2Sa_12:14.......to/blaspheme the/child...... 1/10
1Ki_21:10....didst/blaspheme God and the king And/then 2/10
1Ki_21:13......did/blaspheme God and the king Then/they 3/10
Psa_74:10....enemy/blaspheme thy/name....... 4/10
Mar_3:28.....shall/blaspheme But/he......... 5/10
Mar_3:29.....shall/blaspheme against/the.... 6/10
Act_26:11.......to/blaspheme and/being...... 7/10
1Ti_1:20........to/blaspheme I/exhort....... 8/10
Jam_2:7.......they/blaspheme that/worthy.... 9/10
Rev_13:6........to/blaspheme his/name...... 10/10
Lev_24:11......son/blasphemed the name of the/Lord 1/16
2Ki_19:6......have/blasphemed me Behold I will send a blast upon him and he shall hear a rumour and shall/return 2/16
2Ki_19:22......and/blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 3/16
Psa_74:18.....have/blasphemed thy/name...... 4/16
Isa_37:6......have/blasphemed me Behold I will send a blast upon him and he shall hear a rumour and return/to 5/16
Isa_37:23......and/blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted up thine eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 6/16
Isa_52:5........is/blasphemed Therefore/my.. 7/16
Isa_65:7.......and/blasphemed me upon/the... 8/16
Eze_20:27.....have/blasphemed me in/that.... 9/16
Act_18:6.......and/blasphemed he/shook..... 10/16
Rom_2:24........is/blasphemed among/the.... 11/16
1Ti_6:1........not/blasphemed And they/that 12/16
Tit_2:5........not/blasphemed Young/men.... 13/16
Rev_16:9.......and/blasphemed the name of God/which 14/16
Rev_16:11......And/blasphemed the God/of... 15/16
Rev_16:21......men/blasphemed God/because.. 16/16
1Ti_1:13.........a/blasphemer/and............ 1/1
Act_19:37......yet/blasphemers of/your....... 1/2
2Ti_3:2......proud/blasphemers disobedient/to 2/2
Joh_10:36.....Thou/blasphemest/because....... 1/1
Lev_24:16.....that/blasphemeth the name of the LORD he/shall 1/5
Lev_24:16.......he/blasphemeth the name of the Lord shall/be 2/5
Psa_44:16......and/blasphemeth by/reason..... 3/5
Mat_9:3........man/blasphemeth And/Jesus..... 4/5
Luk_12:10.....that/blasphemeth against/the... 5/5
Eze_35:12......thy/blasphemies which/thou.... 1/6
Mat_15:19..witness/blasphemies These/are..... 2/6
Mar_2:7......speak/blasphemies who can forgive sins but God only/And 3/6
Mar_3:28.......and/blasphemies wherewith/soever 4/6
Luk_5:21..speaketh/blasphemies Who can forgive sins but God alone/But 5/6
Rev_13:5.......and/blasphemies and/power..... 6/6
Act_13:45......and/blaspheming/Then.......... 1/1
Act_6:11.....speak/blasphemous words against Moses/and 1/2
Act_6:13.....speak/blasphemous words against this/holy 2/2
Luk_22:65...things/blasphemously/spake....... 1/1
2Ki_19:3.......and/blasphemy for the children are come to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth It may be the LORD thy God will hear all/the 1/14
Isa_37:3........of/blasphemy for the children are come to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth It may be the LORD thy God will hear the/words 2/14
Mat_12:31......and/blasphemy shall/be....... 3/14
Mat_12:31......the/blasphemy against the/Holy 4/14
Mat_26:65...spoken/blasphemy what further/need 5/14
Mat_26:65......his/blasphemy What think ye They/answered 6/14
Mar_7:22.......eye/blasphemy pride/foolishness 7/14
Mar_14:64......the/blasphemy what think ye And/they 8/14
Joh_10:33......for/blasphemy and because/that 9/14
Col_3:8.....malice/blasphemy filthy/communication 10/14
Rev_2:9........the/blasphemy of/them....... 11/14
Rev_13:1........of/blasphemy And the/beast. 12/14
Rev_13:6........in/blasphemy against God/to 13/14
Rev_17:3........of/blasphemy having/seven.. 14/14
Exo_15:8.......the/blast of thy/nostrils..... 1/8
Jos_6:5.......long/blast with/the............ 2/8
2Sa_22:16......the/blast of the breath of his/nostrils 3/8
2Ki_19:7.........a/blast upon him and he shall hear a rumour and shall/return 4/8
Job_4:9........the/blast of God/they......... 5/8
Psa_18:15......the/blast of the breath of thy/nostrils 6/8
Isa_25:4.......the/blast of the terrible/ones 7/8
Isa_37:7.........a/blast upon him and he shall hear a rumour and return/to 8/8
Gen_41:6.......and/blasted with the east wind sprung up after them And the seven/thin 1/5
Gen_41:23......and/blasted with the east wind sprung up after them And the thin/ears 2/5
Gen_41:27.....ears/blasted with the east wind shall/be 3/5
2Ki_19:26.....corn/blasted before it be grown up But I know thy abode and thy going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore I/will 4/5
Isa_37:27.....corn/blasted before it be grown up But I know thy abode and thy going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore will/I 5/5
Deu_28:22.....with/blasting and with mildew and they/shall 1/5
1Ki_8:37pestilence/blasting mildew/locust.... 2/5
2Ch_6:28........be/blasting or/mildew........ 3/5
Amo_4:9.......with/blasting and mildew/when.. 4/5
Hag_2:17......with/blasting and with mildew and with/hail 5/5
Act_12:20.....made/Blastus/the............... 1/1