Pro_11:12......his/peace A/talebearer.... 226/429
Eph_6:15........of/peace Above/all....... 393/429 according/to.... 335/429 always/by....... 407/429 among/yourselves 403/429
Isa_64:12......thy/peace and afflict/us.. 261/429
Isa_36:21....their/peace and answered him not a word for the king's commandment was saying Answer him not Then came Eliakim the son of Hilkiah that/was 239/429
2Ki_18:36....their/peace and answered him not a word for the king's commandment was saying Answer him not Then came Eliakim the son of Hilkiah which/was 155/429
Mar_14:61......his/peace and answered nothing/Again 332/429
Ezr_7:12...perfect/peace and at such a time I/make 179/429
Ezr_4:17.....river/Peace and at such a time The/letter 177/429
Psa_83:1.......thy/peace and be not/still 210/429 and be whole/of. 328/429 And behold/the.. 114/429
Rom_10:15.......of/peace and bring/glad.. 371/429
Luk_4:35.......thy/peace and come out of him And when the devil/had 336/429
Mar_1:25.......thy/peace and come out of him And when the unclean/spirit 325/429
Isa_45:7......make/peace and create/evil. 243/429
2Ki_2:3.......your/peace And Elijah said unto him Elisha/tarry 142/429
2Ki_2:5.......your/peace And Elijah said unto him Tarry/I 143/429 and ensue/it.... 421/429 and equity/and.. 318/429 and for/Jerusalem's 259/429
Neh_5:8......their/peace and found/nothing 181/429
Act_11:18....their/peace and glorified/God 359/429
Num_25:12.......of/peace And he shall/have 68/429
Mic_3:5........cry/Peace and he that/putteth 307/429
Luk_14:4.....their/peace And he took/him. 344/429
Mal_2:5........and/peace and I gave/them. 317/429
Job_33:33......thy/peace and I shall/teach 195/429
Job_33:31......thy/peace and I will/speak 194/429 And it came to pass afterward/that 337/429 And it came to pass the/same 4/429 And it came to pass when/he 124/429
Job_13:5......your/peace and it should/be 189/429 And Jehu answered/What 149/429 And Jehu said/What 147/429
Rom_14:17......and/peace and joy/in...... 372/429
Jud_1:2........and/peace and love/be..... 427/429 And Micaiah said If thou certainly/return 169/429 And Micaiah said If thou return/at 139/429
Lev_10:3.......his/peace And Moses/called. 42/429
Jer_29:11.......of/peace and not/of...... 282/429 and one/built... 290/429
Deu_20:11.......of/peace and open/unto.... 77/429
Gen_41:16.......of/peace And Pharaoh/said.. 7/429 and pursue/it... 200/429 and put/the..... 127/429
1Ch_22:9......give/peace and quietness/unto 165/429
1Th_5:3........say/Peace and safety/then. 402/429 and sleep/for... 196/429
Eph_2:15....making/peace And that/he..... 390/429
Luk_1:79........of/peace And the child/grew 333/429 and the effect/of 237/429 and the God of Israel/grant 99/429 and the God of love/and 383/429
Mat_26:63......his/peace And the high/priest 324/429 And the king of Israel said to/Jehoshaphat 168/429 And the king of Israel said unto/Jehoshaphat 138/429 and the LORD be/with 106/429 And the LORD said unto Moses in/Midian 10/429
Exo_14:14.....your/peace And the LORD said unto Moses Wherefore/criest 11/429 And the saying/pleased 123/429
Job_29:10....their/peace and their/tongue 193/429
Jer_14:19......for/peace and there is/no. 275/429 and there shall/be 288/429
Eze_13:10...saying/Peace and there was/no 289/429
Jer_23:17.....have/peace and they say/unto 277/429
Num_6:26......thee/peace And they shall/put 52/429
Isa_60:17.officers/peace and thine exactors/righteousness 258/429 and thine eyes/shall 157/429
Rom_14:19......for/peace and things/wherewith 373/429 and thou/shalt.. 187/429
Jer_33:6........of/peace and truth And/I. 284/429
2Ki_20:19.......if/peace and truth be/in. 156/429 and truth in/my. 241/429
Est_9:30........of/peace and truth To/confirm 184/429
Heb_11:31.....with/peace And what/shall.. 414/429
Mar_3:4......their/peace And when he/had. 326/429
Job_11:3.....their/peace and when thou/mockest 188/429
Eze_34:25.......of/peace and will/cause.. 293/429 and with/the.... 285/429 and your/two.... 122/429
1Co_14:33.......of/peace as/in........... 380/429
Jer_30:5........of/peace Ask/ye.......... 283/429
Num_30:11......his/peace at her and/disallowed 72/429
Num_30:14......his/peace at her from/day.. 73/429
Num_30:7.......his/peace at her in the day that he heard it/then 71/429
Num_30:14......his/peace at her in the day that he heard them/But 74/429
Num_30:4.......his/peace at her then/all.. 70/429
Psa_39:12......thy/peace at my/tears..... 205/429
Zep_1:7........thy/peace at the/presence. 310/429
Est_4:14.......thy/peace at this/time.... 183/429
1Sa_25:6prosperity/Peace be both/to...... 109/429
Ezr_5:7........all/peace Be it/known..... 178/429
1Pe_1:2........and/peace be multiplied Blessed/be 420/429 be multiplied unto you I make/a 302/429 be multiplied unto you I thought/it 301/429
2Pe_1:2........and/peace be multiplied unto you through/the 423/429
Gal_6:16......rule/peace be on/them...... 387/429 be removed/saith 248/429
Mar_4:39.......sea/Peace be still/And.... 327/429
Luk_10:6........of/peace be there/your... 340/429
Eph_6:23....hearts/Peace be to the/brethren 394/429
3Jn_1:14......face/Peace be to thee/Our.. 426/429
1Ch_12:18......and/peace be to thine helpers/for 160/429
1Sa_25:6.......and/peace be to thine house/and 110/429
Luk_10:5.......say/Peace be to this/house 339/429
Gen_43:23.....said/Peace be to you/fear.... 8/429
1Sa_25:6.......and/peace be unto all/that 111/429
1Ch_12:18....peace/peace be unto thee and/peace 159/429
Dan_10:19......not/peace be unto thee be/strong 304/429
Jdg_6:23.......him/Peace be unto thee fear/not 91/429
Joh_20:19.....them/Peace be unto you And/when 355/429
Joh_20:21....again/Peace be unto you as/my 356/429
Luk_24:36.....them/Peace be unto you But/they 351/429
Joh_20:26.....said/Peace be unto you Then/saith 357/429
Jdg_19:20.....said/Peace be with thee/howsoever 96/429
Rom_15:33.......of/peace be with you all Amen/I 375/429 be with you all that/are 422/429
Psa_122:8......say/Peace be within thee/Because 219/429
Psa_122:7.....thee/Peace be within thy/walls 218/429 be ye/warmed.... 417/429
Rom_8:6........and/peace Because the/carnal 370/429
Act_12:20..desired/peace because their/country 361/429 because thou/hast 264/429
Isa_48:18......thy/peace been/as......... 244/429 before/the....... 94/429
1Ki_5:12.......was/peace between Hiram/and 132/429
1Sa_7:14.......was/peace between Israel/and 100/429
Jdg_4:17.......was/peace between Jabin/the 90/429
Mat_10:34.....send/peace but a/sword..... 322/429
Luk_18:39......his/peace but he cried so/much 346/429
Mar_10:48......his/peace but he cried the/more 331/429
1Sa_20:7......have/peace but if/he....... 105/429
Jer_8:15.......for/peace but no/good..... 271/429
Luk_19:42......thy/peace but now/they.... 349/429 But Paul/said... 364/429 But shew/kindness 128/429 But the/transgressors 203/429
Mat_20:31....their/peace but they cried/the 323/429
Psa_35:20......not/peace but they devise/deceitful 201/429 But when a/stronger 342/429
Psa_120:7......for/peace but when I/speak 216/429
Act_10:36preaching/peace by/Jesus........ 358/429
Mat_10:13.....your/peace come/upon....... 319/429
Isa_62:6.....their/peace day/nor......... 260/429
Act_12:17....their/peace declared/unto... 360/429 even from/good.. 204/429 even of/old..... 252/429
Mar_9:34.....their/peace for by/the...... 329/429 for ever/from... 129/429
Eze_13:16.......of/peace for her/and..... 291/429
Act_18:9.......thy/peace For I/am........ 365/429
Neh_8:11......your/peace for the/day..... 182/429
Jer_29:7......have/peace For thus/saith.. 281/429
Isa_26:12...ordain/peace for us/for...... 234/429 For what/knowest 378/429
1Co_14:30......his/peace For ye/may...... 379/429 forasmuch/as.... 108/429
2Co_1:2........and/peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed be God/even 382/429
Eph_1:2........and/peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed be the/God 388/429
1Co_1:3........and/peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God always/on 377/429
Php_1:2........and/peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God upon/every 395/429
1Ti_1:2........and/peace from God our Father and Jesus/Christ 408/429
Rom_1:7........and/peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ First/I 366/429
Phl_1:3........and/peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ I/thank 412/429
2Th_1:2........and/peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We are/bound 405/429
1Th_1:1........and/peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We give thanks to God always/for 401/429
Col_1:2........and/peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We give thanks to God and/the 398/429
2Ti_1:2........and/peace from God the Father and Christ/Jesus 409/429
Gal_1:3........and/peace from God the Father and from our/Lord 385/429
2Jn_1:3........and/peace from God the Father and from the/Lord 425/429
Tit_1:4........and/peace from God the Father and the/Lord 411/429
Rev_1:4........and/peace from him/which.. 428/429 from the battle/that 206/429 from the brethren/unto 363/429 from the children/of 93/429
Rev_6:4.......take/peace from the earth/and 429/429 from this/people 276/429
Jam_3:18......make/peace From whence/come 419/429 good/will....... 334/429
Psa_85:10......and/peace have kissed/each 212/429
Rom_3:17........of/peace have they not/known 368/429
Psa_119:165..Great/peace have they which/love 214/429 He/shall........ 286/429
2Th_3:16........of/peace himself/give.... 406/429
Psa_120:6...hateth/peace I am/for........ 215/429
Lam_3:17......from/peace I forgat/prosperity 287/429 I give/unto..... 353/429
Isa_38:17......for/peace I had/great..... 240/429 I have/been..... 242/429 I leave/with.... 352/429 I will break/down 92/429
Psa_29:11.....with/peace I will extol/thee 199/429
2Ki_7:9........our/peace if/we........... 145/429
Rom_15:13......and/peace in believing/that 374/429
Luk_19:38.....Lord/peace in heaven/and... 347/429
Job_25:2....maketh/peace in his/high..... 192/429
Lev_26:6......give/peace in the land/and.. 48/429
Joh_16:33.....have/peace In the world/ye. 354/429
Jer_14:13..assured/peace in this/place... 274/429
Psa_147:14..maketh/peace in thy/borders.. 222/429
Zec_8:16.......and/peace in your/gates... 314/429
Pro_17:28......his/peace is counted/wise. 229/429
Pro_12:20.......of/peace is joy/There.... 227/429
Act_15:13....their/peace James/answered.. 362/429 Jehu/And........ 151/429
Jdg_18:19......thy/peace lay/thine........ 95/429
Job_13:13.....your/peace let/me.......... 190/429 longsuffering/gentleness 386/429
2Sa_13:20......thy/peace my/sister....... 120/429 neither/shall... 176/429 none/moved....... 86/429
Deu_23:6.....their/peace nor/their........ 79/429
Psa_109:1......thy/peace O God/of........ 213/429
Nah_1:15publisheth/peace O Judah/keep.... 309/429
Col_3:15.......the/peace of God rule/in.. 400/429
Php_4:7........the/peace of God which/passeth 396/429
Psa_122:6......the/peace of Jerusalem/they 217/429
Jer_29:7.......the/peace of the city/whither 279/429
Isa_9:6.........of/Peace Of the increase/of 231/429 of them/that.... 418/429
Isa_54:13......the/peace of thy/children. 249/429
Lev_3:3........the/peace offering an offering made by fire unto the LORD the fat that/covereth 18/429
Lev_3:9........the/peace offering an offering made by fire unto the LORD the fat thereof/and 20/429
Lev_3:1.........of/peace offering if/he... 17/429
Lev_3:6.........of/peace offering unto/the 19/429
Num_6:14.......for/peace offerings And a/basket 49/429
1Ki_8:64.......the/peace offerings And at/that 135/429
1Ch_21:26......and/peace offerings and called/upon 164/429
Lev_7:34.....their/peace offerings and have/given 37/429
1Sa_13:9.......and/peace offerings And he offered/the 104/429
Eze_46:2.......his/peace offerings and he shall/worship 298/429
Jos_8:31sacrificed/peace offerings And he wrote/there 82/429
Eze_43:27.....your/peace offerings and I/will 295/429
1Ki_3:15...offered/peace offerings and made/a 130/429
2Ch_30:22.offering/peace offerings and making/confession 173/429
Lev_9:22.......and/peace offerings And Moses and/Aaron 41/429
Num_29:39.....your/peace offerings And Moses told/the 69/429
Lev_7:13.......his/peace offerings And of/it 27/429
Deu_27:7.....offer/peace offerings and shalt/eat 80/429
2Ch_33:16..thereon/peace offerings and thank/offerings 175/429
Jdg_21:4.......and/peace offerings And the children/of 98/429
2Ch_29:35......the/peace offerings and the drink/offerings 172/429
Lev_7:33.......the/peace offerings and the fat/shall 36/429
Lev_7:14.......the/peace offerings And the flesh/of 28/429
Exo_32:6...brought/peace offerings and the people/sat 16/429
Lev_4:31........of/peace offerings and the priest shall burn it/upon 23/429
Lev_4:35.......the/peace offerings and the priest shall burn them upon the altar according/to 24/429
Lev_4:10........of/peace offerings and the priest shall burn them upon the altar of/the 21/429
Lev_4:26........of/peace offerings and the priest shall make/an 22/429
Num_6:18.......the/peace offerings And the priest shall take/the 51/429
Lev_23:19.......of/peace offerings And the priest shall wave/them 47/429
Eze_46:12......his/peace offerings as/he. 300/429
Lev_7:18.......his/peace offerings be/eaten 30/429
1Ki_8:64.......the/peace offerings because the brasen altar that/was 134/429
2Ch_7:7........the/peace offerings because the brasen altar which/Solomon 166/429
1Ch_16:1.......and/peace offerings before God/And 161/429
2Sa_6:17.......and/peace offerings before the LORD And as/soon 117/429
Jdg_20:26......and/peace offerings before the LORD And the/children 97/429
1Sa_11:15.......of/peace offerings before the LORD and there/Saul 103/429
Exo_29:28....their/peace offerings even/their 15/429
Lev_7:15.......his/peace offerings for/thanksgiving 29/429
Lev_7:32......your/peace offerings He among/the 35/429
1Ch_16:2.......the/peace offerings he blessed the people in the name of the LORD And/he 162/429
2Sa_6:18.......and/peace offerings he blessed the people in the name of the LORD of/hosts 118/429
Lev_7:29.......his/peace offerings His/own 34/429
Exo_24:5sacrificed/peace offerings of oxen/unto 14/429
Lev_10:14.......of/peace offerings of the/children 43/429
Amo_5:22.......the/peace offerings of your/fat 305/429
1Sa_10:8........of/peace offerings seven/days 101/429
2Sa_24:25......and/peace offerings So/the 126/429
Lev_7:20........of/peace offerings that pertain/unto 31/429
Num_10:10.....your/peace offerings that they/may 66/429
Jos_22:27......our/peace offerings that your/children 89/429
Lev_6:12.......the/peace offerings The/fire 25/429
Jos_22:23....offer/peace offerings thereon/let 88/429
Exo_20:24......thy/peace offerings thy/sheep 13/429
Eze_45:17......the/peace offerings to make reconciliation for the/house 297/429
Eze_45:15......for/peace offerings to make reconciliation for them/saith 296/429
2Ch_31:2.......for/peace offerings to minister/and 174/429
Lev_9:4........for/peace offerings to sacrifice/before 39/429
Num_7:65........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 61/429
Num_7:71........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 62/429
Num_7:83........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 64/429
Num_7:29........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 55/429
Num_7:47........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 58/429
Num_7:53........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 59/429
Num_7:35........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 56/429
Num_7:59........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 60/429
Num_7:17........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nahshon/the 53/429
Num_7:23........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 54/429
Num_7:77........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 63/429
Num_7:41........of/peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 57/429
Lev_17:5.......for/peace offerings unto the LORD And/the 44/429
Lev_7:29.......his/peace offerings unto the LORD shall/bring 33/429
Num_15:8........or/peace offerings unto the LORD Then/shall 67/429
Lev_22:21.......of/peace offerings unto the LORD to/accomplish 46/429
Num_6:17........of/peace offerings unto the LORD with/the 50/429
Lev_19:5........of/peace offerings unto the LORD ye/shall 45/429
2Ki_16:13......his/peace offerings upon the altar And/he 154/429
1Ki_9:25.......and/peace offerings upon the altar which/he 136/429
Eze_46:12.......or/peace offerings voluntarily/unto 299/429
Num_7:88.......the/peace offerings were/twenty 65/429
1Ki_8:63........of/peace offerings which he offered/unto 133/429
Lev_7:11........of/peace offerings which he shall/offer 26/429
Lev_7:21........of/peace offerings which pertain/unto 32/429
Lev_7:37.......the/peace offerings Which the/LORD 38/429
Lev_9:18........of/peace offerings which was/for 40/429
Pro_7:14......have/peace offerings with/me 225/429
1Ki_4:24.......had/peace on all/sides.... 131/429
Mat_10:34.....send/peace on earth I came/not 321/429
Luk_12:51.....give/peace on earth I tell/you 343/429
Mar_9:50......have/peace one/with........ 330/429
Ezr_9:12.....their/peace or/their........ 180/429
1Ch_12:18....Jesse/peace peace be/unto... 158/429
Isa_57:19.....lips/Peace peace to/him.... 253/429
Jer_8:11....saying/Peace peace when there is no peace Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore shall/they 268/429
Jer_6:14....saying/Peace peace when there is no peace Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore they/shall 265/429
Mat_10:13.....your/peace return/to....... 320/429 saith my/God.... 255/429 saith the Lord GOD/Likewise 292/429
Hag_2:9.......give/peace saith the LORD of/hosts 311/429 saith the LORD unto/the 245/429
1Th_5:23........of/peace sanctify/you.... 404/429
Deu_2:26........of/peace saying/Let....... 75/429
Zec_6:13........of/peace shall be between/them 312/429
Psa_125:5......but/peace shall be upon/Israel 220/429
Php_4:9.........of/peace shall be with you But/I 397/429
2Co_13:11......and/peace shall be with you Greet/one 384/429
Rom_16:20.......of/peace shall bruise/Satan 376/429 shall destroy/many 303/429
Luk_10:6......your/peace shall rest/upon. 341/429
Pro_3:2........and/peace shall they/add.. 223/429
Isa_33:7........of/peace shall weep/bitterly 238/429
Pro_3:17.......are/peace She/is.......... 224/429 So he arose/and. 121/429 So he departed/from 144/429
Luk_14:32.......of/peace So likewise/whosoever 345/429
Psa_72:7........of/peace so long as the moon/endureth 209/429
2Ki_9:22......What/peace so long as the whoredoms/of 152/429 So Moses/hearkened 12/429 So there/went... 146/429
1Ki_20:18......for/peace take/them....... 137/429
Isa_52:7publisheth/peace that bringeth/good 246/429
Heb_13:20.......of/peace that brought/again 416/429 that he/may..... 381/429 that thou/displease 113/429 the LORD/hath... 140/429
Isa_55:12.....with/peace the mountains/and 250/429
Luk_19:40....their/peace the stones/would 348/429
Psa_37:11.......of/peace The wicked/plotteth 202/429
Luk_20:26....their/peace Then came/to.... 350/429 then hath/not... 170/429 Then Joab/came.. 116/429
1Sa_10:27......his/peace Then Nahash/the. 102/429 then shall/the.... 5/429
Eph_4:3.........of/peace There is/one.... 392/429
Isa_9:7........and/peace there shall/be.. 232/429 thereby/good.... 191/429
Isa_59:8......know/peace Therefore/is.... 257/429
Jer_29:7.......the/peace thereof/shall... 280/429
Jer_12:12.....have/peace They have/sown.. 273/429
Isa_59:8........of/peace they know/not... 256/429
Isa_57:2......into/peace they shall/rest. 251/429 thou art/now...... 3/429 thou shalt/be..... 1/429
Deu_29:19.....have/peace though/I......... 81/429
Col_1:20......made/peace through/the..... 399/429
Zec_8:19.......and/peace Thus/saith...... 315/429
Est_10:3..speaking/peace to all/his...... 185/429
Rom_2:10.......and/peace to every/man.... 367/429
Isa_66:12...extend/peace to her/like..... 262/429
Isa_57:19....Peace/peace to him that is/far 254/429 to him that went out nor/to 167/429
Zec_8:10.......any/peace to him that went out or/came 313/429 to Jerusalem/And 171/429
Psa_72:3.....bring/peace to the/people... 208/429 to thee/and..... 107/429
Psa_28:3.....speak/peace to their/neighbours 198/429 to thine/house.. 112/429
Gen_24:21......his/peace to wit/whether.... 2/429
Eph_2:17..preached/peace to you/which.... 391/429
2Ki_9:19......with/peace turn thee behind me And the watchman told saying He/came 150/429
2Ki_9:18......with/peace turn thee behind me And the watchman told saying The/messenger 148/429
Gen_34:5.......his/peace until/they........ 6/429 unto his own/house 125/429
Psa_85:8.....speak/peace unto his people/and 211/429
Deu_20:10.proclaim/peace unto it/And...... 76/429
Zec_9:10.....speak/peace unto the/heathen 316/429 unto your/father.. 9/429
Psa_128:6......and/peace upon/Israel..... 221/429
Isa_53:5.......our/peace was/upon........ 247/429 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore shall/they 270/429 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore they/shall 267/429
Ecc_3:8.........of/peace What/profit..... 230/429 When Joab/and... 115/429
Mic_5:5........the/peace when the Assyrian/shall 308/429
Jer_28:9........of/peace when the word/of 278/429
Jer_8:11.....Peace/peace when there is no peace Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore shall/they 269/429
Jer_6:14.....Peace/peace when there is no peace Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore they/shall 266/429
Jer_4:10......have/peace whereas/the..... 263/429
Jer_12:5........of/peace wherein/thou.... 272/429 While/he........ 338/429
Eph_2:14.......our/peace who hath/made... 389/429
2Ki_9:31.....Zimri/peace who slew/his.... 153/429
Isa_26:3...perfect/peace whose/mind...... 233/429
Heb_12:14...Follow/peace with all/men.... 415/429
1Ch_19:19.....made/peace with David/and.. 163/429
Rom_5:1.......have/peace with God/through 369/429 with him Better/is 228/429 with him he/hath 207/429
2Sa_10:19.....made/peace with Israel and served/them 119/429
Jos_10:1......made/peace with Israel and were/among 84/429
Jos_10:4......made/peace with Joshua/and.. 85/429
Isa_27:5......make/peace with me and/he.. 235/429
Isa_27:5......make/peace with me He/shall 236/429 with me yea/I... 197/429
Jos_11:19.....made/peace with the children/of 87/429
1Ki_22:44.....made/peace with the king/of 141/429 with thee And/thou 186/429 with thee but/will 78/429 with thee have/deceived 306/429
Jos_9:15......made/peace with them and/made 83/429
Eze_37:26.......of/peace with them it/shall 294/429 with them that/call 410/429
Heb_7:2.........of/peace Without father/without 413/429 without spot/and 424/429
2Sa_20:19......are/peaceable and/faithful.... 2/8
1Ch_4:40.......and/peaceable for/they........ 3/8
Heb_12:11......the/peaceable fruit/of........ 7/8
Jam_3:17......then/peaceable gentle/and...... 8/8
Isa_32:18........a/peaceable habitation/and.. 4/8
Jer_25:37......the/peaceable habitations/are. 5/8
1Ti_2:2........and/peaceable life/in......... 6/8
Gen_34:21......are/peaceable with/us......... 1/8
1Ki_2:13......thou/peaceably And he said Peaceably He/said 6/12
1Sa_16:4......thou/peaceably And he said Peaceably I/am 4/12
Jdg_11:13....again/peaceably And Jephthah/sent 2/12 and obtain/the 10/12
Dan_11:24....enter/peaceably even/upon..... 11/12
1Ki_2:13......said/Peaceably He/said........ 7/12
1Sa_16:5......said/Peaceably I/am........... 5/12
Jer_9:8...speaketh/peaceably to/his......... 9/12
Gen_37:4.....speak/peaceably unto him/And... 1/12
1Ch_12:17.....come/peaceably unto me/to..... 8/12 unto them/And.. 3/12 with/all...... 12/12
Mat_5:9........the/peacemakers/for........... 1/1
2Ch_9:21.......and/peacocks And/king......... 2/3
Job_39:13......the/peacocks or/wings......... 3/3
1Ki_10:22......and/peacocks So/king.......... 1/3