:40......Elijah/brought them down to the brook/Kishon 351/863
1Ki_20:9..........and/brought him word again And/Benhadad 352/863
1Ki_20:39.........and/brought a man/unto.... 353/863
1Ki_22:37.........was/brought to Samaria/and 354/863
2Ki_2:20.........they/brought it to him And/he 355/863
2Ki_4:5...........who/brought the vessels to/her 356/863
2Ki_4:20..........and/brought him to his mother/he 357/863
2Ki_4:42..........and/brought the man/of.... 358/863
2Ki_5:2...........had/brought away captive/out 359/863
2Ki_5:6............he/brought the letter/to. 360/863
2Ki_5:20...........he/brought but as/the.... 361/863
2Ki_10:1.........that/brought up Ahab's/children 362/863
2Ki_10:6........which/brought them up And/it 363/863
2Ki_10:8.........have/brought the heads of the/king's 364/863
2Ki_10:22..........he/brought them forth vestments/And 365/863
2Ki_10:24........have/brought into your/hands 366/863
2Ki_10:26........they/brought forth the images/out 367/863
2Ki_11:4..........and/brought them to him/into 368/863
2Ki_11:12..........he/brought forth the king's/son 369/863
2Ki_11:19........they/brought down the king from the house of the LORD and came/by 370/863 into the house of the LORD even/the 371/863
2Ki_12:9..........was/brought into the house of the LORD And/it 372/863
2Ki_12:13.........was/brought into the house of the LORD But/they 373/863
2Ki_12:16.........not/brought into the house of the LORD it/was 374/863
2Ki_14:20........they/brought him on horses/and 375/863
2Ki_16:14..........he/brought also the/brasen 376/863
2Ki_17:4..........and/brought no present/to. 377/863
2Ki_17:7..........had/brought them up out of the land of Egypt from/under 378/863
2Ki_17:24.....Assyria/brought men/from...... 379/863 from thence/and 380/863
2Ki_17:36.........who/brought you up out of the/land 381/863
2Ki_19:25...........I/brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced/cities 382/863
2Ki_20:11..........he/brought the shadow/ten 383/863
2Ki_20:20.........and/brought water into/the 384/863 into the house of the LORD which/the 385/863
2Ki_22:9..........and/brought the king word again and said/Thy 386/863
2Ki_22:20........they/brought the king word again And the/king 387/863
2Ki_23:6...........he/brought out the grove/from 388/863
2Ki_23:8...........he/brought all the/priests 389/863
2Ki_23:30.........and/brought him to Jerusalem and buried/him 390/863
2Ki_24:16.....Babylon/brought captive/to.... 391/863
2Ki_25:6..........and/brought him up to the/king 392/863
2Ki_25:20.........and/brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah And the king of Babylon smote them and slew/them 393/863
1Ch_5:26..........and/brought them unto Halah/and 394/863
1Ch_10:12.........and/brought them to Jabesh/and 395/863
1Ch_11:18.........and/brought it to David but/David 396/863
1Ch_11:19........they/brought it Therefore/he 397/863
1Ch_12:40....Naphtali/brought bread/on...... 398/863
1Ch_13:13.......David/brought not the ark/home 399/863
1Ch_14:17........LORD/brought the fear/of... 400/863
1Ch_15:28......Israel/brought up the ark of the covenant/of 401/863
1Ch_16:1.........they/brought the ark of/God 402/863
1Ch_17:5............I/brought up Israel unto/this 403/863
1Ch_17:16........hast/brought me hitherto And yet/this 404/863
1Ch_18:2..........and/brought gifts And David/smote 405/863
1Ch_18:6..........and/brought gifts Thus/the 406/863
1Ch_18:7..........and/brought them to Jerusalem Likewise/from 407/863
1Ch_18:8....Hadarezer/brought David very/much 408/863
1Ch_18:11..........he/brought from all/these 409/863
1Ch_20:2...........he/brought also exceeding/much 410/863
1Ch_20:3...........he/brought out the people/that 411/863
1Ch_22:4.........Tyre/brought much/cedar.... 412/863
2Ch_1:4.........David/brought up from Kirjathjearim/to 413/863
2Ch_1:16.......horses/brought out of Egypt and linen yarn the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price And they/fetched 414/863
2Ch_1:17..........and/brought forth out of Egypt a/chariot 415/863 they out/horses 416/863
2Ch_5:1.......Solomon/brought in all/the.... 417/863
2Ch_5:5..........they/brought up the ark and/the 418/863
2Ch_5:7.......priests/brought in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place to/the 419/863
2Ch_6:5.............I/brought forth my people out/of 420/863
2Ch_7:22........which/brought them forth out of the land of Egypt and/laid 421/863
2Ch_7:22...........he/brought all this evil/upon 422/863
2Ch_8:11......Solomon/brought up the daughter/of 423/863
2Ch_8:18..........and/brought them to king/Solomon 424/863
2Ch_9:10........which/brought gold from Ophir brought algum/trees 425/863
2Ch_9:10........Ophir/brought algum/trees... 426/863
2Ch_9:12..........had/brought unto the king So/she 427/863
2Ch_9:14....merchants/brought And all/the... 428/863 gold and/silver 429/863
2Ch_9:24.........they/brought every man his present vessels of silver and vessels of gold and raiment/harness 430/863
2Ch_9:28.........they/brought unto Solomon/horses 431/863
2Ch_10:8.........were/brought up with him that/stood 432/863
2Ch_10:10........were/brought up with him spake/unto 433/863
2Ch_12:11.........and/brought them again into/the 434/863
2Ch_13:18........were/brought under at/that. 435/863
2Ch_15:11.........had/brought seven hundred/oxen 436/863
2Ch_15:18..........he/brought into the house of God the/things 437/863
2Ch_16:2..........Asa/brought out silver/and 438/863
2Ch_17:5........Judah/brought to Jehoshaphat/presents 439/863
2Ch_17:11.Philistines/brought Jehoshaphat/presents 440/863
2Ch_17:11....Arabians/brought him flocks/seven 441/863
2Ch_19:4..........and/brought them back unto/the 442/863
2Ch_22:9..........and/brought him to Jehu/and 443/863
2Ch_23:11........they/brought out the king's/son 444/863
2Ch_23:14......priest/brought out the captains/of 445/863
2Ch_23:20.........and/brought down the king from the house of the LORD and they/came 446/863
2Ch_24:10.........and/brought in and/cast... 447/863
2Ch_24:11.........was/brought unto the king's/office 448/863
2Ch_24:14........they/brought the rest/of... 449/863
2Ch_25:12.........and/brought them unto the top/of 450/863
2Ch_25:14..........he/brought the gods/of... 451/863
2Ch_25:23.........and/brought him to Jerusalem and brake/down 452/863
2Ch_25:28........they/brought him upon/horses 453/863
2Ch_28:5..........and/brought them to Damascus/And 454/863
2Ch_28:8..........and/brought the spoil/to.. 455/863
2Ch_28:15.........and/brought them to Jericho/the 456/863
2Ch_28:19........LORD/brought Judah/low..... 457/863
2Ch_28:27........they/brought him not/into.. 458/863
2Ch_29:4...........he/brought in the priests/and 459/863
2Ch_29:16.........and/brought out all the uncleanness/that 460/863
2Ch_29:21........they/brought seven bullocks/and 461/863
2Ch_29:23........they/brought forth the he/goats 462/863
2Ch_29:31congregation/brought in sacrifices/and 463/863
2Ch_29:32congregation/brought was/threescore 464/863
2Ch_30:15.........and/brought in the burnt/offerings 465/863
2Ch_31:5.......Israel/brought in abundance/the 466/863
2Ch_31:5.......things/brought they in/abundantly 467/863
2Ch_31:6.........also/brought in the tithe/of 468/863
2Ch_31:12.........And/brought in the offerings/and 469/863
2Ch_32:23........many/brought gifts unto/the 470/863
2Ch_32:30.........and/brought it straight/down 471/863
2Ch_33:11........LORD/brought upon them the captains/of 472/863
2Ch_33:13.........and/brought him again to/Jerusalem 473/863
2Ch_34:9..........was/brought into the house of God which/the 474/863
2Ch_34:14........they/brought out the money/that 475/863
2Ch_34:14.........was/brought into the house of the LORD Hilkiah/the 476/863
2Ch_34:16.........and/brought the king word back/again 477/863
2Ch_34:28........they/brought the king word again Then/the 478/863
2Ch_35:24........they/brought him to Jerusalem and he/died 479/863
2Ch_36:10.........and/brought him to Babylon/with 480/863
2Ch_36:17..........he/brought upon them the king/of 481/863
2Ch_36:18..........he/brought to Babylon And/they 482/863
Ezr_1:7..........king/brought forth the vessels/of 483/863
Ezr_1:7...........had/brought forth out of Jerusalem/and 484/863
Ezr_1:11.........were/brought up from Babylon/unto 485/863
Ezr_4:2.........which/brought us up hither/But 486/863
Ezr_4:10.....Asnapper/brought over/and...... 487/863
Ezr_5:14..........and/brought them into the temple/of 488/863
Ezr_6:5...........and/brought unto Babylon/be 489/863
Ezr_6:5...........and/brought again unto the/temple 490/863
Ezr_8:18.........they/brought us a/man...... 491/863
Neh_4:15..........had/brought their counsel/to 492/863
Neh_5:5...........are/brought unto bondage/already 493/863
Neh_8:2........priest/brought the law/before 494/863
Neh_8:16..........and/brought them and/made. 495/863
Neh_9:18.........that/brought thee up out of Egypt/and 496/863 upon us/for... 497/863
Neh_12:31...........I/brought up the princes/of 498/863
Neh_13:9......thither/brought I/again....... 499/863
Neh_13:12........Then/brought all Judah/the. 500/863
Neh_13:15........they/brought into Jerusalem/on 501/863
Neh_13:16.......which/brought fish/and...... 502/863 in on/the..... 503/863 in before him/but 504/863
Est_2:7............he/brought up Hadassah/that 505/863
Est_2:8...........was/brought also unto/the. 506/863
Est_2:20..........was/brought up with him In/those 507/863 which/the..... 508/863
Est_6:11..........and/brought him on horseback/through 509/863
Est_9:11..........was/brought before the king/And 510/863
Job_4:12.....secretly/brought to me/and..... 511/863
Job_10:18........thou/brought me forth out/of 512/863
Job_14:21.........are/brought low but/he.... 513/863 forth to the day/of 514/863 to the grave/and 515/863
Job_24:24.........and/brought low they/are.. 516/863
Job_31:18.........was/brought up with me/as. 517/863
Job_42:11.........had/brought upon him/every 518/863
Psa_7:14..........and/brought forth falsehood/He 519/863
Psa_18:19..........He/brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and I/did 520/863
Psa_20:8..........are/brought down and fallen/but 521/863
Psa_22:15........hast/brought me into the dust/of 522/863
Psa_30:3.........hast/brought up my soul/from 523/863
Psa_35:4..........and/brought to confusion that/devise 524/863
Psa_35:26.........and/brought to confusion together/that 525/863
Psa_40:2...........He/brought me up/also.... 526/863 unto the king in/raiment 527/863 unto thee With/gladness 528/863 they shall/enter 529/863
Psa_71:24.........are/brought unto shame/that 530/863
Psa_73:19........they/brought into desolation/as 531/863
Psa_78:16..........He/brought streams/also.. 532/863
Psa_78:26..........he/brought in the south/wind 533/863
Psa_78:54..........he/brought them to the border/of 534/863
Psa_78:71..........he/brought him to feed/Jacob 535/863
Psa_79:8..........are/brought very low Help/us 536/863
Psa_80:8.........hast/brought a vine/out.... 537/863
Psa_81:10.......which/brought thee out of the land of Egypt open/thy 538/863
Psa_85:1.........hast/brought back the/captivity 539/863
Psa_89:40........hast/brought his strong/holds 540/863
Psa_90:2.........were/brought forth or/ever. 541/863 forth frogs/in 542/863
Psa_105:37.........He/brought them forth also/with 543/863
Psa_105:40.........he/brought quails and/satisfied 544/863
Psa_105:43.........he/brought forth his/people 545/863
Psa_106:42.......were/brought into subjection/under 546/863
Psa_106:43.......were/brought low for/their. 547/863
Psa_107:12.........he/brought down their/heart 548/863
Psa_107:14.........He/brought them out of darkness/and 549/863
Psa_107:39........and/brought low through/oppression 550/863
Psa_116:6.........was/brought low and he/helped 551/863
Psa_136:11........And/brought out Israel/from 552/863 very low deliver/me 553/863 to a/piece.... 554/863
Pro_8:24..........was/brought forth when/there 555/863
Pro_8:25............I/brought forth While/as 556/863 up with him and/I 557/863 low Also/when. 558/863
Son_1:4..........hath/brought me into his/chambers 559/863
Son_2:4............He/brought me to the banqueting/house 560/863
Son_3:4...........had/brought him into my/mother's 561/863
Son_8:5........mother/brought thee forth there/she 562/863
Son_8:5...........she/brought thee forth that/bare 563/863
Isa_1:2...........and/brought up children and/they 564/863 low And upon/all 565/863 forth wild/grapes 566/863
Isa_5:4........grapes/brought it forth wild/grapes 567/863 down and the mighty/man 568/863 down to the/grave 569/863 down to hell to/the 570/863
Isa_15:1..........and/brought to silence because/in 571/863
Isa_15:1..........and/brought to silence He/is 572/863 unto the LORD/of 573/863
Isa_21:14........Tema/brought water to/him.. 574/863
Isa_23:13..........he/brought it to ruin/Howl 575/863 low And in/this 576/863
Isa_26:18........were/brought forth wind/we. 577/863 down and shalt/speak 578/863 to nought and/the 579/863
Isa_37:26...........I/brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced/cities 580/863
Isa_43:14........have/brought down all/their 581/863
Isa_43:23.........not/brought me the/small.. 582/863
Isa_45:10........thou/brought forth Thus/saith 583/863
Isa_48:15........have/brought him and he/shall 584/863
Isa_49:21........hath/brought up these Behold/I 585/863
Isa_51:18........hath/brought forth neither/is 586/863
Isa_51:18........hath/brought up These two/things 587/863 as/a.......... 588/863
Isa_59:16.........arm/brought salvation unto him/and 589/863 For the nation/and 590/863
Isa_62:9.........have/brought it together/shall 591/863
Isa_63:5..........arm/brought salvation unto me/and 592/863
Isa_63:11........that/brought them up out of the sea/with 593/863
Isa_66:7..........she/brought forth before/her 594/863
Isa_66:8..........she/brought forth her children/Shall 595/863
Jer_2:6..........that/brought us up out of the land of Egypt that/led 596/863
Jer_2:7.............I/brought you into a/plentiful 597/863
Jer_2:27.........hast/brought me forth for/they 598/863
Jer_7:22............I/brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning/burnt 599/863 from Tarshish/and 600/863
Jer_11:4............I/brought them forth out of the land of Egypt from/the 601/863
Jer_11:7............I/brought them up out of the land of Egypt even/unto 602/863 to the slaughter/and 603/863
Jer_15:8.........have/brought upon them against/the 604/863
Jer_16:14........that/brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt But The LORD liveth that/brought 605/863
Jer_16:15........that/brought up the children of Israel from/the 606/863
Jer_20:3.......Pashur/brought forth Jeremiah/out 607/863
Jer_20:15.........who/brought tidings/to.... 608/863
Jer_23:7........which/brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt But The LORD liveth which/brought 609/863
Jer_23:8........which/brought up and which/led 610/863
Jer_24:1..........had/brought them to Babylon/One 611/863
Jer_26:23.........and/brought him unto Jehoiakim/the 612/863 again from Babylon/for 613/863
Jer_32:21........hast/brought forth thy/people 614/863
Jer_32:42........have/brought all this great/evil 615/863
Jer_34:11.........and/brought them into subjection for/servants 616/863
Jer_34:13...........I/brought them forth out of the land of Egypt out/of 617/863
Jer_34:16.........and/brought them into subjection to/be 618/863
Jer_35:4............I/brought them into the house/of 619/863
Jer_37:14.........and/brought him to the princes/Wherefore 620/863 forth to the king/of 621/863
Jer_39:5.........they/brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar/king 622/863
Jer_40:3.........hath/brought it and done/according 623/863
Jer_41:16.........had/brought again from Gibeon/And 624/863
Jer_44:2.........have/brought upon Jerusalem and/upon 625/863
Jer_50:25........hath/brought forth the weapons/of 626/863
Jer_51:10........hath/brought forth our/righteousness 627/863
Jer_52:26.........and/brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah And the king of Babylon smote them and put/them 628/863
Jer_52:31.........and/brought him forth out of prison/And 629/863
Lam_2:2..........hath/brought them down to the ground/he 630/863
Lam_2:22..........and/brought up hath/mine.. 631/863
Lam_3:2...........and/brought me into darkness/but 632/863
Lam_4:5..........were/brought up in scarlet/embrace 633/863
Eze_8:3...........and/brought me in the/visions 634/863
Eze_8:7............he/brought me to the door of the court/and 635/863
Eze_8:14...........he/brought me to the door of the gate/of 636/863
Eze_8:16...........he/brought me into the inner court of/the 637/863
Eze_11:1..........and/brought me unto/the... 638/863
Eze_11:24.........and/brought me in a/vision 639/863
Eze_12:7............I/brought forth my stuff/by 640/863
Eze_12:7............I/brought it forth in/the 641/863 forth both/sons 642/863
Eze_14:22........have/brought upon Jerusalem even/concerning 643/863
Eze_14:22........have/brought upon it/And... 644/863
Eze_17:6..........and/brought forth branches/and 645/863
Eze_17:24........have/brought down the high/tree 646/863
Eze_19:3..........she/brought up one/of..... 647/863
Eze_19:4.........they/brought him with/chains 648/863
Eze_19:9..........and/brought him to the king/of 649/863
Eze_19:9.........they/brought him into holds/that 650/863
Eze_20:10.........and/brought them into the wilderness/And 651/863
Eze_20:14...........I/brought them out Yet/also 652/863
Eze_20:22...........I/brought them forth I/lifted 653/863
Eze_20:28.........had/brought them into the land for/the 654/863 to pass saith/the 655/863
Eze_23:8....whoredoms/brought from Egypt/for 656/863
Eze_23:27....whoredom/brought from the/land. 657/863
Eze_23:42........were/brought Sabeans/from.. 658/863
Eze_27:6........ivory/brought out of the/isles 659/863
Eze_27:15........they/brought thee for/a.... 660/863
Eze_27:26........have/brought thee into great/waters 661/863 together/nor.. 662/863 to destroy/the 663/863 down with/the. 664/863 again that/which 665/863
Eze_37:13.........and/brought you up out of your/graves 666/863 back from/the. 667/863 forth out of the nations/and 668/863
Eze_39:27........have/brought them again from/the 669/863
Eze_40:1..........and/brought me thither In/the 670/863
Eze_40:2..........God/brought he me into the land/of 671/863
Eze_40:3...........he/brought me thither and/behold 672/863
Eze_40:4.........thou/brought hither declare/all 673/863
Eze_40:17........Then/brought he me into the outward/court 674/863
Eze_40:24..........he/brought me toward/the. 675/863
Eze_40:28..........he/brought me to the inner/court 676/863
Eze_40:32..........he/brought me into the inner court toward/the 677/863
Eze_40:35..........he/brought me to the north/gate 678/863
Eze_40:48..........he/brought me to the porch/of 679/863
Eze_40:49..........he/brought me by/the..... 680/863
Eze_41:1...........he/brought me to the temple/and 681/863
Eze_42:1...........he/brought me forth into the utter court the/way 682/863
Eze_42:1...........he/brought me into the chamber/that 683/863
Eze_42:15..........he/brought me forth toward/the 684/863
Eze_43:1...........he/brought me to the gate/even 685/863
Eze_43:5..........and/brought me into the inner court and/behold 686/863
Eze_44:1...........he/brought me back/the... 687/863
Eze_44:4.........Then/brought he me the/way. 688/863
Eze_44:7.........have/brought into my/sanctuary 689/863
Eze_46:19..........he/brought me through the entry/which 690/863
Eze_46:21..........he/brought me forth into the utter court and/caused 691/863
Eze_47:1...........he/brought me again/unto. 692/863
Eze_47:2.........Then/brought he me out/of.. 693/863
Eze_47:3...........he/brought me through the waters the waters were to the ankles/Again 694/863
Eze_47:4..........and/brought me through the waters the waters were to the knees/Again 695/863
Eze_47:4..........and/brought me through the waters were/to 696/863
Eze_47:6...........he/brought me and/caused. 697/863
Eze_47:8........being/brought forth into/the 698/863
Dan_1:2............he/brought the vessels into/the 699/863
Dan_1:9...........had/brought Daniel into/favour 700/863
Dan_1:18......eunuchs/brought them in/before 701/863
Dan_2:25.......Arioch/brought in Daniel/before 702/863
Dan_3:13.........they/brought these/men..... 703/863
Dan_5:3..........they/brought the golden/vessels 704/863
Dan_5:13.......Daniel/brought in before the/king 705/863
Dan_5:13.......father/brought out of Jewry/I 706/863
Dan_5:15.........been/brought in before me/that 707/863
Dan_5:23.........have/brought the vessels of/his 708/863
Dan_6:16.........they/brought Daniel and/cast 709/863
Dan_6:17..........was/brought and laid/upon. 710/863
Dan_6:18.......musick/brought before him/and 711/863
Dan_6:24.........they/brought those/men..... 712/863
Dan_7:13.........they/brought him near/before 713/863
Dan_9:14..........and/brought it upon/us.... 714/863
Dan_9:15.........hast/brought thy people/forth 715/863
Dan_11:6.........that/brought her and/he.... 716/863
Hos_12:13........LORD/brought Israel out of Egypt and/by 717/863
Amo_2:10............I/brought you up from the/land 718/863
Amo_3:1.............I/brought up from the/land 719/863
Amo_9:7.............I/brought up Israel out of the/land 720/863
Oba_1:7..........have/brought thee even/to.. 721/863
Jon_2:6..........thou/brought up my life/from 722/863
Mic_5:3..........hath/brought forth then the/remnant 723/863
Mic_6:4.............I/brought thee up out of the land of Egypt and redeemed/thee 724/863 up and her/maids 725/863 it home/I..... 726/863
Hag_2:19..........not/brought forth from/this 727/863 down and the sceptre/of 728/863 that which was/torn 729/863 an offering should/I 730/863
Mat_1:12.........were/brought to Babylon Jechonias/begat 731/863
Mat_1:25..........had/brought forth her firstborn son and he/called 732/863
Mat_4:24.........they/brought unto him all sick/people 733/863
Mat_8:16.........they/brought unto him many/that 734/863
Mat_9:2..........they/brought to him a man/sick 735/863
Mat_9:32.........they/brought to him a dumb/man 736/863 before governors/and 737/863 down to hell for/if 738/863
Mat_12:22.........was/brought unto him one/possessed 739/863 to desolation and every/city 740/863
Mat_13:8..........and/brought forth fruit some/an 741/863
Mat_13:26.........and/brought forth fruit then/appeared 742/863
Mat_14:11.........was/brought in a charger/and 743/863
Mat_14:11.........she/brought it to her/mother 744/863
Mat_14:35.........and/brought unto him all that were diseased And besought/him 745/863
Mat_16:8.........have/brought no bread/Do... 746/863
Mat_17:16...........I/brought him to thy/disciples 747/863
Mat_18:24.........was/brought unto him which/owed 748/863
Mat_19:13.......there/brought unto him little/children 749/863
Mat_21:7..........And/brought the ass/and... 750/863
Mat_22:19........they/brought unto him a penny/And 751/863
Mat_25:20.........and/brought other/five.... 752/863
Mat_27:3..........and/brought again the thirty/pieces 753/863
Mar_1:32.........they/brought unto him all that were diseased and them/that 754/863
Mar_4:8...........and/brought forth some/thirty 755/863
Mar_4:21.......candle/brought to be/put..... 756/863 forth immediately/he 757/863 and he/went... 758/863
Mar_6:28..........And/brought his head/in... 759/863
Mar_9:17.........have/brought unto thee my/son 760/863
Mar_9:20.........they/brought him unto him/and 761/863
Mar_10:13........they/brought young/children 762/863
Mar_10:13........that/brought them But/when. 763/863
Mar_11:7.........they/brought the colt/to... 764/863
Mar_12:16........they/brought it And he/saith 765/863 before rulers/and 766/863
Luk_1:57..........she/brought forth a son/And 767/863
Luk_2:7...........she/brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped/him 768/863
Luk_2:22.........they/brought him to Jerusalem to/present 769/863
Luk_2:27......parents/brought in the child/Jesus 770/863 low and the/crooked 771/863
Luk_4:9............he/brought him to Jerusalem and set/him 772/863
Luk_4:16.........been/brought up and as/his. 773/863
Luk_4:40.....diseases/brought them unto him and/he 774/863
Luk_5:11..........had/brought their ships/to 775/863 in a bed/a.... 776/863 an alabaster/box 777/863
Luk_10:34.........and/brought him to an/inn. 778/863 to desolation and a/house 779/863 forth plentifully/And 780/863
Luk_18:15........they/brought unto him also/infants 781/863 unto him and/when 782/863
Luk_19:35........they/brought him to Jesus and they/cast 783/863
Luk_21:12.......being/brought before kings/and 784/863
Luk_22:54.........and/brought him into the high/priest's 785/863
Luk_23:14........have/brought this man/unto. 786/863
Joh_1:42...........he/brought him to Jesus And when/Jesus 787/863 him ought/to.. 788/863
Joh_7:45..........not/brought him The officers/answered 789/863
Joh_8:3.....Pharisees/brought unto him a woman/taken 790/863
Joh_9:13.........They/brought to the Pharisees/him 791/863
Joh_18:16.........and/brought in Peter/Then. 792/863
Joh_19:13..........he/brought Jesus/forth... 793/863
Joh_19:39.........and/brought a mixture/of.. 794/863
Act_4:34..........and/brought the prices/of. 795/863
Act_4:37..........and/brought the money and/laid 796/863
Act_5:2...........and/brought a certain/part 797/863
Act_5:15.........they/brought forth the sick/into 798/863
Act_5:19..........and/brought them forth and/said 799/863
Act_5:21.........them/brought But when/the.. 800/863
Act_5:26..........and/brought them without/violence 801/863
Act_5:27..........had/brought them they/set. 802/863
Act_5:36..........and/brought to nought After/this 803/863
Act_6:12..........and/brought him to the council/And 804/863
Act_7:36...........He/brought them out after/that 805/863
Act_7:40........which/brought us out of the/land 806/863
Act_7:45........after/brought in with/Jesus. 807/863
Act_9:8...........and/brought him into Damascus/And 808/863
Act_9:27..........and/brought him to the apostles/and 809/863
Act_9:30.........they/brought him down to Caesarea/and 810/863
Act_9:39.........they/brought him into the upper/chamber 811/863
Act_11:26..........he/brought him unto Antioch/And 812/863
Act_12:6.........have/brought him forth the/same 813/863
Act_12:17.........had/brought him out/of.... 814/863
Act_13:1.........been/brought up with Herod/the 815/863
Act_13:17.........arm/brought he them/out... 816/863 oxen/and...... 817/863
Act_15:3........being/brought on their/way.. 818/863
Act_16:16.......which/brought her masters/much 819/863
Act_16:20.........And/brought them to the magistrates/saying 820/863
Act_16:30.........And/brought them out and said/Sirs 821/863
Act_16:34.........had/brought them into his/house 822/863
Act_16:39.........and/brought them out and desired/them 823/863
Act_17:15........Paul/brought him unto Athens/and 824/863
Act_17:19.........and/brought him unto Areopagus/saying 825/863
Act_18:12.........and/brought him to the judgment/seat 826/863
Act_19:12........were/brought unto the sick/handkerchiefs 827/863
Act_19:19........arts/brought their books/together 828/863
Act_19:24.......Diana/brought no small/gain. 829/863
Act_19:37........have/brought hither these/men 830/863
Act_20:12........they/brought the young/man. 831/863
Act_21:5..........all/brought us on/our..... 832/863
Act_21:16.........and/brought with them/one. 833/863
Act_21:28.....further/brought Greeks/also... 834/863
Act_21:29.........had/brought into the temple/And 835/863
Act_22:3..........yet/brought up in this/city 836/863 into the castle/and 837/863
Act_22:30.........and/brought Paul/down..... 838/863
Act_23:18.........and/brought him to the chief/captain 839/863
Act_23:28...........I/brought him forth into/their 840/863
Act_23:31.........and/brought him by/night.. 841/863 And when/he... 842/863 forth Against/whom 843/863
Act_25:18........they/brought none/accusation 844/863
Act_25:23.........was/brought forth And Festus/said 845/863
Act_25:26........have/brought him forth before/you 846/863 before Caesar/and 847/863 on my way thitherward/by 848/863 under the/power 849/863 to pass the/saying 850/863 on my way toward/Judaea 851/863
Gal_2:4......unawares/brought in who/came... 852/863
1Th_3:6...........and/brought us good/tidings 853/863
1Ti_5:10.........have/brought up children if/she 854/863
1Ti_6:7............we/brought nothing/into.. 855/863
2Ti_1:10.........hath/brought life/and...... 856/863 into the sanctuary/by 857/863
Heb_13:20........that/brought again from the/dead 858/863 forth her fruit/Brethren 859/863 unto you/at... 860/863
2Pe_2:19...........he/brought in bondage/For 861/863
Rev_12:5..........she/brought forth a man/child 862/863
Rev_12:13.......which/brought forth the man/child 863/863
Exo_32:7.........thou/broughtest out of/the.... 1/13
Num_14:13........thou/broughtest up/this....... 2/13
Deu_9:28.........thou/broughtest us out say/Because 3/13
Deu_9:29.........thou/broughtest out by/thy.... 4/13
2Sa_5:2...........and/broughtest in Israel and the LORD said/to 5/13
1Ki_8:51.........thou/broughtest forth out/of.. 6/13
1Ki_8:53.........thou/broughtest our/fathers... 7/13
1Ch_11:2..........and/broughtest in Israel and the LORD thy/God 8/13
Neh_9:7...........and/broughtest him/forth..... 9/13
Neh_9:15..........and/broughtest forth water/for 10/13
Neh_9:23..........and/broughtest them/into.... 11/13
Psa_66:11........Thou/broughtest us into/the.. 12/13
Psa_66:12........thou/broughtest us out into/a 13/13