Job_30:29........I/am a brother/to....... 287/874
Job_7:20.........I/am a burden/to........ 266/874
Jer_1:6..........I/am a child But/the.... 440/874
Jer_1:7..........I/am a child for/thou... 441/874
Psa_119:63.......I/am a companion/of..... 354/874
Isa_56:3.........I/am a dry/tree......... 434/874
Jer_31:9.........I/am a father/to........ 468/874
Eze_28:2.........I/am a God/I............ 530/874
Mal_1:14.........I/am a great King/saith. 610/874
Jos_17:14........I/am a great people/forasmuch 156/874
Deu_5:9........God/am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Keep/the 147/874
Exo_20:5.......God/am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Remember/the 75/874
Act_22:3.....which/am a Jew born/in...... 760/874
Act_21:39....which/am a Jew of/Tarsus.... 758/874
Joh_18:37........I/am a king/To.......... 741/874
Jdg_17:9.........I/am a Levite/of........ 165/874
Act_10:26.....also/am a man And/as....... 749/874
Isa_6:5..........I/am a man of/unclean... 385/874
Luk_7:8.......also/am a man set/under.... 656/874
Mat_8:9..........I/am a man under/authority 617/874
Act_21:39........I/am a man which/am..... 757/874
Act_23:6.........I/am a Pharisee/the..... 762/874
1Sa_18:23........I/am a poor/man......... 194/874
1Ki_13:18........I/am a prophet/also..... 222/874
Luk_5:8..........I/am a sinful/man....... 654/874
Gen_27:11........I/am a smooth/man........ 21/874
Gen_23:4.........I/am a stranger and a/sojourner 11/874
Rut_2:10.........I/am a stranger And Boaz/answered 170/874
Psa_119:19.......I/am a stranger in/the.. 353/874
Psa_39:12........I/am a stranger with/thee 317/874
Son_8:10.........I/am a wall/and......... 381/874
Jer_29:23......and/am a witness/saith.... 466/874
1Sa_1:15.........I/am a woman of a/sorrowful 175/874
Joh_4:9......which/am a woman of Samaria/for 681/874
Psa_22:6.........I/am a worm/and......... 301/874
1Sa_30:13........I/am a young/man........ 197/874
Mat_26:61........I/am able to destroy/the 634/874
Mat_9:28.........I/am able to do/this.... 619/874
2Ch_2:9..........I/am about/to........... 248/874
Gen_24:34........I/am Abraham's/servant... 13/874
Job_33:6.........I/am according/to....... 290/874
Act_26:2.........I/am accused of the Jews Especially/because 765/874
Act_26:7.........I/am accused of the Jews Why/should 767/874
Psa_88:15........I/am afflicted and/ready 341/874
Psa_119:107......I/am afflicted very/much 357/874
Job_21:6.........I/am afraid and/trembling 281/874
Psa_56:3.........I/am afraid I/will...... 323/874
Job_9:28.........I/am afraid of all/my... 268/874
Job_23:15........I/am afraid of him/For.. 283/874
Jer_38:19........I/am afraid of the/Jews. 471/874
Psa_119:120......I/am afraid of thy/judgments 358/874
Gal_4:11.........I/am afraid of you/lest. 831/874
Rut_4:4..........I/am after/thee......... 173/874
Eze_30:22........I/am against Pharaoh/king 545/874
Jer_23:30........I/am against the prophets saith the LORD that steal/my 461/874
Jer_23:31........I/am against the prophets saith the LORD that use/their 462/874
Eze_34:10........I/am against the shepherds/and 550/874
Eze_29:10........I/am against thee and against/thy 540/874
Eze_35:3.........I/am against thee and I/will 554/874
Eze_21:3.........I/am against thee and will draw/forth 517/874
Eze_5:8..........I/am against thee and will execute/judgments 482/874
Jer_51:25........I/am against thee O destroying/mountain 475/874
Eze_39:1.........I/am against thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal And I will turn thee back and leave/but 567/874
Eze_38:3.........I/am against thee O Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal And I will turn thee back and put/hooks 565/874
Jer_21:13........I/am against thee O inhabitant/of 458/874
Jer_50:31........I/am against thee O thou/most 474/874
Eze_26:3.........I/am against thee O Tyrus/and 527/874
Eze_28:22........I/am against thee O Zidon/and 532/874
Eze_29:3.........I/am against thee Pharaoh/king 537/874
Nah_2:13.........I/am against thee saith the LORD of hosts and I will burn/her 596/874
Nah_3:5..........I/am against thee saith the LORD of hosts and I will discover/thy 597/874
Jer_23:32........I/am against them/that.. 463/874
Eze_13:8.........I/am against you/saith.. 498/874
Eze_13:20........I/am against your/pillows 501/874
Rev_1:18.........I/am alive/for.......... 865/874
Rev_21:6.........I/am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end I/will 871/874
Rev_22:13........I/am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the/first 873/874
Rev_1:8..........I/am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending/saith 860/874
Rev_1:11.........I/am Alpha and Omega the first/and 862/874
1Pe_5:1........who/am also an/elder...... 857/874
Col_4:3..........I/am also in/bonds...... 847/874
Luk_22:27........I/am among/you.......... 670/874
Job_19:15........I/am an alien/in........ 279/874
2Sa_1:8..........I/am an Amalekite/He.... 200/874
Eph_6:20.........I/am an ambassador/in... 837/874
Jon_1:9..........I/am an Hebrew/and...... 592/874
Deu_31:2.........I/am an hundred/and..... 150/874
Zec_13:5.........I/am an husbandman/for.. 609/874
Rom_11:1......also/am an Israelite/of.... 781/874
Luk_1:18.........I/am an old/man......... 648/874
2Sa_2:20.........I/am And Abner/said..... 203/874
Gen_27:24........I/am And he said Bring/it 24/874
Gen_22:1.........I/am And he said Take/now. 8/874
Exo_3:14.........I/AM and he said Thus/shalt 51/874
1Co_15:10........I/am and his/grace...... 808/874
Joh_7:28.........I/am and I/am........... 689/874
Jdg_13:11........I/am And Manoah/said.... 164/874
Isa_47:8.........I/am and none else beside me I/shall 421/874
Isa_47:10........I/am and none else beside me Therefore/shall 422/874
Mar_8:29.........I/am And Peter/answereth 641/874
Mat_16:15........I/am And Simon/Peter.... 625/874
Zep_2:15.........I/am and there/is....... 599/874
Mar_8:27.........I/am And they answered/John 640/874 And they said Some/say 624/874
Luk_22:70........I/am And they said What/need 673/874
Act_27:23........I/am and whom/I......... 772/874
Mar_14:62........I/am and ye/shall....... 647/874
2Ti_1:11.........I/am appointed/a........ 851/874
Php_3:12.........I/am apprehended/of..... 840/874
Num_11:21........I/am are/six............ 137/874
Psa_88:4.........I/am as a man/that...... 339/874
Psa_102:7......and/am as a sparrow/alone. 346/874
Psa_71:7.........I/am as a wonder/unto... 331/874
Job_12:4.........I/am as one/mocked...... 274/874
Jos_14:11........I/am as strong/this..... 155/874
2Ch_18:3.........I/am as thou art and/my. 251/874
2Ki_3:7..........I/am as thou art my people as thy people and/my 238/874
1Ki_22:4.........I/am as thou art my people as thy people my/horses 235/874
Mic_7:1..........I/am as when/they....... 595/874
Gal_4:12.........I/am as ye/are.......... 833/874
Ezr_9:6..........I/am ashamed and/blush.. 254/874
Luk_16:3.........I/am ashamed I/am....... 664/874
Gen_25:32........I/am at/the.............. 16/874
Mar_10:38........I/am baptized with And/they 642/874
Mat_20:23........I/am baptized with but/to 630/874
Mat_20:22........I/am baptized with They/say 629/874
Mar_10:39........I/am baptized withal/shall 643/874
2Co_10:1..presence/am base/among......... 813/874
2Co_12:11........I/am become a fool/in... 825/874
Psa_69:8.........I/am become a stranger/unto 326/874
1Co_13:1.........I/am become as/sounding. 802/874
Psa_119:83.......I/am become like a/bottle 355/874
Job_30:19........I/am become like dust/and 286/874
Hos_12:8.........I/am become rich/I...... 583/874
Gen_32:10........I/am become two/bands.... 34/874
Lam_1:11.........I/am become vile/Is..... 476/874
Psa_39:4.........I/am Behold/thou........ 315/874
Gen_43:14........I/am bereaved/And........ 39/874
Jer_8:21.........I/am black astonishment/hath 452/874
Son_1:6..........I/am black because/the.. 373/874
Son_1:5..........I/am black but/comely... 372/874
2Co_11:21........I/am bold also/Are...... 817/874
2Co_10:1....absent/am bold toward/you.... 814/874
Act_28:20........I/am bound/with......... 773/874
Psa_38:6.........I/am bowed/down......... 312/874
2Ki_21:12........I/am bringing/such...... 243/874
Eze_6:9..........I/am broken/with........ 484/874
Psa_142:6........I/am brought/very....... 365/874
1Ki_3:7..........I/am but a/little....... 219/874
Gen_18:27....which/am but dust/and......... 7/874
Jer_15:16........I/am called by/thy...... 455/874
Act_23:6.........I/am called in question And/when 763/874
Act_24:21........I/am called in question by/you 764/874
Rom_7:14.........I/am carnal/sold........ 778/874
Jon_2:4..........I/am cast/out........... 593/874
1Ti_1:15.........I/am chief/Howbeit...... 848/874
Mar_13:6.........I/am Christ and shall deceive many And when/ye 645/874
Mat_24:5.........I/am Christ and shall deceive many And ye/shall 632/874
Luk_21:8.........I/am Christ and the/time 669/874
Act_18:6.........I/am clean from/henceforth 753/874
Job_11:4.........I/am clean in/thine..... 272/874
Job_33:9.........I/am clean without/transgression 292/874
Joh_12:46........I/am come a/light....... 717/874
Act_7:34.......and/am come down to deliver them And/now 745/874
Exo_3:8..........I/am come down to deliver them out/of 48/874
Dan_10:12........I/am come for/thy....... 578/874
Joh_5:43.........I/am come in/my......... 684/874
Psa_69:2.........I/am come into deep/waters 324/874
Son_5:1..........I/am come into my/garden 377/874
Joh_16:28......and/am come into the/world 728/874
Joh_9:39.........I/am come into this/world 706/874
Joh_10:10........I/am come that/they..... 709/874
2Sa_19:20........I/am come the/first..... 213/874
Mat_5:17.........I/am come to destroy/the 614/874
Luk_12:51........I/am come to give/peace. 661/874
Ecc_1:16.........I/am come to great/estate 371/874
Dan_10:14........I/am come to make/thee.. 579/874
1Sa_16:2.........I/am come to sacrifice to/the 188/874
1Sa_16:5.........I/am come to sacrifice unto/the 189/874
Luk_12:49........I/am come to send fire/on 659/874
Mat_10:34........I/am come to send peace/on 620/874
Mat_10:35........I/am come to set/a...... 621/874
Dan_9:23.........I/am come to shew/thee.. 576/874
2Sa_14:15........I/am come to speak/of... 210/874
Deu_26:3.........I/am come unto the/country 148/874
Exo_18:6....Jethro/am come unto thee and/thy 73/874
Num_22:38........I/am come unto thee have/I 143/874
2Ki_19:23........I/am come up/to......... 242/874
Joh_5:7..........I/am coming another/steppeth 683/874
2Co_13:1.........I/am coming to/you...... 828/874
Lev_10:13........I/am commanded And/the... 81/874
Lev_8:35.........I/am commanded So/Aaron.. 80/874
Psa_39:10........I/am consumed/by........ 316/874
Psa_73:23........I/am continually/with... 333/874
Psa_88:4.........I/am counted/with....... 338/874
Gal_2:20.........I/am crucified/with..... 830/874
Psa_31:22........I/am cut off from/before 308/874
Lam_3:54.........I/am cut off I/called... 480/874
1Ki_13:31........I/am dead then/bury..... 223/874 dead to/the........ 829/874
Rom_1:14.........I/am debtor/both........ 774/874
Isa_38:10........I/am deprived/of........ 394/874
Isa_49:21......and/am desolate a/captive. 428/874
Psa_25:16........I/am desolate and/afflicted 303/874
Psa_88:15........I/am distracted/Thy..... 342/874
2Sa_1:26.........I/am distressed/for..... 202/874
Neh_6:3..........I/am doing/a............ 255/874
Gen_27:19........I/am Esau/thy............ 23/874
Job_1:19......only/am escaped alone to tell thee Then/Job 261/874
Job_1:16......only/am escaped alone to tell thee While he was yet speaking there came also another and said The Chaldeans/made 259/874
Job_1:15......only/am escaped alone to tell thee While he was yet speaking there came also another and said The fire/of 258/874
Job_1:17......only/am escaped alone to tell thee While he was yet speaking there came also another and said Thy/sons 260/874
Job_19:20........I/am escaped with/the... 280/874
2Co_7:4..........I/am exceeding/joyful... 811/874
Act_26:29........I/am except/these....... 771/874
Gen_25:30........I/am faint/therefore..... 15/874
Psa_139:14.......I/am fearfully/and...... 362/874
Psa_38:8.........I/am feeble/and......... 313/874
2Co_7:4..........I/am filled/with........ 810/874
Gal_4:12.........I/am for I/am........... 832/874
Psa_120:7........I/am for peace/but...... 361/874
Eze_36:9.........I/am for you/and........ 559/874
Psa_31:12........I/am forgotten/as....... 306/874
Job_33:6......also/am formed/out......... 291/874
Isa_65:1.........I/am found/of........... 438/874
Joh_8:23.........I/am from above/ye...... 698/874
Joh_7:29.........I/am from him/and....... 691/874
Php_4:18.........I/am full having/received 843/874
Job_10:15........I/am full of confusion/therefore 271/874
Psa_69:20........I/am full of heaviness/and 328/874
Job_32:18........I/am full of matter/the. 289/874
Mic_3:8..........I/am full of power/by... 594/874
Isa_1:11.........I/am full of the burnt/offerings 382/874
Jer_6:11.........I/am full of the fury/of 449/874
Job_7:4..........I/am full of tossings/to 263/874
Luk_1:19.........I/am Gabriel/that....... 649/874
1Ki_17:12........I/am gathering/two...... 225/874
Joh_11:15........I/am glad for/your...... 714/874
1Co_16:17........I/am glad of/the........ 809/874
Rom_16:19........I/am glad therefore/on.. 787/874
Joh_17:10........I/am glorified/in....... 730/874
1Ki_18:8.........I/am go/tell............ 226/874
Gen_35:11........I/am God Almighty/be..... 35/874
Hos_11:9.........I/am God and not/man.... 582/874
Isa_46:9.........I/am God and there is none else I am/God 419/874
Isa_45:22........I/am God and there is none else I have/sworn 417/874
Isa_46:9.........I/am God and there is none like/me 420/874
Eze_28:9.........I/am God but/thou....... 531/874
Psa_50:7.........I/am God even/thy....... 321/874
Psa_46:10........I/am God I/will......... 320/874
Gen_46:3.........I/am God the/God......... 43/874
Isa_43:12........I/am God Yea/before..... 404/874
Jos_23:14........I/am going/the.......... 158/874
Job_19:10........I/am gone and/mine...... 278/874
Dan_10:20........I/am gone forth/lo...... 580/874
1Ki_18:12........I/am gone from/thee..... 227/874
Psa_109:23.......I/am gone like/the...... 349/874
Exo_9:29.........I/am gone out/of......... 66/874
Mat_20:15........I/am good/So............ 628/874
Exo_22:27........I/am gracious/Thou....... 76/874
Exo_3:14.........I/AM hath/sent........... 52/874
Isa_46:4.........I/am he and even/to..... 418/874
Joh_18:5.........I/am he And Judas/also.. 735/874
Joh_8:28.........I/am he and that/I...... 701/874
Deu_32:39........I/am he and there is no/god 152/874
Isa_43:13........I/am he and there is none/that 405/874
Joh_4:26......thee/am he And upon/this... 682/874
Isa_43:10........I/am he before/me....... 402/874
Isa_48:12........I/am he I/am............ 423/874
Joh_18:8.........I/am he if/therefore.... 737/874
Isa_43:25........I/am he that blotteth/out 407/874
1Sa_4:16.........I/am he that came/out... 182/874
Isa_51:12........I/am he that comforteth/you 431/874
Isa_52:6.........I/am he that doth/speak. 433/874
Rev_1:18.........I/am he that liveth/and. 864/874
Isa_41:4.........I/am he The/isles....... 396/874
2Sa_20:17........I/am he Then/she........ 216/874
Joh_9:9..........I/am he Therefore/said.. 705/874
Joh_18:6.........I/am he they/went....... 736/874
Joh_13:19........I/am he Verily/verily... 719/874
Rev_2:23.........I/am he which/searcheth. 866/874
Act_10:21........I/am he whom/ye......... 748/874
Joh_8:24.........I/am he ye/shall........ 700/874
Psa_28:7.........I/am helped/therefore... 304/874
Act_9:10.........I/am here/Lord.......... 747/874
Son_2:16.........I/am his he/feedeth..... 376/874
Jdg_18:4.........I/am his priest/And..... 166/874
Isa_65:5.........I/am holier/than........ 439/874
Lev_20:26.....LORD/am holy and have/severed 111/874
1Pe_1:16.........I/am holy And if/ye..... 856/874 holy And the/daughter 112/874
Lev_11:44........I/am holy neither/shall.. 83/874
Psa_86:2.........I/am holy O/thou........ 337/874
Lev_11:45........I/am holy This/is........ 85/874
Lev_19:2.......God/am holy Ye/shall....... 92/874
1Sa_17:43....David/Am I a dog/that....... 191/874
2Sa_3:8.......said/Am I a dog's/head..... 204/874
Jer_23:23...doings/Am I a God/at......... 460/874
Joh_18:35.answered/Am I a Jew/Thine...... 740/874
Job_7:12......soul/Am I a sea/or......... 265/874
Rom_3:7........yet/am I also/judged...... 777/874
Act_13:25........I/am I am/not........... 750/874
1Sa_3:4.......Here/am I And he ran/unto.. 177/874 I And he said Behold/now 19/874
Exo_3:4.......Here/am I And he said Draw/not 46/874
Gen_46:2......Here/am I And he said I/am.. 42/874
Gen_22:11.....Here/am I And he said Lay/not 10/874
Gen_31:11.....Here/am I And he said Lift/up 31/874
Gen_37:13.....Here/am I And he said to/him 36/874
2Sa_1:7.......Here/am I And he said unto/me 199/874
1Sa_3:16......Here/am I And he said What/is 181/874
Jdg_19:18...thence/am I and I/went....... 167/874
Isa_48:16....there/am I and now/the...... 426/874
1Sa_18:18......Who/am I and what is my life/or 193/874
1Ch_29:14......who/am I and what is my people/that 246/874 I Are they Israelites/so 818/874 I Are they ministers/of 820/874 I Are they the/seed 819/874
2Co_12:11..nothing/am I behind/the....... 826/874
Joh_1:31.therefore/am I come baptizing/with 678/874
2Sa_14:32Wherefore/am I come from/Geshur. 211/874
Isa_37:24.chariots/am I come up/to....... 393/874
Job_16:6......what/am I eased/But........ 276/874
2Sa_1:3.....Israel/am I escaped/And...... 198/874
1Co_10:30......why/am I evil/spoken...... 796/874
Gen_30:13....Happy/am I for the/daughters. 30/874
1Sa_3:5.......Here/am I for thou calledst/me 178/874
1Sa_3:8.......Here/am I for thou didst call me And Eli/perceived 180/874
1Sa_3:6.......Here/am I for thou didst call me And he/answered 179/874
2Ki_5:7.......said/Am I God/to........... 239/874
Hos_2:2....neither/am I her/husband...... 581/874
Jer_8:21....people/am I hurt/I........... 451/874
Gen_30:2......said/Am I in God's/stead.... 29/874
Mat_18:20....there/am I in the midst/of.. 627/874
Gen_50:19......for/am I in the place/of... 45/874
Est_5:12....morrow/am I invited/unto..... 257/874 I let/him.......... 212/874
Job_7:3.........So/am I made/to.......... 262/874
Gen_4:9........not/Am I my brother's/keeper 1/874
Gen_22:7......Here/am I my son/And......... 9/874 I not able/indeed.. 142/874
1Co_9:1.....offend/Am I not an/apostle... 792/874
1Co_9:1....apostle/am I not free/have.... 793/874
1Co_4:4........yet/am I not hereby/justified 791/874
Jos_5:14......LORD/am I now come And/Joshua 153/874
Isa_36:10......And/am I now come up without the LORD against this land/to 392/874
2Ki_18:25.horsemen/Am I now come up without the LORD against this place/to 241/874
Dan_10:11.....thee/am I now sent/And..... 577/874
1Ch_17:16......Who/am I O LORD God and what is mine/house 244/874
2Sa_7:18.......Who/am I O Lord GOD and what is my/house 206/874
Isa_6:8.......Here/am I send/me.......... 386/874
Luk_4:43.therefore/am I sent/And......... 653/874 I straitened/till.. 660/874
2Co_12:10.....then/am I strong/I......... 824/874
Exo_3:11.......Who/am I that/I............ 49/874 I their/song....... 284/874
2Ch_2:6........who/am I then/that........ 247/874 I therefore/become. 834/874
Gen_25:22......why/am I thus/And.......... 14/874
Job_23:15Therefore/am I troubled/at...... 282/874
Gen_27:18.....Here/am I who/art........... 22/874
Gen_38:25......are/am I with child/and.... 37/874
Joh_7:33.....while/am I with you and/then 692/874
Col_2:5........yet/am I with you in/the.. 846/874
Joh_13:13........I/am If I/then.......... 718/874
Isa_58:9.........I/am If thou/take....... 435/874
1Ch_21:13........I/am in a great strait let me/fall 245/874
2Sa_24:14........I/am in a great strait let us/fall 218/874
Php_1:23.........I/am in a strait/betwixt 839/874
Jer_20:7.........I/am in derision/daily.. 457/874
Lam_1:20.........I/am in distress/my..... 478/874
Joh_14:20........I/am in my/Father....... 725/874
Joh_14:11........I/am in the Father and the Father in me or/else 724/874
Joh_14:10........I/am in the Father and the Father in me the/words 723/874
Joe_2:27.........I/am in the midst/of.... 587/874
Joh_9:5..........I/am in the world/I..... 703/874
2Pe_1:13.........I/am in this/tabernacle. 858/874
Psa_69:17........I/am in trouble hear/me. 327/874
Psa_102:2........I/am in trouble incline/thine 343/874
Psa_31:9.........I/am in trouble mine/eye 305/874
Jer_26:14........I/am in your/hand....... 465/874
2Sa_14:5.........I/am indeed/a........... 209/874
Job_33:9.........I/am innocent neither/is 293/874
Mat_27:24........I/am innocent of/the.... 635/874
Jer_2:35.........I/am innocent surely/his 445/874
Php_4:12.........I/am instructed/both.... 842/874
Zec_1:14.........I/am jealous for/Jerusalem 602/874
2Co_11:2.........I/am jealous over/you... 816/874
Act_22:8.........I/am Jesus of/Nazareth.. 761/874
Act_26:15........I/am Jesus whom thou persecutest But/rise 768/874
Act_9:5..........I/am Jesus whom thou persecutest it/is 746/874
Gen_45:3.........I/am Joseph doth/my...... 40/874
Gen_45:4.........I/am Joseph your/brother. 41/874
Act_26:6.......and/am judged/for......... 766/874
Joh_19:21........I/am King/of............ 742/874
1Co_13:12........I/am known And/now...... 804/874
Joh_10:14......and/am known of/mine...... 712/874
Rom_11:3.........I/am left alone/and..... 782/874
1Ki_19:10.....only/am left and they seek my life to take it away And he/said 230/874
1Ki_19:14.....only/am left and they seek my life to take it away And the/LORD 231/874
Eph_3:8........who/am less/than.......... 836/874
Psa_31:12........I/am like a broken/vessel 307/874
Jer_23:9.........I/am like a drunken/man. 459/874
Hos_14:8.........I/am like a green fir/tree 586/874
Psa_52:8.........I/am like a green olive/tree 322/874
Psa_102:6........I/am like a pelican/of.. 344/874
Psa_102:6........I/am like an/owl........ 345/874
Col_1:25.........I/am made a minister according/to 845/874
Col_1:23......Paul/am made a minister Who/now 844/874
1Co_9:22.........I/am made all/things.... 795/874
Jer_3:14.........I/am married/unto....... 447/874
Mat_11:29........I/am meek/and........... 622/874
Jer_3:12.........I/am merciful/saith..... 446/874
Pro_30:2.........I/am more brutish/than.. 370/874
2Co_11:23........I/am more in/labours.... 821/874
Psa_13:4.........I/am moved/But.......... 298/874
Son_7:10.........I/am my beloved's and his/desire 380/874
Son_6:3..........I/am my beloved's and my/beloved 379/874
1Sa_22:12........I/am my lord/And........ 195/874
Joh_17:11........I/am no more in/the..... 731/874
Luk_15:21......and/am no more worthy to be called thy son But/the 663/874
Luk_15:19......And/am no more worthy to be called thy son make/me 662/874
Zec_13:5.........I/am no prophet/I....... 608/874
Rev_18:7.......and/am no widow/and....... 869/874
Num_11:14........I/am not able to bear all/this 136/874
Deu_1:9..........I/am not able to bear you/myself 144/874
Psa_40:12........I/am not able to look/up 318/874
Lam_1:14.........I/am not able to rise/up 477/874
Joh_16:32........I/am not alone because/the 729/874
Joh_8:16.........I/am not alone but/I.... 696/874
Deu_1:42.........I/am not among/you...... 145/874
Luk_22:58........I/am not And about/the.. 672/874
Joh_18:17........I/am not And the/servants 738/874
Joh_1:21.........I/am not Art/thou....... 675/874
Luk_18:11........I/am not as other/men... 668/874
Job_7:8..........I/am not As the/cloud... 264/874
2Co_7:14.........I/am not ashamed but/as. 812/874
2Ti_1:12.........I/am not ashamed for/I.. 852/874
Rom_1:16.........I/am not ashamed of/the. 776/874
1Ki_19:4.........I/am not better/than.... 229/874
Joh_7:28.........I/am not come of/myself. 690/874
Mat_9:13.........I/am not come to call/the 618/874
Mat_5:17.........I/am not come to destroy/but 615/874
Exo_4:10.........I/am not eloquent/neither 54/874
Act_13:25........I/am not he/But......... 751/874
Job_19:7.........I/am not heard/I........ 277/874
1Sa_9:21......said/Am not I a Benjamite/of 184/874
1Sa_17:8.....array/am not I a Philistine/and 190/874
1Sa_1:8....grieved/am not I better/to.... 174/874
Psa_139:21.....and/am not I grieved/with. 364/874
Pro_26:19....saith/Am not I in/sport..... 369/874
Num_22:30...Balaam/Am not I thine/ass.... 141/874
Job_12:3.........I/am not inferior to/you 273/874
Job_13:2.........I/am not inferior unto/you 275/874
Isa_29:12........I/am not learned/Wherefore 390/874
Act_26:25........I/am not mad/most....... 769/874
1Co_15:9......that/am not meet/to........ 806/874
1Co_12:15........I/am not of the body is it therefore not of the body And/if 799/874
1Co_12:16........I/am not of the body is it therefore not of the body If/the 801/874
Joh_17:14........I/am not of the world I/pray 732/874
Joh_17:16........I/am not of the world Sanctify/them 733/874
Joh_8:23.........I/am not of this/world.. 699/874
Joh_18:25........I/am not One/of......... 739/874
Jer_2:23.........I/am not polluted/I..... 444/874
Mat_15:24........I/am not sent/but....... 623/874
Psa_22:2.......and/am not silent/But..... 300/874
Joh_1:20.........I/am not the Christ And/they 674/874
Joh_3:28.........I/am not the Christ but/that 679/874
1Co_12:16........I/am not the eye/I...... 800/874
1Co_12:15........I/am not the hand/I..... 798/874
2Co_11:29........I/am not weak/who....... 822/874
Job_10:7.........I/am not wicked/and..... 270/874
Gen_32:10........I/am not worthy of/the... 33/874
Mat_8:8..........I/am not worthy that thou shouldest come/under 616/874
Luk_7:6..........I/am not worthy that thou shouldest enter/under 655/874
Mat_3:11.........I/am not worthy to bear/he 612/874
Act_13:25........I/am not worthy to loose/Men 752/874
Mar_1:7..........I/am not worthy to stoop/down 638/874
Luk_3:16.........I/am not worthy to unloose he/shall 651/874
Joh_1:27.........I/am not worthy to unloose These/things 677/874
Joh_20:17........I/am not yet/ascended... 743/874
1Co_13:2.........I/am nothing/And........ 803/874
Dan_9:22.........I/am now come/forth..... 575/874
Jdg_19:18........I/am now going/to....... 168/874
2Ti_4:6..........I/am now ready/to....... 854/874
1Co_3:4..........I/am of Apollos/are..... 790/874
1Co_11:1......also/am of Christ/Now...... 797/874
1Co_3:4..........I/am of Paul and another/I 789/874
1Co_1:12.........I/am of Paul and I/of... 788/874
Eze_27:3.........I/am of perfect/beauty.. 529/874
Exo_6:30.........I/am of uncircumcised lips and how/shall 62/874
Exo_6:12.......who/am of uncircumcised lips And the/LORD 60/874
1Sa_12:2.........I/am old and grayheaded/and 185/874
Psa_71:18........I/am old and greyheaded/O 332/874
Jos_23:2.........I/am old and stricken/in 157/874
Gen_27:2.........I/am old I/know.......... 20/874
Gen_18:13....which/am old Is/any........... 6/874 old yet/have....... 310/874
2Sa_20:19........I/am one of/them........ 217/874
Joh_8:18.........I/am one that/bear...... 697/874
Isa_38:14........I/am oppressed/undertake 395/874
1Ti_2:7..........I/am ordained/a......... 849/874
Eze_16:63........I/am pacified/toward.... 507/874
Jer_4:19.........I/am pained/at.......... 448/874
Job_9:20.........I/am perfect/it......... 267/874
Rom_14:14......and/am persuaded by/the... 784/874
Rom_15:14.....also/am persuaded of/you... 785/874
2Ti_1:12.......and/am persuaded that he/is 853/874
2Ti_1:5..........I/am persuaded that in/thee 850/874
Rom_8:38.........I/am persuaded that neither/death 780/874
Act_26:26........I/am persuaded that none/of 770/874
Luk_9:20.........I/am Peter/answering.... 658/874
Gen_41:44........I/am Pharaoh/and......... 38/874
Psa_109:22.......I/am poor and needy and/my 348/874
Psa_70:5.........I/am poor and needy make/haste 330/874
Psa_86:1.........I/am poor and needy Preserve/my 336/874
Psa_40:17........I/am poor and needy yet/the 319/874
Psa_69:29........I/am poor and sorrowful/let 329/874
Psa_22:14........I/am poured/out......... 302/874
2Co_10:2.........I/am present with that/confidence 815/874
Gal_4:18.........I/am present with you/My 835/874
Amo_2:13.........I/am pressed/under...... 591/874
Eze_22:26........I/am profaned/among..... 519/874
Isa_10:13........I/am prudent/and........ 387/874
Pro_20:9.........I/am pure from my/sin... 368/874
Act_20:26........I/am pure from the/blood 755/874
Psa_17:3.........I/am purposed/that...... 299/874
Jdg_8:5..........I/am pursuing/after..... 162/874
Luk_16:4.........I/am put/out............ 666/874
Act_21:13........I/am ready not/to....... 756/874
2Co_12:14........I/am ready to come/to... 827/874
Luk_22:33........I/am ready to go/with... 671/874
Psa_38:17........I/am ready to halt/and.. 314/874
Rom_1:15.........I/am ready to preach/the 775/874
Hab_2:1..........I/am reproved/And....... 598/874
Luk_16:4.........I/am resolved/what...... 665/874
Zec_1:16.........I/am returned to/Jerusalem 604/874
Zec_8:3..........I/am returned unto/Zion. 605/874
Rev_3:17.........I/am rich and increased/with 867/874
Zec_11:5.........I/am rich and their/own. 607/874
Job_34:5.........I/am righteous/and...... 294/874
Mat_26:32........I/am risen again/I...... 633/874
Mar_14:28........I/am risen I/will....... 646/874
2Ch_6:10.........I/am risen up in the room of David my father and am/set 249/874
1Ki_8:20.........I/am risen up in the room of David my father and sit/on 220/874
Rut_3:9..........I/am Ruth/thine......... 171/874
Eze_39:27......and/am sanctified/in...... 571/874
Joh_3:28.........I/am sent before/him.... 680/874
Luk_1:19.......and/am sent to speak/unto. 650/874
1Ki_14:6.........I/am sent to thee/with.. 224/874
Rev_3:21.......and/am set down/with...... 868/874
Php_1:17.........I/am set for/the........ 838/874
Isa_21:8.........I/am set in/my.......... 389/874
2Ch_6:10.......and/am set on/the......... 250/874
Psa_88:8.........I/am shut up and/I...... 340/874
Jer_36:5.........I/am shut up I/cannot... 470/874
Son_2:5..........I/am sick of love His/left 375/874
Son_5:8..........I/am sick of love What/is 378/874
Isa_33:24........I/am sick the/people.... 391/874
Exo_4:10.........I/am slow/of............. 55/874
Psa_119:141......I/am small/and.......... 360/874
Psa_77:4.........I/am so/troubled........ 334/874
1Sa_28:15........I/am sore distressed/for 196/874
2Ch_35:23........I/am sore wounded/His... 253/874
Isa_65:1.........I/am sought/of.......... 437/874
Psa_139:18.......I/am still/with......... 363/874
Joe_3:10.........I/am strong/Assemble.... 589/874
Exo_3:19.........I/am sure that the/king.. 53/874
Rom_15:29........I/am sure that when/I... 786/874
2Ki_2:10.........I/am taken/from......... 237/874
Jam_1:13.........I/am tempted/of......... 855/874
Joh_6:48.........I/am that bread/of...... 687/874
Exo_3:14.........I/AM THAT I AM/and....... 50/874
Job_9:32.........I/am that I should/answer 269/874
Joh_17:24........I/am that they/may...... 734/874
Gen_17:1.........I/am the Almighty/God..... 4/874
Rom_11:13........I/am the apostle/of..... 783/874
Joh_6:35.........I/am the bread of/life.. 685/874
Joh_6:41.........I/am the bread which/came 686/874
Gen_24:24........I/am the daughter/of..... 12/874
Joh_10:9.........I/am the door by/me..... 708/874
Joh_10:7.........I/am the door of/the.... 707/874
Isa_44:6.........I/am the first and I/am. 409/874
Rev_1:17.........I/am the first and the/last 863/874
Isa_48:12........I/am the first I/also... 424/874
Mat_22:32........I/am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob God/is 631/874
Mar_12:26........I/am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob He/is 644/874
Gen_26:24........I/am the God of Abraham thy/father 17/874
Gen_31:13........I/am the God of Bethel/where 32/874 the God of Israel/For 413/874
Exo_3:6..........I/am the God of thy father/the 47/874
Act_7:32.........I/am the God of thy fathers/the 744/874
Joh_10:14........I/am the good shepherd and/know 711/874
Joh_10:11........I/am the good shepherd the/good 710/874
Isa_44:6.........I/am the last and/beside 410/874
Isa_48:12.....also/am the last Mine/hand. 425/874
Jdg_6:15.........I/am the least in/my.... 161/874
1Co_15:9.........I/am the least of/the... 805/874
Joh_8:12.........I/am the light of the world he/that 695/874
Joh_9:5..........I/am the light of the world When/he 704/874
Joh_6:51.........I/am the living/bread... 688/874
Eze_35:15........I/am the LORD Also/thou. 558/874
1Ki_20:13........I/am the LORD And Ahab/said 233/874
Isa_43:11........I/am the LORD and beside/me 403/874
Num_3:45.........I/am the LORD And for/those 134/874
Lev_21:12........I/am the LORD And he/shall 113/874
Exo_6:2..........I/am the LORD And I appeared/unto 56/874
Exo_6:6..........I/am the LORD and I will/bring 57/874
Lev_19:32........I/am the LORD And if a/stranger 104/874
Eze_14:8.........I/am the LORD And if the/prophet 504/874
Eze_30:19........I/am the LORD And it came to pass in the eleventh year in the first/month 544/874
Eze_30:26........I/am the LORD And it came to pass in the eleventh year in the third/month 547/874
Eze_7:27.........I/am the LORD And it came to pass in the sixth/year 490/874
Exo_10:2.........I/am the LORD And Moses and/Aaron 67/874
Exo_6:8..........I/am the LORD And Moses spake/so 59/874
Eze_35:12........I/am the LORD and that I have heard/all 557/874
Eze_6:10.........I/am the LORD and that I have not/said 485/874
Exo_12:12........I/am the LORD And the blood/shall 68/874
Num_3:13.........I/am the LORD And the LORD spake unto Moses in/the 132/874
Lev_19:37........I/am the LORD And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Again/thou 107/874
Lev_22:33........I/am the LORD And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak/unto 120/874
Eze_22:16........I/am the LORD And the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man the/house 518/874
Eze_12:20........I/am the LORD And the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man what/is 496/874
Isa_45:6.........I/am the LORD and there is none else I form/the 415/874
Isa_45:18........I/am the LORD and there is none else I have/not 416/874
Isa_45:5.........I/am the LORD and there is none else there/is 414/874
Eze_28:23........I/am the LORD And there shall/be 534/874
Exo_14:4.........I/am the LORD And they did/so 69/874
1Ki_20:28........I/am the LORD And they pitched/one 234/874
Jer_24:7.........I/am the LORD and they shall/be 464/874
Eze_20:38........I/am the LORD As/for.... 514/874
Eze_29:9.........I/am the LORD because he/hath 539/874
Eze_29:6.........I/am the LORD because they/have 538/874
Eze_35:4.........I/am the LORD Because thou hast had/a 555/874
Eze_35:9.........I/am the LORD Because thou hast said/These 556/874
Eze_13:21........I/am the LORD Because with/lies 502/874
Exo_7:17.........I/am the LORD behold/I... 64/874
Lev_19:28........I/am the LORD Do/not.... 101/874
Isa_49:23........I/am the LORD for they/shall 429/874
Eze_25:5.........I/am the LORD For thus saith the Lord GOD Because/thou 523/874
Eze_26:6.........I/am the LORD For thus saith the Lord GOD Behold/I 528/874
Eze_11:12........I/am the LORD for ye/have 492/874
Eze_23:49........I/am the Lord GOD Again/in 520/874
Eze_24:24........I/am the Lord GOD Also/thou 521/874
Eze_29:16........I/am the Lord GOD And/it 541/874
Eze_13:9.........I/am the Lord GOD Because/even 499/874
Gen_28:13........I/am the LORD God of/Abraham 27/874
Eze_28:24........I/am the Lord GOD Thus/saith 535/874
Mal_3:6..........I/am the LORD I change/not 611/874
Eze_12:25........I/am the LORD I will/speak 497/874
Lev_26:2.........I/am the LORD If/ye..... 128/874
Exo_8:22.........I/am the LORD in/the..... 65/874
Num_3:41.........I/am the LORD instead/of 133/874
Eze_12:16........I/am the LORD Moreover the word of the LORD came to/me 495/874
Eze_6:14.........I/am the LORD Moreover the word of the LORD came unto/me 487/874
Lev_22:31........I/am the LORD Neither/shall 118/874
Lev_18:5.........I/am the LORD None/of.... 88/874
Lev_19:30........I/am the LORD Regard/not 102/874
Eze_36:23........I/am the LORD saith/the. 561/874
Lev_22:2.........I/am the LORD Say/unto.. 114/874
Eze_37:6.........I/am the LORD So I/prophesied 563/874
Eze_39:6.........I/am the LORD So will/I. 568/874
Exo_6:29.........I/am the LORD speak/thou. 61/874
Lev_11:45........I/am the LORD that bringeth/you 84/874
Gen_15:7.........I/am the LORD that brought/thee 3/874
Exo_31:13........I/am the LORD that doth/sanctify 79/874
Exo_15:26........I/am the LORD that healeth/thee 71/874
Isa_42:8.........I/am the LORD that is/my 399/874
Isa_44:24........I/am the LORD that maketh/all 412/874
Eze_20:12........I/am the LORD that sanctify/them 510/874
Eze_7:9..........I/am the LORD that smiteth/Behold 489/874
Eze_16:62........I/am the LORD That thou/mayest 506/874
Jer_32:27........I/am the LORD the God/of 469/874
Eze_36:38........I/am the LORD The hand/of 562/874
Eze_39:7.........I/am the LORD the Holy/One 569/874
Lev_18:6.........I/am the LORD The nakedness/of 89/874
Eze_29:21........I/am the LORD The word of the LORD came again unto me saying Son of man prophesy/and 542/874
Eze_24:27........I/am the LORD The word of the LORD came again unto me saying Son of man set/thy 522/874
Exo_29:46........I/am the LORD their God And thou/shalt 78/874
Zec_10:6.........I/am the LORD their God and will/hear 606/874
Lev_26:44........I/am the LORD their God But/I 130/874
Eze_39:22........I/am the LORD their God from/that 570/874
Eze_28:26........I/am the LORD their God In/the 536/874
Exo_29:46........I/am the LORD their God that/brought 77/874
Eze_39:28........I/am the LORD their God which/caused 572/874
Eze_13:23........I/am the LORD Then/came. 503/874
Lev_22:30........I/am the LORD Therefore shall/ye 117/874
Eze_20:26........I/am the LORD Therefore son/of 513/874
Eze_38:23........I/am the LORD Therefore thou/son 566/874
Lev_26:45........I/am the LORD These/are. 131/874
Lev_22:8.........I/am the LORD They/shall 116/874
Eze_11:10........I/am the LORD This city/shall 491/874
Eze_32:15........I/am the LORD This is/the 548/874
Lev_19:12........I/am the LORD Thou shalt not defraud/thy 96/874
Lev_19:16........I/am the LORD Thou shalt not hate/thy 98/874
Lev_18:21........I/am the LORD Thou shalt not lie/with 90/874
Eze_7:4..........I/am the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD An/evil 488/874
Eze_25:11........I/am the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD Because that Edom/hath 525/874
Eze_25:7.........I/am the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD Because that Moab/and 524/874
Eze_13:14........I/am the LORD Thus will/I 500/874
Hos_13:4.........I/am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt and/thou 585/874
Hos_12:9......that/am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt will/yet 584/874
Isa_51:15........I/am the LORD thy God that/divided 432/874
Isa_43:3.........I/am the LORD thy God the/Holy 400/874
Deu_5:6..........I/am the LORD thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt from/the 146/874
Psa_81:10........I/am the LORD thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt open/thy 335/874
Exo_20:2.........I/am the LORD thy God which have/brought 74/874
Isa_48:17........I/am the LORD thy God which teacheth/thee 427/874
Lev_22:3.........I/am the LORD What/man.. 115/874
Eze_34:27........I/am the LORD when I have broken/the 551/874
Exo_14:18........I/am the LORD when I have gotten/me 70/874
Eze_33:29........I/am the LORD when I have laid/the 549/874
Eze_37:13........I/am the LORD when I have opened/your 564/874
Eze_30:8.........I/am the LORD when I have set/a 543/874
Eze_20:44........I/am the LORD when I have wrought/with 516/874
Eze_15:7.........I/am the LORD when I set/my 505/874
Eze_20:42........I/am the LORD when I shall bring/you 515/874
Eze_28:22........I/am the LORD when I shall have/executed 533/874
Eze_25:17........I/am the LORD when I shall lay/my 526/874
Eze_30:25........I/am the LORD when I shall put/my 546/874
Eze_12:15........I/am the LORD when I shall scatter/them 494/874
Exo_7:5..........I/am the LORD when I stretch/forth 63/874
Eze_6:13.........I/am the LORD when their/slain 486/874
Jer_9:24.........I/am the LORD which exercise/lovingkindness 453/874
Lev_22:32........I/am the LORD which hallow/you 119/874
Lev_20:8.........I/am the LORD which sanctify/you 109/874
Lev_19:14........I/am the LORD Ye shall do/no 97/874
Lev_19:18........I/am the LORD Ye shall keep/my 99/874
Eze_36:11........I/am the LORD Yea/I..... 560/874
Eze_6:7..........I/am the LORD Yet/will.. 483/874
Lev_18:2.........I/am the LORD your God After/the 86/874
Lev_19:4.........I/am the LORD your God And if/ye 94/874
Num_10:10........I/am the LORD your God And it came to pass on/the 135/874
Exo_16:12........I/am the LORD your God And it came to pass that/at 72/874
Lev_23:43........I/am the LORD your God And Moses declared/unto 122/874
Lev_24:22........I/am the LORD your God And Moses spake/to 123/874
Joe_2:27.........I/am the LORD your God and none/else 588/874
Lev_18:30........I/am the LORD your God And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak unto all/the 91/874
Lev_23:22........I/am the LORD your God And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the/children 121/874
Deu_29:6.........I/am the LORD your God And when/ye 149/874
Lev_20:7.........I/am the LORD your God And ye/shall 108/874
Eze_20:7.........I/am the LORD your God But/they 509/874
Joe_3:17.........I/am the LORD your God dwelling/in 590/874
Jdg_6:10.........I/am the LORD your God fear/not 160/874
Eze_20:5.........I/am the LORD your God In/the 508/874
Eze_20:20........I/am the LORD your God Notwithstanding/the 512/874
Num_15:41........I/am the LORD your God Now/Korah 139/874
Lev_19:31........I/am the LORD your God Thou/shalt 103/874
Lev_19:3.........I/am the LORD your God Turn/ye 93/874
Eze_20:19........I/am the LORD your God walk/in 511/874
Lev_25:17........I/am the LORD your God Wherefore/ye 124/874
Exo_6:7..........I/am the LORD your God which bringeth/you 58/874
Lev_26:13........I/am the LORD your God which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt that/ye 129/874
Lev_25:38........I/am the LORD your God which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt to/give 125/874
Lev_19:36........I/am the LORD your God which brought you out of the land of Egypt Therefore/shall 106/874
Num_15:41........I/am the LORD your God which brought you out of the land of Egypt to/be 138/874
Lev_20:24........I/am the LORD your God which have/separated 110/874
Lev_19:34........I/am the LORD your God Ye shall do/no 105/874
Lev_26:1.........I/am the LORD your God Ye shall keep/my 127/874
Lev_25:55........I/am the LORD your God Ye shall make/you 126/874
Lev_19:25........I/am the LORD your God Ye shall not eat/any 100/874
Lev_19:10........I/am the LORD your God Ye shall not steal/neither 95/874
Lev_18:4.........I/am the LORD your God Ye shall therefore keep/my 87/874
Lev_11:44........I/am the LORD your God ye shall therefore sanctify/yourselves 82/874
Isa_43:15........I/am the LORD your Holy/One 406/874
Isa_44:5.........I/am the LORD's/and..... 408/874
Lam_3:1..........I/AM the man/that....... 479/874
Joh_11:25........I/am the resurrection/and 715/874
Rev_22:16........I/am the root/and....... 874/874
Son_2:1..........I/am the rose/of........ 374/874
1Sa_9:19.........I/am the seer/go........ 183/874
2Sa_1:13.........I/am the son of a/stranger 201/874
Joh_10:36........I/am the Son of God If/I 713/874
Mat_27:43........I/am the Son of God The/thieves 636/874
Isa_19:11........I/am the son of the/wise 388/874
1Sa_17:58........I/am the son of thy/servant 192/874
Joh_15:1.........I/am the true/vine...... 726/874
Joh_15:5.........I/am the vine/ye........ 727/874
Joh_1:23.........I/am the voice/of....... 676/874
Joh_14:6.........I/am the way/the........ 722/874
1Sa_1:26.........I/am the woman/that..... 176/874
Job_30:9.........I/am their byword/They.. 285/874
Eze_44:28........I/am their inheritance/and 573/874
Lam_3:63.........I/am their musick/Render 481/874
Eze_44:28........I/am their possession/They 574/874
1Ki_13:14........I/am Then he/said....... 221/874
2Sa_9:8..........I/am Then the/king...... 207/874
Joh_8:58.........I/am Then took/they..... 702/874
Joh_12:26........I/am there shall/also... 716/874
Joh_14:3.........I/am there ye/may....... 721/874
Php_4:11.........I/am therewith/to....... 841/874
Luk_9:18.........I/am They/answering..... 657/874
1Ki_20:4.........I/am thine and/all...... 232/874
Psa_119:94.......I/am thine save/me...... 356/874
Jdg_4:19.........I/am thirsty/And........ 159/874
Jos_14:10........I/am this day fourscore and/five 154/874
2Sa_19:35........I/am this day fourscore years/old 215/874
2Sa_19:22........I/am this day king/over. 214/874
2Sa_3:39.........I/am this day weak/though 205/874
Joh_7:36.........I/am thither ye cannot come In/the 694/874
Joh_7:34.........I/am thither ye cannot come Then/said 693/874
Rev_19:10........I/am thy fellowservant and of thy brethren that/have 870/874
Rev_22:9.........I/am thy fellowservant and of thy brethren the/prophets 872/874
Isa_41:10........I/am thy God/I.......... 398/874
Rut_3:12.........I/am thy near/kinsman... 172/874
Num_18:20........I/am thy part/and....... 140/874
Psa_35:3.........I/am thy salvation/Let.. 309/874
Isa_60:16.....LORD/am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer the mighty One of Jacob For/brass 436/874
Isa_49:26.....LORD/am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer the mighty One of Jacob Thus/saith 430/874
1Ki_18:36........I/am thy servant and that/I 228/874
Psa_116:16.......I/am thy servant and the/son 352/874
2Ki_16:7.........I/am thy servant and thy/son 240/874
Psa_143:12.......I/am thy servant Blessed/be 366/874
Psa_119:125......I/am thy servant give/me 359/874
Psa_116:16.......I/am thy servant I/am... 351/874
Gen_15:1.........I/am thy shield/and....... 2/874
Gen_27:32........I/am thy son/thy......... 25/874
Gen_49:29........I/am to be/gathered...... 44/874
1Co_9:2..........I/am to you/for......... 794/874
Rut_1:12.........I/am too/old............ 169/874
Luk_16:24........I/am tormented/in....... 667/874
Psa_109:23.......I/am tossed/up.......... 350/874
Psa_38:6.........I/am troubled/I......... 311/874
Pro_8:14.........I/am understanding/I.... 367/874
Isa_6:5..........I/am undone/because..... 384/874
Act_22:3.........I/am verily/a........... 759/874
Zec_1:15.........I/am very/sore.......... 603/874
Job_40:4.........I/am vile/what.......... 295/874
Isa_44:16........I/am warm/I............. 411/874
Gen_18:12........I/am waxed/old............ 5/874
Psa_6:2..........I/am weak O/LORD........ 296/874
2Co_12:10........I/am weak then/am....... 823/874
Psa_69:3.........I/am weary of my crying/my 325/874
Gen_27:46........I/am weary of my life/because 26/874
Isa_1:14.........I/am weary to/bear...... 383/874
Jer_6:11.........I/am weary with holding/in 450/874
Psa_6:6..........I/am weary with my/groaning 297/874
Jer_15:6.........I/am weary with repenting/And 454/874
Mar_1:11.........I/am well pleased And immediately/the 639/874
Luk_3:22.........I/am well pleased And Jesus/himself 652/874
2Pe_1:17.........I/am well pleased And this/voice 859/874
Mat_17:5.........I/am well pleased hear/ye 626/874
Mat_3:17.........I/am well pleased Then/was 613/874
1Co_15:10........I/am what/I............. 807/874
Rom_7:24.........I/am who/shall.......... 779/874
2Sa_11:5.........I/am with child/And..... 208/874
1Sa_14:7.........I/am with thee according/to 187/874
Act_18:10........I/am with thee and no/man 754/874
Gen_26:24........I/am with thee and will bless/thee 18/874
Gen_28:15........I/am with thee and will keep/thee 28/874
Isa_41:10........I/am with thee be/not... 397/874
Jer_46:28........I/am with thee for/I.... 473/874
Isa_43:5.........I/am with thee I/will... 401/874
Jer_1:19.........I/am with thee saith the LORD to deliver/thee 443/874
Jer_30:11........I/am with thee saith the LORD to save/thee 467/874
Jer_1:8..........I/am with thee to deliver/thee 442/874
Jer_15:20........I/am with thee to save/thee 456/874
Eze_34:30......God/am with them/and...... 552/874
Mat_28:20........I/am with you alway/even 637/874
Hag_1:13.........I/am with you saith the LORD And/the 600/874
Hag_2:4..........I/am with you saith the LORD of/hosts 601/874
Jer_42:11........I/am with you to/save... 472/874
Joh_13:33........I/am with you Ye/shall.. 720/874
Psa_102:11.......I/am withered/like...... 347/874
1Sa_12:3.........I/am witness/against.... 186/874
Neh_6:11.........I/am would/go........... 256/874
1Ki_22:34........I/am wounded And the battle increased that day and/the 236/874
2Ch_18:33........I/am wounded And the battle increased that day howbeit/the 252/874
Deu_31:27........I/am yet/alive.......... 151/874
Job_32:6.........I/am young/and.......... 288/874
Jdg_9:2..........I/am your bone/and...... 163/874
Rev_1:9.......also/am your brother/and... 861/874
Eze_34:31........I/am your God/saith..... 553/874
Eze_12:11........I/am your sign/like..... 493/874