1Ch_7:39...and/Rezia/All................. 1/1
Isa_9:11....of/Rezin against/him....... 11/11
2Ki_16:9..slew/Rezin And king/Ahaz...... 4/11
Isa_8:6.....in/Rezin and Remaliah's/son 10/11
Isa_7:8.....is/Rezin and within/threescore 9/11
2Ki_16:5..Then/Rezin king of Syria and/Pekah 2/11
2Ki_16:6..time/Rezin king of Syria recovered/Elath 3/11
Ezr_2:48....of/Rezin the children of Nekoda the children of Gazzam The children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 5/11
Neh_7:50....of/Rezin the children of Nekoda The children of Gazzam the children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 6/11
2Ki_15:37Judah/Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah And/Jotham 1/11
Isa_7:1...that/Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah king/of 7/11
Isa_7:4.....of/Rezin with/Syria......... 8/11