Rut_4:21..begat/Boaz and Boaz begat Obed And Obed begat Jesse and Jesse begat David/Now 19/24
1Ch_2:11..begat/Boaz And Boaz begat Obed and Obed begat Jesse And Jesse begat his/firstborn 22/24 And Naomi/said...... 9/24
Rut_2:1.....was/Boaz And Ruth/the........ 1/24
1Ki_7:21thereof/Boaz And upon/the....... 21/24
Rut_2:11....And/Boaz answered/and........ 6/24
Rut_4:21....and/Boaz begat Obed And Obed begat Jesse and Jesse begat David/Now 20/24
1Ch_2:12....And/Boaz begat Obed and Obed begat Jesse And Jesse begat his/firstborn 23/24
Rut_4:8....unto/Boaz Buy/it............. 16/24
Rut_2:4..behold/Boaz came/from........... 3/24
Rut_2:15..glean/Boaz commanded/his....... 8/24
Rut_3:7....when/Boaz had/eaten.......... 12/24
2Ch_3:17...left/Boaz Moreover/he........ 24/24
Rut_3:2.....not/Boaz of/our............. 11/24
Rut_2:14....And/Boaz said unto her/At.... 7/24
Rut_4:9.....And/Boaz said unto the/elders 17/24
Rut_4:1....whom/Boaz spake/came......... 14/24
Rut_2:23.....of/Boaz to/glean........... 10/24
Rut_4:13.....So/Boaz took/Ruth.......... 18/24
Rut_2:5....said/Boaz unto his/servant.... 4/24
Rut_2:8....said/Boaz unto Ruth/Hearest... 5/24
Rut_4:1....went/Boaz up/to.............. 13/24
Rut_4:5....said/Boaz What/day........... 15/24
Rut_2:3....unto/Boaz who/was............. 2/24