Eze_4:2.........and/build a fort against/it 130/163
Eze_21:22........to/build a fort And/it... 132/163
Luk_14:28........to/build a tower/sitteth. 155/163
Act_15:16......will/build again the ruins/thereof 159/163
Act_15:16......will/build again the tabernacle/of 158/163
Gal_2:18..........I/build again the things/which 163/163
Jos_22:29........to/build an altar for/burnt 14/163
1Ch_21:22.......may/build an altar therein/unto 45/163
2Sa_24:21........to/build an altar unto the LORD that/the 22/163
Deu_27:5.......thou/build an altar unto the LORD thy God an/altar 10/163
Jdg_6:26........And/build an altar unto the LORD thy God upon/the 15/163
1Ki_11:7....Solomon/build an high/place.... 37/163
Deu_28:30.....shalt/build an house and/thou 12/163
1Ch_22:10.....shall/build an house for my name and he/shall 50/163
2Sa_7:13......shall/build an house for my name and I/will 20/163
1Ch_28:3........not/build an house for my name because/thou 54/163
2Ch_6:8..........to/build an house for my name thou/didst 71/163
2Ch_2:12......might/build an house for the LORD and/an 66/163
1Ch_22:6.........to/build an house for the LORD God/of 47/163
2Ch_2:1..........to/build an house for the name of the LORD and/an 59/163
1Ki_8:17.........to/build an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel And/the 30/163
2Ch_6:7..........to/build an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel But/the 70/163
1Ch_28:10........to/build an house for the sanctuary/be 56/163
2Ch_6:5..........to/build an house in/that. 69/163
1Ch_28:2.........to/build an house of/rest. 53/163
1Ki_8:16.........to/build an house that/my. 29/163
2Ch_2:4...........I/build an house to/the.. 61/163
1Ch_22:8........not/build an house unto my name because/thou 49/163
1Ki_5:5.......shall/build an house unto my name Now/therefore 26/163
1Ki_8:18.........to/build an house unto my name thou/didst 31/163
Ezr_4:3..........to/build an house unto our/God 82/163
1Ki_5:3.........not/build an house unto the name of the LORD his/God 24/163
1Ki_5:5..........to/build an house unto the name of the LORD my God as/the 25/163
1Ch_22:7.........to/build an house unto the name of the LORD my God But/the 48/163
Isa_65:22.......not/build and another/inhabit 116/163
Jer_18:9.........to/build and to plant it/If 119/163
Jer_1:10.........to/build and to plant Moreover/the 118/163
Jer_31:28........to/build and to plant saith/the 125/163
Luk_14:30........to/build and was/not..... 156/163
Mar_14:58......will/build another/made.... 151/163
Deu_20:20.....shalt/build bulwarks/against.. 8/163
Mal_1:4.......shall/build but I/will...... 147/163
Neh_2:20........and/build but ye/have...... 94/163
Job_3:14......which/build desolate/places.. 98/163
Luk_12:18.......and/build greater/and..... 154/163
Zec_9:3.........did/build herself/a....... 145/163
1Sa_2:35.......will/build him a/sure....... 17/163
1Ch_14:1.........to/build him an house And/David 40/163
Ezr_1:2..........to/build him an house at/Jerusalem 78/163
2Ch_36:23........to/build him an house in/Jerusalem 77/163
2Ch_2:6......should/build him an house save/only 64/163
2Ch_2:6..........to/build him an house seeing/the 63/163
1Ch_17:25......wilt/build him an house therefore/thy 44/163
2Ch_2:3..........to/build him an house to/dwell 60/163
Jer_35:7.........ye/build house/nor....... 127/163
Isa_65:21.....shall/build houses and inhabit/them 115/163
Eze_28:26.....shall/build houses and plant/vineyards 133/163
Zep_1:13.......also/build houses but/not.. 139/163
Jer_35:9.........to/build houses for/us... 128/163
Eze_11:3.........us/build houses this/city 131/163
Neh_4:3........they/build if/a............. 96/163
1Ki_9:19.........to/build in Jerusalem and in Lebanon and in/all 35/163
2Ch_8:6..........to/build in Jerusalem and in Lebanon and throughout/all 74/163
2Ch_3:2..........to/build in the second/day 68/163
Zec_6:15........and/build in the temple/of 144/163
2Ch_2:5...........I/build is/great......... 62/163
Zec_5:11.........To/build it an/house..... 141/163
Neh_2:5.........may/build it And/the....... 91/163
Amo_9:11.......will/build it as/in........ 136/163
Psa_127:1......that/build it except/the... 105/163
Mat_26:61........to/build it in/three..... 150/163
Exo_20:25.......not/build it of/hewn........ 3/163
2Ch_35:3........did/build it shall/not..... 76/163
1Ki_16:34.Bethelite/build Jericho/he....... 39/163
Dan_9:25.........to/build Jerusalem/unto.. 135/163
Jer_22:14......will/build me a/wide....... 120/163
1Ch_17:12.....shall/build me an house and/I 43/163
2Sa_7:5........thou/build me an house for/me 18/163
1Ch_17:4........not/build me an house to/dwell 41/163
Num_23:29.....Balak/Build me here seven altars and prepare me here seven bullocks/and 5/163
Num_23:1......Balak/Build me here seven altars and prepare me here seven oxen/and 4/163
Act_7:49.........ye/build me saith/the.... 157/163
1Ki_9:24.........he/build Millo/And........ 36/163
Mat_16:18......will/build my church/and... 148/163
Isa_45:13.....shall/build my city/and..... 111/163
1Ch_28:6......shall/build my house/and..... 55/163
2Ch_2:9..........to/build shall/be......... 65/163
Num_32:16......will/build sheepfolds/here... 6/163
Neh_2:18........and/build So/they.......... 93/163
Deu_27:6......shalt/build the altar/of..... 11/163
Psa_69:35......will/build the cities/of... 101/163
Gen_11:8.........to/build the city/Therefore 2/163
Mal_1:4.........and/build the desolate/places 146/163
Hag_1:8.........and/build the house and I/will 140/163
1Ki_5:18.........to/build the house And it/came 27/163
1Ki_8:19........not/build the house but thy son that/shall 32/163
2Ch_6:9.........not/build the house but thy son which/shall 72/163
2Ch_6:9.......shall/build the house for/my. 73/163
1Ch_22:2.........to/build the house of God And/David 46/163
Ezr_5:2..........to/build the house of God which/is 84/163
Rut_4:11........did/build the house of Israel/and 16/163
1Ki_9:15.........to/build the house of the LORD and his/own 34/163
1Ki_6:1..........to/build the house of the LORD And the/house 28/163
2Ch_3:1..........to/build the house of the LORD at/Jerusalem 67/163
Ezr_1:3.........and/build the house of the LORD God/of 79/163
1Ch_22:11.......and/build the house of the LORD thy/God 51/163
Ezr_1:5..........to/build the house of the LORD which/is 80/163
Ezr_5:11........and/build the house that/was 87/163
Psa_127:1......LORD/build the house they/labour 104/163
1Ki_8:19......shall/build the house unto/my 33/163
Isa_58:12.....shall/build the old waste/places 112/163
Isa_61:4......shall/build the old wastes/they 114/163
1Ch_29:19........to/build the palace/for... 58/163
Eze_36:36......LORD/build the ruined/places 134/163
Luk_11:47........ye/build the sepulchres/of 152/163
Zec_6:13......shall/build the temple of the LORD and/he 143/163
Zec_6:12......shall/build the temple of the LORD Even/he 142/163
Mat_23:29........ye/build the tombs/of.... 149/163
Neh_4:10.........to/build the wall/And..... 97/163
Amo_9:14......shall/build the waste/cities 137/163
1Ki_11:38.......and/build thee a/sure...... 38/163
1Ch_17:10......will/build thee an house And/it 42/163
1Ch_29:16........to/build thee an house for/thine 57/163
1Ki_2:36........him/Build thee an house in/Jerusalem 23/163
2Sa_7:27.......will/build thee an house therefore/hath 21/163
Jer_31:4.......will/build thee and/thou... 124/163
Luk_11:48........ye/build their/sepulchres 153/163
Jer_24:6.......will/build them and/not.... 121/163
Jer_33:7.......will/build them as/at...... 126/163
Psa_28:5........not/build them up/Blessed.. 99/163
2Ch_14:7.........us/build these/cities..... 75/163
Pro_24:27afterwards/build thine/house..... 107/163
Ezr_5:9..........to/build this house and to make up these/walls 86/163
Ezr_5:3..........to/build this house and to make up this/wall 85/163
Ezr_5:13.........to/build this house of God And/the 88/163
Ezr_5:17.........to/build this house of God at/Jerusalem 89/163
Ezr_6:7........Jews/build this house of God in/his 90/163
Psa_51:18......Zion/build thou/the........ 100/163
Isa_66:1.........ye/build unto me/and..... 117/163
Ezr_4:3........will/build unto the/LORD.... 83/163
Ecc_3:3..........to/build up A/time....... 108/163
Deu_25:9........not/build up his/brother's.. 9/163
Psa_147:2......doth/build up Jerusalem/he. 106/163
Neh_2:17.........us/build up the/wall...... 92/163
Psa_89:4........and/build up thy throne/to 102/163
Isa_60:10.....shall/build up thy walls/and 113/163
Psa_102:16....shall/build up Zion he/shall 103/163
Mic_3:10.......They/build up Zion with/blood 138/163
Rom_15:20....should/build upon another/man's 161/163
Son_8:9........will/build upon her/a...... 109/163
1Co_3:12........man/build upon this/foundation 162/163
Gen_11:4.........us/build us a/city......... 1/163
Jos_22:26........to/build us an/altar...... 13/163
Neh_3:3...Hassenaah/build who/also......... 95/163
Isa_9:10.......will/build with hewn/stones 110/163
Ezr_4:2..........us/build with you/for..... 81/163
Jer_29:28......long/build ye houses and dwell in them and plant gardens and eat the fruit of them And/Zephaniah 123/163
Jer_29:5....Babylon/Build ye houses and dwell in them and plant gardens and eat the fruit of them Take/ye 122/163
2Sa_7:7.........Why/build ye not/me........ 19/163
1Ch_22:19.......and/build ye the/sanctuary. 52/163
Jer_42:10.........I/build you and/not..... 129/163
Num_32:24.......out/Build you cities/for.... 7/163
Act_20:32........to/build you up/and...... 160/163
Gen_4:17.........he/builded a/city........... 1/50
Ezr_4:16.........be/builded again/and....... 19/50
Lam_3:5........hath/builded against/me...... 44/50
Gen_26:25........he/builded an altar there/and 7/50
Exo_24:4........and/builded an altar under/the 8/50
Gen_12:8.........he/builded an altar unto the LORD and called/upon 6/50
Gen_8:20.......Noah/builded an altar unto the LORD and took/of 2/50
Pro_24:3......house/builded and by/understanding 40/50
Ezr_6:14.......they/builded and finished/it. 27/50
Neh_4:18.........so/builded And he/that..... 33/50
Eze_36:10........be/builded And I/will...... 45/50
1Ki_15:22.......had/builded and king/Asa.... 13/50
Neh_7:4.........not/builded And my/God...... 35/50
Ezr_5:11.....Israel/builded and set/up...... 23/50
Num_32:38......they/builded And the children/of 9/50
Eze_36:33........be/builded And the desolate/land 46/50
Gen_11:5........men/builded And the LORD/said 4/50
Ezr_4:13.........be/builded and the walls/set 18/50
Ezr_6:14.......Jews/builded and they/prospered 26/50
Psa_122:3........is/builded as/a............ 38/50
Luk_17:28......they/builded But/the......... 47/50
Heb_3:4..........is/builded by/some......... 50/50
Son_4:4.......David/builded for an/armoury.. 42/50
2Ki_23:13.......had/builded for Ashtoreth/the 14/50
1Ch_22:5.........be/builded for the/LORD.... 15/50
Gen_12:7......there/builded he/an............ 5/50
Pro_9:1........hath/builded her/house....... 39/50
Ezr_5:15.........be/builded in/his.......... 24/50
1Ki_8:43.......have/builded is/called....... 12/50
Ecc_2:4...........I/builded me/houses....... 41/50
Gen_10:11.......and/builded Nineveh/and...... 3/50
Job_20:19........he/builded not/Surely...... 37/50
Neh_4:17......which/builded on/the.......... 32/50
Ezr_3:2.........and/builded the altar/of.... 16/50
Heb_3:3........hath/builded the house/hath.. 49/50
Neh_3:2.........him/builded the men/of...... 29/50
Ezr_6:3..........be/builded the place/where. 25/50
Neh_3:1........they/builded the sheep/gate.. 28/50
Ezr_4:1...captivity/builded the temple/unto. 17/50
Neh_6:1.........had/builded the wall and/that 34/50
Neh_4:1..........we/builded the wall he/was. 31/50
Neh_12:29.......had/builded them/villages... 36/50
Ezr_5:11........was/builded these/many...... 22/50
Eph_2:22........are/builded together/for.... 48/50
Ezr_4:21........not/builded until/another... 20/50
Jer_30:18........be/builded upon/her........ 43/50
Ezr_5:8..........is/builded with/great...... 21/50
1Ki_8:27.......have/builded Yet/have........ 11/50
Jos_22:16......have/builded you/an.......... 10/50
Neh_3:2........them/builded Zaccur/the...... 30/50
Deu_6:10.......thou/buildedst/not............. 1/1
Heb_11:10.....whose/builder/and............... 1/1
1Ki_5:18..Solomon's/builders and Hiram's/builders 1/15
2Ki_22:6........and/builders and masons/and.. 4/15
1Ki_5:18....Hiram's/builders did/hew......... 2/15
1Pe_2:7.........the/builders disallowed/the. 15/15
Neh_4:18........the/builders every/one....... 8/15
2Ch_34:11.......and/builders gave/they....... 5/15
Eze_27:4........thy/builders have/perfected. 10/15
Ezr_3:10........the/builders laid/the........ 6/15
Psa_118:22......the/builders refused/is...... 9/15
Mar_12:10.......the/builders rejected is/become 12/15
Mat_21:42.......the/builders rejected the same is become the head of the corner this/is 11/15
Luk_20:17.......the/builders rejected the same is become the head of the corner Whosoever/shall 13/15
Neh_4:5.........the/builders So/built........ 7/15
2Ki_12:11.......and/builders that/wrought.... 3/15
Act_4:11........you/builders which/is....... 14/15
Deu_22:8.......thou/buildest a/new............ 1/5
Mar_15:29.......and/buildest it in three days Save thyself and/come 5/5
Mat_27:40.......and/buildest it in three days save thyself If/thou 4/5
Neh_6:6........thou/buildest the/wall......... 2/5
Eze_16:31......thou/buildest thine/eminent.... 3/5
Hab_2:12.......that/buildeth a/town........... 7/9
Pro_14:1......woman/buildeth her/house........ 3/9
Job_27:18........He/buildeth his house as/a... 2/9
Jer_22:13......that/buildeth his house by/unrighteousness 4/9
Amo_9:6........that/buildeth his stories/in... 6/9
Hos_8:14........and/buildeth temples/and...... 5/9
1Co_3:10....another/buildeth thereon/But...... 8/9
1Co_3:10.........he/buildeth thereupon/For.... 9/9
Jos_6:26........and/buildeth this/city........ 1/9
1Co_3:9.......God's/building According/to... 32/37
2Ch_16:6........was/building and he/built... 13/37
Ezr_4:4..........in/building And hired/counsellors 14/37
Eze_42:10.......the/building And the/way.... 29/37
Joh_2:20.........in/building and wilt/thou.. 31/37
Ezr_5:16.........in/building and yet/it..... 17/37
1Ch_28:2........the/building But God/said... 10/37
Ezr_5:4........this/building But the/eye.... 16/37
Ecc_10:18.......the/building decayeth/and... 19/37
Eph_2:21........the/building fitly/framed... 34/37
Eze_42:5........the/building For/they....... 27/37
Eze_17:17.......and/building forts/to....... 20/37
1Ki_3:1..........of/building his own house and/the 2/37
1Ki_7:1.........was/building his own house thirteen/years 7/37
1Ki_6:12.........in/building if/thou......... 5/37
1Ki_6:38.........in/building it/But.......... 6/37
Heb_9:11.......this/building Neither/by..... 35/37
2Co_5:1...........a/building of God/an...... 33/37
1Ki_15:21.......off/building of Ramah and dwelt/in 9/37
2Ch_16:5........off/building of Ramah and let/his 12/37
2Ch_3:3.........the/building of the house of God/The 11/37
1Ki_9:1.........the/building of the house of the/LORD 8/37
Rev_21:18.......the/building of the wall/of. 37/37
Ezr_6:8.........the/building of this/house.. 18/37
Eze_40:5........the/building one/reed....... 21/37
Eze_41:15.......the/building over/against... 25/37
Eze_46:23........of/building round/about.... 30/37
Eze_41:12.......the/building that/was....... 22/37
1Ki_6:7..........in/building The door/for.... 4/37
Ezr_4:12..Jerusalem/building the rebellious/and 15/37
Eze_42:1........the/building toward/the..... 26/37
Jud_1:20....beloved/building up/yourselves.. 36/37
1Ki_6:7..........in/building was built/of.... 3/37
Eze_41:12.......the/building was five/cubits 23/37
Eze_42:6........the/building was straitened/more 28/37
Eze_41:13.......the/building with/the....... 24/37
Jos_22:19........in/building you/an.......... 1/37
Mar_13:1.......what/buildings are/here........ 2/3
Mat_24:1........the/buildings of/the.......... 1/3
Mar_13:2......great/buildings there/shall..... 3/3
Jdg_1:26........and/built a city and called/the 22/169
Jdg_18:28......they/built a city and dwelt/therein 25/169
Deu_20:5.......hath/built a new/house...... 15/169
Mar_12:1........and/built a tower and let it out to husbandmen and went into a far country And at/the 159/169
Mat_21:33.......and/built a tower and let it out to husbandmen and went into a far country And when/the 158/169
Isa_5:2.........and/built a tower in/the.. 132/169
2Ch_33:14........he/built a wall/without.. 119/169
1Ki_16:24........he/built after/the........ 64/169
Dan_9:25.........be/built again and the/wall 150/169
Deu_13:16........be/built again And there/shall 14/169
Job_12:14........be/built again he/shutteth 127/169
2Ch_33:3.........he/built again the/high.. 116/169
Heb_3:4........that/built all/things...... 168/169
Jer_19:5.......have/built also the high/places 138/169
1Ki_7:2..........He/built also the house/of 44/169
2Ch_33:5.........he/built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD And he caused/his 118/169
2Ki_21:5.........he/built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD And he made/his 75/169
2Ki_21:4.........he/built altars in the house of the LORD of/which 74/169
2Ch_33:4.........he/built altars in the house of the LORD whereof/the 117/169
2Ki_16:11....priest/built an altar according/to 70/169
Exo_17:15.....Moses/built an altar and/called 6/169
Exo_32:5.........he/built an altar before/it 7/169
1Ki_18:32........he/built an altar in/the.. 66/169
Jos_22:11......have/built an altar over/against 19/169
Gen_22:9....Abraham/built an altar there and/laid 2/169
Jdg_6:24.....Gideon/built an altar there unto/the 23/169
1Sa_7:17.........he/built an altar unto the LORD And/it 27/169
Jos_8:30.....Joshua/built an altar unto the LORD God/of 16/169
1Sa_14:35......Saul/built an altar unto the LORD the/same 28/169
Luk_6:48......which/built an house and/digged 161/169
1Ki_8:20.......have/built an house for/the. 46/169
2Ch_6:2........have/built an house of/habitation 85/169
Luk_6:49.foundation/built an house upon/the 162/169
Neh_7:1.........was/built and I had/set... 126/169
Isa_44:26........be/built and I will/raise 134/169
Num_21:27........be/built and prepared/For.. 9/169
2Ch_14:7.......they/built and prospered/And 102/169
1Ki_10:4........had/built And the meat of his table and the sitting of his servants and the attendance of his ministers and their apparel and/his 54/169
2Ch_9:3.........had/built And the meat of his table and the sitting of his servants and the attendance of his ministers and their apparel his/cupbearers 98/169
Jdg_6:28........was/built And they/said.... 24/169
Isa_44:28........be/built and to/the...... 135/169
1Ki_22:39........he/built are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel/So 67/169
1Ki_15:23........he/built are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah/Nevertheless 62/169
2Ch_8:12........had/built before/the....... 97/169
1Ch_7:24........who/built Bethhoron the nether/and 79/169
2Ch_8:5..........he/built Bethhoron the upper/and 95/169
2Ch_27:4.........he/built castles/and..... 114/169
1Ki_6:10.........he/built chambers against/all 38/169
1Ki_6:5..........he/built chambers round/about 35/169
2Ch_26:6........and/built cities about/Ashdod 108/169
2Ch_11:5........and/built cities for/defence 99/169
2Ch_27:4.........he/built cities in/the... 113/169
2Sa_5:11.......they/built David/an......... 31/169
Num_32:34.......Gad/built Dibon/and........ 11/169
2Ki_14:22........He/built Elath/and........ 68/169
2Ch_26:2.........He/built Eloth/and....... 107/169
2Ch_11:6.........He/built even/Bethlehem.. 100/169
2Ch_14:6.........he/built fenced/cities... 101/169
Zec_8:9..........be/built For before/these 155/169
1Ki_11:38.........I/built for David/and.... 56/169
2Ch_8:11........had/built for her for/he... 96/169
1Ki_9:24........had/built for her then/did. 52/169
Exo_1:11.......they/built for Pharaoh/treasure 5/169
Dan_4:30.......have/built for the house/of 149/169
1Ki_6:2.....Solomon/built for the LORD/the. 34/169
2Ch_6:38.......have/built for thy name Then hear thou from the heavens even/from 90/169
2Ch_6:34.......have/built for thy name Then hear thou from the heavens their/prayer 89/169
1Ki_8:44.......have/built for thy name Then hear thou in/heaven 47/169
1Ki_8:48.......have/built for thy name Then hear thou their/prayer 48/169
2Ki_25:1.......they/built forts against it round about And/the 76/169
Jer_52:4........and/built forts against it round about So/the 144/169
1Ki_9:17....Solomon/built Gezer/and........ 51/169
Deu_8:12.......hast/built goodly/houses.... 13/169
Ecc_9:14........and/built great/bulwarks.. 131/169
2Ch_6:18.......have/built Have/respect..... 87/169
Num_32:37....Reuben/built Heshbon/and...... 12/169
2Ch_33:19........he/built high/places..... 121/169
Gen_33:17.......and/built him an house and/made 3/169
Act_7:47....Solomon/built him an house Howbeit/the 164/169
Mat_7:24......which/built his house upon a/rock 156/169
Mat_7:26......which/built his house upon the/sand 157/169
Psa_78:69........he/built his sanctuary/like 129/169
Amo_5:11.......have/built houses/of....... 151/169
2Ch_8:4..........he/built in Hamath/Also... 94/169
Zec_1:16.........be/built in it/saith..... 154/169
1Ch_6:10....Solomon/built in Jerusalem/And. 77/169
2Ch_17:12........he/built in Judah/castles 105/169
1Ki_16:32.......had/built in Samaria/And... 65/169
Mic_7:11.........be/built in that/day..... 152/169
2Ki_16:18.......had/built in the house/and. 71/169
Jer_12:16........be/built in the midst/of. 137/169
2Ch_33:15.......had/built in the mount/of. 120/169
2Ch_6:33.......have/built is/called........ 88/169
Neh_3:15.........he/built it and covered/it 124/169
Neh_3:13.......they/built it and set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof and/a 122/169
Neh_3:14.........he/built it and set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof But/the 123/169
Jer_32:31......they/built it even/unto.... 141/169
1Ch_17:6........not/built me/an............ 82/169
1Ki_11:27...Solomon/built Millo/and........ 55/169
2Ch_27:3.........he/built much/Moreover... 112/169
Eze_26:14........be/built no/more......... 148/169
Jos_24:13........ye/built not/and.......... 21/169
Jer_31:4.........be/built O/virgin........ 139/169
1Ki_6:7.........was/built of/stone......... 36/169
1Ki_16:24.......and/built on/the........... 63/169
1Ch_8:12........who/built Ono/and.......... 80/169
1Ki_12:25.......and/built Penuel/And....... 58/169
1Ki_15:17.......and/built Ramah that/he.... 60/169
2Ch_16:1........and/built Ramah to/the.... 103/169
2Sa_5:9.......David/built round/about...... 30/169
Num_23:14.......and/built seven altars/and. 10/169
Num_13:22.......was/built seven years/before 8/169
1Ki_12:25..Jeroboam/built Shechem/in....... 57/169
2Ch_8:4..........he/built Tadmor/in........ 93/169
Luk_4:29........was/built that/they....... 160/169
Jos_19:50........he/built the city and/dwelt 17/169
1Ch_11:8.........he/built the city round/about 81/169
2Ch_27:3.........He/built the high gate/of 111/169
Jer_32:35......they/built the high places of Baal/which 142/169
Jer_7:31.......have/built the high places of Tophet/which 136/169
2Ki_15:35........He/built the higher/gate.. 69/169
1Ki_6:9..........he/built the house and finished it and covered/the 37/169
1Ki_6:14....Solomon/built the house and finished it And he/built 39/169
2Ch_6:10.......have/built the house for/the 86/169
2Ch_8:1.........had/built the house of the LORD and/his 91/169
1Ch_6:32........had/built the house of the LORD in/Jerusalem 78/169
1Ki_6:36.........he/built the inner/court.. 43/169
1Ki_9:10........had/built the two/houses... 50/169
1Ki_6:15.........he/built the walls/of..... 40/169
2Ch_20:8.......have/built thee a/sanctuary 106/169
1Ki_8:13.....surely/built thee an/house.... 45/169
2Ch_8:2.....Solomon/built them and/caused.. 92/169
1Ki_6:16.......even/built them for/it...... 42/169
1Ki_14:23......also/built them high places and/images 59/169
2Ki_17:9.......they/built them high places in/all 72/169
Hag_1:2..........be/built Then/came....... 153/169
Gen_35:7.........he/built there an altar and called/the 4/169
Jdg_21:4........and/built there an altar and offered/burnt 26/169
Jos_22:10..Manasseh/built there an altar by/Jordan 18/169
Gen_13:18.......and/built there an altar unto the LORD And it/came 1/169
1Ch_21:26.....David/built there an altar unto the LORD and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings and/called 83/169
2Sa_24:25.....David/built there an altar unto the LORD and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings So/the 32/169
Isa_25:2.........be/built Therefore/shall. 133/169
1Co_3:14.......hath/built thereupon/he.... 165/169
2Ch_16:6.........he/built therewith/Geba.. 104/169
Eze_16:25......hast/built thy/high........ 147/169
1Ki_9:3........hast/built to put/my........ 49/169
Jer_31:38........be/built to the LORD/from 140/169
1Ch_22:19........be/built to the name/of... 84/169
2Ch_26:9.....Uzziah/built towers in Jerusalem/at 109/169
2Ch_26:10........he/built towers in the/desert 110/169
1Ki_6:16.........he/built twenty/cubits.... 41/169
1Ki_9:25.........he/built unto the LORD and he/burnt 53/169
1Sa_14:35........he/built unto the LORD And Saul/said 29/169
1Ki_3:2.......house/built unto the name/of. 33/169
Eze_16:24......also/built unto thee/an.... 146/169
1Pe_2:5.........are/built up a spiritual/house 169/169
Eze_13:10.......one/built up a wall/and... 145/169
2Ki_21:3.........he/built up again/the..... 73/169
2Ch_32:5........and/built up all/the...... 115/169
Psa_89:2.........be/built up for/ever..... 130/169
Col_2:7.........and/built up in/him....... 167/169
Job_22:23........be/built up thou/shalt... 128/169
Eph_2:20........are/built upon/the........ 166/169
Luk_7:5........hath/built us a/synagogue.. 163/169
Jos_22:23......have/built us an/altar...... 20/169
Neh_4:6..........So/built we/the.......... 125/169
Jer_45:4.......have/built will/I.......... 143/169
1Ki_15:22.......Asa/built with/them........ 61/169