2Ch_34:14.....priest/found a book/of....... 165/402
Act_18:2.........And/found a certain Jew/named 360/402
Act_9:33..........he/found a certain man/named 351/402
Act_13:6........they/found a certain sorcerer/a 355/402
Pro_30:6..........be/found a liar/Two...... 212/402
Mat_27:32.......they/found a man of Cyrene/Simon 298/402
Dan_2:25........have/found a man of the/captives 264/402
Num_15:32.......they/found a man that/gathered 59/402
Jdg_15:15.........he/found a new/jawbone.... 82/402
Gen_11:2........they/found a plain/in........ 4/402
Job_33:24.......have/found a ransom/His.... 194/402
Neh_7:5............I/found a register/of... 178/402
Jon_1:3...........he/found a ship going/to. 281/402
Act_27:6...centurion/found a ship of/Alexandria 367/402
2Co_7:14..........is/found a truth/And..... 378/402
2Ki_4:39.........and/found a wild/vine..... 126/402
Joh_12:14........had/found a young/ass..... 341/402
1Ki_1:3..........and/found Abishag/a....... 111/402
Jdg_1:5.........they/found Adonibezek/in.... 79/402
Eze_26:21.........be/found again/saith..... 260/402
Luk_9:36.........was/found alone/And....... 315/402
Jdg_21:12.......they/found among the inhabitants/of 83/402
Jer_11:9..........is/found among the men/of 243/402
2Ch_20:25.......they/found among them in/abundance 159/402
1Ch_26:31.......were/found among them mighty/men 150/402
Jer_41:8........were/found among them that/said 250/402
Jer_48:27.........he/found among thieves/for 252/402
Deu_18:10.........be/found among you any/one 63/402
Deu_17:2..........be/found among you within/any 62/402
Act_17:23..........I/found an altar/with... 359/402
1Sa_30:11.......they/found an Egyptian/in.. 105/402
Gen_2:20.........not/found an help/meet...... 1/402
Psa_84:3........hath/found an house/and.... 201/402
2Ch_2:17........were/found an hundred/and.. 153/402
Jer_50:24........art/found and also/caught. 255/402
Luk_15:32.........is/found And he said also/unto 322/402
Gen_44:16.........is/found And he said God/forbid 34/402
Jer_15:16.......were/found and I/did....... 245/402
1Sa_10:2.........are/found and lo/thy....... 89/402
1Sa_9:20.........are/found And on/whom...... 88/402
1Sa_13:22......there/found And the/garrison. 95/402
Rev_16:20........not/found And there/fell.. 397/402
Luk_15:24.........is/found And they/began.. 321/402
2Sa_17:12.........be/found and we/will..... 109/402
Job_28:12.........be/found and where/is.... 189/402
1Ki_20:37.........he/found another/man..... 122/402
Act_24:20.......have/found any evil/doing.. 365/402
Rev_12:8.......place/found any more in heaven/And 395/402
Rev_18:22.........be/found any more in thee/and 399/402
Act_9:2...........he/found any of/this..... 350/402
Isa_10:14.......hath/found as a/nest....... 226/402
Mar_14:16........and/found as he had said unto them and they made ready the passover And in/the 304/402
Luk_22:13........and/found as he had said unto them and they made ready the passover And when/the 325/402
Ezr_6:2..........was/found at Achmetha/in.. 173/402
Act_8:40.........was/found at Azotus/and... 349/402
Heb_11:5.........not/found because/God..... 386/402
1Ti_3:10.......being/found blameless/Even.. 384/402
Exo_35:23........was/found blue/and......... 53/402
Mat_22:10.......they/found both bad/and.... 294/402
Gen_44:9..........be/found both let/him..... 30/402
Exo_22:2..........be/found breaking/up...... 44/402
Act_28:14.........we/found brethren/and.... 370/402
Pro_10:13.........is/found but a rod/is.... 208/402
Ecc_7:28...........I/found but a woman/among 215/402
2Ki_12:5..........be/found But it/was...... 128/402
1Sa_10:16.......were/found But of/the....... 90/402
Isa_55:6..........be/found call/ye......... 234/402
2Ki_17:4.....Assyria/found conspiracy/in... 133/402
Dan_6:11.........and/found Daniel/praying.. 271/402
Psa_89:20.......have/found David my/servant 202/402
Act_13:22.......have/found David the/son... 356/402
1Ki_19:19........and/found Elisha/the...... 120/402
Luk_19:32........and/found even as he/had.. 324/402
2Co_11:12.........be/found even as we/For.. 379/402
Act_5:39..........be/found even to/fight... 346/402
1Sa_29:6.........not/found evil/in......... 103/402
1Co_4:2...........be/found faithful/But.... 374/402
1Co_15:15........are/found false/witnesses. 375/402
1Ch_4:40........they/found fat/pasture..... 144/402
Mar_7:2.........they/found fault/For....... 300/402
Hos_10:2..........be/found faulty/he....... 277/402
Act_7:46.........Who/found favour before/God 348/402
1Sa_16:22.......hath/found favour in my/sight 97/402
Est_5:8.........have/found favour in the/sight 184/402
1Sa_20:29.......have/found favour in thine eyes let/me 99/402
Gen_30:27.......have/found favour in thine eyes tarry/for 16/402
Num_11:15.......have/found favour in thy sight and/let 58/402
Est_7:3.........have/found favour in thy sight O/king 186/402
Gen_18:3........have/found favour in thy sight pass/not 6/402
Num_11:11........not/found favour in thy sight that thou layest/the 57/402
Neh_2:5.........have/found favour in thy sight that thou wouldest/send 176/402
Son_8:10........that/found favour Solomon/had 224/402
Luk_1:30........hast/found favour with/God. 307/402
2Ki_22:13.........is/found for great is the wrath of the LORD that is kindled/against 139/402
2Ch_34:21.........is/found for great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured/out 168/402
1Sa_14:30.......they/found for had/there.... 96/402
Jer_50:20.........be/found for I/will...... 254/402
Rom_4:1.........hath/found For if/Abraham.. 371/402
Deu_22:20........not/found for the/damsel... 69/402
Zec_10:10.........be/found for them And he/shall 284/402
Dan_2:35.........was/found for them and the/stone 265/402
1Ch_29:8........were/found gave/them....... 152/402
Gen_39:4......Joseph/found grace in his/sight 28/402
Exo_33:17.......hast/found grace in my sight and/I 51/402
Exo_33:12.......also/found grace in my sight Now/therefore 48/402
Gen_6:8.........Noah/found grace in the eyes/of 2/402
Jer_31:2.......sword/found grace in the wilderness/even 248/402
1Sa_20:3........have/found grace in thine eyes and/he 98/402
1Sa_27:5.........now/found grace in thine eyes let/them 101/402
Rut_2:10...........I/found grace in thine eyes that/thou 84/402
Gen_19:19.......hath/found grace in thy sight and/thou 11/402
Exo_33:16.......have/found grace in thy sight is/it 50/402
Num_32:5........have/found grace in thy sight let/this 61/402
2Sa_14:22.......have/found grace in thy sight my/lord 108/402
Exo_34:9........have/found grace in thy sight O/LORD 52/402
Gen_47:29.......have/found grace in thy sight put/I 37/402
Exo_33:13.......have/found grace in thy sight shew/me 49/402
Gen_33:10.......have/found grace in thy sight then receive/my 21/402
Jdg_6:17........have/found grace in thy sight then shew/me 80/402
Gen_50:4........have/found grace in your/eyes 38/402
1Ki_11:19......Hadad/found great/favour.... 114/402
Pro_30:10.........be/found guilty/There.... 213/402
Mat_13:44.......hath/found he hideth/and... 289/402
Gen_44:17.........is/found he shall be/my... 35/402
Pro_6:31..........be/found he shall restore/sevenfold 206/402
Gen_38:23........not/found her And/it....... 27/402
Gen_16:7........LORD/found her by/a.......... 5/402
Act_5:10.........and/found her dead/and.... 342/402
Deu_22:27.........he/found her in/the....... 71/402
Deu_22:14..........I/found her not a/maid... 67/402
Gen_38:20.........he/found her not Then/he.. 26/402
Jos_10:17........are/found hid/in........... 78/402
Gen_37:15........man/found him and behold/he 23/402
1Ki_20:36.......lion/found him and slew/him 121/402
Mat_2:8.........have/found him bring/me.... 287/402
Jer_41:12........and/found him by/the...... 251/402
Num_15:33.......that/found him gathering/sticks 60/402
Act_11:26........had/found him he brought/him 353/402
Joh_9:35.........had/found him he said/unto 339/402
Deu_32:10.........He/found him in a/desert.. 75/402
Hos_12:4..........he/found him in Bethel/and 278/402
Luk_2:46........they/found him in the temple/sitting 310/402
1Ki_11:29..Shilonite/found him in the way/and 115/402
Job_31:29.......evil/found him Neither/have 191/402
2Ki_2:17.........but/found him not And/when 125/402
Act_12:19........and/found him not he/examined 354/402
Son_3:1............I/found him not I/will.. 219/402
Son_3:2............I/found him not The/watchmen 220/402
Luk_2:45........they/found him not they/turned 309/402
Joh_1:45........have/found him of/whom..... 336/402
Joh_6:25.........had/found him on/the...... 338/402
1Ki_13:14........and/found him sitting/under 116/402
Mar_1:37.........had/found him they/said... 299/402
Son_3:4............I/found him whom/my..... 222/402
1Ki_13:28........and/found his/carcase..... 117/402
Pro_25:16.......thou/found honey/eat....... 211/402
Gen_44:12........was/found in Benjamin's/sack 32/402
Php_2:8........being/found in fashion/as... 382/402
2Ch_36:8.........was/found in him behold/they 170/402
1Ki_1:52..........be/found in him he/shall. 112/402
Php_3:9...........be/found in him not/having 383/402
Dan_6:4........fault/found in him Then/said 270/402
Dan_5:11.........was/found in him whom/the. 266/402
Exo_22:4...certainly/found in his hand alive/whether 45/402
Exo_21:16.........be/found in his hand he/shall 43/402
1Ch_17:25.......hath/found in his heart to pray before/thee 147/402
2Sa_7:27.....servant/found in his heart to pray this/prayer 107/402
Mal_2:6..........not/found in his lips/he.. 285/402
1Pe_2:22.......guile/found in his mouth/Who 389/402
2Ki_20:13........was/found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 136/402
Isa_39:2.........was/found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 232/402
Ecc_9:15.........was/found in it/a......... 218/402
Dan_6:22.........was/found in me and/also.. 272/402
Job_19:28.........is/found in me Be/ye..... 187/402
Jer_2:5......fathers/found in me that/they. 238/402
Gen_44:8..........we/found in our/sacks'.... 29/402
Isa_30:14.........be/found in the bursting/of 229/402
2Ki_25:19.......were/found in the city And Nebuzaradan/captain 143/402
2Ki_25:19.......were/found in the city and the principal scribe of the host which/mustered 142/402
Jer_52:25.......were/found in the city and the principal scribe of the host who/mustered 256/402
Isa_65:8..........is/found in the cluster/and 237/402
Exo_9:19..........be/found in the field/and. 39/402
1Sa_13:22......spear/found in the hand/of... 94/402
2Ki_22:9.........was/found in the house and/have 138/402
2Ch_25:24.......were/found in the house of God/with 163/402
2Ch_34:17........was/found in the house of the LORD and have/delivered 167/402
2Ki_14:14.......were/found in the house of the LORD and in the treasures of the king's house and hostages/and 131/402
2Ki_16:8.........was/found in the house of the LORD and in the treasures of the king's house and sent/it 132/402
2Ki_18:15........was/found in the house of the LORD and in the treasures of the king's house At/that 134/402
2Ki_23:24.....priest/found in the house of the LORD And like/unto 141/402
2Ki_23:2.........was/found in the house of the LORD And the king stood by/a 140/402
2Ch_34:30........was/found in the house of the LORD And the king stood in/his 169/402
2Ki_12:10........was/found in the house of the LORD And they/gave 129/402
2Ch_21:17........was/found in the king's/house 160/402
Gen_47:14........was/found in the land of Egypt/and 36/402
Job_28:13.........it/found in the land of the/living 190/402
Jer_52:25.......were/found in the midst/of. 257/402
Dan_5:12........were/found in the same/Daniel 267/402
2Ch_29:16.......they/found in the temple of/the 164/402
Joh_2:14.........And/found in the temple those/that 337/402
2Ki_12:18........was/found in the treasures/of 130/402
Pro_16:31.........be/found in the way/of... 209/402
1Sa_25:28.......been/found in thee all/thy. 100/402
Dan_5:14..........is/found in thee And/now. 268/402
Isa_22:3.........are/found in thee are/bound 228/402
Eze_28:15........was/found in thee By/the.. 261/402
2Ch_19:3......things/found in thee in/that. 158/402
Mic_1:13........were/found in thee Therefore/shalt 282/402
Zep_3:13..........be/found in their/mouth.. 283/402
1Sa_29:8........thou/found in thy/servant.. 104/402
Exo_12:19.....leaven/found in your/houses... 40/402
Hos_9:10...........I/found Israel/like..... 276/402
Jer_2:34.........not/found it by/secret.... 241/402
Luk_24:24........and/found it even/so...... 333/402
Act_27:28........and/found it fifteen/fathoms 369/402
Act_19:19........and/found it fifty/thousand 361/402
Luk_15:5........hath/found it he/layeth.... 317/402
Psa_132:6.........we/found it in/the....... 205/402
Luk_15:9........hath/found it she/calleth.. 319/402
Gen_27:20.......hast/found it so/quickly.... 14/402
Pro_24:14.......hast/found it then/there... 210/402
1Ch_20:2.........and/found it to/weigh..... 148/402
Act_27:28........and/found it twenty/fathoms 368/402
Gen_37:32.........we/found know/now......... 25/402
Exo_22:7..........be/found let/him.......... 46/402
Deu_33:29.........be/found liars/unto....... 76/402
Ecc_7:28.........not/found Lo/this......... 216/402
Deu_22:22.........be/found lying/with....... 70/402
Gen_30:14........and/found mandrakes/in..... 15/402
Act_10:27........and/found many/that....... 352/402
Psa_37:36.........be/found Mark/the........ 198/402
Luk_2:16.........and/found Mary/and........ 308/402
Act_24:12....neither/found me in/the....... 363/402
1Ki_21:20.......thou/found me O/mine....... 123/402
Hos_12:8........have/found me out/substance 279/402
Act_24:18.......Asia/found me purified/in.. 364/402
2Ti_1:17.........and/found me The/Lord..... 385/402
Son_5:7.........city/found me they/smote... 223/402
Son_3:3.........city/found me to/whom...... 221/402
Luk_15:6........have/found my/sheep........ 318/402
2Co_5:3...........be/found naked/For....... 377/402
Job_32:3.........had/found no answer/and... 192/402
Luk_23:22.......have/found no cause of death in him I/will 329/402
Act_13:28.......they/found no cause of death in him yet/desired 357/402
Psa_107:4.......they/found no city/to...... 203/402
1Sa_29:3........have/found no fault in him/since 102/402
Luk_23:14.......have/found no fault in this/man 328/402
Rev_14:5.........was/found no guile/for.... 396/402
Act_5:23..........we/found no man/within... 345/402
Rev_18:21.........be/found no more at/all.. 398/402
2Ki_9:35........they/found no more of/her.. 127/402
Rev_20:11........was/found no place for/them 401/402
Heb_12:17.........he/found no place of/repentance 387/402
Gen_8:9.........dove/found no rest/for....... 3/402
Act_7:11.....fathers/found no sustenance/But 347/402
Exo_15:22........and/found no water And/when 41/402
Jer_14:3.........and/found no water they/returned 244/402
Exo_16:27.......they/found none And/the..... 42/402
Mar_14:55........and/found none For/many... 306/402
Dan_1:19.........was/found none like/Daniel 262/402
Luk_13:6.........and/found none Then/said.. 316/402
Eze_22:30..........I/found none Therefore/have 259/402
Psa_69:20..........I/found none They/gave.. 199/402
Mat_26:60........But/found none yea/though. 296/402
Luk_24:23.......they/found not his/body.... 332/402
Luk_24:3.........and/found not the body/of. 331/402
Gen_31:35........but/found not the images/And 19/402
Deu_22:17..........I/found not thy/daughter. 68/402
2Co_2:13...........I/found not Titus/my.... 376/402
Mar_11:13.........he/found nothing but/leaves 303/402
Mat_21:19........and/found nothing thereon/but 293/402
Neh_5:8..........and/found nothing to/answer 177/402
Gen_31:37.......thou/found of all/thy....... 20/402
2Pe_3:14..........be/found of him/in....... 390/402
1Ch_24:4.........men/found of the/sons..... 149/402
1Ch_28:9..........be/found of thee/but..... 151/402
2Ch_15:4.........was/found of them And in/those 156/402
2Ch_15:15........was/found of them and the/LORD 157/402
Isa_65:1..........am/found of them that sought me not I said/Behold 236/402
Rom_10:20........was/found of them that sought me not I was/made 373/402
2Jn_1:4............I/found of thy/children. 391/402
2Ch_15:2..........be/found of you but/if... 155/402
Jer_29:14.........be/found of you saith/the 247/402
Mat_18:28........and/found one of/his...... 291/402
Mat_13:46........had/found one pearl/of.... 290/402
Lev_6:4...........he/found Or/all........... 56/402
Mat_20:6.........and/found others/standing. 292/402
1Sa_12:5.........not/found ought/in......... 92/402
1Ki_7:47.......brass/found out And Solomon made all the vessels that pertained/unto 113/402
2Ch_4:18..........be/found out And Solomon made all the vessels that were/for 154/402
Jdg_14:18........not/found out my/riddle.... 81/402
Gen_44:16.......hath/found out the/iniquity. 33/402
Est_2:23.........was/found out therefore/they 183/402
Job_32:13.......have/found out wisdom/God.. 193/402
Ecc_7:27...........I/found saith/the....... 214/402
1Ch_10:8........they/found Saul and his sons/fallen 146/402
1Sa_31:8........they/found Saul and his three/sons 106/402
Gen_44:10.........is/found shall be my/servant 31/402
Isa_13:15.........is/found shall be thrust/through 227/402
Deu_22:3........hast/found shalt/thou....... 66/402
Exo_35:24........was/found shittim/wood..... 54/402
Gal_2:17.........are/found sinners/is...... 381/402
Deu_21:1..........be/found slain/in......... 65/402
Job_42:15......women/found so fair/as...... 195/402
Mat_8:10.........not/found so great faith no not in Israel And I/say 288/402
Luk_7:9..........not/found so great faith no not in Israel And they/that 312/402
Jer_2:26..........is/found so is/the....... 239/402
1Ki_14:13.........is/found some good/thing. 118/402
Deu_24:1........hath/found some uncleanness/in 73/402
Deu_24:7..........be/found stealing/any..... 74/402
Psa_32:6..........be/found surely/in....... 196/402
Ecc_7:29...........I/found that God/hath... 217/402
Ezr_10:18.......were/found that had/taken.. 175/402
Act_25:25..........I/found that he had committed/nothing 366/402
Joh_11:17.........he/found that he had lain/in 340/402
Luk_17:18........not/found that returned/to 323/402
Ezr_4:19..........is/found that this/city.. 172/402
Lev_6:3.........have/found that which/was... 55/402
Rev_18:24........was/found the blood of prophets/and 400/402
Jer_2:34..........is/found the blood of the/souls 240/402
2Ch_34:15.......have/found the book of the law in the house of the LORD And Hilkiah delivered/the 166/402
2Ki_22:8........have/found the book of the law in the house of the LORD And Hilkiah gave/the 137/402
Mar_11:4.........and/found the colt/tied... 302/402
Mar_7:30.........she/found the devil/gone.. 301/402
Luk_24:33........and/found the eleven/gathered 334/402
Isa_37:8.........and/found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And he/heard 231/402
2Ki_19:8.........and/found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And when/he 135/402
Isa_10:10.......hath/found the kingdoms/of. 225/402
Isa_57:10.......hast/found the life/of..... 235/402
Luk_8:35.........and/found the man/out..... 314/402
Joh_1:41........have/found the Messias/which 335/402
Gen_36:24.......that/found the mules/in..... 22/402
Luk_15:9........have/found the piece/which. 320/402
Luk_4:17..........he/found the place/where. 311/402
2Ch_22:8.........and/found the princes/of.. 161/402
Luk_7:10.......house/found the servant/whole 313/402
Luk_24:2........they/found the stone/rolled 330/402
1Ki_21:20.......have/found thee because/thou 124/402
Pro_7:15........have/found thee I/have..... 207/402
1Ki_18:10.......they/found thee not/And.... 119/402
Psa_76:5........have/found their hands/At.. 200/402
Jer_23:11..........I/found their wickedness/saith 246/402
Mat_26:43........and/found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy And/he 295/402
Mar_14:40.........he/found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy neither/wist 305/402
Jer_50:7........that/found them have/devoured 253/402
Gen_37:17........and/found them in/Dothan... 24/402
Rev_2:2.........hast/found them liars/And.. 392/402
Gen_31:34........but/found them not And she/said 18/402
1Sa_9:4.........they/found them not And when/they 86/402
Act_5:22.........and/found them not in/the. 343/402
Jos_2:22.........but/found them not So/the.. 77/402
1Sa_9:4.........they/found them not then they/passed 85/402
Gen_31:33.........he/found them not Then went/he 17/402
Act_17:6........they/found them not they/drew 358/402
Luk_22:45.........he/found them sleeping/for 326/402
Dan_1:20..........he/found them ten/times.. 263/402
2Ch_25:5.........and/found them three/hundred 162/402
Dan_11:19.........be/found Then shall/stand 274/402
Deu_22:28.........be/found Then the man/that 72/402
Exo_22:8.........not/found then the master/of 47/402
Gen_26:19........and/found there a/well..... 12/402
2Sa_17:13......stone/found there And Absalom/and 110/402
1Ch_4:41........were/found there and destroyed/them 145/402
Gen_18:32.........be/found there And he said I will not destroy it for ten's/sake 10/402
Gen_18:31.....twenty/found there And he said I will not destroy it for twenty's/sake 9/402
Gen_18:29......forty/found there And he said I will not do it for/forty's 7/402
Gen_18:30.........be/found there And he said I will not do it if/I 8/402
Jer_41:3........were/found there and the/men 249/402
Isa_35:9..........be/found there but/the... 230/402
Ezr_8:15.........and/found there none/of... 174/402
1Sa_10:21.........be/found Therefore they/enquired 91/402
Neh_7:64.........not/found therefore were they as polluted put from the priesthood And the Tirshatha said unto them that they should not eat of the most holy things till there stood up a priest with Urim and Thummim/The 180/402
Ezr_2:62.........not/found therefore were they as polluted put from the priesthood And the Tirshatha said unto them that they should not eat of the most holy things till there stood up a priest with Urim and with/Thummim 171/402
Deu_20:11.........is/found therein shall/be. 64/402
Isa_51:3..........be/found therein thanksgiving/and 233/402
Mat_26:60........yet/found they/none....... 297/402
Luk_23:2..........We/found this fellow/perverting 327/402
Act_24:5........have/found this man/a...... 362/402
1Sa_13:19......smith/found throughout/all... 93/402
Rev_3:2..........not/found thy/works....... 393/402
Psa_36:2..........be/found to be hateful/The 197/402
Rom_7:10...........I/found to be unto/death 372/402
Psa_116:3..........I/found trouble/and..... 204/402
1Pe_1:7...........be/found unto praise/and. 388/402
2Co_12:20.........be/found unto you/such... 380/402
Dan_6:23.........was/found upon/him........ 273/402
Dan_5:27.........art/found wanting/PERES... 269/402
Gen_26:32.......have/found water/And........ 13/402
Lam_2:16........have/found we have/seen.... 258/402
Act_5:23.......truly/found we shut/with.... 344/402
Hos_14:8.......fruit/found Who/is.......... 280/402
Jer_5:26.........are/found wicked/men...... 242/402
Mat_1:18.........was/found with/child...... 286/402
Rev_5:4..........was/found worthy/to....... 394/402
Dan_12:1..........be/found written in the book And/many 275/402
Rev_20:15........not/found written in the book of/life 402/402
Neh_8:14........they/found written in the law/which 181/402
Est_6:2..........was/found written that Mordecai/had 185/402
Neh_13:1.........was/found written that the/Ammonite 182/402
Neh_7:5..........and/found written therein/These 179/402
Job_20:8..........be/found yea/he.......... 188/402
1Sa_9:11........they/found young/maidens.... 87/402
Isa_28:16..........a/foundation a/stone...... 22/54
1Ti_6:19........good/foundation against/the.. 45/54
2Ch_23:5.........the/foundation and all/the... 9/54
1Co_3:10.........the/foundation and another/buildeth 40/54
Luk_14:29........the/foundation and is/not... 37/54
Pro_10:25everlasting/foundation As/vinegar... 21/54
Luk_6:49...........a/foundation built/an..... 35/54
Rom_15:20......man's/foundation But/as....... 39/54
1Co_3:11.......other/foundation can/no....... 41/54
1Co_3:12........this/foundation gold/silver.. 42/54
Isa_28:16.......sure/foundation he/that...... 23/54
Job_4:19.......whose/foundation is in the dust/which 16/54
Psa_87:1.........His/foundation is in the holy/mountains 18/54
2Ti_2:19.........the/foundation of God/standeth 46/54
Heb_6:1..........the/foundation of repentance/from 49/54
Eph_2:20.........the/foundation of the apostles/and 44/54
Zec_12:1.........the/foundation of the earth and formeth/the 31/54
Isa_48:13........the/foundation of the earth and my/right 25/54
Psa_102:25.......the/foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work/of 19/54
Heb_1:10.........the/foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works/of 47/54
2Ch_31:7.........the/foundation of the heaps/and 10/54
1Ki_5:17.........the/foundation of the house And/Solomon's 3/54
Ezr_5:16.........the/foundation of the house of God/which 15/54
2Ch_8:16.........the/foundation of the house of the LORD and/until 8/54
1Ki_6:37.........the/foundation of the house of the LORD laid/in 4/54
Zec_8:9..........the/foundation of the house of the LORD of/hosts 30/54
Ezr_3:11.........the/foundation of the house of the LORD was/laid 13/54
Hag_2:18.........the/foundation of the LORD's/temple 28/54
Ezr_3:10.........the/foundation of the temple of the LORD they/set 12/54
Ezr_3:6..........the/foundation of the temple of the LORD was/not 11/54
Heb_9:26.........the/foundation of the world but now/once 50/54
1Pe_1:20.........the/foundation of the world but was/manifest 51/54
Heb_4:3..........the/foundation of the world For he/spake 48/54
Mat_25:34........the/foundation of the world For I/was 33/54
Rev_13:8.........the/foundation of the world If/any 52/54
Luk_11:50........the/foundation of the world may/be 36/54
Joh_17:24........the/foundation of the world O/righteous 38/54
Eph_1:4..........the/foundation of the world that/we 43/54
Mat_13:35........the/foundation of the world Then/Jesus 32/54
Rev_17:8.........the/foundation of the world when/they 53/54
Zec_4:9..........the/foundation of this house his/hands 29/54
Ezr_3:12.........the/foundation of this house was/laid 14/54
Luk_6:48.........the/foundation on/a......... 34/54
Isa_44:28........Thy/foundation shall/be..... 24/54
Exo_9:18.........the/foundation thereof even/until 1/54
1Ki_16:34........the/foundation thereof in Abiram/his 7/54
Jos_6:26.........the/foundation thereof in his/firstborn 2/54
Psa_137:7........the/foundation thereof O/daughter 20/54
Eze_13:14........the/foundation thereof shall/be 26/54
1Ki_7:9..........the/foundation unto the coping/and 5/54
Hab_3:13.........the/foundation unto the neck/Selah 27/54
Rev_21:19......first/foundation was jasper/the 54/54
1Ki_7:10.........the/foundation was of/costly. 6/54
Job_22:16......whose/foundation was overflown/with 17/54
Psa_18:7.........the/foundations also/of...... 9/32
Rev_21:14.....twelve/foundations and/in...... 31/32
Jer_50:15........her/foundations are/fallen.. 22/32
Psa_11:3.........the/foundations be destroyed/what 8/32
Ezr_4:12.........the/foundations Be it/known.. 4/32
Jer_51:26........for/foundations but/thou.... 23/32
2Sa_22:8.........the/foundations of heaven/moved 2/32
Isa_16:7.........the/foundations of Kirhareseth/shall 14/32
Isa_58:12........the/foundations of many/generations 20/32
Isa_51:13........the/foundations of the earth and hast/feared 17/32
Isa_51:16........the/foundations of the earth and say/unto 18/32
Psa_82:5.........the/foundations of the earth are/out 11/32
Job_38:4.........the/foundations of the earth declare/if 6/32
Isa_24:18........the/foundations of the earth do/shake 15/32
Mic_6:2.......strong/foundations of the earth for/the 28/32
Isa_40:21........the/foundations of the earth It/is 16/32
Jer_31:37........the/foundations of the earth searched/out 21/32
Psa_104:5........the/foundations of the earth that/it 12/32
Pro_8:29.........the/foundations of the earth Then/I 13/32
Deu_32:22........the/foundations of the mountains/I 1/32
Act_16:26........the/foundations of the prison/were 29/32
Eze_41:8.........the/foundations of the side/chambers 26/32
Rev_21:19........the/foundations of the wall/of 32/32
2Sa_22:16........the/foundations of the world were discovered at the/rebuking 3/32
Psa_18:15........the/foundations of the world were discovered at thy/rebuke 10/32
Eze_30:4.........her/foundations shall/be.... 25/32
Mic_1:6..........the/foundations thereof And/all 27/32
Ezr_6:3..........the/foundations thereof be/strongly 5/32
Job_38:6.........the/foundations thereof fastened/or 7/32
Lam_4:11.........the/foundations thereof The/kings 24/32
Heb_11:10.......hath/foundations whose/builder 30/32
Isa_54:11........thy/foundations with/sapphires 19/32
Psa_104:8.......hast/founded for/them......... 3/10
Amo_9:6.........hath/founded his/troop........ 8/10
Isa_23:13...Assyrian/founded it for/them...... 7/10
Psa_24:2........hath/founded it upon/the...... 1/10
Pro_3:19........hath/founded the/earth........ 5/10
Psa_119:152.....hast/founded them for/ever.... 4/10
Psa_89:11.......hast/founded them The/north... 2/10
Mat_7:25.........was/founded upon a rock And/every 9/10
Luk_6:48.........was/founded upon a rock But/he 10/10
Isa_14:32.......hath/founded Zion/and......... 6/10
Jer_10:9.........the/founder blue/and.......... 3/5
Jer_10:14......every/founder is confounded by the graven image for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them They are vanity and/the 4/5
Jer_51:17......every/founder is confounded by the graven image for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them They are vanity the/work 5/5
Jer_6:29.........the/founder melteth/in........ 2/5
Jdg_17:4.........the/founder who/made.......... 1/5
Neh_9:8..........And/foundest/his.............. 1/1
Pro_25:26...troubled/fountain and a/corrupt.. 19/33
Lev_20:18........her/fountain and she/hath.... 4/33
Psa_74:15........the/fountain and the/flood.. 14/33
Neh_2:14.........the/fountain and to/the...... 9/33
Pro_5:18.........thy/fountain be/blessed..... 16/33
Jam_3:12..........no/fountain both/yield..... 32/33
Jer_6:7............a/fountain casteth/out.... 24/33
Neh_12:37........the/fountain gate/which..... 11/33
Gen_16:7.........the/fountain in/the.......... 2/33
Son_4:15...........A/fountain of gardens/a... 22/33
Lev_20:18........the/fountain of her blood and/both 5/33
Mar_5:29.........the/fountain of her blood was/dried 30/33
Psa_68:26........the/fountain of Israel/There 13/33
Deu_33:28........the/fountain of Jacob/shall.. 6/33
Psa_36:9.........the/fountain of life in/thy. 12/33
Pro_13:14..........a/fountain of life to depart from the snares of death Good/understanding 17/33
Pro_14:27..........a/fountain of life to depart from the snares of death In/the 18/33
Jer_2:13.........the/fountain of living waters and/hewed 23/33
Jer_17:13........the/fountain of living waters Heal/me 26/33
Jer_9:1............a/fountain of tears/that.. 25/33
Rev_21:6.........the/fountain of the water of life/freely 33/33
Jos_15:9.........the/fountain of the water of Nephtoah/and 7/33
Gen_16:7...........a/fountain of water/in..... 1/33
Psa_114:8..........a/fountain of waters/Not.. 15/33
Zec_13:1...........a/fountain opened/to...... 29/33
Lev_11:36..........a/fountain or pit/wherein.. 3/33
Ecc_12:6.........the/fountain or the/wheel... 20/33
Neh_3:15.........the/fountain repaired/Shallun 10/33
Son_4:12...........a/fountain sealed/Thy..... 21/33
Jam_3:11...........a/fountain send/forth..... 31/33
Hos_13:15........his/fountain shall be/dried. 27/33
Joe_3:18...........a/fountain shall come/forth 28/33
1Sa_29:1...........a/fountain which/is........ 8/33
Pro_8:24..........no/fountains abounding/with. 9/15
Gen_8:2..........The/fountains also/of........ 2/15
Deu_8:7...........of/fountains and depths/that 4/15
2Ch_32:4.........the/fountains and the/brook.. 7/15
Pro_5:16.........thy/fountains be/dispersed... 8/15
Isa_41:18........and/fountains in/the........ 11/15
Pro_8:28.........the/fountains of the deep/When 10/15
Gen_7:11.........the/fountains of the great/deep 1/15
Num_33:9......twelve/fountains of water and threescore/and 3/15
1Ki_18:5.........all/fountains of water and unto/all 5/15
Rev_7:17......living/fountains of waters and God/shall 12/15
Rev_8:10.........the/fountains of waters And the/name 13/15
Rev_14:7.........the/fountains of waters And there/followed 14/15
Rev_16:4.........and/fountains of waters and they/became 15/15
2Ch_32:3.........the/fountains which/were..... 6/15