Isa_41:28....them/could answer/a......... 92/166
Mar_5:4...neither/could any/man......... 120/166
Luk_8:43..neither/could be/healed....... 131/166 bear/with....... 157/166 bind/him........ 119/166
2Ch_20:25....they/could carry/away....... 61/166
Gen_41:24....that/could declare/it........ 7/166
2Ch_32:14....that/could deliver his/people 66/166
Dan_8:4......that/could deliver out/of.. 108/166
Dan_8:7......that/could deliver the/ram. 109/166
Joh_9:33.......he/could do/nothing...... 139/166
Jdg_17:8.......he/could find a/place..... 29/166
Dan_6:4......they/could find none/occasion 107/166
1Sa_23:13....they/could go/And........... 35/166
1Ch_12:8.....that/could handle shield/and 51/166
2Ch_25:5.....that/could handle spear/and. 62/166
Isa_5:4......What/could have been/done... 87/166
Psa_55:12.......I/could have borne/it.... 83/166
Gal_3:21....which/could have given/life. 158/166
Hos_5:13......yet/could he/not.......... 110/166
Job_16:4........I/could heap/up.......... 80/166
Neh_8:2......that/could hear/with........ 72/166
Luk_13:11.....and/could in/no........... 133/166
Gen_41:8.....that/could interpret/them.... 5/166
1Ch_12:38....that/could keep rank came/with 53/166
1Ch_12:33...which/could keep rank they/were 52/166 know/another..... 31/166 learn/that...... 166/166
Jer_44:22....LORD/could no longer bear/because 99/166
1Th_3:5.........I/could no longer forbear I/sent 160/166
1Th_3:1........we/could no longer forbear we/thought 159/166
Mar_1:45....Jesus/could no more/openly.. 116/166
Luk_9:40.....they/could not And/Jesus... 132/166
2Sa_3:11.......he/could not answer Abner/a 39/166
Luk_14:6.....they/could not answer him again/to 134/166
Gen_45:3.brethren/could not answer him for/they 10/166
Jdg_2:14.....they/could not any/longer... 24/166
2Sa_22:39....they/could not arise/yea.... 41/166
Jer_24:2....which/could not be eaten/they 98/166
Psa_37:36......he/could not be found Mark/the 82/166
2Ch_4:18....brass/could not be found out/And 55/166
1Sa_10:21......he/could not be found Therefore/they 34/166
Mar_7:24.......he/could not be hid/For.. 123/166 not be justified/by 145/166 not be known/that. 6/166
Eze_47:5.....that/could not be passed/over 104/166
1Ki_8:5......that/could not be told nor numbered for multitude And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place into/the 43/166
2Ch_5:6.....which/could not be told nor numbered for multitude And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place to/the 56/166
Jer_15:1.....mind/could not be toward/this 96/166
Gen_36:7strangers/could not bear them/because 3/166
Act_27:15.....and/could not bear up/into 149/166
Joh_12:39....they/could not believe/because 141/166
1Ki_5:3....father/could not build/an..... 42/166
Ezr_5:5......they/could not cause/them... 70/166
Luk_8:19......and/could not come at/him. 130/166
Mar_2:4......they/could not come nigh/unto 117/166
Joh_21:25..itself/could not contain/the. 142/166
Est_7:4.....enemy/could not countervail/the 76/166
Mat_17:16....they/could not cure/him.... 112/166
Isa_46:2.....they/could not deliver the/burden 93/166
2Ch_25:15...which/could not deliver their/own 63/166
Job_4:16........I/could not discern the form/thereof 78/166
Ezr_3:13...people/could not discern the noise/of 69/166 not do in/that.. 151/166
Jdg_6:27.......he/could not do it/by..... 26/166
Jdg_3:22.......he/could not draw/the..... 25/166
Psa_78:44....they/could not drink He/sent 85/166
Exo_7:24.....they/could not drink of the water of the river And seven/days 14/166
Exo_7:21Egyptians/could not drink of the water of the river and there/was 13/166
Exo_15:23....they/could not drink of the waters/of 18/166
Jdg_1:19......but/could not drive out the inhabitants of the/valley 23/166
Jos_17:12Manasseh/could not drive out the inhabitants of those/cities 22/166
Jos_15:63...Judah/could not drive them/out 21/166
Gen_13:6.....they/could not dwell/together 1/166
2Ki_4:40.....they/could not eat/thereof.. 48/166
Job_31:23.......I/could not endure If/I.. 81/166
Heb_12:20....they/could not endure that/which 164/166
Heb_3:19.....they/could not enter in/because 161/166
2Ch_7:2...priests/could not enter into/the 58/166
Luk_5:19.....they/could not find by/what 128/166
Son_5:6.........I/could not find him/I... 86/166
2Sa_17:20.....and/could not find them/they 40/166
Luk_19:48.....And/could not find what/they 136/166
2Ch_29:34....they/could not flay/all..... 64/166
1Sa_30:21....they/could not follow/David. 37/166
Mar_6:19......she/could not For Herod/feared 122/166
Luk_19:3......and/could not for the press/because 135/166
Jon_1:13.....they/could not for the sea/wrought 111/166
Jdg_12:6.......he/could not frame/to..... 27/166
1Ch_21:30...David/could not go before/it. 54/166
1Sa_30:10....they/could not go over/the.. 36/166
Mar_9:18.....they/could not He/answereth 124/166
Eze_31:8......God/could not hide/him.... 102/166
Jdg_14:14....they/could not in/three..... 28/166
2Ch_30:3.....they/could not keep it/at... 65/166
Num_9:6......they/could not keep the/passover 19/166
Act_21:34......he/could not know/the.... 146/166
2Sa_1:10.......he/could not live/after... 38/166
Exo_2:3.......she/could not longer/hide.. 12/166
Heb_9:9......that/could not make/him.... 163/166
2Ki_16:5......but/could not overcome/him. 49/166
Eze_47:5........I/could not pass/over... 103/166
Isa_7:1.......but/could not prevail/against 88/166
Isa_30:5.....that/could not profit/them.. 89/166
Act_25:7.....they/could not prove/While. 148/166
1Ki_13:4.......he/could not pull/it...... 45/166
Dan_5:8......they/could not read/the.... 105/166
2Ch_14:13....they/could not recover/themselves 60/166
Gen_45:1...Joseph/could not refrain/himself 9/166
Lam_4:17.....that/could not save/us..... 101/166
1Sa_3:2........he/could not see And ere/the 32/166
Gen_48:10......he/could not see And he/brought 11/166
1Sa_4:15.......he/could not see And the/man 33/166
1Ki_14:4...Ahijah/could not see for his/eyes 46/166
Act_22:11.......I/could not see for the/glory 147/166
Gen_27:1.......he/could not see he/called. 2/166
Luk_6:48......and/could not shake/it.... 129/166
Dan_5:15.....they/could not shew the/interpretation 106/166
Ezr_2:59.....they/could not shew their father's house and/their 68/166
Neh_7:61.....they/could not shew their father's house nor/their 71/166
Mar_3:20.....they/could not so much/as.. 118/166
Exo_8:18.....they/could not so there/were 15/166
Neh_13:24.....and/could not speak in/the. 74/166
Gen_37:4......and/could not speak peaceably/unto 4/166
Luk_1:22.......he/could not speak unto them/and 127/166
1Co_3:1..brethren/could not speak unto you/as 153/166
Isa_33:23....they/could not spread/the... 91/166
Exo_9:11magicians/could not stand before Moses/because 16/166
Jos_7:12...Israel/could not stand before their/enemies 20/166
1Ki_8:11..priests/could not stand to minister because/of 44/166
2Ch_5:14..priests/could not stand to minister by/reason 57/166
Jer_20:9........I/could not stay/For..... 97/166
2Co_3:7....Israel/could not stedfastly behold/the 155/166
2Co_3:13...Israel/could not stedfastly look/to 156/166
Luk_20:26....they/could not take/hold... 138/166
Exo_12:39.....and/could not tarry/neither 17/166
Luk_20:7.....they/could not tell/whence. 137/166
Est_6:1.....night/could not the/king..... 75/166
2Ki_3:26.....they/could not Then/he...... 47/166
Joh_11:37....said/Could not this/man.... 140/166 not touch/their. 100/166
Mar_9:28......Why/could not we cast him out And he/said 125/166
Mat_17:19.....Why/could not we cast him out And Jesus/said 113/166
Isa_33:23....they/could not well/strengthen 90/166
2Ch_13:7......and/could not withstand/them 59/166 number/of....... 165/166
Mat_27:24......he/could prevail/nothing. 115/166
1Co_13:2........I/could remove/mountains 154/166
Act_4:14.....they/could say/nothing..... 143/166
Mar_14:8......she/could she/is.......... 126/166
2Ch_34:12....that/could skill/of......... 67/166 sling/stones..... 30/166
Job_16:4.....also/could speak/as......... 79/166
Heb_6:13.......he/could swear/by........ 162/166
Act_27:43...which/could swim/should..... 150/166
Mar_6:5........he/could there/do........ 121/166
Jer_8:12..neither/could they blush therefore shall/they 95/166
Jer_6:15..neither/could they blush therefore they/shall 94/166
Neh_8:3......that/could understand/and... 73/166
1Ch_12:2......and/could use/both......... 50/166
Gen_43:7....words/could we/certainly...... 8/166
Rom_9:3.........I/could wish that/myself 152/166
Psa_73:7....heart/could wish They/are.... 84/166
Act_11:17.......I/could withstand God/When 144/166 withstand them/for 77/166
Mat_26:40....What/could ye/not.......... 114/166
Joh_19:11....Thou/couldest have/no.......... 5/5
Eze_16:28.....yet/couldest not be/satisfied. 2/5
Mar_14:37....thou/couldest not thou/watch... 4/5
Dan_2:47.....thou/couldest reveal/this...... 3/5
Jer_3:5......thou/couldest The/LORD......... 1/5
1Sa_13:20.....his/coulter/and............... 1/1
1Sa_13:21.....the/coulters/and.............. 1/1