Luk_1:39.........of/Juda And entered/into.... 4/10
Mar_6:3..........of/Juda and Simon/and....... 3/10
Mat_2:6..........of/Juda art/not............. 1/10
Mat_2:6..........of/Juda for/out............. 2/10
Heb_7:14.........of/Juda of/which............ 8/10
Rev_5:5..........of/Juda the/Root............ 9/10
Rev_7:5..........of/Juda were/sealed........ 10/10
Luk_3:33.........of/Juda Which was the son of Jacob/which 7/10
Luk_3:26.........of/Juda Which was the son of Joanna/which 5/10
Luk_3:30.........of/Juda which was the son of Joseph/which 6/10
Luk_1:5..........of/Judaea a certain priest/named 13/43
Act_21:10......from/Judaea a certain prophet/named 37/43
Joh_11:7.......into/Judaea again/His........ 26/43
Mat_3:5.........all/Judaea and all the/region 5/43
Luk_1:65.........of/Judaea And all they/that 14/43
Act_2:14.........of/Judaea and all ye/that.. 29/43
Act_10:37.......all/Judaea and began/from... 32/43 and Cappadocia/in 28/43
Joh_4:3........left/Judaea and departed/again 22/43
Mat_4:25.......from/Judaea and from beyond/Jordan 6/43
Mar_3:7........from/Judaea And from Jerusalem/and 10/43
Act_9:31........all/Judaea and Galilee/and.. 31/43
Luk_3:1..........of/Judaea and Herod/being.. 16/43
Act_1:8.........all/Judaea and in/Samaria... 27/43
Luk_6:17........all/Judaea and Jerusalem and from/the 18/43
Luk_5:17........and/Judaea and Jerusalem and the/power 17/43
Act_8:1..........of/Judaea and Samaria/except 30/43
Mat_3:1..........of/Judaea And saying/Repent. 4/43 and that/my...... 40/43
Act_26:20........of/Judaea and then/to...... 38/43
Joh_3:22.........of/Judaea and there/he..... 21/43
Mar_1:5..........of/Judaea and they/of....... 9/43
Luk_7:17........all/Judaea and throughout/all 19/43 are/in........... 43/43
Mat_19:1.........of/Judaea beyond/Jordan..... 7/43
Mar_10:1.........of/Judaea by/the........... 11/43
Act_28:21........of/Judaea concerning/thee.. 39/43 flee into/the..... 8/43 flee to the mountains And let him/that 12/43 flee to the mountains and let them/which 20/43
Mat_2:5..........of/Judaea for/thus.......... 2/43 heard/that....... 33/43
Mat_2:1..........of/Judaea in the days/of.... 1/43 in the room/of.... 3/43
Joh_4:54.........of/Judaea into Galilee After/this 24/43
Joh_4:47.........of/Judaea into Galilee he/went 23/43
Act_15:1.......from/Judaea taught/the....... 36/43
Joh_7:3........into/Judaea that/thy......... 25/43
Act_12:19......from/Judaea to/Caesarea...... 35/43
Luk_2:4........into/Judaea unto/the......... 15/43
2Co_1:16.....toward/Judaea When/I........... 41/43 Which also/they.. 34/43
Gal_1:22.........of/Judaea which were/in.... 42/43
Jer_34:22........of/Judah a/desolation.... 659/812
2Sa_11:11.......and/Judah abide/in........ 117/812
Jer_27:12........of/Judah according to all/these 621/812
Jos_15:13........of/Judah according to the/commandment 56/812
Num_10:14........of/Judah according to their armies/and 38/812
Jos_15:20........of/Judah according to their families/And 57/812
Num_26:22........of/Judah according to those/that 42/812
Gen_38:26.......And/Judah acknowledged/them 16/812 after that the king slept with his fathers In/the 212/812 after that the king slept with his fathers Sixteen/years 404/812
Num_26:20........of/Judah after their/families 41/812
2Ch_32:8.........of/Judah After this/did.. 430/812
Jer_1:18.........of/Judah against the/princes 545/812
Zec_1:12.........of/Judah against which/thou 787/812
Jer_36:31........of/Judah all/the......... 672/812
2Ch_17:6.........of/Judah Also in/the..... 338/812
2Ki_23:27....remove/Judah also out/of..... 261/812
Hos_5:5....iniquity/Judah also shall fall/with 753/812
Zec_14:14.......And/Judah also shall fight/at 807/812
2Ki_21:11......made/Judah also to/sin..... 242/812 an hundred/and.. 407/812
Isa_65:9.........of/Judah an inheritor/of. 540/812
Neh_2:7........into/Judah And a/letter.... 475/812
2Ch_30:6........and/Judah and according to the commandment/of 419/812
Jer_11:13.........O/Judah and according to the number/of 571/812
Jer_36:2....against/Judah and against all/the 664/812
Jdg_10:9....against/Judah and against Benjamin/and 83/812
Zec_12:2....against/Judah and against Jerusalem/And 800/812
1Sa_27:10........of/Judah and against the/south 101/812
2Ki_16:19........of/Judah And Ahaz/slept.. 226/812
Jer_17:20........of/Judah and all Judah and/all 582/812
Jer_26:19........of/Judah and all Judah put/him 617/812
Jer_17:20.......all/Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem that/enter 583/812
2Ki_23:2.........of/Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with/him 251/812
Jer_44:28........of/Judah and all the remnant/of 706/812
Jer_11:9.........of/Judah and among/the... 568/812
Jer_27:18........of/Judah and at/Jerusalem 622/812
Neh_12:32........of/Judah And Azariah/Ezra 493/812
Jer_44:2.........of/Judah and behold/this. 691/812
1Ki_1:35.......over/Judah And Benaiah/the. 136/812
2Ch_11:1.........of/Judah and Benjamin an/hundred 300/812
2Ch_25:5........all/Judah and Benjamin and he/numbered 389/812
2Ch_15:8.........of/Judah and Benjamin and out/of 327/812
Neh_12:34.Meshullam/Judah and Benjamin and Shemaiah/and 494/812
Ezr_1:5..........of/Judah and Benjamin and the priests/and 460/812
2Ch_15:9........all/Judah and Benjamin and the strangers/with 328/812
2Ch_34:9........all/Judah and Benjamin and they/returned 443/812
1Ki_12:23........of/Judah and Benjamin and to/the 144/812
Ezr_10:9.........of/Judah and Benjamin gathered/themselves 471/812
Ezr_4:1..........of/Judah and Benjamin heard/that 464/812
2Ch_31:1........all/Judah and Benjamin in/Ephraim 425/812
2Ch_11:12....having/Judah and Benjamin on/his 305/812 and Benjamin saying/Thus 302/812
2Ch_15:2........all/Judah and Benjamin The/LORD 326/812
2Ch_11:23........of/Judah and Benjamin unto/every 308/812
2Ch_21:17......into/Judah and brake into/it 374/812
2Ch_31:1.........of/Judah and brake the/images 424/812
Deu_33:7.........of/Judah and bring/him.... 46/812
Jer_52:31........of/Judah and brought/him. 721/812 and build/the... 459/812
1Ki_15:17...against/Judah and built Ramah that/he 158/812
2Ch_16:1....against/Judah and built Ramah to/the 330/812
Eze_48:7........for/Judah And by/the...... 738/812 and came/to..... 309/812
2Ch_28:17...smitten/Judah and carried/away 410/812
2Ch_21:11........of/Judah and caused/the.. 370/812
Jer_27:3.........of/Judah And command/them 620/812
1Sa_30:16........of/Judah And David/smote. 103/812
2Ki_23:8.........of/Judah and defiled/the. 254/812
Jer_40:5.........of/Judah and dwell/with.. 681/812
Jer_9:26........and/Judah and Edom/and.... 564/812 and Ekron/as.... 795/812
Ezr_10:23.Pethahiah/Judah and Eliezer/Of.. 472/812
2Ch_32:1.......into/Judah and encamped/against 429/812
Amo_2:4..........of/Judah and for four/I.. 771/812
Eze_37:16.......For/Judah and for the/children 736/812
1Ki_15:9.......over/Judah And forty/and... 157/812
Jos_11:21........of/Judah and from all/the. 52/812
Jer_17:26........of/Judah and from the places/about 585/812
Jer_7:34.........of/Judah and from the streets/of 561/812
2Ch_24:5.........of/Judah and gather/of... 382/812 and gathered/the 379/812
Jer_39:10........of/Judah and gave/them... 679/812
2Ch_13:16....before/Judah and God/delivered 318/812
2Ch_28:18........of/Judah and had taken/Bethshemesh 411/812 and had the/book 340/812
Zec_10:3.........of/Judah and hath/made... 797/812
Jer_19:4.........of/Judah and have/filled. 588/812
2Ch_29:21.......for/Judah And he commanded/the 417/812
Jdg_1:19.......with/Judah and he drave/out. 82/812
Exo_35:30........of/Judah And he hath/filled 29/812 and he offered/upon 147/812
2Ki_15:13........of/Judah and he reigned/a 218/812
Deu_33:7.........of/Judah and he said Hear/LORD 45/812
1Ki_13:14......from/Judah And he said I/am 150/812
1Ki_13:12......from/Judah And he said unto/his 149/812
2Ch_33:14........of/Judah And he took away/the 439/812
Jos_7:17.........of/Judah and he took the/family 50/812
2Ki_21:25........of/Judah And he was/buried 246/812
2Ki_20:20........of/Judah And Hezekiah/slept 240/812
Gen_44:14.......And/Judah and his brethren/came 19/812
Num_2:3..........of/Judah And his host/and. 35/812
Num_7:12.........of/Judah And his offering/was 37/812
Jer_24:8.........of/Judah and his princes and/the 606/812
Jer_34:21........of/Judah and his princes will/I 658/812
Jer_21:7.........of/Judah and his servants and/the 593/812
2Ki_12:19........of/Judah And his servants arose/and 197/812
Zec_8:13.........of/Judah and house/of.... 792/812
Neh_1:2..........of/Judah and I asked/them 473/812
Exo_31:2.........of/Judah And I have/filled 28/812
Zec_10:6.........of/Judah and I will save/the 798/812
Jer_44:11.......all/Judah And I will take/the 696/812
Jer_1:15.........of/Judah And I will utter/my 544/812
2Sa_12:8.........of/Judah and if/that..... 118/812 and in Benjamin fenced/cities 304/812 and in Benjamin Now/these 490/812 and in Jerusalem And/now 469/812
2Ki_23:24........of/Judah and in Jerusalem did/Josiah 259/812
Neh_13:16........of/Judah and in Jerusalem Then/I 499/812 and in Jerusalem whom/David 297/812
2Ch_17:2.........of/Judah and in the cities of Ephraim/which 336/812
Jer_32:44........of/Judah and in the cities of the/mountains 645/812
Jer_31:23........of/Judah and in the cities thereof/when 634/812
1Ch_5:17.........of/Judah and in the days of Jeroboam king/of 282/812
Hos_1:1..........of/Judah and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel The/beginning 749/812
Amo_1:1..........of/Judah and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel two/years 770/812
2Ch_27:4.........of/Judah and in the forests/he 405/812
2Ki_23:5.........of/Judah and in the places/round 253/812
Jer_44:6.........of/Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem and/they 692/812
Jer_44:17........of/Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem for/then 700/812
Jer_11:6.........of/Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem saying/Hear 567/812
Jer_33:10........of/Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem that/are 648/812
Jer_7:17.........of/Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem The/children 559/812
Jer_44:9.........of/Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem They/are 695/812
Jer_44:21........of/Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem ye/and 701/812
Jer_11:12........of/Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go/and 570/812
Jer_4:4..........of/Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem lest/my 553/812
Jer_19:3.........of/Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem Thus/saith 587/812
2Ch_28:26........of/Judah and Israel And Ahaz/slept 415/812
2Ch_16:11........of/Judah and Israel And Asa/in 334/812
2Ch_32:32........of/Judah and Israel And Hezekiah/slept 436/812
Zec_11:14...between/Judah and Israel And the/LORD 799/812
1Ki_4:25........And/Judah and Israel dwelt/safely 139/812
2Ch_25:26........of/Judah and Israel Now/after 401/812
2Ch_35:18.......all/Judah and Israel that/were 450/812 and Israel were/many 138/812
Deu_27:12.......and/Judah and Issachar and Joseph/and 44/812
Gen_35:23.......and/Judah and Issachar and Zebulun/The 2/812
Amo_2:5........upon/Judah and it/shall.... 772/812
2Ch_36:8........and/Judah and Jehoiachin/his 455/812
Ezr_7:14.concerning/Judah and Jerusalem according/to 468/812 and Jerusalem and destroyed/all 387/812
2Ch_29:8.......upon/Judah and Jerusalem and he/hath 416/812
Ezr_4:6..........of/Judah and Jerusalem And in/the 466/812
Isa_2:1..concerning/Judah and Jerusalem And it/shall 514/812
2Ch_20:27........of/Judah and Jerusalem and Jehoshaphat/in 364/812
2Ch_34:5...cleansed/Judah and Jerusalem And so/did 442/812
Jer_29:2.........of/Judah and Jerusalem and the carpenters/and 629/812
2Ch_34:29........of/Judah and Jerusalem And the king/went 448/812
2Ch_36:4.......over/Judah and Jerusalem and turned/his 454/812
Mal_3:4..........of/Judah and Jerusalem be/pleasant 811/812
Jer_4:3..........of/Judah and Jerusalem Break/up 552/812
1Ch_6:15.......away/Judah and Jerusalem by/the 283/812
2Ch_20:17.........O/Judah and Jerusalem fear/not 359/812
2Ch_28:10........of/Judah and Jerusalem for bondmen/and 409/812 and Jerusalem for Jeroboam/and 306/812
2Ch_24:18......upon/Judah and Jerusalem for this/their 386/812
2Ch_34:3......purge/Judah and Jerusalem from/the 441/812
Joe_3:1..........of/Judah and Jerusalem I/will 764/812
Isa_1:1..concerning/Judah and Jerusalem in the days/of 512/812
2Ch_20:5.........of/Judah and Jerusalem in the house/of 356/812 and Jerusalem in the name/of 467/812
Jer_19:7.........of/Judah and Jerusalem in this/place 589/812
2Ch_35:24.......all/Judah and Jerusalem mourned/for 452/812
2Ch_32:25......upon/Judah and Jerusalem Notwithstanding/Hezekiah 435/812
2Ch_32:12.commanded/Judah and Jerusalem saying/Ye 433/812
2Ch_24:9....through/Judah and Jerusalem to/bring 384/812
Ezr_10:7.throughout/Judah and Jerusalem unto/all 470/812 and Jerusalem Ye/shall 237/812
Jer_27:20........of/Judah and Jerusalem Yea/thus 624/812
2Ch_36:10......over/Judah and Jerusalem Zedekiah/was 456/812
2Ki_8:23.........of/Judah And Joram/slept. 187/812
2Ch_20:3........all/Judah And Judah gathered/themselves 353/812
Isa_11:13......envy/Judah and Judah shall/not 526/812 And Judah was put to the worse before Israel and they fled every man to his/tent 397/812 And Judah was put to the worse before Israel and they fled every man to their/tents 205/812
2Ch_9:11.........of/Judah And king/Solomon 298/812 and left bearing/And 1/812 and left his/servant 170/812
2Ki_8:20.........of/Judah and made a/king. 185/812
2Ch_24:17........of/Judah and made obeisance/to 385/812
2Ch_11:17........of/Judah and made Rehoboam/the 307/812
2Ch_21:8.........of/Judah and made themselves/a 368/812
Eze_37:19........of/Judah and make/them... 737/812
2Ki_21:17........of/Judah And Manasseh/slept 245/812
Neh_12:8..Sherebiah/Judah and Mattaniah/which 491/812
1Ch_2:10.........of/Judah And Nahshon/begat 276/812
Rut_1:7..........of/Judah And Naomi/said... 90/812 and now/shall... 479/812
2Ki_23:1.........of/Judah and of Jerusalem And/the 250/812
Jer_27:21........of/Judah and of Jerusalem They/shall 625/812
1Ch_9:3..........of/Judah and of the children of Benjamin and/of 288/812
Neh_11:4.........of/Judah and of the children of Benjamin Of/the 484/812
1Ch_9:4..........of/Judah And of the Shilonites/Asaiah 289/812
Jos_20:7.........of/Judah And on/the....... 68/812
2Ch_24:6.........of/Judah and out of Jerusalem/the 383/812
Jos_21:4.........of/Judah and out of the tribe of Simeon/and 69/812
1Ch_6:65.........of/Judah and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon and/out 286/812
Jos_21:9.........of/Judah and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon these/cities 70/812 and pitched/between 94/812
2Ki_23:17......from/Judah and proclaimed/these 257/812 and publish/in.. 554/812
1Ki_16:10........of/Judah and reigned in/his 166/812
1Ki_15:25........of/Judah and reigned over/Israel 162/812
2Ki_3:1..........of/Judah and reigned twelve/years 178/812
1Ki_22:51........of/Judah and reigned two/years 176/812 and said I/cannot 12/812
2Ch_16:7.........of/Judah and said unto him/Because 333/812
Neh_13:17........of/Judah and said unto them/What 500/812
2Sa_19:43........of/Judah and said We/have 126/812
2Ki_10:13........of/Judah and said Who/are 194/812
1Sa_15:4.........of/Judah And Saul/came.... 93/812
Jer_43:9.........of/Judah And say/unto.... 690/812
2Ch_17:2.........of/Judah and set/garrisons 335/812
1Ch_4:41.........of/Judah and smote/their. 280/812
Jer_26:18........of/Judah and spake/to.... 615/812
Jer_22:1.........of/Judah and speak/there. 595/812 and spread/themselves 84/812
2Ch_17:9.........of/Judah and taught/the.. 341/812
Jer_34:2.........of/Judah and tell/him.... 652/812
Jer_40:11........of/Judah and that/he..... 682/812
2Ch_13:13....before/Judah and the ambushment/was 313/812
Jer_8:1..........of/Judah and the bones/of 562/812
Eze_48:22........of/Judah and the border/of 740/812
Jer_33:7.........of/Judah and the captivity/of 647/812
2Ch_23:2.........of/Judah and the chief/of 380/812
Hos_1:11.........of/Judah and the children of Israel be/gathered 751/812
2Ch_13:15.......and/Judah And the children of Israel fled/before 317/812
Joe_3:6..........of/Judah and the children of Jerusalem/have 765/812
Jos_18:11........of/Judah and the children of Joseph/And 62/812
2Ch_14:12....before/Judah and the Ethiopians/fled 325/812
Jer_13:9.........of/Judah and the great/pride 574/812
2Ch_34:30........of/Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the/priests 449/812
Jer_32:32........of/Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem And they/have 643/812
Jer_17:25........of/Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and this/city 584/812
2Ch_32:33.......all/Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem did/him 437/812
2Ch_20:18.......all/Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell/before 360/812
2Ch_33:9.......made/Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err/and 438/812
2Ch_21:13......made/Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to go/a 373/812
Jer_35:13........of/Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem Will/ye 661/812
Isa_22:21........of/Judah And the key/of.. 530/812
2Sa_5:5.........and/Judah And the king and/his 115/812
2Ki_3:9..........of/Judah and the king of/Edom 180/812
Jer_25:18........of/Judah and the kings/thereof 611/812
Eze_27:17.....agate/Judah and the land/of. 735/812
Zec_14:5.........of/Judah and the LORD my/God 806/812
2Sa_2:1..........of/Judah And the LORD said/unto 106/812
2Ch_17:13........of/Judah and the men/of.. 344/812
Jer_34:19........of/Judah and the princes of Jerusalem/the 657/812
Jer_24:1.........of/Judah and the princes of Judah/with 603/812
1Ki_22:45........of/Judah And the remnant/of 175/812
2Ch_22:8.........of/Judah and the sons/of. 377/812
Hag_1:14.........of/Judah and the spirit/of 784/812
1Ch_6:55.........of/Judah and the suburbs/thereof 284/812
Jer_44:9.........of/Judah and the wickedness/of 694/812
Psa_68:27........of/Judah and their/council 504/812
Amo_7:12.........of/Judah and there eat/bread 773/812
1Ki_15:7.........of/Judah And there was war between Abijam/and 156/812
1Ki_14:29........of/Judah And there was war between Rehoboam/and 154/812
1Sa_23:23........of/Judah And they arose/and 99/812
2Ch_16:6........all/Judah and they carried/away 332/812
1Ch_4:27.........of/Judah And they dwelt/at 279/812
Jos_19:1.........of/Judah And they had/in.. 64/812
2Ch_25:10...against/Judah and they returned/home 390/812
1Ki_12:27........of/Judah and they shall kill/me 145/812
Jer_50:20........of/Judah and they shall not/be 713/812
Joe_3:8..........of/Judah and they shall sell/them 766/812
2Sa_2:4..........of/Judah And they told/David 108/812
2Ch_20:22...against/Judah and they were/smitten 362/812
Ezr_1:8..........of/Judah And this/is..... 461/812
Isa_22:8.........of/Judah and thou/didst.. 529/812
2Ch_11:3.........of/Judah and to all Israel/in 301/812
Jer_25:2.........of/Judah and to all the/inhabitants 609/812 and to Jerusalem/Ye 533/812
Hag_2:2..........of/Judah and to Joshua the son of Josedech the high priest and/to 785/812
Hag_1:1..........of/Judah and to Joshua the son of Josedech the high priest saying/Thus 783/812
Jer_11:2.........of/Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem And say/thou 566/812
Dan_9:7..........of/Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and unto/all 748/812
Jer_18:11........of/Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem saying/Thus 586/812
2Ki_18:13........of/Judah and took them And Hezekiah/king 233/812
Isa_36:1.........of/Judah and took them And the/king 532/812
Ezr_4:4..........of/Judah and troubled/them 465/812
2Ch_32:9.........of/Judah and unto all Judah/that 431/812
1Ki_12:23........of/Judah and unto all the/house 143/812
Jer_35:17......upon/Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all/the 662/812
Zep_1:4........upon/Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and/I 781/812 and upon the/south 102/812
Isa_7:6.....against/Judah and vex/it...... 520/812
2Ki_9:29.......over/Judah And when/Jehu... 193/812
Hos_12:2.......with/Judah and will punish/Jacob 763/812
Hos_1:7..........of/Judah and will save/them 750/812
Zec_12:4.........of/Judah and will smite/every 801/812
2Ch_17:7.........of/Judah And with/them... 339/812
2Ch_30:1........and/Judah and wrote/letters 418/812
2Ch_31:20.......all/Judah and wrought/that 428/812
2Ch_20:15.......all/Judah and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem and/thou 358/812
2Ch_20:20.........O/Judah and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem Believe/in 361/812
2Sa_19:42........of/Judah answered/the.... 125/812
Mic_1:5..........of/Judah are they not Jerusalem/Therefore 776/812
2Ki_14:15........of/Judah are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And Jehoash/slept 208/812
2Ki_13:12........of/Judah are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And Joash/slept 200/812
1Sa_17:52........of/Judah arose/and........ 95/812
Lam_1:15.........of/Judah as in/a......... 723/812
Jer_4:16.........of/Judah As keepers/of... 555/812
Hos_5:12.........of/Judah as rottenness/When 755/812
2Ch_25:21........of/Judah at Bethshemesh/which 396/812
Jos_15:63........of/Judah at Jerusalem/unto 60/812
Neh_11:4.........of/Judah Athaiah/the..... 485/812
Psa_48:11........of/Judah be glad/because. 502/812
Jer_33:16.....shall/Judah be saved/and.... 651/812
2Ki_1:17.........of/Judah because he/had.. 177/812
2Ki_23:26...against/Judah because of/all.. 260/812
2Ch_34:24........of/Judah Because they have forsaken/me 446/812
Joe_3:19.........of/Judah because they have shed/innocent 768/812
Gen_46:28......sent/Judah before/him....... 23/812
1Ki_16:29........of/Judah began Ahab/the.. 169/812
1Ki_15:33........of/Judah began Baasha/the 164/812
1Ki_16:8.........of/Judah began Elah/the.. 165/812
2Ki_17:1.........of/Judah began Hoshea/the 227/812
2Ki_13:10........of/Judah began Jehoash/the 199/812
2Ki_15:17........of/Judah began Menahem/the 219/812
1Ki_16:23........of/Judah began Omri/to... 168/812
2Ki_8:16.........of/Judah began to reign Thirty/and 183/812
2Ki_18:1.........of/Judah began to reign Twenty and/five 231/812
2Ki_16:1.........of/Judah began to reign Twenty years/old 225/812
2Ki_8:25.........of/Judah begin/to........ 188/812
Isa_40:9.........of/Judah Behold/your..... 537/812
2Ch_17:5........all/Judah brought/to...... 337/812
2Ch_21:12........of/Judah But hast/walked. 372/812
2Sa_20:5.........of/Judah but he/tarried.. 130/812
2Ki_23:22........of/Judah But in/the...... 258/812
2Ch_22:10........of/Judah But Jehoshabeath/the 378/812
Jer_43:4.........of/Judah But Johanan/the. 687/812
Jer_37:1.........of/Judah But neither/he.. 674/812 but the/kingdom. 367/812
2Ki_17:13...against/Judah by all/the...... 228/812
Eze_25:12........of/Judah by taking/vengeance 734/812
1Ki_13:1.........of/Judah by the/word..... 148/812
Jos_15:1.........of/Judah by their families/even 54/812
Num_1:26.........of/Judah by their generations/after 32/812
Num_34:19........of/Judah Caleb the son of Jephunneh And/of 43/812
Num_13:6.........of/Judah Caleb the son of Jephunneh Of/the 39/812
2Sa_2:4..........of/Judah came and/there.. 107/812
1Ki_22:2.........of/Judah came down/to.... 171/812
Gen_44:18......Then/Judah came near/unto... 21/812
Dan_1:1..........of/Judah came Nebuchadnezzar/king 742/812
Jer_26:1.........of/Judah came this word from/the 612/812
Jer_27:1.........of/Judah came this word unto/Jeremiah 619/812
2Sa_19:15.......And/Judah came to/Gilgal.. 121/812
2Ch_20:24......when/Judah came toward/the. 363/812
Jos_14:6.........of/Judah came unto/Joshua. 53/812
2Ch_25:12........of/Judah carry/away...... 391/812 castles/and..... 343/812
2Ch_19:5.........of/Judah city/by......... 351/812
2Sa_20:2.........of/Judah clave/unto...... 128/812
Jer_17:19........of/Judah come/in......... 581/812 concerning the words of the/book 445/812
2Ki_22:13.......all/Judah concerning the words of this/book 247/812
2Sa_19:40........of/Judah conducted/the... 123/812
Pro_25:1.........of/Judah copied/out...... 511/812
Jos_15:63........of/Judah could/not........ 59/812
Dan_1:6..........of/Judah Daniel/Hananiah. 744/812
Jer_10:22........of/Judah desolate and/a.. 565/812
Jer_9:11.........of/Judah desolate without/an 563/812
2Ch_23:8........all/Judah did according/to 381/812
1Ki_15:28........of/Judah did Baasha/slay. 163/812
1Ki_14:22.......And/Judah did evil/in..... 153/812
2Ch_30:24........of/Judah did give/to..... 421/812
2Ki_15:8.........of/Judah did Zachariah/the 217/812
1Ki_16:15........of/Judah did Zimri/reign. 167/812
2Sa_3:8.....against/Judah do/shew......... 112/812
Neh_11:25........of/Judah dwelt at/Kirjatharba 489/812
Neh_11:3.........of/Judah dwelt every/one. 483/812
1Ch_27:18........Of/Judah Elihu/one....... 294/812
Gen_46:12........of/Judah Er and Onan and Shelah and/Pharez 22/812
1Ch_2:3..........of/Judah Er and Onan and Shelah which/three 273/812
2Sa_19:14........of/Judah even as/the..... 120/812
Jer_43:5.........of/Judah Even men/and.... 689/812
Isa_7:17.......from/Judah even the/king... 521/812
2Sa_24:7.........of/Judah even to Beersheba/So 133/812
1Sa_30:26........of/Judah even to his/friends 104/812
Jer_25:3.........of/Judah even unto/this.. 610/812
Neh_11:20........of/Judah every one in/his 487/812
Ezr_2:1.........and/Judah every one unto his city Which/came 462/812 every one unto his city Who/came 482/812
Zec_8:15.........of/Judah fear/ye......... 793/812
Jer_3:8......sister/Judah feared/not...... 548/812
Zec_12:7.........of/Judah first/that...... 804/812
2Sa_2:10.........of/Judah followed/David.. 110/812
2Ch_19:11........of/Judah for all the/king's 352/812
Isa_9:21....against/Judah For all this/his 523/812
2Ki_8:19....destroy/Judah for David/his... 184/812 for Israel/are.. 214/812
Zec_9:13.......bent/Judah for me/filled... 796/812
Jer_15:4.........of/Judah for that/which.. 579/812
2Sa_24:1........and/Judah For the king/said 132/812 for the land/had 322/812
Jer_30:4.concerning/Judah For thus/saith.. 633/812
Eze_4:6..........of/Judah forty/days...... 727/812
Jer_12:14........of/Judah from among/them. 573/812
2Sa_3:10.......over/Judah from Dan/even... 113/812
Jer_27:20........of/Judah from Jerusalem/to 623/812
2Ch_25:13........of/Judah from Samaria/even 392/812
Eze_48:8.........of/Judah from the east/side 739/812
Isa_11:12........of/Judah from the four/corners 524/812
Neh_5:14.........of/Judah from the twentieth/year 478/812
2Ch_20:4........And/Judah gathered/themselves 354/812
2Ch_13:15........of/Judah gave/a.......... 315/812
Jer_3:11treacherous/Judah Go and/proclaim. 550/812
Jer_42:19........of/Judah Go ye/not....... 686/812
Jer_36:32........of/Judah had burned/in... 673/812
2Ki_12:18........of/Judah had dedicated/and 196/812
2Ch_34:11........of/Judah had destroyed/And 444/812
Jdg_1:8..........of/Judah had fought/against 75/812
2Ki_23:11........of/Judah had given/to.... 255/812
2Ki_23:12........of/Judah had made/and.... 256/812
2Ki_23:5.........of/Judah had ordained/to. 252/812
2Ki_18:16........of/Judah had overlaid/and 236/812
Jer_32:3.........of/Judah had shut/him.... 639/812
Neh_12:36.......and/Judah Hanani/with..... 495/812
Jer_36:28........of/Judah hath burned/And. 669/812
Mal_2:11....fathers/Judah hath dealt/treacherously 809/812
2Ki_21:11........of/Judah hath done/these. 241/812
Hos_8:14........and/Judah hath multiplied/fenced 760/812
Jer_3:10.....sister/Judah hath not/turned. 549/812
Mal_2:11........for/Judah hath profaned/the 810/812
2Ki_22:16........of/Judah hath read/Because 248/812
Jer_14:19..rejected/Judah hath thy/soul... 578/812
2Sa_2:7..........of/Judah have anointed/me 109/812
Jer_11:10........of/Judah have broken/my.. 569/812
Jer_5:11.........of/Judah have dealt/very. 556/812
Jer_7:30.........of/Judah have done/evil.. 560/812
Jer_32:30........of/Judah have only/done.. 641/812 He built/even... 303/812
Lam_2:2..........of/Judah he hath brought/them 724/812
2Ch_28:9.......with/Judah he hath delivered/them 408/812
Hos_6:11..........O/Judah he hath set/an.. 759/812
Mic_1:9........unto/Judah he is/come...... 777/812
2Ch_28:25........of/Judah he made/high.... 414/812
2Ch_13:1.......over/Judah He reigned/three 312/812
Jer_36:30........of/Judah He shall have/none 671/812
Isa_8:8.....through/Judah he shall overflow/and 522/812
2Ch_27:7........and/Judah He was five/and. 406/812
2Ch_20:31......over/Judah he was thirty/and 365/812
2Ki_14:1.........of/Judah He was twenty/and 201/812
Isa_1:1..........of/Judah Hear/O.......... 513/812
Jer_26:10........of/Judah heard/these..... 614/812
Isa_5:7..........of/Judah his pleasant/plant 518/812
Zec_2:12....inherit/Judah his portion/in.. 791/812 how/much......... 98/812
2Ch_35:21........of/Judah I come/not...... 451/812
Hos_5:14.........of/Judah I even/I........ 757/812
Zep_1:1..........of/Judah I will/utterly.. 780/812
2Ki_3:14.........of/Judah I would/not..... 181/812
Jer_44:26........of/Judah in all/the...... 704/812
2Ki_23:28........of/Judah In his/days..... 262/812 in Jerusalem the/defenced 731/812
Jer_34:6.........of/Judah in Jerusalem When/the 654/812
Jer_52:10........of/Judah in Riblah/Then.. 718/812
Zec_12:7....against/Judah In that/day..... 805/812
Oba_1:12.........of/Judah in the day/of... 774/812
Jer_28:1.........of/Judah in the fourth year and/in 626/812
1Ki_22:41......over/Judah in the fourth year of Ahab/king 174/812
Jer_25:1.........of/Judah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim/the 607/812
Jer_36:9.........of/Judah in the ninth/month 667/812
Jer_39:1.........of/Judah in the tenth/month 676/812
Jer_1:2..........of/Judah in the thirteenth/year 541/812
Jer_52:31........of/Judah in the twelfth month in/the 720/812
2Ki_25:27........of/Judah in the twelfth month on/the 270/812
Jer_33:14........of/Judah In those days and/at 650/812
2Ki_15:36........of/Judah In those days the/LORD 223/812
Jer_51:59........of/Judah into Babylon/in. 716/812
Dan_1:2..........of/Judah into his/hand... 743/812
Jer_44:30........of/Judah into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar/king 708/812
Jer_20:4........all/Judah into the hand of the/king 591/812
Jdg_1:16.........of/Judah into the wilderness/of 78/812
Gen_49:9.......thee/Judah is a/lion's...... 25/812
Eze_9:9.........and/Judah is exceeding/great 730/812
Isa_3:8.........and/Judah is fallen/because 516/812
Psa_76:1.........In/Judah is God/known.... 506/812
Lam_1:3.....enemies/Judah is gone/into.... 722/812
Eze_25:8.........of/Judah is like/unto.... 733/812
Psa_108:8......head/Judah is my lawgiver Moab is my washpot over Edom will I cast out my shoe over/Philistia 509/812
Psa_60:7.......head/Judah is my lawgiver Moab is my washpot over Edom will I cast out my shoe Philistia/triumph 503/812
Jer_17:1.........of/Judah is written/with. 580/812
Zec_1:19..scattered/Judah Israel/and...... 788/812
1Ch_2:1.........and/Judah Issachar and/Zebulun 272/812
Exo_1:2.........and/Judah Issachar Zebulun/and 27/812 itself/and...... 635/812
2Ki_13:1.........of/Judah Jehoahaz/the.... 198/812
2Ki_8:16.........of/Judah Jehoram/the..... 182/812
2Ki_14:23........of/Judah Jeroboam/the.... 213/812
2Ch_20:35........of/Judah join/himself.... 366/812
Zec_8:19.........of/Judah joy/and......... 794/812
Isa_5:3..........of/Judah judge/I......... 517/812
Nah_1:15..........O/Judah keep/thy........ 779/812
2Ki_17:19......Also/Judah kept/not........ 230/812
2Ch_14:7.......unto/Judah Let/us.......... 323/812
Zec_12:6.........of/Judah like/an......... 803/812
2Ki_14:17........of/Judah lived after the death of Jehoash/son 209/812
2Ch_25:25........of/Judah lived after the death of Joash/son 400/812
2Ch_13:14......when/Judah looked back/behold 314/812
2Ki_14:11........of/Judah looked one/another 204/812
1Sa_18:16.......and/Judah loved/David...... 96/812
2Ch_28:19...brought/Judah low/because..... 412/812
Exo_38:22........of/Judah made/all......... 30/812
Jer_39:6.........of/Judah Moreover/he..... 678/812
Jer_14:2.....dearth/Judah mourneth/and.... 577/812
Lam_2:5..........of/Judah mourning/and.... 725/812
Num_1:7..........Of/Judah Nahshon/the...... 31/812
2Ch_28:19......made/Judah naked/and....... 413/812
1Ch_6:57.........of/Judah namely/Hebron... 285/812
1Ki_15:23........of/Judah Nevertheless/in. 161/812
1Ki_15:22.......all/Judah none/was........ 160/812
Gen_49:10......from/Judah nor a/lawgiver... 26/812
2Ki_18:5.........of/Judah nor any/that.... 232/812
Jer_31:31........of/Judah Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that/I 637/812
Heb_8:8..........of/Judah Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when/I 812/812
2Ch_17:19.......all/Judah Now Jehoshaphat/had 346/812
2Ki_14:18........of/Judah Now they/made... 210/812
Jer_51:5........nor/Judah of his/God...... 715/812
Rut_4:12.......unto/Judah of the/seed...... 91/812
Hos_4:15........not/Judah offend/and...... 752/812
Eze_48:31........of/Judah one/gate........ 741/812
2Ki_17:18........of/Judah only Also/Judah. 229/812
1Ki_12:20........of/Judah only And/when... 141/812
Jer_46:2.........of/Judah Order/ye........ 710/812
2Ki_25:27........of/Judah out/of.......... 271/812
2Ki_15:27........of/Judah Pekah/the....... 221/812
2Ki_15:23........of/Judah Pekahiah/the.... 220/812 perish/But...... 684/812
1Ch_4:1..........of/Judah Pharez/Hezron... 277/812
Num_2:3..........of/Judah pitch/throughout. 34/812
1Ch_5:2.........For/Judah prevailed above/his 281/812
2Ch_13:18........of/Judah prevailed because/they 319/812
Lam_5:11.........of/Judah Princes/are..... 726/812
Jer_26:19.......all/Judah put/him......... 618/812
Dan_6:13.........of/Judah regardeth/not... 747/812
1Ki_12:17........of/Judah Rehoboam reigned over them Then king Rehoboam sent Adoram/who 140/812
2Ch_10:17........of/Judah Rehoboam reigned over them Then king Rehoboam sent Hadoram/that 299/812 Rehoboam was/forty 152/812
2Ch_22:1.........of/Judah reigned/Forty... 375/812
2Ch_15:15.......all/Judah rejoiced at/the. 329/812
Psa_97:8.........of/Judah rejoiced because/of 508/812
Neh_12:44.......for/Judah rejoiced for/the 496/812 rejoiced So/there 423/812
2Ch_19:1.........of/Judah returned/to..... 350/812
2Ki_15:37...against/Judah Rezin/the....... 224/812
Jos_15:12........of/Judah round/about...... 55/812
Gen_38:24.......And/Judah said Bring/her... 15/812
Gen_38:23.......And/Judah said Let/her..... 13/812
Neh_4:10........And/Judah said The/strength 476/812
Gen_37:26.......And/Judah said unto his/brethren 3/812
Gen_43:8........And/Judah said unto Israel/his 18/812
Gen_38:8........And/Judah said unto Onan/Go. 7/812
Jdg_1:3.........And/Judah said unto Simeon/his 73/812
Gen_44:16.......And/Judah said What/shall.. 20/812
Jdg_15:10........of/Judah said Why/are..... 85/812
Jer_30:3........and/Judah saith the LORD and/I 632/812
Jer_13:11........of/Judah saith the LORD that/they 575/812
Eze_8:1..........of/Judah sat before/me... 728/812
1Ki_22:10........of/Judah sat each/on..... 172/812
2Ch_18:9.........of/Judah sat either/of... 348/812
Gen_38:15......When/Judah saw her/he....... 10/812
Hos_5:13........and/Judah saw his/wound... 756/812
Jer_3:7......sister/Judah saw it/And...... 547/812
Jer_39:4.........of/Judah saw them/and.... 677/812
Gen_38:2........And/Judah saw there/a....... 5/812
2Ki_9:27.........of/Judah saw this/he..... 192/812
Jer_21:11........of/Judah say/Hear........ 594/812
Jer_35:1.........of/Judah saying Go/unto.. 660/812 saying Hear/now. 557/812
Hag_2:21.........of/Judah saying I/will... 786/812
2Ki_19:10........of/Judah saying Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be delivered/into 238/812
Isa_37:10........of/Judah saying Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be given/into 534/812
Gen_38:24......told/Judah saying Tamar/thy. 14/812
2Ki_3:7..........of/Judah saying The king/of 179/812
2Ki_14:9.........of/Judah saying The thistle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou hast/indeed 202/812
2Ch_25:18........of/Judah saying The thistle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou sayest/Lo 394/812
1Ki_13:21......from/Judah saying Thus saith the LORD Forasmuch/as 151/812
Jer_49:34........of/Judah saying Thus saith the LORD of hosts Behold/I 711/812
Jer_26:18........of/Judah saying Thus saith the LORD of hosts Zion/shall 616/812
Jer_45:1.........of/Judah saying Thus saith the LORD the/God 709/812
2Sa_19:11........of/Judah saying Why/are.. 119/812
Neh_6:17.........of/Judah sent many/letters 480/812
Gen_38:20.......And/Judah sent the/kid..... 11/812
2Ki_18:14........of/Judah sent to/the..... 234/812
Jer_29:3.........of/Judah sent unto/Babylon 630/812
2Sa_5:5........over/Judah seven/years..... 114/812 shall abide/in... 61/812
Isa_37:31........of/Judah shall again/take 535/812
Isa_19:17........of/Judah shall be a/terror 528/812
Jer_13:19......them/Judah shall be carried/away 576/812
Isa_11:13........of/Judah shall be cut/off 525/812
Jer_19:13........of/Judah shall be defiled/as 590/812 shall be holiness/unto 808/812
Jer_23:6.......days/Judah shall be saved/and 602/812
Joe_3:20........But/Judah shall dwell/for. 769/812
Joe_3:18.........of/Judah shall flow/with. 767/812
Jdg_1:2........said/Judah shall go up behold/I 72/812
Jdg_20:18......said/Judah shall go up first/And 89/812
Jer_32:4.........of/Judah shall not escape/out 640/812
Isa_11:13.......and/Judah shall not vex/Ephraim 527/812
Hos_10:11......ride/Judah shall plow/and.. 761/812
Zec_12:5.........of/Judah shall say/in.... 802/812
Jer_33:13........of/Judah shall the/flocks 649/812
Jer_3:18.........of/Judah shall walk/with. 551/812
2Ki_19:30........of/Judah shall yet/again. 239/812
2Ch_13:15........of/Judah shouted/it...... 316/812
2Ki_15:6.........of/Judah So Azariah/slept 216/812
2Ki_24:5.........of/Judah So Jehoiakim/slept 265/812
2Ch_32:23........of/Judah so that he/was.. 434/812
Zec_1:21..scattered/Judah so that no/man.. 789/812
2Ch_17:10.....about/Judah so that they/made 342/812 some/treading... 498/812
Gen_43:3........And/Judah spake/unto....... 17/812
2Sa_19:41........of/Judah stolen/thee..... 124/812
2Ch_20:13.......all/Judah stood/before.... 357/812 sworn/unto...... 481/812
Jer_44:28........of/Judah that are gone/into 707/812
Jer_44:27........of/Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall/be 705/812
Jer_44:24.......all/Judah that are in the land of Egypt Thus/saith 702/812
1Ch_12:24........of/Judah that bare/shield 291/812
Jer_36:6........all/Judah that come/out... 666/812
Jer_44:26.......all/Judah that dwell/in... 703/812
2Ch_31:6........and/Judah that dwelt/in... 426/812
Jer_7:2..........of/Judah that enter/in... 558/812
Jer_44:12........of/Judah that have/set... 697/812
Isa_7:1..........of/Judah that Rezin/the.. 519/812
Jer_37:7.........of/Judah that sent/you... 675/812
Jer_22:2.........of/Judah that sittest/upon 596/812
Eze_8:17.........of/Judah that they commit/the 729/812
Psa_69:35........of/Judah that they may/dwell 505/812
Jer_36:1.........of/Judah that this/word.. 663/812
Jer_25:1.........of/Judah that was/the.... 608/812
Jer_28:4.........of/Judah that went/into.. 628/812
2Ch_32:9........all/Judah that were at/Jerusalem 432/812
2Ch_12:5.........of/Judah that were gathered/together 310/812
Jer_34:7.........of/Judah that were left/against 655/812
Jer_43:5.........of/Judah that were returned/from 688/812
2Ki_21:12.......and/Judah that whosoever/heareth 243/812
Dan_2:25.........of/Judah that will/make.. 745/812
2Ch_17:14........Of/Judah the captains/of. 345/812 the hand/of..... 420/812
2Ch_14:5.........of/Judah the high/places. 321/812
1Ch_28:4.........of/Judah the house/of.... 296/812
1Ki_1:9..........of/Judah the king's/servants 135/812
Psa_78:68........of/Judah the mount/Zion.. 507/812
2Ki_14:13........of/Judah the son of Jehoash/the 207/812
2Ch_25:23........of/Judah the son of Joash/the 399/812
Neh_11:9........and/Judah the son of Senuah/was 486/812
Isa_3:1........from/Judah the stay/and.... 515/812
Neh_13:12.......all/Judah the tithe/of.... 497/812
2Sa_1:18.........of/Judah the use/of...... 105/812
1Ki_2:32.........of/Judah Their/blood..... 137/812
2Ch_25:28........of/Judah Then all/the.... 402/812
2Ch_16:1.........of/Judah Then Asa brought/out 331/812
1Ki_15:17........of/Judah Then Asa took/all 159/812
1Sa_22:5.........of/Judah Then David/departed 97/812
2Ch_35:27.......and/Judah Then the/people. 453/812
2Ch_21:11.compelled/Judah thereto/And..... 371/812
2Ch_31:6.........of/Judah they also/brought 427/812
2Ch_20:4.........of/Judah they came/to.... 355/812
Zep_2:7..........of/Judah they shall feed/thereupon 782/812
Jer_22:18........of/Judah They shall not/lament 599/812
Neh_4:16.........of/Judah They which/builded 477/812 things/went..... 311/812
1Sa_11:8.........of/Judah thirty/thousand.. 92/812
Jer_34:7.........of/Judah This is/the..... 656/812
Jos_18:14........of/Judah this was/the..... 63/812
Jer_22:6.........of/Judah Thou art Gilead/unto 597/812
Gen_49:8.....Israel/Judah thou art he/whom. 24/812
2Ki_18:14........of/Judah three hundred talents/of 235/812
2Ch_14:8.........of/Judah three hundred thousand/and 324/812
1Ki_15:1.......over/Judah Three years/reigned 155/812
Jer_42:15........of/Judah Thus saith the LORD of hosts/the 685/812
Jer_34:4.........of/Judah Thus saith the LORD of thee/Thou 653/812
Jer_36:29........of/Judah Thus saith the LORD Thou/hast 670/812
Jer_52:3........and/Judah till/he......... 717/812
1Ch_28:4.....chosen/Judah to be/the....... 295/812
2Sa_6:2..........of/Judah to bring up from/thence 116/812 to bring up thence/the 292/812
2Ki_24:2....against/Judah to destroy/it... 263/812
Jer_40:12........of/Judah to Gedaliah/unto 683/812
Jer_44:7.........of/Judah to leave/you.... 693/812
2Sa_19:16........of/Judah to meet/king.... 122/812
2Ki_15:32........of/Judah to reign Five/and 222/812
2Ki_15:1.........of/Judah to reign Sixteen/years 215/812
2Ki_24:3.......upon/Judah to remove/them.. 264/812
Zec_1:21.........of/Judah to scatter/it... 790/812
2Ch_14:4..commanded/Judah to seek/the..... 320/812
2Ch_33:16.commanded/Judah to serve/the.... 440/812
Jer_32:35.....cause/Judah to sin And/now.. 644/812
2Ki_21:16......made/Judah to sin in/doing. 244/812
Gen_38:11......said/Judah to Tamar/his...... 8/812
1Ch_12:16.......and/Judah to the hold/unto 290/812
Jer_44:14........of/Judah to the which/they 699/812
2Ch_25:5...gathered/Judah together and/made 388/812
Jer_50:4.........of/Judah together going/and 712/812
Ezr_3:9..........of/Judah together to/set. 463/812
Gen_38:6........And/Judah took a/wife....... 6/812
2Ch_25:17........of/Judah took advice/and. 393/812
2Ki_12:18........of/Judah took all/the.... 195/812
2Ki_14:21........of/Judah took Azariah/which 211/812
Jdg_1:18.......Also/Judah took Gaza/with... 81/812
Jos_7:1..........of/Judah took of/the...... 48/812
2Ch_26:1.........of/Judah took Uzziah/who. 403/812
Jos_15:21........of/Judah toward/the....... 58/812
2Ki_24:20.......and/Judah until/he........ 267/812
Jer_36:9.........of/Judah unto Jerusalem/Then 668/812
Jer_1:3..........of/Judah unto the carrying/away 543/812
Neh_2:5........unto/Judah unto the city/of 474/812
Jer_1:3..........of/Judah unto the end/of. 542/812
Deu_34:2.........of/Judah unto the utmost/sea 47/812
1Sa_27:6.........of/Judah unto this day And/the 100/812
2Ch_21:10........of/Judah unto this day The/same 369/812
2Ki_8:22.........of/Judah unto this day Then/Libnah 186/812 upon Jordan/toward 67/812
Neh_12:31........of/Judah upon the/wall... 492/812
Neh_11:24........of/Judah was at/the...... 488/812
Jer_52:27......Thus/Judah was carried away captive/out 719/812
2Ki_25:21........So/Judah was carried away out/of 268/812
2Ki_9:16.........of/Judah was come/down... 190/812
Gen_38:12.......and/Judah was comforted/and. 9/812
1Ch_2:3..........of/Judah was evil/in..... 274/812
1Ch_21:5........and/Judah was four/hundred 293/812
Psa_114:2..language/Judah was his/sanctuary 510/812
2Ch_25:22.......And/Judah was put to the worse before Israel and they fled every man to his/tent 398/812
2Ki_14:12.......And/Judah was put to the worse before Israel and they fled every man to their/tents 206/812
2Sa_2:11.........of/Judah was seven/years. 111/812
Jos_7:16.........of/Judah was taken And he/brought 49/812
Jos_7:18.........of/Judah was taken And Joshua/said 51/812
Jos_19:9.........of/Judah was the/inheritance 65/812
Jos_19:9.........of/Judah was too/much..... 66/812
Isa_26:1.........of/Judah We/have......... 531/812
Jdg_1:10........And/Judah went against/the. 77/812
Gen_38:1.......that/Judah went down from/his 4/812
Jdg_1:9..........of/Judah went down to fight/against 76/812
2Ch_22:6.........of/Judah went down to see Jehoram/the 376/812
2Ki_8:29.........of/Judah went down to see Joram/the 189/812
2Ki_9:21.........of/Judah went out each/in 191/812
2Ki_24:12........of/Judah went out to/the. 266/812
Jdg_15:11........of/Judah went to/the...... 86/812
Jdg_1:4.........And/Judah went up and/the.. 74/812
1Ki_22:29........of/Judah went up to Ramothgilead And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat I will disguise myself and enter/into 173/812
2Ch_18:28........of/Judah went up to Ramothgilead And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat I will disguise myself and I/will 349/812
Jdg_1:17........And/Judah went with/Simeon. 80/812
Num_2:9..........of/Judah were an/hundred.. 36/812
Num_26:19........of/Judah were Er and/Onan. 40/812
1Ch_4:21.........of/Judah were Er the/father 278/812
2Sa_19:43........of/Judah were fiercer/than 127/812
2Sa_24:9.........of/Judah were five hundred/thousand 134/812
1Ch_2:4..........of/Judah were five The/sons 275/812
Hos_5:10.........of/Judah were like/them.. 754/812
Jer_50:33........of/Judah were oppressed/together 714/812
Jer_22:24........of/Judah were the/signet. 600/812
Num_1:27.........of/Judah were threescore/and 33/812
Hos_6:4...........O/Judah what/shall...... 758/812
Isa_38:9.........of/Judah when he/had..... 536/812
Eze_25:3.........of/Judah when they/went.. 732/812
2Sa_21:2........and/Judah Wherefore David/said 131/812 wherefore they/called 88/812
Jer_2:28..........O/Judah Wherefore will/ye 546/812
1Ki_12:27........of/Judah Whereupon/the... 146/812
Jer_44:14........of/Judah which are gone/into 698/812
Jer_29:22........of/Judah which are in/Babylon 631/812
Jer_33:4.........of/Judah which are thrown/down 646/812
Jer_26:2.........of/Judah which come/to... 613/812
Mic_1:1..........of/Judah which he/saw.... 775/812
Jdg_1:16.........of/Judah which lieth/in... 79/812
Jer_22:11........of/Judah which reigned/instead 598/812
2Ki_22:18........of/Judah which sent/you.. 249/812
Isa_48:1.........of/Judah which swear/by.. 539/812
Jer_11:17........of/Judah which they have done against/themselves 572/812
Jer_32:32........of/Judah which they have done to/provoke 642/812
Jer_32:1.........of/Judah which was/the... 638/812
Jer_40:1........and/Judah which were/carried 680/812 Who is there among you of all his people his/God 458/812 Who is there among you of all his people The/LORD 457/812
2Ch_34:26........of/Judah who sent/you.... 447/812
Jdg_17:7.........of/Judah who was/a........ 87/812
1Ch_9:1.........and/Judah who were/carried 287/812
Jer_24:5.........of/Judah whom I/have..... 605/812
2Ki_25:22........of/Judah whom Nebuchadnezzar king/of 269/812
Est_2:6..........of/Judah whom Nebuchadnezzar the/king 501/812
Dan_5:13.........of/Judah whom the/king... 746/812
Jer_36:3.........of/Judah will hear/all... 665/812
Jer_20:5.........of/Judah will I/give..... 592/812
2Ch_18:3.........of/Judah Wilt/thou....... 347/812
Jer_28:4.........of/Judah with all/the.... 627/812
Jer_24:1.........of/Judah with the carpenters/and 604/812
2Ch_30:25........of/Judah with the priests/and 422/812
Jer_31:27........of/Judah with the seed/of 636/812
Jos_21:11........of/Judah with the suburbs/thereof 71/812
1Ki_12:21........of/Judah with the tribe/of 142/812
2Ch_25:19.......and/Judah with thee But Amaziah would not hear for/it 395/812
2Ki_14:10.......and/Judah with thee But Amaziah would not hear Therefore/Jehoash 203/812
2Sa_20:4.........of/Judah within/three.... 129/812 Woe/be.......... 601/812
Isa_44:26........of/Judah Ye/shall........ 538/812
Mic_5:2..........of/Judah yet out/of...... 778/812
Hos_11:12.......but/Judah yet ruleth/with. 762/812
Gen_38:7.........Er/Judah's firstborn/was..... 1/4
Jer_32:2.........of/Judah's house For/Zedekiah 3/4
Jer_38:22........of/Judah's house shall/be.... 4/4
Gen_38:12.....Shuah/Judah's wife/died......... 2/4
Joh_18:2........And/Judas also which betrayed him knew/the 23/33
Joh_18:5........And/Judas also which betrayed him stood/with 25/33
Mat_1:2.......begat/Judas and his brethren/And 1/33
Mat_13:55.......and/Judas And his sisters/are 4/33
Act_15:32.......And/Judas and Silas being/prophets 33/33
Act_15:27.therefore/Judas and Silas who/shall 32/33
Mat_1:3.........And/Judas begat/Phares....... 2/33
Luk_22:48.......him/Judas betrayest/thou.... 16/33
Act_1:25......which/Judas by/transgression.. 28/33
Act_9:11.........of/Judas for/one........... 30/33
Joh_13:29...because/Judas had/the........... 21/33
Mar_14:10.......And/Judas Iscariot one/of... 10/33
Joh_13:2.........of/Judas Iscariot Simon's son to/betray 19/33
Joh_12:4..disciples/Judas Iscariot Simon's son which/should 18/33 Iscariot the son of Simon And/after 20/33
Joh_6:71.........of/Judas Iscariot the son of Simon for/he 17/33
Mat_26:14....called/Judas Iscariot went/unto. 5/33
Mar_3:19........And/Judas Iscariot which also betrayed/him 9/33
Luk_6:16........and/Judas Iscariot which also was/the 13/33
Mat_10:4........and/Judas Iscariot who/also.. 3/33
Act_5:37.........up/Judas of/Galilee........ 29/33
Mar_14:43....cometh/Judas one of the twelve and/with 11/33
Mat_26:47........lo/Judas one of the twelve came/and 7/33
Luk_22:47....called/Judas one of the twelve went/before 15/33
Joh_14:22.......him/Judas saith/unto........ 22/33
Act_15:22....namely/Judas surnamed Barsabas/and 31/33
Luk_22:3.......into/Judas surnamed Iscariot/being 14/33
Luk_6:16........And/Judas the brother of James and/Judas 12/33
Act_1:13........and/Judas the brother of James These/all 26/33
Joh_18:3..disciples/Judas then/having....... 24/33
Mat_26:25......Then/Judas which betrayed/him. 6/33
Mat_27:3.......Then/Judas which had/betrayed. 8/33
Act_1:16.concerning/Judas which was/guide... 27/33